This transcription was kindly donated to the OPC project prior to 2005 by Peter Collins (with a few early entries by Christine Crawford) which was taken from a copy of Phillimore's Marriage Registers, published in 1909. Some records for 1634 and 1635 were transposed in error in the original transcription and these have now been corrected leaving the original year visible but with a line through it in case individuals have previously recorded entries from the original transcription in their family tree. . Link to Marriages in Holy Trinity (1713-1812) John FACEY & Alice [blank] were married 31-Jan 1560 [Note:- possible son Thomas bap at HT 7th June 1560?] Peter ALLEN & Edith [blank] were married 26-Feb 1560 John WARBURTON & [blank] were married **-Mar 1560 John PERRIN & [blank] were married 30-Jul 1561 John HETHMAN & Margaret [blank] were married **-Jul 1561 William CORBIN & Ellinor [blank] were married **-Nov 1561[Note:- William was a son of John Corbin Senior (c1495 - 1566) Bailiff of Dorchester. Children baptised HT (1) William bap HT 23 Oct 1562 (2) James bap HT 23rd Jan 1564/5 & buried HT Oct 1567 - William CORBIN senior was buried at HT on 25th Dec 1567 - hence no more children] John BERRET & Amy HUDDERS were married 29-Nov 1561 William POTTER & Cicily CRIBBE were married 30-Jan 1561 [Note:- children baptised HT (1) Agnes 18th May 1561 (2) Margaret bap HT 20 Feb 1562] George CRADIOCKE & Joane HOLMAN were married 01-Jun 1561 Thomas HOLLETT & Susan [blank] were married 08-Nov 1561 [Note:- Susan HOWLETT was buried at HT on 29th Aug 1603] Robert TWICHE & Joane PENGEATT were married 08-Nov 1561 John GELES & Alice BLONDON were married 28-Jun 1562 James COLE & Johan CRADOCKE were married 15-Nov 1562 [Note Joane the wife of James COLE was buried HT 15th August 1572] John EYRES & Thomason FOWSETTS? were married 22-Jun 1564 (PR) Thomas SHEPPARDE & Agnes LITTLE were married 28-Jun 1564 (PR) [Note bap records missing for 1565 -1570, known children (1) Avis? bap HT 11th Jun 1572 (2) John bap HT 13th Nov 1574; may have used an alias COTHNAVEC? ] Robert CASTLE & Katherine KINGETON were married 09-Jul 1564 (PR) Wilton HOLBRED & Alice WHITE were married 07-Aug 1564 (PR) William WEVER & Elizabeth BELMAN were married 11-Sep 1564 (PR) Randell JEVAN & Jone [blank] were married -Sep 1564 Thomas KNIGHTON & Colom. Frenchwoman were married 14-Oct 1564 (PR) [Note:- Colome his wife died and was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 25th January 1568/9] Thomas SUTTEN & Elizabeth BAKER were married 25-Feb 1564 (PR) Peter COLETT & Katherine MATELL were married 18-Jun 1565 (PR) Danel [Daniel] FLACHER [FLETCHER?] alias & ***** Alson LAWNING were married 12-Jul 1565 (PR) John BEDELL & Agnes BEST widow were married 19-Aug 1565 (PR) John PILLARD & Marian BURGES were married 24-Sep 1565 (PR) [ Note :- Marian was buried at HT between May & September 1582] Willm [William] REOLLIES[?] Frenchman & Jane BALETT widow were married 24-Sep 1565 (PR) [Note:- William may have died HT 10th Nov 1566?] John RICHARDS & Elinor BAILY [BAILEY] were married 15-Nov 1565 John SELLER sercher of ****** & Alice BIGGES [BIGS] widow were married 11-Jan 1567 John BAKER & Florence MAYORS were married 14-Jan 1567 John SHEPPARDE & Phillip OVERY widow were married 10-May 1568 [Note:- Phillip SHEPPARD was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 04 Aug 1659 ] Humfrey PARRIS & Elizabeth DUNCOMB were married 05-Jun 1570 [Note:- children:- (1) Anne bap HT 7th Oct 1571 (2) Ralphe bap HT 13th nov 1574 (3) Thomas? bap 14th Jan 1575/6] John POWNSEY [POUNCEY] & Margaret HAGGARD were married 16-Jun 1570 (PR) [Note:- The Pouncey family were butchers and were always at odds with the reformers. See page 163 of David Underdown's book 'Fire from Heaven' where it states " The Pounceys had been in Dorchester at least since 1570, when a certain John POUNCEY married Margaret HAGGARD. They raised a large family of children including two sons, Thomas & Roger who survived throughout our period . The first named - Thomas the elder - lived a fairly quiet life: one absence from church and a couple of drinking offences are the only charges recorded against him between 1629 and 1637, and he was sufficiently responsible to serve on juries occastionally". The rest of their children were probably born in St Peters Parish where baptism records only survive from 1653. Their known children were:- (1) Roger bap HT 15th Oct 1571 (2) John bap 5th May 1575 (3) Mathew bap HT 28th Sep 1577. [Note:- I have not located the baptism of Thomas and another likely child of theirs is Marian POUNCEY who married John WHITE at Holy Trinity on 18th April 1594] Richard HODGINS & Mary SWETIN were married 02-Oct 1570 (PR)
Richard STEVENS & Ellinor HOLLMAN were married 09-Oct 1570 (PR)
Richard WEVER & Johane DOWNTON were married 19-May 1571 (PR) Phillip DINE & Joane MARTINS were married -Aug 1571 (PR) [Note children (1) Alice bap HT 20th Aug 1571 (2) Joane bap HT 27th Sep 1573 (3) John bap HT 2 Feb 1575/6] Nicholas BLECKE [BLAKE?] & Agnes CHAPMAN were married -Oct 1571 (PR) [Note:- His wife Agnes was buried HT 8th January 1577/8] John SHERINE tucker & Agnes [blank] were married 01-Dec 1571 (PR) John GILES alias WARREN the younger & Elizabeth JUPPE [or JUPPIE] widow were married 17-Jul 1572 (PR)
Willm [William] GOLDINGE hellier & Denis [Demaris?] PUCKSTON widow were married 17-Jan 1572 (PR) Marke REYNOLDE & Elizabeth DENIS [DENNIS] were married 22-Sep 1573 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth his wife was buried at HT on 1st May 1574 - he remarried 20 Oct 1575] Nicholas CHAPPEL & Anstice MAIOWES were married 26-Nov 1573 (PR) [Note:- Anstice, spelt Anasteise at her buried at HT on 11 Mar 1607/8. Her Christian name is an anglicized form of the Latin Anastasia] John [J] UP & Elizabeth DAVIS were married 25-Jan 1573 (PR)
John [LEYTONE?] & Amy DENIS were married 30-Jan 1573 (PR) Walter PERINE & Alice HEIRES [EYRES]were married 17-Jun 1574 (PR) [Note:- May be his second marriage as Edith the wife of Walter PERIN was buried at HT on 20th Mar 1570/1. Alice PERINE was buried at HT 9th May 1581 and Walter at HT on 18th July 1587] John BRINE [BRYNE]& Alice PALMER were married 29-Jun 1574 (PR)
Richard MUSSELL & Edith GOLDINGE were married 06-Jul 1574 (PR) [Note:- child margaret bap HT 15th May 1575 & buried HT 14th June 1575] George OLIVER & Florence POLLARD widow were married 26-Jul 1574 (PR) Michell [Michael] MERIFIELD & Edith CONANTS were married 30-Sep 1574 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 6th Aug 1575] George FOY & Agnes HAMOND were married 01-Oct 1574 (PR)
William PREW & Elizabeth STOITES were married 27-Nov 1574 (PR) [Note:- child Richard bap HT 17th June 1576] William STACY & Jane RAINOLDS [RAINOLDES] were married 11-Apr 1575 (PR) Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE & Ellinor BROWNE were married 02-Jun 1575 (PR)
Michell STEVEN & Thomasin COUTHE were married 12-Jun 1575 (PR) Marke [Mark] REINOLDES [REYNOLDS] & Ellinor STICKLAND were married 20-Oct 1575 (PR)
John HOSKINS & Joane BENVENEW were married 22-Oct 1575 (PR) [Note:- children (1) James bap HT 17 Aug 1578 (2) Walter bap HT 12th Oct 1580 (3) George bap HT 17th Nov 1581 (4) Agnes bap 22nd Jan 1586/7] Richard PETER & widow GRIFFIN were married 07-May 1576 Licence (PR) Nicholas PAINE & Elizabeth BUCKES were married 26-Jul 1576 (PR) John LAMPORT & Christian* TAPPS were married 26-Nov 1576 (PR) [Note:- *Written as 'Xpian' in original PR image HT baps image 72 but transcribed by Phillimore as 'Christian'] Richard SAMSON & Emme [blank] were married 01-Nov 1576 (PR) Oliver PURCHAS [PURCHASE] & Thomesin HARRIS were married 21-Jun 1577 (PR)
John PEARE & Alice OVERS were married 21-Jun 1577 (PR) John GRIGGE & Joane GOSLINGE were married 09-Nov 1577 (PR) [Note:- child Robert bap HT 2nd Apr 1581 - Joane died and was buried at HT on 2nd May 1585] William BIRD & Thomasin PALMER were married 06-Jan 1577 (PR)
John BIRD [BYRDE] (d.1575) his father held a copyhold plot and tenement dated 1557/8 which was situated at Uppon Hill in the West Tything of Fordington Fields for a whole place. John wrote his Will on his deathbed on 26th August 1575 and had died before the 15th of September that year when an Inventory of his goods was taken after his death. In his will he refers to his wife Margaret but from the way it is written it becomes clear that she is his 2nd wife and not the mother of his son and heir William BIRD whom he makes his executor. Margaret is left half John's goods on condition that she suffers his son to have one half of her tenement during her estate and to pay one half of his debts and legacies. He goes on to leave a cupboard and chest within the middle door of the house to his son, and the other cupboard to his wife. He than leaves 3 sheep to "Julian my wifes daughter". She is obviously from Margaret's first marriage and I note that on the listing of his debts in the inventory her full name is recorded as "Julian BISHOP owed 10s 6d" Margaret's previous married name of BISHOP is later confirmed when she dies in 1592 when Thomas BISSHOPP [BISHOP] of Fordington in the County of Dorset husbandman, is described under the obligation in the Letter of Administration as the "natural and lawful son and administrator of the goods chattels and debts of Margaret BURDE late whilst she so lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset, Widow deceased" and appointed to administrator her estate by the Court. Julian BISHOPPE married Thomas WYNSOR [WINSOR] at FStG on 4th Feb 1578/9 and benefited from her mothers estate in 1592 and later was buried at FStG on 19th May 1625] John goes on in his Will to leave 5s to his sister-in-law Lewis GILLETT. On his father John BIRD's death in 1575 the inventory of his goods in addition to all the usual household items there is reference to their farming activity vizt: such as a 'wool house and 6 weight of wool'; in the fields and other places 126 sheep; 6 horses; 6 cows a bullock and 2 calves; 2 swine; a cart and furniture for 6 horses; wood and timber; 48 bushels of malt; 20 acres on wheat; 26 acres of barley and 5 acres of oats; with a hay in the fields. Confirmation that the plot descended to William BIRD comes in the 1607 Survey of the Manor of Fordington where it also lists the previous tenant recorded as Margaret BIRD widow of his father John BIRD". William BIRD [BYRDE](c1559-1643) See Surveys of Fordington Manor in 1600 and 1615 In the latter survey his age was given as being 60 making him born c1555. This however was a general estimation taken in 1615 of all tenants ages with many of the older tenants ages ending in a zero or 5. He was also however the first witness to appear in the suit brought by John CHURCHILL in Feb 1611/12 against some of the tenants of Fordington manor for not grinding their corn at Churchill’s West Mills. West Mills is situated on the River Frome immediately north of the Infantry Barracks in West Fordington. In his deposition he is described as William BYRDE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman aged 53 years or thereabouts and in his evidence he confirms that he was born at Fordington". As he was specifically called to appear before the court I have taken this as a slightly earlier and more accurate estimation of his age making him born c1559. After marriage William and Thomasin appear to have returned to live in his tenement at Uppton Hill, West Fordington working the plot consisting of 58 acres of arable land with 2½ acres of meadow and a yard of pasture. I suspect the 1600 Survey triggered the need to formally surrender the copyhold and take a new one for 3 lives being himself Thomasin and his heir. Although I cannot locate her burial I think Thomasin died leaving by 1615 the two lives recorded in the Survey. He was by 1615 clearly respected having been churchwarden at FStG for many years (signing the Bishops Transcripts for example in the years 1594, 1606-1608 inc.). It was traditional to marry in the brides parish which may mean she was returned to Holy Trinity for burial but I have found no trace anywhere. William however may well be the 'BIRD Senior' buried at Holy Trinity on 9th Sep 1643 where the Christian name is illegible,(perhaps to be with his wife) if correct and he was born in 1559 rather than 1555 he would have been 84 years old. No trace of a Will or Letter of Administration. CHILDREN: I have not so far located any children although the 1615 survey records a 2nd life extant on the copyhold aged about 35 years (i.e. born c1580) only 3 years after this marriage. Note:- Parish Registers are missing for the period 1579-1584. If we turn to the 1650 Survey a William BURD is recorded as holding a copyhold dated 9th April 1650 for a cottage with a stable and a yard at the back of the house. This is attached to a close containing 2 acres of meadow and has a notation :- "There is a reversional estate of two lives yet in being mentioned in the last plaintiffs will --Webb 1650" (not so far located) The 2 lives are William BURD aged 35 (b.1615) and his married sister Sarah CRUMWAY aged 29. (b.1621) There are 2 families at FStG having children baptised around these dates, a William and a John. John for example has a daughter he names Thomasine baptised there on 4th June 1608; [bap are missing 1609-1613)] also:- John bap & bur 1614; Elizabeth bap 26 Apr 1620; Joseph bap 1623. William has a daughter Mary bap there in 1619. The William BURD and his married sister therefore seem likely to be some of their grandchildren] John PALMER & Joane BISHOPPE were married 22-Nov 1579 [Note:- Joane PALMER was buried at HT on 29th March 1605] John MERSHE [MARSH?] & Joane TALBOTT were married 28-Jan 1579 William READ & Elizabeth BISHOPPE were married 31-Jan 1579/80
