
Vicars, Churchwardens; Curates & Officiating Ministers
From the year 1222

© Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington June 2008
(202 Records - Last updated Jan 2024)

Jump to:     Vicars :     Curates:     Church Wardens:     Baptists:     Other Ministers in Dorchester:

Note: There are 8 main sources of Information for this database
Parish Records [PR] - names have been extracted from the church records for Fordington many of which are damaged or not signed so it is not possible to produce a sequential list. Most are taken from Bishops Transcripts which were often completed for the triennial visitation so unless the returns are specifically dated it is only possible to give the year(s) or period of the return submitted. Where more than ten years occurs between entries I have re-entered the surname.

Plaque [PL] (1222-1947) which is on the wall inside St Georges Church which provides a list of Vicars and Prebendaries

Cambridge University Alumni [CAM] - (1261 -1900) list of all known students, graduates, and officers at the University of Cambridge, England,

Clergy database [CCEd]- (1540-1835) This is still being compiled but already provides valuable information on the formal appointment of Vicars and curates - see the

Crockfords Directories [CR] (1868-1932)

John Hutchins [Hutchins] - (1222-1829) Taken from The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset by John Hutchins

Municipal Records of Dorchester [MRD] by CH Mayo Published 1908

Overseers Accounts [OA] - These are useful in supplying the names of Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor. Few years have been transcribed so far but this will increase over time

Oxford University Alumni [OXA] - (1500-1892) register of students, graduates, and officers who attended Oxford University between 1500 and 1886. Original data: Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 and Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714. Oxford: Parker and Co., 1888-1892.

When resident Clergy were absent an Officiating Minister would stand in usually from a nearby Parish. This was particularly easy for Fordington which borrowed Ministers from All Saints; Holy Trinity and Saint Peters in Dorchester as well as the surrounding Parishes

Plaque listing Vicars of St Georges Church

NAME of VICAR DATE SERVED CHURCH Jump to:     Curates:     Church Wardens:     Baptists:     Other Ministers in Dorchester:
Robert de Dorcestre 1222- Vicar of St George's Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1222: (Hutchins) states 'In 1222, Laurence de Sto Nicholao, canon of Sarum, by charter grants this perpetual vicarage to Robert de Dorcestre, chaplain, viz. all the obventions of the altar, and the cemetery of his church of Fordington; and all small tithes, and 24s. 1d. to be received of the tenants of the said church yearly, who also ought to pay yearly tithe of all garbs and all kind of grain (bladi) to the church, i. e. the rectory of Fordington. The said Robert ought to perform in his own person, all duties (onera) belonging to the vicarage. [Footnote: Old Register of the Bishop of Saraum] It is a discharged living in Dorchester Deanry. The patronage belongs to the prebendary. All tithes, oblations, and other profits, with a portion of tithes at Lowdyfyld per annum.[Bacon] '
Henry 1328 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1328:
John Lugwardyn MA 1329 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1329:
Robert de Fulbourne 1340 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1340:
Roger of North Barrow 1344 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1344:
William 1349 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1349:
Robert 1352 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1352:
John CHUTE 1380-1388 Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1380: (Hutchins) states '1388, exchanged with' next
John HORE 1388- Vicar of St George's Source: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1388: Source: (Hutchins) states 'Rector of Broadway. Reg Waltham'
John WELLYS [Wallys: Welles; Wells] 1399- Vicar of St George's Rev. John WELLS . There are two Charters (392 & 393) recorded in the Municipal Records of Dorchester dated the last Monday in October 1425 where John Priest a burgess of Dorchester made a grant to John WELLES the Perpetual Vicar of Fordington of a house situated on the west side of south street in Dorchester, together with some enclosed land adjoining it. In a later Charter (405) dated 2nd Oct 1427 John Wells, still referred to as the Vicar of Fordington, granted this house to Richard Webb alias Smith of Dorchester.

Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1399: (Hutchins) states 'John Wallys 1408 Chandler' (MRD) pages 104, 254, 255, 259
John ATTEWEL [Atwell] 1405 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1405: (Hutchins) states '1405 Chandler' [Note:- see above John Wells appears to still be vicar at this date?]
Robert CORFE 1436 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1436:
Henry BRYT 1440 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar at1440: [Note:- See British History On-Line: Victoria County History Berkshire pages 57 and 58 refers to a Henry Bryt the perpetual vicar of St Helens in Abingdon in 1391-1396 who obtained a licence from Boniface IX to create a cemetery for his parishioners which was contested by the Monastry. He lost the case and had to bear with his parishioners the costs. ]
Canon / Bishop Richard HILL MA (d.1496) 1477 -1485 Vicar of St George's According to the Rev R Grosvenor Bartelott Rector of St Georges from 1906-1936 he was responsible for the buyilding of St Georges Church Tower in 1485. He became Archbishop of Lewes in 1486 and appointed Bishop of London on 21st Aug 1489 until he died on 20th Feb 1496.
Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1477: (Hutchins) states 'occurs 1 Ric. III.' [Note:- year 1 of the reign of Richard III ran from 26 June 1483. Also Harper-Bill, Christopher Bishop Richard Hill and the court of Canterbury, 1494–96. Guildhall Studies in London History, 3:1 (1977), 1–12.
William RAWLINS BCL 1529 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1529: (OXA): Bachelor of Canon Law 20 Feb 1513/14
Anthony RAWLINS 1534- Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1534: (Hutchins) states 'Instituted 1534'
William [Williamus] STANLEY (d.1552) 1546 - 1552 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1546 : (CCEd) Instituted Vicar of Fordington 2nd Aug 1546, Patron Richardus Basinge Prebendary: Death 27 Jan 1552 (Hutchins) only gives his name
Joseph CREECH 1551 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1551 ( Hutchins) states 'Joseph Creech, on the death of Stanley, inst. 27 Jan. 1551'. [Note: The entry on th (PL) seems to have been taken from Hutchins who refers to Joseph Creech but CCEd which is a more reliable source as constructed from surviving records refers to Johannes or John - see below]:
John [Johannes] CREECH [Chreeche, Criche] 1552 - 1554 Vicar of St George's Source (CCEd) Appointed Vicar of Fordington 27 Jan 1552 to fill the vacancy left by the death of William Stanley : Patron Richardus Basinge Prebendary: 13 Mar 1554 promoted to Perpetual Vicar when he appears to have moved on to another parish. [Note:- CCEd - A Johannes Creache was vicar of Mintern Magna in 1579 ]
Roger [Rogerus] CROCKET[t] (d.1580) 1554-1580 Vicar of St George's Sources (PL) Listed as a Vicar at 1553: (Hutchins) states 'Roger Crocket, on the resignation of Creech, inst. 13 March, 1553'
(CCEd) Appointed Perpetual Vicar Fordington 13 Mar 1554: Patron Richardus Basinge Prebendary:
-30 Jul 1566 mentioned in office case as Vicar Fordington:
-27 May 1567 Vicar Fordington mentioned under Frome Whitfield :
-29 Sep 1568 in case on tithes:
- 8 Sep 1570 Also mentioned in office case: told that he or his curate (William Carpenter) must hold services in his church at convenient times. 5/9 1573 Vicar:
- 1576 Mentioned as Vicar of Fordington in 1576 Act Book and again on 2nd July 1579.
On the 10th Feb 1580 the data base records his natural death as rector of Knighton. [West Knighton]
(Wills:) I have not located his own will
3 Dec 1565 witness to the signing of the will of John TUCKER of Fordington.
7th Feb 1566/7 witness to the signing of the will of John BARNES of Fordington
1 Apr 1567 Katherine WINSOR of Fordington leaves 12d towards the repair of the church, 12d to the mens poor box therein, and 12d to the vicar whom she names as Roger Crockett. He is referred to as one of her trusted and well beloved friends and appointed as one of the overseers of her will and also acts as one of the witnesses.
5 May 1567 In the will of Richard PORTER of Fordington he is bequeathed 13s 4d. also witness to the will signing
Present as a witness to the Will of Alice RASKER Widow of Fordington dated 30 Dec 1570.
Present as a witness to the Will of John COSENS of Fordington dated 15 Mar 1571.
Present as a witness to the Will of Thoms BELMAN blacksmith of Fordington on 26 Jan 1572/3
Present as a witness to the Will of Helen WILLS Widow of Fordington dated 1 May 1573
Present as a witness to the Will of Roger COSSEN or Cossyn of Fordington, dated 1 Jan 1577
NOTE: Burials for 1580 for Foridngton Missing which is when he is said to have died in Clergy of the Church of England Database
Thomas PIERSON 1580-1581 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar at 1580: (Hutchins) states 'Thomas Pierson, inst. 13 July, 1580': (CAM) May be the Thomas Pierson who Matric. pens. from ST JOHN'S, Michs. 1566.: (CCEd): Appointed Perpetual Vicar of Fordington 23/7/1580: Patron John Bridges
Thomas PHILIPS (d.1583) 1581-1583 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar1581: (Hutchins) only gives his name: CCEd): Appointed perpetual Vicar of Fordington 15 June 1581 to fill a vacancy: Patron Johannes [John] Young: probably the Thomas PHILLIPPS ordained as a deacon and priest at Salisbury Cathedral on 3rd April 1569. Also entry at CCEd of his death on 5 Dec 1583. He may have been buried at Fordington as parish registers have not survived from 1579-1584.
Christopher WHITTLE MA (1557/8 - 1607/8) 1583 - 1607/8 Vicar of St George's Rev. Christopher WHITTLE (1557/8-1608) A native of Frome Vauchurch in Dorset Christopher Whittle was a plebian scholar in 1573 and matriculated at New College Oxford on 10th January 1574/5 when he was aged 17. He was awarded his B.A. degree on 25th June 1577. He continued his studies at Harts Hall Oxford where he was awarded an M.A. on 9th Feb 1579/80. He joined the church and at the request of his patron Henry Coker was appointed as Rector of Hutton on 9th April 1579. Clearly Henry Coker carried some influence as Christopher's ordination as a deacon then had to be rushed through and took place at the Bishops Palace chapel on 4th May 1579 when his age was given as being 26. This would make him born in 1553 but I have relied upon his university record as most students matriculated around the age of 16 or 17. His ordination as a priest followed on 5th May 1580. On the 5th December 1583 he was instituted as the perpetual Vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington when his patron was given as John Yonge. His name appears in Church Act Books on 8 Jul 1585; 17 Oct 1588: 1591: 17 Sep 1593: 19 Jul 1594: 17 Jul 1600: where he is still shown as vicar there. Christopher WHITTLE is named in the will of Agnes BARNE(s) of Fordington, dated 28th Dec 1590 and proved on 17th June 1591, as her executor as after a number of bequest she leaves the rest of her estate unto the poor people of Fordington.
His death was recorded on the church database on 19 June 1608 but Adam Wilson had clearly taken over duties by 1607:

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1583: ( Hutchins) states 'Christopher Whittel, on the death of Philips, inst. 5 Dec. 1583': (OXA): (CCEd):
Henricus [Henry] WHITTLE 1603 Vicar of St George's Source CL: Act Book shown as Vicar of Fordington on 22 Jul 1603: [ Note: The Christian name is almost certainly an error - should be Christopher Whittle as he remained Vicar until his death in 1608]
Adam WILSON MA DD (1581 - aft1633) 1608-1609 Vicar of St George's Rev. Adam WILSON MA DD (1581-aft1633) of London pleb Queens College where he matriculated on 23rd Feb 1598/9 aged 17. Awarded his BA degree 20th Oct 1601 and MA at Oriel College on 17th April 1605. Made a Bachelor of Divinity at Queens College 9th July 1612 and Doctor of Divinity on 8th June 1614. Attended Lincoln's Inn 1621. According to his University record he was made Rector of both Lyndlinch and Vicar of Fordington in 1609. Official Church records for Lyndlinch do not appear to have survived but his name appears on the parish register for 9th April 1609. Hutchins states that he was appointed vicar of Fordington on the death of the previous incumbant Christopher Whittle and there is a church record showing his appointment on the 19th June 1608. He was resident in the parish slightly before that however as he signed the bishops transcripts for both 1607 and 1608. Rector of East Horsley Surrey 1619; Canon of Lincoln 1624. Rector of Nutfield Surrey 1627-34 and of Foots Cray in Kent in 1633.

