
Index of Wills and Letters of Administration (1413 - 1700)

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester August 2009
(Last updated Mar 2025)

Attribution - Picture by Freepic

[435 Records]

Note: Prefix BPC = Index to Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset: -- Prefix DHC Copy held at the Dorset History Center Dorchester most of these are now (Oct 2012) available to members of -- Prefix P = Wiltshire & Swindon Archives and are increasingly available on line follow link-- Prefix PCC= Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Prefix PROB = Wills available on line at the National Archives -- Prefix SPC = Calendar of Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Salisbury Probate Court:

Note: The dates given are likely to be the date of probate or when administration was issued rather than date of death. As such deaths are likely to be in that year or the year before, but can be many years earlier. I have also carried out a quick check against surviving Parish Burial Registers for a couple of years before the year given below and commented accordingly. Many of these Wills & Administrations have been indexed separately by Dorset and Wiltshire Record Offices so they will show the SPC as well as P reference numbers. These indexes are not identical. Wiltshire for example tends to include the persons trade.

Note: Some Wills are listed here for years where no parish register has survived and may be an indicator that they died recently in the Parish. The Wills themselves or comments made on the bottom or reverse of the will may reveal more detail about actual date and place of death and of course hopefully family relationships. Where wills are available on line I have tried to scan them and list beneficiaries and other important facts mentioned in the wills. This is not possible where the wills are at the National or Wiltshire Archives as they have to be purchased individually. The fact that someone was from Dorchester does not necessarily mean that they died there & may account for there being no entry in Dorchester's Parish Registers.

NOTE: If you have a copy of any of these wills (which are often difficult to read) I am willing to transcribe it properly for you in exchange for permission to display the transcription on this site. Please make contact by email at-- Mikeatstrayleaves[insert the @ symbol here] -- please state "OPC Dorchester/Fordington" in the subject line.

NAME DATE Ref Comments
Will of Alianor wife of Robert BAKER 30 Oct 1405 D/BLX/T51/13   DHC Index entry:- Dated at Dorchester, 30th October, 7 Henry IV (1405) Robert Baker, Richard Bertlot, clerk, executors of will of Alianor, wife of Robert Baker, Robert Bertram and Alice his wife. Witnesses: John Pury senior, Thomas Budde, John Jurdan, Reginald Jacob, John Boinell, Robert Moss and Thomas Baker: 2 red seals portraying religious scene and coat of arms
Will of John WASPRAY [WESTSPRAY] of Dorchester, Dorset December 1413 PROB 11/2A [Will in Latin] This is John WESTSPRAY husband of Matilda mentioned in the Municipal Records of Dorchester see Charters 241 & 261.
Will of Richard BEEK of Dorchester, Dorset 13 Nov 1418 PROB 11/2B [Will indexed as 12th Nov 1418 in Latin]
Probate of will of Henry PREST of Dorchester made Thursday next after feast of St. Lucie, virgin (14th December) 1419, and proved at Dorchester, 14 January 1419/20. 14 Dec 1419 DHC: D/BLX/F39 Asks for body to be buried at Fordington St. George, and gives money to that church and All Saints Dorchester; gives house in alley next to Durngate Street to William Spycer, Roger Beterok and John Serle who are to sell it and give half of the money to Alice his wife. They are also his executors. 2 seals of which one is all but gone and the other, that of the bailiffs of Dorchester, is in very good condition
Will of Calford [Calfridi] SAMWYSE [SAMWAYS] of Dorchester, Dorset 25 Sep 1487 PROB 11/8 [Will in Latin]
Will of William KYNG [KING] of Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester 1492 PE/DO(HT)/MI 1 Held st DHC
Will of John WILMOTT of Dorchester, Dorset 20 Oct 1498 PROB 11/11 [Will in Latin]
Will of Robert BAYTE, Draper of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 28 Dec 1512
Proved 11 Feb 1513
PROB 11/17 Will: My body to be buried in the churchyard of St Martyin Field in London; Bequest of Land and goods to Margaret my wife also made sole executrix; Overseer Thomas Lynne Knight £10 sterling to help my poor wife - bequest of plate that William STONE hath of mine;
Will and probate of John DRAKE, dated 31st July, 1513, 31 July 1513 D/BLX/T54   DHC Index Entry:- 1 house (later 2) on north side of street (some deeds say east). (Bedford, Hakney, Killingfforde, Wilson, Drake, Haydon, Churchill, Henninge, Lancaster). Includes will and probate of John Drake, dated 31st July, 1513, which mentions this property which he leaves to his wife Edith. (Seal of bailiffs of Dorchester almost intact).
Will of Robert ADDEN [ADYN?] of Dorchester, Dorset 02 Feb 1515 PROB 11/18 Not Located
Will of John WILLIAMS or [WILLYAMS] of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 28 Nov 1515
Proved 19 Dec 1515
PROB 11/18 [Will in Latin can anyone provide a good translation?] John WILLIAMS, of Dorchester, by his will dated 28th Nov 1515, proved 19th Dec following, ordered his body to be buried in the north part of the church of Saint Peter in that town. He directed his executor to provide an honest priest in the church of Saint Peter aforesaid for the space of twenty-one years, and to make disposition for the good of his soul. [See page 383 of John Hutchins 'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' - I have not been able to translate this will but think it leaves his burgage in Dorchester to his son John Williams. Link to The WILLIAMS Family of Herringston

Will of John [Johannes] HOMES of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note I think this is probably Dorchester in Oxfordshire?]

Dated 8th Apr 1545
Proved 19 April 1547

PROB 11/31 Will body to be buried at wife's pleasure; bequest daughter Jone 20 marks; son Thomas 20 marks; son George £20; son John 20 marks; daughter Eve 5 marks; to Ursula her daughter 5 marks; to Alice COBE 5 marks; Eliz her daughter 5 marks; to Jone my sister in Reading 40 shillings; to the rode light 3s 4d, to the herse light3s 4d, to the reparation of the bells tenshillings, to the reparation of the badge 6s 8d, To my ghostly father 6s 8d, to every of my servants 40 pence each, to warborough church [near wallingford oxfordshire ]various other bequests made wife Eliz executrix John White and John Marsh Overseers etc
Will of John WILLIAMS Gentleman of Herringston Dated 29 May 1548
Proved 03 Feb 1549
PROB 11/33 Link to The WILLIAMS Family of Herringston and a transcription of the Will
Will of John ESTON, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 11 Feb 1548
Proved 29 Feb 1549
PROB 11/32 Will To be buried in St Peters 6s 8d for burial; to parson of same parish 3s 4d; for the sick poor 3s 4d; small bequests to All Hallows and Trinity churches and Almshouse in north street?; to poor women of ye? 5d, and apron and new shoes? ; Alms house in South street 5d etc - bequests to his mother and wife Agnes also daughter Alice; daughter Sybell; son Richard; son John; ---etc etc long will
Will of Robert SNELLING [SNELLINGE or SNELLYNGE] , Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Robert Snelling was elected bailiff of Dorchester 3 times, in the 30th and 38th year of the reign of Henry VIII and again in the 5th year of the reign of Edward VI.He was a witness to various charters eg 572 in 1510; ] Dated 20th Dec 1553
Proved 19 March 1554
PROB 11/36

Will:- My body to be buried in the church of St Peters Dorchester near unto the place where I sit at service. I give unto every church in Dorchester 12d; Item: I give and bequeath to all and every of my one with the other as well as they were rehersed by name (Anne only excepted fiftie three shillings and four pence . And I give and bequeath to the said Anne three pounds and five shillings and eight pence. And if it happen any one dye that then his part to be divided unto the rest. Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my last daughter my title and interest that I have in the parsonage? of Stinsford yet to come: My will and my mind is that Margaret my wifeand Robert my son shall enjoy receive take and have all and singular the profits comodities and advantages rents and profits whatsoever they be yearly coming and growing as well of the burgage with the appurtenances in Dorchester now in the tuenure of John CHUBB as also of the leases of two mills with the appurtenances in Dorchester aforesaid the lease of Lowdisfield and the lease of the shops in Dorchester aforesaid and after the decease of Margery my wife I will the same burgage with the appurtenances in the tenure of John CHUBB and all other premises with the appurtenances remaining wholly to the said Robert my son and to the heirs of his body foe ever. And for lack of issue to the right heirs of the said Robert the residue of all goods moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath my debts and legacies first paid unto Margery my wife and Robert my son whom I ordain and make my executors of this my last will. This being witnessed John PALMER Hugh rendham Jefferey Bowdon John Harvey Walter Windsor

Will of John CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 10th Apr 1557
Proved 25 Aug 1557
PROB 11/39 Link to transciption of will of John CHURCHILL (1512-1557) and more information about his family
Will of Thomas GAYE [GAIE or GAY] , Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset [See also 9th May 1562] Dated 15 April 1560
Proved 26 April 1561
PROB 11/44 Will: My body to be buried within the churchyard of Saint Peter in Dorchester to which I give 3s 4d; To Thomsey my wife while a widow occupation of my house which I hold of master Robert WILLIAMS by lease for term of years; Also to Thomsey all such goods moveable and unmoveable that she brought with her and the occupation of all my household goods during her widowhood; My Overseers Rober COKER, Robert WILLIAMS Esquires, Robert ADYN and John HAYWARD ; Unto Hugh HAYNE my Son-in-Law & his heirs my burgage with the appurtenances set and being in the west part of the south Street of Dorchester between the burgage of the heirs of Mr Thomas TRENCHARD of the South part and the burgage of John HAYWARD in the north part ; Item: I give Hop my servant 3s 4d; Rest to Rainolde GAYE and Wiilliam my sons whom I make executors and see his debts paid ; to each overseer 3s 4d ; to the poor of Dorchester 10 shillings; Witnesses Robert Williams; Robert Adyn alias Barbate. John HAYWARD. Will proved before Walter Haddon Doctor of Law of PCC etc
Sentence of Thomas GAIE [GAY] of Dorchester, Dorset [See 26th Apr 1561] 09 May 1562 PROB 11/45 In Latin
Will of Robert ADYN [ADIN], Draper of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Wife Katherine; Sons Robert and Luke ADYN were woollen drapers by trade and referred to in many charters; Daughters Edith, Mary, Alice and Johan all seem to be unmarried; John Admiston charters 655 a weaver (1560) and 664 a beer brewer (1565); John Scott was a merchant many charters; John Chubb Gent many charters. See widow Katherine's Will dated 24 Aug 1569 and proved 18 Mar 1570 below]
Dated 27 Mar 1564
Proved 20 June 1564
PROB 11/47 My body to be buried within the parish Church of St Peters in Dorchester; small bequests to St Peters Holy Trinity and All Saints; Robert ADYN my son the burgage with appurtenances lying and being on the east side of South Street within Dorchester and late in the occupation of Richard MAYLARD; also to my son Robert ADIN the burgage houses buildings rooms & orchards and gardens with appurtenances lying and being within the said borough of Dorchester on the north side of the High East Street there or late in the occupation of Roger BAYLIE William TORON and John CHUBB together with 3 yards of ground within the west walls of Dorchester in the occupation of Roger DIER ; Also to my son Robert ADYN the burgage with appurtenances lying and being which I lately purchased of John ADMINSTON lying and being in the parish of All Saints within the borough of Dorchester at the south end of All Hallons church Lane and moreover I bequeath unto my son Robert ADIN the messuage burgage or tenement shop sellers houses buildings and rooms with their appurtenances lying within the Borough town of Melcombe Regis in Dorset occupied by William HOOPER, Edmund KNAPLOCKE -- If son dies without lawful issue to --Luke ADYN my son and legal heirs --- or if he dies -- to Edith Mary Alice and Johan my daughters : Bequest to son Luke ADYN the burgage or tenement lying in Borough of Dorchester on east side of High East Street late in the occupation of John BOWDEN + Burgage etc on north side of High Street next to the south part of the through yard of the parish church of St Peter late in the tenure of of John SCOTT + messuages burgages tenements etc lying together at the uppermost end of westernside of south street late in the occupation of Roger DIER and John PUTFED? + the messuage or tenement at Froome Vaunchurch within parish of Maiden Newton; etc late in tenure of Thomas WHITALL + all rent of 8 shillings and 1 pound weight in pepper due yearly from lands and tenements at East Shillingstone which John SAMWAYS [Fratum?] holds and occupies; + 1 garden or grounds lying on south side of a burgage of William ADYN up to plot of John SAMWAYS of Toller if dies all to son Robert and if dead his sisters as before- Sons Robert and Luke left personal items such as cash and goblets etc: Daughter Edith ADYN £40 on marriage + an ale cup of silver; Daughter Mary ADYN £40 on marriage + 1 flat piece of silver ? which was my fathers; Daughter Alice ADYN £40 on marriage + dozen silver spoons ; Daughter Johan ADYN £40 on marriage + silver salt etc; Bequest to Katherine my wife the rent and profits of all messuages etc supported for life; + lease and years to come of Fullers Mill at Burton within the parish of Charminster then to Luke son; Bequest to wife Katherine all such leases as he has of Robert WILLIAMS Esquires of John SAMWAYS of Toller Fring? Gent of Thomas LONGE of Frome Billett {i.e. West Stafford] yeoman John ADDAMS of Abbotsbury yeoman etc Bequest to Sir William WOODMAN of Holy Trinity in Dorchester 3s 4d ; To the poor 30s ;Rest and Residue to Katherine wife also appointed executrix
Will of Richard STRAFORD [or STRATFORD] of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 18th July 1566
Proved 31 Oct 1566
PROB 11/48 Will: My body to be buried in Saint Peters Churchyard of Dorchester near unto the place where my mother and sister were buried; To St Peters church 2 shillings six pence; To the church of Holy Trinity in Dorchester two shillings; To the church of All Hallows [i.e. All Saints] two shillings; To the church at Fordington 20 pence; To the church of Wimborne Minster ten shillings To Sir William WOODMAN parson of St Peters {Note:- and HT] in Dorchester 6 shillings and 4 pence; To poor prisoners of Dorchester 5 shillings wortrh of money on in bread every year for 7 years. To the poor people of the Alms House in Dorchester yearly for 7 years 3 shillings and four pence. To my father £20; To my Cousin Thomas VALENCE 20s; To George VALENCE his brother 20s yearly for 5 years; To William VALENCE the Elder the feeding and pasturage of one steer or ox in bramstone moor during my years yet to come therein; To Suszanne daughter to Marie my ? £20 at age 20 and my brother Lawrence [STRATFORD] shall have the education and bringing up of her etc; to Piers my shepherd 3s 4d; To my Aunt? SAMPFORD 3s 4d; To Agnes and Edith my Aunt 3s 4d each; To the poor of Dorchester 20s worth of bread; To the Vicar of Fordington 6s 8d; To 6 of William TALBOT's children 6s 8d each; To William VALANCE ten children to be equally divided To William TALBOT son of Thomas TALBOT 6s 8d; to each godchild 5s; To Margaret FORD 2s; To Richard son of Lawrence BOCHIER? which was my Shuute? 12d; To each of my sisters sons that is to say to Thomas and Harrie LYMSTER £6 13s 4d at the day of their marriage; To William TIMKOO 20d; To Katherine SAVAGE 6s 4d; he each of her children vitz three sons and daughters 5s; To Elizabeth COOLE one little ring gold; To David POWELL of Warminster and to his wife to each a gold ring; To his son and 2 daughters 1 gold ring; To William MOZE [MORE?] and his wife each a gold ring; To Richard USHELER? 1 ring of gold; To Robert HUNT 1 ring of gold; All rings to be of weight 2 shillings in gold; To my sister Anne 1 gold ring weighing 20 shillings; To POWELL, Robert 10 shillings; To Robert SHALLINGTON 2 s; All Residue of my goods etc to Lawrence STRATFORD my loving brother whom I make sole executor; Friends William VALENCE, William MORE, William TALBOT and Hugh GRINDHAM my Overseers
Will of Robert WILLIAMS Gentleman of Herringston Dated 08 Oct 1566
Proved 7th Oct 1569
PROB 11/51 Link to The WILLIAMS Family of Herringston and a transcription of the Will
Will of Richard HAYNE, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- See pedigree in 1623 Visitation of Dorset page 54.] Dated 24 Aug 1569
Proved 18 Mar 1570
PROB 11/52 Link to transcription of his Will and more information about his Family
Will of Katheryn ADYN [ADIN], Widow of Dorchester, Dorset and late the wife of Robert ADYN of Dorchester deceased [Note:- See her husbands will dated 27 Mar 1564 and proved 20 June 1564 above] Dated 14 Feb 1569
Proved 05 May 1570
PROB 11/52 Will : My bodie to be buried within the pishe (i.e. parish) church of Saint Peter near the place where the body of my late husband lieth; To the poor of Dorchester 20 shillings; To poor of parish of Frampton 10s; To the poor people abiding within the alms houses in Dorchester one bushel of wheat to be made and baked into bread to be given to them on Good Friday for 5 years; I give to Sir William WOODMAN Parson of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester 6s 8d; To Robert ADYN my son the burgage etc which Flatelie PRITCHARD? had to me & my heirs forever of Paufse? [Ralph?] CORBIN settling and being in the east side of the south street ; Also to RA my son the garden ground etc which I purchased of William HOOPER at Melcombe Regis ; If RA dies then to Luke ADYN my son who also gets All that burgage etc purchased of Flatelie PRICHARD? of John SNELLING situated on South side of of the higher part the east street in the parish of St Peters; if Luke dies to son Robert ADYN; If both RA and LA die then to her 4 daughters Edith, Mary Alice and Jone. Also to son RA the furnace standing in the kitchen and the brewing fate thereunto belonging, my best basin and ewer, 1 dozen of plates of tynne , a gold ring with a seal therein which was his fathersring, the bedstead, the cupboard, the setling [settle] 2 table boards, the Ashen [Ash] chaire in the brode chamber; Also to son Luke the new furnace over the kitchen, the greatest new fate, the greatest new blasse [brass?] crocke, the second best basin & ewer, a great chardger , 3 plates, 3 pottingers, 3 saucers, 1 dozen of plates of tyne, pair of candlesticks of tyne, 2 tynne pots standing upon the cupboard in the hall, the gold ring of 3 hopes which lies engraved thereon, the best featherbed of downe two pillows of downe, a pair of fyne sheets, one pair of fyne blanketts, the best coverled, 5 carpet rushens and half a dozen napkins, ---etc etc very long list bequests of household items and jewellery etc to her 4 daughters as well -- Overseers John BROWNE, Thomas HARDYE?, my brother? Benjamin? HAYNE, & William ADYN Overseers who get 10s each; Witnessed by John STRANGMAN, John CHUBBE, John HENING
Will of John DAVIE [or DAVY or DAVYE] of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 4 May 1570
Proved 27 May 1570
PROB 11/52 Will: My bodie to be buried in Serne (Cerne) churchyard ; To the church of (illegible) 12d ; My brother Albon DEWYN shall pay the parsonfor his pains and also to pay my hosty? ; The rest of my goods I give to my brother Albon DEWLYN Witness John Hue, Gsakyne doth owe me ? ; John THORNE of Stoke under Hamdon [Somerset] oweth me 5s; John SYMES of Stoke oweth me 6s.
Will of Christopher HOLE of Dorchester, Dorset 27 October 1570 PROB 11/52 [Note:- See Charter 676 where referred to as a Gentleman living on the east side of High North Street, in 1556]
Will of Margerie MARKSFILL widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note Difficult to transcribe attempted in full - The surname is spelt differently when the document was filed (as Margeriæ MARKSFILL) and again when probate was registered (as Margerie MARKSFELD) Dated 24 Mar 1572
Proved 21 Apr 1572
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1659 event record 20

In the name of God Amen the xxiiijth day of Marche in the xiiijth yereof the reign of or Sovereign Lady Elizerbeth ec I Margery MARKYSFYLL wyddow beying syeke of boddy and pfytt of good remembrance do make thyes my last wyll & testment in mannr & foyme followying fyrst I geve my soule to Almyghty god and my boddy to be buryedd with the churche yeryd of Sayntte Peteres in Dorchester Itm I geve to the mother churche of Brystell ? v - iiijd Itm to the church of All Saynte in Dorchester v - & ijd Itm to them thein? other kynye of? me in sayntte peter churche v - xxd Itm I geve and bequeth to Lettia KAYNELL of C?anefyd foy v - xxd Itm I geve to the poor people of Dorchester v xd Itm I geve to Johanne PETTRES my Nephew ???? one strene one kerchyff and a whyte peteycote Itm I geve to the churche of Saynte Peteres v - xxd Itm I geve to Margarett SOMERS my daughter?? v -xd Itm I geve to my daughters?? Kitchyn stooywe?? Itm I geve to Agnes ???? Kyspyll one kytell and a payre of syl?? Iathes Itm to any of my god chyldrne v iiijd the

[In Modern English} In the name of God Amen the 24th day of March in the 14th year of the reign of our Soverign Lady Elizabeth etc I Margery MARKSFILL widow being sick in body [but of] good remembrance do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following. First I give my soul to Almighty God and my body to be buried within the churchyard of St Peter's in Dorchester. Item: I give to the mother church of Bristol? viz 4d? Item: to the church of All Saints in Dorchester viz 12d? Item: to ?? in St Peters church 20 pence ------

Note:- The 14th year of the reign of Charles II ran from 17th Nov 1571 to 16th Nov 1572

Will of John PALMER the elder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 23rd April 1573] Will dated 2 Mar 1572: 26 May 1573 PROB 11/55 + Ancestry Will: To be buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester: Bequests to Cathedral Salisbury + 3 churches in Dorchester + St Georges Fordington & others: Poor of 3 parishes in Dorchester; Wife Marion inherits all lands premises etc in Dorchester for life if unmarried (also executrix) then to son & heir Ralph, then son John: Bequests to sons William & Thomas and Elizabeth (daughter?) (brewing house to Wm) daughters Alice and Norne? Thomazine, Joane, Edith Palmer. Neighbour Luke Aden, William Gardener, and son Ralph Palmer appointed overseerers. [Note:- John was probably the John PALMER who was Bailiff of Dorchester in 1556; 1561 and again in 1567. His wife Marion was buried at HT on 7th July 1597. His son and heir Ralph Palmer died and was buried at HT on 24th jan 1609/10 and left a will proved 26th May 1610 see below]
Will of John VYNIE [or VYNYE or VINE], Weaver of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Indexed on Ancestry incorrectly as UYNIE; Note also Charter 655 MRD for the Charter of John Admiston, made to John Vynye and Charter 658. Charter of Owin Hayman, made to John Vynye. ] Dated 04 Jun 1574
Probate 24 Nov 1574
PROB 11/56 Will: My bodie to be buried in the church of All Saints in Dorchester; To the Cathedral church of bristol 12 pence; To church All Saints Dorchester 3 shillings; four pence; to the poor mens box in the same church 2 shillings; To each of my Godchildren 4 pence; To every of the churches in Dorchester 20 pence; To Cuthberd STONE my old black gown with black fur; to the bedeman a pair of old hoses and a canvas dublett; To John VYNIE my son my burgage with appertenances that John RAWLINS the elder now dwelleth in Dorchester; If JV dies the to William VYNIE my son; To John VYNIE my son £10 at age 22; If JV dies then my son William and my daughter Agnes VYNIE share equally at age 22; To JV my son my great chest in the chamber in which i now lie, one of the best crockees, one brass pan of a bushell, one featherbed, one bolsterof feathersand a pair of sheets of canvas, a pair of blanketts, a red coverled, two platters, two porringers, two saucers, one candlestick, and my best pair oset combs with the tackling thereof; To William VYNIE my son my burgage with the appurtenances in the South Street; and £5 at age 22; To said Wm my son a featherbed; a bolster, a pair of sheets, a pair of blanketts, a white coverled, a crocke, a pan, two platters, two pottingers, and two saucers; To Agnes VYNIE my daughter the lease and term of years of the hosue John ??LLARIE and Thomas WOOL dwelleth in in Dorchester and £10, a featherbed, a bolster, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets, a coverled, one crocke, one pan, two platters, two porringers, two saucers, and a candlestick; To my brother Robert my rug, gown, and my best coat that has sleeves; To Sir William CARPENTER my holy father 2 shillings; To Edward VYNIE three quarters rent that he oweth me and my coat that I wear every day, A pair of looms that be in my shop with the tacklings; To Marie SORGENTES [SARGENTS] my daughtera silver spoon; To each of my wife's children a silver spoon; All the rest to Jone my wife who ia made executrix; To Lawrence STRATFORD, Robert HUNT, Rerynolde GAYE and John THOMAS, 20 pence whom I make Overseers; Witnesses Sir William CARPENTER , and the Overseers Note:- Will also gives a list of debts both due and owed.
Will of Raynolde GAYE of All Hallows Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Indexed incorrectly on Ancestry as Richard GAGE - All Hallows is All Saints Church in Dorchester] Dated 23 Jun 1575
Proved 08 Nov 1575
PROB 11/57 Will: My body to be buried in the church yard of St Peters fast [close] by my father and mother; Mother church of Bristol 12 pence; All Saints 6s 4d; Holy Trinity Church 20 pence; To Poor of All Saints 20 shillings; To Sir William CARPENTER curate of the parish of All Saints 3 shilliongs and four pence; To each of my godchildren 12d; To Richard PUCKET my black edged rob; To Cudbert STONE my white edged robe; My youngest son Thomas GAYE £13 6s 8d when aged 24; If TG dies to remain to his daughters Elinor, Scicile and Margaret GAYES divided betwixt them at day of marriage or age 21; £13. 6s. 8d to each of his daughters Elinor GAYE, Siceile GAYE and Margaret GAYE at their day of marriage or age 21; Rest to wife Alice GAYE and Nicholas GAYE my son (also made executris) ; William STRATFORD my Brother-in-law, Hugh HAME, Thomas GOLLE, and Peter GOODFELLOW; Will also gives a list of debts both due and owed.
Will of Luke ADYN of Dorchester within the Diocese of Bristol Dated 22 Aug 1577 PROB 11/60 Will : My body to be buried in the east side of my fathers tomb: To the Cathedral Church of Bristol 12d; To the poor mens box of the Parish Church of Saint peterin Dorchester 6s 8d; To the poor mens boxes of Holy Trinity and All Saints in Dorchester3s 4d; To Katherine my wife my burgage where I now dwell in Dorchester for her natural life (many household goods listed) to be held under the yearly rent of £10 to be paid unto my eldest son Thomas ADYN who inherits on her death; And whereas Sir Richard READ of London Knight by his deed indented bearing date 1st day of Feb 18th year of the reign og Elizabeth I (which ran from 17 Nov 1575 to 16 Nov 1756) which sold unto him Luke Adyn his heirs and assigns all that messuage or tenement with appurtenances now and then in the occupation of Alexander DYKE lying in the parish of Cattistock and all those closes of lands and meadows and pastures called or known by the name of Merifield and the same in the occupation of Thomas ROGERS situated in Holloway lying and being in the said parish of Cattistock i.e. 2 closes one called 'new close' the other 'little close' one in the tenure of Thomas ROGERS and the other close called by the name Parke close? now in the tenure of Roger WATSON one other close called hedgeborough now in the tenure of Walter OLDICHE and the messuage he built lying in the parish of Cattistock - etc etc long will - refers to his sons Robert Luke and John ADYN and John ADYN the Younger.---etc etc
Will of Henry BEAKE of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 1 Mar 1576
Proved 28 Jan 1577
PROB 11/59 Will; To my parish church of St Peters 3s 4d; To Robert [BEAKE] my son my dwelling house ; If RB dies house to remain to my wife Alice; Also to son Robert BEAKE £100 when aged 21; To the poor people in the Alms House at dorchester £5 to be paid twenty shillings yearly; To Alice SAMWAYES my kinswoman £5 at day of her marriage or aged 24; To Mr WOODMAN Parson of Dorchester three shillings four pence; Unto John ROPER 40 shillings; Unto Oliver PURCHASE 40s; Unto Luke EAZE? 40s; Unto Elizabeth PERRY 20s; To Jane my servant 10s; Rest to my wifewhom I make sole executrix; Thomas GENGE, Roger BAYLIE, and John SPICER to be Overseers Wife to give bond £200 to Overseers to ensure will performed; Witnesses Thomas GENGE, Minister Roger BAYLIE John SPISER
Will of Stephen BRENT or Brente of Dorchester, Dorset [Note Probably of St Peters Parish as he leaves most to that church] Dated 31 May 1580
Proved 31 Oct 1580
PROB 11/62 Will: My bodie to be buried if I happen to die in Dorchester by my father-in-law Xpoter [Christopher] HOLE & Dorothy his wife, if elsewhere discretion of ex; I give to the church of Saint Peters in Dorchester 6s 8d; To the church of Holy Trinity in Dorchester 3s 4d; To the church of All Hallows [All Saints] in Dorchester 3s 4d.; To every of my Godchildren to pray for me 3s 4d ; To my Servant at my death 1 years wages; To John COX my man if then do serve me £10? ; To brother Gyles my Signat [Ring] that I do wear; To brother John 20s in gold; To my mother if living £3? to buy her a gown; To my daughter Grace towards her preferments in marriage £100, the guilt cup my father-in-law did use to drink in & and half a dozen worth of silver? spoons to be paid her by my executors at day of marriage or aged 20; To my daughter Anne £100 + greater white silver cup that I do use to drink in and half a dozen spoons as before; And if my Farms at Haydon and Islingford do fall into the hands of my wife before they marry or reach age 20 he requests her to grant them each a further £100 as long as they obey her; An Whereas I have bought my son John a tenement at Bere Regis and unto Anne my daughter for their lives And whereas I have one other tenement in Horsey within the county of Somerset? unto my daughter Grace & my daughter Anne jointly for their lives (+ restrictions placed on Anne to gain 2nd £100) . To my wife the lease of my farm at Haydon for life and after her death to my son John Brent; To son JB my best great standing cup of silver guilt ; Rest to Margaret my wife and John my son who are also made executor/executrix custody education etc children and their legacies; Overseers my uncle William HYNDFORD Clerk, Thomas TURBERVILLE and George TYLLEN Esquires and my brother Gyles BRENT gent ;
Will of Henry WHITTLE the Elder of Dorchester, Dorset Yeoman