(1) William Read (1580-1580/6)bap HT Church on 16th Oct 1580 & must have died pre 20th Nov 1586 when another son was named William (2) Thomasine Read (1581-1660) bap HT 10th Feb 1581/2 , she married John SPICER at HT on 13 Oct 1600 and was a beneficiary under her fathers Will in 1608 as were her 2 children. (3) George Read (1584-1584) bap HT 25th July 1584 & buried there 10th Mar 1584/5 (4) William Read (1586-1586) bap HT 20 Nov 1586 & buried 4th Jan 1586/7 (5) Nathaniel Read (1588-1638) bap HT 30th Jan 1588 referred to in his fathers Will of 1608 as his eldest [surviving] son. Nathaniel married Elizabeth TRIVETT at HT Church in Dorchester on 6th Nov 1609 [Note:- some baptisms do not seem to have been recorded at this time. We have a comprehensive record up to 1586 which seems to recover to the same level in 1592. The Rector of Holy Trinity Rev. Edward Doughty MA.(c1550-1616) resigned his position on 15 Nov 1585; he was also Master of the Free School in Dorchester and seems to have kept meticulous records from the date of his appointment in 1580. The change in Rector may therefore account for the loss. Information about his replacement Rev Richardus JOHNSON MA is scant and his university records suggests he took over in 1585 but I doubt this as he was only ordained a priest on 25th March 1586 which is our last complete record. The year 1587 saw only 3 baptisms; the year 1588 only two one of which is William Read (9) below. 1589 saw 5 baptisms but 1590 has the Latin inscription nihil inventus [meaning none found/discovered] suggesting that the baptism registers were compiledsome time later. It needs to be remembered that 1588 was the year of the Spanish Armada when attentions were focused elsewhere. The Will and burial register suggests they had 3 more children plus William who was baptised in 1592. Elizabeth nee Bishop died in Sep 1593. (6) Joane Read; a 'Joane the daughter of William READ' was buried at HT on 15th July 1598 (7) Anne Read named as a beneficiary under Williams Will in 1608. Ann married John RASKER at HT Church in Dorchester on 13-Nov 1609 (8) Elizabeth Read named as a beneficiary under Williams Will i9n 1608. (9) William bap HT 26th Mar 1592 - named as a beneficiary under Williams Will in 1608 where he is referred to as his second [surviving] son. Robert DEVENISHE & Agnes KINGMAN were married 10-Feb 1579/80 [Note:- children (1) George? bap HT 28th Dec 1580, (2) Robert bap HT 12 Mar 1586] William PALMER & Mawd POPINJOYE were married 02-Feb 1579/80 [Note Mawd PALMER was buried at HT 27th Feb 1581/2] Roger HINE & Joane PALMER were married 15-Aug 1580 John GOODINCHE & Anne MUNDAY were married 15-Oct 1580 Richard HILL & Avis BENENEW were married 23-Jan 1580 William PERIN & Alice BATTS were married 10-Apr 1581 [Note:- children:- (1) Robert bap HT 16th Dec 1581 (2) William bap HT 15th Jun 1584 William PERIN senior then died anmd was buried at HT on 10 Mar 1584/5 - His widow Alice is likely to be the Alice PERIN who married William WILSON at HT on 04-Sep 1594 ] William PAVETT & Edith MASON were married 23-Jan 1581 Thomas RAINOLDES [REYNOLDS] & Elizabeth [blank] were married 27-Aug 1582 (PR) [Note Thomas RANOLDES was buried at HT on 25th February 1584/5] Nicholas HENDY & Joane CORBIN were married 16-Sep 1582 (PR) Thomas STRONGMAN & Agnes S [torn off] were married 22-Jan 1584 [Note Thomas STRONGMAN was buried 20th Feb 1595/6] John HADDON & Bri [torn off] were married 22-Apr 1585 [Note:- child Walter bap HT 29th March 1595?] John GETTIS & [torn off] were married 9 [torn] 1585 Philip MARTIN & Sibill PANCHARD were married 08-Nov 1585 [Note:- child bap HT 16th March 1584/5?] William MEMBREE & Alice SAMWAYS were married 18-Dec 1585
William MOCKERIDGE & Margret FURSES were married 12-Apr 1586 Philip BRINE & Emme PISSELLS were married 18-Oct 1586 Lewes PARTRIDGE & Margret HARDENS were married 23-Oct 1586 Thomas EDWARDS & Amye HYE were married 15-Nov 1586 John LACIE [LACY] & Anstice BONNGIER were married 03-Jan 1586 [Note:- child John bap HT 28th Feb 1586] Robert OSMUND & Elinor SHEPPERD were married 28-Jul 1587
Thomas PALMER & Edith FAREWELL were married 12-Sep 1587 John MILBORNE & Joane LASSELLS were married 23-Nov 1587 Robert BISHOPPE & Anne STONE were married 22-Jun 1589 (PR)
Walter MOGGE & Christian GILES were married 15-Jul 1589 (PR)
Henry GREGORY & Ursula HARTE were married 13-Oct 1589 [Note- child Sibell bap HT 30th Dec 1592 - Ursula his wife was buried at HT on 27th March 1599] Thomas THOURMAN & Elizabeth CHAPMAN were married 29-Dec 1589 Robert SKINNER & Joane BOYLANDE were married 15-Feb 1589/90
Thomas LACY & Elizabeth CHUBB were married 01 Oct 1590 (PR) William HYE & Edith RAFE were married 21-Dec 1590 (PR) John LACY & Ellinor HULETT were married 30-Jan 1590 (PR) [Note child Hughe bap HT on 01 Nov 1592 ] William SHATTOCKE & Emme TAILER were married 02-Aug 1591 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Mary bap HT 12th May 1592 (2) Joseph bap HT 10th August 1594] Hughe MANINGE & Agnes [blank] were married 20-Sep 1591 (PR) Dionise [Dennis] FFACY & Elizabeth CURTIS were married 25-Jan 1591 (PR) [Note:- child Alice bap HT 13th Aug 1592] Thomas COUNTER & Edith LACY were married 27-Jan 1591 (PR)
John HOBSON & Alice STEVENS were married 03-Apr 1592 (PR) [Note:- child George bap HT 01 May 1592 - Alice his wife was buried at HT on 26th Aug 1612] William CLOWTER [CLOWTHER or CLOUTHER] & Constance BOWND were married 17-Jul 1592 (PR) John FFACY & Joane MINTERNE were married 22-Jul 1592 (PR) Thomas THATCHER & Agnes DEVENISHE were married 13-Sep 1593 (PR) [Note:- Agnes the wife of Thomas THATCHER was buried at HT on 22nd Feb 1608/9] Jeffery JOWDRY & Joane MARSHE were married 11-Oct 1593 (PR) John WHITE & Marian POWNCEY [POUNCEY] were married 18-Apr 1594 (PR) [Note:- John WHITE (c.1556-1597) was the son of Robert WHITE (d.1576) of Fordington and unfortunately he died and was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 12th May 1597. Mariam re-married to John TURNER at Holy Trinity on 21st June 1599] William WILLSON & Alice PERRIN were married 04-Sep 1594 (PR) [Note:- Alice is likely to be the widow of William PERIN whom she married at HT on 10th Apr 1581. She had two children by him before he was buried at HT on 10 Mar 1584/5] George PANCHARD & Margret COMFREY were married 14-Oct 1594 (PR) Nicholas LACY & Avis SHAVINGE were married 28-Oct 1594 (PR) [Note:- Nicholas LACYE senior was buried at HT on 2nd Feb 1605/6 and Avis his widow on 7th June 1613] Richard TURNER & Elizabeth HUNT were married 27-Jan 1594 (PR)
Roberte DOWRIDGE & Ffortune [Fortune] HENLY were married 03-Mar 1594 (PR) John BURROWES & Joane EDWARDES were married 28-Apr 1595 (PR) Thomas HARTE & Alice WARREN were married 09-Jun 1595 (PR) Henry EDWARDES & Julian GOULDE were married 23-Jun 1595 (PR) John MILLER & Alice MARTINE were married 12-Jan 1595 (PR)
Thomas GOOGED? and Ellinir [Elinor] MATHER of Charminster were married the xxiiijth of January 1595 [Note This marriage was not in the original transcription] Andrew FOOKE & Margret THORNE were married 06-Nov 1597 (PR) William PINNEY & Joane DOWRITCHE were married 16-Jan 1597 (PR)
Richard SNOOKE & Catherine PHILLIPS were married 15-Feb 1597 (PR) Robert SIMONS & Avis LACY were married 29-Apr 1598 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Euroth bap HT 18th Sep 1603; (2) Joane bap HT 10th March 1604/5 - Avis his wife was buried at HT on 22nd June 1615] Ralph SMITH & Joane MILBOURNE were married 30-Apr 1598 (PR) [Note:- Joane the wife of Ralph SMITH was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 7th Dec 1608. Ralph re-married to Bathsheba PARKER at Holy Trinity Church on 6th Feb 1608/9. ] George COOKE & Edith STONE were married 03-Jul 1598 (PR)
John HOSKINS & Elizabeth DOWRITCHE were married 28-Aug 1598 (PR) Lewes [HOOP] HOOPER & Anne CROKER were married 16-Oct 1598 [Note:- The name HOOPER was often abbreviated to HOOP in registers and this has been correctly acknowledged in transcriptions done by Phillimore for Dorchester] Henry STEVENS & Euroth MIGHILL were married 28-Oct 1598 (PR)
John TERINE & Magdelene [Magdalene] WINTREY [WINTER?] were married 20-Nov 1598 (PR) Henry PERINE & Dorothee MINTERNE were married 27-Nov 1598 (PR) John HOSKINS junior & Alice HARTE were married 28-Nov 1598 (PR) Thomas DOWRITCHE & Mary CHOWNTE were married 03-Feb 1598 (PR)
William HALL & Joane ROBINSON were married 21-Apr 1599 (PR) John TIBBES [TIBBS] & Joane COMFREY were married 23-Apr 1599 (PR) [Note:- child James bap HT 7th March 1599/1600] John TURNER & Marian WHITE were married 21-Jun 1599 (PR)
(1). Emme Turner bap HT 25th Nov 1599 (2). Thomas Turner bap HT 15th Mar 1600 (3). Richard Turner bap HT 29th Dec 1603 and buried HT 6th Jan 1603/4 ] John MARKES & Joane MONEDAY were married 23-Jun 1599 (PR)
Christopher LIMNIE [LIMBE or LIMBREY] & Margret CLARKE were married 19-Jul 1599 (PR) [Note:- Giles the son of Christopher LIMBE was baptized at HT the 1st day of Sep 1599 - Christopher LIMBE was buried at HT on 10th Jan 1646/7] Hughe HAGGARDE & Elizabeth GRINTER were married 16-Aug 1599 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Mathew bap HT 11th Dec 1600 (2) Hugh bap HT 27th Feb 1602/3] Morgan TERINE & Edith HELLIER were married 27-Sep 1599 (PR)
John LONGE & Elizabeth TWICHEN were married 22-Oct 1599 (PR) [Note:- child Edith bap HT 28th May 1602] Edward SIBLEY & Margret UNDERWOOD were married 29-Oct 1599 (PR) {Note:- child Leonard bap HT 23rd May 1600 - Margaret his wife was buried at HT on 28th March 1632] Gilbert AVERY & Emma STRONGMAN were married 15-Nov 1599 (PR) Amias POTTE & Jane HOWLETT were married 26-Nov 1599 (PR) George OTEN & Marian LACY were married 29-Nov 1599 (PR)
Robert LACY & Julian ROAE were married 19-Jan 1599
John MICHELL & Edith COOKE were married 30-Mar 1600 (PR) [Note:- Edith STONE was a widow having married George COOKE at HT on 03-Jul 1598 and had one child Alice prior to the early demise of her husband - See above] Robert GAWPEN & Catherine BISHOPPE were married 03-Apr 1600 (PR) William FOORDE & Anne BRINE were married 14-Apr 1600 (PR) Leonard MILLER & Agnes PALMER were married 17-Aug 1600 (PR) [Note:- Leonard MILLER died at FStG in 1654 leaving a Will dated Dated 1st July 1654 which was Proved on 14 Sep 1654 - Agnes executrix - bequest to son William of his Malt House situated in the parish of All Saints Dorchester which was already in his occupation.] John SPICER & Thomazine READ were married 13-Oct 1600 (PR)
[Note:- Thomasine READ (1581-1660) was the 2nd child from the marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579 : John SPICER was Bailiff of Dorchester in 1608 and 1612 : Thomasine was buried at HT Church on 19th March 1660/1. Children
William WERE & Elizabeth LIBBEN were married 27-Oct 1600 (PR)
Thomas EYERS & Cicely GREGORY were married 16-Nov 1600 [Note:- Cicely Eyres was buried at HT on 1st Dec 1623. Entry in William Whiteway his diary 1618-1635 page 115 entry for 11 March 1630/31 "This day died Thomas EYRES"] Thomas GUIFFORDE & Emm STICKLAND were married 25-Nov 1600