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1608: (Hutchins) states 'Adam Wilson, on the death of Whittel, inst. 19 June, 1608': PR: (Signed as Vicar 1607 & 1608): ; (CCEd) Note there is an unusual entry in the institution book for 25 Jul 1609 under perpetual vicar as follows: "Reason for vacancy Other = "Per dimissionem resignationem, per mutationem secundi beneficii acceptationem sen alio quocumque modo de persona M'ri Adami Wilson clerici ultimi Incumb' ibidem iam ultime vacantum". Henry Cotton became prebendary in Sept 1608 and may not have realised that John Parham had presentation rights; hence the presentation of Peter Owen in the next entry and the firmly worded reason for vacancy in this entry, or is it to do with pluralism?
Peter OWEN [Petrus Owyn] 1609 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1609: (Hutchins) states 'Peter Owen, instit. 12 June 1609'. : (CCEd) Appointed perpetual vicar 12 Jun 1609 Patron Henricus [Henry] Cotton [Decision reversed see comments under Adam Wilson]
William [Guilielmus] JONES MA 1609-1616 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1609: (Hutchins) states 'William Jones, instit. 25 July, 1609'. (CCEd) Note Gulielmus is latin for William - Appointed perpetual vicar 25 Jul 1609 to follow on from Adam Wilson? See previous entry where Peter Owen's appointment clearly had to be reversed. His name wrongly spelt as William James appears in one of the Act Books under date 3rd Sep 1613 when he was still Vicar in Fordington. He had a daughter Judith baptised at Fordington on 30th March 1615 but she died & was buried there 28th Oct 1615.
Willelmus JAIMES 1609 Vicar of St George's (CCEd) In Act book 3 Sep 1613: Note: Almost certainly a miss spelling of surname for William Jones
Edward [Edwardus] PELE (1582-1643) 1616 - 1643 Vicar of St George's See separate Biography on the Life of Edward Pele (1582-1643) The Vicar of Fordington & Rector of Compton Vallance

Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1616: (Hutchins) incorrectly gives his name as 'Edward Prale instituted 1616'.
Giles GOLDESBOROUGH BA (1615-1667/8) [Gyles Gouldsbrough; Giles Goldesbury] 1643 - 1649 (ejected) Vicar of St George's Rev. Giles GOLDESBOROUGH BA (1615 -1667/8 ) Giles was the son of William Goldesborough of the nearby parish of Stinsford. He matriculated at Wadham College Oxford on 25th June 1634 aged 19 being awarded his B.A. degree on the 16th Dec 1636. He was appointed vicar of St George's church in Fordington on 6th Dec 1643. On the 5th Aug 1652 he was also appointed to the living at Stinsford. The parish Registers for Stinsford were later copied and the vicar at that time made the following entry " NB. During the Civil War between King Charles & the Parliament the Rev. Gyles GOULDESBROUGH Vicar of Stinsford was cruelly deprived both of his living and also of his vicarage of Fordington. He apparently kept in his possession their Register Book and another book was kept by the Parliamentary appointed Parish Registrar which is now lost. Therefore no marriages are recorded between 1641 & 1662 when Gyles Gouldes brough came back to his own living".

This is comfirmed by an entry in the Municipal Records of Dorchester which state "About the year 1647 the town of Dorchester had purchased the Impropriate Rectory of Fordington paying about £200 to procure the grant from Parliament, and about £400 for buying out the existing lessee. It was a shorsighted speculation. The men of Fordington, after the sequestration of the Vicar Giles Goldesburyrefused to pay tithes to the various substitutes appointed by the County Committee, so that there were three years arrears due 1648-9 and through an augmentation had been assigned on the 6th Jan 1646-7 for the increase of the ministers stipend, which was then but £40 per annum and though a voluntary addition of £20 per annum had been made by the town on 1st June 1649, the inhabitants were not satisfied. On the Restoration the Rectory reverted to the Church of Sarum, and the purchase money was lost".

Giles signed the Articles 5th Aug 1662 as Vicar of Stinsford and died there being buried at St Michael's Church on 3rd March 1667/8.

Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1643: (Hutchins) only gives his name: (OXA) : (CCEd) under Aegidius Goldesbrough - appointed perpetual Vicar of Fordington 6 dec 1643: Note Egidius is Latin for Giles: (MRD) page 635 (PR) Fordington & Stinsford. Note:- MRD also refers to Somerset Notes & Queries Vol vi,p233 as a source.
John LODER (1626-1673) 1649 - 1656 Vicar of St George's Rev. John Loder BA (1626-1673) was the son of an attorney Gilbert Loder of Dorchester and was educated circa 1639-1643 at the 'Free School' in Dorchester under the master there Gabriel Reeve (1653-Aft.1650). When John left the school in 1643 he went to University at Caius College Cambridge where he was scholar 1643-1648 and was awarded a BA degree 1646/7. According to David Underdown in his book 'Fire From Heaven' he was appointed to the living at Fordington despite not being ordained and under age. He was in fact 23 years old and according to the Municipal Records of Dorchester was appointed to the living on 1st January 1649 "upon petition of the inhabitants of Fordington 8 Feb 1648/9 (Minute Book of the Dorchester Standing Committee p 455 & 501). He was to be paid £50 pa on the understanding that he submit himself to be ordained minister within 3 months, or as soon as by his age he be capable of ordination. He was succeeded by Joshua Churchill another congregationalist minister in 1656 when Cromwell placed him at St Bartholomew's Exchange in London. Loder brought with him into the Church a gathered congregation, which had previously met with Philip Nye, though in what locality is uncertain. The result was a long and rancorous feud between the old parishioners and the new Separatist congregation, who usurped the parishioners pews. Loder tried to induce the old parishioners to come into his church way. He even attempted to coerce them into it by refusing to administer the Sacraments or baptise unless they joined him in communion. On their side the old parishioners attempted to coerce him by withholding their tithes. At a vestry held in July 1660 'it was agreed and ordered that Mr Loder ...should not preach any more in the said parish church." (See Shaw The Church under the Commonwealth vil i p 132 et seq) He died 30th December 1673 and was buried at Bunhill Fields. His Will is at the National Archives Ref PROB 11/344 under John Loder, Clerk of Enfield, Middlesex probate was granted 23 Apr 1674.

Sources CAM: MRD: FFH (Note Not listed on PL)
Joshua CHURCHILL (1627-1693/4) 1656 - 1662
Vicar of St George's

Rev. Joshua Churchill (1627-1693/4). Joshua was baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1627. He was the 3rd child but the only one to survive infancy from the marriage of John CHURCHILL to Joane EDWARDS at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 19-Jun 1622. Educated initially at the 'Free School' in Dorchester he entered Queens College Cambridge on 18 Aug 1644 progressing to Emmanuel College on 29 Jan 1647/8 but did not graduate taking holy orders instead. He was made Vicar of Over Compton in Dorset in 1650; Rector of Winterborne Came & Farringdon 1655; and then Vicar of Fordington in 1656. There he remained until he was presented to the Assizes in 1660 for not using the Anglican Liturgy and ejected from Fordington in 1662. He is said to have been imprisoned at Dorchester 1663/4.

He retained a lot of support in the town, for example when John RASKER a Maltster of Fordington wrote his will on 9th December 1661 he asked him to preach at his funeral from Psalm 73 paragraphs 25 & 26. Joshua was also left twenty shillings in the Wills of Christian Lauerens of Fordington dated 20th Nov 1663 and Elinor Hackham of Fordington dated 15th Nov 1664. He went to Compton Valence to live (by 1665) and then assisted the Rev. William Benn in preaching to a dissenting congregation of about 200 at Fordington, and succeeded him in his pastoral office publishing some of Benn's sermons. Episcopal returns for 1669 report him as one of the preachers to "100 or 200 of ordinary ranke most foreigners at Mr Thomas Graves and his sonnes house in Donhead St Andrew Wiltshire. On 13th Feb 1669/70 he was one of the witnesses to the Will of Sarah Bushrod of Dorchester the wife of Habadasher John BUSHROD (1612-1683/4). He was licenced 17 April 1672 as a "Congregational teacher in his house in Dorchester and that of Benjamin Devenishe in Fordington. He signed the address of thanks from Dorset Ministers 10th May 1672 and was left £5, & a debt of £5, waived in the Will of Phillip STANSBIE (d.1686).

He marrried an Elizabeth probably at Fordington where all the pariah registers are missing (1640 to 1663 inc) which embraces the entire period of his tenure as vicar there. For the same reason we have no record of children from the marriage except that after his ejection in 1662 he returned with William Benn to establish the Congregational Church and we know he had a house in Dorchester. The Chapel only had a very small burial ground with most burials of its members taking place in Holy Trinity parish. Here Elizabeth the wife of Mr Joshua Churchill was buried on 12th October 1691. She was quickly followed by their daughter Mary on 3rd Nov 1691 and their daughter Elizabeth on 26th Jan 1691/2. Joshua joined them on 8th Jan 1693/4. He died intestate with Letters of Administration for his estate being taken out by his surviving daughter Joane .

