
Baptisms All Saints Church 1653 - 1732

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester from CLDS Film August 2009
[ 1,293 Baptism Records - Last updated July 2024]

All Saints Church Dorchester
Picture kind permission of:
© Chris Downer and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

NOTES Aug 2009:-
1. Comments by the OPC are in [square brackets in italics ] - original comments against the transcriptions made by the Rev RG Bartelott (RGB) are in (rounded brackets) . The Reverend transcribed the entries into a form of alphabetical order allowing to some extent for variation in spelling. These he listed with baptisms followed by burials for each letter of the alphabet. This can be useful when researching families and it may be worth consulting the original CLDS film. I have here returned them to date order to be consistent with all the other transcriptions that we have done on this site and also because they are not in strict alphabetical order and even have some burials mixed in with baptisms or vice versa. The CLDS film is of a typed carbon copy of the original transcription and some figures/letters are indistict making the placing of entries into thier correct sequence difficult.
2. As RGB stated on earlier transcriptions the original scribes were barely literate so have presented us with a particularly difficult task - They have not for example always recorded baptisms in the date order in which they were carried out - in many cases they have given birth dates as well but in others either the baptism or birth date.
3. Readers are reminded that the year started on 25 March not 1st January until the year 1752.
4. Checked against the IGI, any differences commented upon.

MAY 2012:-
This file has now been updated from the original parish register and (PR) added to the end of the line to indicate checking and any changes necessary have been completed for that entry

Original Document Heading:-

The following comments are made on the register by the Rev R.G.Bartelot MA
[Note He was the vicar of St Georges Church Fordington between 1906 and 1936]

For earlier Register now missing see Dorchester Field Club Volume 20 page 180

The Registers of All Saints Dorchester, Dorset commence 1653. The Marriages came first: I have copied for Phillimores Parish Register Series. In this book I have transcribed in index form every entry of Baptisms and burials with the latter also copied verbatim on page x. since it is interesting to note the number of prisoners from Dorchester Goal buried here especially during the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion.
Richard Grosvenor Bartelot 1908:

Notes:- Volume 11½ inches by 7½ - Parchmant 61 leaves 1.e. 122 pages

First entry 31 Dec 1653 baptism. Dreadful parish clerk hand writing till 1656. Then William BENN (?) & Clerk occasionally. Change of hand after 20 Aug 1659. Gap. 27 Aug 1659 to 10 Jun 1660 - 3 entries 1659 & 3 1660 only whereas general average per year earlier was about 15. One entry last but one page (1622) illegible. must use Hydre syiph. Amon. (26 Nov 1662). [Note:- William BENN was Rector of All Saints from 5 Aug 1629 to 10 Feb 1663]

From 1662 to 1682 handwriting of Parish Clerk whom I think was Richard FFOY. Then another more literate succeeds him June 1682 and goes on till Sep 1692 when follows a very illiterate clerk Thomas BUNN right on till 25 April 1705. Then a better clerk hand till 8 Nov 1702 [?] after which the vilest possible fist goes on till 25 Aug 1705 when we apparently get the Rector writing it onward till 12 July 1734 he always witnes "Crisned" or "Itnod". [Note:- Richard FFOY was buried at All Saints Church on 26 June 1682]

Curious double name 1704 Micall Hanry the son of Richard FFOY was born 12 Feb.
Baptisms end 22 May 1732

Marriages commence 28 Aug 1654; Gap 1708 - 1711 because Hutchins was also rector of Bradford Peveral & couples went over there. Marriages end 26 Dec 1732

Burials began 10 June 1654 (Drayton) and 12 Feb 1732 Scanty 1657? & same 1650-1660 one 1661 & then regular from Mar 1662. Greast mortality 1667 June to January query plague. 37 burials 1667, 3 in 1668, 8 in 1663 5? (28 in 1668) 44 burials in 1673 as against 18 in 1674 & 37 in 1676

1691 [Note:- year indistinct looks like 1671 but think this should be 1691 as Bernard TOUP Rector then] 29 Sep after Cell [or Coll ?] burials "memorand that October 7th I notified to the Churchwardens of the Parish of Allhallows that there was no Affidavit brought in the eight days forefixed by the Act of Parliament for burying in woollen witness mt hand Borm: Toup Rector ibm."

1 entry burial cut out between 25 November & 5 December 1692 & on other side bettween 25 January & 3 February 1693/4

Thomas BUNN Parish Clerk writes Reg.? burials from 28 Oct 1692 to 27 June 1706 his own burial is entered 13 September 1705. Next hand better - Plague or smallpox 1724. Volume 1 ends 12 Feb 1732/3 Vol 2 begins Baptisms 27 Mar 1733

Everybodys surname may be classified under one or other of the following derivations. Either it is derived from a place name such as John Wareham, John Atwood, by the wood. By the sea, or secondly it is a [Blank] such as Johnson. Richardson or it is a nick name such as John Reed - John the red haired - or lastly it is a trade name. Dr Johnson made a mistake when he said that English surnames never started before the twelfth century & that they then began with the nobles & upper classes & generally spread downwards to the traders and landworkers. The fact is that in England hereditary surnames are first found in the families of the middle and lower classes and from them they spread to the squires and nobility. In the City of Winchester surames were common in Saxon days. The Book of Wintonin 1086 enumerates the list of householders in Winchester before the conquest in the time of King Edward the Confessor and amongst these the name of Turetin Maneal, Peter Agnell, Herbert Campion and Henry Gladewin appear. The last of these was a good surname of good yeoman ancestry in Little Cheney for centuries & the other surnames mentioned flourished in our County of Dorset.

The Hundred Rolls in 1273 record a great number of surnames in the South of England as well as in other parts. Some of these names have a Roman origin. One of the oldest names in Fordington was JUSTER which afterwards became JESTY, this name is derived from the Roman Justus or Justnian. CLARE is another old Fordington name and it is derived from the Latin 'clarus' meaning 'renowned'. DOMING comes from the Latin 'Master' . GALPIN from 'galbinus' which means 'beardlese' or 'bald'; KEATE or KEECH from the Latin caeous 'blind'; NEALE from 'nigellus' the 'dark man'; POMEROY is also a surname of Romas origin derived from 'pomarius' the applegrower. RIGLAR is a very old name in Fordington which is derived from 'regularius' a 'regular soldier'. SCUTT owes its origin to the Latin 'scute' which means 'a shield'. VOSS is the Latin [illegible but the Latin for ditch is Fossa ] a 'ditch' . JUKES is 'jocpsae' the joker; PAYNE is the Roman for 'villager' PEATY is the Latin for 'paetus' the ogler; TITE is derived from the Roman surname Titus ; TRIVETT from 'trifides/ the cross roads; VIGAR from'vecors' the stolid. WHITTLE from 'vitulus the herdsman of cattle & WYAT is the Latin 'viator ' a traveller. Contrary to what had been often stated the name POUNCY is not derived from the Latin 'Pontius' the bridge maker, but is first found in Dorset as PAVENSEY. Gilbert PEVENSEY came from the town of Pevensay & in 1552 appears at Blandford as Gilbert POUNTESEY & was buried at Fordington in 1587 as Gilman PONAY.

