
Will of Roger KETE (1550-1620) Gentleman

Dated 15 Mar 1619/20 - Codicil 9 Apr 1620 - Buried 5 Jun 1620 - Proved 5 July 1620

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington - August 2015
Ref PROB 11/136 Last updated Oct 2024

[Note:- Surname also spelt Keate, Keete, Kete, Keyt in documentation]

In the Name of God Amen: the fifteenth day of March Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and nineteen I Roger KETE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman being sick and weak of body but of good and perfect mind and memory (thanks be given to Almighty god) do make and ordain this my present last will and testament in manner and form following vizt:-

First: and principally I commend my soul into the hands and manifold mercy of Almighty god who of his free grace hath redeemed the same by the precious blood death and passion of his son Jesus Christ
    And my body to the earth in full assured hope of a happy and my full resurrection to everlasting life to be buried in the church of Fordington aforesaid near the chancel door under the tombstone there
Item: I give and bequeath unto the said church for my burial there and for the stone upon me thirteen shillings four pence.

Item: To the poor of the same parish ten shillings

Item: I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Millicent TURNER(1) the wife of William TURNER my best cupboard standing in the hall and five pounds to be delivered into her own hands only.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Luce SEAGER(2) daughter of John SEAGER my best feather bed, best bolster, pillow, my yellow rug, two pair of sheets - one pair of the better sort - one pair of the worse sort, one pair of white broadcloth blankets, my cupboard in the parlour, my standing bedstead in my chamber over the parlour, my second best brass pot, and second best brass pan, one of my desks, the long coffer in my chamber over the parlour And also I give unto her All my debts owing to me by John WINSOR and all obligations bonds and bills which I have wherein he standeth bound unto me and all benefits thereof and Ten pounds in money

Item: I give and bequeath unto Roger TURNER son of the said Millicent the house and grounds in the possession of William ATYKYNS [ATKINS] and Agnes his wife or their or either of their assigns and the garden ground and the other ground thereunto adjoining in Fordington near the place called the East yate(6) [gate] for all the term and time that I have therein by lease for years from Mr Robert YOUNG . Also I give and bequeath unto the said Roger TURNER my second best bedstead , my best featherbed in the little chamber, one bolster, one arras coverledd, one of my desks & a green rug , two pair of sheets one of the better sort the other of the worse sort, my faverness? great brass pan and third best crock and five pounds in money

Item: I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Margerye EMES [EAMES](3) wife of Anthony EAMES forty shillings in money, my best pewter charger with a plate, one little standing bedstead in the little chamber at stairhead, my long coffer at stairhead, and a yarn coverlett
    And to Mark her son forty shillings, my under featherbed in my chamber over the parlour, a feather bolster within the chamber at the stairhead
    And to Thomas EAMES my godson son of John EAMES ten shillings
    And to the said Roger TURNER being also my godson ten shillings
    And to the rest of my godchildren two shillings five pence each
Item: I give and bequeath to Henry HOWMAN the elder(4) my basin and ewer, a pair of brass candlesticks standing in my parlour, a little joined chest there

Item: I give to Alice CLARKE(5) wife of William CLARKE my featherbed, a kettle and a little crock now in their possession.

Item: I give to and bequeath unto my kinswoman Vertue [Virtue] wife of Henry HOWMAN my green dish, a large sheet of network? and five marks in money

Item: I give to and bequeath unto every one of the children of my kinswoman Millicent TURNER, Henry HOWMAN, and Anthony EAMES four pounds each to be delivered to their several parents within one year next after my decease upon security given to my executors for the repayment thereof unto the same children at their several ages of one and twenty years or the payment of ye same for their placing in service or other their good

Item: I give and bequeath unto Henry HOWMAN the elder towards the payment of his fine of the reversions which he lately bought of my Copyhold Tenements a debt of twenty two pounds which is and will be due unto me from Anne BUCKLER widow by her obligation together with the same obligation and all benefit thereof. Also I give and bequeath unto Henry HOWMAN the son of the said Henry HOWMAN the elder my third brass pan and a crock, the next brass crock not before given