Sources (PL) Listed as a Vicar no date: (Hutchins) CAM: MRD: FFH: Edmund Calamy An Act of Ministers, lecturers, masters & Fellows of colleges and schoolmasters who were ejected or silenced after the restoration of 1660 by the act of Uniformity Pub 1713 (Note Not listed on PL) Freedom after Ejection A Review (1690-1692) of Presbyterian & Congregational Non conformity in England and Wales by Alexander Gordon MA published Manchester 1907. Episcopal Returns: Wills Dorset Archdeaconry AD/DT/1693 Event Record 20

John THORNBURGH MA (1618-1702) [Johannes Thornbourgh] 1665 - 1683 Vicar of St George's

Rev. John THORNBURGH MA (1618-1702) He was the son of a Gentleman, Edward Thornburgh of Salisbury Wiltshire who became Archdeacon of Worcester in 1629 and had been rector of Owermoigne in 1614. John matriculated at Christs College Oxford on 23th March 1634-5 aged 16 where he was awarded a B.A. degree on 30th Oct 1638 and an M.A. on 25th June 1641. He joined the church being instituted as Vicar of Lavington in Wiltshire on 22nd April 1645, a position he held until he was appointed rector of Owermoigne on 19th Sep 1661. Around 1660 when records are poor he met and married a Susannah (surname unknown) and they started a family. He appears to have had at least a daughter Hannah who later married Rev Henry Robinson (see below). A son Giles Thornburgh was baptised at Owermoigne on 23rd Aug 1663. He signed the Act of Uniformity on 20th June 1662. His wife Susannah however died and was buried in the parish on 10th Jan 1665-6. John was appointed Perpetual vicar of Fordington on 18th July 1665 where he remained until he resigned on 14th Aug 1683.

John THORNBURGH, along with the Vicar of All Saints Church in Dorchester The Revd Richard WINE, were appointed by the General Sessions held at Sherborne on 17th Apr 1666 as joint treasurers for a charity fund they set up after an appeal was made throughout the divisions of Dorchester, Bridport and Sherborne to help 4 families living in Fordington who lost everything in a disastrous Fire on 1st March 1666. He retired to his living at Owermoigne and was buried there in accordance with the statues for burying in woollen on the 30th of April 1702. The affidavit was made the same day before William Innes Vicar of Fordington and the rector of Owermoigne Robert Bartholomew .

Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1665: ( Hutchins) states 'John Thornburgh, inst. 18 July,1665'.: (OXA) (CCEd) (PR) Signed Fordington for years 1665 to 1667 inc + 1669 + 1675; Burial PR Owermoigne

Henry ROBINSON MA (c1660-1705) 1683 - 1701 Vicar of St George's Rev. Henry ROBINSON MA (c1660 - 1705) His university career shows that he entered as a pauper to Brasenose College, subscribed on 15th March 1675-6. It's possible that he was one of those who benefited from the philanthropy in Dorchester and educated initially at Dorchester's free school. He was awarded his at Brasenose College in 1679 and his M.A. in 1682. He joined the church and was appointed as perpetual vicar of Fordington on 14th Aug 1683 his patron being Thomas White the prebendary of Fordington. He married Hannah the daughter of Rev John THORNBURGH at Owermoigne on 7th June 1683 (Link to marriage & children). They raised a family of 10 children in Fordington between 1683 and 1700. He resigned his position on 28th Nov 1701 to become Rector of Winterbourne Came (with Winterbourne St Germayne) in Dorset but his wife and family continued to live in Fordington. He died intestate at Winterbourne Came with administration of his estate being granted at Bristol Consistitory Court to his widow Hannah on 21st May 1705.

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1683: ( Hutchins) states 'Henry Robinson, on the resignation of Thornburgh, instituted 14 Aug. 1693'.(OXA) (CCEd) Source (PR): Signed Parish Registers 1683 - 1689 inc + 1691- 1696 inc + 1698 to 1700 inc - See Wills index Fordington this site.
William [Willhelmus or Guilelmus] INNES BA (1670-1707) 1701 - 1707 Vicar of St George's

Rev William [Willhelmus] INNS BA (1670 - 1707) The son of William INNS of Oxford, paup, he matriculated at Magdalen College Oxford on 17th Dec 1686 at the age of 16. A Chorister 1684-1691 he was awarded his BA in 1691. He was ordained as a deacon in Magdalen College Chapel on 20th December that year and served as curate of All Cannings Chapelry at Etchilhampton from 21st Oct 1698. His ordination as a priest came at the Bishops Palace Chapel at Salisbury on 12th Oct 1701 in preparation for his appointment as perpetual Vicar of Fordington on 28th November that year. His univercity record states that he was also made Rector of Winterborne Gemayne in 1704. He married a Susannah and had a daughter Elizabeth who was buried at Fordington on 7th Jan 1705. They also had a son William INNS bap at Fordington on 28 Jan 1705/6 but the Rev William INNS then died on 7th Aug 1707 being buried in St Georges churchyard on the 11th. Their son William also died aged 3 being buried there on 19th April 1709.

Sources:- (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1701: (Hutchins) states 'William Innes, on the cession of Robinson, inst 28 Nov. 1701'; OXA Sources quoted= Boxam 1 120; Fosters Index Eccl; Parish Registers for Fordington.

Latimer CROSSE MA (1668-1739) 1708 - 1713 Vicar of St George's

Rev Latimer CROSSE MA LLD (1668 - 1739) The son of Joshua Crosse of the City of Oxford and scholar of Wadham College he matriculated at Trinity College Oxford 27th March 1685 at the age of 17; awarded his BA in 1688 and MA in 1692. He was ordained a deacon & priest in Magdalen college Chapel on 8th May 1692 and made curate of East Kennett 21st Oct 1698; and vicar of Rowde in Wiltshire on 21st may 1701 until 25 May 1708. On the death of William INNES above he was appointed perpetual vicar of Fordington on 27th Jan 1707/8 taking up office the following April. He left to become Vicar of Corsham in Wiltshire on 17th Oct 1713 where he was in office until 12 Nov 1719. Amongst the church plate at Corsham is a silver paten dated 1719 given to the church by Latimer Crosse. A docuent also exists at the National Archives also dated 1719 which is a testimonial from the Vicar of Milksham and neighbouring clergy. Church records show that he was instituted as Perpetual Vicar of Kentbury St Mary in Berkshire where he died aged 74 on 5th Aug 1739.

Sources:- (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1707: (Hutchins) states 'Latimer Cross, on the death of Innes, instit. 27 Jan. 1707'; CL: OXA; ; Parish Register memoranda; National Archives D/1/14/1/6a/52 1719;

Thomas WYATT BA (1689-1713) 1713 - 1713 Vicar of St George's Rev. Thomas WYATT [WAIT, WYAT, WYEATT] ( 1689-1713 ) He was baptised on 4th January 1687/88 in the church of St Peter & St Paul in Marlborough in Wiltshire the son of Thomas & Elizabeth WYATT pleb of St Johns College Oxford where he matriculated on 30th May 1707 at the age of 18. He was awarded his BA there 27 Jan 1710/11. Having joined the church he was appointed Vicar of Fordington on 17th Sep 1713 according to Hutchins on the resignation of Latimer CROSSE. Unfortunately he died shortly after his arrival and was buried at St Georges church on 12 Nov 1713. Entry in the Parish Register includes a memorandum that Thomas Wyatt, vicar of Fordington, was "buried by his Mother in a most shamefull, scandalous and penurius manner" 1713;

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1713: (Hutchins) states 'Thomas Wyatt, A.B. on the resignation of Cross, instituted 27 Oct.1713'. [A2A]: PE/FOR(SG)/RE 1/1  1705-1799: : His ordination records do not appear to have survived. : [OXA]:[PL:]
John [Johannes or Joh'es] JACOB BCL (1690-1759) 1714 - 1759 Vicar of St George's

Rev. John [Johannes] JACOB (1690 - 1759) BCL Generally thought to have been the son of Thomas JACOB of Enford in Wiltshire he was educated at Merton College in Oxford where he matriculated on 30 May 1706 at the age of 16. He was awarded a Bachelor of Canon Law [BCL] on 27th February 1712/13. On the 21st Sep 1712 he took holy orders being ordained a deacon in Salisbury Cathedral and he was ordained a priest at the Bishops Chapel in Salisbury on 18th January 1713/4 before being granted the living at Fordington on 19th January 1714 (on the death of the existing vicar Thomas WYATT) where he remained until his own death in 1759.

Hutchins refers to his being appointed as master of the Free School on 1st Nov 1721 when the existing Master Rev William THORNTON surrendered his Mastership. I cannot however trace him being licenced as a schoolmaster. Church records do show that he took on the additional role as Rector of All Saints Church in Dorchester on 18 Sep 1734 after the existing vicar Richard Hutchins died. He was very active for example when the Rev William Leigh the Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters Died on 4th January 1752 he took on his role at the regular Vestry Meetings and he and his son of the same name were even Overseers of the Poor for Holy Trinity Church throughout 1752/3.

Rev. John JACOB married on 22nd April 1716/7 at St Mary's church in the parish of Bruton in Somerset to Grace ELLING. Children from the marriage are shown below. Grace died and was buried at Fordington on 26th July 1727.

    (1) Elizabeth Jacob (1718-1719/20) was baptised at St Georges church on 25th Feb 1718/19 and buried there on 26th January 1719/20. She was presumably left some money or property invested in her name at birth as her father had to arrange for a Letter of Administration to be issued on 1st Feb 1719/20.

    (2) John Jacob Junior (1721- ?) bap St Georges Church 16th Aug 1721. He matriculated at Balliol college Oxford on 2 Feb 1740/1 at the age of 19 but his university record does not say whether he obtained a degree.