John RIGGES alias HACKER & Jone SMITH were married 26-Nov 1600 [Note:- Joane SMITH was the 2nd child from the marriage of George SMITH [SMYTH] (bur 1608/9) to Elizabeth Nee CHURCHILL (c1543-1610/11) ] Richard HEISHOOD [?] & Edith HAMIAN were married 29-Nov 1600 William THORNE & Christian YOKENEY were married 19-Jan 1600 (PR) [Note:- Child Gertrude bap Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 16th Aug 1601] William MARTIN & Joane TOBY were married 31-Jan 1600 (PR)
Anthony DOWRICHE & Elizabeth MARSHE were married 04-May 1601 (PR) [Note:- Anthony DOWRICHE [also spelt DOWRAGE or DOURIDGE in municipal records] a hellier by trade was listed as a member of the Company Freemen of Dorchester on 7th Nov 1621. childrem:- (1) John bap HT 20th Jan 1601/2, he was apprenticed to his father and admitted to the company of Freemen as a hellier on 6th Jan 1630/1. (2) Elizabeth bap HT on 2nd Aug 1604 & buried HT 22nd June 1607 (3) Ambrose bap HT 7th Dec 1606 & buried 11th July 1607 (4) Elizabeth bap HT 10th June 1608 (5) William bap HT 23rd June 1611 and buried there 18th? July 1616 - "Elizabeth the wife of Anthony DOWRITCHE was buryed the second day of May 1614" Anthony then appears to have married an Alice who produced two more children:- (6) Anthony bap HT 27th Aug 1615 (7) William bap HT 17th May 1617 - Alice the wife of Anthony DOWRITCHE was then buried at HT on 13th jan 1619/20 Anthony married for a third time to Jane EVANS on 29th June 1620 - See below] James PATY & Joane COTE were married 08-Jun 1601 (PR) John GRANGE & Margret PATY were married 27-Jul 1601 (PR) Nicholas CRIMBLE & Joane LIDER were married 19-Oct 1601 (PR)
Richard SHAVEN & Margret HUDDS were married 16-Nov 1601 (PR) [Note:- Richard may have been buried at HT on 4th Aug 1615] John WHITE & Susan CREEPER were married 11-Feb 1601/2 (PR) [Note:- Not located any children etc] John POLLARD & Anne SQUIRE were married 31-May 1602 (PR) Walter DYER [DIER] & Alice HODGINS [HODGKINS] were married 01-Jun 1602 (PR)
William WINSORE & Jane PURCHASE were married 03-Jun 1602 (PR) [Note:- Jane PURCHASE was the daughter of Nicholas PURCHASE and is mentioned in the Will of her father who died at Dorchester in 1620. Their children are not baptised at Holy Trinity and were probably christened at All Saints or St Peters where records were lost. The 1620 Will mentions her having a son Nicholas Winsor who was then under the age of 21] Christopher BUCKLER & Agnes SPERIN were married 12-Jul 1602 (PR) William JOLLIFFE & Joane FOYE were married 09-Sep 1602 (PR) [Note:- The death of his wife Joane JOLLIFFE is recorded in William Whiteways diary on 27th Dec 1628 and she would have been buried at St Peters where burial registers have not survived. William JOLLIFFE was buried at St Peters Church on 08 Oct 1658. Link to more information about the life of William JOLIFFE (1571-1658)]
Nicholas STRETE & Mercy WOODLEY were married 14-Nov 1602 (PR) Robert MANNELL & Alice LARCOMBE were married 14-Feb 1602 (PR)
Thomas PALMER & Ellinor JONES were married 02-May 1603 (PR) Robert AVINE & Elizabeth CORBIN were married 20-Jun 1603 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth was probably the daughter of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) baker by trade and and burgess of Dorchester. They had a daughter Joane bap HT 7th August 1603 who was buried there on 12th] Henry BARTLET & Lore JOYES were married 22-Jul 1603 (PR) [Note:- No known association] Ralph CURTESSE [CURTIS] & Joane WATKINS were married 03-Sep 1603 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Mary bap HT 29th July 1604 ] Walter POWELL & Grace OLIVER were married 15-Sep 1603 (PR) Humfrey PERY [PERRY] & Christian LONGE were married 26-Nov 1603 (PR)
John TOBY & Ellinor LUCIE were married 16-Jan 1603 (PR) Jonas STICKLAND & Anne EASTON were married 30-Apr 1604 (PR) [Note:- Jonas was the 2nd known child of Bartholomew Stickland and had been baptised at HT on 12th April 1573. Anne his wife was buried at HT on 12th Aug 1612] Thomas KENICOT & Alice MORGAN were married 04-Jun 1604 (PR) Thomas YOKENEY & Alice YEATE were married 07-Jun 1604 (PR) [Note:- child William bap HT 8th March 1604/5] William COUSENS & Edith HIGHE were married 25-Oct 1604 (PR) Thomas COWBOURNE & Alice MILLER were married 19-Nov 1604 (PR)
William WILLES & Elizabeth HAWKINS were married 28-Jan 1604 (PR) Anthony CORNISHE & Joane BLACKFORDE were married 15-Apr 1605 (PR) [Note:- Joane may have been from the Family of William BLACHFORD who is thought to have arrived in Dorchester around 1593] John HILL & Agnes JEFFREYES were married 30-Jul 1605 (PR)
Robert DAVY [DAVYE] & Mary HOBBE or HOBLE were married 07-Oct 1605 (PR)
Anthony WOOD & Margaret DIGGOTTE were married 28-Nov 1605 (PR) William COOKE & Elizabeth DOWRITCHE were married 13-Feb 1605 (PR)
Ambrose WILKINS & Alice GODDARD were married 23-Jun 1606 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 28th Feb 1607/8] William PALMER & Faith MOODY were married 07-Jul 1606 signed John White Rector (PR) [Note:- William PALMER was buried HT 26th Oct 1615 and his widow Faith at HT on 12th Aug 1630] John HOOD & Warbara BAKER were married 20-Nov 1606 John READ & Elizabeth CHANNON were married 20-Jan 1606 John COMFREY & Anne [Agnes] PALMER were married 08-Apr 1607
Joseph UNDERWOOD (1586-1641) & Rachel EDWARDS were married 25-Apr 1607 [Note:- See link for more information on his life ] Thomas DOWRITCHE & Elizabeth SEN[***] were married 02-May 1607 [Note:- Thomas's 1st marriage was to Mary CHOWNTE at HT on 3rd Feb 1598 by whom he had 2 children, but she died and was buried at HT on 26 Jan 1606/7. Elizabeth produced a son (3) Joseph who was bap at HT on 5th March 1607/8 but he died and was buried the following day - Elizabeth his 2nd wife was buried HT 15th Feb 1620/1] William MICHELL & Barbara GUEST[?] were married 11-Jul 1607 Robert OSBURNE [OSBORNE] & Avis PERIN were married 24-Sep 1607
Mathew BONGIER & Margery HARDYE were married 26-Oct 1607 John BOWRINGE & Mary BANKS were married 18-Jan 1607 Thomas RAWLES & Joane GRINTER were married 25-Jan 1607 John MOORE & Margerye READE were married 25-May 1608 Henrye [Henry] PINNEY & Christian BUSTARD were married 13-Jun 1608 Charles SIMONS & Margaret HOPKINS were married 20-Jun 1608
John AMERY & Joane BAGGE were married 26-Jul 1608 Henry WILSE & Phillis BAYLYE were married 17-Oct 1608 [Note:- child John bap HT 12th apr 1611 - Phillis his wife was buried at HT on 27th Aug 1612] Giles HAMMOND & Alice WHITE were married 14-Nov 1608
Thomas LIMBREY & Anne PARKINS were married 22-Dec 1608 Moses SKINNER & Phillis DAVYS were married 14-Jan 1608 [Note:- children:- (1) John bap HT 22nd March 1608/9 (2) Edmund bap HT 13th Apr 1611] Ralphe SMITH & Bathsheba PARKER were married 06-Feb 1608 [Note:- Ralph SMITH was a widower having previously married Joane MILBOURNE at HT on 29th April 1598. Joane however died and was buried at HT on 7th Dec 1608. Ralphe Smith's Will was dated 11th Aug 1616. [Follw link for transcription] which was proved on 26th May 1617. Bathsheba remarried to Thomas Beake on 1st June 1618] Edward FORTE & Bridgett CRIECHE were married 14-Aug 1609 (PR) [Note:- child Elinor bap HT 25th March 1610] Marke ROW & Judith MIDDLE were married 25-Sep 1609 (PR) [Note:- Petronil the previous wife of Marke ROA [ROW] was buried at HT on 17th Dec 1608. A child Mark was bap HT 17th March 1609/10] Nathaniel READ & Elizabeth TRIVETT were married 06-Nov 1609 (PR)
(2) Elizabeth Read (1612-???) bap HT 15th July 1612 (3) Mary Read (1613-???) bap HT 23 Dec 1613 (4) Catherin Read (1615-???) bap HT 22nd Febv 1615/16 (5) Nathaniel Read (1618-1667 bap HT 3rd May 1618 and buried there 28th Aug 1667 (6) SusanRead (1620-1625) bap HT 2nd Apr 1620 and buried there 18th Apr 1625 (7) Ann Read (1622-1624) bap HT 29th Sep 1622 & buried HT 12th June 1624 John RASKER & Anne READ were married 13-Nov 1609 (PR) [Note:- Note:- Ann READ is a child from the marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579 . Children:- John bap HT 6th Jan 1619/20] Robert WADMAN & Katharine MARTIN were married 20-Jan 1609 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Robert bap HT 26th Jan 1609/10 (2) Mary? bap HT 10th Aug 1616 and buried HT 28th May 1617] Ralphe PERIN & Margret PURCHASE were married 10-May 1610 (PR) [Note:- Margaret PURCHASE was the daughter of Nicholas PURCHASE who was buried at Holy Trinity in 1620. Her marriage to Ralph and her daughter Jane are mentioned in Nicholas's Will. Ralph's surname was also spelt Perrin, Perryn or Peryn and the family, and Ralph, are briefly mentioned by David Underdown in his book 'Fire from Heaven'. There was undoubtedly several of that name as an earlier Ralph Peryn was a witness to municipal records from as early as 1538 and was bailiff of Dorchester from 1548 to 1550, and then a Constable 1550 -1551. He owned a burgage on the south side of High West street in 1549. This Ralphe Perin is mentioned briefly in the Will of Richard Barker (1542-1621) and was constable of Dorchester in 1629 [See MRD page 653 & WW Diary p.107]. There is an interesting document that survives in the Municipal Records [See MRD page 657] which is quoted below as it provides details of his business trading, dependants and the Corporations attempts to keep the price of basic foodstuffs within the reach of the poor:- "29th Nov 1630 - Raph [Ralph] PERRIN hath of Wheate in his barne 300 bushells, and of barley there in store 640 bushells, hath in his house and family 17 persons certaine, is allowed for his household eighty bushells of wheate, and of Barley to spend in his house 100 bushells; he hath sold unto Mr Ball . Bond for the pore [poor] of the Towne 100 bushells of wheate, and is ordered to bring into the market weekly, or to sell so much to the poor of the Towne and make it appeare to be so, two bushells of wheate; and of barley is allowed for sowing of 80 acres 320 bushells of barley, and for his household as before 100 bushells; and the remayneth 220 bushells of barley and is ordered to bring weekly into the market, or to swell unto the pore [poor] of the Towne, a sack of barley every fortnight, and the rest he is allowed to make into mault." Their children were:- (1) William bap HT 28th Feb 1610/11 & buried HT 28th Mar 1611 (2) Joane [Jaine] bap HT 12th March 1611/12 -- Margaret his wife then died and was buried at HT on 15th March 1611/12. Joane and Jaine appear to be interchangable names in the 16th century. The baptism is clear as Joane but Jane the daughter Margaret by Ralph was left forty shillings in her grandfathers Will in 1620. Margaret of course had already died by then. Ralph PERIN clearly had a large family by 1630 - He appears to have re-married after Margaret's death as the following additional baptisms also appear in the HT parish registers (3) Sarah bap 3rd Jan 1618/9 (4) Elizabeth bap 23 Dec 1621 (5) Deborah bap 4th Feb 1626/7. He also had a son (6) Ralph PERRIN 'the younger' whose baptism I have not located who appears to have married an Anne and produced a daughter Eleanor bap HT 30th July 1637. But Anne died and was buried 15th Oct 1645 followed by their daughter Eleanor on 30th October that year. died and was buried at HT on 11th March 1643/4] Henry LEE [LEIGH] of Dorchester married Susan WATTES [WATTS] of the same on 11th May 1610 at St Margaret Moses Church in Little Friday Street in the City of LONDON
Peter SCUTTE & Julian UNDERWOOD were married 11-Jun 1610 (PR) [Note:- child Hannah bap HT 22nd Nov 1613] Oliver BADCOOKE & Margret DOLLINGE were married 22-Jun 1610 (PR) Richard WOOD & Jane BABERCOMBE were married 02-Jul 1610 (PR) Henry CORBIN & Margret BOWDEN were married 09-Jul 1610 (PR)
Richard DINE & Mary SEARCHFIELD were married 17-Sep 1610 (PR) John BLACHFORDE (c1574-1632) & Margret [Margaret] MEMBREE (1586-1680/1) were married 06-Oct 1610 (PR) [Note:- See link for account of his life and a list of 9 children born from the marriage] Francis CRADOCKE & Dorothee MUSTEN were married 22-Oct 1610 (PR) [Note:- child Mary bap HT 15th Dec 1611] Joseph PARKINS & Julian EDWARDES were married 07-Nov 1610 (PR) [Note:- Brief mention in Fire from Heaven page 67 - Julian EDWARDES was the widow of Henry EDWARDES who was buried at HT on 17th Aug 1610] John NARTON & Phillippe LONGE were married 03-Apr 1611 (PR) [Note:- child Elinor bap HT 22nd Nov 1612 ] Giles WILSE & Mary STEVENS were married 19-May 1611 (PR) [Note:- Child Giles son of Giles WILSE bap HT 15th July 1613] Thomas WATTES [WATTS] & Julian KEMBER were married 24-Jun 1611 (PR) John LINZEY [LINSEY] & Joane PETVIN were married 29-Jun 1611 (PR)
Robert DEVENISHE & Eurothe STEVENS were married 11-May 1612 (PR)