To sum up the meanings of surnames we may conclude that everybodys surname may be classified under one of the following four divisions:- [End of page - the next starts the alphabetical listing]

Note:- John Hutchins in his 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' states that registers start in 1609 - In fact only those from 1653 have survived. He quotes however three baptisms as having occured at All Saints:-

Matthew, son of Matthew CHUBB baptised 1621
Thomas son of Robert ERLE, esq and Susan baptised 1626
Thomas son of Rinaldo KNAPTON baptised 1628 [Note:- Link to more information about Thomas Knapton the Elder (1628-1685)]
Christenings 1653
[Note:- Christenings have not been entered into the original register in date order but arranged here by date of baptism]


31 Dec 1653 - William the sonne of Roger FFOOKE borne ye 31 of December (PR)

30 Jan 1653/4 - Ann the daughter of of Anthony COOMBES borne 30 of January (sic no baptism date given) (PR)

12 Mar 1653/4 Alce the daughter of Charles ALLEN borne the 18 of February and was baptised the 12 of March (PR)

    [Note:- From burial registers we know that Charles ALLEN [ALLIN] had at least 2 older children before these surviving registers from All Saints [AS] start and that his wife was named Joane. Their known children were (1) Joane Allen buried AS 5th March 1671/2 (2) Charles Allen the younger buried AS 6th June 1677 (3) Alce Allen born 18th February and bap AS 12th March 1653/4 (4) Robert born 10th March 1656 and bap AS on 3rd Apr1656 (5) William born 22nd Nov 1658 & bap AS on 16th Dec 1658. Charles ALLEN Senior died intestate and was buried at AS on 21st May 1676. His widow Joane Allin of Dorchester widow the relict and lawful administrix of the estate of Charles ALLIN late of Dorchester was granted Letters of Administration on 2nd June 1676 before she died and was buried at AS on 13th April 1697]


15 Apr 1654 - Elizabeth the daughter of of Zachery BROWES (i.e. PROWSE) borne the 24 of March and baptised the 15 of April (PR)

16 Apr 1654 - Moses son of Nicholas SLADE borne the 15 of March 53 [i.e. 1653/4] and was baptised the 16 of Aprill 54 [i.e. 1654] (PR)

27 Apr 1654 - Christopher the son of Christopher RASKER baptised the 27 of Aprill (PR)

27 Apr 1654 - Elizabeth the daughter of of Thomas SPRING baptised the 27 Aprill (PR)

10 May 1654 - Jane the daughter of Thomas BUCKLER borne the 10 of May (PR)

15 May 1654 - Susanna the daughter of Jeramiah CONWAY borne the 17 pf Aprill and baptised the 15 of May (PR) [Note:- buried AS 22 June 1654]

15 Jun 1654 - Mary the daughter of of Joseph SEAWARD borne the 5 of June and baptised the 15of June (PR)

20 July 1654 - John the son of William WOODS borne the 10 of June and baptised the 20 of July (PR)

25 July 1654 - Elizabeth the daughter of of George HELLARD borne the 21 of Aprill and was baptised the 25 of July (PR) [Link to comments about this family]

21 Sep 1654 - Thomas son of Thomas HELLARD borne the 28 of August and baptised the 21 of September (PR)

07 Nov 1654 - William son of Robert SHORT baptised the 7 of (illegible) (PR) (RGB has Nov)

21 Sep 1654 - James the son of Peter FILLDUE baptised the 21 of September (PR)

11 Dec 1654 - Samuel son of Zakeriah PADICK [PADOCK] borne the 14 of October and baptised 11 of December (PR)

08 Dec 1654 - Joane the daughter of Henry MERRIFELD borne the 3 of October and baptised 8 December (PR)

16 Jan 1654/5 Isack [Isaac] (illegible word) ye son of Robert & Mary MITCHELL baptised January 16th (PR)

24 Jan 1654/5 Mary the daughter of Thomas LININGTON borne the 20 of December and baptised 24 January (PR)


18 Apr 1655 - Thomas the son of Joseph WHITLE borne the 29 of March and was baptised the 18 of April (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 11 Nov 1664 when the mothers name is given as Sarah]

01 May 1655 - Joseph son of Danell (Daniel) FARENT borne the 13 of September 1654 and baptised the 1 of May 1655 (PR)

23 May 1655 - William son of William CLARKE borne the 17 of Aprill and baptised the 23 May (PR)

23 May 1655 - Constance the daughter of Richard BUTLER borne the 24 of January ans baptised 23 of May (PR)

23 May 1655 - Joane the daughter of John BARTLETT borne the 28 March and baptised 23 of May (PR) [Note:- buried All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jan 1662/3 --1st child from the marriage of - John BARTLETT to Humility PERRAM at HT on 12th Feb 1654/5]

28 May 1655 - Samuell son of William LESSTER borne the 9 of January [i.e.1654/5] and baptised 28 May (PR)

28 Jun 1655 - Edeth the daughter of William LOCK borne the 5 of May and baptised the 28 June (PR) [Note: 1st recorded child of William LOCK in surviving Registers.See also Robert bap 19th June 1658; Alice bap 5th Apr 1662; George bap 27 Dec 1663.]

23 July 1655 - Mary the daughter of Steven MORCOCK borne 16 of May and baptised 23 July (PR)

23 July 1655 - Robert son of Joseph GRAY borne the 15 of Aprill and was baptised 23 of July (PR)

23 July 1655 - Martha the daughter of John ASTEN was baptised July 23 (PR)

03 Aug 1655 - Richard son of Richard WHITLE borne the last of [i.e.31st] of July and baptised the 3 of August (PR)

27 Aug 1655 - Elizabeth the daughter of Edward CLENCH borne the 12 of August and baptised the 27 of August (PR)

12 Dec 1655 - Jane the daughter of John HUTTEN borne the 14 November and baptised the 12 of December (PR)

12 Dec 1655 - Samuell son of Thomas MELLER baptised the 12 December (PR) [Note:- IGI also has burial as 14 Dec 1655]

20 Dec 1655 - John son of William SAVAGG borne the 9 of December and baptised the 20 of December (PR)


03 Apr 1656 - Robert son of Charels [Charles] ALLEN borne the 10 of March and baptised the 3 of April (PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link]

07 Apr 1656 - Ffrances [i.e. Francis] son of William SCREVEN [i.e. SCRIVEN] baptised the 7 of April (PR) [Note:- burial 15 Jan 1668 [or 1688?]where is mother is called Ann]

07 Apr1656 - Robert son of Robert SHEAPPARD baptised the 7 of April (PR)

07 Apr 1656 - Mary the daughter of Robert HOIT baptised the 7 of April (PR)

02 Jun 1656 - Robert son of Robert LEMMON borne the 12 of Aprill and baptised the 2 of June (PR) [Note:- Robert Lemmon from Pulham married in All Saints church to Mary Bishop on 24 May 1655]