[Note:- Probably of St Peters Parish as he leaves 5s to the poor of the parish, and 10s to the churh of St Peters to the intent that I be buried in it.]
Dated 08 Mar 1579
Proved 02 Dec 1580
PROB 11/62 Will: Body buried at overseers discretion; To Poor of St Peters in Dorchester 5 pence; To the Burgesses of Dorchester to the use of the people in the Almes House in Dorchester, at discretion of Bailiffs and by Richard WHITTLE, one annual sum 10s to be paid out of my messuage or tenament now in the tenure of Richard Paple in rememberance of St Martin being my freeholder. To Richard Whittle my brothers youngest son and heirs male the said messuage & appurtenances belonging for ever; and for default the remainder to Thomas Whittle the brother of Richard; and for default of such issue to one Henry Whittle of Dorchester merchant; and for default of such issue to Henry youngest son of Henry Whittle Merchant; and for default of such issue to my brother Thomas Whittle for ever. To Edith Whyte [White] a feather bed that she lie on with a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets and two white coverlettes with a bolster. I give to John WHYTE [WHITE] my kinsman 20 shillings; To Alice Whyte [White] my kinswoman 20s; To the house of the poor in Dorchester my bedstead joined [made] of oak my best featherbed, 2 pair of sheets a pair of blankets a bolster 2 down pillows my coverlette the ? red and green, a tester [belonging] to the siad bed. These things to be sold at the discretion of my overseers with my great brass pan for the use of the poor. To my Cousin Agnes Whittle my little gold ringwith a panne? set in it ; to Edith Whyte [White] my best brass pot ; To every child of Richard Goodale, Henry Goodale, John Goodale, Joan Bisse, Agnes Oliver, Marie Young of Babcarie, a sheep; To every of my godchildren 1 sheep (if not enough sheep 5 shillings). Whereas I have 80 ounces of broken silver my will is to have it made into 5 spoons with knappes where Hy.W: shall be engraved and not altered. 2 of them to Richard Whittle, 1 to either Robert or Thomas Whittle of Winterborne, Thomas and Henry the sons of Henry Whittle Merchant. To cousin Katherine Davye my middle brass pan; To the prisoners of Dorchester 5 shillings; To the church of St Peter to the intent that [I] be buried in it 10 shillings; To either [each] of Edith White and Joan Hernige? a black gown, to the preacher at my burial 5 shillings; To the church at Winterborne St Martin 5 shillings 8 pence; To church Holy Trinity Dorchester 12 pence; To the church of All Saints Dorchester 8 pence; to those who carry me to the churchyard 4 shillings; Rest and Residue of my estate to John UNDERDALE of Barnsdale in the County of Palantine whom I make sole executor. Lawrence Stratforde and Thomas Whittle of Winterborne Abbot to be Overseers .
Letter of Administration for the estate of John SELLER of Dorchester, Dorset 28 Apr 1581 OPC Dorset Admons PCC folio 10 Grantee Alice MILLER Alias SELLER Sister: Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas DOWNTON of Dorchester [Dorset] 07 Feb 1585/6 OPC PCC Admons Folio 165 Grantee Edith DOWNTON Relict
Will of Rycharde [Richard] WYLLI'MS [WILLIAMS] of Dorchester, Dorset, Dated 08 June 1585
Proved 23 July 1586
PROB 11/69 Will: To buried in the chuyrchyard of All Saints in Dorchester; All my goods and cattle to my good friend Willian CHURCHILL of Dorchester also I give to him all my right and interest in I have in my tenement in Fordington and of 1 house in Dorchester - made sole executor - 1 tin platter into the hands of Joseph EAYRES. Witnesses John Thomas; Humfry Davye; Joseph Eayres

Will of Thomas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- His father Nicholas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL was Bailiff of Dorchester in the 2nd year of the Reign of Elizabeth I i.e. 17 Nov 1559 - 16 Nov 1560 - See his father's Will dated 7th May 1591 proved 1st March 1594 below]

[Note:- Thomas married Margaret the 9th of 13 children of John HENNING (1532-1617) by his wife Dorothie nee Wareham]

Will undated

Probate 19 Oct 1586

PROB 11/69

Will Undated?: My body to be buried next to my mother, or otherwise at the discretion of my executors. To the church of St Peters in Dorchester 10 shillings; To church of Holy Trinity in Dorchester 3 shillings and 4 pence; to the church of All Hallows [All Saints] in Dorchester 3 shillings and 4 pence; To the poor of Dorchester 26s 4p; To my father Nicholas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL £40 [ Note see his will below 1594] To Andrew HILL the boit? in my house 3s 4d; My father during his life to have occupsation and enjoy the house which I dwell in with all manner of furniture belonging; Margaret my wife also to occupy/enjoy house as long as she remain my widow; To my daughters Dorothy and Margaret FOXWELL 12 score pounds (£120 each) at age 18; If 1 die goes to the other - if both die then my son Thomas to have their whole stock at the age of 21; if all 3 die to next of kin at discretion of Ex & Overseers. To Margaret LYMSTER alias FOXWELL my wife 8 score pounds towards the payment of which some of the money she shall receive from her father John HENNINGE one hundred marks which is due unto me. Concerning my wares in my father-in-laws shop and his wares in mine my will is that one be offset against the other. To my son Thomas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL one woodven or woodrike? standing and being in a certain burgage in Frier [Friar] Lane called by the name of the mantle House furthermore I give and bequeath all that my land in Dorchester whatsoever with all singular his apputenances with all all manner of writings deeds scrolls fynes conveyance unut? whatsover unto my said son Thomas LYMSTERalias FOXWELLand heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. ------for want of issue after children and their heirs male -- to my father Nicholas LYMSTER and Henry LYMSTER my brother --both made executors of his will; Lawrence Stratforde and William Ware Overseers : Probate at London 19 Oct 1586.

Side Line entry dated 1st Nov 1592 : Mainly illegible refers to monies stocks Thomas FOXWELLS ----

Will of Richard SALTER, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- William JOHNSON was Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters Churches in Dorchester from 1585-1604]
Dated 18 Apr 1587
Proved 23 June 1587
PROB 11/70 Will: Body to be buried in the Church of St Peters near to the church door at the entry to the said church. To St Peters 3s 4p; To my brother William SALTER £5; To my brother Jerome SALTER £5; To my sister Joane the wife of Thomas MULLENS £5; To my sister Mary wife of Andrew MULLINS; To William CLERK of Dorchester Taylor £5; To my cousin Mrs Mary ADYN 3 yards and a half og fine black which cost 14 shillings the yard: To Richard JOHNSON parson of Holy Trinity in Dorchester 20 shillings. Lastly I ordain and appoint my eldest brother John SALTER full executor and I give and bequeath unto him all other my goods not already bequeathed. I Appoint my master Mr William ADYN the elder and Mr John HENNING my overseers & to each 20s; Witnessed in the presence of Richard Johnson Clerk; William ADYN Senior; William Clerk. Codicil To my mother as much black cloth as will make her a gown. To Joane Wills wife of Roger Wills 20s; To my brother Nicholas £5; Witnessed by William Salter and John Goulde. Probate London before William DRURY Doctor at Law for PCC 23 Jun 1587
Will of Joane UPHAM, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 28 Sep 1587
Proved 24 Oct 1587
PROB 11/71 Nuncuperative Will: Late of Dorchester in Dorset widow ; body to be buried in the church [unnamed] in Dorchester; To Joane LOVELL daughter of William LOVELL of Wootten Gentleman her best kirtle; To Anne HOLLOWAYE she did give a gold ring; To Mariam LANCASTER a red petticoat; All the rest of her goods to Robert WARHAM son of Edward WARHAM of Dorchester in the county of Dorset whom she made executor of her Will
Will of Peter GOODFELLOWE of Dorchester Parish of All Saints, Dorset

Note:- See also Charters 648 between John Corbyn & Peter Goodfellowe refers to burgage between Messuage of William Churchill and the garden of John Admanston etc Also Charter 664 between John Admiston a beerseller & Peter Goodfellow a baker messuage on north side of Durne Lane etc - Also Charters 706 and 709 and 711]
Dated 25 Nov 1587
Proved 31 Jan 1587/8
PROB 11/72

Will summary: My body I bequeath unto the earth from whence it came and to be buryed is our use and right. To church of Holy Trinity in Bristol 4p; To unto my Parish Church of All Saints 6p; To the Poor of the parish of All Saints 4 bushells of wheat distributed as need requireth by the discretion of my Overseers ; To each of my godchildren 6p; I Will that the shop called the 'weaving shop' shall remain unto my son Paul GOODFELLOWE for 21 years and paying during the said term 8p per year to my executors. ; Myt will is that my burgage adjoining unto a certain burgage which Robert WARREN holds on the north side thereof and William CHURCHILL on the south side shall remain unto Agnes my wife and to Robert my son jointly together during the time of her widowhood. And after the fee simple of the said burgage will remain unto my son Robert to have and to hold him and his heirs To my sons Paul and John GOODFELLOW my other burgage called Admiston Burgage to be jointly held between them. To my son Paul my feathebed with appurtenances; two best potts --list of items and £10; To son John similar listing; ----------; To my sons Paul and John a woodfyne? standing upon my burgage called Admiston Burgage force? sherfeete and at Clavelston lying on the other Burgage; Item timber lying in the East walles before the widow HOBBES garden which timber came from Pulham Grange to be equally divided between them; to Paul and John 1 acre of wheat one acre of barley the best that may be chosen within the fields of Fordington or of Frome Whitfield ; I will that the lease that I hold of Frome Whitfield shall be jointly held between my executors during the lifetime of my wife her widowhood the after equally divided between my 3 sons I will that my best cupboard, my table boardin the hall and settle in the parlour shall remain always unremoveable as implements of the house. ; The residue of my goods I bequeath to Agnes my wife and Robert my son both executor & executrix of his will.; Overseers John White and Thomas BISHOP these being also witnesses William CARPENTER Rector [Actually curate of All Saints] and William WHITTLE

[Note:- His son Paul GOODFELLOW married at St George's Church in Fordington to Betteris WHITE the daughter of Robert WHITE (d.1576). John WHITE the Overseer to Peter's will was her elder brother]

Will of Richarde CORBIN of Holy Trinity Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester :- Richard CORBIN was buried ye viijth [8th] of Ffebruary [1587/8]

Dated 21st Jan 1587:

Proved 11 May 1588

PROB 11/72 Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) a baker by trade, son of John CORBIN (c1495-1566) baker by trade and Bailiff of Dorchester 1547/9. Follow link for transcription of his will
Administration for the estate of Robert FORTE of Dorchester, Dorset 9th May 1589 PCC Folio 97 Grantee Joane FORTE Relict : Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London
Nuncupative Will of William ADYEN [or ADYN] of Dorchester the younger, Dorset Dated 10 July 1589
Proved 03 Oct 1589
PROB 11/74 Will: To be buried in the churchyard of St Peters in Dorchester near a great tomb there where he said his ancestors were buried. Refers to his wife Joane ADEINE being his executrix and his two daughters £20 each; Left all his lands and tenement in Dorchester to his wife for life then to remain unto Marie and Martha ADEINE his 2 daughters aforesaide; Residue to wife; Overseers his father William ADEYN of Dorchester and father-in-law Thomas PHELPS of Evell
Will of Henry CARDROE, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset {Note:- See 19th Feb 1594 below - Burials for Cerne Abbas have not survived for this period] Dated 11 Sep 1592

Proved 14 Nov 1592
PROB 11/83 Link to transcription of the Will of Henry CARDROE (d.1592)
Sentence of Henry CARDRO of Dorchester, Dorset {See 14th Nov 1594 above] 19 February 1594 PROB 11/83 Link to transcription of the Will of Henry CARDROE (d.1592)

Will of Nicholas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Nicholas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL was Bailiff of Dorchester in the 2nd year of the Reign of Elizabeth I i.e. 17 Nov 1559 - 16 Nov 1560 -- Also Link to Will of Thomas LYMSTER alias FOXWELL (d.1586) son of Nicholas]

Dated 07 May 1591

Proved 01 March 1594

PROB 11/83

Probate: Administration granted to Henry LYMPSTER also FOXWELL son of the deceased in trust during the minority of Thomas Lymster also Foxwell

Will: In the name of God Amen the 7th day of May in the year [1591] I Nicholas LYMSTER also FFOXWELL of Dorchester in the County of Dorset being sick of body but of perfect mind and remembrance (thanks be to God) do make and ordain this my present Teastamnet and Last Will in manner and form following: First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Allmighty God my maker redeemer and my body to the earth from which it came.

Item: To St Peters in Dorchester 6s 8p;
Item: To the other churches there be divided equally between 6s 8d ;
Item: To the poor of Dorchester 40s etc
To Dorothie the daughter of my late son Thomas deceased 1 standing cup of Silver with the cover thereunto and half a dozen silver spoons in the custody of William Anthony and his wife;
Item: To Margaret his son Thomas's other daughter silver goblet etc in the custody of William Anthony and his wife; Also To said Margaret (i.e. granddaughter) my barn in Durne Lane in Dorchester with the garden belonging which I bought of Robert HOSKINS, for default to her sister Dorothy; & for default of issue then to Thomas their brother; & for his default of issue to son Henry LYMSTER alias Foxwell
Item; To son Henry my best featherbed + lease of a stable or tenement bought of John TOLERFIELD situated in Fryers Lane in Dorchester + Burgage adjoining said stable in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester which I likewise bought of said Tolefield .
Item: To Margaret wife of my late son Thomas deceased a 3rd best featherbed, a bolster, 2 pillows of feathers;
Item: To my brother-in-law Mr Lawrence STRATFORD my best gown;
Item: To young Thomas LYMSTER also FOXWELL son of aforesid Thomas deceased 1 silver salt 1 dozen silver spoons + all my timber lying partly in my dwelling house and partly in my house called my Malthouse and in case the siad Thomas shall die before he come to the age of 22 the to my son HenrY. Furthermore I give to the said Thomas and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten two burgages in Fryers Lane, one commonly called my Malthouse and garden and the other wherin stands the woodwoork which my late sonThomas bequeathed to his young son.
The Residue: of my estate Igive to the foresiad young Thomas LYMPSTER also FOXWELL whom I make my only executor and my Will is that my son Henry, cousin William MOORE & Mr George WATKINS of Becksington shall have the ordering and disposition of ye goods chattles and debts in trust until said Thomas my executor shall come to the age of two and twenty years -- etc instructions overthe trust;
My Overseers Son Henry my cousin William Moore, Mr Edward Martyn, & Mr John Greene to each 40s + My son Henry cousin Wm Moore shall have the education of young Thomas Foxwell until aged 12 then Wm Anthony etc etc Memorandum I give unto Dorothy my sons daughter one good feather bed and all furniture thereto belonging and in like manner unto Margaret her sister one other featherbed with all it's furthiture etc

Will of Richard WEBB, Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Dorchester 20th Sep 1594]
Dated 24 Sep 1594
Proved 23 October 1594
PROB 11/84 Will: - Body to be buried in the churchyard at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester; To HT Church 2 shillings 5 pence; To the poor mens box there 12 pence; To the Clerk and Beadle eight pence; To the ringers sixteen pence; Rest bequeathed to John REYNELL alias COOKE of Dorchester taylor also made executor Overseers Mr John HOBSON; William LYMINGTON Sermon at his burial pay the preacher 3shillings 4 pence; The Overseers same each Witnesses John HOBSON; William LYMINGTON; Henry TURNEPENYE; Johane CROMEW and William KAISSELL
Will of John ADYN [or ADIN or ADEYN or ADEINE], Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 22 Dec 1597
Proved 20 Jan 1598
PROB 11/91 See 'Sentence' 4 June 1603 below- Will:- I John ADYN the Younger of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Merchant Bequests:- Son Luke ADYN £200 at age 21; Son William ADYN £200 at age 21; Daughter Christian ADYN £200 at aged 21 or day of marriage ; Daughter Elizabeth ADYN £200 at age 21 or day of marriage; Rest to Joane ADYN my wife sole executrix Overseers John Williams Esq and Mathew CHUBB gent Witnesses Mathew CHUBB and Katherin ADYN
Will of John ROPER of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 8 Feb 1597
Proved 09 March 1598
PROB 11/91 Will: To be buried in the church of St Peters in Dorchester in consideration granted 10s to the church; to each of the 10 poor people of the Alms house in Dorchester a black gown of 10s each to be worn at my burial; To other poor people of Dorchester 20s ; 10s to prisoners at gaol ; 4 yards of black cloth 13s 4p per yard to be a pulpit cloth for sermon at his funeral then given to friend Robert LOUTHER (Note became the vicar of Piddletrenthide 1601) asked to preach at his funeral; cousin John ROPER the elder of Blandford all his lands and tenements in Dorchester - and his son John ROPER £50 when 22; & his other son Robert ROPER £150 when 22; Bequest to Robert & Christopher ROPER son of John yearly rent of his house at Blandford ; To Anne ROPER dau of said John £30 when 21; Robert ROPER to be maintained and schooled for church; To cousin Robert ROPER brother of said John the elder of Blandford £10 at 22 or die to sister Alice ROPER who is also left £20 when 21; John POLLARD Godson the son of Wm Pollard 6s 8d; Richard BEAKES son my godson 3s 4d; Steven READ's son my godson 3s 4d; Sara HOFFORDE 2 agelletts ; Giles GREENE £5; Anne GREENE and Sara GREENE each of them an angellett ; to servant LETTICE 20s; Elizabeth PERRIES 20s; Richard BUSHRODE the hatter 10s; Mistress GREENE a gown cloth of £3; Mistress GREENE 1 chair; cousin Robert ROPER Clerke £10; Arthur WHIFFIN £10; John ROPER cousin the ehumfryelder of Blandford appointed executor who has to enter into a bond for £1,000 to Overseers to ensure terms of will carried out; Overseers Friends Matthew CHUBB; John GREEN William HORSFORD of Dorchester
Will of Humfrye PIRRYE [or PIRRY or PERRY], Husbandman of Dorchester, Dorset Probate 19 May 1598 PROB 11/91 Undated Will Bequests:- Daughter Ann wife of Thomas SHORY 4 sheep; Son Humfry PIRRY sixteen sheep ; Sara SHORY 3 sheep ewes and 1 lamb ; John SHORY one Chylver HOGG ; Jonne SHORY one Chilver Hogg ; Anne SHORY one chylver Hogg ; Rest to wife Elizabeth PIRRY appointed executrix. Note:- His son John buried HT 23rd Apr 1586
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas COKER of Dorchester [Dorset] 01 Apr 1601 OPC PCC Admons Folio 79 Grantee Thomas COKER son
Will of George FOYE, Sheereman of Dorchester, Dorset

Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester about April 1601 (parish register badly damaged)
Dated 25 Apr 1601
Proved 28 May 1601
PROB 11/97 Will: My body to buried in the church or churchyard of Holy Trinity Dorchester unto which church 12d; To so John FFOYE £6 ; Son George FFOYE £5; Son Robert FFOYE £5 on day of marriage, all working tools; Daughter Joane FFOYE £12 4 months after marriage; Rest to wife Agnes FFOYE also made executrix; daughter Margerie impotent in body and mind to remain with his wife or if dead son Robert Overseers friends George SMITH and Mr John ADIN [ADYN] each 2s. Witness Richard EVERARD Clerke & Minister there; George Smith; Richard Samwayes Simon Petinns

Note:- [His widow Agnes also left a Will See 14 February 1611 below]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William HYE of Dorchester [Dorset] 17 Oct 1601 OPC PCC Admons Folio 95 Grantee Anne HOLLEDAYE alias HYE daughter
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Walter SCOTT of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 Jun 1601 OPC PCC Admons Folio 86 Grantee Grace SCOTT daughter
Will of William CHURCHILL, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 12 Mar 1599
Proved 18 Nov 1602
PROB 11/100 Link to transcription of the Will of William Churchill (1541-1602) and more information about the family
Nuncupative Will of Thomas GALLTON [GALTON] of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 25 July 1595
Probate 22 April 1603
PROB 11/101 Memorandum that Thomas GALLTON of Dorchester in the County of Dorset being in perfect mind and remembrance upon St James day the 25th July 1595 made and declared his last will and testament nuncupative wherein he gave and bequeathed all his goods chattels and debts whatsoever he had unto Mathew CHUBB to see him honestly / buried with some monument upon him or words to the like and made the said Mathew the executor. This he willed and appointed in the presence of William MYLLER [MILLER] John YEATE Thomas BLATCHFORD and others. Probate 22 Apr 1603
Sentence of John ADYN [or ADIN] of Dorchester, Dorset 04 June 1603 PROB 11/101 See will 20 Jan 1598 above
Will of John DIGHTE [ or Dight], Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 12 November 1603 PROB 11/102  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas COKER Senior of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Nov 1604 OPC PCC Admons Folio 225 Grantee William LEE & Margaret LEE alias COKER, relict of Thomas COKER junior, son of the deceased

Will of William GOLSEY, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- See his will - Born at Winterbourne St Martin - buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester - Robert Cheek remained Master of the Free School in Dorchester until 1627 so would have taught his son William]

[Note:- William GOLSEY is said to have married Anne HENNING the 7th child from the marriage of John HENNING (1532-1617) by his wife Dorothy nee WAREHAM on 8th Oct 1593

Dated 15 Nov 1607.
Witnessed 16 Nov 1607.
Proved 08 Feb 1608
PROB 11/111 Will: My body I commit to the earth to be buried in St Peters Church in Dorchester near unto the seat where I sit ; To Church of St Peters 13s 4d; to the poor of the parish 20s to be distributed by the Overseers; Item I give to Anne COVON [or Coxon] my sisters daughter £10; To my son William my fee simple of my burgage I dwell to him and his heirs provided that Anne GOLSEY my wife shall have the use of it to dwell and remaining with him during his minority and afterwards as long as she live. And my meaning is that she likewise have use of all the household stuff during her life together with my said son William. And whereas I am indebted to the King Majesty for my accompt and do owe some other small sums to some other persons my will and meaning is that my said wife shall have all the specialties Bonds and obligations and all the residue of my goods to make satisfaction thereof which I would should be done for her better help by the advice and council from time to time of my loving cousin Angell SMYTH [SMITH] gentleman and my good friend Roger KEYTE gent who I do hereby desire as my faithful friends to perform for her with all expedition. Touching my leases of the Friary and elsewhere and touching the Friary Mills and elsewhere & my estates therein my will and meaning is that my said wife shall have the benefit thereof towards the discharge of my said debts And afterwards the debt being paid my will is that the same shall for the maintenance of herself and my said son provideed always that if my said wife do take the benefit of £40 by the year out of my estate which I have given bond to perform then my will is that the same shall remain to my son Williamhe performing therein the things as my wife oughtto do by the intentof this my will and not otherwise. And I do heartily desire my said wife to have a care of the bringing up of my son as my trust in her she will do. And I do entreat and desire the said Angell SMYTH SMITH] and Roger KEATE to be Overseers of this my will and testament praying them as my loving friends to see due execution hereof. And I do hereby ordain my said wife executrix of this my last will and testament. By me William GOLSEY. And I further set down as my last will and testament that whereas heretofore Robert NAPPER Knight bought of me the reversion of two copyhold tenements in Clinger within the parish of Buckland and the same doth hold for a term of my life and the widows estateof such wife as I shall have at the time of my decease I do hereby make it known that the said Robert NAPPER shall quietly hold and enjoy the same withoutany loss of me or my now wife. And she doth faithfully promise too do and act or thing that shall better or strengthen the estate of the said Robert NAPPER of and in the same. And whereas I have heretofore received the sum of £20 of John GOOLDE [GOULD] of Frome Quinton for his son now my servant to be with me yet I am well pleased and my will is in regard of the [rest] of his abode with me that he shall receive the said £20 again to be paid him after my debts satisfied. Also I give the church of Winterbourne St Martin where I was born 10 shillings. And having considered the young and tender years of my said son and that there will need a great care to be had of him to bring him up in learning and fear of God I do therefore heartilie desire my good and loving friend Mr CHEEKE the Schoolmaster of Dorchester to have a care of his education and bringing up together with my wife. And for his labour and pains therein I do give the said Mr CHEEK the sum of £5 which I desire my wife to see is satisfied in conveinient time. By me William Golsey. Witnessed 17th Nov 1607 by Robert NAPPER, Nathaniel NAPPER, Richard HENNING, William TALBOT, Robert CHEEKE, Charles COSTLING, John GOULD, etc etc
Will of William READE, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 28 July 1608] Dated 13 May 1608
Proved 30 Sep 1608
PROB 11/112 Will bequest to poor of Trinity in Dorchester 3s 4d; To Nathaniel READE my eldest son my two burgages on the east part of the street called Colliton Row between the lands of John BLANGER on the north and a certain lane called Pease Lane on the South and do adjoin unto one other burgage [owned] by me William READE : William READE my 2nd son my other burgage adjoining the other two; To Anne READ my daughter £20 + various items; to daughter Elizabeth READE £20 + items ; to daughter Thomasine to wife of John SPICER 40s ; To Thomas and Walter SPICER sons of John SPICER and Thomasine 20s; Rest split between Nath and Wm his sons who are made executors John SPICER and John MIDDLETON Overseers
[Note:- Thomazine READE married John SPICER at HT Church in Dorchester on 13 Oct 1600]

Will of George SMYTH [SMITH], Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Jan 1608/9 see also Elizabeth SMITHE Widow will Dated 3rd Nov 1610 Proved 19 Jan 1611 below]

Link to more information about the 9 children of Georges SMITH (d.1608/9) and Elizabeth nee CHURCHILL (c.1543-1610/11)

Dated 30 Dec 1608

Proved 01 June 1609

by Elizabeth SMYTH [SMITH]

PROB 11/114 In the name of God Amen: the thirtieth day of December in the sixth year of King James his reign over his realm of England Anno Domini A thousand and six Hundred and Eight. I George SMYTH [SMITH] of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman being weak and sick in body but of perfect memory (thanks be given to Almighty God) do make this may Last Will and Testament in writing in manner and form following that is to say :

First: I give and bequeath my soul unto Almighty God my maker and to Jesus my only redeemer by whose death and Passion I hope to be saved. My Body to be buryed in the parish church of St Peters in Dorchester aforesaid.

Item: I Give to the poor people of Dorchester aforesaid three pounds.