    (3) Thomas Jacob (1720-1724) bap at St Georges Church on 29 Apr 1720. On the 6th July 1720 his aunt Ann Churchill wrote her will and left a bequest to " Thomas son of neice Grace JACOB £200". He was buried at FStG church on 25th June 1724.
John married for a second time to Ann TUCKER nee WILLIAMS the widow of John Tucker of Nash in Somerset. They were wed at Saint Stephens Church in Exeter Devon on 10th Sep 1734. Ann died being buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Aug 1745. The parish Registers for St George's church in Fordington record John JACOBS burial as being on 22 January 1758/59. Link to tombstone inscription
Sources (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1714: (Hutchins) states 'John Jacob, LL.B. on the death of Wyatt, inst. 19 Jan. 1713. In 1734, being presented to All Saints in Dorchester, he was again presented to this vicarage by Richard Younger, prebendary, and instituted 8 Oct. 1734.' : See Foster's Ind.Eccles. . Source PL Listed as a Vicar at this date: Source PR Signed Parish Register 1736 +1739 + 1743 + 1751 baptisms & Burials at Fordington 22 Jan 1759]: Source Overseers Accounts 1726-1730 signed as Vicar

Christopher TWINIHOE BA (1722-1767) 1759-1767 Vicar of St George's

Christopher TWINIHOE (TWYNIHOE or TWYNEHOO) Junior (1722 -1767 ) MA

He was descended from the ancient family of Twynho which is covered in 3 Visitation records. It starts with William Twyniho of Kayford in the Visitation of Somerset in 1575 (page132) showing descent to a George Twyniho of Kayford who married the daughter of Thomas Audley and left a son Christopher Twinyho (d1582) of Turnworth in Dorset who married Edith the daughter and co-heir of William Bamfield of Turnworth. This Christopher Twynihoe died in 1582 and his pedigree is continued in the 1623 Visitation to Dorset (page 95). Christopher & Edith's son and heir George Twynihoe of Turnworth married Ursula the daughter of John Basket of the Isle of Wight - he was still alive in 1623. His son and Heir Christopher Twiniho (1599 - 1643) of Turnworth has his pedigree continued in the 1677 Visitation of Dorset (page 70) showing that he married Elizabeth the daughter of Edward Seeley of Bridgewater. They had Christopher Twyniho (died 1676) of Turnworth who married Jane the daughter of Richard Bingham of Quarlston in Winterborne Stickland in 1657. They had Christopher Twyniho (1658-1696) of Turnworth who married Sarah the daughter of John Brodrep. Christopher & Sarah had Christopher Twyniho (1689/90-1773) of Turnworth The Rector of Steeple with Tyneham who was the father of Christopher Twyniho (1722-1767) of Turnworth the vicar of St Georges in Fordington who pre-deceased his father. I have set out this pedigree at length as with 5 Christopher Twiniho's of Turnworth its not suprising that there is some confusion over who died when.

His father had been appointed Rector of Steeple on 12 Jan 1738 and took on Poxwell in addition on 2nd March 1739 before he resigned his position on 22 April 1742. He was then made rector of Turnworth but church records do no appear to have survived reflecting this appointment which is confirmed by probate when he died. Christopher TWYIHOE (1722-1767) Junior was educated at Oxford where he matriculated at Wadham college on 26 March 1740 aged 18. He was awarded a BA degree at Wadham in 1743 before moving to Merton College Oxford where he gained his MA in 1746. He was ordained deacon at Christchurch on 10th June 1750 and a priest a year later. I have not managed to locate where he served his curacy but he was instituted as Perpetual Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington on the death of John Jacob on 20th April 1759 taking up office according to the parish registers on 29th. His burial was recorded at Turnworth in the parish register as taking place on 24 April 1767 so he predeceased his father. When his father died on 22 Sep 1773 the ancient name of TWYNIHOE became extinct.

Sources. (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1759: Visitation of Somerset 1575; Visitations of Dorset 1623 & 1677; National Archives for his fathers death 1773 (Prob 11/996 28 mar 1774) OXA: (Hutchins) states 'Christopher Twynyhoe, jun. M.A. fellow of Merton College, Oxford, on the death of Jacob, inst. 1759'. Note:- In Gentlemans magazine under obituary of notable persons with biographical anecdotes page 770
Edward MARSHALL MA (1739-1798) 1767-1798 Vicar of St George's Rev. Edward MARSHALL MA (1739-1798) He was the son of Nicolas MARSHALL of Enstone in Oxon a gentleman. He matriculated at Pembroke College on 6th Nov 1756 aged 17 and was awarded his BA degree there in 1760. He was made a Fellow of Oriel College Oxford and granted his MA degree in 1763. He was ordained at Christchurch Oxford, first as a deacon on 18th Sep 1763 and then a priest 21st Oct 1764. Appointed vicar of Fordington on 6th June 1767 taking over on the death of the existing incumbant Rev Christopher TWINIHOE. Edward died at Euston aged 59 on 19th September 1798.

Sources: Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1769: (Hutchins) states 'Edward Marshal, M.A. senior fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. He died at Euston, aged 59, Oct. 19,1798'; OXA; CL:
John PALMER BCL (1749-1829) 1799 - 1829 Vicar of St George's Rev. John PALMER BCL (1749-1829) See Link to Biography & transcription of his will dated 15th May 1812 .

The son of John Palmer a Gentleman from Bistol City. He studied studied Civil Law at Wadham college and joined the church possibly being ordained a priest at Wells in 1768 before matriculating at St Albans College Oxford in 1780 and being awarded a Bachelor of Canon Law degree in 1795. He served as curate of St Martins church at Bremhill in Wiltshire for 22 years before being appointed as vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington on 13th March 1799. He married Elizabeth Legg in her home parish of Market Lavington in Wiltshire on 13th Oct 1797 whilst he was still a curate at Bremhill. Elizabeth was the daughter of a Gentleman Richard Legg and her brother Rev. Joseph Legg was curate of of Maddington in Wiltshire. Rev John PALMER was also appointed Chaplain of the Dorst County Gaol (situated in Dorchester) on 12th July 1804, John's spinster sister also called Elizabeth, and described as emanating from Bristol, came to live with him and passed away in Fordington in 1812.

John Palmer died aged 80 on 5th May 1829 and was buried in St Georges churchyard on the 11th leaving his widow Elizabeth well provided for. Unfortunately Elizabeth only survived him by a few months and having returned to her home village of Market lavington died there in November being buried on the 20th. She left a number of bequests including £100 to erect a monument to herself , her brother John Legg (1755-1802) a naturalist and her spinster sisters Mary and Jane Legg.
Henry MOULE MA (1801-1880) 1829 - 1880 Vicar of St George's Rev. Henry MOULE (1801-1880) Link to his biography: Evangelical Minister of Fordington for 51 Years and Inventor of the Dry Earth Closet.

Born in Melksham Wiltshire the son of a Solicitor George Moule (1768-1830) and Sarah nee Hayward (1764-1835) he was initially educated at Marlborough Grammer School before matriculating at John's College Cambridge where he gained his MA degree. He was ordained at Salisbury in 1824 and married Mary Mullett Evans (1801-1877) being appointed curate of St Mary the Virgin church in Gillingham. He was 28 years old when he first arrived at Fordington in 1829 to take up his position as Vicar of St George's Church. After some differences with his parishioners he gained their enduring respect by his efforts to help the poor during the devastating outbreaks of cholera in 1849 and 1854. He funded the building of Christchurch as a place of worship for the soldiers inhabiting Fordington Barracks and is renowned as the inventor of the dry earth closet which did much to improve the health of Victorian England. Four of his eight children joined the church, one became the Vicar of Yaxley, two gained great distinction as missionaries to China and one became Bishop of Durham. His eldest son Henry Joseph was a water color artist of some note who is credited with establishing the Dorset County Musem and his son Charles became classical lecturer & tutor at Cambridge

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1829: (Hutchins) states 'Henry Moule of St. John's College, Cambridge, instit. June 8, 1829, on the death of Palmer. Author of many useful theological treatises, as well as of pamphlets in connection with various benevolent economical inventions with which his name is associated' See bbiography for main sources
Arthur A LEONARD MA (1850-1912) 1880-1887 Vicar of St George's Rev. Arthur Allen LEONARD MA (1850 -1912 ) He was the third son of Francis Burford of Penhow in the County of Monmouth, a cleric by his wife Lucy and was baptised at Llandevaud, Monmouth on 11th June 1850. He matriculated at Oriel College at Oxford on 25th Oct 1869 aged 19 where he was awarded his BA in 1873 and MA in 1877. He was ordained a deacon in 1873 and a priest at Sarum in 1874. He served his curacy at Bridport (1873-1880) before his appointment as Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington (1880 to 1887). He was a Missionary of the society of St Andrew Salisbury (1888-1890) before being appointed Vicar of Beaminster. He died at the age of 61 at the vicarage in Beaminster on 19th January 1912 with probate of his estate of £541.9s.0d being granted to Florence Octavia Leonard his spinster sister. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Beaminster on 22nd January.

Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1880: (PR) Fordington, (IGI), (OXA) (CR) 1885; 1908 (PRO) Clergy Luist 1897
Sidney BOULTER MA (1851-1932) 1888- 1906 Vicar of St George's

Rev. Sidney BOULTER MA (1851- 1932) The son of Daniel Boulter he was a graduate of Keble Colledge Oxford being awarded his BA (2nd cl Theoligical Scholar) in 1873 and his MA in 1876. He was ordained a Dean 1874 when he became an assistant master and Chaplain at St Marks School Windsor until 1877. He was ordained as a Priest in 1878 and appointed curate of Taynton and Great Barrington near Burford Oxon to 1881. Then Vice Principal at St Boniface. Missionary College Warminster 1881-1884 and Sub Warden 1884-1886. Curate of Warminster 1882-1886 and Broadwinsor 1886-1888. On 17th January 1888 he married Mary Elizabeth Alcock at Warminster and was appointed as vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington the same year, a position he held until 1906. A son they named John Sidney Boulter (1890-1969) was born in the parish on 16th Aug 1890. His gross income was £325 with residence and a population of over 2,300. In 1906 he moved to become the Rector of Poulshot in Devises. He died there at the age of 81 and on the south wall over the Priest's Door is a memorial to the Rev. Sidney Boulter who died in January 1932 after an incumbency of twenty seven years.

Sources: (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1888: Clergy List 1897; Crockfords Clerical Directory 1898 & 1932 ; Kelleys Dir 1895; PL The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post (Bristol, England), Monday, January 2, 1888; Issue 12367 Also: Liverpool Mercury etc (Liverpool, England), Thursday, February 2, 1888; Issue 12500 - Also The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post (Bristol, England), Friday, February 3, 1888; Issue 12395; A Historical sketch of Poulshot church by Stanley harper; GRO Devises 5a/133

Rev Richard Grosvenor BARTELOT MA. FSA. (1868-1947) 1906-1936 Vicar of St George's

Rev. Richard Grosvenor BARTELOT MA. FSA. (1868-1947)     Link to an account of his life Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington 1906-1936 Local historian, author and genealogist

Bartelot was the son of the Revd Robert Leach Bartlett, and his family pedigree can be seen in Burke's Landed Gentry 1952. They descended from Adam Barttelot, of Sussex, fl 1295/6. It is possible to see that many of the original MSS bequeathed to the Dorset History Centre must have descended to him by intermarriages. At some point Richard Grosvenor Bartlett decided to adopt the more antique spelling of Bartelot, and his obsession with ancestry, particularly royal ancestry, is apparent in this collection of papers. He transcribed and published a number of Dorset parish registers, contributed to Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries, wrote the History of Crewkerne School (1899), The History of Fordington (1915), and, with A M Broadley, The Three Dorset Captains at Trafalgar (1906).
Gilbert Laird Osborn JESSOP MA (1906-1990) 1936-1956 Vicar of St George's Rev. Gilbert Laird Osborn JESSOP (1906 -1990 ) MA (referred to as junior)

He was the son of Gilbert Laird JESSOP (1874-1955) the famous cricketer who played 18 times for England between 1899 and 1912 and whose life is covered in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. His father met his mother Millicent Annie OSBORNE during the cricket tour of Australia in 1901-2 . Gilbert junior was born on 6th Sep 1906 in Kensington and briefly appeared in first-class cricket for the MCC in 1929 against Wales. He was educated at Weymouth college and in 1927 was at Cambridge where he was awarded an MA. By 1933 he had completed his theological studies, taken holy orders, and joined the Hampshire cricket team making a debut against the touring West Indies. In 1936 he joined Cambridgeshire playing for the Minor Counties against Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Suffolk. In 1939 he joined Dorset and played 22 minor counties matches between 1939 and 1952.