02 Jun 1656 - Richard son of Richard FOY borne the 27 of Aprill and baptised the 2 of June (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Saints on 14th Nov 1654]

02 Jun 1656 - Thomas son of Thomas VOSS (or VEY) borne the 24 of Aprill and baptised the 2 June (PR)

10 Jun 1656 - Christian the daughter of Robert NORES [NORRIS?] -----[rest illegible] (PR) (RGB has Born 3 Jun 1656 and baptised 10 June)

20 Aug 1656 - Joseph the son of Joseph SEWARD (or SYWARD) was borne the 10th off August and baptised the 20 off the same month (PR)

11 Sep 1656 - Nicholas and Ann the son and daughter of Nicholas DWOLE? [i.e. DOWLE] was borne the 21 of August and was baptised the 11 of Septtember (PR)

10 Oct 1656 - Jeremiah CLARKE was boren ye 10 of October 1656. (PR)

11 Oct 1656 - John the sonne of John ALLWOOD was born the 11 of October (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of John Allwood to Margaret Hoit in All Saints church on 18 Dec 1655]

10 Nov 1656 - Mary the daughter of John BUSHROD the younger was borne the 26 of September and baptised the 10th of November (PR) [Note:- 1st known child of the marriage of John & Catherine Bushrode. John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the younger was buried at All Saints Church on 24 Feb 1670/1, his wife Catherin on 24th July 1667]

26 Dec 1656 - Jane the daughter of Roger FFOOKE borne the 26 of December (PR) [Note:- Baptised 30th March 1657 when entry repeated in the original register]

30 Jan 1656/7 - Joseph the sonne of Zakeriah PADICK [PADOCK] borne the 13 of December and was baptised the 30 of January [i.e. 1656/7] (PR)

24 Mar 1656/7 - William the son of William BOYES borne the 24 of March (PR) [Note 1st child from the marriage of William Boyes to Anne Dowle from Fordington in All Saints church on 15 Oct 1655]


30 Mar 1657 - Jane the daughter of Roger FFOOKE borne the 26 of December and was baptised the 30 of March (PR) [Note:- Buried at AS on 3 Apr 1665 when her mothers name is given as Sarah]

30 Mar 1657 - Susanah the daughter of William BAGGWELL baptised the 30 of March (PR)

30 Mar 1657 - Elener the daughter of George HELLARD baptised the 30 of March (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 5 Jul 1668 - Link to comments about this family]

30 Mar 1657 - Christopher the sonne of George PETTY baptised the 30 of March (PR)

30 Mar 1657 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert PHEPOT baptised the 30 of March (PR)

30 Mar 1657 - Ann the daughter of Richard WHITTLE borne the 21 of February and was baptised the 30 of March (PR)

20 Apr 1657 - Mary the daughter of John HUTEN borne the 20 of April (PR)

06 Jul 1657 - Robert the sonne of Andrew LODER was borne the 28 of May and baptised the 6 of July (PR)

24 Jul 1657 - Joseph the son of Richard SQUIBB baptised the 24 of July (PR) [Note:- Richard Squibb married Margaret Taylor 7 Jul 1656]

14 Sep 1657 - Robert sonne of Joseph WHITTLE borne the 10 of September and baptised the 14 of the same nonth (PR)

24 Oct 1657 - Margaret the daughter of Edward JONES borne 17 September and baptised ye 24 of October following (PR)

05 Nov 1657 - John the sonne of Jacob COALE baptised the 5 of November (PR) [Note:- Jacob Coale married Edith Dicker from Monkton in All Saints Church in 1656]

05 Nov 1657 - Margaret the daughter of Henry MERIFEILD baptised No 5 (PR)

05 Nov 1657 - John the sonne of Robert MICHELL baptised the 5 of November (PR)

08 Nov 1657 - Margaret the daughter of Phelip [Philip] BARTLET baptised the 8th Novem (PR)

    [Note:- We are never going to be able to sort out a great deal about this family as like many of the Bartlett families at this period they lived in All Saints Parish, but many of the Bartlett burials took place at St Georges Church in Fordington All records relating to All Saints (and St Peters) were destroyed during the Civil War so only commence from 1653. All Records at St Georges were also lost for the years 1640-1663 inc. The War disrupted every day life, many died in the fighting but there was large migration of families as well as they fought to avoid starvation, or were forced to seek the support of other members of the family. Many fled Dorchester for a time, even the Rev John WHITE so I have provided this link to his role during the Civil War which gives a window into local events at this time. With an army of  two thousand Horse and Dragoons arriving in the area many people from surrounding villages came to Dorchester hoping for greater protection and stayed for some time as crops and farms were raided for supplies and looted, even after the surrender of the town evidenced by the loss of John White's library.

    A few facts however are evident so I have simply listed them below in case more comes to light in the future

    (1) BAP: Margaret the daughter of Phelip Bartlett Bap All Saints 8th Nov 1657
    (2) BAP: Mary the daughter of Philip BARTLET & Alce his wife baptised All Saints 20th Nov 1664- See below died 1667
    (3) BUR: Mary daughter of Phelip & Alce BARTLET was buried All Saints 15th Sep 1667
    (4) BUR: Marie the daughter of Philip & Elizabeth BARTLET was buried All Saints 5th Oct 1673 [Note:- Presumably a different Peter as previous Mary already died and Alice did not die until 1680]
    (5) BUR: Alce the wife of Philip BARTLETT was buried All Saints 17th Mar 1680/1
    (6) Oath to King Charles II 31st Aug 1681 Phillip BARTLETT's name is listed among the names of 300 of Dorchester's most prominent citizens who swear allegiance
    (7) BUR: Philip BARTLETT was buried All Saints 18th Oct 1685

    Given the scant information above we appear to have a Philip and Alice BARTLETT that have two daughters 7 years apart, the 2nd dying just under aged 3. We then have a second Peter and Elizabeth have a daughter buried in 1673. Alice the wife of the first Peters later dies in 1680/1 followed by one of the Peter Bartlett's in 1685. Finally I am aware that there were a number of Bartlett families living in Frampton abt 6 miles north west of Dorchester before the Civil War and that a Peter BARTLETT was baptised there on 6th Nov 1642 (image 7 of 219 on the son of a John and Mary BARTLETT but I have not researched those families although I note other children of a John and Mary being born at Frampton - Mary image 13 Bap 24th Mar 1650/1 and buried 30th Mar 1651 and an Elizabeth 14th Mar 1651/2. This Peter might be a candidate for the Peter and Elizabeth Bartlet who had Marie in 1673.