Item: I Give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife all my goods and chattels whatsoever as well real as personal moveable as unmoveable in what place or in whose custody soever, whom I make my full and whole executrix of this my last will and testament, and

I do Appoint and request Maximillian MOONE Esquire and Brewen WILLIAMS Gentleman to be my Overseers to see this my last will and testament to be performed and executed according to my meaning and intent herein specified and hereunto have set my hand in the presence of the witnesses subscribed the day and year above written

George SMITH Signed sealed and delivered these being witnesses John CHURCHILL,; Brewen WILLIAMS and John HARDEY
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Edward BOCKE of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Jan 1609/10 OPC PCC Admons Folio 183 Grantee Margaret BOCKE relict
Will of Thomas TOOMES alias Tanner of Dorchester Saint Peter, Dorset 03 February 1610 PROB 11/115  
Will of Ralph PALMER, Vintner of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 04 Jan 1609/10.] Will dated 17 Feb 1607/8: Proved London 26 May 1610 PROB 11/115 + image Will: dated 17th Feb 1607 of Ralph PALMER of Dorchester a Vintner: To be buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester; House other outrooms and household stuff within to remain in possession of wife Johan [i.e. abbreviated form of Johanna meaning Joan or Jane he later refers to her as Joane ] for life Joan also executrix. Bequest to William Palmer 2nd son left 7 beds with furnishings in various rooms adjoining the Lane called Pease Lane next to the brewhouse & all brewing vessels; rest to son Thomas Palmer my eldest son or Elinor his wife refers to indenture dated 20th March 45th year reign Elizabeth 1st [1602] between Ralph Palmer & John Jones yeoman of Owermoigne deceased and Angell Smith of Stratton gent. Bequest £50 to son Henry Palmer to daughter Agnes the wife of John COMFRY £10. Friends Angel SMITH and Christopher WAY Overseers. Witnessed by John Scott; Thomas Palmer, the sign of Christopher Way, William Palmer, Henry Beydon. Probate granted at London before John Bennett Doctor of Law Administration granted to Joane Palmer upon oath to duly administer his estate the 26th day of May in the year 1610 [Note:- Ralph Palmer was Bailiff of Dorchester in 1589. See his fathers will (John PALMER) above dated 2nd Mar 1572 who was buried at HT 23rd Apr 1573 also comments regarding his mother and siblings. His daughter Agnes married John Comfrey at Holy trinity Church on 08-Apr 1607 see their marriage for a list of their children]
Will of Henrie EDWARDES, Yeoman of Holy Trinity Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at HT Church 17th Aug 1610 - Brief mention in Fire from Heaven page 67 Henry EDWARDES left a widow Julian who remarried to his friend Joseph Parkins 7th Nov 1610. Also see memorials HT entry 29]
Dated 8 Aug 1610
Proved 13 Nov 1610
PROB 11/116

Note:- WILL: To be buried in HT Church to which he gives 20 shillings for maintenance; + 20 shillings to the poor to be distributed at the day of his funeral; bequest to kinsman Ralph PERINE a house situated on north side of Pease Lane between the land belonging to the said church HT on the east side and and a burgage of Joane EDWARDS my sister on the west side subject to Ralph PERIN giving to the poor of the parish 40 shillings annually. Bequest to Marie EDWARDS daughter of Margaret EDWARDS my sister a house on the south side of Pease Lane between the lands of me Henry on the west and south sides and the land of Joane RICHARDSON widow my sister on the east side and for default of issue to Ralph PERIN provided his wife Julian paid 26s 8d yearly for life. To Julian my wife my dwelling in Dorchester where I reside and all other my messuages, lands tenements houses buildings edifices backsides gardens and grounds in Dorchester in my possession or occupation of William SPEERING situate don west side of HT between high west street on the south side and pease lane on the north - after her death to kinsman John PARKINS of Dorchester Merchant; To Elizabeth PERIN daughter of William PERIN deceased £6; To Joane RICHAR[D]SON the younger £5; To Alice the wife of Robert OSBORN 40s; To John son of William PERIN 20s; To each of the children of John PARKINS 20s; To the children of Simon HASELBERIE 20s; To Joseph PARKINS 40s; To each of my godchildren 5s; All goods etc to Julian my wife also made execurtix; Overseers Simon HASELBERIE and William SPEERING

A Henry the sonne of John EDWARDES buyed the xxiijth [23rd] day of May [1608] at Holy Trinity? See also memorials HT

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Walter MOGG [MEGG] of Dorchester [Dorset] 10 Dec 1610 OPC PCC Admons Folio 223 Grantee Alice MOGG [MEGG] Relict
Will of Symon [Simon] CHURCHOWSE [or CHURCHOUSE]Tailor of Dorchester, Dorset 10 January 1611 PROB 11/117  
Will of Elizabeth SMITHE or Smith, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note Elizabeth daughter of John Churchill (1512-1557) and Widow of George SMYTH See his will dated 30 Dec 1608 Proved 01 June 1609 above ] Dated 3rd Nov 1610
Proved 19 Jan 1611
PROB 11/117 To be buried at St Peters Dorchester where mother buried ; To St P 3s; To HT 6s; To All Saints 6s; To the poor of the alms house 12pence each; To poor HT & St P 20s each; To Poor All Saints 6s 8d; To God daughter Elizabethh Watts best gown, best kirtle, To Elizabeth Hunton my god daughter 2nd best gown ;To my maid servant Elizabeth Samwayes 40s; To Susan Williams dau of Brewen Williams Esq £150 to be delivered within a year to Edmund Dashwood of Dorchester against security to pay her at marriage with income £8 pa maintenance; If she dies £150 to her mother Elizabeth Williams wife of Bruen Williams -- long list of personal bequests --- Bequest to Cousin Anne Churchill one of the daughters of John CHURCHILL esq 40s to buy her a ring; Rest to Marie MOONE [MOHUN] dau of Maximillian also made executrix
Will of Agnes FOY [or FOY], Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 14 February 1611 PROB 11/117 Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester :- Agnes FFOY widow was buryed the xxijth [22nd] of November 1610 [Note:- George FOY married Agnes HAMOND at HT on 01-Oct 1574 and had 4 children baptised in HT: George FOY was buried at HT in 1601 & also left a Will]
Will of Thomas FORDE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 20 Jan 1610
Proved 08 May 1611
PROB 11/117 See transcription of Will dated 20th January 1610
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert STONE of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 July 1611 OPC PCC Admons Folio 26 Grantee Edith STONE Relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James GOULDE of Dorchester [Dorset] 08 June 1613 OPC PCC Admons Folio 124 Grantee Joan GOULDE relict [Note:- Link to more information about James GOULD Clothier of Dorchester who died at Bath and was buried at Bath Abbey 27th Apr 1613 and his relict Joane GOULD nee LEDDOZ (1549-1630) who did not properly administer the estate see 22 Dec 1630]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert AVYNE of Dorchester [Dorset] 28 Aug 1613 OPC PCC Admons Folio114 Grantee Elizabeth AVYNE relict
Will of Thomas DAVIDGE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 23 February 1614 PROB 11/123 See Transcription of his Will dated 9th December 1613
Will of Joseph EAYRES, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 17 Apr 1612
Proved London 23 Nov 1614
PROB 11/124 Will The 17th April 1622:- About the age of 49 years ; To be buried on the South side of the parish church of St Peters ; Margaret EYRES wife the bed & bedstead I now lie upon with rugs, blankets, sheets, bolsters, pillows and pillowties, curtains, vallance with all other things thereto belonging; To son Edward my ring which I now wear; To son Joseph £50 at the age of 22 years; To son William £50 at the age of 22 years; To my daughter Alice 5 silver spoons ; To parish church of St Peters 5s 8d; Unto the poor of the same parish 20s; Rest to Margaret EYRES his wife and Edward EYRES his son together executors;Overseers Brother-in-Law Lawrence MILLER and Edward LAWRENCE my son-in-law each of them 20s Signed Joseph EAYRES Witnesses Edward LAWRENCE; William STEVENS; Richard SAVAGE. Proved by Margarete relic et Edri Eayres filii et executor in codem [by Margaret and son Edward Eayres]
Will of John GREENE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 07 February 1615 PROB 11/125 See Transcription of his Will dated 10th September 1613
Will of James YOKENEY, Tailor of Dorchester, Dorset 13 May 1616 PROB 11/127  
Will of Thomas TOLDERVIE, Chandler of Dorchester, Dorset 26 October 1616 PROB 11/128 Note:- Surname can be spelt Toldervy or Toldervey. A Thomas Toldervy Tallow Chandler is mentioned in the Will of Richard Bury [1584-1661] Mayor of Dorchester in 1640 who might be a descandant?
Will of Jerome HARRIS the elder of Holy Trinity Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 02 Jan 1616/17]
Dated 26 Dec 1616
Proved 08 Feb 1616/17
PROB 11/129 Will: To be decently buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity; also bequeathed 3s 4d + poor of parish 3s 4d; Wife Christian Executrix main beneficiary to have and hold dwelling house in Dorchester where he now lives with all other houses barns stables backsides and gardens hereunto belonging for her life; + use of 2 acres of meadow ground lying in west ward THEN to son Joseph; Asks fore his Landlord Sir John BROWNE of Frampton Knight to grant a lease sufficient for their lives; Son Jerome all his wearing apparel and cloaks (except best cloak) + £20 ; Son Joseph best cloak + £10; To Deanes my daughter now the wife of Thomas DOWRIDGE a pair of sheets + £10; To Johane daughter feather bedstead in chamber over the hall; 1 pottinger and best candle stick immediately after my decease + 40 Marks in money; Also to her son Jerome my large nagg & also ? at Whitwell and one good ewe. To Anne my daughter my standing bedstead in the parlour; my tableboard & form together with my cupboard in the same parlour; my great chest in the parlour; a featherbed; two pillows; my second best coverled and a pair of blankets that are now at the Warren house +£50. All the Rest and residue of my estate to my wife Christain also made executrix. Roberrt CHEEKE of Dorchester aforesaid Clerk & Richard BUSHROD habadasher of the same to be my Overseers. Witnesses Robert Cheek,Richard Bushrod; Benjamin DERBY and Edward JOHNSON

[Note:- His widow Christian HARRIS remarried to John ADIN at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 14-Apr 1619]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John HARDEY of Dorchester, Dorset 09 May 1617 Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888-1899, 1905-1906 Folio 114 Beneficiaries John, Nephew; during minority of John, Charles, Jane, Catherine and Giles children of deceased (Fresh letters granted 1621)
Will of Raphe [Ralphe] SMITHE or Smythe of Dorchester, Dorset

    [Note:- Ralph SMITH married twice. Firstly to Joane MILBOURNE at HT Church on 30th Apr 1598. She died and was buried at HT on 7th Dec 1608.

    He remarried to Bathsheba PARKER at HT on 6th Feb 1608/9. Rafe SMITH was buried at HT Church in Dorchester on 14th Sep 1616. After his death Bathsheba remarried to Thomas BEAKE on 1st June 1618.]

Dated 11 Aug 1616

Proved at London Admin granted to Bersabe Smith relict 26 May 1617

PROB 11/129 Will indexed under Ralulphi SMYTHE: In the Name of God Amen the eleventh day of August Anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixteen I Raphe SMITHE of Dorchester within the Diocese of Bristolk being sick of body but perfect and whole of mind and memory thanks be given unto Almighty God I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say

First: I Commend my soul unto Almighty God my heavenly father who hath redeemed the same by the death and passions of his son Jesus Christ AND my Body I commit unto the earth for Christian burial.

Item: I give and bequeath unto William my son my best Anfeild [?], my best bellows and the Cake yron [iron]: a hand hammer, a shayng [?] hamm[er], a pair of pvncers [pincers] and a Butteres [This might be 'buttress' a farrier's tool used in shoeing horses to pare the hoofs] AND
To the said William I give and bequeath also Ten Pounds due to me by one John HNPOAYE [?] of Kyme [or Ryme] as by an obligation bearing date the thirtieth day of August in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord James the Kings Majesty that name is of England & the tenth appeareth [i.e.30 Aug 1610] as the said William do and shall discharge and save harmless my executrix herein named of all such money as I stand bound or engaged for him by speciltie or otherwise unto one Mathew PAMSAYE: AND if he shall not so do according to my meaning THEN so much money to be deducted out of the said Ten pounds as will satify my said executrix if so much money as she shall anyway be charged with by the said POUNSEY

Item: I give and bequeath unto Raphe [Ralph] my son the sum of Ten Pounds due to me by the said HNPOAIE [?} by an other obligation the same Ten Pounds to be paid to the said Taphe when he commeth to the age of two and twenty years if he happen so long to live ; If not then to remain to his mother my Executrix AND
To the said Raphe I give and bequeath also a truggle bedstead with a featherbed now in the same, a red rug, a pillow, and a pair of sheets to be delivered to him at the age aforesaid if he be then living, otherwise to remain to his mother as aforesaid

Item: I give and bequeath unto Agnes my daughter the sum of Ten Pounds the one half thereof to be paid her within one month next after my decease if she happen to so long to live and the other half thereof to be paid her within one year next after that if she happen so long to live or be married AND if she happen to decease before that time and be not married THEN I give and bequeath the said ten pounds to the said William and Raphe my sons to be equally divided between them BUT my will and meaning is that my Overseers herein named shall have the ordering and disposing of the said ten pounds to the use of the said Agnes so long as she shall shall continue sole and unmarried and the same to be employed for the best benefit of the said Agnesaccording to my true meaning.

Whereas: I lately bought and procured of one Henry LEE one House in Dorchester with appurtenances and a plot of ground thereunto adjoining for the term of Fifty years in which house I now dwell: I give and bequeath the said house and plot of ground with the appurtenances and all my estate right title interest term of years and demand whatsoever which I shall may or ought to have of in or to the said house or premises unto Bersabe [Bathsheba] my wife and all other my goods and chattels whatsoever moveable or unmoveable I give and bequeath unto the said Bersabe whom I do make my full and whole executrix of this my last Will and Testament whereunto I have set my sign and seal AND I do desire and appoint John HILL of Dorchester Merchant Robert COKER of Dorchester Goldsmith and William SPERING of Dorchester Gentto be my Overseers of this my Last Will and Testament : These being witnesses vizt: Roger KETE ; Robert BISHOP; Henry HOWMANl John TERRENS mark William TUCKERhis mark --- Signed Raphe SMITHES Sign

Will of John HENNYNGE [HENNING] (1532-1617) Gentleman

[Note:- This transcription is available on Wiki Tree by Helen Ford for which I am grateful - reproduced opposite to enable cross referencing on this site and ensure preservation - note date of signing the Will at the start is 1616 not 1516]

[Note:- Link to a short account of his life and children ]


Dated 14 July 1616

Buried Poxwell 1617

Proved 3rd July 1617
PROB 11/130/31 (Images 170/173

Will of John HENNYNGE [HENNING] (1531-1617) Gentleman of Poxwell

In the name of God Amen, the fourtenth daie of Julie Anno Diu One thousand six hundred and sixteene and in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, the fourtenth and of Scotland (words crossed out) the nyne and fortieth.

I John Hennynge of Poxwell in the countie of Dorset, Esquire beinge nowe about the age of fower score fower years giving most hartie thanks to Almighty god for the same and beinge of sounde health and perfect remembrance prayse be to god and havinge considered the momentary and frayle state of humayne flesh and beinge desirous in the time of good health soe to dispose of and settle in certain [ ] and order the worldlie and transitory chattells which I nowe possess at the tyme whenn yt shall please the Lord by sickness to summon me to lay down my life. I bee neither [ [l?ambred](lumbered?) with the vayne cares thereof nor hindered from performing those [chrises] (cries?) of penitence, contrition, prayer for mercy and other godlie duties wherein so greate and weightie an occasion and extremetie of life shall best fill [fitt?] and becominge, doe make and ordaine my last will and testamente in manner followinge. First I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of my redemer whom as I have ever faithfullie believed to be the very Christ of god and that by his onlie passion sufferinge and bloodshed the [livelie??] and pfecte sacrifice onto offered on the Cross he hath made full satisffaction for the synnes of all such as beleeve in hym soe I beseech him for his promise and merits sake to present the same my soule [ ] by his merrits unspotted by his sufferinges and sanctyfyed by his spiritt to be acceptable in the Light of his Father my god and creator to whome be all glory and prayse forever. Amen

Secondlie, I will that my bodie be buried in such place and Christian manner as shalbe thought fitt by the charitable discresn of myne Executor and overseers and that yf it may conveniently be with the thyansell?? (Chancel?) of the pish(parish] church of Poxwell aforesaid.

Item I give unto the porre of the parish of Poxwell' the some of forty shillinges of lawfull money also I give to the poore of the towne of Dorchester the some of three poundes of lyke lawfull money.

Item I give unto the poore of the parish of Marnhull, the sume of forty shillings. And also to the poore of the parish of Ockford Fitzpaine the some of twenty shillinges of lyke lawfull money, which severall somes I will shallbe distributed and paid unto them by my executor within three months nexte after my decease.

Item I give and bequeathe unto Robert Henninge my sonne and his assignes all that my parte property and porton of the Capital messuage or Farme and landes comenlie called Cruxton, sett and beinge within the parishes of Mayden Newton and Froome and Vauchurch or aine or either of them in the said county of Dorset which Sir Robert Napper late of Grange in the said countie of Dorset deceased and myselfe rented and [ b__] of Christopher Pawlett Esquire for the terme of Nine yeares to come and unexpired and allsoe all landes tenements (illegible word in superscript above tenements) whatsoever with th’appurtenannces to the same capitall messuage or farme and landes belonging and appurteynninge or to owith the same nowe used and enioyed as parte or parcell thereof in my owne holdinge and occupaton or in the holdinge or occupaton of anie other person or personnes to my use or as my assignee of assignees and together with all my estate right title, intereste, termes of yeares [ ] [demeaned?] whatsoever which I have may, might or of right ought to have, of in or to the said capitall messuage or farme and landes and premisses with th’appurtenannces or of, or to my parte or parcell thereof. And also all and all manner of writings, [evidences?] [_s_pte] and minimentes? Whatsoever touching or anie way concernige the said capitall messuage or farme and landes and premisses with th’appurtennaces or any parte or p’cell thereof to have and to holde all that my parte of the said capitall messuage or farme and landes of Cruxton and other the premises and every parte thereof with th’appertenannces beofe by this is [ ] given and bequeathed or mentioned or intended to be given, devised and bequeathed as aforesaid and every parte thereof unto the said Robert Henninge his Executors and assiges for and [d_minge ] and untill the full end and accomplishment of all the terme of yeares yet to come and unexpyred of and in the same capitall messuage or farme and landes and premises with th’appurtenannces mentioned , expressed and conteyned in and by one deede of lease indented by the said Christopher Pawlett unto the said Sir Robert Napper and my self or any other p’son or psonnes to the use of us or either of us as aforesaid made.

And whereas I have and houlde for a greate nomber of years yet to come by lawfull tenneyanncie the Capitall messuage and mills called the Fryery and Fryery Mills sett and being in or [ ] Dorchester, aforesaid in the said Countie of Dorset and whereas I have assured unto Anne Golsey Widdowe, late wife of William Golsey of Dorchester aforesaud gentleman deceased one Anuitie or yearelie rente charge of fortie poundes to be yssuinge and goinge oute of the said Capitall messuage farme and landes called Cruxton duringe the life of the said Anne Golsey, my will and meaninge is and I doe hereby limitt? And appointe my Executor out of the rentes, revenues amd proffitts of the said Fryer and Fryery Mills to satisfied and pay unto the said Anne Golfey duringe her life the said annuyitie or yea rlie [tiny word in superscript] of fortie pondes chardged uppon the said farm of Cruxton as aforesaid at the daies and times limitted in the saide deede of Annuyitie. And in defaulte thereof to be performed by my said executors.

I doe give and bequeathe unto my said sonne Robert the said Fryery and Fryery Mills for so many yeares of the said terme as the said Anne Golsey shall live. And whereas I have and hold one half tememente or one half parte, parcell of the Mannor of Fordington, sett and beying in Fordington in the said countie of Dorset by coppie of [rum?] [] [Roole?] accordynge to the custome of the said manor. My will and meaning is and I doe devise and appointe that after my decease my sonne Roberte Henninge shall accordynge to the custom of the said Manor of Fordington otaine and procure an estate unto himself in the said half tenemente of half place to have and to hold the said half tenement or half place unto him the said Robert Hymminge and his heires accordynge to the custome of the said manor of Fordington.

    see Notes on the Manor of Fordington By H. J. MOULE, M.A. From: Proceedings of the Dorset History and Antiquarian Field Club Volume XIII, published 1892, pages 152 to 162 This describes how this manor was divided in 65 copyholds or places. A half place was 20-25 Acres. . Each copyholder held his land, large or small, on three lives. On the termination of a life he went to the next Manor Court and applied for leave to “put in” another life. The parcells were divided between several large fields farmed in rotation.(strip farming) At harvest time these large ::fields were full of the townsfolk from Dorchester, many of whom had parcels of land there (some far smaller than a half place) In 1613, when the great fire of Dorchester broke out, there were few people in the town to assist in putting it out as they were busy in the Fordington Field. ) 

Item I give unto my daughter Thomazine Dashwood, the wife of Edmond Dashwood of Dorchester in the said countie of Dorset, all that messuage, burgage or tenement, sett and beinge in Dorchester aforesaid wherein the said Edmond Dashwood nowe dwellethw. Also all and all manner of houses, gardens, shoppes, sellers, sellers (repeated word) chambers, courtyards and [ ] to the said messuage or tenemente and burgadge belonginge or theremite nowe be used and enioyed as parte, parcell or belonginge of or to the same and also all my estate, right titles, interest and terme [ ] and demande which I have yet to come and unexpired of and in the same messuage or tenemente, burgage and premisses with th’appurtenances or of anie parte or parcell thereof.

Item I give and bequeath unto John James, the younger sonne of John James late of Over Moyyne in the said county of Dorset and of Joane his wife, deceased beinge my daughter ,the some of twentie poundes of lawfull money to be paid unto him within six months after my decease. Also I give unto all the [ ] of the children of the said John James the [ ] which he had by Johane my said daughter to every of them the some of five pounds thirteene shillings fower pence to be lykewise paid unto them by myne executors within one yeare nexte after my decease.

Item, I give unto Thomas Foxwell of Dorchester and unto Dorothy James the sonne and daughter of my daughter Margaret Foxwell deceased, to each of them the some of fortie shillinges to be lykewise paid unto them within one yeare next after my decease

Item I give unto every of the children of my daughter Dorothy Filloll, Thomazine Dashwood, Alice Talbott and Elizabeth Jollffe the sum of twenty shillinges appece to be lykewise paid unto them within one yeare next after myself.

Also I give unto every the children of my daughter Jane Strowde(??) the some of fortie shillinges to lykewise paid unto them by myne executors within one yeare after my decease.

Item I give unto my servant Henry Strongmand the some of tenne poundes of lawful money to be paid unto him within three monthes next after my decease.

Item I give unto every of my sonnes in lawe and daughters which shallbe lyvinge at the tyme of my decease a goulde ringe of the valewe of twentie shillinges with this poesy, I serve and feare god Also I give unto every one of my menn and maid servannts receivinge wages and which have served me one whole yeare before my decease the some of twentie shillinges apeece over and above that wages then dewe unto them.

All the rest of my goodes and chattells, my debtes and legacies paid and my funerall chardges disbursed I give and bequeath to my sonne Richard Hennynge whom I constitute and appointe to be the executor of this my last will and testament, requireing him to satisffie all my in[ ] debts and faithfullie and diligently to fulfill this my last will and testament om every pointe accordinge to my direction without respect of ainey p’sonne or p’sons

:And I doe hartilie and ernestlie intreat my especiall good freindes Sir Geroge Trenchard, Sir John Browne and Sir John Williams Knight. John Martham, Robert Napper, gentlemen and Willam Alberte to be the overseers of this my last will and testament desyringe them also by there good advise and direction to be assistants and ayders to my said sonne from time to time for the p’formance of this my last will and testament and in token of my good will and affection towards them for their paines and care therein, I give unto every one of them a gould ringe of the value of twentie shillinges to be ready made engraved with the mark or printe of deathes head in every of them and [illegible]That my pub’se last will and testament utterlie revoke (ing) adnull and make fru[illegible] voyd all and every other and former testamente, wills, legacies bequestes, executors, overseers by me in anie will before this time named, willed and bequeathed . In witness whereto of I have hereunto sett my hand and seale, the daie and yere first above writtenn. John Henninge, sealed and delivered the daie and yeare first above written,

Will of Mathew CHUBB, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- See also the will of his widow Margaret CHUBB proved 14th May 1628]

Dated 21st Jun 1617

Proved 15 July 1617

PROB 11/130 - 74 Weldon Mathew Chubb the elder became a goldsmith and the richest man in Dorchester - see Fire from Heaven - his father John CHUBB from Misterton near Crewkerne married a Dorchester woman and around 1548, soon after Mathew juniors birth they moved to the town. Mathew Chubb married Margaret who died 1628 see below.
WILL: 5 shillings to church buried in; 5s to each church Holy Trinity; St Peters and All Saints : Bequest to wife Margaret all goods chattles real and personal effects + sole executrix; Bequests:: to kinsman Thomas BUCKLER £100; to kinsman William BUCKLER £50; Samuel YOUNG now dwelling in house with me £50; Joyce HARVEY kinswoman now living in my house £50; Elizabeth JAMES now living in my house £10; to cozen Henry HAGGARD £50; Mathew LEENOWE living in my house £50; Alexander CHUBB now living in my house £10; Roger POMFEY of Dorchester £5; Whereas there is due to me from the King the sum of £1,000 which was used to rebuild Dorchester after the fire - £500 to go to bailiffs and burgeses of Dorchester ; Bequest to Almshouses at Shaston £130: Bequest to Almshouses Crewkerne Somerset £100; Bequest poor of the Almshouses in Dorchester black cloaks ;Overseers friends Humphrey Bishop Richard Blatchford, Humphrey Joliffe gent and Elliott Johnson ; after the death of his wife bequeath unto my brothers son Matthew CHUBB now living in my house the Rectory and -------with his appurtenances which lately bought and purchased if Sir ???? Raleigh Knight ; bequest to wife of house within which i dwell for term of 30 years if she live so long after me Mathew CHIBB
Will of Nicholas MARTEN, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 11 June 1619 PROB 11/133  
Will of Lawrence STAFFORD of Dorchester, Dorset 18 October 1619 PROB 11/134 [Note:- Might be Lawrence Stratford goldsmith (charter 708) who was bailiff of Dorchester 1582 & constable 1593].
Letter of Administration for the estate of Simon GORTLEY of Dorchester [Dorset] 31 Oct 1619 Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Folio 41 - probate to John GORTLEY brother
Will of Nicholas Purches, [i.e. PURCHASE] Baker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Link to Full transcription of His Nuncupative Will] as abbreviated opposite -

Nicholas Purchase was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 15 Mar 1619/20
Dated 12 March 1619/20

Proved 27 May 1620
PROB 11/135 FFH Page 140 " Old Nicholas Purchase who died in 1620, was a baker who was branching out into the brewing trade ----etc refers to his sons Joseph and Aquilla Purchase who was Master of Trinity School and emigrated to New England.

PCC Will:- Nicholas PURCHASE of Dorchester, baker (Nuncupative will dated 12 March 1619/20) To be buried near my wife; bequests to church and poor of Trinity; Executor Joseph PURCHASE son ld in Fordington Field held by lease of Sir George Trenchard Kt; daughter Elizabeth CORBIN wife of Henry CORBIN; Easter garden plot behind malt house ; daughter Jane wife of William WINSOR and her children; Nicholas son son of said William WINSOR (und 21) ; Jane PERRYN dau of my dau Margaret wife of Raphe PERRYN; Thomas WINSOR and Joan his wife, her son John PURCHES; St Peters Church; Dorchester School and almswomen there; Overseers Raphe Kellwaye of Torson and Thomas Reade of Dorchester Witnesses Humphrey Jolyffe and Thomas READ probate 27th May 1620
Will of Owen SAMWAYES of Dorchester in Dorset

Dated 13 Nov 1620

Proved 07 Dec 1620 at Blandford Court

Enrolled in the Dorchester Domesday Book preserved among the records of the Borough of Dorchester

Dorset and Somerset Wills and Administrations 1312-1799 Part 3 Dorset Wills and Administrations [Source extracted Probate Records 1269-1975]

[Note:- Gifts to this town for the Relief of the Poor : Source Hutchins Page 404 - "Given to the Bailiffs and burgesses of Dorchester, by Owen SAMWAYS, of Dorchester, milner by his will dated Nov 13th 1620, proved in Blandford court Dec 7th 1620 , one burgage at Melcombe, after the decease of Elizabeth wife of Peter FILDEW, without issue of her body, one half to the use of the womans almshouse, and the other part to the hospital, worth clearly by estimation yearly (£1.10s. 0d ) "

Will of Hughe HORSFORLD or Horsford, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset 09 March 1621 PROB 11/137 Note:- Brother of William HORSFORDE Alderman and capital Burgess of Dorchester whose will was proved 25 Jan 1622/3
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John CHURCHILL of Dorchester [Dorset] 08 Jun 1621 OPC PCC Admons Folio 126 Grantee Elizanore CHURCHILL relict [Note:-John CHURCHILL (1568-1621) of Muston in Piddlehinton See wife Elinor's will below 1641]
Will of Richard BARKER, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset (1542-1621) Dated 7 Aug 1621
Proved 06 Nov 1621
PROB 11/138 Will :- Link to transcription of his Will

[Note:- Constable of Dorchester See FFH pages 23,28,36: See page 39 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 29 Aug 1621; Alderman of Dorchester; See also 24 May 1623 below]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John HARDY of Dorchester [Dorset] 27 Nov 1621 OPC PCC Admons Folio 148 Grantee John HARDY, gentleman of Trinity College, Oxford, son (former grant May 1617)
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Mary SPERINGE alias WYATT of Dorchester [Dorset] 10 July 1622 OPC PCC Admons Folio 187 Grantee William SPERINGE husband [Note:- See comments against Memorial plaque No. 99 in St Peters Church]
Will of William HORSFORDE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 25 January 1622/3 PROB 11/141 See page 39 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 16th Aug 1621 & Transcription of his Will dated 30th June 1621. Note his brother Hugh pre deceased him his will being proved above 9th March 1621.
Will of Oliver HAYNE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 26th Aug 1622
Codicil 30th Aug 1622
Died 13th Dec 1622
Proved 4th Feb 1622/3
PROB 11/141 Link to transcription of his Will and more information about his family. See page 49 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 13 Dec 1622: Also See St Peters Burials File for image of memorial plaque and Pedigree in Visitatiion of Dorset 1623 page 54: Husband of Cicely the daughter of William ADYN of Dorchester and father of Morgan Hayne
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nicholas TUBBE, of Dorchester, Dorset granted to Anne TUBBE widow, relict and administratrix of the deceased also bound with her Andrew DUCH carpenter of Corfe Castle. Witnesses Gervase RUSSELL & Thomas BARNES [Note:- Rev. Gervase RUSSELL MA. was appointed vicar of Worth Matravers 29 June 1636 but appears to have lived prior to that at Corfe Castle where he witnessed wills eg Anthony Daccombe of CC will 12 Mar 1620 and was overseer of the will of John Dolling of CC dated 15 Sep 1631. He died at WM 1st mar 1636/7] 29 Feb 1623 DHC Cc/I event record 96 Image Note:- Ancestry incorrectly have this recorded under Nicholas COBBE. The Letter of Administration starts with - Noverint universi y' p'sents nos [Know all men by these presents that I] Anna TUBBE de [of] Dorsechister [Dorchester] in Cond Dorst [in the county of Dorset] vidua [widow] et [and] Andream [Andreas or Andrew] DUCH de [of] Corffe Castell prut Carpenter ------. This is quite important as most records this far back have not survived. Also later records also show the TUBB family in Dorchester eg the burial of a Nicholas TUBB at Fordington on 21st Jan 1678/9
Nuncupative Will of Edmond BENVENEWE, Hellyer of Dorchester, Dorset : Also Abstracts of Probates and sentences in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury states "BENVENEWE Edmund of Dorchester Dorset : Will Swann 34 pr Apr 3 1623 by John GOULD" Dated 30 Jan 1622
Proved 03 April 1623
PROB 11/141

Will: bequest of a lease of 21 years to Robert HOSKINS of a house in Dorchester he lately bought from him for the use of his children: He forgave William FFOOKE £22 he owed him; whereas he has an estate in the house he then dwelled in for the life of Jane SYMONDS he gave the same house unto Roger FOOKE the son of said Wm Fook Others mentioned ; bequests to Wm HAYWARD; Amy Hayward now the wife of Lawrence KIPTON 20 nobles; Thomas HILL godson £5 +£25 for his children ; ---money left in the hands of John GOULD the younger until they come of age: Nicholas PORTERS children £20: To Elizabeth WHITE a bearing sheet and an old pink gown; Johane MARTYN £5 and a new gown made fir her ; Alice HUTTON a russet gown and smock ; To poor of All Saints Dorchester 40s to be disposed by Mr John GOULD and Robert CHEEKE Clerk; Alice wife of Raffe [Ralph] HUTTON 10s;

Unto Elizabeth wife of John WHITE 10s; to Hamnett WHITE 20s; To Robert BILLETT his servant 20s and a suit of his worst apparel, 2 shirts and a fifth of his tools; the rest to 4 of his apprentices. He gave his apparel and household stuff unto his kindred attending him in his sickness at discretion of John Gould and Robert Cheeke. To William MARTYN 20s; To children of Robert HOSKINS, William FOOKE, William HAYWARD, Thomas HILL and Richard PORTER 12d each in King Edward Shillings. To his 4 apprentices to carry him at his funeral 12d each and a canvas apron; to 8 maidens a russet waistcoat and a ? kerchief to be worn at his burial

REST: To John GOULD the Younger sole executor. Witnesses Robert CHEEKE Clerk; Hamnet WHITE; Henry BENVENUE; Robert BILLETT;

See page 50 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 burnt during fire 30 Jan 1622/23 died 1st Feb 1622/23.