He was appointed vicar of St George's church in Fordington in 1936 and served there for 20 years where he is still fondly remembered by his parishoners as a kind, gentle and caring man. His father lived with him at the vicarage and died there on 11 May 1955, leaving an estate of £2,044. 5s. 6d of which his son was executor. Gilbert left Fordington in 1956 to work as a minister in the West Indies but died aged 84 on 16 January 1990 at St Thomas Hospital, London.

Sources (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1936:(CR) Wisden Cricketer's Almanack (GRO) Birth Kensington 1a/88 4th qtr 1906: death Jan 1990 aged 83 Lambeth Vol-14 Page 16 (PRO) Dorset Echo 23rd Sep 2010
Canon Edward B BROOKS MA 1956 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1956:
Franck W PUGH 1970 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Listed as a Vicar 1970:
Canon Phillip ROBERTS 1973 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Parish of Dorchester created . Appointed Team Rector 1973
Peter S MACPHERSON 1979 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 1979
James J HAMILTON-BROWN BSc 1981 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 1981
Canon David J LETCHER 1985 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 1985
Robin EH JOHNSON MA 1991 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 1991
Richard A BETTS BA 1997 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 1997
Phillip C LAMBERT MA 2001 Vicar of St George's Source (PL) Appointed Team Vicar 2001
Fiona HALL 2012 Vicar of St George's Source Dorset Echo 22 Oct 2012
NAME of CURATE DATE CHURCH Jump to:     Vicars :    Church Wardens:     Baptists:     Other Ministers in Dorchester:
Willelmus [William] CARPENTER 1570-1575 Curate St George 1570
All Saints 1574-1575
Source (CCEd) Curate of Fordington: 8th July 1570. Referred to as Sir William Carpenter my holy father he is a beneficiary under the Will of :- John VYNIE a weaver of All Saints Parish in Dorchester whose will is dated 04 Jun 1574; he was left 2 shillings, William was also a witness of this will which was proved on 24 Nov 1574. He was also a beneficiary under the Will of Raynolde GAYE of All Hallows [All Saints] Church in Dorchester, which is dated 23 Jun 1575 and was proved on 08 Nov 1575. Here he is referred to as Sir William Carpenter curate of All Saints Church.
Thomas TAPPE 1576-1584 (Curate) Sources :: ( PL) Listed as a Vicar 1574: wrong year should be 1576
(CCEd) have name wrong as Topp should be Tappe as per PL; Thomas TAPPE was appointed Curate of St Georges Church in Fordington on 21 May 1576 and left when appointed vicar of Coombe Keynes in Dorset on 28th Oct 1584
(Wills:) He is a beneficiary under the Will of William DOWNTON, Yeoman of Fordington dated 27 July 1574 and proved 17 July 1574. He is also appointed overseer and present as a witness.
He is also a Witness to the will of Agnes WHITE Widow of Fordington written 8th May 1576 & proved 21 May 1576.
He is also left 13s 4d (or 2 nobles) in the will of her eldest son Robert WHITE (d 1576)
There is mention of the burial at Fordington of Joan the wife of Thomas Tapps [Tappe] 14th March 1614.
Johannes [John] CHUBB 1579-1582 Curate Rev. John CHUBB : Source (CCEd): Ordained as a deacon at Newton Ferrers Parish Church 9th Feb 1578 and as a priest on 13th April 1578. Appointed Curate of Fordington 2 Jul 1579 [Note this record shows vicar is still Roger Crocket] remains Curate until 28 Aug 1582 when appointed to fill a vacancy as Rector of Ewerne [Iwerne] Courtney, his patron was Robert Freke. He was replaced as vicar on 19th Dec 1584 by Rev James Jones.
John MARSHE 1583 Curate Rev John MARSHE MA A Witness to the Will of John WINDSOR the Elder a Husbandmen of Fordington dated 30th Apr 1583 who died prior to 3rd June 1583 in which he was described as 'John Marshe curate there' . May be the John MARSH ordained a deacon and a priest at the Chapel in the Manor of Buckden 1577
Richard RUSSELL MA (1566/7-1638) 1588-1590 Curate Rev. Richard RUSSELL MA (1566/7 - 1638) Richard RUSSELL of Berkshire 'con gen' of Broadgates Hall, matriculated 31 Jan 1583/4 aged 17. He transferred to Magdalen College where he was awarded a B.A. degree on 7 Nov 1587. He then joined the church (although his ordination records do no appear to have survied) he was appointed curate of Fordington on 17 Oct 1588. He continued his studies being awarded his MA degree in 1590 when he took up an appointment as Rector of nearby West Stafford with Frome Billett in Dorset. He served there for 47 years until he was over 70 and became ill. His place as Rector was taken by his son Richard Russell MA (1597-1660) a graduate of Trinity College on 2nd Nov 1637. Richard Russell senior died the following year being buried in the parish on 30th August 1638. His son was also buried there on 11th Oct 1660 and replaced for a short time by Rev. Benjamin Way. Richard Russell senior's grandson Richard Russell MA (1629-1667) a graduate of Christ's College was in turn rector there from 1663 until his untimly death in 1667.
Source Wills: Left in will of Robert BARNES of Fordington dated 27 Mar 1587/8 he is bequeathed 2 ewes and 2 lambs
Source (CCEd) (OXA) (OPC) West Stafford list of Rectors (PR) West Stafford burials
[unknown] BUDG 1591 Curate Source (CCEd): Curate of Fordington [Note:- Surname may be Budge?]
Willimus CORNISHE [William CORNISH] 1594 Curate Source (CCEd): Licenced 2 Sep 1591 as Curate of Bath & Wells and then Curate of Fordington on 19 Jul 1594
Johannes [John] KINGTON [KYNGTON & KEMPTON] 1600 to 1608 Curate Rev John KINGTON. He was licenced as Curate of Fordington on 16 July 1600 and appears to have remained there until at least 1608. I have not been able to locate his ordination record but he appears in the church Act Books as curate of Fordington on 22 Jul 1603 and 8 Sep 1606. He also signed the Parish Burial Register in 1606. Around the time he came to Fordington he appears to have married as he had three children baptised in St George's church (1) Martha Kington bap 23rd Oct 1603; (2) John Kington bap 28th Jan 1605; and (3) Thomas Kington bap 9th July 1608. It's possible that he then died as burial registers for Fordington are missing for the period 1609 to 1613 and a Marie KINGTON a widow remarried to a Richard BARLOE in St Georges church on 1st Aug 1614.There are also no other appointments for him on the Clery of England database. Many records are missing during the Civil War but there is a will of a Thomas KINGTON a clothier of Fordington which was proved on 24th Aug 1663, which might be his youngest son.

Sources: (CCEd), (PR) Fordington. :
Robert [Robertus] TUTCHIN 1628 - 1634 Curate Rev. Robert TUTCHIN ( - ) I have not so far managed to locate his university career and most records concerning his appointments in the church are also missing. His eldest son was born circa 1623 so he appears to have already been married when he was ordained into the church as deacon on 24 Sep 1625; and priest 22 Sep 1627 by the Bishop of Bristol. He arrived in Fordington on 4 July 1628 when he was appointed curate and assistant to the Rev. Edward Pele (1582-1643) the vicar there. Pele remained vicar at St Georges but removed to Compton to live, more or less leaving the running of the church to his curate. As Robert TUTCHIN he signed the Bishops Transcript returns for St Georges church for the years 1628, 1630, 1631 and 1633. He is mentioned in the eccesiastical records in their Act Books on 17 Jun 1631 & 16 Jul 1634 as curate of Fordington. On 15th May 1631 he baptised his own son Samuel TUTCHIN in St Georges church but unfortunately he died after only a few months and was buried there on 20th August. Again from William Whiteway we know he left Fordington on 30 July 1634 for Charminster (where Sir Thomas Trechand gave him £40 per annum in addition to the house and garden in which he lives) where the records show he was licensed as a preacher on 24 Sep 1635 and again on 18 July 1638. He was subsequently lecturer at Bridport (13th July 1642 Lords Journals Volii 670) and a Trier and lecturer at Chideock 17 May 1643 (Commons Journals Vol iii 89) He was confirmed in the Rectory at Bridport 4th April 1646. A Minister on the Isle of Wight at Newport he was there in 1655 or 1657 when he took an assistant William Bicknell straight from university.