William CLOWTER [CLOWTHER or CLOUTHER] & Jane LEIGHE were married 07-Sep 1612 (PR) Henry WHITTLE & Elizabeth SAMWAIES [SAMWAYS] were married 07-Sep 1612 (PR)
John POLLARDE [POLLARD] & Elizabeth DAVIES were married 28-Nov 1612 (PR)
Arthur KNOTTE & Anne COSHE were married 30-May 1613 (PR)
William CURTESSE & Alice COODE were married 28-Oct 1613 (PR)
Roger DEVENISHE & Sarah BEKE were married 04-Nov 1613 (PR)
Thomas TEDMAN & Agnes CARTER were married 24-Jan 1613 (PR) Troilus WALLEYS [WALLOIS] & Gertrude MEMBREE were married 07-Feb 1613 (PR)
William EAIRES [EYRES] & Elinor LONGE were married 09-Feb 1613 (PR) Richard HODGINS & Dorothee FFORTE were married 07-May 1614 (PR) Charles AUSTEN & Agnes TERIN were married 16-May 1614 (PR)
William CHANON & Rebecca MANNINGE were married 23-Jul 1614 (PR)
Henry CORBIN & Elizabeth PURCHASE were married 05-Sep 1614 (PR)
John RUSSELL & Dorothe RANDALL were married 26-Sep 1614 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Frances bap HT 28th Jan 1615/16 (2) Sarah bap HT 28th May 1618 (3) John bap HT 24 Jan 1618/19] John ADAMS & Anne SKINNER were married 20-Oct 1614 (PR)
Richard MAUNDERS [MANDERS] & Mary HULEOT were married 23-Oct 1614 (PR) [Note:- child Katherin bap HT 28th Sep 1617] John MORYE [MORY or MOREY] & Gertrude MEMBREE were married 31-Oct 1614 (PR)
John WOOD & Alice DYER were married 26-Nov 1614 (PR) [Note:- Alice nee HODGINS was the widow of Walter DYER whom she married at HT on 1st June 1602, but her husband Walter was buried at HT on 10th Mar 1613/14. They also had a son Luke DYER bap HT 11 Aug 1604 who was buried HT 31 July 1626. This was her second marriage and she died and was buried as Alice the wife of John Wood at HT on 24 Jan 1619/20] Charles WATERS & Protheisa DOWNING were married 26-Nov 1614 (PR) John TAYLOR & Elizabeth MANNING were married 09-Nov 1614 (PR) George BARTLETT & Alice COWBORNE were married 12-Jan 1614/5 (PR) [Note:- No known association although there is another George Bartlett marriage in HT 8th Oct 1640 to a Joan Davis who died in 1641 and that George Bartlett remarries to Joan GOULD in 1641. Long gap and I cannot trace the death of Alice] Laurence MICHEL & Marye BRINE were married 15-Apr 1615 (PR) John WATERCOMBE & Anne BOAKE were married 08-Jul 1615 (PR) [Note:- a female child Philipp bap HT 5th May 1616] John ALAMBRIGG & Euroth WILSON were married 28-Sep 1615 (PR) [Note:- John Allambrig [Allambridge] (d.1644) was a wealthy clothier who according to the Municipal Records of Dorchester took on a string of apprentices to help with his business. He was elected constable of Dorchester on 6th Oct 1628 (See WW Diary page 99) and was named as one of the first 24 members of the Common Council under the new Charter granted to the town by Charles I on 22nd September 1629. His wife Euroth [Uroth] had been baptised at HT Church the daughter of William WILSON on 7th May 1595 and died 7th July 1634 (page 146 WW). On the death of Bernard Toup he was elected as a capital Burgess of Dorchester on 26th Dec 1635 and Mayor of Dorchester in 1642 - see Fire From Heaven by David Underdown. Died 1645 Probate 13th June] 1st child Joane baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 30 Nov 1616 - The rest probably baptised at St Peters where records do not survive. Two of his daughters are known to have married well (a) One married Richard SCOVILE Town Clerk and the other Martha Allambridge married Samuel the 6th child of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) at HT on 1st June 1640. Samuel Bushrod's will also refers his sister Mary Allambridge (i.e. his wife Martha's sister] . Thomas HULEOT & Barbara TAYLOR were married 28-Sep 1615 (PR) Thomas LEGG & Susan BOAKE were married 13-Nov 1615 (PR) Richard KEATE & Agnes DARE were married 27-Nov 1615 (PR) Robert SIMONS & Cecilye PEPIN were married 02-Dec 1615 (PR) [Note:- child Robert bap HT 6th Oct 1616] Leonard HOSKINS & Elizabeth PINNEY were married 02-Dec 1615 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Thomas bap HT Sep 1616 (2) unknown male (Joseph?) bap HT 8th Feb 1617/18 (3) Benjamin bap HT 27 Sep 1624] Clement BAYLY & Margaret BRITT were married 05-Feb 1615 (PR)
John ELICOTT & Margarett POOKE were married 01-Jul 1616 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Joane bap HT 22nd Sep 1616 (2) Mary bap HT 2nd Nov 1617] Lewis WATTS & Elizabeth MELLEDGE were married 28-Oct 1616 (PR) George JENINGS & Agnes HEMINGTON were married 18-Nov 1616 (PR) [Note:- A George JENINGE was buried at HT on 28th Aug 1639] Richard BRENSON & Elizabeth BRINE were married 28-Jan 1616 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Dorothy bap HT 2nd Nov 1617 & buried 27 Mar 1620 (2) Thomas bap HT 12 Aug 1621] William NOSCITER & Mary STONE were married 28-Jan 1616 (PR) William PITMAN & Ann COMFREY were married 18-Jun 1617 (PR) John CLEMENT & Alice BISHOPP were married 28-Jul 1617 (PR) James LUCKES [or LUCAS] & Avis [or Avice] ROSE were married 15-Sep 1617 (PR)
Henry MARTIN & Dorothe BUCKLER were married 29-Sep 1617 (PR)
Israel MORGAN & Katherin BARFOOT were married 14-Jan 1617/8 (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about Katherin's family ] George LINNINGTON & Elizabeth TAYLOR were married 28-Jan 1617/8 (PR) Thomas BEAKE & Bathshebah SMITH were married 01-Jun 1618 (PR) [Note Bathsheba Smith nee Parker was the widow of Ralphe Smith who died in 1617 - see his will proved 26th May 1617 and their marriage at HT on 6th Feb 1608] Joseph PURCHASE & Elizabeth HASELBER [HASELBURY] were married 09-Nov 1618 (PR)
Thomas CHURCHILL & Grace MEMBRE were married 05-Apr 1619 (PR)
(1) Mary Churchill (1619-1621) bap HT 6th Jan 1619/20 & buried there 23 July 1621 (2) Elizabeth Churchill (1626- ?) bap HT 1st Oct 1626, fate unknown (3) Hannah Churchill (1629-1633) bap HT 5th Apr 1629 - - buried HT 5th Dec 1633. John ADIN & Christian HARRIS were married 14-Apr 1619 (PR) [Note:- Christian HARRIS was the widow of Jerome HARRIS see his Will dated 26th Dec 1616 Proved 8th Feb 1617] William BRAY & Margaret WHITTLE were married 15-Apr 1619 (PR) Robert SAMWAYES & Alice PERIN were married 26-May 1619 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Margaret bap HT 8th May 1620 (2) John bap HT 15 June 1623 & buried HT 30 July 1635 by which time Alice was a widow - Robert SAMWAYES was buried at HT on 24th April 1633 & Alice buried HT 11th Oct 1637] Richard FFRYE [FRY] & Mary COXE [COX] were married 28-Jul 1619 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Rebecca bap HT 20th Oct 1619 & buried there 6th Nov 1619 (2) Mary bap HT 14 Jan 1620/21 (3) Arthur bap HT 14 Dec 1623 (4) Anne bap HT 22nd Mar 1628/9] John MARSFFEILD & Eleonor AIRES were married 09-Nov 1619 (PR) [Note:- Eleanor his 1st wife buried HT 9th Dec 1631 John remarried to Eleonor FRYE at HT on 22-Dec 1632] Thomas WINSORE & Joane PURCHASE were married 24-Jan 1619 (PR)
John CHEAPMAN & Anne GOODMAN were married 07-Feb 1619 (PR) William JAMES & Prudence GROZE were married 07-Feb 1619 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) John bap HT 22 Apr 1622 & buried 22 Sep 1622 (2) Joseph bap HT 21 Sep 1623 (3) James bap HT 14 May 1626 - Prudence buried HT 12th march 1633/4] John BLUETT & Thomasine PERIN were married 10-Feb 1619 (PR) Roger GREGORY & Cicely HAYNE were married 12-Feb 1619 (PR)
William WHITEWAY & Eleonor PERKINS were married 14-Jun 1620 (PR)
(1) Mary (1621-1625) 11th June 1621 "my wife was delivered of a mayde childe about ½ an houre after eleven a clocke at night. She was baptised the 17th thereof and called Mary by my unkle Mr John GOULD Senior, my owne mother, and my mother in Law Mrs Rachel PARKINS. God bless her". (Baptised at St Peters where records do not survive pre 1653). 5th June 1625 " This day at 11 a clocke at night, god took unto his merc, my eldest daughter Mary, being fower yeares old within 6 or 7 daies. (2) William (1622- 1656) "6th Dec 1622 This day a quarter of an howre after nine in the morning was borne my eldest son and baptised two daies after (St Peters) by the name of William, astantibus my father, my father-in-law and Mrs Joan Gould the widow. I pray god bless him" (3) Margaret (1624-1628) The 11th (July 1624) hereof about ½ an houre after 6 a clocke in the evening being Sunday, my 2[nd] daughter was borne and baptised by Mr Clarke (St Peters) the 18th dicto being Sunday. The godfather was Mr Joseph PATY my Uncle. Godmothers Mrs Margaret Walker my sister, and my Cousin Mrs Margery Gould by whom she was called Margaret. 22nd Feb 1628 "God took to his mercy my daughter Margaret being about 3 years and a halfe old. (4) John (1625-1626) "2nd Dec 1625 This day at 5 in the evening my second son John was borne, and baptised 11th dicto. His surities were my brother walker. Cousin Peter Middleton, and sister Elizabeth Bull. I pray god to make him his servant. 28th Feb 1626 "This day ½ an houre after 6 in the morning god tooke unto himselfe, my second son John about 3 moneths old, when he had not been sicke above 3 houres (5) John (1628-1631) 20th Feb 1628 "This day my son John the second, was borne ¼ after 1 in the afternoon, and baptised the 24th. Mr James Gould, and my brother Parkins, and my Mother Whiteway being his surities. Deaths: My son John the 2nd and 3[rd] son 16th dicto i.e. 16th Oct 1631 (6) Mary (1630-1631) 6th Dec 1630 " this day at 9 a clocke in the evening My 3rd daughter was borne and baptised Marya seunda. Her surities were Mr George Bull, Mrs Rachel Parkins and Mrs Sarah Hill. She died the 5th January next. [Note:- Mary was baptised at Holy Trinity church on 12th December 1630] (7) Elenor (1633-1634) Entry dated 11th Sep 1633 "this day my daughter Elenor was borne ½ an houre after 2 a clocke in afternoon. The surities were Mr Dionis Bond, my aunt Paty and my sister Mary Whiteway. The Lord Bless her" [Note:- She was baptised at Holy Trinity church on 25th Sep 1633:] Entry dated 28th Oct 1634 "God took to his mercy my little daughter Elenor Whiteway, aged about 13 monthes (8) Mary (b 1635) Anthony DOWRISHE [DOWRITCHE] & Jane EVANS were married 29-Jun 1620 (PR)
John NORINGTON & Mary CLARCKE [CLARK] were married 31-Jul 1620 (PR)
Richard EDWARDS & Mary JOYCE were married 07-Feb 1620 (PR) John STIBBS & Rachell SHEPSTER were married 30-Jul 1621 (PR) Marke [Mark] GREENE & Dionyse HUNT were married 06-Oct 1621 (PR)
Edward HAYNE & Agnes PARKER were married 29-Apr 1622 (PR) [Note:- Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorcherster]
(1) Joane Hayne bap HT 24th June 1622 (2) Edward Hayne (1624-1624) bap HT 18 Apr 1624 and buried there 26 Apr 1624 (3) Deborah Hayne bap HT 12 Jun 1625 (4) Stephen Hayne bap HT 16 Feb 1628/9 (5) Mary Hayne (1631-1634) bap HT 21 Aug 1631 buried there on 18 Apr 1634 (6) Elizabeth Hayne bap HT 21 Apr 1633, she married John TILSEY of Shepton Mallett in Somerset at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 03-Sep 1657 (7) Joane Hayne bap HT 18 Feb 1634/5 (8) Ruth Hayne bap HT April 9 1637, she married William LOVETT at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Dec 1662] (9) Mary Hayne (1639-1662) bap HT March 31 1639 and buried there 23rd April 1662 (10) Edward Hayne sonne bap HT 6 Aug 1641 (11) Sarah Hayne ( d.1643) was buried at HT in 2nd half of 1643 Nathaniel BOWER & Katherin GRIFFIN were married 17-Jun 1622 (PR) [Note:- child Samuel bap HT 23 Mar 1622/3] John CHURCHILL & Joane EDWARDS were married 19-Jun 1622 (PR)
(1) John Churchill (1623-1634) bap HT 8th June 1623 and buried there 30 May 1634 (2) Elizabeth Churchill (1625-1627) bap HT 24th Apr 1625 and buried there 21 Feb 1627/8 (3) Rev Joshua Churchill (1627-1693/4)bap HT 20th May 1627. He survived, joined the church and became vicar of St Georges Church Fordington in 1656. Link to more information] John SOUTHEY & Bridgett FFORTE were married 23-Jun 1622 (PR) John DIAMOND & Mary GENGE were married 05-Sep 1622 (PR) Thomas BELLOTT & Jane WILLS were married 16-Oct 1622 (PR) [Note:- child Thomas bap HT 30 Nov 1623] Samuel CARPENTER & Sarah MELLEDGE were married 19-Nov 1622 (PR) [Note:- Sarah MELLEDGE was bap at HT 1st Mar 1600 daughter of John MELLEDGE ] Robert WALKER & Margaret PERKINS were married 20-Jan 1622 (PR)
Isaak SKINNER & Eleonor ALLEN were married 09-Jun 1623 (PR) [Note:- The son of Robert Skinner baptised at Holy Trinity on 3rd Feb 1593. children:- (1) Miriam bap HT 10 July 1625 (2) Moses bap 5th Oct 1627 and buried the following day] Henry PARSONS & Grace CHAPPELL were married 25-Jun 1623 (PR) John GOLDRING & Jane COUSINS were married 13-Oct 1623 (PR) John ROBERTS & Anne HOLIDAYE were married 16-Oct 1623 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Ann bap HT 15th Aug 1624 (2) Joane bap HT 2nd Apr 1626 (3) George bap HT 1st June 1628 and buried 5th Apr 1629] Thomas WHIPPEY & Alice TERIN were married 27-Oct 1623 (PR) William ROCKEWELL [ROCKWELL] & Susan CAPON [GALPIN] were married 14-Apr 1624 (PR)