Sentence of Richard BARKER of Dorchester, Dorset 24 May 1623 PROB 11/141 See Will 6 Nov 1621 above
Will of Toby SANDFORD, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 01 November 1623 PROB 11/142 See page 53 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 21 Aug 1623 Physician & Transcription of his will dated 19 May 1621 (Proved 1st Nov 1623)
Will of Richarde CUFFE, Vintner of Dorchester, Dorset 25 June 1625 PROB 11/146 Note:- had children bap Holy Trinity
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Michael HUMPHREY of Dorchester 24 Apr 1626 OPC PCC Admons Folio 71 Grantee John HUMPHREY Son
Will of Alice WILSTON, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 17 June 1626 PROB 11/149 Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 3rd April 1626
Will of Robert BLANDFORD, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 26 June 1626 PROB 11/149 Note page 77 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 19 Nov 1625 "died Robert BLANDFORD servant to Mr GARDNER, having been bitten by a mad dog 6 weeks before".
Will of Francis BROWNE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 12 October 1627 PROB 11/152 Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 11 May 1627
Will of Margarett CHUBB or Chub, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset
[See transcription of her Will dated 18 April 1625]
Dated 18 Apr 1625
Probate 14 May 1628
PROB 11/153 Note page 94 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 18th Jan 1627/28 "Mrs CHUBB died and gave all her lands and goods to Mr COKER the Goldsmith, and to a little boy of his called Matthew CHUB, upon condition that he should marry with Joane, second daughter to Mr COKER". See Will of her husband Mathew CHUBB dated 21st June and proved 15th July 1617 above.
Will of Richard BUSHROD, Haberdasher of Dorchester, Dorset 03 January 1629 PROB 11/155 Richard BUSHROD  [1575 –1628] Merchant Adventurer of Dorchester includes transcription of his Will
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas SPARROWE of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 May 1629 OPC PCC Admons Folio 92 Grantee Cassandra KNAPTON alias SPARROWE, wife of Renaldo KNAPTON Gentleman, daughter [Note:- Thomas SPARROW was keeper of the Dorchester Gaol from prior to 1614 to 1626. He was married to Judith who probably predeceased him as administration is granted to their surviving daughter.]
Will of John GOULD or Gold, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 10 Nov by sons John & James) 10 November 1630 PROB 11/158 Note page 111 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 13 Jun 1630 "This day my unkle Mr John GOULD died, and in his place of the 15 (i.e. Capital Burgesses) was chosen upon ye 4th October Mr William PERKINS and for a Feoffee of Trinity his son James:" This is John GOULD the elder when donated £60 towards the cost of the Hospital in 1616. Link to transcription of his Will
Letter of Administration for the estate of James GOULD of Dorchester [Dorset] &
Will of Joane [Joanna] GOULD, (his) Widow of Dorchester, Dorset
22 December 1630 OPP PCC Admons Year Book Abstracts = proved 22 Dec 1630 Folio 207 Will Joan Scroope 109 by Gilbert LODER Gen executor of the will of Jane GOULD relict of the deceased who did not fully administer (former grant June 1613) Note page 113 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 9 Dec 1630 " Mrs Joane GOULD Widow 9 December." Also mentioned by Hutchins as a benefactor who left money for the maintenance of Chubb's almshouses (page 370) and donated £66. 13. 4d towards the cost of the Hospital in 1616.

Will of William PERKINS, Merchant of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester by his father John PERKINS)

    Note:- page 115 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 7th Feb 1630/31 "This day Mr William PERKINS my brother [i.e. brother in law] died , and Mr John LONG succeeded him in the place of Capital Burgess : his wife was delivered of a daughter called Mary the 24th of the same month".

    Note:- William PERKINS was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 25 Feb 1630/1 From William WHITEWAY's Diary (his brother in law) we know that he married Grace on 26th Aug 1629 but I have found no trace of her surname or where the marriage took place]


Dated 05 Feb 1630/1

Proved 02 July 1631

PROB 11/160

February 5th 1630/1
The Last [Will] and Testament of William PERKINS of Dorchester Merchant

Impremis: I give unto the Overseers of the poor of the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester the sum of fourteen shillings to be distributed unto the poor of the said Parish by the discretion of my eecutors hereafter named.

Item: I give unto my beloved father Mr John PERKINS of Dorchester Merchant the sum of eleven hundred pounds to the intent and upon condition that he do within 3 years after my decease convey and extablish or procure to be conveyed and established unto my beloved wife Grace or to such persons as she shall assign one Annuity or yearly rent of one hundred and twenty pounds by the year to be paid unto my said beloved wife or her assigns for her use during her natural life every year yearly.

Item: after the said sum of eleven hundred pounds paid unto my beloved father at or after done, of the remainder of my goods I give and appoint to be paid unto my beloved wife Grace the sum of three hundred pounds within three years after my decease and my desire and request unto her is that in recompence have of the undertake the charge of bringing up and maintaining the child wherewith she now goeth until it come to the age of eighteen years if it so long happen to live.

Item: I give unto the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Dorchester the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto them within two years after my decease and to be employed by them to such Charitable uses as my executor hereinafter named and Mr John WHITE Rector of the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester shall appoint and direct.

The Rest:
of my goods and chattels I give and bequeath unto my beloved father Mr John PERKINS aforesaid whom I make executor of this my last Will the day and year above named in the presence of John WHITE , W: WHITEWAYE, Tho: BUSTWOOD, John PERRIN

Sentence of Joan GOULD or Goulde, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 02 July 1631    
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John ADYN of Dorchester [Dorset] 04 Aug 1632 OPC PCC Admons Folio 120 Grantee Margaret CHEEKE widow, daughter - with consent of Christopher ADYN relict
Will of Thomas DOWRIDG or DOWRIDGE, Needle Maker of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 14 Feb by Joseph PATIE Joseph PURCHASE & William PATIE) 14 February 1633 PROB 11/163 Year Book Abstracts use surname DOWRREG
Will of George GOULD, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 18 Apr by relict Joan) 18 April 1633 PROB 11/163 (30 Russell) Note pages 129 & 177 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 15 March 1632/33 "George GOULD 15 ditto [ March 1632/3]. Clothier of Dorchester. Governor of the Hospital in 1627"
Will of Robert GIRDLER, Book Binder of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 11 July by relict Anne) 11 July 1633 PROB 11/164 (65 Russell)  
Will of Andrew SPRATLING, Feltmaker of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 16 May by relict Jane) 16 May 1634 PROB 11/165 (37 Seager) Note page 142 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 23 february 1633/34 'Andrew SPRATLIN died 23 February 1633/4]
Will of John COOTH, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved 16 May by relict Margery) 16 May 1634 PROB 11/165 (40 Seager) Note page 136 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 ' Mr John COOTH died 12 October 1633 -Also page 35 Studies in Dorset History]
Will of William WHITEWAY, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 07 September 1635 PROB 11/169 Note:- see transcription of will of William WHITEWAY (1599-1635)
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Oneshiphorus BOND of Dorchester [Dorset] 02 Feb 1635/6 OPC PCC Admons Folio 151 Grantee Dionese BOND relict [Note:- See Onesiphorus BOND (1612 -1635) ]
Will of Sir Frauncis ASHLEY, Serjeant at Law to the King 19 May 1636 PROB 11/171 Note: See Separate Biography on this site.Sir Francis ASHLEY (1569-1635) Also mentioned by Hutchins as a benefactor who left money for the maintenance of Chubb's almshouses (page370) Buried at St Peters in a Vault
Will of Nicholas VAWTER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 20 May 1637 PROB 11/174  
Will of Honer ROCKWELL, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 26 January 1638 PROB 11/176  
Will of Mary TERRY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 12 February 1638 PROB 11/176 Mary TERRY  Widow & sister of Rev.John White: Buried (Source Rose Troup) 17th Oct 1637 Holy Trinity.
Will of George CLARKE, Husbandman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 3 Nov 1637
Proved 26 April 1638
PROB 11/176 Will 36 Lee Will: Bequests to: Church of HT Dorchester 5 shillings; Poor of HT 5s 6d; To Joane, Ruth, Margaret, Elizabeth and Mary daughters of my son William CLARKE deceased to each of them 12pence each in money; To Ruth my goddaughter my chest with a frame; To son Richard Clarke12 pence; and unto his children George William Peter and Elizabeth sons and daughter £40 divided equally;To Tomasin daughter of my now wife Mary my great brass croke and six? pewter platters and to Sara her daughter of my now wife Mary two other pewter plattersand to Elizabeth daughter of son Richard great brass panTo Mary my now wife tenement and garden now in my possession and also in the possession of Robert Devenish within parish HT with lease plus six pounds 13 shillings and 4 pence and I do give William SPERINGE Gentleman and Andrew DEWDNEY whom I make executors witnesses Thomas Spicer and Robert Deny
Will of Thomas TRAYTE, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 08 May 1638 PROB 11/177 FFH page 208 refers to " Jane TRAYTE widow of a prosperous clothier lent £80 in September 1644 --" who may have been his wife - necessary to order Will to confirm.
Will of Joseph PURCHAS [or PURCHASE], Baker of Dorchester, Dorset 03 November 1638 PROB 11/178 Eldest son of Nicholas Purchase who died 1620 (see 27 May 1620 above) and married at HT on 9th Nov 1618 to Elizabeth HASELBURY - Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 9th October 1638
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas HYATT of Dorchester [Dorset] 15 Oct 1639 OPC PCC Admons Folio 76 Grantee Joane HYATT relict
Will of John CHURCHELL [i.e. CHURCHILL], Senior of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 10th June 1639. Also:- See his marriage at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 19-Jun 1622 to Joane EDWARDS for more information about this family]
Dated 17 May 1639
Proved 12 Feb 1639/40
PROB 11/182 Will: "and my bodie to be buryed in ye holy Trinity in Dorchester unto which church I give 10s"; To the poor of HT 20s; To the poor of All Saints in Dorchester 20s; To Bathsheber MOUR of Bradford Peverell 5s; To Isabell EYLES of Bradford Peverell 5s; To Robert Benfield my shepherd £3; To Temperance the wife of James BELRINGER 20s and forgive her 20s she owe me; To M??? GREENE 20s; To John WEECH son of Alce WEECH widow in Fordington £5; To Benjamin WEECH son of Alce £5; To Benjamin DEVINISH son of Benjamin DEVENISH of Dorchester £5; To Ruth the wife of Nicholas COVETT £5 and my silver bole [i.e. bowl] To Elizabeth DEVENISH daughter of Benjamin DEVENISH Senior £5 and six silver spoons; To Lawrence DEVENISH son of Benjamin DEVENISH £20 and 6s; To Anne daughter of Edward CHURCHILL £40; to Alce [Alice] daughter of Edwards Churchill £40 in default to Edward CHURCHILL my Nephew; All the rents, profits and use of my tenement in All Saints in Dorchester known by the name 'The Angle' now in the occupation of Mary BOYES widow ; I bequeath the fee simple & inheritance (& six silver spoons) unto John CHURCHILL son of Nephew Edward CHURCHILL; REST to Nephew Edward CHURCHILL also made executor
Will of William WHITEWAY, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 06 May 1640 PROB 11/183 Note:- The father of William Whiteway (1599-1635) the diarist (see 7 Sep 1635 above) and a Merchant of Dorchester
Inventory & Will of Virtue HUNTON widow of Dorchester 20 Nov 1640 P2/H/546 Parish Registers have not survived
Will of Allane TRIGG or TRIGGE, Bachelor of Dorchester, Dorset 08 February 1641 PROB 11/185  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John HARDY of Beaminster[Dorset] 05 July 1641 OPC PCC Admons Folio 54 Grantee Richard CHURCHILL woollen draper of Dorchester Dorset creditor [Note:- Link to Richard CHURCHILL (d.1672) ]
Will of Elinor CHURCHILL, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 16 April 1641
Proved 10 July 1641
PROB 11/186 See 1677 Visitation of Dorset Elinor daughter of Sir John Miller of Little Bredy (Winterbourne Came) wife of John Churchill of Muston in Piddlehinton Esq who matriculated at Harts Hall Oxford 1587 adm MT 1589. See Visitation 6 sons 4 daughters.

[Note:- Widow of John Churhill (1568-1621) of Muston Piddlehinton follow link for transcription of her will]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Hugh PHILLIP of Dorchester [Dorset] 16 July 1641 OPC PCC Admons Folio 52 Grantee Thomas STOCK of Lombard Street London Creditor
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Matthew COKER of Dorchester [Dorset] 24 Aug 1641 OPC PCC Admons Folio 59 Grantee Robert COKER, brother, during the minority of Martha, Mary, Joan and [blank] COKER, daughters of the deceased
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Joseph UNDERWOOD of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Oct 1641 OPC PCC Admons Folio 73 Grantee Edward UNDERWOOD, citizen & grocer of St Stephens Walbrook London kinsman & creditor with the consent of Joseph UNDERWOOD son
Will of John COKE, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset 26 October 1641 PROB 11/187  
Will of George WAY, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 30 Sep 1641

03 December 1641

PROB 11/187

Will: I give to Sarah my loving wife my house burgage and tenement in which he dwells situate on th East side of North St in Dorchester + my house burgage and tenement etc in Bridport for life: Then to Elieher WAY my son when aged 26, if he die to all his daughters not named. In trust with friends Mr William DERBIE, Richard SAVAGE & Thomas ?nth of Dorchester and Mr Walter Bailey of Bridport. Daughters legacies of Sarah £100, Marie £80 Elizabeth £70; Martha £60 all paid when 24 years old except Martha who to be paid as sums raised out of my lands at Bridport.

Whereas there is an estate of £34 in money in Thomas FORDS hands in New England and in the hands of Roger CLAP and Stephen TAYLOR in New England the revenue of £50 worth of goods and divers moneys and goods of mine in the hands of Henry COGAN that and other cattle and corn that I have in the New England I do appoint that all the said monies and goods or the revenue thereof shall go and be employed towards the raising of my said daughters legacies and also all such money and revenue to the benefit of my plantation at Beshiscot? in New England which is due to me from my brother in law Thomas PURCHASE. And I do give and devise all my moity of that plantation hiuses land and grounds in New BESHIPSCOT? aforesaid and my lot in Dorchester in New England aforesaid and all other my lands and grounds in new England aforesaid unto my said Eleazer and the heirs of his body if he die to my daughters --Residue to wife Sarah made executrix signed 1st Oct 1641 in the presence of William DERBIE

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Peter GAYLORD of Dorchester [Dorset] 21 June 1642 OPC PCC Admons Folio 141 Grantee Emme GAYLORD relict
Will of Stephen GOULD, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset 15 July 1642 PROB 11/190 + DHC Ref D/FFO/37/7 A copy will of Stephen Gould of Dorchester, dated 1641 and proved, 1642 is held with other deeds at DHC
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Nathaniel BERRY of Dorchester [Dorset] 20 Jan 1644/5 OPC PCC Admons Grantee Ann BERRY Relict
Will of John GOULD of Dorchester [Dorset] Feb 1644/5 Abstract of Probate Acts in PCC Will proved at Oxford
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John SEAWARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Apr 1645 OPC PCC Admons Folio 41 Grantee Frances SEAWARD mother
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Samuel HUETT of Dorchester [Dorset] 29 Apr 1645 OPC PCC Admons Folio 40 Grantee Ann HUETT relict

Will of John ALLAMBRIDGE, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset

Note:- Known Children :-
Martha Allambrigge married Samuel Bushrod (1616-1646) HT 1st Sep 1640;
Jane bap HT 18 Feb 1637/8 buried 9th Mar 1638
Abigail bap HT 25 July 1639 buried 27th July 1639
Elizabeth bap HT 24 Oct 1641
Samuel bap HT 2 Oct 1642

Dated 31st Oct 1644
Probate 13 June 1645
PROB 11/193 WILL: 40s to poor of each 3 parishes in Dorchester; £20 to good causes out of which 40s to Mr Gundry; 40s to Mt John Fflower Usher of the school in Dorchester; to my 2 brothers John Chaffy and Richard Chaffy £10 each; to my beloved wife Jane £200 and conveinient house room during her widowhood in my dwelling house in Dorchester (parts of house specified) in common with son John + she retains all household stuff she brought to the marriage & son John to inherit dwelling £200 and rest of his household stuff; ; next to and adjoining the Tavern called the George + dwelling in occupation of Isaac Denning ; Give to rest of my children Mary; Sarah; Hannah; Josias; Elizabeth and Samuel £150 each; To 3 grandchildren Elizabeth Scoville; John Scoville and Joseph Scoville £10 each; To 1st child which my daughter Martha shall have by her now husband £10: Executors Henry Hartnell Clerk; John BUSHROD Clothier; John Whiteway gent and George Cole merchant

Clothier, Capital Burgess and Mayor of Dorchester in 1642, See FFH pages 44, 202,204,205,208: Numerous entries in Municipal Records of Dorchester. (Abstracts of PCC probates year books edited by John Matthew & George F Matthews BA pub 1906 states probate by John BUSHROD; John WHITEWAY & George COLE Pr Henry HARTWELL Clerk.
Will of John SEWARD, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 20 November 1645 PROB 11/194 (Abstracts of PCC probates year books edited by John Matthew & George F Matthews BA pub 1906 states probate by daughter Ruth COVETT)
Will of Beniamin DEVENISH, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset 26 June 1646 PROB 11/196 Benjamin DEVENISH [1574 –1643] Tailor & Master of the Dorchester Brewhouse (Abstracts of PCC probates year books edited by John Matthew & George F Matthews BA pub 1906 states probate by Relict Frances)
Will of George LEDDOZE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 09 Apr 1644
Probate 10 Feb 1647/8
PROB 11/203 18 Essex Will: Main beneficiaries kinsman Gilbert Loder Gentleman and Arthur Golde [Gould] + brother William LEDDOZ (of Axminster see Joan GOULD will 1630) 40s : + Poor children of School of Holy Trinity Wit William Hasselbury; James Gould and James Loder
Will of Samuel BUSHROD, Clothier of [Dorchester in], Dorset

[Note:-Samuel BUSHROD was the son of Richard BUSHROD 1576-1628 Habadasher & Merchant Adventurer of Dorchester and was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 31st July 1646
Dated 13 Apr 1646
Buried 31 July 1646
Proved 01 June 1647 admin granted to Martha Bushrod relict
PROB 11/200 Bequests:- Unto Rev John White the elder £3; Rev William Ben £5; Mr Hugh Thomson £10; Mr Peter Juce £10; Mr Gundrey Clerk £10; Mr John Barnard £10; Frederick Hoppe £3; Mr John FForward £10; My daughter Martha £200 for her education & maintenance & paid at 21 or marriage, if she die 1st £100 to wife Martha £20 to children of brother John Bushrod; £5 to sister Mary Allambridge; £10 to cosin Mary Whitfield; rest to children of his sister Marshall - My will is that 2 months after decease wife to be bound to his overseers in the sum of £400 to pay legacies to daughter - to 3 children of Cosen John Gilbert 20 shillings each; 5 children of my cosen Henry Bushrod 20 shillings each; To Anne Squibb 20 shillings; To poor of Trinity Parish Dorchester £10; To Poor of St Peters Parish £20 To poor of All Saints Parish £20; To brother John Bushrod to be recorded at his cost and charges all that debt owing to me by Thomas Whitli merchant and also the moietie [from?] Mr John Allambridge deceased given to him by his will; To brother Thomas Bushrod half of other debts owing to him To brother Richard Bushrod the other half of the debt ; To brother Marshalls children debts owing by Joseph Cole & Nathaniel White Merchant with £20 of this debt to Cosen Mary Whitfield; To 3 cosens John, Elizabeth and Joseph Scoville the debt owing to him from John Stansby Mariner the master of the barque called the George of Weymouth whereof Mr George Churchey was owner : Rest to wife Martha sole executrix Overseers Kinsman John Bushrod ; friend George Cole merchant and brother Scovile Witnesses Richard Scovile Richard Rapson of Dorchester Clotheir the mark of Mary Cole of Dorchester spinster
Will of John WHITE, Preacher of Dorchester, Dorset 14 June 1649 PROB 11/211 Rev John WHITE (1575-1648) Patriarch of Dorchester & Rector of Holy Trinity: See his will transcription at Rev John WHITE  Patriarch of Dorchester 1648
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph UNDERWOOD of Dorchester Dorset 21 Dec 1649 OPC Dorset Admons PCC Folio 170 Grantee George LADMORE, nephew on sisters side, Edward UNDERWOOD not having fully administered (previous grant Oct 1641)Former Grant Oct 1641: Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London. Also see 2nd entry under 1650 below . [Note:- Link to an account of the life of Joseph UNDERWOOD (1586-1641) grocer of Dorchester]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Joseph UNDERWOOD of Dorchester [Dorset] 14 Mar 1649/50 OPC PCC Admons Folio 43 Grantee Robert COREY, principal creditor, Edward UNDERWOOD Kinsman not administering
Administration for the estate of Joseph UNDERWOOD of Dorchester Dorset 1650 PCC Folio 43 Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London [Note:- Link to an account of the life of Joseph UNDERWOOD (1586-1641) grocer of Dorchester] See 1st entry under 1649 above.
Will of Christofer [Christopher] READ alias EDMONDS [or Reade] of Dorchester, Dorset 15 February 1650 PROB 11/211  
Will of Joseph PARKINS [or PERKINS], Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 11 June 1650 PROB 11/212 See Will of his widow Julian proved 2 Feb 1658
Will of Margarett RUSSELL, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 1648
26 June 1650
PROB 11/212 [Note:- From the Somerset Notes and Queries published 1908 page 168 "Margaret Russell Spinster by will dated 1648 left £3 to the distressed Saints to be distributed by Mr Benne preacher of Dorchester"
Administration of the estate of Matthew HARVEY, of Dorchester, Dorset by Decree 1651 PCC Folio 66 Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London
Will of Early MILLER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 12 February 1651 PROB 11/215  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Matthew HARVEY of Dorchester [Dorset] 19 Apr 1651 OPC PCC Admons Folio 66 Grantee Richard BURY, uncle on sister’s side of William, Margaret, Dorothy and Elizabeth HARVEY, children of the deceased
Will of William DERBY, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 03 May 1651 PROB 11/216 See Biography of William Derby (1588-1649)
Will of Lady Anne or Ann ASHLEY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 21 April 1653 PROB 11/231(Brent 340) Widow of Sir Francis ASHLEY JP  [1569 –1635] Recorder of Dorchester. (Note:- Abstracts of PCC probates year books 1652/3 edited by John Matthew & George F Matthews BA pub Volume 6 1911 states Will of Dame Anne Ashley was dated July 3rd 1645 & probate granted to grandson Francis HOLLES 21st April 1653)
Will of Thomas LUCKAS, Pettychapman of Dorchester, Dorset 20 February 1654 PROB 11/239  
Will of William SPERINGE [or Spering], Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at st Peters Church Dorchester 01 Sep 1654] Dated 18 Aug 1654
Proved 24 Nov 1654
PROB 11/241 Will bequests:
To Church of St Peters 20s in consideration that executor quietly can erect a tomb over the place where my two wives and children now lie buried if I have no done so in my lifetime as I promised my late wife Mary
To Poor of St Peters 20s; To Poor of HT and All Saints 10s each;
To daughter-in-law Mary wife of my son William SPEERING deceased gold ring 20s engraved "The gift of William SPERING Deceased"
To Dorothy their daughter like ring 20s
To daughter-in-law Avis now wife of Christopher GARDINER Gent like ring20s;
To Mary their daughter my appointed goddaughter like ring 20;
To the now wife of my son-in-law John SPICER like ring of 20s and to J.SP himself like ring 20s;
To William SPERING my son my tenement within St Peters in Dorchester where I now dwell + contents for life then to his wife Mary for life and after both their deaths to my grandchild Dorothy their daughter.
Nevertheless direct that my now wife Avis have and enjoy house for life rent free if she do not take her dower and not claim the seven acres and a half of meadow bequeathed where I stand bound to William Tilsley of London now deceased in £500 for payment of £108 of my sons expressed debt etc etc --- also refers to son James SPERING who gets his mothers dower - near Stonebridge (newbridge) near Dorchester which he purchased of Lawrence ADYN Gent , Charles ADYN his son and George LAWRENCE Gent; + items : Thomas SPICER Son-in-Law ; William STRANGEWAYS Kinsman; etc etc ---
[Note:- See comments against Memorial plaque No. 99 in St Peters Church]
Will of Anne HURT, or HART or HARTE Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 07 May 1655 PROB 11/245 Buried Holy Trinity 27 Feb 1654
Will of Alice LIMBERY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 26 May 1655 PROB 11/245 FFH 227 Brief mention in 'Fire From Heaven' by David Underdown page 218 states "Benn may have formed a gathered church of the elect which received communion privately. When a Fordington widow named Alice LIMBURY made her will in 1655 she left money to 'the church whereof I am a member in Dorchester (she did not say parish or give the church a name), and she asked BENN and the Fordington minister John LODER who was certainly a Congregationalist to be her overseers'

Will of William MELLEDGE of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters Church 04 Dec 1654]

Dated 28th Nov 1654

Proved 14 Aug 1655

PROB 11/244 granted to Elizabeth MELLEDGE the relict of deceased

Will: Beneficiaies:- To my wife the garden, the housing all all appurtenances for her life:- After her decease to Martha my 2nd eldest daughter; after her decease to Sarah my oldest daughter for life ; after her decease to Mary my 3rd oldest daughter and after her decease to Elizabeth my youngest daughter. To my wife more for widdowhood in Holwell Tenement and after that to Sara my eldest daughter for her portion or £100 thereof if she fist match [marry] ; If Martha my 2nd daughter first match that money to be her portion. For Elizabeth youngest £200

Land at Worth to Mary my 3rd daughter when 20; I give to my wife all my interest inthe house in Pease Lane Dorchester and my gold ring and my shop goods and books - also made executor

Friends Mr Arthur GOULD and William TWIST to be Overseers

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert COKER 07 Feb 1655/6 OPC PCC Admons Folio 66 Grantee Martha COKER Relict
Administration of Thomas WHITTLE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 24 Oct 1654] 1656 PCC Folio 117 Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas WHITTEL of Dorchester [Dorset] 18 Jun 1656 OPC PCC Admons Folio 117 Grantee Joseph WHITTEL brother guardian of Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, and Martha children of deceased
Will of Gilbert LODER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 12 March 1657 PROB 11/262 Buried St Peters 5th Nov 1656 See Fire from Heaven by David Underdown pages 139, 219,228 and 240. Puritan lawyer and father of John LODER (1626-1673) who was Vicar of Fordington St George 1649-1656. Bequest to 'Godly Poor'
Will of Mathew DERBY, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:-Buried Holy Trinity 25 Feb 1656 - Married Martha Joliffe HT 21 Sep 1635]
13 Dec1655
02 May 1657
PROB 11/264 Wealthy Lawyer see 'Fire From Heaven' by David Underdown page 227 'he left small bequests to the poor of Dorchester & several nearby villages, to the Hospital children, the alms people and destitute prisoners of the Gaol'.
Will: To preacher at his funeral a mourning cloak; to church 40s; Poor of Dorchester 40s; Two shillings to every almsperson in 3 Almshouses ib Dorchester; 12d to each child in the Hospital (workhouse) ; To poor of Bockhampton where he was born 20 shillings yearly for ever; Poor parish of Mayne Martell 20s; Poor of Burton near bridport 20s for ever; £3 for ever for poor apprentrices ; Martha his wife etc etc etc
Will of Sarah DEBANCK, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 31 October 1657 PROB 11/268  
Will of Elizabeth DAVIE or Davies, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 31 October 1657 PROB 11/268 Buried Holy Trinity 11 Oct 1656
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Temperence GARDNER of Dorchester [Dorset]

PCC: Index 1657

OPC Admons 25th Nov 1657 index only

PCC Folio 292

Also OPC Admons PCC

Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London. The PCC admons states that the Letter of Administration was granted to her son Henry GARDNER
    [Note:- Can only trace:-
    (1)John GARDNER being married to a 'Temperance MAN' in the parish of Poole Dorset on 27th Oct 1615.

    (2) The Will of Joane GOULD (1549-1630), the widow of James GOULD (d1613), left a bequest of a yearly annuity of 30 shillings 'for the lives of John GARDNER and Temperance his wife ' for the benefit of the poor widows and other poor people living in Dorchester.

    (3)Temperance GARDNER the Relict of John GARDNER is listed as a tenant in the 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor holding in her widowhood a parcel of meadow land called a farthinghold containing half an acre of meadow and 13 acres of arable land.. Three of her children John Gardner aged 36 years (born c1614); Henry Gardner aged 20 years (c1630) ; and William Gardner aged 30 years (c1620) hold by copyhold grant dated 7th Oct 1641 reversion of her farthinghold after her death by custom of the Manor. Temperance and her 3 children were all living in 1650.