Item: I give and bequeath unto Alice HOWMAN the daughter of Henry HOWMAN the father, one featherbed and a bolster in the chamber at the stairhead and forty shillings in money And whereas I have an estate for the term of ?? years yet enduring of and in one burgage with the appurtenances within the parish of All Saints in Dorchester now in ye tenure of Edward DASHWOOD
    Upon Condition that Henry GARRETT and Alice his wife do and shall permit and suffer my executors and assigns and such persons as have and shall let the same unto quietly and peaceably to hold and enjoy the same ?/ all the term yet to come
Item: I give and bequeath unto the said Henry GARRET and his said wife yearly out of the rents of the said Burgage the sum of forty shillings a year towards their maintenance

Item: I give and bequeath unto Luce and Judith daughters of Richard SEAGER twelve shillings each

Item: I give and bequeath Humphrey JOLIFFE Gentleman a great wine chest

Item: I give and bequeath William SPERRING Gentleman a plate trunk chest

All the Residue: of my goods and chattels debts plate and household stuff moveable and unmovable whatsoever not given before mentioned and given I give and bequeath unto the said Humphrey JOLLIFFE and William SPERRING whom I make and ordain my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament upon special trust and confidence notwithstanding in them reposed to divide the same betwixt my kinswomen Luce SEAGER, Vertue HOWMAN, Margery EAMES and the said Roger TURNER son of my said kinswoman Millicent TURNER equally to be divided between them. Provided always and my will and meaning is that my said kinswoman Millicent TURNER shall have the profit and benefit of the increase of my legacies hereby given unto her said son for her better education of him until he come to the age of one and twenty years

In Witness: whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first written per me

Rogerum KETE:

These being witnesses vizt: in whose presence also it was signed sealed and acknowledged by the said Roger KETE to be his last will and testament Richard COSENS [COSINS] ; Roger DENYS; Richard CHONNT's [CHOUNTE's ] mark; John FOYLE; Ralph CORBIN

A Codicil to be added to the Testament of Roger KEETE Gentlemen written as followeth vizt and for the better execution of this my Testament I do request assign and appoint Henry HOWMAN, Anthony EAMES and Robert SEAGER to be wardens assisters and helpers unto my executors aforesaid in what shall be necessary and behovable for the better furtherance and more due execution of this my last will and testament according to my true meaning and to every of them I give twenty shillings each

Item: I the said Roger KETE do give and bequeath to Henry HOWMAN the younger the four best silver spoons with knops

Item: I give and bequeath to Ann SEAGER one of the plain spoons without any knop

Item: I give and bequeath to Mark EAMES the other of the plain spoons without any knop

Item: I give and bequeath to Roger TURNER the other two spoons with small knops

Item: I give and bequeath the tableboard in the hall and the best of the old cupboards in the hall, the tableboard in the parlour, and the seeling [ceiling?] about the parlour and the seeling in the chamber over the parlour remaining in my house I give and bequeath unto Henry HOWMAN the elder

And Further: I have thought good and do limit and appoint that all my legacies given by me to any infant within age shall notwithstanding such infancy or nonage be delivered within one year next after my decease unto their parents and such their blow? and kindness under whose custody they are whereby some benefit may be made for the good of such infants upon reasonable security given for the saving harmless? of my executors or such like by the parents governors or trustees unto my said executors according to my true meaning herein expressed or declared or meant to be expressed or intended to be declared

The month of April Anno Dmd 1620 This being witnessed vizt Ralph CORBIN; Roger DENYS; Richard COSENS

This written testament with a codicil was proved at London before magistrate Arthur DREKE Doctor of Law etc etc on the 5th day in the month of June AD 1620 when administration was granted to Humphrey Jolliffe and William Sperring executors

Genealogical Notes (Updated Oct 2024) :-

Roger KEATE (1550-1620) Gentleman: This will was the subject of research undertaken by Helen M Ford (Sep 2024) into the family origins of Margery EAMES the wife of Anthony EAMES (1595-1661/2) and can be viewed in its entirety at ANNEX B to his Biography.