Simon PETVIN & Margery CHURCHILL were married 12-Jun 1624 (PR) [Note:- Simon may have been a widower as an Elizabeth the wife of a Simon PIDWIN was buried at HT on 16th March 1612/13] Thomas SLADE & Dorothe MATTHEWS were married 07-Oct 1624 (PR) [Note:- child Priscilla bap HT 6th Aug 1626 & buried HT 23rd Aug 1626. Thomas SLADE was buried at Holy Trinity on 7th May 1624. Dorothy his widow re-married to Henry PINNEY at HT on 29th Oct 1646] William YEOMAN & Joyce BRINE were married 07-Oct 1624 (PR)
John TUCKER & Christian WOOLFREYS were married 01-Nov 1624 (PR) John TEWXSBURY & Joane HAGGARD were married 25-Nov 1624 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Mary bap 14 Aug 1625 (2) Mary bap HT 8th Oct 1626 - Think Joan ] John ADAMS & Edith STACY were married 15-Jan 1624 (PR) [Note:- 2nd marriage of John ADAMS 1st was to Anne SKINNER at HT on 20-Oct 1614 - Edith was buried at HT on 31st Dec 1636] William BARTER & Margaret MILLER were married 02-Feb 1624 (PR) [Note:- child Marke bap HT 20 Nov 1625 & buried HT 29 Dec 1625] George WHITING & Dorothe DIBBEN were married 25-Jun 1625 (PR) George BULL & Elizabeth PERKINS were married 29-Jun 1625 (PR)
Hughe HOBLE & Joane WILSON were married 10-Oct 1625 (PR) William FFACY & Margaret BUCKLAND were married 15-Nov 1625 (PR) [Note:- Margaret Facy was buried at HT on 17th February 1639/40] William WILSON & Priscilla BRAYE were married 19-Apr 1626 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Alice bap HT 28 Jan 1626/7 (2) Enfrida bap HT 15 March 1628/9 (3) William bap HT 24th Apr 1631 (4) Sarah bap HT 28th May 1638 (5) Elizabeth bap HT 22nd Mar 1639/40] Henry HOARE & Grace HASELBER [HASELBURY] were married 24-Apr 1626 (PR) [Note:- child Samuel bap HT 15 July 1627] William ODREY & Bridgett JAYE were married 06-Jun 1626 (PR)
William KERSLEY & Anne TURNER were married 02-Oct 1626 (PR)
Nicholas WINSORE & Magaret CORBIN were married 09-Oct 1626 (PR)
Percival COLE & Margaret MITCHELL were married 16-Oct 1626 (PR) [Note:- child Wilmott? a daughter bap HT 23 Sep 1627] Robert WYER & Joane GAYE were married 15-Jan 1626 (PR) [Note:- Likely ot be the eldest son of William WYER bap 13th Sep 1601 - 1st child Robert bap HT 18th may 1628] Robert ERLE & Jane CHAPPELL were married 16-Jan 1626 (PR) John MAIOR & Margaret GOODFELLOW were married 02-Apr 1627 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 16th July 1627] William WALTON & Elizabeth CAKE [COKE, COOKE?] were married 10-Apr 1627 (PR) [Note:- Although her surname (in this neatly copied register) is not clear and has been recorded as CAKE it should be COKE an old spelling for COOKE. The Rev William Walton (c1600-1668) was curate of Beer and Seaton and he married here to the Rev John White's neice Elizabeth COOKE the daughter of his sister Martha White who came to Dorchester with her children after the death of her 1st husband the Rev William Cooke MA (c1561/4-1615). William Walton became curate in charge of Seaton this year & they had 4 children at Seaton before they emigrated to Hingham New England circa 1635 and later moved to Marblehead.where he died in 1668] Robert LOADER & Mary DUNING were married 10-Apr 1627 (PR) Edmund MARSHALL & Millicent HALLET were married 25-Apr 1627 (PR) Samuel WHITFEILD & Ann BUSHROD were married 24-Apr 1628 (PR) [Note:- Ann is the 3rd child of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) follow link for more information about their marriage] William DRUE & Grace BARTLETT were married 28-Apr 1628 (PR) Richard HIDE & Anna BULLEN were married 07-Jul 1628 (PR) Richard FFREAKE & Margaret SAVADGE were married 06-Oct 1628 (PR) John DOWNTON & Anne WATTS were married 14-Apr 1629 (PR) John BRINE & Dorothe MARTIN were married 04-Jun 1629 (PR) [Note:- Dorothie nee Buckler was the widow of Henry MARTIN whom she married 29 Sep 1617, he was buried in 1625. Children from this marriage (1) John bap HT 17th Jan 1629/30 & buried there 26th Nov 1630 (2) John bap HT 18 Dec 1631 (3) Dorothy unable to locate baptism but buried at HT circa June 1643] Robert SHENTZ & Jordaine COLLINS were married 09-Jul 1629 (PR) John READE & Emme CHAPER [or CHANER] were married 03-Aug 1629 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) John bap HT 4th Dec 1630 (2) Matthew bap HT 15th Nov 1635 he later married Elizabeth CAKE at HT on 30-Dec 1662. Emme his wife was buried at HT 2nd half of 1643] Robert GUIFFORD & Hannah CAPEN [or GALPIN] were married 04-Aug 1629 (PR)
John WOOD & Frances PINNEY were married 18-Aug 1629 (PR) Toby CLIFFE & Margaret STANDISH were married 06-Oct 1629 (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family ] William MIDDLETON & Anne GAWDEN were married 08-Oct 1629 (PR) William WEY & Elizabeth MASTERS were married 02-Nov 1629 (PR) Giles DAY & Rebecca KENICOT were married 26-Nov 1629 (PR) John VEALE & Margaret POWNSEY were married 27-Nov 1629 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 18th July 1630] Friderike[Frederick] LOSSE & Joane UNDERWOOD were married 30-Nov 1629 (PR)
Nicholas UPSALE [UPSALL] & Dorothe CAPEN [GALPIN] were married 17-Jan 1629 (PR)
John NORRICE & Joane TOOPE were married 15-Feb 1629 (PR) [Note:- child Thomasine bap HT 28 Aug 1630] Evan LOWIS [LOWES] & Thomasine JEFFREY were married 22-Apr 1630 (PR) [Note:- child Mary bap HT 28th Nov 1630] William HASELBER [HASELBURY] & Jane BANDGER were married 03-Aug 1630 (PR)
Joseph EDWARDS & Alice BARTLETT were married 11-Aug 1630 (PR)
(1) John Edwards (1631-1643) bap HT 7th Aug 1631. We have a partial burial record of a son of Joseph EDWARDS at HT Church between 29th June and 8th Sep 1643 which is likely to be John. (2) Sarah Edwards (1636/7 - 1637) bap HT 8th Jan 1636/7 & buried HT 17th April 1637 (3) Joseph Edwards (1638/9 - 1638/9) bap HT 6th Jan 1638/9 & buried there 18th Jan 1638/9] Henry BAYLY & Elizabeth DANIEL were married 20-Aug 1630 (PR) George BRINE & Margaret STONE were married 06-Sep 1630 (PR) [N.B. - The word STONE is corrected to PERRAM by a later hand. - George BRINE was married before as an 'Alice wife of George BRINE was buried at HT on 12th Aug 1630. I have not however located their marriage which was pre 1622. Known children from his first marriage (1) Jane bap HT 11th Feb 1622/3 and buried HT 27th Apr 1631 (2) Edward bap HT 9th Oct 1625 (3) Joane bap HT 10 Mar 1627/8 and (4) Susan bap HT just 2 days after the death of his wife on 14th Aug 1631. Alice is therefore likely to have died from complications during childbirth leaving him with the new baby and 3 other children aged 8,5, and 2. Its not suprising therefore to find that he quickly re-married here to Margaret - The baby Susan however was buried at HT on 17th Sep 1631. Chidren from his 2nd marriage:- (5) Sarah bap HT 22nd July 1632 (6) ] Thomas SWIFTE & Elizabeth CAPEN [or GALPIN] were married 18-Oct 1630 (PR)
John WIER & Joane POWNSEY were married 15-Jan 1630 (PR) [Note:- child Matthew bap HT 6th Nov 1631 & buried HT 11th Apr 1644] George MANION & Anne CHISLETT were married 01-Feb 1630 (PR) [Note:- child Thomas bap HT 22nd Feb 1631/2] Walter SPICER & Sarah RUSSELL were married 19-Feb 1630 (PR) [Note:- Walter Spicer is the 2nd child from the marriage of John SPICER to Thomasine READ at HT on 13th Oct 1600. Children:- (1) John bap HT 12 December 1641 (2) Walter 12th June 1644] Thomas STILLARD & Rebecca PERRY were married 06-Jun 1631 (PR)
Guilbert [Gilbert] ARTHUR & Elizabeth DOWRISH [DOWRITCH] were married 16-Sep 1631 (PR) [Note:- child Anthony bap HT 7th Oct 1632] William COMAGE & Alice DEVERGE were married 31-Oct 1631 (PR) [Note:- child William bap HT 13 Dec 1640 but no trace of earlier baptisms at HT - Alice buried HT 2nd? March 1642/3] Richard HELLIER & Elizabeth COOMBS were married 01-Dec 1631 (PR) John KNIGHT & Joane ROGERS were married 26-Jan 1631 (PR) Anthony GARLAND & Joane HOARE were married 06-Feb 1631 (PR) William GREY & Elizabeth BEAKE were married 01-Apr 1632 (PR) Richard RANDAL & Elizabeth MICHEL were married 01-Apr 1632 (PR) George MEADER & Elizabeth GUILBERT were married 18-May 1632 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth buried at HT on 12th Aug 1647 and George at St Peters on 29 Aug 1655] William BAMFEILD & Dorcas EDWARDS were married 05-Sep 1632 (PR) [Note:- child Sarah bap HT 25 Aug 1633] William MUNDEN & Thomasine FOXWELL were married 10-Sep 1632 (PR)
Henry PINNEY & Julian GAWLER were married 23-Oct 1632 (PR) Hugh PHILIPS & Mary FOXWELL were married 05-Nov 1632 (PR)
John MARSFEILD & Eleonor FRYE were married 22-Dec 1632 (PR) [Note:- John Marsfield was a widower having previously married Eleonor AIRES at HT on 09-Nov 1619 but she died and was buried HT 15th Nov 1631. children from this marriage (1) Phoebe bap HT 13 Oct 1633 ] Richard TISARD & Edith ROA were married 26-Jan 1632 (PR) William RAULES & Katherine FLOOD were married 30-Apr 1633 (PR) Gregorye ALAMORTE & Marye CHAFEY [CHAFFEY] were married 07-May 1633 (PR) John ENGLISH & Millicent WEARE were married 11-May 1633 (PR) Joseph TAILOR & Joane RASHLEY were married 17-Jun 1633 (PR) Nicholas ROSE & Ann VINCENT were married 24-Jun 1633 (PR) Peter TRACYE & Frances SWIRE were married 01-Aug 1633 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Matthew bap HT 25 Maye 1634 (2) Thomasine bap HT 21 Jan 1637/8 (3) Grace bap HT 25 Aug 1639 - Frances was buried at HT on 20th january 1667/8] John BULLINGER & Ann PINNEY were married 27-Aug 1633 (PR) Thomas SOWTHEY & Ann KEECH were married 28-Sep 1633 (PR) William RANDAL & Joane PERIN were married 19-Nov 1633 (PR) William BROWNE & Ruth MELLEDGE were married 07-Jun
Richard KEATE & Sarah HARRIS were married 21-Jun Richard HOMINGTON & Eleonor HOSKINS were married 13-Aug William CHURCHILL & Rose PERIN were married 09-Oct William BEST & Constance LAVENDER were married 11-Oct Thomas MORGAN & Ann GIRDLER widow were married 13-Oct John BIRCHE & Philip PAULE were married 12-Feb Mr. William JOLIFF & Katherin LEUON [or LENON] were married 02-Apr Joseph STACY & Sarah UNDERWOOD were married 16-Apr Morgan READ & Alice PERY were married 25-Apr John GILLET & Martha POLDEN were married 30-Apr
Robert LETSON & Ann WATTS were married 22-May George CLARKE & Mary COBB were married 01-Jun Thomas BROWNE & Ann CUTLER were married 29-Jun Richard CHOUNT & Mary MARTIN were married 29-Jun William BARTLET [BARTLETT] & Christian WILLS were married 06-Jul
I then believe William remarried to an Edeth Unkonwn and had 5 children. Follow link for more information . William was buried at All Saints Church recorded as 'William BARTLETT ye Elder' on 29th Jan 1687/8, only 8 months after his 2nd wife Edeth. Children:- (1) William Bartlett the Younger (1635-1663) Bap at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 15 Nov 1635.He married Sisly HARBEN from Charminster on 22 Sep 1657 at All Saints Church (age 22). Sisly was buried at All Saints on 12th July 1663. William BARTLETT the Younger died just 2 months later being buried at All Saints Church on 20th Sep 1663. (2) Christian Bartlett (1650-1663/4) bap Holy Trinity Church on 1st Dec 1650 and buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 24th Jan 1663/4 described as the daughter of William Bartlett the elder.] Charles JACOB & Mary HILL were married 25-Jul Gregory CASHER & Margery PETVIN were married 25-Jul Richard RUDIER & Anne NORTHCOTT were married 20-Aug Matthew DERBY & Martha JOLIFFE were married 21-Sep Thomas NAYLE & Grace LANE were married 21-Sep Roger WINSORE & Avis GAILARD were married 01-Oct Oliver STANDISH & Charity COUSINS were married 23-Oct Richard WHITE & Ruth OSBORNE were married 21-Jun 1636 (PR)
George WHITE & Mary TURNER were married 15-Aug 1636 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) George bap HT 14th May 1637 & buried there 7th Jan 1639/40 (2) Mary bap HT 19th Dec 1641 & buried HT 27 Jan 1641/2] William COLLINS & Ann MANION were married 29-Sep 1636 (PR) George FITCHET & Alice BOLTE were married 01-Dec 1636 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Joan bap HT 22 Nov 1640 (2) Margaret bap HT 22nd April 1644] Edward STROUD & Margaret FOXWELL were married 19-Sep 1637 (PR) John ADAMS & Joane CLARKE widow were married 20-Sep 1637 (PR) Edward COXE & Avis YNGE [YOUNG?] were married 26-Oct 1637 (PR) [Note:- Children:- (1) Sarah bap HT 16th sep 1638 (2) Avis bap HT 6th june 1641 (3) James bap HT 21st April 1647] Richard POPE & Joane STANDLEY were married 28-Apr 1638 (PR) James PALFREY & Eleonor BEST were married 24-Apr 1638 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Eleanor bap HT 22nd Aug 1642 (2) James bap HT 14th Oct 1649/50] John MABER & Dorcas BAMFEILD were married 24-Apr 1638 (PR)