    (4) As we have burials up to 1639 this suggests her husband John GARDNER died between 1640 and 1650 when parish registers are missing and that Temperance died Intestate with adminstration being granted to her youngest son Henry on 25th Nov 1657.
Will of William SNOOK of Dorchester, Dorset 21 December 1657 PROB 11/270  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Jonathan OSBORNE, of Dorchester, Dorset 16 Feb 1657/58 OPC Dorset Admons PCC Folio 39 Grantee Nathaniel OSBORNE Brother, Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London [Note:- Jonathan OSBORNE was the 7th child from the marriage of Robert OSBURNE [OSBORNE] to Avis PERIN at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 24-Sep 1607 but no trace of burial around that year]
Administration for the estate of William THORNE, Widower of Dorchester, Dorset 1658 PCC Folio 132 Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London [Note:- No trace of burial around that year]
Will [dated 21st May 1657] of John HILL, Merchant of London, [Also Alderman and Capital Burgess of Dorchester in Dorset Link to Biography ] 04 January 1658 PROB 11/272 Link to Transcription of the Will of John HILL (1589-1657) : Probably buried in London? Will includes bequest of £100 to the Free School in Dorchester to maintain a poor scholar through university. See Municipal Records
Will of Nicholas FLOOKE, Clothworker of Dorchester, Dorset 19 January 1658 PROB 11/272 Buried Holy Trinity 28 Oct 1657
Will of Julian [Juliana] PERKINS, [or Parkins] Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

Widow of Joseph Parkins left £100 to poor of Dorchester: See FFH: Buried Holy Trinity 19 Feb 1657
Dated 19th Jan 1656
Proved 02 Feb 1658
PROB 11/273 Will: Being aged and weak of body --; To be buried HT Church Dorchester to which church I give £5; ringers 20s; preacher sermon at funeral 20s; To poor of 3 D parishes £3 at funeral; To the poor of the threee parishes in D £100 as a stock for ever interest paid to the poor as executors discretion; To kinsman William HASELBURY Clothier the £50 Bond due from him; To kinsman Richard LIMBURY £20; To kinsman John LUCAS of Axminster Devon dyer £20 or if dead to his wife and children; To Joseph PURCHASE one other of the sons of Joseph PURCHASE deceased £10; To Andrew PURCHASE, John PURCHASE and Margaret PURCHASE tow other of the sons and youngest daughter of same £5 each; To Mary LOCKER daughter of Mary wife of ? --of Somerset £10; To Mary wife of ? £10; to the 2 daughters of [blank] Miller late of Odcombe aforesaid deceased who were bred up by the said Mary wife of ? £5 each; To kinswoman Joane GILLINGHAM widow of Poole Dorset £10; To Mary one of her daughters £10; To kionswoman Sarah DAVYS wife of Lawrence DAVYS £10; To Elizabeth SHEPPARD daughter of Giles DAY of Aller Dorset £10; To Joseph PERKINS and William PERKINS the sons of Thomas PERKINS my late husbands brother £5 each; To all of the children of my kinsman William PATYE of Fryer Wadden Dorset Clothier £5 each; To Priscilla NICHOLS my god daughter £5 and my nobbed gold ring which was her mothers; To kinsman Joseph HOARE son of Henry HOARE of Frampton £5; To Christian GOULD daughter of James GOULD of Combe Kaynes Dorset deceased £5; To Elizabeth PERRYN of Dorchester widow one of my long tables clothes and half dozen of diaper knapkins; To kinswoman Elizabeth BURGES wife of Francis BURGES of Dorchester one of my long tables clothes and half dozen of diaper knapkins; To Judith PERKINS daughter of Martin STONE gent my my feather bed i usually lie on with my bedstead in the hall of my dwelling house in Dorchester, my best curtains and valance [i. for the bed] two bolsters, two pillows and two pillowties; my best arras coverled, a pair of my best blankets and a pair of my best sheetstogether with my press standing in the hall ; To kinsman Samuel PERRYMAN a silver beer bowl; To my kinsman John KEYCOTT one other silver beer bowl ; To my kinsman John CARDROWE of DorchesterMercer six silver spoons; To kindred of my late husband Joseph PERKINS who shall carry me to church to be buried six silver spoons (one each) To kinswoman Susan GILLINGHAM daughter of Johan GILLINGHAM my truckle bedstead in the hall with the feather bed thereonone bolster, two pillowsone coverled, one pair of blankets one pair of sheets; To John HENDGE of Dorchester20s; To the now wife of [blank] SEAGER now or late Coward of Fordington 20s; Rest to loiving friend and neighbour Arthur GOULD of Dorchester taylor and Susan GILLINGHAM also made executors: Overseers Josias TERRY of Dorchester haberdasher, Mr Thomas SYMONDS of Dorchester grocer, John FOYLE of D and William PATYE
Will of Patroclus COOKE of Dorchester, Dorset 28 May 1658 PROB 11/276 See FFH; Buried Holy Trinity 18 Feb 1657
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William THORNE of Dorchester [Dorset] 25 Jun 1658 OPC PCC Admons Folio 132 Grantee Henry THORNE son
Will of Alice TOMPSON or THOMPSON, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 01 July 1658 PROB 11/279 Buried Holy Trinity 11 May 1658
Will of Thomas RIVERS, Minister of Dorchester, Dorset 02 September 1658 PROB 11/279 Might be Thomas Rivers MA born 1603c & graduate of Magdalen Hall Oxford appointed Rector of Wimborne All Saints 20 Apr 1641 - no further ref to him in Alumni or church database
Administration of the estate of Robert STARR of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy trinity church dorchester 06 Sep 1659] 1659 PCC Folio 332 Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London
Will of George COLE, Merchant and Alderman of Dorchester, Dorset 20 May 1659 PROB 11/291 Buried Holy Trinity 12 Apr 1659
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert STARR of Dorchester [Dorset] 07 Oct 1659 OPC PCC Admons Folio 332 Grantee John STARR father
Will of John TORRINGTON, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Because the will is badly damaged there is no date it was proved before the court. His wife Barbara was buried at St Peters on 12th Oct 1675 followed by John on 20 Mar 1676/7. Link to his marriage for more information] 1660 but buried 1676/7 Dorset Archdeaconry Court Ref AD/DT/W/1660/10

Part of a will only very badly damaged -

I John TORRINTON of Dorchester in the County of Dorset being not well in body but of perfect memory do make this my Last Will [& Testament] in manner and form as followeth: I give to my son John all my working tools and one tableboard and one cupboard standing in the hall: I give unto my son Stephen one bedstand [i.e. standing bed] standing in the hall chamber one table board in the kitchin with one feather bed one feather bolster one ? ? my best pair of blankets one trunk with my best brass pot. I give to my son John's son John one etc

[Note:- Stephen TORRINGTON was educated at the Dorchester Free school 1652-1655 by Samuel Cromblehome (1618-1672) when he then matriculated at St Johns Cambridge on 27th June 1655 being awarded his BA in 1658/9 and MA in 1662]

Will of Anne COLE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 18 July 1660 PROB 11/299 Buried Holy Trinity 10 Aug 1659
Will of John PERKINS, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 15 August 1660 PROB 11/301  
Will of Hugh EASTMOND, Innkeeper of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- Buried St Peters 30 Sep 1659 NBI has surname as Hugh Eastman]
Dated 18 July 1659

Proved 19 Oct 1660
PROB 11/300 Will bequests To wife Elizabeth all household goods - Whereas possessed of land lately purchased of Henry Holland at Tincleton same meadow ground to brother Thomas Eastmond of Fordington for life then to nephew William Eastmond now living with me. To same Wm Eastmond £25; To brother Greenaway Eastmond of Alford £20 & my wearing apparell; the linen, woollen boots shoes & hats; To his daughter Elizabeth £20; To Elizabeth Eastmond my sister & mother of said William Eastmond £5; To neice Joyce Eastmond £10; To my niece Elizabeth Eastmond now living with me £20; Etc

Will of Jonas PALFRY [PALPHREY, PALFREY], Brewer of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- See FFH assistant to Benjamin Devenish Master of the Dorchester brewhouse in 1622; took over on his death in 1643 as house clerk of the brewery:

Jonas PALMER married at FStG to Elizabeth INGRAM 17th Jan 1625/6 .

His 2nd marriage was to Joane HAYDON at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11th July 1646

Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 23 Jan 1659]

Will : 27th Nov 1656

Probate: 04 Jan 1660

PROB 11/303

Friends John WHITEWAY Esq; John BUSHROD Clothier; and William HAYDON Millwright all of Dorchester Exevcutors

Will: I Jonas PALFRY of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Brewer do hereby make my Last Will and Testament the 27th day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Fifty and six.
First I give unto the poor people of each of the three parishes in Dorchester Forty Shillings, That is to say ??? the whole to be distributed amongst the same people by the Overseers of the several parishes on the day of my executor etc etc [very poor quality]

I give unto beloved wife Joane ??? pounds to be paid unto her within one year after my decease. More I give unto her all such houshold stuff as was here before her [???] marriage with me. Also I give unto my said wife all the remainder of the term or ??? that shall be to come and unexpired at my decease in that my Messuage Burgage and Tenement with the appurtenances situate in Dorchester aforesaid and being commonly called Pease Lane and now in the occupation of Samuel ALLEN and Henry POUNCY if they happen to so long live etc etc and this Legacee and bequest I give unto mu said wife upon the condition she shall not ??? or intermeddle with any dower or any other part of my estate.--- etc etc

Ref to £150 maintenance for his son James PALFRY until aged 21 , (or if he die £40 to his wife Joane and £110 to his daughter Elizabeth PALFRY) - Also to Elizabeth PALFRY his interest and years to come in 12 acres of arable land in Fordington Fields in a place there commonly called Coombe whereof I have a Lease from William CHURCHILL Esq for fourscore and nineteen years in case my 2 children James & Elizabeth and Robert INGRAM the younger of Forthington shall so long live

Also I give unto my said daughter Elizabeth the sum of £150 to be paid her within 1 year after my decease. etc etc
Will of Henry CORBINE [CORBIN], of Dorchester, Dorset annexed to Letter of Administration granted to his widow Elizabeth [Note There is a burial for a Henry Corbin at Holy Trinity 24th Aug 1654.] Will 07 Nov 1645
Oath 02 Sep 1661
L/A 06 Sep 1661
Dorset Archdeaconry Court Ref AD/DT/W/1661/17 Will signed 7th day November 1645 left the poor of Holy Trinity Dorchester ten shillings: Residue of his estate to his wife (unnamed) also his executrix: Friends Francis Burge and Philip Stansby Overseers of will; witnesses Robert Cardrow and Matthew Miller: A Letter of Administration was taken out by his wife Elizabeth CORBIN after the Civil War on 6th Sep 1661 Bound with her was Arthur? GOULD Also see transcription of an Inventory of his goods which was taken after his death in October 1654
Will of John VINCENT of Dorchester, Dorset 21 January 1663 PROB 11/310  

Will of John HYATT of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 01 Mar 1663/4]

[Note:- Son-in-Law of Edward DASHWOOD and John's children beneficiaries under his will dated 20th Feb 1663 which also confirms he is deceased]

Dated 20 Feb 1663 Dorset Archdeaconry Court Ref Ad/Dt/W/1663/15

Copy of Will badly damaged, right side missing. Appears to have left estate to wife (sole executrix) with request for her to be careful in the education of his 3 children? mention in the will of William Hardy; Honey Garland; Edward Hyatt and daughters one of which was Joane.

Note:- There are burials for an Elizabeth (15th Jan 1657/8 and a John on 3rd May 1658, both children of John HYATT in Holy Trinity Dorchester .Also in the 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor there is a tenant listed John HYATT who holds tenement & a farthinghold plot estimated at 1 acre of meadow and 17 acres of arable land by copyhold grant dated 12th Apr 1636 for the life of the said John Hyatt aged 26 years ]

Will of William DRY, Inholder of Dorchester, Dorset 30 October 1663 PROB 11/312 Parish Register for All Saints Church shows :-1663 01 Jul William DRY buried [Note:- See pages 138 and 237 of 'Fire from Heaven' by David Underdown - he was churchwarden, overseer and left a will in 1663]
Will of Richard TALBOTT, Barber of Dorchester, Dorset 12 November 1663 PROB 11/312  
Will of Alice LODER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried St Peters Church Dorchester 13th May 1664 See Full Transcription of her Will dated 2nd May 1664] Dated 02 May 1664
Proved ?
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1664 event record 18 To be buried in St Peters near husbands grave; Beneficiaried : sister Mary LYNINGTON of Weymouth son Gilbert executors to take special care of him & manage what was left to him by his late father; Cousins Andrew Loder & wife; Richard ATKINS and wife; Anne DAMPIER; Mr William BENN; Mr George HAMMOND; Mt John THOMPSON now living in Dorchester [Note:- All ejected Ministers] Mr Jo EATON; Executor John LODER of London Gentleman House between sons witnessed John Craddock and Alice SeagerJohn Loder and Phillip Stansby
Letter of Administration for the estate of William HAYWARD, All Saints Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- William HAYWARD the elder buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 10 Feb 1664/5 ] 15 Dec 1665 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1665 event Record 4 Granted to his lawful widow & relict Christian HAYWARD also bound with her is Ambrose WAY a fuller
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nicholas STONE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- could not locate a burial but his wife pre-deceased him see burial of Joan STONE at Holy Trinity church Dorchester 31st Aug 1658] 16 Mar 1666 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1668 event record 15 Granted to William BOLTER son-in-law and administrator of the estate of the deceased Also bound is by George FROME
Letter of Administration for the estate of Christiana JOLYFFE of Dorchester in Dorset 21 Apr 1666 OPC PCC Admons Folio 93 Grantee Henry BESTLAND Gentleman creditor [Note:- Chritiana was the widow of Humphrey JOLIFFE lawyer of Dorchester]
Will of Joseph BLAKE, Gentleman and now Student in the University of Oxford of Dorchester, Dorset 09 June 1666 PROB 11/321 Buried St Peters Dorchester 15 Feb 1665 See comments there
Letter of Administration [badly damaged] for the estate of Barnard GALPIN of the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester granted to his relict Christian GALPIN 14 Jun 1666 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1666 event record 12 Image Bound with Relict Christian GALPIN were William ALAND of Dorchester a baker by trade and Giles WILLIAMS of Dorchester a clothworker by trade Witness John HORLOCKE [Note:- Barnard GALPIN was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11th Oct 1661]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Josias ALLAMBRIDGE of Dorchester [Dorset] 03 Oct 1666 OPC PCC Admons Folio 192 Grantee Susanna ALLAMBRIDGE relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Laurence RIGHTON of Dorchester [Dorset] 27 Dec 1666 OPC PCC Admons Folio 236 Grantee Anne RIGHTON Relict
Will of Jacob BLACKMORE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 12 January 1667 PROB 11/323 Buried St Peters Dorchester 5 Dec 1666

Will of Edward DASHWOOD of Merchant, Dorchester, [Dorset]

 [Note:- The son of Edmund Dashwood (1588-1643) Alderman and investor in the Dorchester Company. Follow link for more information. Also see transcription of his Will - Edward Dashwood Merchant of Dorchester Dorset proved 20 May 1667]

20 May 1667 PROB 11/324 Link to transcription of his Will [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 14 Feb 1666. FFH page 250 left £50 from which the interest was to be distributed annually to the poor]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Barratt LACIE of Dorchester [Dorset] 21 Sep 1667 OPC PCC Admons Folio 140 Grantee Grace LACIE Relict
Will of Jasper COLSON of [Dorchester, Dorset] [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 15th Oct 1667 - Link to more Information about this family ] Dated 05 Jun 1667
Proved 31 Dec 1667
PROB 11/325

The Will and Testament of Jasper COLSON In the name of God Amen: First I bequeath my soul to God that gave it me And my body to be buried were my wife in St Peters Churchyard And my will is that the little estate which God hath entrusted me withall shall be disposed of as followeth: First I make my son Joshua COLSON my heir and executor unto whom I do give my land house and garden in Allhallows Parish for ever And do also give him my book of debts due unto me for the consideration thereofI would have him to pay my debts And to give my son Frederick COLSON thrity pounds of lawful money and to be paid him five pounds by the year And I give unto my daughter Anne COLSON and Sarah COLSON her sister All my household stuff and plate and all my Phisick wares in the shop or elsewhere and the term of years I have in the house I dwell in to order and dispose as my daughter Anne COLSON thinks fit And I desire the Lord God to bless them all and to give them his grace that they may walk and live in the fear and love of God all their days and to love one another that this is my last will and testament I have unto set my hand and seal June 5th 1667 Jasper COLSEN: In the presence of Joane Butcher Anne Colson Sarah Colson her mark Elizabeth Long

Probate proved in the strand in the County of Middlesex by William Merick doctor at Law at the prerogative court the 31st December 1667 by Joshua COLSON executor

Letter of Administration for the estate of Ralph MANNEL [MANUEL?] late of Dorchester and Ann MANNEL late of Wool in Dorset 16 Mar 1668 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1668 event record 16 Granted to James MANNEL Maltster late of Dorchester the natural and lawful son and administrator of the estates of the deceased both of which died intestate: Also bound with him was John CARDROW of Dorchester a mercer; witness William Horlock. [Note:- Ann MANNELL widow woman was buried at Wool in Dorset on 29th Oct 1659.]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John TAYLOR of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 Apr 1668 OPC PCC Admons Folio 60 Grantee Elizabeth RANDALL alias TAYLOR widow relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas CHURCHILL of Dorchester [Dorset]
[Note:- Thomas Churchill was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester 24 Mar 1667/8 ]
28 Apr 1668 OPC PCC Admons Folio 60 Grantee George HODDER & Henry CUFFE, guardians of Richard, Thomas & Mary CHURCHILL, children of the deceased (further grant May 1678)
Will of William WADE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 10 June 1668 PROB 11/327 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 18 Nov 1667. FFH page 250 left £4 to the poor
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard WILLIAMS, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at All Saints church Dorchester 21st Nov 1667] 13 June 1668 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1668 event record 14 Oath taken by and administration of his estate granted to Christian WILLIAMS of Dorchester the relict and administratrix of his estate also bound is Edward CHAPMAN of Dorchester witnessed Joseph Woad and Rachel Ston;
Will of Christopher GOULD, Schoolmaster & Parish Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 16th Sep 1668] Dated 10 Dec 1656
Proved 10 Nov 1668
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1668 event record 12 Will Bequests:- to eldest son John GOULD and his son John and daughter Margaret; Sara & William GOULD; Second son Joseph GOULD; son james GOULD; Cousin Mary WHITE; Residue to Wife Rachel witness Robert COSSINS [Note:- Christopher GOULD was appointed Master of Trinity School in Dorchester oin March 1632 when the existing Master Aquilla PURCHASE emigrated
Will of Bridget CHAFFEY [also spelt Chafte and Chafe], spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Bridget CHAFFEY was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 23rd Dec 1668] Dated 14 Dec 1668
Proved 12 Jan 1668/9
Dorset Archdeaconry Court: Ref Ad/Dt/W/1668/11. The Fourteenth day of December 1668 I Bridget CHAFE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster being sick of body but of sound and perfect memory do make and ordain this my last will & testament in manner and form as following
IteM; I give to Mathew REED my kinsman eight pound
Item: I give more to Mathew REED one feather bed & one bolster & one coverled & a pair of sheets & a pair of blankets with the bedsted & one great kettle& one littel kettle & two Chesesy to chattres?
Item: I give more to Mathew REED in money eight pound
Item: I give to my kinsman John REED eight pound
I give to my sister Mary ALLMOTE one shilling & more I give to Mary ALLMOTE my sister's daughter one shilling * more I give to Mathew UNDERWOOD one shilling
Item: I give to Ruth REED my kinswoman my feather bed in the Chamber over the kitchen with the bedstead & all thhat belong there unto with all the best of my goods and chattles moveable and unmoveable and with all I make my kinswoman Ruth REED my full and whole executrix
This is my Last Will & Testament witness our hands Brigett CHAFE
The mark of Jone CHAFE : the amrk of Ann NORRIS : Robert NORRIS :
Will of William THORNE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Wife Grace buried St Peters Church Dorchester 16th June 1668 William buried there 19th July 1669] Dated 26 Jan 1668/9
No proved Record
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1668 event record 10. WILL: To be buried in St Peters Churchyard Dorchester in or near the place of my last wife : Bequests to Phillis LESTER my daughter the wife of William LESTER Rest 4 children Obediah, Tymothy, Mary and Sara TAYLOR Witnessed Thomas Spicer; Christopher Powell; Mary Thorne
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Francis BURGIS of St Peters Parish in Dorchester to Joane PURCHASE the wife of Andrew PURCHASE the natural daughter and administratrix of the deceased 12 Jan 1669 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1669 event Record 13 Bound Andrew PURCHAS of Dorchester Shoemaker and Richard ABBOTT of Weymouth Mariner. [Note:- Francis BURGIS was buried at Holy trinity Church in Dorchester on 03 Apr 1666]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Jane BOND, Widow of St Peters Parish in Dorchester, Dorset 01 Feb 1669 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1669 Event Record 11 Bound: Anne [Anna] FORWARD principal creditor with Robert CHEEK witnesses Richard Fitzherbert and Humphrey Newman [Note:- entry in St Peters Parish Registers "11th Sep 1668 Mrs Jane BOND widow buried in the parish of All Saints"]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas COUNTER, in Dorchester, Dorset 17 Feb 1669 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1669 Event Record 11 Bound: Thomas COUNTER a thatcher by trade the natural and lawful nephew of the deceased witnesses Richard Fitzherbert and William Walelie

Will of Thomas GOULD of Dorchester

[Note:- His reference to brother George BARTLETT is because George BARTLETT married his sister Joane GOULD at HT Church on 03-Jan 1642 and brother-in-law was simply referred to as my brother]

Proved 15 Mar 1669 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1669 Event Record 19 If I do not return hom[e] safe from London :
I do give to my daughter [illegible] one gold twentie pound in money and a feather bed; a feather bolster; a feather pillow; on[e] Holan [Holland] ??? {pos refers to dutch silver coin as Gould's traded with Holland] one pair of sheets; the green rug I bought last the ??? up in ??? & the cutrtains & valances I bought last; a pair of blankets; the least of the two chests; the table board cupboard & two silver dishes one of the biggest & one of the least & the gold ring that is in my cupboard.
To my son Arthur & my daughter Jone £20 each ; To my sons Thomas and James £5 each; to little Thomas Lineton £5; To John and Arthur Lineton 20 shillings each; and to my daughter Jone after her mother I do give her the standing bedstead in the chamber & curtains and valances & green rug & feather bed & feather bolster & 2 feather pillows; a pair of blankets; a pair of sheets, a pair of cotton pillowties?; the ?? cupboard, and two of the ???; and the biggest chest; & to have after her mother ??? tableboard & cupboard in the hall and the next two ??? dishes & the rest I have to my wife and leave her to administer to my Will and ??? to have it performed & my bother Arthur GOULD and brother George BARTLETT to see it done. This is my desire if I return not again written by me Thomas GOULD
Letter of Administration for the estate of Anne LONGE late whilst she lived of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 25th June 1669, Anne Longe Widow] 1669 [Note:- Ancestry have recorded as 11th May 1669? DHC Ad/Dt/A/1669 Event Record 12 Granted to Margaret TERRY widow of Dorchester the natural & lawful sister & Administratrix; also bound with her is William Twiss also of Dorchester, mercer: Witnessed by Humphrey Newman & Richard Fitzherbert

[Note:- The date given on the Letter of Administration is confusing stating in Latin "Ultimo ... die mensis " (i.e. 'the last day of the month of ') with the last part of mensis faded out and at the end of the line. have recorded this as as 11th May 1669 which given the burial date cannot be correct. Further down it refers to the 21st year of the reign of Charles 2nd which ran from 30th Jan 1669 to 29th Jan 1670 which is not a lot of help, so all we know is that it was issued sometime after his death in 1669. William TWISSE was a wealthy merchant who left a will proved on 6th Feb 1689]
Letter of Administration for the estate Beniamin [Benjamin] PLOWMAN of Dorchester [Note:- Buried Holy trinity Church Dorchester on 30th march 1669] 07 May 1669 DHC 1669 event record 11a Granted to Mary PLOWMAN the relict and lawful administratrix also bound was Charles JACOB of Dorchester a clothworker; signed Richard Fittzherbert
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John ZEALY of Dorchester [Dorset] 04 Jun 1669 OPC PCC Admons Folio 63 Grantee Samuel HASELBER, principal creditor
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sicily [i.e. Cecily] JENKINS widow of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 12th July 1669] 21 Aug 1669 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1668 Event Record 17 Granted to Edward JONES of St Peters Parish Dorchester a woollen draper and John WEST of the same place mercer
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sara WAY [WEY] of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester as Mrs Sarah WEY 23rd Dec 1669] 11 Apr 1670 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1670 Event Record 16 Granted to Richard BAGG of Bridport one of the friends in trust named in the last will and testament of the deceased - Also bound William HARBIN of Dorchester a Taylor witness Richard Fitzherbert [Note have recorded under surname of MAY]
Administration for the estate of Robert COKER, of Dorchester, Dorset Died 1655
11 Jun 1670
PCC 1655 Folio originally 66 now 94 Grantee: Andrew LODER, principal creditor, administrator of goods not administered by Martha COKER, relict (former grant Feb 1664): Index to administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House London : States (adon. d.b.n. June 1670) but listed under 1655 which is when he originally died [Note:- Link to an account of the life of Robert COKER (1579-1655) Goldsmith of Dorchester]
Administration for the estate of John TEUXBURY, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity church Dorchester 5th Sep 1676] 09 Sep 1676 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1676 event record Granted to Elizabeth TEUXBURY widow & relict & lawful administratrix of the estate of the deceased : Also bound is John TEUXBURY of Dorchester a victualler and William LOCKE of Dorchester
Administration for the estate of Joseph TAYLOR, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Parish Dorchester 02 Sep 1670 ] 05 Dec 1670 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1670 event record 17 Granted to Mary {Mariam] TAYLOR of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester the widow relict and lawful administratrix of the estate of the deceased also bound is John GOULD of St Peters Parish in Dorchester a Miller
Will of Sarah BUSHROD, of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Sarah is the wife of John BUSHROD [1612-1683/4]4th child of Richard BUSHROD (1576 - 1628) Haberdasher of Dorchester & Merchant Adventurer
Dated 13 Feb 1669/70
Probate 05 January 1671
PROB 11/335 WILL: Sarah now wife of John BUSHROD the elder of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Clothier and formerly the widow relict and executrix of Peter Atkins of Tiverton in the county of Devon. Bequests: kinsman Mr Nicholas Hitchcock of Tiverton Mercer such sums as by the last will of my deceased husband Peter Atkins + rest also her executor witnessed by Joshua Churchill Henry Bushrod and Margaret Bushrod [Note:- Her 1st husband Peter ATKINS of Tiverton in Devon left a very long complicated will dated 5th May 1657 leaving his estate mainly to his wife Sarah Atkins. They do not appear to have children of their own. It was proved 14 Oct 1657]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nathaniel MORY alias WILLS of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church 11th Dec 1670] 16 Feb 1670/1 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1670 Event Record 18 Granted to Joane MORY alias WILLS the relict and widow and lawful Administratrix also bound is Thomas SNOOKE of Dorchester a Maultster
Letter of Administration for the estate of Charles GARDENER of Dorchester, Dorset 23 May 1671 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1671 event record 31 Bound are Mary GARDENER widow and relict of Charles GARDENER with Samuel MARTIN [Note:- Charles GARDENER was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 10th May 1671]
Will of Penelope BULKLEY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 05 June 1671 PROB 11/336  
Will of John FOYLE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [ Note:- Buried at St Peters church Dorchester 26 Aug 1671.] Dated 12th Aug 1671
Buried 26 Aug 1671
Proved 16 Sep 1671
PROB 11/337 WILL: 20s to poor of each of 3 parishes in Dorchester; To my sisters Judith Mussell and Mary Galpin widow & kinsman James FOYLE 5s; Kinswoman Eleanor Conert black mourning gown; To Elizabeth Foyle my wife my dwelling backside and garden in St Peters Parish + Rest also executrix. ;

Will of Joane BARTLET or Bartlett, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

See FFH Page 243: " Wills made by townspeopel during this period often show their admiration for the dissentingclergy. In 1671 the widow Ann BARTLETT left two pounds a piece to a long list of them: Hammond; Benn; Joshua Churchill; Benjamin Way; Joseph Swaffield (son of Matthew, the shoemaker) and others"

[NOTE:- George BARTLETT married Joane GOULD at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 3rd Jan 1642. He was buried at HT Church on 1st Dec 1670. ]

[NOTE:_ Joane BARTLETT was buried at HT on 8th Aug 1671]

Dated 20 Apr 1671

Proved 13 Oct 1671

PROB 11/337

WILL: (Long Will only key points:-) Item: To poor HT Parish 20s : To Minister at my funeral 20s: Item: To Mr.William Ben; Mr. George Hammond; Mr Mr Benjamin Walter; Mr Joshua Churchill; Mr Benjamin Way; Joseph Swaffield; 40s each; Item: to my sister Margaret the wife of Simon Game £20, 1 pair sheets, 1 pillowtie, Item to my sister Elizabeth the wife of Robert Phelps £20, 1 pair of sheets, 1 kettle; Item: to cousin Elizabeth wife of Thomas Lewington of Fenbridge £20, 2 pewter dishes; Item: to cousin Elizabeth wife of Randle Hatherne £20, 2 pewter dishes; Item: to cousin Christian wife of William Munden £18, two pewter dishes; Item: to cousin Alice Game £10 for use of her 2 sons Simon and Thomas Game; Item: to cousin Thomas Game of Henley £20; Item: to cousin George Gould £20, 2 pewter dishes Item: to cousin Temperance Chipp £20, 1 pair of sheets 1 pillowtie, 2 pewter dishes. Item: to cousin Thomas Gould son of my brother Thomas GOULD £15: Item: I give to his brother James Gould £15; Item: I give to his brother Arthur Gould £15 2 pewter dishes, 1 candlestick; Item: I give to my cousin Anne daughter of my brother Thomas Gould £15 1 pair of sheets 1 pillowtie; 1 brass pott 2 pewter dishes 1 skillet, 1 trunk, 1 leather Chair, 1warming pan: Iten I give to her sister Joane £15; 1 pair of sheets, 1 pillowtie, 1 brass pot, 2 tewter dishes, 1 candlestick, 1 brass skillet, 1 chest, 1 leather Chair, Item I give to CousinSusannah daughter of my brother [brother-in-law] Robert Phelps £20 1 featherbed, 1 standing bedstead, 1 rug, 1 bolster, 1 pillow, 1 pair of sheets, 1 pillowtie, 1 chest standing in the Kitchen Chamber, 1 iron pot, 2 pewter dishes, the least bell metal skillet: Item I give to my Cousin Arthur son of my brother William Gould £10: Item I give to my Cousin John Phelps and my brother Robert Phelps of Sherborne £30 1 truckle bedstead, with//

a feather bed in it, standing in the Hall Chamber 1 brass pot 1 pair of sheets, 1pillow, 1 kettle, 2 pewter dishes 1 candlestick, 1 pair of the biggest brass Andirons, one leather chair,: Item I give to my cousin Mary Butler of mapperton £5: Item I Give to my Cousin Thomas GOULD the hous ei now dwell in for his life: Item the house now in the possession of John Connery and John Gillett in Pease Lane [Dorchester] which I hold by lease for the life of James and of Thomas Gould I give to Anne Gould and Joane Gould daughters of my brother Thomas Gould during the lease to be equally divided between them, Item my will also is that whereas there is £50 due and owed to me upon bond from one John STROUD late of Rime (if it be recovered) my brother Thomas Gould's 5 children shall have £5 each ; Item £5 more due to me from Mr Stroud I give to my servant Joane Gould : Item I give to my Brother Arthur Gould and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give to Sophia Wyatt and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give toCousin John Phelps and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give to my Brother Thomas Colbourne and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give to james Gould the son of Arthur Gould and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give to Thomas Groze? and his wife each a piece of gold worth 20s : Item I give to the 3 children of James Gould vizt James, Rebeckah and Sarah Gould £3 each. THE REST of my houshold goods I give to my servant Joane Gould: Item I give to James Gould the tools and house in his possession for his life etc etc- Brother Arthur Gould and kinsman John Phelps Executors