08 Nov 1657 - Jeramiah the sonne of Jerimiah CONWAY borne the 8 of November (PR)

10 Nov 1657 - Thomas the sonne of William ARNOLL [ARNOLD] baptised the 10 of November (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

14 Mar 1657/8 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas BUCKLER borne 14 of March (PR)


31 Apr 1658 - Thomas the sonn of William BOYES born the 31 of April (PR) [Note 2nd child from the marriage of William Boyes to Anne Dowle from Fordington in All Saints church on 15 Oct 1655]

04 May 1658 - James the sonne of Richard FFOY borne the 14 of Aprill and baptised 4 of May (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Saints on 14th Nov 1654]

09 Jun 1658 - Lawrence the sonne of Lawrence RIGHTEN borne the 22 of May and baptised the 9 of June (PR)

    [Note:- Lawrence RIGHTON [RIGHTEN] a cutler by trade was admitted to the Company of Freemen in Dorchester in 1621 and became its Govenor in 1651. He married Dorothy SMITH in the Parish of Holy Trinity on 11 Aug 1657 and also became a capital burgess later that year. There appears to have been only one family of this name in Dorset. After marriage they lived in All Saints parish, Laurence being the first of their children baptised there. Laurence lived to the age of 19 appearing in the burial registers as ' Laurence RIGHTON the younger' on 20 Mar 1677/78. The parish Registers for All Saints appear deficient in the number of births for the years 1659-1662 when they appear to have had 2 daughters born both named Margaret as the first was buried 12 May 1664 & the second 16 Apr 1665. Margarets birth was followed by :- Ann baptised 20 Sep 1664 and buried 13 May 1671; Josiah baptised 2 Aug 1667 was buried 21 May 1673; William baptised 23 Sep 1668 and buried 16 Jan 1669/70; Marie or Mary baptised 13 Feb 1673/4 was buried 28 Feb 1683.84; and Elizabeth baptised 7 June 1678 and buried 16 Oct 1701. Lawrence Righton senior was buried 11 Feb 1703/4]

09 Jun 1658 - John the sonne of Nicholas DOWLE baptised the 9 of June (PR)

19 Jun 1658 - Robert the sonne of William LOCK baptised the 19 June (PR) [Note:- Robert had an elder sister called Edeth LOCK who was baptised at AllSts 28 Jun 1655; and younger siblings Alice bap 5th Apr 1662 and George bap 27 Dec 1663. Robert later married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 07-Feb 1681 to Hannah WILLIAMS ]

30 Aug 1658 - Robert the sonne of Robert NORRIS borne the 22 of August and baptised 30 of the same (PR)

02 Oct 1658 - Henry the son of Henry & Margery HARBEN borne 2 of October (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry Harben to Margery Bullock at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jun 1657 - Follow Link to more information about this family]

18 Oct 1658 - Richard? (RGB has Christian name as Robert? not clear) the sonne of William RIALL borne 18 of October (PR)

27 Nov 1658 - Elizabeth the daughter of John BUSHROD borne the 27 of November (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child of the marriage of John & Catherine Bushrode. John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the younger was buried at All Saints Church on 24 Feb 1670/1, his wife Catherin on 24th July 1667]

16 Dec 1658 - William the sonne of Charles ALLEN borne the 22 of November and baptised the 16 of December (PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link]

16 Feb 1658/9 - Sara the daughter of John HUTEN baptised the 16 of February (PR)

23 Feb 1658/9 - Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel BURGES baptised the 23 of February (PR)


27 Mar 1659 - John ye son of William ARNOLD Xtend [i.e. Christened] March 27 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

20 Aug 1659 - Debora the daughter of Henery & Margery HARBEN borne 20 of August (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Henry Harben to Margery Bullock at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jun 1657 - Follow Link to more information about this family]

27 Aug 1659 - Ann ye daughter of John RENNOLDS [REYNOLDS] August 27 (PR)


09 Apr 1660 - John the sonn of Thomas BUCKLER borne the 9 of Aprill (PR)

10 Jun 1660 - [Christian name illegible] (RGB has Mary) the daughter of Richard FOY baptised the 10 of June (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Sainnts on 14th Nov 1654]

09 Sep 1660 - Andrew son of John JURDEN baptised 9 of September (PR)


20 Aug 1661 - James the sonn of Joseph GRAY borne the 20 of August (PR)

15 Aug 1661 - James the sonne of Benjamin SPERING was Born the first day of August and baptised the 15th day of the same (PR)

13 Jan 1661/2 - Mary the daughter of Philip ROW borne the 13 of January (PR)

25 Jan 1661/2 Tamsen the daughter of William BOYES borne the 25 of February (PR) [Note 3rd child from the marriage of William Boyes to Anne Dowle from Fordington in All Saints church on 15 Oct 1655]


05 Apr 1662 - Alce the daughter of William LOCKE borne the 5 of Apriell (PR) [Note:- The year is not stated in the PR - It is listed under 1661 but at the end of the year and RGB has recorded as 1662 which I think is likely to be correct - 3rd recorded child in surviving Registers of William Lock - Alice had an older sister Edith bap 28 June 1655 and brother Robert bap 19 June 1658 and younger brother George bap 27 Dec 1663]

05 Apr 1662 - Moses the sonn of Nicholas SLADE borne the 5 of Apriell (PR) [Note:- burial 3 Mar 1663/64]

13 Apr 1662 - Thomas the sonn of Anthony COOMBES baptised the of 13 April (PR)

20 Apr 1662 - William the sonn of Israel SHEPPARD baptised the of 20 April (PR) [Note:- The mother Sarah died and was buried at AS on 20th Dec 1663 - the father Isreal remarried to Ann Peach at AS on 19th May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

20 Apr 1662 - Mary the daughter of Robert LENINGTON baptised the 20 of April (PR)

19 Jun 1662 - George the sonn of Philip ROW borne the 28 of May (PR) (RGB has a baptism date of 19th June which I have retained)

14 Sep 1662 - John the sonn of John CRABTREE baptised the 14 of September (PR)

14 Sep 1662 - Charels [i.e. Charles] the sonn of Charels ASTEN baptised the 14 of September (PR) [Note:- Charles ASTEN married Cathren CHEPPLE in All Saints church in 1656 see marriage regsiter]

14 Sep 1662 - Catren the daughter of James FOOCK baptised the 14 of September (PR)

26 Nov 1662 - Robert the sonn of Richard FFOY baptised the 26 of November (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Sainnts on 14th Nov 1654]

26 Nov 1662 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert PHEPIT baptised the 26 of November (PR)

26 Nov 1662 - William the sonn of John ROGERS baptised the 26 of November (PR)

?? Nov 1662 - George the son of John BUSHROD (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of the marriage of John & Catherine Bushrode. John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the younger was buried at All Saints Church on 24 Feb 1670/1, his wife Catherin on 24th July 1667]

6 Nov 1662 - John the son of Thomas MILLER baptised 26 Nov (from RGB) [PR illegible at foot of the page ?]

01 Jan 1662/63 - Christopher the son of Thomas FFRY baptised 1 January (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 24 Sep 1671]

09 Jan 1662/3 - Robert the son of Robert & Alana GRIFFEN was borne the 9 of January 1662/3 and baptised at [Holy] Trenaty Church (PR)