John CRIMBLE & Frances GAWLER were married 12-Jun 1638 (PR) [Note:- John was a widower as he had (1) a son John bap at HT on 1st Oct 1636 followed by (2) a daughter Joane named after his wife on 8th February 1637/8. Unfortunately his 1st wife seems to have died in childbirth as both his wife and daughter were buried together the following day (i.e. the 9th Feb 1637/8) 4 months later he remarried to Frances Gawler who produced (3) a daughter Elizabeth they had bap at HT on 10th April 1642 and (4) a son William in Dec 1646]. James BELRINGER & Temperance TERIN were married 04-Oct 1638 (PR) [Note:- children (1) John bap HT 21st June 1640 & buried 21st March 1645/6 (2) Luce bap HT June 1643 - James BELRINGER was buried at HT on 6th March 1645/6 followed by Temperance on 19th of the same month as their son John also died 21st same month almost certainly one of the common diseases such as smallpox or cholera] Alexander LILLY & Joane FOOKE were married 04-Oct 1638 (PR) Benjamin GOOLD [GOULD] & Frances CARDROW were married 09-Oct 1638 (PR) [Note:- It seems likely that Frances CARDROW was the daughter of Henry CARDROE by his wife Elizabeth ADYN and past child bearing age when she married. She is buried at St Peters Church on 1st Feb 1677/8 referred to as the wife of Benjamin GOULD a Magistrate. Benjamin re-married to Blanch Walrond at Turners Puddle in Dorset on 21st Jan 1678. and was buried at St Peters on 29 Mar 1682 leaving a will] Matthew BANDGER [BANGER] & Margaret HOSKINS were married 18-Oct 1638 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Deborah bap HT 29th Sep 1639 (2) Richard bap HT 16 Apr 1643 (3) Jane buried HT 21st Apr 1646 - Mathew BANDGER was buried at HT on 10th May 1646 - His wife Margaret was buried at HT on 5th April 1647] William LOVELAS & Avis EYRES were married 08-Jan 1638 (PR) John FOOKE & Elizabeth PARSONS were married 14-Jan 1638 (PR) [Note:- William a son of John FOOKE was buried at Ht on 17th Dec 1646 & a daughter on 23rd Oct 1648] John LINNINGTON & Elizabeth PURCHASE were married 15-Jan 1638 (PR) James MARKS & Melior CROWTER were married 16-Apr 1639 (PR) Erasmus BAKER & Anne JOLIFF were married 06-May 1639 (PR)
Robert MANION & Luce HIXON were married 10-Jun 1639 (PR) John TROW & Joane CHEINEY were married 18-Jun 1639 (PR) William BROWNING & Honor MEADER were married 09-Jul 1639 (PR) Charles CRITCHIL & Joane CORBIN were married 06-Aug 1639 (PR) Henry HOSKINS & Margery MICHEL were married 08-Aug 1639 (PR) Brewen DACKOMB & Mary BERNHARD were married 13-Nov 1639 (PR) Edmund ALLEN & Dorcas CARTER were married 26-Nov 1639 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) John bap HT 22nd May 1642 (2) Elizabeth 11th Aug 1644] John JOLIFF & Mary HOCKNEL were married 24-Dec 1639 (PR) Henry POWNCEY & Edith BASCOMB [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] were married 13-Jan 1639 (PR) Matthew PAULE & Dorothe BRAINE were married 30-Jan 1639 (PR) John LOCKE & Magdalen SYMS were married 12-Feb 1639 (PR) Isaiah [Josiah] GARDINER [GARDNER] & Amy WILLIAMS were married 26-Mar 1640 (PR) [Note:- Josiah Gardiner was the eldest son of Thomas Gardner of Cropredy Oxon by his wife Elizabeth White who was the sister of the Rev John White (1575-1648) who settled in Dorchester after the death of her 2nd husband John WHITE & Rose CHURCHILL widow were married 01-Jun 1640 (PR) [Note:- No children born in HT] Robert TISARD & Mary JOANS were married 24-Jun 1640 (PR) George DAMIAT & Mary BUTLER were married 29-Jun 1640 (PR) Francis PYKE & Ruth CLARK were married 02-Jul 1640 (PR) [Note:- Frances and Elizabeth daughters of Francis PEEKE were bap HT Dec 10 1643] John HOOPER & Judith HAGGARD were married 16-Jul 1640 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Ann bap HT 7th Mar 1640/1 (2) William bap HT 4 September 1642 - Judith buried HT 9th Feb 1645/6] John COXE & Elizabeth ROGERS were married 03-Aug 1640 (PR) Nicholas MILLER & Anne WAINMAN were married 10-Aug 1640 (PR) John REINOLDS & Fortune DEVENISH were married 15-Aug 1640 (PR) Thomas SCRIVEN & Joane STACY were married 24-Aug 1640 (PR) Samuel BUSHROD & Martha ALAMBRIGGE [ALLAMBRIDGE] were married 01-Sep 1640 (PR)
George HILL & Mary READE were married 29-Sep 1640 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Nathaniel bap HT 21 Mar 1640/1 (2) John bap HT 2nd apr 1643] William CHILD & Susan MASTERS were married 06-Oct 1640 (PR) George BARTLETT & Joan DAVIS were married 08-Oct 1640 (PR) [Note:- George BARTLETT (bur.1670) His wife was buried as Jane BARTLETT the wife of George BARTLETT at HT on 11th Nov 1641 and George Bartlett then remarried to Joan GOULD 3rd Jan 1642] Christopher RASCAR [?] & Eleonor LAVENDER were married 22-Oct 1640 (PR) Stephen RUGGE & Susan TIZARD were married 07-Oct 1640 (PR) Thomas WALLIS & Edith HARBORNE were married 06-May 1641 (PR) [Note:- Child Mary bap HT August 20th 1643 ] Robert WHITE & Mary ABRAHAM were married 01-Jun 1641 (PR) [Note:- No children born in HT] Richard MARSH & Deborah CHEYFY [CHAFFEY] were married 28-Jun 1641 (PR) Richard PHILPS & Mary OLIVER alias UPCOT were married 29-Jun 1641 (PR) John ILLARY & Elizabeth CLARKE were married 08-Jul 1641 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 19th Mar 1642/3 - John ILLARY Senior was buried at HT on ] Zacharie [Zarchary - Zacharias] NELSON & Anne HYATT were married 11-Aug 1641 (PR) [PR's difficult to read and not all in order so included image ref from] [Note:- Zachary NELSON was married before as the parish registers that survive in Frampton include references to the baptism of Hester the daughter of Zachary and Hester NELSON there on 20th day of June 1634. Unfortunately both his wife and daughter died and were buried at Frampton, his wife on 10th Nov 1637 and his daughter on 8th Nov 1638 (Image 5 of 219) . Zachary then remarried to Anne HYATT (born c1623) in her home parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester as shown above on 11th Aug 1641 but they returned to live at Frampton. Ann HYATT was the elder sister of John HYATT (c1624-1663) who in the 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor holds a tenement and farthinghold in Fordington Fields by a copyhold grant dated 12th Apr 1636. It is held for his life giving his age then as 26. The next entry in the Survey confirms that Ann the wife of Zachary NELSON and sister to John Hyatt holds by a later copyhold grant dated 31st Mar 1640 the reversion of John's fathinghold after his death and gives her age as c27.The same Survey also shows that Ann holds a farthinghold plot in her own right by a separate copyhold granted 28th Feb 1637 for a tenament and 17 acres and ½ of arable land for two lives, her own life and 2ndly her brother John HYATT.
(1) Sarah Nelson (1642- ) recorded at Frampton as 'the daughter of Zachary NELSON was baptized July 24th 1642' (Image 7 of 219) Francis SOPER & Anne BOYLAND were married 01-Nov 1641 (PR) Thomas ALLEN & Melicent DIGGET were married 15-Nov 1641 (PR) George ABBOT & Mary STANDISH were married 19-Nov 1641 (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about Mary's Family Children:- (1) Elizabeth bap HT 6th Feb 1641/2 (2) Martha bap HT 19th Nov 1648- Mary huis wife was buried at HT on 27th March 1668] John PATY & Alice WILLS were married 18-Jan 1641 (PR) Robert COZENS & Eleonor DEVENISH were married 22-Jan 1641 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Sarah bap HT 11tyh dec 1642] William DOUCH & Mary WILCE were married 12-May 1642 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) William bap HT 12 Mar 1642/3 (2) Susan bap HT 13th Apr 1651] James POOKE & Prescilla HARVEY were married 02-Jun 1642 (PR) [Note:- After marriage they lived at Fordington - See transcription of his will dated 1670] Ralph POMERY & Mary BANGER were married 07-Jun 1642 (PR)
William KEISLY [or KERSLY] & Joane SMITH widow were married 01-Jul 1642 (PR) William DORY & Anne SNOW were married 04-Jul 1642 (PR) William MARTIN & Mary BEUS [or BENE] were married 12-Jul 1642 (PR) Andrew VALENCE & Deans ELLIS were married 08-Aug 1642 (PR) James STAFFORD & Margaret FOOTE were married 09-Aug 1642 (PR) [Note:- child Sarah bap HT 17th May 1646] George BARTLETT & Joane GOULD were married 03-Jan 1642 (PR)
Giles WILLIAMS & Elizabeth ALAMBRIGGE were married 01-May 1643 (PR) [Note:- Children (1) Samuel the son of Giles WILLIAMS was buried at HT on 29th Aug 1645 (2) Mary bap HT 1st Dec 1650 (3) James bap 11th Jan 1651/2and buried at HT on 8th Mar 1652/3 (4) Josiah borne January 7th & baptised February 1st 1656/7 at HT (5) Joseph bap HT on 31st March 1661 John HAYDON & Joane COLLIER were married 11-May 1643 (PR) William PARSONS & Margery CHURCHEL [CHURCHILL] were married 27-Jun 1643 (PR) Robert LAMBERT & Margaret CLARKE were married 09-Nov 1643 (PR) [Note:- Robert LAMBERT was Baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 3rd Jan 1618 the 7th known child of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) . They had two children that we know of (1) Robert Lambert bap HT 13th Aug 1644 and (2) Mary Lambert Bap St Peters Church Dorchester 5th Feb 1653/4 when just 2 weeks old .A Robert Lambert was buried at HT on 15th Oct 1668 and I have assumed for now that this was the father rather than his son. Margaret was buried at Holy Trinity on 6th Dec 1685. ] Christopher POWEL & Odrey WARD were married 08-Sep 1644 (PR) [Note:- Children:- (1) John the son of Christopher POWELL was buried at HT on 26th Aug 1647 (2) James bap HT 1st june 1651] John GILBURD & Julian PINNEY widow were married 10-Jul 1645 (PR) Steeven BEDFORD & Magdaline POLDEN widow were married 30-Jul 1645 (PR) John CHAFFIE [CHAFFEY] & Elizabeth WIRE were married 07-Oct 1645 (PR)
Robert STICKLAND & Joane PURCHASE were married 21-Dec 1645 (PR) John TUCKSBURY & Elizabeth BURRIDGE were married 12-Jan 1645 (PR) William MANDEVILL & Ammey PINNEY were married 03-Feb 1645 (PR) Zacharie PROWSE & Ruth POND widow were married 02-Mar 1645 (PR) Richard HACKHAM & Ellinor BRAGGE were married 04-Mar 1645 (PR) John FOSTER & Katerne DAVISSE [i.e. DAVIS] were married 28-Mar 1646 (PR) Robert STURMEY & Margaret COOKNEY were married 30-Mar 1646 (PR) William WILCE & Elizabeth MARTINE were married 30-Mar 1646 (PR) Tremor PAUL & Mary BEST were married 08-Apr 1646 (PR) Jonas PALFRAY [PALFRY] & Joane HAYDON widow were married 11-Jul 1646 (PR) [Note:- Jonas PALFREY (d.1656) was a widower. His first marriage was to Elizabeth INGRAM at FStG on 17th Jan 1625/6 by whom we know of at least 2 children. Follow link for more information. Jonas PALFRY was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 23rd Jan 1659. He left a Will dated 27th Nov 1656 which was proved by Joane 4th Jan 1660] John GUIFFORD & Joane MADED were married 21-Jul 1646 (PR) Roger FOOKE & Sarah BENNET were married 01-Oct 1646 (PR) John GOOD & Dorothy BANGER were married 08-Oct 1646 (PR) Henry PINNEY & Dorothy SLADE widow were married 29-Oct 1646 (PR) [Note:- Dorothy SLADE was the widow of Thomas SLADE whom she had married at Holy Trinity Church on 7th Oct 1624] Mr. Thomas WHATLEY & Sarah ALAMBRIGG were married 12-Nov 1646 (PR) Walter LUCKIS & Joane WIRE widow were married 01-Jan 1646 (PR) Elias FRY & Anne DEVENISH were married 28-Sep 1647 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Martha bap HT 8th Sep 1650 (2) Elias bap HT 27 Feb 1652/3] John SNOOKE & Eunice MARSFEILD were married 09-Nov 1647 (PR) Nicholas MARTINE & Elizabeth WILCE were married 14-May 1649 (PR) William SPRATLING & Elizabeth GAILARD were married 25-Dec 1651 (PR)
VOLUME II. William CLARKE & Mary CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] both of this towne being published three severell sabbath dayes were married 28-Mar 1654 (PR) John HARBEN of Charmister & Mary MOGEAR of [Holy] Trinity Parish in Dorchester being published three severall sabbath dayes were marryed May 15 1654 (PR) [Note:- This marriage was also repeated at Charminster where the local parish Clerk recorded "John HARBIN & Mary MOTTER of Dorchester married 15th May 1654] Ralph PALMER & Anne BRINE were married 26-Dec 1654 (PR) Henry CURTEIS [CURTIS] of this parish & Mary NEWAN of Beamister being published 3 severall sabbaths were marryed 01-Feb 1654/5 (PR) John BARTLETT of Pulham and Humlitie [Humility] PERRAM of this parish being published three severall sabbath were married Februarie 12th 1654/5 (PR)