Administration of the estate of Daniel ARDEN of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 16 Nov 1671 as Daniel HARDEN. ] 02 Dec 1671 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1671 event record 32 Letter of Adminsitration granted to Mary [Mariam] ARDEN the lawful relict and widow of the deceased Daniel ARDEN late of Dorchester who died intestate dated 2nd December 1671. Also bound with Mary ARDEN are Thomas Delacourt also of Dorchester. Sources: DHC and Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 159 [Note:- This is Daniel ARDEN (1623-1671) gold and silversmith of Dorchester]
Administration 145 of Thomas GOLD of Dorchester George Carew principal creditor granted 22 Dec 1671 22 Dec 1671 Dorset Administrations Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 158: Note:- May have been buried as Thomas GOULD in Holy Trinity church Dorchester 14 Jan 1669
Letter of Administration and oath for the estate of Joane BROWNE of Dorchester Spinster 07 Jan 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 Event Record 28 Granted to her brother Erasmus BROWNE of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis cordwainer [Note:- Could not locate a burial]
Will of Elianor KENNYCOTT, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 18 Jan 1672 PROB 11/338  
Will of Elizabeth ABBOTT, of Dorchester, Dorset Proved April 1673

Will 06 Feb 1672

Probate 20 Apr 1673

DHC AD/DT/W/1673/ Eent Record 16 Note:- Beneficiaries Ann Cole (Sister & executrix) james Cole son of Ellice Cole; William Cole son of Ann Cole; Sassill Whitmore daughter of Ann Cole; Elizabeth Gerard daughter of Ann Cole; Joane Abbott sister in law amage in - No trace of burial
Letter of Administration for the estate of George GILLETT, of Dorchester, [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 20th March 1670/1] 03 April 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1671 Event Record 30 Granted to Mary (Mariam) GILLETT the lawful widow and relict of the deceased also bound with her is John LOVETT a clothworker
Letter od Administration for the estate of George DAW, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church dorchester 12th March 1671/2] 19 Apr 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 event record 32 L/A Granted to John DAW Clothier of Dorchester the lawful son of deceased also bound is John LEVETT Clothier
Will of Richard CHURCHILL, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Richard was the third eldest son of John CHURCHILL (1568-1621) Esq by his wife Eleanor MELLER [MILLER](c1571-1641). He was buried St Peters Church Dorchester 17 Apr 1672 - Widower of Edith Churchill buried 10 Mar 1670/1] Will 3 Aug 1671
Probate 07 May 1672
PROB 11/339 Will Beneficiaries: his 4 children daughter Sarah £400; son Richard all land and freehold of the house he lives in + £100; son John £100 + interest in house in the lower end of East Street Dorchester etc ; son William all the plate in house wherein lives Joseph Gould and all the cloth that belong to my shop and all shop book debts
Letter of Administration granted in respect of the Nuncupative Will (memoranda missing) of Richard FOY, the elder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 3rd Jan 1671/2] LA 24 Jun 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 event record 30 LA granted to Joseph FOY of Shilling Okeford in the County of Dorset a fuller by trade - also bound with him is Thomas STANDISH LA signed by Richard FITZHERBERT
Will of Anne HAYSOME of Dorchester, Dorset 13 Sept 1672 PROB 11/340  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Daniel ARDEN of Dorchester Dorset 08 Nov 1672 OPC PCC Admons Folio 166 Grantee Mary ARDEN Relict
Will of William GILLINGHAM, Shoemaker of Dorchester, Dorset 13 Nov 1672 PROB 11/340 Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 23 Oct 1672
Letter of Administration for the estate of William HASSELBURY, of Dorchester, Dorset 15 Nov 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 Event Record 29 Granted to his principal creditor Arthur GOULD also bound with him is Robert POPE Witnessed by James & Mary GOULD [Note:- William HASELBURY was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11th Nov 1672]
Nuncupative Will of Christopher FFOY, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset. [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 22nd Nov 1692] Dated 19 Jul 1672
L/A 28 Nov 1672
DHC AD/DT/W/1672 event records 9 & 16 Nuncupative will as a memorandum leaing estate to Joane his wife for life then Jane his daughter for life then Thomas his son mentions William Martin his wife Mary and son John Witnesses Thomas Spicer and Robert Corben. LA granted to widow Joane 28th Nov 1692 also bound was Robert CORBEN witnesses James and Arthur GOULD
Letter of Administration for the estate of Gregory WINTER of Dorchester [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 22nd Oct 1672] 02 Dec 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 event record 31 Granted to Thomas WINTER of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis a taylor by trade the lawful father and administrator of all the goods and effects of the deceased : Also bound with him is James GROWTE (Signed GRANTE) of Weymouth a Mariner. [Note:- Mr. Gregory WINTER had a daughter Elizabeth who was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 27th Dec 1670. Shortly thereafter he had another daughter which was also baptised with the name of Elizabeth WINTER at St Peters on 12th January 1670/1. She also died 3 months later on 2nd April 1671. Gregory then had a son Joseph bap at StP on 25th April 1672. The fact that his father was next of kin and still alive suggests that he was quite young. There is a brief mention in the Oxford Alumni of a Gregory WINTER that matriculated at New Inn Hall at Oxford on 21st July 1660 but no other information which may be because of his death here]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Ellis EVERARD of Dorchester {Note:- Probably buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 23rd Nov 1671 as Ellas EVERIT 10 Dec 1672 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 event record 26 Granted to his principal creditor Thomas DELACOURT of Dorchester Gentleman witnessed by William LOCK and John GLOVER
Letter of Administration and oath for the estate of Joseph MITCHELL of Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 20 Dec 1672] 09 Jan 1672/3 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1672 Event Record 27 Granted to Joane MITCHELL widow of Dorchester the lawful relict of deceased also bound Jasper SAMWAYES of Dorchester Dorset; witnessses Samuel & Margaret REYNER
Will of Marey [Mary] FLOOKE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 11th Dec 1672] Dated 09 Sep 1664
Proved 14 Jan 1672/3
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1672 event record 17 Extensive Will: Clearly one of the many supporters in Dorchester of the ejected Ministers See 'Fire from Heaven' by David underdown Page 243: Left bequests to Rev. William BEN [BENN] , Rev. Josiah [Joshua?] CHURCHILL and Rev SWAFFALL [SWAFFIELD] Also:- Kinswoman Margaret FLOOD the wife of Francis FLOOD of Sheborne; Margaret GEWFFEREYS [JEFFEERIES] late of Sherborne deceased her 5 children; Sister-in-law Amey CUDDS child; Joane FOY daughter of Christopher FOY of Dorchester and her brother Thomas. Sister BURTT's 2 daughters and sons Roger & Charles; Hamlett CUNDETT of Fordington his son; Christopher PARKES of Fordington ; Roger TURNER of Dorchester; William STOUD a glover of Weymouth; Cousin William NORRINGTON of Dorchester ; Sister FOYS daughter; Poor of Holy Trinity; Friends Arthur GOULD; George BARTLETT of Dorchesters made Oversseers witnessed by Arthur Gould Alies [Alice] and John Chipp.: NOTE:- Codicil dated 2nd Dec 1672 refers to her husband Nicholas FLOOKE's will
Will of James PALFRY, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 04 Feb 1673 PROB 11/341 See FFH Page 243: Buried St Peters Dorchester 31 Jan 1672
Will of William POLDEN [POULDEN] , Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 20th Feb 1673/4] dated 24 Sep 167?
Proved 17 Feb1673
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1673 event record 20 Will: To be buried in the tomb by the side of my deceased wife; bequests daughter Martha POLDEN; son John POLDEN ; daughter Mary GOLLOP wife of Maximillian GOLLOP (also 1 of 3 son-in-laws made overseer of his Will) ; daughter Elizabet CLARKE wife of John CLARKE (overseer) Grandson Thomas YOUNG son of son-in-klaw Thomas YOUNG (overseer) ; kinsman Thomas SPICER; son William bequeathed tenement at Fittleford Dorset? witnesses Thomas SPICER and Mary DAMMER
Will of Margarett TERRY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 12 May 1673 PROB 11/342 Buried Holy Trinity 2 May 1673. FFH pages 242 & 250 widow of Josiah left £4 to the poor & to Hammond etc
letter of Administration for the estate of John STROUD [STROUDE] of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11th July 1672] 03 July 1673 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1673 event record 14 Granted to Susana STROUD the lawful widow and relict and administratrix of the estate of John STROUD late of Dorchester deceased - also bound with her is Henry HARBIN a tobacco pipe make of Dorchester
Administration 89, Philip TAYLOR of Dorchester to Samuel Mellish guardian of Elizabeth TAYLOR daughter 17 July 1673 Dorset Administrations Folio 89 Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 161
Will of Simon EYRE of Dorchester, Dorset 19 Aug 1673 PROB 11/342 Buried St Peters Dorchester [EYRIES] 21 Nov 1672 See transcription of his will and comments about him under Dorchester Trade Tokens
Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert BURT of Dorchester [Note Robert BURT was buried at St Peters church in Dorchester on 14th Sep 1669] 27 Apr 1673 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1674 Event Record 19 Image on LA granted to Elizabeth BURT the relict and Administratrix of his estate: Bound with her was John LEWETT of Dorchester cloth worker
Will of Richard POOLE of Dorchester [Could not locate a burial] dated 14 May 1673 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1673 Event Record 18 Beneficiaries:- John & Anne son and daughter of Bartholomew HOARE; Samuel MARTIN; Anne PARSONS; Mary STRONG; Rest to Bartholomew HOARE; witnesses William Moses? ; Francis Bayly; Robert Rasker
Letter of Administration for the estate of Hugh EATON [EATTEN] of Dorchester [Note buried at All Saints church in Dorchester on 30th Nov 1673] 18 Dec 1673 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1673 Event Record 13 Image on LA granted to Margaret EATON the relict and Administratrix of his estate: Bound with her was Thomas BARTLETT of Dorchester taylor [Note:- Thomas Bartlett not so far associated with other members of the Bartlett family. nearest is Thomas Bartlett that married Elizabeth PITT 9th Sep 1663 at Charminster and settled in All Saints Parish Dorchester . Up to now thought Thomas died 1672 buried at FStG had a son Thomas but only born 1664 so too young. ]
Memorandum for the nuncupative Will of Elizabeth GEORGE late of Dorchester in Dorset Spinster [Note buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 1st Nov 1672] Dated 20 Oct 1673
Proved 17 Apr 1673
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1673 Event Record 19 Image on Will: Robert GEORGE her father; Joane GEORGE her sister; Witnesses to memoranda Lydon SNOOK and Joane GEORGE
Administration 80, Thomas SNOOKE of Dorchester to Lydia relict granted 20 June 1674 [NOTE:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 19 May 1674] 20 Jun 1674 OPC Dorset Admons Folio 80 Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 162 [Note:- His estate was left un-administered by his widow Lydia SNOOKE See L/A's granted to their daughter Lydia on 3rd Aug 1689 after the death of her mother the relict of Thomas]
Will (damaged) of George CLEEVER [CLEAVER] of Dorchester [Note:- George CLEAVER was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 28th september 1674 22 Sep 1674 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1674 Event Records 21 & 22 Images available on Will: body to be buried at Holy Trinity; rest disposed of by advice of overseers of will Phillip STANSBIE and William LOCK both of Dorchester: Witnessses Martha underwood Anna Frencham and Gregory Lamoel
Administration 153 Sarah COLE Spinster of Dorchester to Mary MERTON widow sister granted 23 Oct 1674 23 Oct 1674 OPC PCC 18 Dorset Administrations Folio 153 Mary MERTON , widow, sister Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 162
Nuncupative Will and Letter of Administration for the estate of Marie [Mary] CORBIN Widow of Dorchester to Robert CORBIN granted 30 Oct 1674 [Note:- Mary CORBIN was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 6th Aug 1674] Will 06 Jul 1674
L/A 30 Oct 1674
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1674 E/R

Nuncupative Will:- MEMORANDUM: that on or upon the 6th day of July in the year of our Lord God 1674 Mary CORBIN late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset widow being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, and having an intentto settle her estate, made and declared her last Will and Testament Nuncupative or by word of mouth in the manor and form following Impremis She gave and bequeathed unto Ralph CORBIN her son the sum of £5; to her son George CORBIN she gave also £10 And to her Son-in-Law Ralph ADAMS she likewise gave the sum of £4; And her Will further was that her son Ralph CORBIN should have after her decease a pair of new holland sheets and an Harris? cowshed, to Ralph ADAMS she also gave a pair of canitas? sheets and all the rest of her goods of what nature or kind soever not formerly by her given and bequeathed she gave and bequeathed to be equally divided amongst all her children. All with words or the like in effect she uttered and spoke in the presence and hearing of reliable witnesses

Signed Robert COSSENS; Robert CORBIN fils [might mean son of] probate granted 30th day of October 1674

Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary CLARKE als HODDER of Dorchester 21 Mar 1675 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1675 Event Record 22 Image on Bound: William CLARKE of Dorchester a barber by trade natural son and administrator of her estate also bound William LOCK of Dorchester

[Note:- Mary CLARKE married George HODDER in the nearby parish of Stinsford on 5th Jan 1663/4. They settled in All Saints Parish where they had 2 children baptised : Mary Hodder bap 19th Oct 1664 (buried HT 31st July 1668) and Elizabeth bap All Sts 24th May 1666 (buried HT 21st July 1674). Mary & George made guardians for the 3 children of Thomas Churchill on 28th April 1668 but Mary died and was also buried at Holy Trinity on 6th Aug 1668]
Nuncupative Will of William SOLWEY Husbandsman , of St Peters Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at St peters Church Dorchester 13 Apr 1675] Dated 10 Apr 1675
Proved 15 Apr 1675
DHC 1675 event record 23 Nuncupative Will refers to his father and mother and a child of his none named: also wife jane executrix ; Brothers John, Christopher & Humphrey. Witnesses John & Elizabeth LOVETTT
Nuncupative Will of Thomas MEADER, Millwright of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Widower of Jane MEADER who was buried at HT on 4th Sep 1670, Thomas was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 19 Apr 1675. Father of Thomas MEADER Senior who had married Jane FOOK at HT 26th Nov 1667; and William buried HT 13th Oct 1654; and John MEADER born on 29th Sep and baptised 16th Nov 1656 at HT. He was the main beneficiary under this will.]
Nuncupative Will
Dated 15 May 1675
PROB 11/347 MEMORANDUM: That on or about the 1st day of the month of July AD 1674 Thomas MEADER the elder of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Millwright being then sick and weak in body but in his perfect mind and memory and understanding and having a mind to make and declare his will and to settle and discharge his estate did for James MANIELL and John SNOOKE both of Dorchester aforesaid his neighbours to come unto him who being come the said Thomas MEADER declared unto them that he was very ill and did not know how long it might please god to he should live And then in the presence and hearing of them the said James MANIELL and John SNOOKE declared his will and mind to be as followeth. Vizt:- As for my son Thomas I have done well enough for him already and therefore I give unto him the sum of 5 shillings and no more and unto the children of my said son Thomas I give 12 pence a piece and no more. I give unto my Apprentice Thomas Bridden the bed bedstead and bedding whereon he now lies and all other things thereto belonging And one of my suites of apparel I give to my sister Anne BRIDDEN some of my wife's wearing apparel and I give to my sister in law Jane HOBBS one pair of sheets. All the rest and residue of all and singular my goods chattels and debts whatsoever and wheresoever I give and will and bequeath unto my son John MEADER and I nominate and appoint him the sole executor of this may last will Testament All which words or words to the same effect and substance the said Thomas MEADER the elder uttered and declared with an intent and purpose that the same should stand for and be taken as his last will and testament in the presence and hearing of credible witnesses then present he being of perfect mind memory and understanding James Maniel and John Snook:
Probate Granted at London of his nuncupative will 15th day of May Anno Domini 1675 Administration of the estate granted to John Meader executor
Will of Thomas EVERED, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset 27 May 1675 PROB 11/347 Buried Holy Trinity 6 Apr 1675
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizaberth COOKE Alias MILLER of Dorchester 29 July 1675 OPC PCC Admons Folio 85 Grantee John MILLER, son - Matthew MILLER, husband dying before accepting administration
Will of William FEACY, Otherwise SCOLLER of Dorchester, Dorset L/A Dated 19 Apr 1675
Proved 03 Oct 1675
DHC 1675 event record 25 See Transcription of his will
Nuncupative Will of George FREKE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset and Letter of administration granted to his executor Thomas COOPER [Note:- could not locate a burial] Dated 18 Nov 1674
Proved 25 Oct 1675
DHC 1675 event record 24 Nuncupative Will Appoints Thomas COOPER gentleman as Executor Bound in LA with Thomas COOPER is Bartholomew HOARE [HORE] Innholder of Dorchester and John DOE of Dorchester Yeoman (who has not signed the LA?) Witnesses Richard Wine and William Churchill
Nuncupative Will of Johes [John] CHURCHILL of Dorchester [Dorset]
[Note:- Not so far located a burial or ancestry?]
dated End of Sep 1675
Proved 9 Dec 1675
PROB 11//349 Mr. Johes CHURCHILL late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset but living in the parish of St Gregories London and being in the company of his kinsman John MILLER of Doctors Comons declared to his said cousin MILLER and said Cousin Kacke "I find myself very much decayed in my body and am very ill and believe I shall not live long, therefore I give you all when I die -- make you executor --If I die in London let Mr DORRELL make my coffrin and give him £5 which I have always promised him" All which words or weords to the same effect the said deceased declared with an intent and purpose that the same should stand for and be his Last Will and Testament if he should not otherwise hereafter make his will in writinghe being in his perfect mind memory and understandingin the presenceand hearing of credible witnesses thyen present Signed George KEYNE and Elizabeth BOSTOCKE
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John GOULD Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] 16 Nov 1675 OPC PCC Admons Folio 139 Grantee Nicholas GOULD, brother - James GOULD, father, renouncing
Letter of administration for the estate of Nicholas PURCHASE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church on 18th November 1675] 03 Dec 1675 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1675/21 Link to transcription of Letter of Administration granted to his natural and lawful son Joseph PURCHASE distiller of Dorchester
Engrossed Inventories John SEWARD of Dorchester Gentleman 20 Mar 1676 PROB 4/21435 National Archives PROB 4 PCC and other Probate Jurisdictions Engrossed Inventories not other Information in index and not digitised Apr 2021
Will of John FOOKE, Butcher of Dorchester, Dorset 02 May 1676 PROB 11/350 Buried Holy Trinity 1 Feb 1675
Will of Joane DASHWOOD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 10 May 1676 PROB 11/350

Buried Holy Trinity 24 Mar 1675

Will Relict of Edward DASHWOOD of Dorchester merchant deceased. To be buried under her seat where she usually sat in church of Holy Trinity: To grandson Edward HYATT son of John £120: To be paid out of £300 left by husband in his will from lands at Brockhampton in parish of Buckland Newton:: Bequests to grandson George Nelson, Joane & Ann Hyatt grandaughters and Edward grandson; Thomas son of Zachary Nelson; grandaughter Mary Nelson dau Zachary; Sarah wife of Charles Stoodly; John, Nathaniel; Thomas Nelson ; Samuel Nelson; Great grandson Charles Stoodley; I give to Sarah Christopher and Timothy Stoodley children of etc etc ---another 2 pages ----

Will of James GOULD Esquire of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 20th Oct 1675
Proved 10 May 1676
PROB 11/350 Will Beneficiaries: 3 churches in Dorchester 40s each; 20s to poor of Midlestreet Spetisbury; 20s each to parishes of Staunton Caundle; Fordington & West Stafford ; 30s to poor of Parish of Henstridge in Somerset; 2s each to every Almsperson in Borough Dorchester; unto six handycraft tradesmen of each of 3 parishes in Dorchester 22s; Unto son James best bible; guilt salt that was my fathers; and a piece of two and twenty shillings in gold which was preserved out of the great fire in Dorchester and was touched with the same fire [ This referred to by David Underdown in his book fire from heaven page 5] and one of my silver flaggons; To son George £1050 ; To son Nathaniel £1050; to son Nicholas £1,000 ; son William £1,000 ; £8 yearly to sons Nathaniel, Nicholas and William paid out of lands in Fotrdington; To daughter Elizabeth wife of Peter Bake merchant £20 to buy a piece of plate; REST to Son James also executor: Overseers nephews John GOULD of Upway Elaine and William GOULD of Broadway
Buried St Peters Dorchester 15 Feb 1675
Joane Allin [Allen} of Dorchester widow the relict and lawful administrix of the estate of Charles ALLIN [ALLEN] late of Dorchester was granted Letters of Administration on 2nd June 1676 02 Jun 1676 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1676; Event Record Number: 22. Image Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 21st May 1676 Image on [Note:- See comments about this family via this link]
Will of Robert POLDEN, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 09 June 1676 PROB 11/351 Buried Holy Trinity 9 May 1676
Sentence of Elizabeth DAWBENEY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 13 June 1676 PROB 11/351 See 16th June below
Will of Elizabeth DAWBENEY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 16 June 1676 PROB 11/351 See 13th June above
Nuncupative Will of Judeth GUY, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 14 Jun 1676] Dated 09 Jun 1676
Proved 21 Jun 1676
DHC 1676 event record 10 Nuncupative Will Beneficiaries her brothers Nicholas and Thomas GUY; Rest to friend and executrix Mary GAPPER witnessed by sarah BEDFORD and Magdalen GRINDHAM : [ALSO See Letter of Administration granted 1st jan 1676/7 below]
Will of Walter FOY, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 07 July 1676 PROB 11/351 Buried Holy Trinity 18 May 1676
Letter of Administration for the Nuncupative Will ( memorandum, oath and will separated in registry) of Judeth GUY (Spinster) late of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Judeth was buried at All Saints Church dorchester on 14th June 1676 as Judeth GIE]

Will 09 June 1676

Proved 21 Jun 1676

L/A 01 Jan 1676/7

DHC L/A Ref=
Ad/Dt/A/1676 event record 20

Will= 1676/ event record 10 (Ancestry wrongly dated as 1670)

Part Quote from L/A :- The Condition of this obligation is that whereas Judeth GUY late of ye pish (parish) of Holy Trinity in Dorchester aforesaid made and declared her last will and testament nuncupative or by word of mouth and therein nominated and appointed Mary GAPPER above bound to be her executrix who has proved the said will (see 21 June 1676 above) and taken upon----

Memorandum: that on or about the ninth day of June in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seventy six Judeth GUY late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset spinster being of perfect sense and memory made and declared this her last will and testament nuncupative or by word of mouth in manner and form following First she willed that Nicholas GUY her brother ---brother Thomas GUY--- Rest to loving friend Mary GAPPER also nominated as executrix - signed Sarah BEDFORD; the mark of Magdalen GRINDHAM --Proved 21st day June 1676

Inventory of the goods and chattles of William CHURCHILL, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset 08 Jan 1677/8 DHC Inventories 1664-1684 Event Record 26 Inventory taken by William PITT and Edward JONES 8th Jan 1677 [Note Mr William CHURCHILL was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 14th Nov 1677]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of John CLARKE, of Dorchester, Dorset 01 Feb 1677 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1677 Event Record 19 Bound: Frances CLARKE relict + Wm LOCK
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary DERBY [DARBY] , of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Possibly buried st St Peters church Dorchester 24 Apr 1668?] 11 Feb 1677/8 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1677 event record 17 Granted to Elizabeth WAKELY alias DERBY the natural daughter of Mary DERBY late of Dorchester and now wife of the bound Robert WAKELY of Holditch Dorset also bound Joseph WAKELY of Holditch Witnesses Christopher Sherire Robert Wilking
Letter of Administration for the estate of James GAME, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- James GAME died intestate and was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 6th May 1667] 15 Feb 1677 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1677 event record 18 Image on Letter of Administration granted to Alice GAME also STAYNER now wife of George STAYNER late ye relict of James GAME administrix of James GAME of Dorchester who died intestate. Bound are George STAYNER of Lydlinch Dorset and John STYCKLEY [STICKLEY] of Fishhead Neville [Note:- James GAME died intestate in 1667 but it appears that it was only necessary to get a Letter of Administration for his estate much later when his widow Alice wanted to remarry. The most likely reason for this would be that she needed to sell the property she was left by her husband and then living in but I have not located any other records relating to this. George STAYNER however was previously married and his 1st wife Frances died and was buried at Lydlinch on 12th June 1674. I have not so far located his 2nd marriage to the widow Alice GAME of Dorchester (presumably between 1674 and 1677) but Alice the wife of George STAYNER is also buried at Lydlinch on 18th Feb 1680]
Will of Josiah WIER, Haberdasher of Dorchester, Dorset 06 March 1677 PROB 11/353 Buried Holy Trinity 21 Feb 1676
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth MOREY also WILLS, late of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 17 Jul 1677] 19 July 1677 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1677 event record 23 James MANTELL named executrix in Nuncupatice Will (not attached) who has renounced his right (also not attached) : bound on the Letter of Administration are Nathaniel ROBERTS of Weymouth & Melcombe Regis and Richard DOWLE of Dorchester
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert NAPPER of Dorchester [Dorset] 29 Oct 1677 OPC PCC Admons Folio 125 Grantee Grace LACY Daughter
Letter of Administration for the Estate of James FFLEWELLEN of Dorchester by his relict Mary [Mariam] Fflewellen and Alexander Byles of Dorchester on 16th April 1678 16 April 1678

Ad/Dt/A/1678; Event Record Number: 19.

Buried All Saints parish 21 Jan 1677/78
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas CHURCHILL Gentleman of Dorchester Dorset 06 May 1678 OPC PCC Admons Folio60 Grantee Mary, wife of John WING, daughter (former grant Apr 1668)
Will of Arthur GOULD of Dorchester, Dorset 27 June 1678 PROB 11/357 Buried Holy Trinity 13 Jun 1678
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas MUNDEN of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Could not trace a burial] 03 Sep 1678 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1678 event record 20 Granted to William MUNDEN of Dorchester a taylor by trade the lawful father of the deceased - also bound is Christopher BUTT of Blandford Forum Dorset
Will of Thomas POOLE, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 08 May 1679 PROB 11/359 Buried St Peters Dorchester 4 Nov 1678
Will of John WADE, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset 03 July 1679 PROB 11/360 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 21 Feb 1678/9 . FFH page 250 left £25 to the poor and £5 to the free school.
Will of Robert WALLIS, Chirurgeon now belonging to His Majesty's Ship Defiance of Dorchester, Dorset 04 July 1679 PROB 11/360  
Letter of Administration for the esatate of Robert GEORGE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 12th Dec 1679] 29 Jan 1679/80 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1679 event record 20 LA granted to John GEORGE a cloth worker of Dorchester his natural son also bound was Robert CORBIN of Dorchester baker
Will of Elizabeth LONG, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 12 January 1680 PROB 11/362 Buried St Peters Dorchester 10 Apr 1678
Will of Denzell Lord HOLLES Baron of Ifield 27 February 1680 PROB 11/362 Buried St Peters Church aged of 82 on 17 Feb 1679 - Marble monument. Also mentioned by Hutchins as a benefactor who left money for the maintenance of Chubb's almshouses (page370) Denzil Lord HOLLIS (1598-1680)
Will of Anne EDWARDS Spinster of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 22nd Oct 1680] Dated 17 Sep 1680
proved 19 Nov 1680
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1678 event record 5 NOTE:- She seems to refer to everybody as a Cousin often meaning nephews and neices: Cousin John EDWARDS my eldest brothers son; Cousin Joane CARPENTER my brother William daughter ; Mr Williams boy; Mr Joshua CHURCHILL of Dorchester; Friend Henry BUSHROD; Widow GREEN of Dorchester; Elizabeth my cousin Richard ----: Sister Joane ; James COLLIND daughter my grandaughter; Cousins Dorothy & Anne RIGHTON Cousin Lawrence RIGHTION Witnesses Henry BUSHROD, Dorothy RIGHTON, Abrham TEMPLEMAN
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Edward JONES of Dorchester [Dorset] 19 Nov 1680 OPC PCC Admons Folio 164 Grantee Priscilla JONES Relict (further grant May 1705)
Will of Samuell PERRIN [or PERIN] , Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 1 Nov 1680

07 January 1681

PROB 11/365 Buried Holy Trinity 12 Nov 1680 Bequests of property - Relict Elizabeth daughters Mary and Elizabeth
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth DEVENISH Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 03 February 1681 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1681-41 See Letter of Administration transcribed via this link granting administration to her daughter Elizabeth. Bound with her was Stephen CLARK of Dorchester an upholsterer by trade. Witness richard Fitzherbert
Letter of Administration for the estate of Peter STANDISH Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 09 Dec 1680 his wife Margery was buried 15 Oct 1673] 16 Mar 1681 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1681 event record 39 Granted to Alice STANDISH spinster the lawful sister & administratrix of all the goods etc of Peter STANDISH of Dorchester victualler deceased and during the nonage or minority of Peter STANDISH; James STANDISH and Sarah STANDISH the children of the deceased. Also bound with her is Nicholas SLADE of Dorchester a cloth worker and Moses SLADE of Fordington [Note:- See Strays Index for Dorchester for the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas Dorset 22nd Nov 1666 and more information on his children]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Margaret GAILERD [or GAYLARD] , of Dorchester, Dorset 18 Apr 1681 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1681 event record 43 Granted to her brother John GAILERD (Sic) Francis GAILERD :Bound with him is John GAILERD : [Both Signed GAYLARD] [Note:- Margaret GAYLARD was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on the same day i.e. 18th April 1681 ]
Will of Henry BISTLAND [or BESTLAND], Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 29 June 1681 PROB 11/366 FFH Left £36 for six parishes inc 3 in Dorchester. Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 20 Sep 1680
Will of Patience HAYTER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 20 September 1681 PROB 11/367  
Letter of Administration granted 3rd Feb 1681/2 [34th year of the reign of Charles II] to Elizabeth the natural & lawful daughter of Elizabeth DEVENISH late of Dorchester widow who died intestate 03 Feb 1681/2 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1681; Event Record Number: 41. Possible burial at Fordington for 26th Dec 1680 - Image available
Will of John CHURCHILL, of Steeple, Dorset
Died 25th buried 28th May 1682 Steeple
Dated 8 Aug 1681
Proved 12 July 1682
PROB 11/370 Rev. John CHURCHILL (1603-1682) Will: To poor of my parish 40s; to grandson John Scovile £50 and my study of books; rest to grandaughter Elizabeth also made sole executrix but as the said Elizabeth Scovile is yet so young as not to be able to exercise executorship by herself I further nominate my cozin William Churchill the younger and cozin John Pitman Mr Simon Orthatt & Mr William Talbotth to be executors in trust (at 18 or day of marriage or if she die to her brother John, then their mother his daughter, then cozin Richard Churchill's son) 86th [Aug] 1681

Will of Joseph SEWARD [SEAWARD] , Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried All Saints 3rd Feb 1681 He was governor of the Co of Freemen 1657 and is mentioned in the will of Edward Dashwood 1667.]