08 Mar 1662/3 - Thomas the sonn of Nicholas BUNN borne the 18 of March 1661 and baptised the 8 March 1662 (PR)

08 Mar 1662/3 - Christopher the sonn of Christopher OLDISH baptised the 8 of March (PR)

08 Mar 1662/3 - Thomas the sonn of Richard HOPKINGS baptised the 8 of March (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Mar 1662/63]

08 Mar 1662/63 Thomas the sonn of William SCREVEN baptised the 8 of March (PR)

08 Mar 1662/3 - George the sonn of Robert HELLARD baptised the 8 of March (PR)

08 Mar 1662/63 Elizabeth the daughter of George PETY baptised the 8 of March (PR)


07 May 1663 - Thomas the sonn of Nathanell [Nathaniel] GRINDHAM borne the 1 of May and baptised 7 (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 28 Jul 1672]

02 Jun 1663 - Margaret the daughter of Joseph SEAWARD baptised the 2 of June (PR)

08 Jun 1663 - John the sonn of Robert HOIT baptised the 8 of June (PR)

08 Jun 1663 - Mary the daughter of Nicholas DOWLE baptised the 8 of June (PR)

07 July 1663 - William the sonn of Thomas KNAPTON baptised the 7 of July (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) & Mary ]

26 July 1663 - Aves the daughter of Morrel GINKINS [i.e. JINKINS or JENKINS] baptised the 26 of July (PR) [Note:- May had been buried All Saints 9 January 1664 daughter of Mores GINKINS & Joane his wife]

03 Aug 1663 - Honer the daughter of Edward CLENCH baptised the 3 of August (PR)

16 Aug 1663 - James the sonn of James DOWLE baptised the 16 of August (PR)

16 Aug 1663 - Edeth the daughter of Peter BUNN baptised the 16 of August (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Oct 1669]

24 Aug 1663 - Thomas the sonn of Beniamin SPERING baptised the 24 of August (PR)

30 Aug 1663 - Sara daughter of John BARTLET baptised the 30 of August (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT (bur.1678) to Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7)]

06 Sep 1663 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas BUCKLER baptised the 6 of September (PR) [Note:- well out of date order in the original PR]

27 Sep 1663 - Robert the sonn of Samuel ALLEN baptised the 27 of September (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

04 Oct 1663 - Peter the sonn of Nicholas SLADE baptised the 4 of October (PR)

04 Oct 1663 - Ann the daughter of John GAWLER baptised the 4 of October (PR)

11 Oct 1663 - Barbara the daughter of John DOWLE baptised the 11 of October (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 16 Apr 1668]

11 Oct 1663 - Mary the daughter of Joseph TAYLOR baptised the 11 of October (PR)

11 Oct 1663 - Alce the daughter of Edward STANDISH baptised the 11 of October (PR)

20 Dec 1663 - James the sonn of Israel SHEAPPERD baptised the 20 of December (PR) [Note:- His mother almost certainly died giving him birth as she was buried the same day as he was baptised - the father Israel remarried to Ann Peach at AS on 19th May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

27 Dec 1663 - George the sonn of William LOCKE baptised the 27 of December (PR) [Note:- 4th child of William LOCK recorded in surviving registers see Edith bap 28 June 1655; Robert bap 19th June 1668 and Alice bap 5th Apr 1662. ]

27 Dec 1663 - Peter the sonn of Thomas STANDISH baptised the 27 of December (PR)

03 Jan 1663/4 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas LININGTON baptised the 3 of January (PR)

10 Jan 1663/4 - Mary the daughter of John EDWARDS baptised the 10 of January (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 29 Sep 1668 and Burials confirms mary to be the daughter of John & Cleare EDWARDS]

28 Feb 1663/4 - George the sonn of Thomas PETY baptised the 28 of February (PR)

20 Mar 1663/4 - William the sonn of Denas [Dennis] WHITE baptised the 20 of March (PR)


17 Apr 1664 - John the sonn of William BOYES baptised the 17 of Apriell (PR) [Note 4th child from the marriage of William Boyes to Anne Dowle from Fordington in All Saints church on 15 Oct 1655]

17 Apr 1664 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas WHATLY baptised the 17 of Apriel (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas Whatly to Lydia Hobbs in All Saints church 20 Apr 1663]

29 May 1664 - Thomas the sonn of John TUCKER baptised the 29 of May (PR)

12 Jun 1664 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas BARTLET baptised the 132 of June (PR) [PR Christian name of son is illegible - poor image - relying on Richard Grosvenor Bartlelot transcription for 'Thomas'. ] [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas BARTELOT to Elizabeth PITTS at Charminster on 9th Sep 1663]

19 Jun 1664 - Illegible entry --------baptised the 19 of June (PR)

12 Jun 1664 - Thomas the sonn of Robert GRIFFEN baptised the 12 of June (PR)

31 July 1664 - Elezabeth daughter of the of Andrew PURCHAS baptised the 31 July (PR)

20 Sep 1664 - Ann the daughter of Lawrence RIGHTON baptised the 20 of September (PR) [See notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

21 Sep 1664 - Elezabeth the daughter of Thomas KNAPTON baptised the ----(date illegible relying on RGB for 21 Sept)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) & Mary ]

16 Oct 1664 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas ALLFORD baptised the 16 of October (PR)

16 Oct 1664 - Sara the daughter of Joseph HILLGROVE baptised the 16 of October (PR)

19 Oct 1664 - Marie the daughter of Richard WINE Clerk and Christian his wife was baptised (PR) (RGB See Non Conf. Mom 2.125)

    Note:- Richard WINE BA was educated at Braenose College Oxford which he entered 30 Jan 1655/6. He was ordained priest 29 Mar 1662 and appointed Rector of Wraxall 1st April that year. He was then appointed as the Rector of All Saints Church Dorchester on 10 Feb 1663 a post he seems to have retained until 1687 when his place was taken by the Rev Charles Howson BA. He and his wife Christian had six children baptised at All Saints:- Marie 19 Oct 1664: Christian 11 Feb 1666/7: Frances 8 Mar 1668/9 & buried there 16 days later: John 14 Apr 1671: James 20 Dec 1675 and Elizabeth 19 Apr 1678.