(1) Joan BARTLETT (1655-1662/3) born 28th Mar 1655 and baptised at All Saints church on 23rd May 1655. Buried there recorded as 'Joane the daughter of John BARTLETT' on 25th Jan 1662/3. (2) Still born child buried at HT on 20th Jan 1656/7] Nicholas COOMBES & Mary REYNOLDS were married 16-Apr 1655 (PR)
Robert NELSON & Rebekah [Rebecca] WILCE were married 16-Apr 1655 (PR) Samuell PERRAM & Elizabeth COXE were married 15-May 1655 (PR) John CLIEUES [CLIEVES] & Ellinor LUGGE were married 13-Jun 1655 (PR) [Note:- child Thomas bap HT 6th April 1655] Thomas BLANDFORD & Hester DAW were married 03-Jul 1655 (PR)
John REINOLDS & Damaris CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] were married 07-Aug 1655 (PR) [Note:- his wife Damaris was buried at HT on 26 Jul 1667] Anthony ARTHOUR & Anne BROTHERS were married 13-Aug 1655 (PR) Thomas GOULD of this parish & Elizabeth MILLER of Holnesh were married 14-Aug 1655 (PR) Mr Christopher BETSCOMBE of Symondsburie. & Mrs Mary STARRE of this parish were married 18-Sep 1655 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] Peter CLARKE & Elizabeth HAGGARD were married 26-Dec 1655 (PR) George FITCHET & Susana TAYLOUR were married 26-Dec 1655 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) Luce bap HT 9th Dec 1660 - Susanna his wife was buried at HT 7th Sep 1670] Henry CURTEIS of this parish & Francis DENT of Beaminster were married 01-Feb 1656 (PR) William HASSELBURY & Anne FRENCHAM were married 15-May 1656 (PR) Mr Samuel BRAGG & Garthra SCAMMELL were married 29-May 1656 (PR) Edward NEWMAN & Alice MOORES were married 23-Jun 1656 (PR) Matthew HUTCHINS & Alice WIRE were married 01-Jul 1656 (PR) Samuel GUIFFORD & Margery WAY were married 07-Jul 1656 (PR) John WAY of Bridport & Susanna DEVENISH of this parish were married 22-Sep 1656 (PR) Mr. George DABENEY [DAUBENEY] & Mrs Katheren FRAMPTON were married 14-Oct 1656 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] John JAMES of Winfruit [Winfrith Newburgh?] & Anne SPRING of this parish were married 05-Jan 1656 (PR) Henry ROW of this parish & Elizabeth GILES of Mosterton were married 24-Feb 1656 (PR) Joseph GUY & Jane HELLARD both of this parish were married 26-Feb 1656 (PR) John BARTLET & Kattren [Katheren] TITE widow both of this parish were married 07-Apr 1657 (PR) [Note:- John BARTLETT (bur.1658), originally from Pulham in Dorset, was previously married to Humility PERRAM at HT on 12th Feb 1654 but she died during childbirth and was buried at HT 22nd Jan 1656/7 . John BARTLETT died and was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 29th May 1658] Henry MINTERNE of Fordington & Sarah TOLDERVILE [TURVERVYLL, TURBERFILDE etc] of this parish were married 18-May 1657 (PR image 144 of 436
John CHAFFIE [CHAFFEY] & Joan BAYLY widow were married 17-Jun 1657 (PR)
Lawrence RIGHTON & Dorothy SMITH were married 11-Aug 1657 (PR) John TILSEY of Shapen Mallut & Elizabeth HAYNE of this parish were married 03-Sep 1657 (PR) [Note:- Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorcherster. Elizabeth HAYNE was the 6th child from the marriage of Edward HAYNE to Agnes PARKER were married at HT on 29-Apr 1622] Mr. George TURBERVILE of Wemborne [Wimbourne has 3 parishes] & Mrs Elizabeth LEWEN of this parish were married 15-Sep 1657 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] John HEWELL of Lanckton & Emme ADAMS of Steepleton were married 13-Oct 1657 (PR) Walter SPICER & Martha MARTINE were married 09-Nov 1657 (PR) [Note:- Martha buried HT 7th Apr 1673] John WELSHMAN & Joan SHORT both of Weeke [ie Wyke Regis] were married 09-Nov 1657 (PR) Nicholas SERVANT of Preston & Joan WATERCOOMB of Abbotsbury were married 01-Dec 1657 (PR) Lyonel GILL & Mary DEVONISH both of Poorstoake [i.e. Powerstock also known as Poorstock] were married 10-Dec 1657 (PR) William CORBINE & Rebeccah BLANCHER both of Charminster. were married 10-Dec 1657 (PR) John VINCENT of Buckland Newton & Frances CHIPP of Alton were married 21-Dec 1657 (PR) Richard JOYCE & Anne WELSTEED both of East Knighton were married 01-Jan 1657 (PR) Allin [Allan] LISTER & Dorothy GOLSBERRY were married 05-Jan 1657 (PR) Nathaniel COOKE & Joan GALPEN were married 11-Jan 1657 (PR) [Note:- children:- (1) John born in Oct 1658 he was bap at HT November 16th 1658 (2) Elizabeth bap HT 15 Aug 1660 (3) Rose Bap HT 24 Jan 1663/4 (4) John Bap HT 26 Sep 1669 ] Owen LOWMAN & Joan STANDLY both of Pudle Henton [better known as Piddlehinton] were married 04-Feb 1657 (PR) William DOUCH & Martha MOOGG were married 11-Mar 1657 (PR) Edmond THORNEL & Margaret BROWNE both of Askerswell were married 29-Jul 1658 (PR) Thomas GROSSE of Burlstone & Susan GILLINGAM of this parish were married 10-Aug 1658 (PR) Robert SOWTHE & Hannah DENGE were married 12-Oct 1658 (PR) Bartholomew KELLOWAY & Ellinor MILLER widow were married 19-Dec 1658 (PR) [Note:- child Bartholomew bap HT February 27th 1658/9 ] William KEAT of West Knighton & Jane WILLIAMS of Pockshill? were married 04-Jun 1659 (PR) Mr. Samuel SYMMES [SIMMS] & Mrs Kathren HULL were married 17-Jul 1660 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] Samuel GAME & Alice CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] were married 17-Jul-1660 (PR) James MANUEL [MANIEL] & Phebe MANFEILD were married 16-Oct 1660 (PR)
Peter TURNER & Joan CURTEIS were married 18-Sep 1661 (PR) John HARBEN & Frances GOOD were married 18-Sep 1661 (PR) Thomas MOORES & Elizabeth COUSENS widow were married 08-Sep 1662 (PR) William MUNDEN & Christian GOULD were married 14-Oct 1662 (PR) William MICHEL & Joan WARREN were married 28-Oct 1662 (PR) Jerime [Jeremiah] ALDER & Avisse COXE were married 25-Nov 1662 (PR)
(1) Henry Alder bap HT 12th Feb 1662/3; He married Thomasin BOYES at Winterborne St Martin on 30th June 1687. Follow link for more info about his family (2) Robert Alder bap HT 8th Oct 1665 said to have married Susannah Wentworth circa 1691? When Bernard Wentworth died intestate in 1710 Robert described as a cordwainer was bound along with another cordwainer Thomas Miller of Dorchester with Bernard's widow Martha Wentworth for the correct administration of his estate. (3) Deborah Alder (1667-1668) bap HT 11th March 1667 and buried HT 4th June 1668 (4) Jeremiah Alder (1669-1670/1) bap HT 8th Aug 1669 and buried there 7th Feb 1670/1] Matthew READ & Elizabeth CAKE were married 30-Dec 1662 (PR)
Matthew READ Senior (1635-1712) was the 2nd child from the marriage of John READE to Emme CHAPER [or CHANER] at HT on 03-Aug 1629. He signed the Oath of Loyalty to Charles II on 31st Aug 1681. He was buried at HT on 1st Jan 1712/13. Elizabeth nee CAKE (1630-1704) was buried at HT on 31st Dec 1704/5. Children from this marriage:- (1) Mary Read bap HT 7th Feb 1663/4; beneficiary under John CAKE's Will of 1709/10 receiving 20 shillings (2) Ruth Read (1666-1729) bap HT 17th Apr 1666 ; She had a bastard son William Read baptised at HT on 5th Jan 1693/4 and was a beneficiary under John CAKE's Will of 1709/10 receiving 20 shillings. She was buried a spinster at HT Church in Dorchester on 29 Oct 1729. (3) Matthew Read Junior (1668-1742) bap HT 2nd Aug 1668 ; left 1 shilling under John CAKE's Will. He married Elizabeth (Unknown) circa 1694 and had 7 children by her baptised at HT Church in Dorchester. He was buried there 25th Jan 1742:-
(2) Clement Read (1698- 1774) bap 9 Oct 1698 he married Sarah GRACE at St Michael Paternoster Royal in the City of London on 10th Feb 1724 (3) Mary Read (1699-1700) bap 8 Dec 1699 and buried 29 Jan 1700/1 (4) Catherine Read (1700-1702) bap 2 Dec 1700 and buried 9 Apr 1702 (5) Thomas Read (1702-1704) bap 27 Nov 1702 and Bur 2 Apr 1704 (6) John Read (1703-1704) bap 19 Jan 1703/4 and bur 30 July 1704 and (7) Elizabeth Read (1705-1707) bap 16 Dec 1705 and bur 14 Apr 1707 (4) John Read bap HT 2 Apr 1671; left 1 shilling under John CAKE's will in which he is referred to as John READ of the City of London son of my brother (in-law) (5) Samuel Read bap 22 Nov 1674. Like his father a hellier by trade he was executor and a beneficiary under John CAKE's will of 1709/10. He married Ruth BARTLETT in her home parish of Portesham in Dorset on 31st Dec 1696. ] John SIEMONS & Margt. LITTLE widow were married 11-Feb 1662 (PR) William HOWARD & Christian ATKINS were married 28-Feb 1662 (PR) James GOULD & Sarah MANTLE were married 08-Jun 1663 (PR) Mr. Richard RUSSELL & Mrs. Elizabeth JOLLIFFE were married 01-Sep 1663 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth JOLIFFE was the 5th child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FRY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626] Thomas BANTON & Ellinor WELLMOTT were married 24-Sep 1663 (PR) John CASWELL & Elizabeth WEST were married 13-Nov 1663 (PR) Aquila GUIFFORD & Anne HULET widow were married 12-Apr 1664 (PR) Edward WINGATE & Christian STONE were married 04-May 1664 (PR) Richard KING & Elizabeth YEOMAN were married 09-May 1664 (PR) Adam TUCKER & Rose BAMPFEILD were married 12-Jul 1664 (PR) [Note:- child Rose bap HT 1st Jan 1665/6] Thomas RENNINGTON & Elizabeth GOULD were married 10-Oct 1664 (PR) George VOKWORTH & Margaret JACOB were married 06-Nov 1664 (PR) Henry HENLEY Esquire & Mrs. Mary BULCKLEY [BULKELEY]were married 31-Jan 1664 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] Joseph WILLIAMS & Mary CHURCHILL were married 10-Aug 1665 (PR) Henry FACEY & Margaret POUNCEY were married 10-Oct 1665 (PR) Robert POUNCEY & Athur [blank] were married 17-Oct 1665 (PR) Daniel BILES & Elizabeth ALLAMBRIDGE were married 04-Sep 1666 (PR) [Note:- child Daniel bap HT 28 Jan 1668/9] Steven MICHELL & Elenour WILES were married 26-Sep 1667 (PR) Christopher GEORGE & Martha LEE were married 05-Nov 1667 (PR) Thomas MEDER [MEADER] & Jane FFOOK [FOOK] were married 26-Nov 1667 (PR) Mr. John ARNOL [ARNOLD] & Mrs. Elizabeth HAVAHLAND [HAVILAND] were married 18-Feb 1667 (PR) Richard BANGER & Sarah CHEEK were married 26-May 1668 (PR) [Note:- child Matthew bap HT 31st May 1669] James STAFFORD & Katerine MARTEN [MARTIN] were married 30-Jun 1668 (PR) [Note:- child James bap HT 23rd May 1669] John RAYNOLDS & Joane WAYER were married 01-Jul 1668 (PR) Benjamen PLOWMAN of Sturmister Mershel & Mary JACOB were married 02-Jul 1668 (PR) Richard STICKLAND & Margaret POUNCY were married 26-Jan 1668 (PR) [Note:- child Agnes bap HT 12th Sep 1669] ![]() ![]() Dorchester Trade Token dated 1669 Around the outside it says "DORCHESTER ARMES OF" on the front and "A DORCHESTER FARTHING" on the back Henry POUNSY [POUNCY] & Elizabeth GREEN were married 06-May 1669 (PR) William HOBBS & Margaret GIFFERD [GIFFORD] were married 21-Dec 1669 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Sarah bap HT 13th Nov 1670 (2) Elizabeth bap HT 3rd Nov 1672 (3) Thomas bap HT 23rd Apr 1676] George GOULD & Margaret CLEFF were married 23-Nov 1669 (PR) [Note:- child George bap HT 18th Oct 1670] Joseph ANDERVER of Charmester [Charminster] & Alice COUNTER were married 04-Apr 1670 (PR) [Note:- Jane his first wife was buried at HT 28th Jan 1669/70] John DEARING & Elizabeth JACOB were married 04-Apr 1670 (PR) John DAW & Ealce BOIT were married 06-Feb 1671/2 (PR) [Note:- Children:- (1) George bap HT 08 Dec 1672;(2) John bap HT 9th May 1675 : Ealce his wife was buried at HT on 6th July 1676] Robert WALLAS & Anne GOULD were married 09-Apr 1672 (PR) John JAMES & Merriam FOOKE were married 27-May 1672 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 5th Nov 1676] John CLEMENT of Wincalton in the County of Somerset & Margaret CREDOCKE of Shirborne were married 10-Jun 1672 (PR) George HUNTELY & Hannah GEORGE were married 25-Jul 1672 (PR) John TAYLOR of St. Peter's Parish & Jane GILLET of this parish were married 03-Sep 1672 (PR) Gilbert WHITE of Frampton & Joane COOKE of this parish were married 24-Oct 1672 (PR) John GEORGE & Jane HASELBERY were married 26-Dec 1672 (PR) John GREENE & Margaret COMBESHALL were married 27-May 1673 (PR) Nicholas HAYSOME & Mary ROLES were married 25-Jun 1673 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 4th apr 1675] Edward BRETHERS & Grace BESS were married 03-Jul 1673 (PR) John BEARNES of Swaneg [Swanage] in Purbick [Purbeck] & Lidia BANTEN were married 11-Aug 1673 (PR) Nathaniell GRINDHAM of ye parish of All Saints & Rachel COUNTER of this parish were married 14-Jan 