This paper shows that Margery EAMES was before her marriage a Margery SEAGER and that she was the niece and the ward of Roger Kete, growing up within his household in Fordington. Also that his sisters Alice and Florence Kete married Seager brothers. Margery was his niece by his sister Alice's marriage to John SEAGER at FStG on 9th July 1578. His sister Florence Kete (bur FStG 1622) married Richard SEAGER (bur FStG 1625). Link to Family Tree with links to other supporting records which relates to the following people listed in his will:-

(1) Millicent TURNER nee SEAGER is the eldest child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Alice KETE at FStG on 9th July 1578 - Her son Roger is also a beneficiary

(2) Luce SEAGER is Millicent's youngest sister being unmarried and the 6th and last known child of John and Alice

(3) Margery EAMES is the 5th known child of John SEAGER and Alice KETE and married Anthony EAMES c1616

(4) Henry HOWMAN the Elder is the husband of Virtue nee SEAGER the 2nd known child of John & Alice SEAGER. Henry died Sep/Oct 1640 leaving a Will dated 11th Sep 1640. We know they had at least 3 children Henry, Alice, and Thomas.

(5) William CLARKE married Alice HOWMAN FStG 11th May 1618 who is one of the three children of Henry HOWMAN and Virtue SEAGER

(6) The word "yate" was originally used to descibe a gatekeeper and became used as is this case simply mean "gate". Source: A Glossary of Household, farming and trade terms from probate inventories2 by Rosemary Milward published by the Derbyshire Record Society - 1977

Note:- Further research is required into Reger Kete's Ancestry.- These original notes made in 2015 have been retained for the time being

(a). Roger KEATE (1550-1620) Gentleman was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 5th June 1620. He clearly lived for many years in Dorchester / Fordington as:-
    He was present when Joan RASKER a widow of Fordington wrote her will on 30 Dec 1570 in which he is appointed as one of her Overseers with John BIRDE and John SEAGER
    He was present in Fordington following the death of John OLYVER when on 8th Aug 1573 they appraised his goods and drew up an inventory for the court.
    He was present when John WINSOR Senior of Fordington wrote his will on 30 April 1583 and refers to him as his well beloved neighbour and appoints him Overseer of his will.
    Roger KEATE Senior and Roger KEATE were both witnesses to the will of Thomas TOOP of Fordington written on 10th March 1584
    He was a beneficiary under the Will of Henry Cardroe a mercer of Dorchester in 1592 when he was expected to give advice to his executors
    He is listed as 'Roger Keate gent' a tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding a copyhold grant dated 1580/1 for a farthinghold
    He was present when Robert Cosens of Fordington wrote his will dated 4th April 1604 and also appointed as Overseer
    He is also listed as a close friend of William GOLSEY Gentleman of Dorchester whose will dated 15 Nov 1607 asks for him to act as advisor to his wife Anne after his death
    He was present when Henry Annetts of Fordington wrote his will dated 12th May 1614 and also appointed him Overseer
    He is listed in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor as 'Roger {and?} Agnes KEYTE Gent' aged 65 (i.e.born c1550) holding by custom of the manor a tenement and a plot of 19.1 acres and separately assessed for a cottage there on a small plot of 20 square perch.
    He was a witness to the Will of Ralphe SMYTHE of Dorchester on 11th Aug 1616
(b). The main KETE Family in Dorset lived at Cheselbourne and they appear in the 1623 Visitation of Dorset but I have nor been able to find any link to Dorchester or Roger Kete

(c). Research Notes:- Records are incomplete but I have located the following records between 1550 and 1640 for members of a KEYE Family but there is insufficient information to establish clear relationships:-
    4.1. John ZEAGER [SEAGER] married Alice KEATE at FStG 7 July 1578
    4.2. Roger KETE is a beneficiary under the will dated 11 Sep 1592 of Henry CARDROE Mercer of Dorchester
    4.3. Elizabeth wife of Andrew KEYT buried at FStG 13th Dec 1603
    4.4. Robert the son of Andrew KEEYT bap at FStG 13th Nov 1604
    4.5. Lucia KETE Widow buried at FStG 25th March 1605 - I wondered whether this might be his mother but found no connection
    4.6. Richard KEATE married Agnes DARE at HT Church 27 Nov 1615
    4.7. John KEAT a tailor by trade was admitted to the Company of Freemen in Dorchester 14th Nov 1621
    4.8. Avis KEATE of Broadmayne buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 18 Mar 1625/6
    4.9. Robert the son of Andrew KEAT was buried at FStG 5 Aug 1631
    4.10. Municipal Record of Dorchester page 660 slander against Richard KEATES wife referred to as old.13th Apr 1632
    4.11 Richard KEATE married Sarah HARRIS HT 21 Jun 1634
    4.12 Richard KEATE buried 19th Nov 1638 at Holy Trinity

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