19 Oct 1664 - Elyzabeth ye daughter of Robert SHORTE & Elyzabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

19 Oct 1664 - Mary the daughter of George & Marie HODDER and Marie his wife was baptized (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of George HODDER and Mary CLARKE at nearby Stinsford on 5th Jan 1663/4. Mary the daughter was buried 31st July 1668]

30 Oct 1664 - Robert the sonn of William BARTLET and Edeth his wife was baptised the (PR) [Note:- Thought to be 1st child from 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Edler (1609-1687/8) to Edeth c1663]

05 Nov 1664 - Parsivall the sonn of John BARTLET & Deans his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT (bur.1678) to Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7)]

05 Nov 1664 - Robert the sonn of John BARTLET & Deans his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT (bur.1678) to Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7)]

20 Nov 1664 - Mary the daughter of Philip BARTLET & Alce his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Sep 1667 - 2nd known child of Philip & Alce BARTLETT]

04 Dec 1664 - William the sonn of William & Elizabeth HARRAS [HARRIS?] baptised (PR)

05 Dec 1664 - William the sonn of Edward CHEAPMAN and Ann his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 8 Dec 1664]

08 Jan 1664/5 - Mary the daughter of John SHEAPPERD and Mary his wife was baptised (PR)

15 Jan 1664/5 - Thomas the sonn of John DALY & Edeth his wife was baptised (PR)

29 Jan 1664/5 - Steaven the sonn of Christopher WAY & Margaret his wife baptised (PR)

01 Feb 1664/5 - Mary the daughter of Joseph RUSSELL & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

05 Feb 1664/5 - Charals [Charles] the son of Isarel ELLAT & Martha his wife was baptised (PR)

12 Feb 1664/5 - John the sonn of Israel SHEPPARD & Ann his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Israel Sheppard to Ann Peach in All Saints church on 19 May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

25 Feb 1664/5 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Jane MILLER was baptised (PR)

25 Feb 1664/5 - Mary the daughyter of Robert & Ann NORRES was baptised (PR)

25 Feb 1664/5 - Martha the daughter of Richard & Judeth FOY baptised 25 Feb [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Sainnts on 14th Nov 1654]

01 Mar 1664/5 - Hanah the daughter of Peter & Joane BUNN was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Oct 1667]

13 Mar 1664/5 - Richard the sonn of William & Ann ARNOLL [ARNOLD] was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

21 Mar 1664/5 - Frances the daughter of Edward JONES was borne the 15 of February and was baptised 21 March following (PR)


27 Mar 1665 - Robert the sonn of Ambrose ROGERS was baptised (PR) [Note:- !st known child of Ambrose & Mary ROGERS - See also John 12th Apr 1669 and Margaret 24th Dec 1674]

27 Mar 1665 - Sara the daughter of William & Angell GAULTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663]

16 Apr 1665 - Margaret the daughter of Richard & Margaret PALL [PAUL] was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard PAUL of Dorchester to Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659]

14 July 1665 - Elra [RGB has Else] the daughter of Robert & Dorothy HAYTE (sic) was baptised (PR)

14 July 1665 - Jane the daughter of Nathaniell & Jane GRINDAM [GRINDHAM] was baptised (PR) [Note:- She later married to John BARTLET at Bradford Peverell in Dorset on 5th Feb 1705/6 ]

26 July 1665 - Joanah the daughter of Samuell WILLIAMS was baptised (PR)

06 Aug 1665 - John the sonn of Robert & Ann PHEPARD [i.e. PHIPPARD] was baptised (PR)

13 Aug 1665 - Charels [Charles] the sonn of Alexander & Dorithe BILES was baptised (PR) [Note:- Baptism of Charles BILES known son of Alexander BILES and Dorothy nee STRONG. His father Alexander was buried 30 June 1682 and his mother Dorothy 10 mar 1691/2 both in All Saints]

20 Aug 1665 - Lediah the duaghter of Robert & Hannah GRIFFEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- There is a burial for a Lydia daughter of Robert & Hannah GRIFFEN on 28 Apr 1667]

27 Aug 1665 - Thomas the sonn of John & Margaret ROGERS was baptised (PR)

03 Sep 1665 - Henry the sonn of Morras & Joane GINKINGS [JENKINS] was baptised(PR)

05 Sep 1665 - Margaret the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth LININGTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- Burial 4 Feb 1667/8]

10 Sep 1665 - John the sonn of John & Presilia DOWLE was baptised (PR)

17 Sep 1665 - Sarah the daughter of James & Frances DOWLE was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1665 - William the sonn of Thomas FFRY was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1665 - Marthew the sonn of John & Elner HILLARD was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1665 - Henery the sonn of John & Elner HILLARD was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1665 - Edeth the daughter of John & Elner HILLARD was baptised (PR)

16 Jan 1665/6 - Sarah the daughter of Nicholas & Judeth SLAD was baptised (PR) [i.e. SLADE - Note: IGI also has death as 23 Sep 1666]

16 Feb 1665/6 - John the sonn of Phelip & Edeth ROW was baptised (PR)

17 Mar 1665/6 - Denas [i.e. Dennis] the sonn of Denas & Joane WHITE was baptised (PR)


03 Apr 1666 - Ann the daughter of Thomas KNAPTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) & Mary ]

03 Apr 1666 - Sarah the daughter of Peter & Margery STANDISH was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas on 22nd Nov 1673 see Strays index for more info.]

14 Apr 1666 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTELOT to Elizabeth PITTS at Charminster on 9th Sep 1663]

03 May 1666 - William the sonn of John FOOKE was baptised (PR)

24 May 1666 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Mary HODDER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of George HODDER and Mary CLARKE at nearby Stinsford on 5th Jan 1663/4 - buried 21 July 1674].

26 Jun 1666 - Frances the daughter of Thomas & Marthya DRAKE was baptised (PR) [Note:- Thomas Drake married Martha Wade in All Saints Church 1665]

01 July 1666 - Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph & Mary TAYLER was baptised (PR)

09 Aug 1666 - Andrew the sonn of Andrew LOADER & Mary his wife was baptised (PR)

23 Sep 1666 - Rebeckah the daughter of Samuel & Joane ALLEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

28 Oct 1666 - Judith the duaghter of Richard & Margaret PALL [PAUL]was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard PAUL of Dorchester to Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659]

30 Dec 1666 - John the sonn of Richard & Edeth HOPKINS was baptised (PR)

24 Jan 1666/7 - Elezabeth the daughter of Anthony & Mary COMBES was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Dec 1667]

11 Feb 1666/7 - Christian the daughter of Richard WINE Clerk & Christian his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- Rector of All Saints Church see comments against baptism of their 1st child Marie 19 Oct 1664]

11 Feb 1666/7 - Rachel the duaghter of John GREENE & Mary his wife was baptised (PR)

11 Feb 1666/7 - Rose the daughter of Richard FOY & Judeth his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Saints on 14th Nov 1654 buried AS 20 Oct 1667]

17 Feb 1667/7 - Nathaniel ye son of Nathaniel GRINDHAM & Jane his wife was baptised (PR)

10 Mar 1666/7 - Mary the daughter of Christopher SCOTT & Jone his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 13 Mar 1667]

19 Mar 1666/7 - Jane the daughter of Peter BUNN & Jone his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has Jasne's death as 20 Oct 1667]


07 Apr 1667 - Robert sonne of Thomas WHATLEY & Lydia his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Whatly to Lydia Hobbs in All Saints church 20 Apr 1663]