According to Edmund Calamy he had three sons who also took holy orders John, Robert and Samuel and all were ejected in 1662. His eldest son John TUTCHIN (1623-aft 1662) was educated at the 'free school'in Dorchester where by the age of ten he had attained 'great proficency in learning'. Whilst a scholar and living in Fordington a 'low country soldier' taught him the 'art military' and 'fortification'. He matriculated at St Catharine's College Cambridge in 1637 at the age of 14 and was awarded an MA by 'special standing' after 5 years. After university the Earl of Kent chose him to a tutor for his son but in 1642 the Civil War broke out in which he took an active part. He became Vicar of Foy in Cornwall but In 1662 he was ejected for non conformity but remained continued to live in the area being valued by the 'sober gentry'. There is a marriage dated 01Oct1655 carried out by the JP Henry BONNER for :- a Robert TUTCHIN of Chedzoy (who is likely to be his 2nd son) and Susanna SHIPIN of Whitelackington, whom he married at Waston. After ejectment he had a separate church in the New Forset and a lecture at Lymington where he died and lies buried in the Chancel of the church. Samuel TUTCHIN, who was presumably born after 1634, matriculated at Wadham College Oxford on 14 Nov 1650 and became the vicar of Odiham in Hampshire. After his ejectment in 1662 he went to the East Indies and was chaplain to the factory Fort St George where he died. The East India company erected a monument and paid a pension to his widow

Sources: Bishops Transcripts for St George church Fordington: CCEd: House of Commons Journal: House of Lords Journal: MRD: William Whiteway His Diary 1618-1635, pages 97, 149, 151: Edmund Calamy An account of the Ministers, Lecturers, masters and fellows of Collegesand Schoolmasters who were ejected or silencedafter the restorationin 1660by or before the act of uniformity published 1713.pages 275, 276
William (Gulielmus] STRONG (d1654) 1634 - 1639 Curate

See separate account of the Life of Rev William STRONG (d.1654) Curate of St Georges Church Fordington 1634-1639

John MARSHE BA (1608-?) 1639 + 1641 Curate Rev. John MARSHE BA (1608-?) : He was the son of the Rev John MARSHE (d.1632) the vicar of Stowe cum Membris in Bucks. He matriculated pens from Trinity College Cambridge Michs 1619; scholar from Westminster 1620; BA 1623/4. MA 1627. Incorporated at Oxford University into from St Edmund Hall 31st Jan 1627/8. He was ordained a deacon and a priest at Bristol on 21st Feb 1630 and after his name in the records is a note which states "de parochia Piddlehinton" . Piddlehinton was within the diocese of Bristol, so it looks like he served initially as curate at Piddlehinton. Records are sparse but he appears to have then taken over the Curacy at Fordington from Robert Tutchin in 1639 as the parish registers were signed by Wm Strong in 1638 and John Marsh in 1639. Unfortunately all the parish registers after that date are missing until 1664. He was another strong non conformist however in that whilst serving at Fordington his name appears in the Church Act Books under the date of 4th Nov 1641 with the comment "refuseth to take a license nor shewe his lres of ordin(ation) nor prayed for Byshopps".

Source (CCEd),(CAM), (OXA) (PR) Signed Parish Registers in 1639 as Curate
Geo: [George or Georgius] STANDLY [ STOODLY] 1672 Curate Source: PR Source Cleric: Source CCEd: Appointed Curate of Fordington 17 April 1672 The volume in which this subscription appears, was compiled for men subscribing to the declaration against taking up arms against the King prescribed in the Act of Uniformity of 1662.Source PR: Signed - Parish Registers for 1672
Francis [Franciscus] BURDEN 1676 Curate Source CCEd: Appointed Curate of Fordington 19 Jun 1676
John [Johannes] DOWLAND 1678 - 1684 Curate Source: PR Curate signed registers for 1679; 1681 & 1682: Source CCEd Appointed Curate of Fordington 17 June 1678: Mentioned in visitation books 6 Jun 1681; 19 Dec 1681; 12 Jun 1683; 13 Dec 1683; 2 Jul 1684. Granted probate in the Will of William CUSSENS [COSENS] on 3rd Nov 1681 by Rev John DOWLAND [Curate of St Georges Church] on behaf of Rev Thomas WYATT Prebendary of Fordington.



1767-1781 Curate Rev. Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN MA (1727-1813):- Follow link for Information on his life.
His signature is on FStG Parish Registers as Curate from July 1767 to 1781 : Note:- in The Fordington PR:- Date: June ye 23rd 1781 The Revd Mr Nathaniel Templeman quitted the Curacy of Fordington by taking Institution to the Rectory of the Holy Trinity cum Frome Whitfield in Dorchester together with the Rectory of St Peters. memorandum: That very thing in this book was written by Nathaniel Templeman and contains a Faithfull and True Register of all Baptisms and Burials which happened in his time . In witness whereof I have set my hand this 3rd day of July 1781 Nathaniel Templeman.
Thomas BRYER (1750-1818) 1782 - 1798 Curate

Link to an Account of the life of Thomas BRYER (1750-1818) under Dorchester Church Officials File - Thomas BRYER was appointed as Rector of All Saints Church in Dorchester on 29th Sep 1774 but also became curate at St Georges Church in  Fordington  in 1782 taking over from Nathaniel Templeman (above) when he resigned his curacy in 1781 to become Rector of both Holy Trinity and St Peters Churches in Dorchester. Thomas BRYER conducted nearly all marriages at St Georges Church for example from 1781 to 1789 signing himself as curate before sharing the burden with others until John Palmer took over as Vicar of St Georges in 1799. Even then he continued to officiate in the church on a fairly regular basis and from 1798 to 1816 generally signed himself as Officiating Minister, or Rector of AS. An example of how active he was is his campaigne on behalf of Sarah SWYERS of Fordington who on 13th Mar 1788 was caught stealing silver spoons and who had been tried at the Lent Assizes and sentenced to death.

Source: PR Signed Parish Register 1782 + 1788 as Curate of Fordington :

George WOOD 1796 Curate Source: Curate [from marriages]
Joseph TERRET 1796 Curate Source: Curate pro lac vice.
Pet: [Peter] MILLER 1799 Curate Source: PR Signed Parish baptism Register 1799 as Curate
Horatio MOULE (1805-1886) 1829-1830
Curate Rev. Horatio Moule MA (1805 – 1886) Link to his biography: Brother of Rev Henry Moule he was curate at Fordington from 1829-1830 and after a bried period as Vicar of Box in Wiltshire Curate from 1832-1837. Was Chaplain of St Paul’s Cathedral Calcutta from 1845 - 1875
Rev Richard MOSLEY (1804-1882) 1831-1832 Curate Rev. Richard MOSLEY MA (1804 -1882 ) The son of Robert Mosley he was born in London and initially went to school at Hackney. He matriculated at Trinity College Cambridge at the age of 22 on 22nd Feb 1826 and awarded a BA there in 1830 and an MA in 1833. He joined the church being ordained a deacon in Bristol Cathedral on 23rd Jan 1831 and was made a priest on 15th Jan 1832. He was appointed stipendary curate of St Georges Church Fordington on 23rd Jan 1831 by Robert Bishop of Bristol with a request for him to reside within the parish if possible and an annual stipend of £100. His last official event recorded in fordington is a burial on 6th July 1832. He went on to serve as curate at Holy Trinity Church at Ipswitch from 1837 to 1841 before being appointed Vicar of Rotherham in the diocese of York from 1842 to 1872. He died on 14th Feb 1882 at Hastings and his will was proved by his son Rev Henry Mosley on 25th March 1882 at the Principal Registery. He left an estate of £4,241. 18s. 2d

Sources:- Fordington PR period 1800-1809 (image 11) of his appointment. Crockfords 1868; Cambridge Alumni; Guardian 22nd Feb 1882; Nat Probate Calendar
Rev William DODGE (1814-1865) 1838-1846 Curate William DODGE (1814-1865) He was the son of William Dodge of Sherborne (b.1813) where he went to school before matriculating for St Johns College Cambridge in 1832. He was awarded his BA there in 1836 and ordained a deacon in Chester that year and a priest in 1837 when he was made a curate of Over Daren in Lancashire. He married 4th qtr 1837 in Blackburn to Elizabeth Burgess a native of Eccleston in Lancashire. A copy of the Licence given to Revd William Dodge appointing him as stipendiary curate in the parish of Fordington is held at the Dorset history Center (ref. PE/FOR(SG)/IN 2/1 - date: 1838) They settled at Fordington Cross and their first child (1) Elizabeth Dodge was baptised 24th Feb 1839 in St Georges Church Fordington by Rev Henry Moule. They went on to have six children:- (2) Mary Dodge was bap Fordington 10 Nov 1842 by which time they were living at Little Britain in Fordington - Mary died and was buried in St Georges graveyard on 20th Jan 1844 by Rev Henry Moule; (3) William Dodge bap Fordington 13 June 1844 when they were living in the Fordington High street. His last official duties as curate at St Georges church was performed in September 1846 after which he moved to become curate at Hazelbury Bryan. (4) Priscilla Hall Dodge was bap there 18 July 1848; (5) Martha (1850) and (6) Henry Walter Dodge bap 24 June 1856. He tranferred still as a curate to Iwerne Courtney in 1858 remaining there until 1861 when he moved to become curate of Chesselbourne 1861. He was then appointed as Rector of Fifhead Neville in 1862 where he died in 1865. His son William (1864-1930) also joined the church and his career is outlined in the Cambridge Alumni.
Rev John Arundell LEAKEY (1823-1890) 1846-1851 Curate Rev John Arundel LEAKEY (1823-1890) Eldest son of a gentleman James Leakey of St Davids Exeter. Went to Exeter Free Grammer School and entered St Johns Cambridge but migrated to Queens College Oxford whence he matriculated on 28 Jan 1841 aged 18. He was awarded his B.A. there 1844 MA 1877. He was ordained a deacon at Salisbury in 1846 and a priest 2 years later. He was curate of Fordinfton St Georges church from September 1846 to 1851; Curate of Eaton Chapel Pimlico London 1851-1853; curate of St Michaels Chester Square 1853-1857; Vicar of Topsham devon 1857-1880. Rector of St Gerrans 1880-1890 and died at Bath in Somerset in 1890.
Rev Robert McClellan Lauriston LEE (1856 -1916 ) 1884-1888 Curate Rev Robert McClellan Lauriston LEE (1856 - 1916) Baptised 9th Jan 1856 the son of Rev. Alfred Theophilus & Euphemia Lee at Tetbury Gloucestershire and married in 2nd quarter of 1884 at Larne4 Ireland to Elizabeth Thomasine Evans Johnston. He joined the church being ordained a deacon at Salisbury 1884 and a priest the following year he was curate of St Georges Church in Fordington from 1884 to 1888. Appointed Vicar of Great Toller (or Toller Porcorum) Dorset 1888-1893; Middleburg Cape Colony 1893-1898; Rector of Cradock Cape Colony 1898-1902 Acting C.F. South Africa 1899-1902 (2 Medals with 3 clasps) Vicar of Yetminster 1902 - 1916. He died at 10 St Helen's Road in Dorchester on 2nd April 1916 leaving an estate of £2242 to his widow and was buried at Yetminster oin the 4th. They had 2 children in Fordington prior to his move to Great Toller.
Rev Graham Mackersie WORSLEY MA 1888-1893 Assistant Curate Rev Graham Mackersie WORSLEY Educated at St John's College Cambridge BA 1884; Leeds Clergy School 1885; Ordained Deacon 1886; Priest 1887; Curate of Syston 1886-1888; Curate Fordington St George Dorset 1888-1893; St Peters Marlborough 1893-1897; Curate at Steeple-Ashton w Seminton Sarumand Chaplain Trowbridge and melksham Union 1897; MA 1888; Source:- Crockfords 1908: FStG Burials No 1323
Rev Albert Frederick ACTON MA (1859-1938) 1894-1897 Curate Rev. Albert Frederick ACTON (1859-1938) Son of Thomas LOWE of Newcastle Drive, The Park, Nottingham. Born 2nd April 1859 at Nottingham. School Wellington College. Admitted pens at Trinity College Cambridge 1st June 1878. Matriculated for Michs 1878 awarded his BA 1882; MA 1920; Chich. College 1887; Ordained a deacon 1888; a priest 1889 at Sarum. Curate of Stourpaine 1888-1894; Curate of Fordington St George 1894-1897; Tolpuddle 1900-1901; Rector of West Grimstead Wiltshire 1901-1906; Rector of Brixton Deverill Rectory Warminster, Dio Saraum 1907-1920. Minor Canon of Newcastle. New South Wales Australia 1920-1922; of Neatherd East Dereham Norfolk. Vicar of Edington Wiltshire 1922-1924. Perm. to Office Dios. Sarum Bath and Wells and Bristol from 1930. Died 20th Sep 1938.
Rev. A.W.BULL (1869-1942) 1897- 1905 Curate
Rev. Allen Wilfred BULL Son of Edward Charles BULL (1840-1925) & Laura Beavis (1845-1921) born at Southampton. Attended Wadham College Oxford BA (2nd Class Modern History); 1984 MA; 1898 Deacon Southwark for Sarum; ordained a Priest 1895 Sarum; Curate of Warmwell 1894-1897 Curate of St Georges Church Fordington 1897-1905; In the 1901 Census he was aged 31 unmarried living as a boarder at 35 Fordington Hill. Rector of Bradford Peverell 1905-1909; All SS Chardstock 1909-1914; Vicar of Shrewton w Maddington 1914-1923; Burbage 1923-1931; Rector of Woodsford with Tincleton Diocese Saraum 1931. He died at Woodsford Rectory and was buried there 3rd June 1942 aged 72 the service performed by Rev G Clauthoview the Rector of holy Trinity in Dorchester
Rev. William Thomas GODBER 1913-1915 Curate
Rev William Thomas GODBER : Attended Lich. Th. College 1910; Ordained a Deacon 1913; priest 1915 at salisbury; Curate of st Georges Church Fordington (1913-1915). Curate of ryme Intrinseca with Yetminster and Chetnole (1916-1918) T.C.F. (1918-21: Rector of Winterbourne Came with Winterbourne Farringdon and P.C.of Whitcombe (1921-1930) Chaplain Church of Christ Cannes Villa Raymonde 22 Rue de la Tour Cannes, Diocese of Gibralter from 1930 Sources: Crockfords Dir 1932: Kellys Dir 1915;