Dated 29 Jan 1681/2

18 October 1682
PROB 11/371 Will: My body to be buried in Christian burial with my relations in the Parish of All Saints Item I give to Mary my wife the revertion of my annuity out of Downlands in the parish of Axmouth in Devon and my now dwelling house with my house in back lane and the garden for the term of her life - more I give unto my said wife All my household goods linen and plate Item All the rest of my goods merchandise and debts whatsoever that are due to me I give unto my son Thomas SEWARD for the paying of all my debts and funeral charges and the overplus (if any) to be equally divided between my son John SEWARD and my daughter Anne SEWARD and do hereby make my son Thomas SEAWARD my sole executor of this my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seaL Witnesses Judith FOY (her mark) Jonathan Ledose Richard Foy Peter Ffluellen Anne Cline (her mark) Elizabeth Senior
Letter of Administration for the estate of John BURBIDGE of Dorchester, Dorset 03 Oct 1682 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1682 Event Record 13 Image Granted to Relict Elizabeth BURBIDGE widow also bound was Richard EMBRIS of Blandford Innholder [Note:- John BURBIDGE Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 19th Aug 1681]
Will of Benjamin GOULD, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- NBI Buried St Peters Dorchester 29 Mar 1682}
Wioll not dated:
Proved 20 Oct 1682
PROB 11/371 Will: Loving wife Blanch & cousin James GOULD of Stafford Clerk sell my personel estate paying my debts and legacies : I leave to my wife my house in which i now live and was in the possession of William GLISSON Clerk for term of fifty years: Then to cousin James GOULD for rest of tenure unexpired. Also to cousin James GOULD house in Dorset now in possession of William GLISSON Clerk with outhouse orchard and gardens paying yearly rent to his wife + also his house in possession of Robert BUNN grocer, paying half rent to wife; Wife and cousin Executers.
Administration granted to Judith FFOY of Dorchester Relict and Administratrix of Richard FFOY late of Dorchester intestate deceased 7th day of Nov 1682 07 November 1682 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1682; Event Record Number: 14. Richard FOY was the Parish Clerk of All Saints Church Dorchester and was buried there on 26th June 1682. Follow link for his marriage and children. Bound with her in the LA is Thomas BRIMSMEADE of Blandford Innholder
Letter of Administration for the estate of William HARRIS [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 24th Sep 1682] 20 Nov 1682 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1681 Event Record 42 Granted to his principal creditor John OLDIS also bound William HAYWARD [Note:- The image of this Letter of Administration has been incorrectly recorded on ancestry under the name Millia HARRIS. Although the Christiam name is not clear on the original document it actually states 'Willia' with the raised tail of the final letter 'a' indicating an omitted letter so should be 'William'. The first Capital Letter is poorly written but on the reverse of the documents the clerk always recorded an abbreviated form of the name for filing purposes and he has written 'Dorch - Harris Wm' a further indication that the correct Christian name is William. Finally there is no record of a 'Millia' ever being in Dorchester but parish records for All Saints in Dorchester show the burial of a William HARRIS there on 24th Sep 1682 which is in keeping with the issue of a La to his principal creditor
Letter of Administration for the estate of John CROAD [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Dorchester 6th March 1682/3] 15 Apr 1683 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1683 Event Record 17 Granted to his principal creditor James GOULD also bound George GOULD - Annexed will?
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Frances BINGHAM of Dorchester [Dorset] 25 Sep 1683 OPC PCC Admons Folio 129 Grantee Penelope, wife of John MICHELL, armiger, sister
Letter of Administration grated for the estate of Richard ATKINS, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note 2 versions of this LA images] 24 Sep 1683 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1683 event record 16 L/Admin granted to his lawful son Thomas ATKINS. Richard ATKINS magistrate Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 21 Aug 1683. He was operating as an apothecary in Dorchester prior to 1659 as he took on an apprentice Simon Eyre the son of a Yeoman Robert Eyre of Osmington on 16th May 1659 and this is recorded in the Municipal Records of Dorchester as was his election as a Capital Burgess of Dorchester on 29th Sep 1676. There are 2 earlier baptisms for children of his (1) Aron Atkins bap St Peters 29th April 1655 and (2) Mary bap St Peters 11th April 1658. The parish registers have only survived for St Peters from 1653 so he was probably resident in the town prior to that date as 2 other children of his were buried in the parish, an earlier Mary Atkins buried 13th July 1657 and Anne buried 24th Nov 1677 who had presumably remained a spinster.
Will of Alice DASHWOOD, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 01 February 1684 PROB 11/375 NBI Buried St Peters Dorchester 21 Jan 1683
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mrs Francis BINGHAM spinster of Dorchester, Dorset Granted
29 January 1684/5
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1684 Event Record 37 Document badly damaged but most readable image

Summary:- Mr John MICHEL of Kingston RUSSELL the Brother-in-Law of Mrs Frances BINGHAM late of Dorchester Spinster died intestate and Mr William MEECH of Longbredy yeoman

which are or shall be administered by Mrs Grace SKINNER otherwise BINGHAM the sister and administrtrix of the estate of Frances BINGHAM whereas during the nonage and minority of Mr John, Michel; Frances Michel; Penelope Michel; Joana Michel and Martha Michel sons and daughter of -----missing part of document. could not trace a burial

Letter of Administration for the estate of Margaret SAMWAIE [SAMWAY or SAMWAYS or SAMWAIES], late whilst she lived of Dorchester, Dorset. [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 18 Mar 1682/3] 23 Apr 1684 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1684 Event Record 35 LA granted to Margaret PRIME of Wimborne Dorset spinster lawful daughter of the deceased, also bound is William Hayward of Dorchester Ironmonger To administer her estate that is to say pay the debts that Margaret SAMWAIE owed at her death and the legacies bequeathed in her will and testament attached (not actually attached to image?)
Letter of Administration for the estate of John BRYNE [BRINE], of Dorchester, Dorset 09 Apr 1684 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1684 Event Record 36 Granted to his Relict Elizabeth BRYNE widow also bound with her was Robert BELBIN of Dorchester cordwainer and William HOWLETT of the same place cordwainer [Note:- Could only locate a burial of a John Brine at Holy Trinity 13 Dec 1693? but the 8 of 1684 is clear on the L/A]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John MITCHELL, of Dorchester, Dorset [Could not trace a burial] 10 Jun 1684 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1684 Event Record 33 Granted to his John MITCHELL his son of Dorchester a stone cutter also bound was Obadiah HENSLEIGE witness Richard Fitzherbert
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas GAME, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 27th July 1683] 24 Jul 1684 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1684 Event Record 34 Granted to Simon GAME blacksmith of Dorchester also bound with him is Thomas CLERKE of Dorchester a butcher
Letter of Administration for the estate of Henry HUTCHENS, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- St Peters Church Dorchester 04 Jan 1684/5] 04 May 1685 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1685 event record 28 Granted to his natuaral and lawful daughter Hope HUTCHENS spinster of Dorchester; also bound with her was John LOVET of Dorchester a clothworker witness Richard Fitzherbert
Letter of Administration for the estate of George HILLARD, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 20 Mar 1684/5] 30 Sep 1685 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1685 event record 29 Granted to Elizabeth HILLARD relict widow of deceased also bound with her is John LOVETT of Dorchester Witness Richard Fitzherbert (he was the surrogate)
Will of Joseph GIGGER, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 27th Feb 1680
Proved 14 Feb 1685
PROB 11/382 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Will Elder son George Gigger 20s when 21; Second son Joseph Gigger £100 when 21; Youngest son Jophn Gigger £100 when 21; All Rest to his 3 sons who are made joint executors; Brother george Gigger of Wareham a mercer and brother Morgan Devenish of Charminster Yeoman to be overseers
Will of Humphrey LARDER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 04 March 1686 PROB 11/382 Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 25 Nov 1685
Will of Anne BISHOPP, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 08 March 1686 PROB 11/382  
Will of Martha BUTLER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset and an Inventory of her goods [Note:- Margery BUTLER was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 9th April 1686 Will 03 Apr 1686
Inventory 7 Apr 1686
DHC Bc/W/B Event Record 257 and Bc/I/B Event Record 267 Will - being aged -- Beneficiaries :- daughters Martha BRIDLE and Margery GROONE Granddaughters Ann, and Sarah SHERRING and Martha OSMUND. Witnesses George MABER, John and Francis GAYLARD and Elizabeth STENTE
Will of Richard LONG a draper of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 21 May 1686] Dated 18 May 1686
Proved 21 Jun 1686
Ad/Dt/W/1685-86 event record 15 Beneficiaries John LONG of London his father 40s pa rest of life so sounds infirm; sisters Mary, Sarah and Elizabeth LONG; Damaris wife of Mathias MELLEDGE of Shoreditch London & Ester wife of [blank] MANE; Rest to Brother John LONG witnessed Elizabeth Blyes; Jean Pagern and Robert Parker
Will of Samuel WILLIAMS grocer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at All saints Church Dorchester on 12 Nov 1686 ] Dated 07 Aug 1686
Proved 24 Nov 1686
DHC Will Ad/Dt/W/1685-86 E/R 16 LA Ad/Dt/A/1686 E/R 17 Beneficiaries Daughter Sarah; 5 other children Samuel, John, Mark, Mary and Elizabeth WILLIAMS; wife Mary WILLIAMS witnesses Elizabeth Cox; John Read and Thomas Cooper : edawrd Dashwood and Edward LESTER both also endorsed a Letter of Administration granted to Mary tom administer his estate 24 Nov 1686
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas KNAPTON of Dorchester [Dorset] 08 Feb 1686/7 OPC PCC Admons Folio 28 Grantee Thomas KNAPTON Son {Note:-LA for Thomas KNAPTON (1662-1725) ]
Will of Dame Anne SAVAGE Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [I have not been able to trace any suitable burial or baptism for Gallen] Dated 17 Mar 1686
Proved 09 May 1687
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1687 event record 12
[See PROB 11/389]
Note:- See PCCC Will for better transcription: She refers to 2 sons - John and Gallen SAVAGE who was in his minority so she appointed trustees Mrs Dorothy Bowyer widow , kinsman James Gould Esq ; friend John Hoskyns Esq and his brother Peter Hoskyns : the savage family seem to have lived in St Peters parish

Will of Elizabeth MELLEDGE Widow [of Dorchester] Dorset

[Note:- Elizabeth MELLEDGE was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 22nd May 1687]

[Note:- Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth MELLEDGE Spinster of Dorchester dated 14th Apr 1694 granted to her sister Martha BARTLETT. This Elizabeth was the daughter for which the rest of her estate was put in trust]

[Note:- Martha MELLEDGE her daughter married Mr.John BARTLETT at St Peters Church on 14th Feb 1655/6]

Dated 16 May 1687
Buried 22 May 1687
Proved 21 Jun 1687

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1687
Event Record 13

PROBATE: at Blandford granted to Mr. John BARTLETT 21st June 1687

WILL:- Main Bequests only:-
To William CHENEY & Richard CHENEY sons of Richard CHENEY (deceased) (being my grandchildren) £10 each to be paid within 3 months
To my grandchildren Nathaniel BARTLETT and Miriam BARTLETT £10 each to be paid within 3 months
    To John BARTLETT son of Nathaniel Bartlett before named £5 when 21 years - to be held by his father
To my daughter Martha BARTLETT £5 to be paid at the time before mentioned [ Note:- I think this refers to the first 2 bequests ie 3 months after her death as Martha married in 1655 32 years ago and therefore probably over 50]
To my daughter Mary BROWNE £5 to be paid at the time before mentioned
To St Peters Parish, where I now live, 40 shillings and 40s to each Holy Trinity and All Saints
To Sarah HAVELAND widow & Joane her daughter 5 shillings each
To Mary BROWNE and Joane BROWNE 5 shillings each
To widow Lydia SNOOKE 1 silver spoon
Ring of gold of 10 shillings to each of those who carry me to the church
To Mr. Samuel REYNER Minister bof this Parish ( when he decides to preach my funeral sermon 40 shillings
To my Son-in-Law Mr John BARTLETT (whom I hereby make my executor) £20
To Mr Samuel REYNER aforementioned , Mr Jacob COOKE, Mr John SYMONDS and William COBB a ring of 20 shillings.
Rest of the Estate :- to Samuel REYNER, Jacob COOKE & John SYMONDS (whom I appoint Overseers of my Will) In TRUST the interest for the benefit of my daughter Elizabeth MELLEDGE for life and after her death to go to her 2 daughters Mary BROWNE and Martha BARTLETT.
Dated 16th day of May 1687)
Letter of Administration for the estate of William HARBIN a tailor of Dorchester, Dorset 30 Jan 1687/8 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1687 event record 16 Bound was his principal creditor Charles DAVY [Signed DAVIE] and Micheall FREEMAN: Witness Robert FORREST; William HORLOCJ Junior;
Will of Phillip STANSBY [Stansbie], Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 10 February 1687/8 PROB 11/386 D/ASH:A/F22   Buried Holy Trinity 22 Nov 1686 - Also see comments under Dorchester Trade Tokens Will held at DHC
Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Hinery [Henr] BUSHROD, of Dorchester, Dorset Died 29th June 1687
27th Apr 1688
DHC Archdeaconry Inventories 1687 event Record 26 [See Inventory of Goods for Hinery [Henry] BUSHROD of Dorchester who departed this life the 29th of June 1687 in the parish of St Peters]
Will of William PITT, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 10 February 1688 PROB 11/390 Buried All Saints 12 May 1687 [Note:- Overseer to the Will of Richard Davidge (died 1667) Merchant of London] Link to Transcription of his Will
Inventory of the goods of William HAYDON, Millwright of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 19 Apr 1688 DHC Arch Dorset Inventories ER 25 Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 9 Feb 1685/6 See Trancription of Inventory
An Inventory of all the goods and chattles of George ABBOT late of Dorchester, tailor deceased taken & appriased by Robert Daw & Jacob Hitchcock 21st July 1688 - Also Letter of Administration issued to Mariam [Mary] Abbott of Dorchester in the County of Dorset vid [vidua i.e. widow], Jacob Hitchcock of Fordington , Sarge Maber & Robert Daw of Bockhampton Yeoman 21st July 1688 21 Jul 1688 DHC Archdeaconry Inventories 1687 event record 7 Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 26 Jun 1688 although Letter of Administration refers to him being of St Peters parish
Will of John ALLEN, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset 18 October 1688 PROB 11/393 Buried St Peters 23 July 1688
Will of Elizabeth LODER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 01 February 1689 PROB 11/394 D/FRA/T198   Buried St Peters Dorchester 2 Oct 1688 Copy of Will at DHC
Letter of Administration for the estate of Henry DOLLING, late of Dorchester gentleman who died intestate [Buried at Worth Matravers 27th Feb 1687/8] 14 Mar 1689 DHC DA/A/1689 event record 23 Also under 1789 event record 23? Granted to James DOLLING of the Isle of Purbeck the natural and lawful brother of Henry DOLLING late of Dorchester intestate gent deceased: Separate oath document to the effect that he left no will and died intestate dated 14th March 1689. Also bound with him was Timothy DOLLING of Dorchester and John TORRINGTON of the same Clothworker
Letter of Administration for the estate of Lydia SNOOKE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Lydia SNOOK widow was buried at Holt Trinity church Dorchester on 05 Mar 1688/9 - her husband Thomas pre-deceased her being buried at HT on 19 May 1674 ] 03 Aug 1689 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1689 event record 21 Granted to Lydia SNOOKE the natural and lawful daughter and administratrix of all and singular the goods credits and chattles of Lydia SNOOKE (illegible word??) late whilst she lived of Dorchester in ye county and archdeaconry of Dorset deceased together with ye last will and testament of the said Lydia SNOOKE deceased annexed --- [Note not attached] Also bound are Ciesley SNOOK and Sarah SNOOK witnessed by Bernard TOUP ; Thomas COOPER; and William HORLOCKE Junior
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas SNOOKE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Thomas SNOOK widow was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 19 May 1674] 03 Aug 1689 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1689 event record 20 Granted to Lydia SNOOKE the natural and lawful daughter and administratrix of all & singular the goods & chattles of Thomas SNOOKE late whilst he lived of Dorchester in the county and archdeaconry of Dorset aforesaid intestate deceased ( unadministered by Lydiah SNOOKE his relict since also deceased) -- Also bound are Ciesley SNOOK and Sarah SNOOK witnessed by Bernard TOUP ; Thomas COOPER; and William HORLOCKE Junior
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas SNOOKE, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Thomas SNOOK was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 13 Jun 1689] 03 Aug 1689 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1689 event record 19 Granted to Lydia SNOOKE the natural and lawful sister and administratrix of all & singular the goods & chattles of Thomas SNOOKE late whilst he lived of Dorchester in the county and archdeaconry of Dorset aforesaid intestate deceased -- Also bound are Ciesley SNOOK and Sarah SNOOK witnessed by Bernard TOUP ; Thomas COOPER; and William HORLOCKE Junior
Will of Anne ROSE, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 12 July 1689 PROB 11/396 Buried Holy Trinity 24 Sep 1688
Letter of Administration for the estate of of William LOCKE, Victualer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- William LOCK the elder was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 20th Sep 1689] 21 February 1689/90 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1689 event record 22 Granted to his Relict and administrtrix Edith LOCKE also bound with her are Peter FLEWELLEN of Dorchester a Cooper by trade; Thomas CLARKE of Dorchester husbandman witnesses Robert Loder Thomas Gosling and Edith Chefell
Will of William TWISSE, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- William TWISSE [also recorded as TWIST] married a Mary shortly before 1653 when parish registers for St Peters Church survive. They had 6 children (1) Jane bap StP 16 Apr 1654 and buried there 29 Oct 1656; (2) William bap StP 31 Aug 1656 who became an upholsterer by trade and member of the Freemen of Dorchester 24 Sep 1702. He married Mary Walbridge of Bridport 28 Jun 1738 and was buried at StP 15th Jan 1747 leaving a Will proved 20 Feb 1748; (3) Mary bap StP 22 Apr 1666 and buried there 28 Oct 1736; (4)Ann bap StP 16 Sep 1667; (5) Walter bap StP 13 Jun 1670 and buried there 10 Feb 1670/1; (6) Matthia [Latin for Martha] bap StP 26 Feb 1671/2. She married to a Mr KING and living in 1748. Mary TWISSE their mother was buried at StP 16 Dec 1673 and William on 20 Dec 1677 ]
Dated 10 Dec 1677

Buried St Peters 20 Dec 1677

Proved 06 Feb 1689
PROB 11/398 Note:- WILL of William TWISSE (d.1677) Magistrate Dated 10 December 1677:
To be buried at St Peters Church Dorchester: Bequests to wife - my best diamond ring and my best piece of gold: Rest in trust for his children: Trustees my brother-in-law John FOY of Melbury Bubb Gent, Edward PERRY of Bradford Abbas Gent, William PITT, and Benjamin GOULD of Dorchester Gent for the benefit and education of his named children William, Mary, Anne and Marttia to inherit aged 21.

Also NOTE: This William Twisse should not be confused with William Twisse (c1580-1646) See Dictionary of National Biography who was another of John White's New College acquaintenances, afterwards chaplain to Elizabeth of Bohemia and in the 1640's Chairman of the Prebyterian Westminster Assembly.

This William Twisse was a wealthy merchant in Dorchester elected Capital Burgess in 1661 (See page 233 of David Underdowns book Fire from Heaven giving background to the period and his election, and following the passing of the Corporation Act in 1661, his removal the following year (page 237). The Minister of St Peters (and Holy Trinity) in 1662 was George Hammond - he was ejected from his post but remained in Dorchester as a dissenting Minister and in 1665 took the oath required in the Five Mile Act. In 1672 Charles II issued his Declaration of of Indulgence allowing nonconformists to worship publically. Hammond was quickly licensed to serve the local Presbyterians and his congregation would meet in the houses of William TWISSE, Jasper Samways and John West. Samways was a member of the Corporation as Twisse had been in 1662 and was to be again in 1674. (pages 241/2)
Will of Martha FOY, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 17 February 1690 PROB 11/398 Buried Holy Tinity 17 Dec 1689
Letter of Administration for the estate of William PANSHEARD [PANCHARD or PANSHARD] , of Dorchester, Dorset 20 Apr 1690 DHC DA/A/1690 event record 29 Granted to John LEVETT Yeoman Brother-in-law and principal creditor of deceased also bound with him is Francis HARBIN Yeoman; Witnessed Thomas Clarke and W Hortock junior [Note:- Could not trace burial]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Benedicta [Bennet?] WAADE [WADE?] late of Dorchester, Dorset [No trace of burial] 29 Apr 1690 DHC DA/A/1690 event record 27 Granted to John HODDER Mercer of Dorchester the natural and lawful son and administrator of the estate of the deceased : also bound is Sarah HODDER (in latin but think it says of the same place i.e. Dorchester - salutam which I think here might mean beneficiary and this may be because she is John HODDERS Sister see her will dated 11 May 1698 and proved 14 Jun 1698 which also refers to John HODDER)
Will of Lawrence SHEPPARD [SHEPHERD] of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- His wife Elizabeth was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 19 Apr 1678 - Lawrence also buried there on 12 Mar 1689/90. Children:- (1)Lawrence bap HT 1st Nov 1649. he married Elizabeth ENSOR of Melcombe 18 July 1699 at Frampton see strays for more info. (2) George bap HT 20th July 1651 he married Avis JEFFERIE 7th Aug 1673 at AS (3) Robert bap HT 25th Dec 1652 (4) John bap HT 24th Jun 1655 buried All saints 25th apr 1686 (5) William may have been born circa 1657 (6) Honur bap HR 14th Aug 1659 she married Enoch FORTISCUE at HT on 28th May 1683. I have not located a Rachel CHILES Dated 14 Dec 1689
Proved 30 Apr 1690
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1690 event record 27

Will: I Lawrence SHEPARD of Dorchester of the parish of the Holy Trinitie Shearman beinge sicke in body but of good & pfect memory doe make this my last Will and testament in manner & form as follows:-

Impremis: I give to my Sonne Lawrence SHEPPARD my Ra?ke and three of sheeres one sheare bord & cotton bord

Item: I give my sonne George SHEPPARD one stocke? of Beer and five shillings in money

Item: I give my sonne Robert one stocke? of beer & five shillings

Item: I give to my sonne Willm SHEPARD one Stocke of beer & five shillings

Item: I give my sonne in law Enock FFORTISCUE one shilling

Item: I give my daughter Rachell CHILES whome I make Executrix of this my last Will & Testament my Dwelling House and farm? and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and with all ? in the house

Whittnes my hand hereunto sett [The mark of Lawre[rest missing] SHEPPARD

24 Decem 1689 John GILBERT; ? BEDFORD Whitnesser

Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard COLE, Dyer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Richard COOL [COLE] buried at St Peters church Dorchester 16th May 1689] 30 Apr 1690 DHC Ad/Dt/A/16920 event record 28 Granted to son Richard COLE also bound with him Hugh CROAD [CRODE] of Dorchester Clothier witnesses Thomas CLARKE and W HORLOCKE junior
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary MAYNARD also DIBBENS, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Mary MAYNARD the wife of John MAYNARD was buried at HoklyTrinity Church Dorchester on 25th May 1690] 30 Apr 1690 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1692 event record 26 Granted to John MAYNARD of Farrington [ Fordington ?] in the County of Dorset worsted comber by trade 30th April 1692 also bound with him was John BARKER of blandford Forum Apothecary

Letters of Administration for the estate of Samuell BRAY, of Dorchester, Dorset.

[He was referred to in the year 1689 as Beadle of Dorchester in the Municipal Records of Dorchester Page 407 - Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 13th Feb 1689/90]

01 May 1690 AD/DT/A/1690 event record 30

Letter of Administration : Know all men by these presents that Susamian BRAY of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow and Johan LOVETT of Dorchester a Clothier are held and firmly bound unto Rev Henry Jones Legal Doctor at Law and Official of ----etc ---Dated 1st May 1690

The condition of this obligation is such that if Susamia BRAY the relict and late wife and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Samuell BRAY late of Dorchester aforesaid deceased do make ---etc

The mark of Susanne [S] Bray - Signature of John LOVETT

Witnesses : G Pashen and Thomas Iveleaf

Letters of Administration Henry DOLLING, of Dorchester, Dorset. [Buried at Worth Matravers 4th Feb 1689/90] 21 June 1690 Dorset History Centre, Ad/Dt/A/1690/31. See transcription of Letters of Administration taken out by his relict and administratrix Alice Dolling
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Charles STOODLEY of Dorchester [Dorset] 26 July 1690 OPC PCC Admons Folio 133 Grantee Sarah STOOPDLEY Relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas NORTHY of Dorchester [Dorset] 11 Aug 1690 OPC PCC Admons Folio 149 Grantee Dorothy NORTHY relict
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph POPLE alias MASTERS,of Owermoigne , Dorset [could not locate a burial] 15 Sep 1690 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1690 Event record 54 Granted to Lawrence RIGHTON principal creditor of Dorchester Ironmonger - also bound is Francis HARBIN of Dorchester gentleman: signed H Horlake Junior and George Clarke
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard LACY,of Dorchester, Dorset 29 Oct 1690 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1690 Event record 26 Granted to Anne LACY also MOSSE ye now wife of Joshua MOSSE of Corfe Castle a taylor and the lawful daughter of Richard LACY late of Dorchester deceased : Also bound Nathaniel SPEARE taylor and Robert BEERE of Corfew Castle a woollen comber witnesses Robert?; Thomas Frampton and John Lanning
Letter of Administration for the estate of William BAUER,of Dorchester, Dorset granted to Susannah Bray 11 December 1690 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1690 Event record 32 Bound : Susannah BRAY lawful daughter and John Levett of Dorchester. Note:- Could not locate a burial
Will of Gilbert WHIFFEN,Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 25th Nov 1689] Dated 02 Nov 1689
Proved 11 Dec 1690
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1690 Event record 26 Will mentions Son Henry WHIFFEN & grandson Melchsedeck COX; wife; daughter Elizabeth HARBIN now wife of John HARBIN; grandson Francis HARBIN; Daughter Hannah COX; dwellings at Southover in the parish of Frampton; dwelling in which his wife lives in Dorchester and dwelling at Hilford Dorset: witnesses Samuel Symes; William Hayward; and Philip Byles
Will of William MITCHELL, Mariner being bound to Sea in Their Majesty's Service of Dorchester, Dorset 20 December 1690 PROB 11/402 Buried Portland St George 26 Mar 1690
Will of Marey [Mary] MARTEN [MARTIN], Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Mary MARTEN buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 25 Feb 1690/1] Dated 02 Feb 1690
proved April 1691
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1691 Event Record 12 Will beneficiaries: Grandchildren Elizabeth FOX; William TUXBURY; Eleanor SPICER; John MICHELL; Robert MICHEL; John SPICER; Elizabeth HAMLIN; Mary HAMLIN; Nicholas HAMLIN; Rest to daughter Elizabeth TUXBURY
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Jane PITT Widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 4 Jun 1691 OPC PCC Admons Folio 96 Grantee Mary wife of George GOULD daughter (further grant May 1713)
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Hugh CRODE of Dorchester [Dorset] 10 Jun 1691 OPC PCC Admons Folio 96 Grantee Mary CRODE relict
Will of Samuel SYMES, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 6th July 1691]
Dated 25 Jun 1691
proved 05 Dec 1691
DHCAd/Dt/W/1691 Event Record 13 Will beneficiaries: Long Will mentiones Sisters Mary SYMES who is left a dwelling in east street within All Saints Parish; sister Sarah WISEMAN; sister Hannah WHIFFEN; bequests to Jane the wife of Benjamin HUETT the elder and their 2 children Samuel & Benjamin; neice Elizabeth STENT the elder to her daughter Elizabeth STENT mention of paying £20 due to John CROOME of Fordington : also premises on south side of West Street in the parish of St Peters also refers to leases etc and names lawrence SHEPPARD; Thomas TRENCHARD Esq and Richard WHITTLE witnessed by John LONG; Moses SNOOK and Robert BUN
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas MEADER of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Dec 1691 OPC PCC Admons Folio 224 Grantee Jane MEADER Relict.