1673 (PR) Mr. John GOLLOP of St Peter's & Mes Mary STANSBIE [STANSBY] were married 28-May 1674 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] [Note:- Mr John GOLLOP (1644-1731) His pedigree is given in the Visitation of Dorset for the year 1677; Page 31: Although this states that he died 25 May 1731 aged 87 he in fact was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 1st September 1731. His Will was not approved until 25th May 1732 and can be found at the National Archives under ref PROB 11/65. A copy dated 1712? may be at the Dorset History center under ref DHC D/ASH:A/F3. John was the 4th son of Thomas GALLOP of Strode (1617-1692) and Elizabeth the daughter and heir of Thomas THORNE of Caundle Marsh. This is John's first marriage to Mary STANSBY on 28 May 1674 at Holy Trinity. She was the 4th child of Philip STANSBIE (1611/1617 - 1686) and she produced 4 children before her death on the 25th and burial at St Peters Dorchester on 28th May 1682 aged 29. A brass memorial plaque survives to her in St Peters Church. Their 4 children were (1) John Gollop bap 4th Mar 1676/7 (2) Elizabeth Gollop bap 17 Jun 1678 and buried 1st July 1678 (3) Thomas Gollop bap 5th Aug 1679 and (4) Rebecca Gollop bap 4th Nov 1680. The 3 surviving children are all listed at the Visitation. He married 2ndly to Frances the widow of Henry BACKWAY on 1st June 1697 at Charminster - she died 25th March 1712. Peter POUNCY of All Saints & Jone MICHELL were married 20-Nov 1674 (PR) Mark BAGWELL & Mary DREWER were married 18-Jan 1675 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Mark bap HT 1st July 1677 (2) Lidia bap HT 1st Nov 1678] John MARSH & Elizabeth MARKS were married 09-Jul 1676 (PR) Mr. Robert WERE of Possom & Mrs. Mary LACY were married 29-Aug 1676 (PR) Robert COOMES of Fordington & Joane WOOKE were married 20-Sep 1676 (PR) [Note:- settled in his parish of Fordington where registers for 1676 & 1677 are missing - a child Elizabeth was bap St Georges Church Fordington 11th July 1680] William CARRENTON & Rachel STICKLAND were married 14-Jan 1676 (PR)
Edward LISTER & Mary LAMOTH were married 06-Feb 1676 (PR) [Note:- child John bap HT 26 Dec 1678 ] John WINSER of Fordington & Ann GATS widow were married 18-Sep 1677 (PR) John MYELL & Mary EVERED widow were married 07-Jan 1677 (PR) William LEAVET & Elizabeth POUNCY were married 22-Oct 1678 (PR) Henry DAW & Precilla POOK were married 18-May 1679 (PR) Walter LUCAS & Ann PERCE were married 27-May 1679 (PR) Samuel BESS & Mary MELLEDG were married 24-Dec 1679 (PR) William FOOK of All Saints & Ffrancis MARTINE were married 15-Apr 1680 (PR)
Joseph UNDERWOOD & Mary GARDENER were married 03-Aug 1680 (PR) Robert POOL & Joan BAKER were married 16-Sep 1680 (PR) [Note:- children (1) Thomas bap HT 25 Sep 1681 (2) Robert bap HT 2nd July 1684 (3) Elizabeth bap HT 29th Aug 1686 & buried HT 7th Apr 1687 (4) John bap HT 6th may 1688] Mr. Thomas BASKET of Sarum & Mrs.Margaret RAYNER of St. Peter's were married 07-Apr 1681 (PR) John JAMES & Elizabeth HARBEN were married 20-Oct 1681 (PR) William SHEPHERD & Thomasine MARTAINE were married 10-Nov 1681 (PR) Mr. John TASKER of Winterborn St. Martin & Mrs. Mary NELSON of St. Peter's were married 12-Jan 1681 (PR) Robert LOCK of All Saints & Hannah WILLIAMS were married 07-Feb 1681 (PR)
(1) Elizabeth Lock (1683-1684) bap at All St's 22 Jan 1683/4 and buried there 22 Dec 1684. (2) Edyth Lock (b.1685-aft 1739) bap at All St's 02 Nov 1685; Joint exectrix to her fathers Will in 1721. She married twice, first to a yeoman George BRICE (1671-1736) at St Peters Church on 13th May 1725. Follow link for more information. (3) Hanah Lock (1687-1772) bap All St's 4 Sep 1687 She married John ENSOR from Holy Trinity Parish at Bradford Peverell (where the vicar of All Saints lived and married couples from Dorchester locally for some years) on 03 Oct 1709] (4) Elizabeth Lock (b.1689) bap All St's 7 Mar 1689/90 (5) Robert Lock (1692-1697) bap All St's 26 Sep 1692 and buried there 11th July 1697 (6) Thomas Lock (b. 1694) bap All St's 19 Oct 1694 (7) Robert Lock (1698-1700) bap All ST's 13 Nov 1698 and buried there 13th May 1700. Samuel SNOOK & Joan GOULD were married 18-Apr 1682 (PR)
Mr. James BAKER & Mrs. Elizabeth HAYTEAR were married 20-Jul 1682 (PR) Mr. John PELLAT of Arundel in Sussex & Mrs. Mary WARREN of St. Peter's were married 27-Jul 1682 (PR) Thomas MARSH & Agnis POUENCY [POUNCY] were married 04-Feb 1682 (PR) Enoch FORTISCUE & Honour SHEPHARD were married 28-May 1683 (PR) [Note:- Honour is the daughter of Lawrence and Elizabeth SHEPHERD see Wills index for her fathers will dated 14th Dec 1689 proved 30 Apr 1690 for more information] Joseph STIBBS & Sarah BENVIL were married 05-Jun 1684 (PR) Thomas ABRAHAM alias HURD of Piddletown & Mary WATTS were married 15-Feb 1684 (PR) John WIGGONS of Fordington & Mary CURTISE of this parish were married 21-Apr 1685 (PR) Henry ACTINS & Mary STICKLAND both of this parish were married 18-Nov 1685 (PR) John MARSH & Wilmoth BISSEN both of this parish were married 09-Aug 1687 (PR) Ames BURD of Maiden Newton & Elizabeth BEALL of Munton in Summersett were married 15-Feb 1687 (PR) Henry DAMPHIER of Moorden & Ursula GREGORY of this parish were married 08-May 1688 (PR) Benjamin GAWLER of All Saints (Dorchester) & Sarah BUSHROD were married 17-Jan 1688 (PR)
Mr. John COOMB of Chilfroom & Mrs. Mary CRABB of Netherbury were married 22-Jul 1689 (PR) Martin ELLET of Puddle-town & Mary TAYLOR of this parish were married 13-Oct 1689 (PR) William SKINNER of ye parish of Chard & Jane HAVAHLAND of this parish were married 23-Dec 1689 (PR) John HARBIN & Adrian GOULD were married 01-Jan 1689 (PR) Edmund WATS & Elizabeth EVERED were married 01-Feb 1689 (PR) Tobias GARLAND & Grace SQUIB were married 15-May 1690 (PR) Roger CHAMBERLAIN & Hester BAYLY were married 30-Sep 1690 (PR) Leonard HUTCHINGS & Mary WILLIAMS were married 02-Dec 1690 (PR) Joseph ROGERS & Hannah CHALDECOTT were married 29-Dec 1691 (PR) John HAYNE & Mary LILLINGTON were married 17-Feb 1691 (PR) [Note:- Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorchester. John Hayne was buried at St Peters church in Dorchester on 7th Sep 1749] William PALMER & Temperance BEST were married 31-Mar 1692 (PR) [Note:- Child:- Willliam bap HT 06 Aug 1693; his wife Temperence Palmer was buried at HT on 29th May 1697] Robert GACHEL & Margaret DIEKES were married 08-Sep 1692 (PR) Christopher PITT Dr. of Physick & Mrs. Elizabeth BACKWAY were married 25-Apr 1693 (PR) [Note:- This marriage is recorded in The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset (3rd Edition published 1868 - page 392) by John Hutchins ] John BUSHROD & Elizabeth SEAGER were married 06-Jul 1693 (PR)
Joseph PERHAM alias DARK & Jane VIVIHAM alias HOGGARD were married 14-Apr 1694 (PR) Mr. John SYMONDS & Mrs. Ann THORNBURY were married 19-Feb 1694 (PR) William BIRCH & Sarah POULDEN were married 26-Apr 1695 (PR) John GOULD & Mary FOY? were married 16-Oct 1695 (PR Note first letter is not clear and does not look like the double 'ff' for FOY but is a well known family in Dorchester) Matthew ANDEVER & Elizabeth DEEKER were married 01-Jan 1695 (PR) Nathaniel GRINDHAM & Hannah BUSHROD were married 19-Nov 1696 (PR) Nicolas [Nicholas] DEEKER & Ruth WHITE were married 26-Dec 1696 (PR) John SMITH & Mary UNDERWOOD vid: [vidua or widow] were married 16-Feb 1696 (PR) Robert BROWN & Anna GOLSEY were married 25-May 1697 (PR) Andrew RIDDLE & Joan FFULBROOK vid: [vidua or widow] were married 19-Sep 1697 (PR) [Note:- child Elizabeth bap HT 28 Mar 1698] Thomas GAPE & Edith FFOX were married 25-Apr 1698 (PR) Joseph PARSONS & Mary OXENBURY were married 03-Nov 1698 (PR) John HARBEN & Anna DUNING were married 04-Jan 1698 (PR) John SCUTT & Jane SPRAT were married 03-Oct 1699 (PR) John CHILES & Mary KEATS were married 26-Dec 1699 (PR) William LAMBERT & Alice ANDEVER were married 24-Jan 1699/1700 ( image 146 of 436) [Note:- William LAMBERT was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 18 Mar 1708/9 and left a will proved in 1710 in which he refers to having been married at least twice, naming his present wife as Alice and leaves everything to her and his son Samuel] John GAPEN & Mary PITMAN of Tollar were married 16-Feb 1699/1700 (PR) Richard LAVENDAR & Elizabeth WELLSPRING were married 04-Jun 1700 (PR) Henry GARLAND & Sarah COCKRAM were married 12-Aug 1700 (PR) Nicholas ROGERS & Joan CHURCHILL were married 29-Sep 1700 (PR) Benjamin CHALDECOT & Hanna HUNTLEY were married 11-Nov 1700 (PR) John HONEYBORN & Edith MORES were married 26-Nov 1700 (PR) Nathaniel MORES & Hester CRAVERT were married 26-Nov 1700 (PR) Andrew GALE & Susanna COOMB were married 07-Jan 1700 (PR) John GOULD & Martha LAURANCE [sic] were married 29-Mar 1702 (PR & BT's Surname spelt LAWRENCE ) Joseph BALE [BEALE] & Mary BARTLETT were married 08-Sep 1702 (PR)
Mr. James CHANING [CHANNING] & Mrs. Hannah TEMPLEMAN were married 01-Dec 1702 (PR) William HUISTES & Elizabeth FFEVEN were married 11-Jan 1702 (PR) John HOBBS & Mary POUNCY were married 11-Jul 1703 (PR) [Note:- Mary Hobbs the daughter of John Hobbs was bapt at Hoy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 21st May 1704] Richard STONE & Elizabeth DIAMOND were married 20-Mar 1703 (PR) Nicolas [Nicholas] WINZOR [WINZER] & Susannah BANKS were married 20-Apr 1704 (PR) William CHILES [CHILDS] & Sarah BOWDEN were married 04-Jan 1704 (PR) [Note:- children (1) John bap HT 29 Oct 1705 (2) William bap HT 24 Dec 1706 (3) Sarah bap HT 18 Aug 1711. Sarah CHILDS was buried at HT church on 8th Jan 1756 and William CHILDS on 25th June 1756] Samuel MARTIN [MARTEN] & Lettice AYERS were married 30-Oct 1705 (PR) Robert STEVENS & Catharine FFOY [FOY] were married 17-May 1706 (PR) Richard MULLINGTON of Bristol & Elinour DEARING were married 11-Jul 1706 (PR) William SHEPHERD & Ann BELMAN were married 06-Aug 1706 (PR) William LAMBERT & Mary BRINE were married 31-Jul 1707 (PR) John CRUE of Abbotsbury & Ann BEARNES were married 06-Oct 1708 (PR) Charles BEFFORD & Lydia RASHLEY were married 26-Apr 1709 (PR)
James POOK & Elizabeth NEW were married 01-Aug 1709 (PR) John COMBES of Little Bridy & Martha WALDRON of Swier were married 06-Sep 1709 (PR) Joseph COSSENS & Mary CHIPMAN were married 12-Feb 1709 (PR) Richard BOLLIN & Catharine CROSS of Sidling were married 10-Feb 1710 (PR) Simon FRAMPTON & Joan NEWMAN were married 29-Apr 1711 (PR) Thomas FOY & Deborah MASH were married 24-Jun 1711 (PR) John STEPHENS of Symondsbury & Dorothy WEBBER were married 26-Jun 1711 (PR) John WINZAR* & Joan BRAND were married 03-Jul 1711 (PR) [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc] [Note:- John WINZAR Junior (1680-1779) was the 1st child from the marriage of John WINSER to Marie GREEN who married at All Saints church in Dorchester in Jan 1679/80. I have not been able to locate any reference to Joan BRAND or even a family with that surname in Dorset which probably means her surname is not correct in the original Parish Register. They had 2 children baptised in Holy Trinity Church before moving to St Peters in Dorchester by 1716. His wife Joan WINZAR nee BRAND (c1686-1732) was buried at All Saints Church on 31st May 1732. John may have lived to 99? see Burial All Saints Church Dorchester on 26th Oct 1779. Known children:- Anthony KENN & Sarah WILLIS were married 12-Nov 1711 (PR has WILLS as her surname) [Note:- Link to more information about this family] Samuel HEWETT & Elizabeth SAVAGE were married 27-Dec 1711 (PR) John VINSON & Mary CARRINGTON were married 09-Jun 1712 (PR) Robert CRIMBLE & Jane ALEXANDER were married 23-Sep 1712 (PR) John BARTLETT & Elizabeth CRIMBLE were married 19-Oct 1712 (PR)
(1) Margaret BARTLETT (1713-1714) bap All Saints in Dorchester on 17th Nov 1713 recorded as 'Margret ye daughter of John & Elizabeth BARTLET' and buried there on 13th April 1714 also recorded asMargaret the daughter of 'John & Elizabeth BARTLET'. (2) John BARTLETT (1715-1775) bap St Peters Church Dorchester 15th May 1715 recorded as 'John son of John BARTLETT. John married on 7th Oct 1739 to Anah [Anna, Hannah] WOODSFORD at St Georges Church in Fordington. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester 24th Jan 1775. John SAMWAYS & Mary VIVIAN of Abbotsbury were married 08-Dec 1712 (PR) Joseph FFOY [FOY] & Mary LOVE were married 11-Dec 1712 (PR) William SMITH & Susannah BYLES of Brianstone [possibly Bryanston] were married 12-Dec 1712 (PR) John WELLS of Sherborne & Elizabeth CARTER were married 14-Mar 1712 (PR) |