Source: The Rev Richard Grosvenor Bartelot Vicar of Fordington published in his "History of Fordington" 1915 On Page 171 he states " With regard to the method of election of Churchwardens the Canon of 1604 was followed in St George's, and up to the year 1773 there were always two parish wardens chosen as ordered by the "Joint consent of Minister and parishioners". After that year the title of 'Vicar's Warden' appears, but as the Canon specifically says that only in cases of disagreement between vicar and people shall the Vicar appoint one and the parishioners another warden, therefore in these days of happy agreement between priest and people we have reverted to the old custom, obeyed the law of the church and now only have two parish wardens in St George's.

Jump to:     Vicars :      Curates:      Baptists:     Other Ministers in Dorchester:
William BARON and John EAME 1552 C/Warden Source: [RGB/History] Page 171:
Thomas RIVES and Ralph JUSTER 1592 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171:
Thomas CHOUNT and William BYRD [BIRD] 1594 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Source: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year 1594
William BASCOMBE and William BYRD 1606 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Source:
[Note:- There is an entry in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor showing that a William BYRD held a copyhold in Fordington dated 1557/8 for a whole place [61 acres 3 rood] for which he paid a 23s rent. He still held the whole place in the 1615 Survey which gives his age as 60 making him born c1555. He married Thomasine PALMER at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 6th Jan 1577 (aged abt 20) He may be the illegible entry (Surname BIRD Senior) buried at Holy Trinity Church 9th Sep 1643]
William BASCOMBE and William BYRD 1607 & 1608 C/Warden Source: See 1606 Above : Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year 1607 and 1608
Edward JOHNSON and Philip FEARE 1619 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year 1618 (i.e. last entry 28 Feb 1618/19)
Edward JOHNSON and Robert WINZAR 1620 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1619 to 24 Mar 1619/20
Thomas CHOUNT and Robert FORDE 1621 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1620 to 24 Mar 1620/21 and the following return for the year starting 25 Mar 1621 to 24 Mar 1621/22 [Note: Sworn in as Constable of Fordington Liberty in Quarter Sessions at Sherborne in 1628]
Ralph CORBIN and Anthony EAMES 1622 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1622 to 24 Mar 1622/23
Philip FEARE and Roger SEAGER 1624 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1623 to 24 Mar 1623/24. [Note: Roger SEAGER Sworn in a Constable of Fordington Manor in the Quarter sessions at Sherborne April 1628 & Note entry below 1633.]
Robert BUN and Richard BISHOP 1625 & 1626 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1624 to 24 Mar 1624/25 and the following year Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BP] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1625 to 24 Mar 1625/26 [Note:- Richard Bishop died in 1632 leaving a will proved 1634 administration granted to his relict and executrix Ann Bishop]
William LAWRENCE and Henry MINTERNE 1627 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1626 to 24 Mar 1626/27 [Note; William LAWRENCE was worn in as Constable of the Manor of Fordington at the Sherborne Quarter sessions April 1626 & 1627]
Anthony EAMES and William LYNNINGTON 1628 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1627 to 24 Mar 1627/28
William COLLINS and John WINZAR 1629 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1628 to 24 Mar 1628/29 [Note:- Bishops Transcripts are actually missing for the year starting the 25 Mar 1629 to 24 Mar 1629/30 ]
Owen WALLIS and Ambrose HUNT 1630 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1630 to 24 Mar 1630/31 [Note:- Link to more information regarding Ambrose HUNT III (c1592- 1661) Husbandman of Fordington]
Anthony EAMES and Thomas WINZAR 1632 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1631 to 24 Mar 1631/32 [Note:- Bishops Transcripts are actually missing for the year starting the 25 Mar 1632 to 24 Mar 1632/33 ]
Roger SEAGER and Thomas WINZAR 1634 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Roger SEAGER signed the Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1633 to 24 Mar 1633/34, [2nd signature illegible ]
John WINZAR and John BRAGG 1635 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: [Note:- Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1634 to 24 Mar 1634/35 are Missing]
Renaldo KNAPTON  and John EAMES 1636 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1635 to 24 Mar 1635/36 [Note:- Bishops Transcripts are actually missing for the year starting the 25 Mar 1636 to 24 Mar 1636/37 - Link to an account of the life of Renaldo KNAPTON Junior Keeper (1602-1666/7) of the Dorchester Gaol]
John WINSOR and John BRAGGE 1637 C/Warden Source: Both signed a very badly damaged Bishop Transcript [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1637 to 24 Mar 1637/38
William COLLINS and William BARNES 1639 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1638 to 24 Mar 1638/39
Robert SEAGER and John BRAGGE 1640 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed Bishop Transcripts [BT] for the year starting the 25 Mar 1639 to 24 Mar 1639/40
Moses SLADE and ? 1665 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Moses signed BT but paper folded over hides 2nd signature [End of CLDS Image 2122] -
Henry BURGES and ? 1666 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Note:- The BT for 1665 signed by the vicar John Thornborgh and Henry BURGES [End of CLDS Image 2123]
Michaeus BARNES and Tomas TOPP 1667 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed BT for year 1666. [End of CLDS Image 2124]
William SEAGER & John SEAGER 1668 C/Warden Source RGB/History page 171: Both signed BT for year 1667 [Note:- The BT return for 1668 is missing hence no entry for 1669]
Machaias RASKER & Roger WINZAR 1670 & 1671 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed BT for year 1669 : [End of CLDS Image 2128] There are no signatures on the returns for 1670 and the return for 1671 is missing? [Note:- Link to more information about Micheas RASKER ]
Henry CROOME and Ambrose HUNT 1673 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Both signed BT for year 1672 [Note:- The BT returns for 1673 and 1674 are missing][Note:- Link to more information regarding Ambrose HUNT IV (d1713) Yeoman of Fordington]
Edward EAMES and Ambrose HUNT 1676 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171 : Only Edward EAMES signed BT for year 1675 [Note:- The BT returns for 1676 and 1677 are missing]
Michaias RASKER and William MINTERNE 1679 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: Micheas (sic) RASKER and William MINTERNE both signed BT covering 2 years 1678 & 1679 : [End of CLDS Image 2133][Note:- Link to more information about Micheas RASKER ]
Henry MITCHELL 1681 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 171: The BT Return for 1680 is not signed. [CLDS Images 2134]
Simon BALE and William COLLINS 1682 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1681 [CLDS Images 2135 & 2136]
William SEAGER and William MINTERNE 1683 (and 1684) C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1682 [CLDS Image 2137]and 1683 [CLDS Images 2138 & 2139] and The 1684 [CLDS Images 2140 & 2041]
Simon BALE and William MINTERNE 1686 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1685 [CLDS Image 2142]
Simon BALE and Richard CHURCHILL 1687 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1686 [CLDS Image 2143]
John INGRAM and William COLLINS 1689 (1688) C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1687 [CLDS Image 2144 & contnued on 2145]
John SEAGER and William COLLINS (1689) 1690 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1688 [CLDS Image 2146]
John SEAGER 1690 (1692) C/Warden The BT Returns for 1689 & 1691 are only signed by John SEAGER and the Vicar [CLDS Image 2147] [NOTE:- The BT Return for 1690 is Missing ][CLDS Image for 1692 is 2148]
John SEAGER and William SEAGER 1693 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1692 [CLDS Image 2149]
William MINTERNE and Melchisedeck [Mell] COX 1694 & 1695 & 1696 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Returns for 1693, 1694 and 1695 [CLDS Images 2150 & 2051 & 2052]
Simon BALE and Melchisedeck COX 1696   (1697 & 1699 & 1700) C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1696 [CLDS Image 2153] Note:- the BT Return for 1697 is Missing. Both signed the BT Return for 1698 [CLDS Image 2154]. Both signed the BT Return for 1699 [CLDS Images 2155 & 2056 end of film reel]
John SEAGER and William MILTERNE 1701 to 1704 inc C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Returns for 1700 to 1703 inc [CLDS start new film, Images 2161 to 2167 inc ] BT Return for the year 1704 is Missing ;
John SEAGER and William COLLINS 1706 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: BT Return for the year 1705 is Missing?
John SEAGER and William SEAGER 1707 C/Warden Both signed the BT Return for 1706 [CLDS Image 2169]
------------------- 1708 C/Warden BT Return for 1707 has not been signed [CLDS Image 2170]
William COLLINS and John SEAGER 1709 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT Return for 1708 [CLDS Images 2171 and 2172]
------------------- [1710-1733 inc] C/Warden BT Return for 1709 has only been signed by the vicar Latimer Crosse [CLDS Images 2173 and 2174] Bishops Transcripts for the years 1710 to 1733 Inclusive are Missing
Thomas TIRRELL and  Charles PITFIELD  1723 C/Warden Source: Bastardy Maintenance Bond entered into by Thomas TIRRELL and Charles PITFIELD Yeoman Churchwardens of Fordington dated 12th July 1723
George GOULD and William CHURCHILL 1724 C/Warden Source: Overseers Accounts 1724: At a Vestry of the Church Wardens & Overseers Parish of Fordington held the third day of January 1724/5 --Signatures George GOULD Churchwarden and William CHURCHILL Churchwarden
William CHURCHILL and Charles PITFIELD 1726 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
William CHURCHILL and John INGRAM 1728 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Also Both signed Overseers Accounts on 22nd Apr 1728 as Churchwardens
Charles PITFIELD and Nathaniel SEAGER 1730 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Charles PITFIELD and Thomas FRAMPTON 1731 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Jacob HITCHCOCK and John COWARD 1732 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Source: PR: Described as Church Warden when Buried 1st Mar 1732/3
John INGRAM and John COWARD 1733 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
John INGRAM and John PITMAN 1734 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Thomas TERRELL and Thomas WINZAR 1735 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