Thomas MEADER Senior (d.1691) husband of Jane (Jenny) MEADER nee FOOK whom he married at HT Church in Dorchester on 26th Nov 1667.
Letter of Administration for the estate of William GAPE,of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 23rd Nov 1691] 01 Jan 1691/2 DHC DA/A/1691 event record 30 Bound : Sarah GAPE the lawful relict of William GAPE also bound with her is Arthur HAVELAND and John LOVETT
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph WILLIAMS,of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 19th Sep 1691] 01 Jan 1691/2 DHC DA/A/1691 event record 31 Bound : John CLAPCOTT grocer the principal creditor also bound is William WILSON Innholder
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph PRIDE,of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 23 Oct 1691 ] 12 Jan 1691/2 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1691 event record 33 Bound : Mary PRIDE Relict and administratrix of the deceased - also bound is Edward PEARSE [PIERCE] of Monkton and John LEVETT of Dorchester a weaver
Letter of Administration for the estate of Benjamin WINDSOR , of Dorchester, Dorset granted to Joseph WINDSOR [Signed WINSER] his lawful brother and administrator of his estate [Note:- Buried Fordington 23rd Dec 1691] 15 Jan 1691/2 DHC Da/A/1691/29 Bound with Joseph WINDSOR (his mark) is John TORRINGTON of Dorchester clothworker (his signature) and Thomas WINDSOR (his mark) Witnesses William Glisson; Jane Smyth and Mary Chip [Alternate spellings WINSOR; WINZER, WINDSER; WINDZER]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William LEVETT of Dorchester [Dorset] but died in the ship "Bristol" 08 Feb 1691/2 OPC PCC Admons Folio 34 Grantee Elizabeth LEVETT Relict
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas FRAMPTON of Dorchester [Dorset] but died in the ship 'Grennwich' 12 Feb 1691/2 OPC PCC Admons folio 33 Grantee Mary FRAMPTON Relict
Nuncupative Will of Machias [Mathias] BRINN, of St Peters parish in Dorchester, Dorset - Letter of Administration granted to relict Jana [Latin abbreviation for Johanna meaning Joan or Jane] BRINN relict 10 March 1692 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1691 Event Record 32 Note:- See Nuncupative Will . The sworn statement by the three witnesses required was not attached to the Letter of Administration. Bound by Letter of Administration:- Joane BRINN relict with John LEVETT and Robert HORT [Note:- Joan BRINE may have died and been buried at HT 20 Sep 1693]

Will of John SYMONDS, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 22 Feb 1691: Also mentioned by Hutchins as a benefactor who left money for the maintenance of Chubb's almshouses (page 370) ]

Dated 5th Jan 1691

Proved 14 Mar 1692

PROB 11/408 Will: Bequests:- Item I give to the poor of the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester £5 - to be distributed by my friends Mr George LESTER of the said town Pewterer and Mr Abraham TEMPLEMAN of the same habadasher etc. - To Poor of St Peters £3. To All Saints 40 shillings. Ref to his late father Thomas SYMONDS deceased. Item: To Samuel REYNER our Minister £3 and Mr Bernard TOOPE his curate 40 shillings. To servant maid 20 shillings; To dear wife Margaret 2 houses wherein I & Mr PITMAN do dwell and all household goods and implements for life; To Abraham TEMPLEMAN £10; Wife Margaret and brother-in-law Robert SYMEd Esq and John HOSKINS of Candle to be executrix and executors. After death of wife house in Holy Trinity now in the tenure and occupation of Samuel SNOOKE with the stable lands etc in trust to executors etc to pay on 26th Dec each year unto the poor almswomen of Chubb's Almeshouse in Dorchester 20 shillings Rest in trust for children. Mt Templeman Overseer

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Henry CHURCHILL Gentleman of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Apr 1692 OPC PCC Admons Folio 67 Grantee Elizabeth CHURCHILL Relict
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joan SETT? [Surname not clear - Ancestry recorded as FETT? and LA cover has Eett? ] widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Not located a suitable burial closest was Joan PITT? 1690 HT] 09 Apr 1692 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1692 event record 28 Administration granted to her natuaral and lawful daughter Mary CHIPP widow of Dorchester also bound with her was Thomas HALL of Dorchester Gemtleman and Francis GUY Cordwainer of Dorchester Witnesses Hannah CHIP and John DENNER
Letter of Administration for the estate of John DASHWOOD of Dorchester [Dorset] 03 May 1692 OPC PCC Admons Folio 86 grantee Grace DASHWOOD Relict
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sarah THORNE spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 01 Feb 1689/90] 16 May 1692 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1692 event record 27 Granted to John THORNE of Dorchester a sadler the natural and lawful brother of the deceased also bound is Christol [Christopher?] KEYMORE of Blandford Forum a glover: witnessed George Clarke and Gracia Keymer
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John MEADER of Dorchester [Dorset] 23 May 1692 OPC PCC Admons Folio 80 Grantee Elizabeth MEADER Relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert WHITE of Dorchester [Dorset] but died in St Botolph Aldersgate St London 21 July 1692 OPC PCC Admons Folio 127 Grantee James COOKE, principal creditor - Rebecca WHITE Relict renouncing
Will and Inventory of goods of Alice NOT [or KNOTT] widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 10 Aug 1692] Will 21 Jun 1692
Died 10 Aug 1692
Appraised 23 Sep 1692
Exhibited 30 May 1693
DHC Bc/I event record 54 Will beneficiaries:- Son Richard KNOTT; Daughter Cotten WHITTKLE; rest to Susanna COOMES also executrix; witnessed Richard Samwaies; William Compton and Nicholas Combs
Inventory: Alice NOT widow of Dorchester who deceased 10th August & appraised 23rd Sep 1692 by William HAYDEN; John WIGGONS and Nicholas COMBS Debts owing to estate " Mrs Mary CROAD widow of Dorchester £1.1.6d. an old debt from Mr Francis HAWKINS of the Castle in Dorchester 10 shillings
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James SEAGER Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] but died in the ship "Burford" 09 Nov 1692 OPC PCC Admons Folio 214 Grantee Elizabeth SEAGER Widow mother
Will of John WILLCE or WILLS, Mariner late belonging to the Reserve and now to the Assistance of Dorchester, Dorset 17 October 1692 PROB 11/411  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Henry CLARKE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Henry Clarke buried St peters Church Dorchester 7th Dec 1693] 09 Feb 1693 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1693 Event Record 19 Bound Edmund CLARKE lawful brother of deceased also bound Osmund and Thomas COX of Longbridge Somerset
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary CHIP of Dorchester, Dorset 27 Feb 1693 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1693 Event Record 18 Bound Sarah [Sara] CHIP the lawful daughter of Mary CHIP the administratrix - also bound William GALE [signed GEALE] of Fordington brewer by trade witnessed by Richard RODERICK and William BERBENHEAD
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Alexander BILES of Dprchester [Dorset] 23 Mar 1692/3 OPC PCC Admons Folio 81 Grantee John BILES son, relict dying before administering
Will of Gabriel GOULD shoemaker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 14 Mar 1692/3] Dated 30 Jun 1692
Proved 30 Apr 1693
DHC Cc/I/G Event Record 89 Will beneficiaries:- eldest daughter Ann, eldest son Gabriel; daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Arian ye wife of John HARBEN, son John; Rest to wife Joan GOULD witnesses John Lovett, John Gould, Richard Samwaies [Samways]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Sarah STOODLEY Widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 25 Oct 1693 OPC PCC Admons Folio 187 Grantee Christopher STOODLEY Son
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Hugh BAKER of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 Nov 1693 OPC PCC Admons Folio 211 Grantee James BAKER, son
Letters of Administration for the estate of Joshua CHURCHILL Gentleman late of St Peters Parish in Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 8th Jan 1693/4] Buried 8 Jan 1693/4
Issued 19th Jan 1693/4
Dorset Archdeaconry
AD/DT/1693 Event Record 20
Letters of Administration granted to Joane CHURCHILL the natural and lawful daughter of the deceased also bound were William GEAL of Fordington a brewer and Francis Michell Goldsmith? of Blandford [Note:- Link to more information about the Rev Joshua CHURCHILL (1627-1693/4) who was vicar of St Geores Church in Fordington from 1656 until 1662 when he was ejected]
Inventory of the goods of Robert ROBERTS of Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 31st Jan 1693/4] 29 Jan 1693/4 DHC Inventories 1694 Event Record 38 An Inventory of the goods and household stuff of Robert ROBERTS late of Dorchester deceased January ye 29th 1693 taken and charged by us whose names are hereunto subscribed [large inventory apart from houshold items ref to the Hall, Chamber over the hall, chamber over the buttery, chamber over the entry, a Buttery with silting tubbs and butter & beer barrels, kitchen with brewing tubbs, kiln and grate, malt loft, celler, haysheds and stables and garden] Robert CORBEN and Thomas PARSONS
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James BAKER of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Feb 1693/4 OPC PCC Admons Folio 33 Grantee Elizabeth BAKER relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Andrew MAYCOCKE of Dorchester [Dorset] 15 Mar 1693/4 OPC PCC Admons Folio 57 Grantee Elizabeth MAYCOCKE Relict

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizabeth MELLEDGE Spinster of Dorchester [Dorset]

[Note:- Elizabeth MELEIDGE was buried at St Peters 9th Apr 1694]

14 Apr 1694 OPC PCC Admons Folio 76 Grantee Martha BARTLETT Widow Sister [Note:- Youngest daughter of William MELLEDGE and Elizabeth CHARDE who married at Bridport in 1629]

[Note:- See Will above of her mother Elizabeth MELLEDGE dated 16th May 1687 and proved 21 Jun 1687 in which she refers to both her daughters Elizabeth Melledge and Martha BARTLETT]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joane GEORGE Widow of Holy Trinity parish in Dorchester, Dorset 19 Jun 1694 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1694 Event Record 21 Granted to Cicily [signed Cisely] SNOOK principal creditor also bound are Lydia SNOOK spinster and Robert FILDUE Innholder
Will of John COTTON Tailor of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St peters Church dorchester 26th May 1694] Dated 21 July 1693
Proved 15 Feb 1694/5
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1694 Event Record 19 Will: wife Susannah and son William each inherit half the house they live in in South Street Dorchester; sons John and Joseph and daughters katherine, Elizabeth, Florence and Mary
Will of William MUNDEN [MUNDIN] , of Dorchester, a taylor [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester 05 Apr 1694] Dated 02 Apr 1694
Proved 23 Apr 1694
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1694 event record 18 Bebneficiaries: Ann CHANNON daughter of James CHANNON of Dorchester; Ellner MANUEL daughter of James NANNUELL of Dorchester; Jone MUNDIN wife of Thomas MUNDIN of Dorchester; Thomas MUNIN of Dorchester and Thomas MUNDIN of Weymouth both inherit benefit of £20 bill of Mr John Williams of Lowell; Dwelling house, garden, stable and hayloft to James the younger son of Hugh MUNDIN deceased. John MUNDIN the elder son of my brother Hugh MUNDIN; Brother James CHANNON & james NUNDIN Executors; Witnessed by John Gollop; Francis Wadman; Robert Bound

Letter of Administration for the estate of William CRIMBLE, of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Not located burial ]

06 Aug 1694 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1694 event record 20

Know All Men by these presents that Elizabeth CRIMBLE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow , John LOVETT & William CLARK of Dorchester are firmly bound unto Rev Henry JONES Doctor at Law and official prebendary of the Archdeacon Etc Etc--- dated 6th day in the month of August 1694

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Elizabeth CRIMBLE the Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods credits and chattles of William CRIMBLE late of Dorchester (??bovesd ?) in their Majesties Service Intestate deceased do make or cause to be made a full true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods Credits and Chattles of the said deceased and the same so made and do bring in and exhibit etc etc --- Signed The mark of Elizabeth CRIMBLE John LOVETT and William CLARK

Granted to Widow and Relict Elizabeth CRIMBLE (her mark) witnesses Charles & Christopher Stoodly and William Glisson

Will of Samuell FOY, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 12 February 1695 PROB 11/424 Buried St Peters 9th Sep 1694
A True and Perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattels of William CHURCHILL, the Younger of Dorchester, in the County of Dorset Esq (who died intestate) taken and appraised by us whose names are hereunto subscribed this twenty sixth day of February Anno Dom 1695 26 Feb 1695 Bristol Consistitory Court
Bc/I/C Event Record 102
Long Listing
Inventory of all the goods and chattles of William CHURCHILL, the Younger Esq of Dorchester, Dorset who died intestate and a Letter of Administration and Oath document for his estate granted to his widow Barbara Inv Dated 26 Feb 1695
L/A dated 02 Jun 1696
DHC Bc/I/C Event Record 102 and Bc/A/C Event Record 64 Extensive Inventory of goods taken and appriased 26th Feb 1695 by George LESTER; Robert RASKER; and Thomas MEECH [Note:- could not locate a burial]: Bound with Barbara CHURCHILL was Edward LONG and Thomas JENKINS Witnessses Honour HOLLWAY and Walter FOY
Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of John GOULD of Dorchester lately deceased taken on 28th March 1695 by William GOULD and Robert COPE Exhibited 15 Apr 1695 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1695 event record 43 [Note:- John GOULD was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 17th March 1694]
Will of James PAULE, Mariner belonging to Their Majesty's Ship of War Royal Victory of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 9 Jan 1692

Proved 11 May 1695

PROB 11/425

Will: I James PAUL Mariner belonging to his Majesty's Ship Royal Victory will dated 9th Jan 1692 -- All to dear brother Thomkas PAUL of Dorchester aforesaid hellier--also sole executor. Witnesses William GEALE; Henry SHORTO; Edmund SEWELL

Probate granted to Thomas PAUL

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Walter MUNDEN Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] but died in the ship "England" 04 Jun 1695 OPC PCC Admons Folio 116 Grantee Thomas nMUNDEN brother
Will of Thomas TRENCHARD of Dorchester, Dorset 10 June 1695 PROB 11/426 Note:- NBI has a burial at Charminster St Mary the Virgin Church 20 Nov 1694?
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Deborah LOVELACE alias PITMAN of Nether Compton but died at Dorchester [Dorset] 17 Oct 1695 OPC PCC Admons Folio 183 Grantee John LOVELACE Husband [Note:- The wife of John LOVELACE was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st Sep 1695]
Will of John CHURCHILL, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters 23 Dec 1695 Link to more information under comments about his brother Richard Churchill]
dated 17th Feb 1691/2
oath 14 Nov 1695
proved 8th Apr 1697
PROB 11/428

Will : To my Neice Christian CHURCHILL the daughter of my brother William CHURCHILL deceased £150 at 21 or marriage;
To Nephew Edward CHURCHILL son of his brother Richard CHURCHILL £50;
To Anne CHURCHILL dau of my brother Richard £50;
To Frances CHURCHILL dau of my brother Richard £50
To Thomas Grove son of my sister Mary £10;
To my well beloved kinsman William CHURCHILL Esq and Charles CHURCHILL of Muston Gentlemen to each a ring of 20s who are appoinnted trustrees and overseers of his will
All the Rest to my loving Nephew John CHURCHILL the son of my brother Richard also sole executrix Dated 17th Feb 1691/2

OATH: November 14th 1695 Appeared personally William CHURCHILL Junior of Dorchester Gentleman aged about 40 years and John GARLAND of Dorchester Plumber aged about five and forty years and Henry ROBINSON of Fordington Clerk aged about thirty seven years - died soon after making his will

Inventory of Andrew PURCHASE , of Dorchester, Dorset Taken 21 Nov 1695
Exhibited 15 Jan 1695/6
DHC Ad/Dt/I/1695 event record 42 Image Appraised by Mr George GOULD; Mr William CHURCHILL; Mr Aquila PURCHASE; Mr Joseph LILLINGTON [Note:- A piece of this extensive inventory of goods has been torn off the original document affecting his name, but it is just possible to make out the bottom part of his Christion name (the surname being clear). Andrew PURCHAS or PURCHASE was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 18 Nov 1695 just 3 days before this inventory was taken]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Richard SMITH Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] b ut died in the ship "Devonshire" 03 Jan 1695/6 OPC PCC Admons Folio 10 Grantee Richard SMITH, father
Inventory of William Comton [COMPTON] , of Dorchester, Dorset 08 May 1696 DHC Bc/I/C event record 137 Appraised by John LOVELL; James MANUELL and Robert SPICER [Note:- William COMPTON was buried at Holy Truinity church Dorchester 20th Aug 1695]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of William CHURCHILL the younger late of Dorchester in the Diocese of Bristol Esquire intestate deceasaed shall duly---
[Note:-William Churchill died intestate and was buried at Piddlehinton on 17th February 1695/6]
02 Jun 1696 DHC Bc/A/C event record 64 Granted to Barbara CHURCHILL of Dorchester, in the County of Dorset widow and Edward LONGE and Thomas JENKIN of ? St Muston in same County Yeoman [Note:- Link to William CHURCHILL (d. 1695/6) the Younger Esq of Colliton (and Muston) ]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John MILBORNE , Husbandsmen of Dorchester, Dorset also Nuncupative Will [Note:- John MILBORNE was buried at St Georges Church at Fordington on 30th December 1695] Will 30 Jun 1696
LA 14 July 1696
Oath 15 July 1696
DHC Bc/A/M event record 57 Granted to Mary MILBORNE relict and administratrix of the estae of deceasede together with his nuncuative will also bound is Peter MILBORNE husbandsman of Fordington : Witnessed Robert RASKER; Martin WILCOX; Henry ALDER: permission granted to take oath 8th July; Oath taken before Henry Robinson 15th July 1696: Nuncupative will states that on 30th June 1696 John MILBORNE of Frome Whitfield Husbandsman gave 12 pense [pence] a piece to his sisters; his wearing apparel to brother Peter MILBORNE; Rest to wife Mary: dated 4th July 1696: Witnesses Signature of Joseph DAMER; Mark of Hannah HUNTLRY; the mark of Alice MILBOURNE; the mark of Elizabeth VOKER?
Will of Joshua COLSON, Apothecary of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:-NBI Buried St Peters Dorchester 10 Jul 1696. Link to more information about this family]

Dated 01 Jun 1696

Probate 04 August 1696


In the name of God Amen the first day of June Anno Domini 1696 I Joshua COLSON of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Apothecary being weak of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to Almight God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in mannor and form following First I commend my soul into the hand of Almighty God hoping through the merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sins and to inherit life everlasting and my Body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named and as touching my temoral estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon my I give and dispose thereof as followeth Impremis I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Jasper COLSON the sum of 50 pounds and also a piece of gold the value of three and twenty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto his sister Sarah the wife of Austin WIGGINS ? piece of gold of the like value: Item I give and bequeath unto my dear sister Ann COLSON the sum of two hundred pounds and I do moreover give [her] all that my house and garden with the appurtenances situate and lying and being in the parish of All Saints in the Borough of Dorchester in the County aforesaid now in the occupation of Bernard TOOP To hold to her and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto my kinsman Robert COLSON the elder of Dorchester to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever and I do moreover give and bequeath unto my said kinsman Robert COLSON a braod piece of gold of three and twenty shillings and to Joan his wife and Robert his son I give to each of them a piece of gold of the like value Item I give and bequeath unto kinswoman Sarah HERNE the now wife of Thomas HERNE Chyrurgeon the sum of two hundred pounds which said sum shall be and is hereby construed and meant the two hundred pounds I promised to give unto her in marriage with Thomas HERNE as by certain articles of agreement to that purpose made and exempted more at large appeareth and my will is that the said sum shall be paid and remainto the same intent and purpose as it is mentioned meant and intended on the said articles and covenants of marriage And I do moreover give unto her a broad piece of gold to the value of three and twenty shillings Item I give unto the poor of the parish of St Peters in Dorchester the sum of twenty shillings and the like sum I give unto the poor of the Holy Trinity and the like I give unto the poor of the parish of All Saints All the rest and residue of my goods chattels and estate whatsover I give and bequeath unto the siad Thomas HERNE and my dear sister Ann COLSON and do make and ordaine them my sole and joint exectors of this my present last will and testament and I do hereby desire my trusty and well beloved friends James COLE of Dorchester aforesaid Esq Thomas ROSE Doctor of Physic George LESTER of the same pewterer and Robert RASKER of the same maltster to be my trustees and syupervisors to see this my present last will and testament duly executed and for a recompence of their kindness I give unto each of them a gold ring of the value of twenty shillings a [piece due if it shall happen at any time hereafter any doubt or question to arise concerning any of the words clauses and sentences in this my present last will and testament or my true intent and meaning herein that then the further and better explanation interpretationand construsion of such doubt or ambiguity I will that my said trustees and supervisors shall expound and explain and interpret it accordingly to their wisdoms and good discretions and shall finally determine all differences that may happen to arise betwixt any of the legatees and my executors herein before named In witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written the hand of Joshua COLSON: signed sealed acknowledged & published and declared & in the presence of John LOVETT Francis GARLAND; & Richard SAMWAIES:: Probate granted to Thomas HERNE 4th day of August 1696

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James COKE of Dorchester 03 Sep 1696 OPC PCC Admons Folio 161 Grantee Jane COPKE Relict
Will of William HOBBY, Mariner and now belonging to His Majesty's Ship Dorchester of Glanford, Dorset 03 November 1696 PROB 11/435  
Will of George KNAPTON, Apothecary of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- NBI Buried St Peters Church Dorchester either 19th or 22nd Oct 1696] Dated 06 Sep 1696
Proved 05 Dec 1696
PROB 11/435 Will: I George KNAPTON of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Apothecary - being weak in body but of sound memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following Vizt: My spirit I commend into the hands of God my creator trusting to be saved by the merits of Christ my redeemer: My Body I commit to the earth to be buryed in succh sort as shall seem conveinient to my Executrix hereinafter named my goods I dispose of as followeth that is to say

I give to my Brother Thomas and his wife, To my brother William and to my Brother-in-law Crispen Hounsell and his wife one guinea each to buy them rings. All the rest and residue of my estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my dear & well beloved wife Elizabeth Knapton whom I do make sole Executrix of this my Last Will Testament And do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me heretofore made In Witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of September One Thousand Six Hundred and minety six. George KNAPTON:
Signed sealed published by the said George KNAPTON as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us James GOULD, Lawrnce PURCHASE Andrew PURCHASE [Note:- George KNAPTON(1669-1696) Apothecary married Elizabeth PURCHASE at St Georges Church Fordington on 29 Aug 1693]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Aquilla PURCHASE widower of Dorchester [Dorset] 07 Dec 1696 OPC PCC Admons Folio 220 Grantee Joseph PURCHASE eldest son [Note:- Link to the marriage of Aqulla PURCHASE to Anne RUSSELL at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 25th June 1657 - Aquilla was buried at St Peters on on 10th April 1696]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nicholas HAMLYN , of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 14th May 1696] 28 Jan 1696/7 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1696 Event Record 10 Granted to Ffrancis HAMLYN the natural & lawful son of the deceased also bound Jacobus Manuell [Jacobus is latin for Jacob or James - in this case he signed the LA as James witnesses Robert Loder & E Clarke & Joseph Bishop
Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert ELLIOTT, Gentleman of All Saints Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester 8th Dec 1696] 22 Feb 1696/7 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1696 event record 11 L/A Granted to his principal creditor George GOULD gentleman of St Peters Parish in Dorchester - also bound with him is Bartholomew HORE [Signed HOARE] of Dorchester witnesses Richard Fitzherbert and William GLISSON surrogate
Will of Nicholas DAY, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- a Sarah the wife of Nicholas DAY was buried at OSmington on 20th Dec 1693 but could not locate his burial] Dated 09 Apr 1697
Proved 21 Apr 1697
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1697 event record 10 Will: To be buried with wife at Osmington; Kinsman Richard EYRES of Dorchester also Overseer; John, Sarah and Richard HARDY issueof John HARDY late of Preston; Elizabeth WYATT daughter of Richard WYATT late of London now Fleet Bridge upholsterer; Nicholas HELLIER son of John HELLIER of Osmington; Thomas MASTERS son of Nathaniel MASTERS; Jane JEWELL wife of William JEWELL late of Steart somerset; Rest to Thomas DAY, Dorothy DAY; and Elizabeth DAY issue of Thomas DAY of Fiddington Somerset Witnesses Henry Norman junior, Joan Eyres and William Williams
Letter of renunciation by Jane GOULD spinster of Dorchester and the sister and next of kin of Robert WALL of Punknowle in Dorset Clerk deceased who died intestate 30 Oct 1697 DHC Bc/W/T event record 21 Renunciation in favour of to Edith CLARE of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis widow and Cozen GERMAN & 1 of the co-heirs of the said Robert WALL. Witnesses Mary RASKER and ? TEMPLEMAN
Sentence of Thomas TRENCHARD, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 13 November 1697 PROB 11/442 Note:- NBI has a burial at Charminster St Mary the Virgin Church 20 Nov 1694?
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William GRINDEN Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] but died on the ship 'Lion' 03 Jan 1697/8 OPC PCC Admons Folio 17 Grantee Rachel, wife and attorney of Nathaniel GRINDEN, father, now of Dorchester
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Jane WAY widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 01 Mar 1697/8 OPC PCC Admons Folio 54 - Also PROB 4/1006 Nat Archives Grantee Elizabeth HALL, spinster, neice on brothers side - Sarah wife of Frances BELLAMY renouncing
Will of Alexander HAVELLAND, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset 11 February 1698 PROB 11/443 Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 15 Nov 1697
Will of Edmund JEWELL, [or JUELL] Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 18 May 1698 PROB 11/445 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 4 Feb 1697/8
Will of Henery [Henry] HARBIN, Baker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Dorchester 22nd Feb 1697/8] Dated 05 Feb 1697/8
Proved 21 May 1698
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1698; Event Rec. No: 21 Link to transcription Beneficiaries:- Son-in-law Sebastian HUNT: daughter Deborah the wife of Sebastian HUNT; Brother Christopher HARBIN: Witnesses John OLDIS; Henry SHORTO; and Mary BULLOCK -
Inventory of the goods and chattles of Ann CHIPMAN [CHAPMAN] , Widow of All Saints Parish Dorchester, late deceased Dated 08 Jun 1698 DHC Bc/I/C Event Record 49 Taken by John LOVELACE and William DOWLE. [Note:- Burial record at All Saints Church Dorchester on 20th May 1698 clearly has CHAPMAN as surname - See Entry below for 22nd May 1699 under Bc/I/C event record 48 for letter of Administration of her estate in the minority of her daughter satah CHIPMAN]
Will of Sarah HODDER, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Sarah Hodder spinster was buried at Little Cheney Dorset 2nd June 1698 affidavit brought 3rd June 1698] Dated 11 May 1698
Proved 14 Jun 1698
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1698 Event Record 20 Beneficiaries: Brother John HODDER and his wife Mary; Neice benedicta MUNDEN [Note:- Benedicta Munden of Dorchester later married Bernard Hambling at West Stafford Dorset on 21st Sep 1710] neice sarah MUNDEN; neice Elizabeth MUNDEN; Sisters Benedicta & Elizabeth; Nephew Simon ASH towards his binding in apprenticship; Brother [i.e. Brother-in-law] John WARD: Witnesses Abraham Templeman + another templeman
Will of Joseph GOLD Mariner of Dorchester, Dorset 26 June 1698 PROB 11/446  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John HUTCHINSON of St James in Westminster but died in military service at Dorchester [Dorset] 05 Aug 1698 OPC PCC Admons Folio 155 Grantee Elizabeth HUTCHINSON Relict [Note:- John HUTCHESON quarter Master was buried at HT 29th March 1698]
Will of William HAYDON, Millwright of Dorchester, [Dorset] 20 October 1698 PROB 11/447 See FFH Page 221, 243,255, 259
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Sarah COLSON Widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 07 Dec 1698 OPC PCC Admons Folio 238 Grantee Robert COLSON son
Letter of Administration for the estate of Anne CHIPMAN , Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Anne CHIPMAN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 20th May 1698] 22 May 1699 DHC Bc/I/C event record 48 Mr Ezra KING of Blandford Forum a taylor by trade is firmly bound by the Letter of Administrationon condition that Elizabeth ABBOTT wife of John ABBOTT of Dorchester administratrix of the estate of the late deceased who died during the minority of Sarah CHIPMAN daughter of the deceased.Witnessed by George FFROME Notarry Public [Note:- See ALSO Inventory of goods taken for Ann CHIPMAN (CHAPMAN) of All Saints Parish taken 8th June 1698]
Will of Elizabeth BLAKE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 11 September 1699 PROB 11/452 NBI Buried St Peters Dorchester 2 May 1699
Will of James SYMONDS, Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset 14 December 1699 PROB 11/453 Buried Holy Trinity 10 Dec 1699
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John SMEEDE of Dorchester [Dorset] 06 Feb 1699/1700 OPC PCC Admons Folio 31 Grantee Mary SMEEDE Relict
Will of Humphery HULL, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Not located burial]
Dated 17 Aug 1696
Proved 04 May 1700
PROB 11/455

Will: Having barred all former settlements by fine levied by my wife and son since deceased by reason of which the whole power of my estate is in my own self and at my own pleasure Impremis I leave my body to be buried in such manner and place as my executors hereinafter named shall think fitwithout vain ceromonies and much charge; For my earthly goods lands and estates in manner following: For my estate and lands in Milborne Port and Milborne Wick in the County of Somerset to be settled in trust with my loving friends William HULL oif Topidle Dorset Esq and Francis HULL of the same Gent, Heny Arnold of Islington and my Nephew Thomas MEECH of Chaminster, Richard ADAMS of Milborne Port whom I make my executors and Trustees in Trust to pay my debts and the debts of my late son Peter HULL ; Towards the maintenance of the widow Ann and relict of my son Peter HULL and Humphrey the only child of my son Peter HULL For their maintenance and his education Ann £10 pa for life and when debts paid £20pa to grandson Humphrey HULL. if he dies leaving no issue to my sister Elizabeth STROOD if living £300 and her daughter Elizabeth £200 and her other 2 daughters £200 between them and George STROOD her son £100; Executors a ring each of 20 shillings; My servant Martha LUSE £10over and above her wages Sealed 17th Aug 1696 In the presence of Edward Cane; John Lambert; Martha Luse.

Will of Sarah EYRES or EYRE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 13 May 1700 PROB 11/455 Buried St Peters 12 Apr 1700

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