21 Apr 1667 - John the sonne of John SHEPHEARD & Marie his wife was baptised (PR)

21 Apr 1667 - Joanna the daughter of George PETTY & Prudence his wife was baptised (PR)

23 Apr 1667 - Ellinor the daughter of Joseph HELGROVE & Mary his wife was baptised (PR)

02 May 1667 - Lawrence the son of Israell SHEPHEARD [SHEPPARD] & Ann his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Israel Sheppard to Ann Peach in All Saints church on 19 May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

02 May 1667 - Dorothie the daughter of Daniell TOOPP & Katharine his wife was baptised (PR) [See Biography of Bernard Toupe 1587-1635]

05 May 1667 - Susana the daughter of William CHAPMAN & Joyce his wife was baptised (PR)

09 Jun 1667 - Willie ye sonne of Christopher WAY OLDISH (Sic) ( Note:- Christopher WAY was first written then altered to OLDISH) & Margaret his wife was baptised (PR)

16 Jun 1667 - Sarah the daughter of George WHITE was baptised (PR)

23 Jun 1667 - Thomas the sonn of James & Ann KEECH was baptised (PR)

04 Aug 1667 - Thomas the sonn of James & Alce GANE was baptised (PR)

05 Aug 1667 - Joseph the sonn of Thomas FRY was baptised (PR)

06 Aug 1667 - Grace the daughter of Thomas & Mary KNAPTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) & Mary ]

25 Aug 1667 - Martha the daughter of William & Elizabeth (Sic) ARNOLL [ARNOLD] was baptised (PR) [Note:- I think this should be the daughter of William & Ann rather than Elizabeth as I cant trace such a family and the birth is correctly placed to be the 4th child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

29 Aug 1667 - Josiah the son of Laurence & Dorothy RIGHTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 21 May 1671- See notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

08 Sep 1667 - Cathren the daughter of Charles & Catheren ASTEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child of the marriage between Charles Asten & Cathren CHEPPLE in All Saints church in 1656 - IGI also has death of the child as 15 Sep 1667]

15 Sep 1667 - Elizabeth the daughter of William & Angell GAULTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663]

19 Sep 1667 - Mary the daughter of Steaven & Mary CHEAPMAN was baptised (PR)

03 Nov 1667 - Margaret the daughter of William & Edeth ---- [Surname illegible but might be BARTLETT as another baptism in 1671?] (PR) [Note:- Thought to be 2nd child from 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Edler (1609-1687/8) to Edeth c1663]

11 Dec 1667 - John the sonn of John & Hanna KEECH was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Jul 1668 - John Keech married Hannah Taylor in All Saints Church 28 Sep 1666]

29 Dec 1667 - John the sonn of John & Margaret ROGERS was baptised (PR)

25 Feb 1667/8 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Mar 1668]

22 Mar 1667/8 - Elizabeth the daughter of William & Elizabeth ----[Surname illegible but RGB has HARRES which is likely to be correct see other baptisms] baptised (PR)

22 Mar 1667/8 - Hannah the daughter of Christopher & Jone [Surname illegible but will be SCOTT see other baptisms] baptised (PR)


25 Mar 1668 - John the sonn of Peter & Margery STANDIGE (sic) [i.e. STANDISH] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas on 22nd Nov 1673 see Strays index for more info. -IGI also has death as 24 Mar 1675/6]

25 Mar 1668 - John the sonn of Nicholas & Judeth SLADE baptised (PR)

05 Apr 1668 - Willyat the sonn of Deneice & Joone WHITT [i.e. Dennis & Joan WHITE] baptised (PR)

12 Apr 1668 - William the sonn of Richard & Agnese HOPKINS was baptised (PR)

12 May 1668 - Charles the sonn of Israell & Martha ELLETT [ELLAT] was baptised (PR)

12 May 1668 - Richard the sonn of Nicholas & Elizabeth CONAWAYE was baptised (PR)

14 Jun 1668 - William the sonn of Robert & Dorothy HAITE baptised (PR)

14 Jun 1668 - John the son of Arthur & Deborah SPEEDE baptised (PR)

14 Jun 1668 - Mathew the sonn of John & Prescilla DOWLE baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 9 Dec 1668]

14 Jun 1668 - Elizabeth the daughter of Philip & Edeth ROW baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 21 Jun 1668]

14 Jun 1668 - Elizabeth the daughter of James & Elizabeth KINGE baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Mar 1673/74]

19 Jun 1668 - Janne the daughter of John & Mary COURPPUCK baptised (PR)

14 July 1668 - John the sonn of John & Liddia TUCKER baptised (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 12 Apr 1669]

26 July 1668 - Robert the sonn of Thomas & Janne MILLER baptised (PR) [ Note:- IGI also has death as 25 May 1669]

02 Aug 1668 - Janne the daughter of John & Ffrances AMEY baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 May 1673]

19 Aug 1668 - Katheren the daughter of Andrew & Marey LOODER baptised (PR)

30 Aug 1668 - Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

23 Sep 1668 - Willyam [William] the sonn of Laurence & Dorathey RIGHTON baptised (PR) [See notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

14 Oct 1668 - Joone the daughter of George & Joone MABER baptised (PR)

18 Oct 1668 - Hannah the daughter of Pettar [Peter] & Joone BUNN baptised (PR)

20 Oct 1668 - Joone the daughter of John & Joone CRADOCKE baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Jul 1680]

15 Nov 1668 - Samwell the sonn of Samwell & Joone ALLEN(PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

06 Dec 1668 - John the sonn of John & Ffrances GAYLORD (or GAYLOR) baptised (PR)

06 Dec 1668 - Hannah the daughter of John & Marey GREENE baptised (PR)

27 Dec 1668 - Edeth the daughter of George & Elizabeth WHITT [i.e. WHITE] was baptised (PR)

18 Jan 1668/9 - John the sonn of Joseph & Mary SEWARD (or SYWARD) was baptised (PR)

07 Feb 1668/9 - Nathaniel the sonn of Robert & Hanna GRIFFIN was baptised (PR)

07 Feb 1668/9 - Elianor [Eleanor] the daughter of John & Sarah BARTLET was baptised (PR) (sic) [This is the only known child of a John and Sarah BARTLETT. I have not been able to locate a marriage. Sarah his wife died and was buried at All Saints on 9th Sep 1683. Eleanor appears to have survived and married when she was about 31 to John HARRIS at All Saints Church on 26th Dec 1700. John may be the John BARTLETT buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 15th Oct 11718]

27 Feb 1668/9 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Liddia WHATLEY was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas Whatly to Lydia Hobbs in All Saints church 20 Apr 1663]

08 Mar 1668/9 - Frances the daughter of Mr. Richard WINE & Christian his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- Rector of All Saints Church see comments against baptism of their 1st child Marie 19 Oct 1664 & frances burial 24 Mar 1669]

10 Mar 1668/9 - Samowell [i.e. Samuel] sthe sonn of William GALTON & Angell his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663 - query bap year as buried AS 15 Feb 1668/69?]