William HACKHAM and Charles WELLS 1737 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Charles WELLS and William HACKHAM 1739 C/Warden Source: PR: Both Signed Parish Registers 1739 as Church wardens
William TEMPLEMAN and Charles WELLS 1741 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Thomas TERRELL and Charles WELLS 1742 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Thomas TERRELL asnd John SPARKS 1743 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Francis PURCHASE and William HACKHAM 1744 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Francis PURCHASE and John INGRAM 1746 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Francis PURCHASE and John INGRAM 1752 C/Warden Source: Both signed the BT return for year ending 1751 as Churchwardens
John MORGAN and John INGRAM 1753 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
John MORGAN and John NELSON 1755 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the late Composite BT return covering years 1753 to 1555 as Churchwardens
John MORGAN and Thomas TERRELL 1758 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the 1st of 2 returns for Bishops Transcripts for the year 1758 in Sep that year
Giles COOMBS ad Thomas TERRELL 1761 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Also note Seth BANKES BA (1733-1769) was Officiating Minister [He was Rector of All Saints Dorchester from 1759 until his death in 1769 - Link to more information about him]
John MORGAN and Thomas TERRELL 1762 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the end of year 1761 Bishops Transcripts
James BROOKE and Thomas TERRELL 1763 to 1766 inc C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: James Brooks signed the Bishops Transcripts ending Aug 5th 1764 and composite return ending abt 13 Sep 1766 [CLDS Image 4205261_00034] and return ending 9 Sep 1770
James BROOKE and John NELSON 1768 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
James BROOKE and Thomas TERRELL 1771 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
James BROOKE and John MORGAN 1772 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
James BROOKE and Thomas TERRELL 1777 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: James BROOKE signed the Sep 1776 BT return and the one in 1779
James BROOKE and John MORGAN 1780 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Both signed the BT return for 1780
Charles F BROOKE and John MORGAN 1786 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Charles Frederick BROOKES and John MORGAN 1788 C/Warden Source:- Petition raised by Rev Thomas BRYER curate of St Georges Church to the Justices of the Peace for a Royal Parden for Sarah SWYERS of Fordington in 1788 also signed by Charles Frederick BROOKES and John MORGAN
Thomas SALISBURY and John MORGAN 1793 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Thomas BEDLOE and John MORGAN 1794 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
Thomas BEDLOE and William MASTERS 1799 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172: Thomas BEDLOW and John MORGAN signed the 1799 BT Return for 1799
William CAVE Senior and William MASTERS 1801 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 172:
William CAVE Senior and Philip ELLIOTT 1804 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Joseph BEDLOE and Edward CAVE 1805 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Edward ENSOR and Edward CAVE 1806 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Joseph BEDLOE and Philip ELLIOTT 1809 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Edward ELLIOTT and John MORGAN 1812 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert DAMON and William NORMAN 1816 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Joseph CUST and John LEGG 1818 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
John HAYNE and Edward ELLIOTT 1819 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
James BROOKS and George HENNING 1822 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: NoteJames BROOKS buried Fordington 4th Jan 1837 Parish Clerk
Robert DAMON and Joseph BEDLOE 1825 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert DAMON and John HAYNE 1830 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Thomas MASTERS and John HAYNE 1832 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
John TULLIDGE and John HAYNE 1833 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Robert R HARVEY and John TULLIDGE 1834 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert R HARVEY and James H HAWKINS 1836 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Thomas MASTERS and James H HAWKINS 1838 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Thomas HODDER and John ANSTY 1839 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
John ANSTY and William RAYNOLDS 1840 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
John LEGG and William RAYNOLDS 1843 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
John LEGG Sen. and Robert DAMON 1850 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
John LEGG jun. and Robert DAMON 1851 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Edward PEARCE and Robert DAMON 1858 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Capt Charles T GRIFFIS and Robert DAMON 1863 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Henry Fredk HARVEY and Robert DAMON 1864 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Capt Edward Heathcote SMITH & Rbt DAMON 1865 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Robert HAYNE and Charles Edward Maber 1866 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert HAYNE and Robert HUNT 1875 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
William GALPIN and Robert HUNT 1878 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
John JOHNSON and Leonard TILLEY 1885 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert HAYNE and Arthur John LEGG 1887 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Robert Scott WILLIAMS and John JOHNSON 1891 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert Scott WILLIAMS and Henry SYMONDS 1894 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert Scott WILLIAMS and Robert HUNT 1899 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Robert Scott WILLIAMS and Robert HAYNES 1900 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Robert Scott WILLIAMS and Frank SHERGOLD 1903 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Frank SHERGOLD and George HART 1905 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Frank SHERGOLD and John James WALNE 1906 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Major E.D.Pickard Cambridge and John James WALNE 1908 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
George H.C. POPE and Chgarles HANNAH 1909 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
George DODDERIDGE and Charles HANNAH 1910 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
W.Wilton REED and Charles HANNAH 1911 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
F.T.MALTBY and T.H.R.WINWOOD 1913 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
Angus DOUGLAS and T.H.R.WINWOOD 1914 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Edward Barnaby DUKE and George DODDERIDGE 1915 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Edward Barnaby DUKE and George DODDERIDGE 1916 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 174:
Edward Barnaby DUKE and George DODDERIDGE 1917 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 174:
Edward Barnaby DUKE and E.A.C.DARE 1918 C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 17$:
Margaret MORRISSEY (b.1943) OBE Apr 2006 to
Apr 2012
C/Warden Director of Poundbury Manco 3 Ltd Unity Chambers 34 High East St Dorchester incorporated 19th Nov 2003; Founder of Parentsoutloud website 2008; Press officer at NCPTA, Sources: PR: Margaret Morrisey;;
Tim BULLICK 2012 C/Warden Source: National Church Trust
    C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173: :
    C/Warden Source: RGB/History page 173:
Benjamin BELLMAN 1725 Overseer Source Overseers Accounts Vestry Minutes 3 Jan 1725; 13 Feb 1725
John INGRAM 1725 Overseer
Source Overseers Accounts 1725 Signed as Overseer 1728 signed as Churchwarden
George BRINE 1726 Overseer Source Overseers Accounts completed 22 Apr 1726 return
John COWARD 1728 Overseer Source Overseers Accounts Signed 3 Oct 1728
Samuel HELLARD 1782 & 1783 Overseer Source OA: Signed May; Sep to Nov 1782 & Mar to April 1783 Accounts as Overseer
Joseph BONNETT 1782 + 1789 Overseer Source OA Signed Sep 1782 & Sep 1789 Accounts as Overseer
John WOOD 1782 + 1795 Overseer then Curate Source OA: Signed May & Oct 1782 Accounts as a Churchwarden - assume he went on to become a Curate: Source: Curate PR [from marriages]
William CAVE 1782 Overseer Source OA: Signed March & April 1782 Accounts as Overseer: Note may have become a Churchwarden see 1800 - 1803
James HARRIS 1782 Overseer Source OA: Signed April 1782 Account as Overseer
John HAYNE 1783 + 1788 Overseer Source OA: Signed June to Mar 1784 Accounts as Overseer - Also signed the petition raised by Rev Thomas BRYER curate of St Georges Church to the Justices of the Peace for a Royal Parden for Sarah SWYERS of Fordington in 1788.
Amos STYLE 1783 Overseer Source OA: Signed June to Dec 1783 Accounts as Overseer + Apr 1784
Reuben MASTERS 1784 Overseer Source OA: From June 1784 Signed Accounts as Overseer
William MASTERS 1784 Overseer Source OA: From June 1784 Signed Accounts as Overseer
Richard BRIDPORT 1789 Overseer Source OA: May 1789 Signed Accounts as Overseer; Richard Bridport Yeoman of Forthington was granted administration (along with Thomas Gould Read of Dorchester) of the estate of Dorothy Gillingham (late Dorothy White) on 19th January 1778 (Image on
Thomas LOVELACE 1791 Overseer Source OA: Mar 1791 Signed Accounts as Overseer
James HARRIS 1792 Overseer Source OA: Jan 1792 Signed Accounts as Overseer
Robert Rogers STROUD 1877 Sexton Source: Referred to as the Sexton when buried at FStG on 12 May 1877
Esau THOMAS 1882-1894 Sexton

Esau THOMAS (1826-1900) was baptised at St Mary's Church Frome St Quintin Dorset on 7th May 1826 the son of Stephen Thomas (1794-1873) and Jane nee Lake (1805-1879). As an agricultural labourer he married there to Harriet Watts a native of Cheddington at Frome St Quintin on 9th Jan 1850. They had 3 children at Cattistock before moving to live in Fordington in 1855 where Elizabeth Jane was baptised on 31st Aug 1856; Sarah on 25th July 1858; Charles 29th July 1860; Jane 27th July 1862; Mary Ann 30th June 1867; Henry 29th May 1870 and Eliza 29th Sep 1872.

Source: See Parish Burial and Marriage Registers ; He is referred to on a number of burials as the Sexton at FStG Church for the years 1882-1886 and recorded again as the Sexton and the father of Fanny Thomas aged 23 when she married Frederick Henry Legg at FStG Church on 20th Sep 1888 ; also his son Henry Thomas aged 21 when he married at FStG Church to Flora Legg on 19th April 1891 and his daughter Jane when she married Thomas Watts on 5th Feb 1894.

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