14 Mar 1668/9 - Marey the daughter of Robert & Margaret BUNN baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Feb 1669/70 - Robert Bunn married Margaret Merryffeld in All Saints church on 26 Oct 1668]


Dorchester Trade Token dated 1669

Around the outside it says "DORCHESTER ARMES OF" on the front
and "A DORCHESTER FARTHING" on the back


04 Apr 1669 - Mary the daughter of Richard & Elizabeth PALL [ PAUL sometimes also writtem PALLE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Richard PAUL of Dorchester to Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659]

12 Apr 1669 - John the sonn of Ambros [Ambrose] & Mary ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child of Ambrose and Mary ROGERS - See also Robert 27th Mar 16695and Margaret 24th Dec 1674]

24 Apr 1669 - Joseph the sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth FRY baptised (PR)

06 Jun 1669 - Aves the daughter of Thomas & Christian PETTY baptised (PR)

12 Jul 1669 - Alce the daughter of Robert & Joane FFOOKE baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Jul 1673]

21 Jul 1669 - John the sonn of John & Marie PARSONS was [Note:- looks like buried but left as a baptism as would otherwise be in the wrong register?] baptised (PR)

25 Jul 1669 - Isral [Israel] the sonn of John & Mary SHEAPPARD baptised (PR)

08 Aug 1669 - Ann the daughter of William & Ann ARNOLL baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

26 Aug 1669 - George the sonn of Thomas KNAPTON & Mary his wife baptised (PR)[Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) & Mary ]

12 Sep 1669 - Thomas the sonn of Phelip [Philip] & Edeth ROW baptised (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 22 Aug 1685]

26 Sep 1669 - Edward the sonn of Thomas & Marie BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- Unknown Family - IGI also has death as 19 Feb 1671-- Note:- Marie the wife of Thomas BARTLETT was buried at All Saints Church on 26th Oct 1669.probably following complication from just having given birth. Edward's death is also recorded at All Saints as stated in the IGI on 19th Feb 1671.]

27 Dec 1669 - Marie the daughter of Christopher & Joane SCOTT was baptised (PR)

27 Dec 1669 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth STOUT [surname unclear] baptised (PR)

25 Jan 1669/70 - Marie the daughter of Danell & Cathren TOOPE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Jan 1672/73 - See Biography of Bernard Toupe 1587-1635]

30 Jan 1669/70 - Peter the sonn of Peter & Margery STANDISH baptised (PR)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas on 22nd Nov 1673 see Strays index for more info.]

30 Jan 1669/70 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth BARTLET baptised (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 4 Feb 1669/70][Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTELOT to Elizabeth PITTS at Charminster on 9th Sep 1663]

21 Feb 1669/70 - Barberah the daughter of John & Presillya [Priscilla] DOWLE baptised (PR)


03 Apr 1670 - Robert the sonn of William & Elizabeth HARRES baptised (PR)

04 Apr1670 - Maretha the daughter of Isral [Israel] & Martha ELLAT [ELLETT] was baptised (PR)

10 Apr 1670 - William the sonn of Thomas & Jane MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Jun 1672]

20 Apr 1670 - Robert the sonn of Edward & Elner CLYNES was baptised (PR) [Note:- possible burial 12 Apr 1693 under CLYNES]

08 May1670 - Ann the daughter of John & Leddia TUCKER was baptised (PR)

14 Jun 1670 - Elizabeth the daughter of William & Joanna BILES baptised (Born 3 Jun 1760) (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William BILES was a Quaker to Joannah HELLARD at All Saints Church on 6th Mar 1669]

17 Jul 1670 - Thomas the sonn of Richard & Agnes HOPKINS baptised (PR)

20 Jul 1670 - John the sonn of Samuell & Marie WILLIAMS baptised (PR)

24 Jul 1670 - Samuell the sonn of Samuell & Joone [Joane] ALEN [ALLEN] (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

16 Oct 1670 - Elizabeth the daughter of Nicholas & Elizabeth CONWAY baptised [Note:- A Nicholas CONWAY of melcombe Regis married an Elizabeth KING from Fordington in Winterborne St Martin on 8th Feb 1663 which is likely to be them]

20 Nov 1670 - Marie the daughter of William & Ruth GALE baptised (PR)

24 Nov 1670 - Martha the daughter of John & Marie COPPOCKE baptised (PR)

26 Dec 1670 - Steven the sonn of William & Angell GALTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663]

28 Dec 1670 - Thomas the sonn of John & Frances AMME was baptised (PR)

15 Jan 1670/71 - Mathew the sonn of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

17 Feb 1670/71 - John the sonn of Morres & Marie GINKINGS [JENKINS] was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Mar 1675]

26 Feb 1670/71 - Marie the daughter of Lazarus MORES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670]

26 Feb 1670/71 - Sarah the daughter of Richard & Elizabeth PALL [PAUL] baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Richard PAUL of Dorchester to Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659]

07 Mar 1670/71 - Robert the sonn of Andrew & Marie LOADER was baptised (PR)

14 Mar 1670/71 - Marie the daughter of William & Marie LININGTON baptised (PR)


14 Apr 1671 - John ye sonn of Richard WINE Clerk & Christian his wife was baptized (PR) [Note:- Rector of All Saints Church see comments against baptism of their 1st child Marie 19 Oct 1664]

23 Apr 1671 - Marie the daughter of Peter BUNN & Joane his wife was baptised (PR)

24 Apr 1671 - Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph HELLGROVE & Marie his wife was baptised (PR)

24 Apr 1671 - Elizabeth the daughter of Tristram BARTLETT & [Blank] his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

11 May 1671 - William the sonn of Robert & Elizabeth SHORTE was baptised (PR)

14 May 1671 - George the sonn of Israel SHEAPPARD [SHEPPARD] & Ann his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Israel Sheppard to Ann Peach in All Saints church on 19 May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

14 May 1671 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas FFRY & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

23 May 1671 - William the sonn of Philip ROW & Edeth his wife wasc baptised (PR) Note:- IGI also has death as 26 Feb 1672/73]

11 Jun 1671 - William the sonn of William & Edeth BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- Thought to be 4th child from 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Edler (1609-1687/8) to Edeth c1663]

02 Jul 1671 - John the sonn of Richard & Judeth CARINGTON was baptised (PR)

16 Jul 1671 - John the sonn of Christopher & Joane SCOTTwas baptised (PR) [ Note IGI also has death as 10 Mar 1671/72]

15 Sep 1671 - Richard the sonn of Richard & Marie FFITZHERBERT was baptised (PR)

01 Oct 1671 - Christopher the sonn of Thomas & Rebecca BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

13 Oct 1671 - Steven (or Stephen) the sonn of Steven & Marie CHEAPMAN was baptised (PR)

15 Oct 1671 - Marie the daughter of John & Bridget COLLENS [COLLINS] was baptised (PR)

29 Oct 1671 - Arthur the sonn of Arthur & Deborah SPEED was baptised (PR)

05 Nov 1671 - Ann the daughter of Robert & Hanna GRIFFEN was baptised (PR)

12 Nov 1671 - Ruth the daughter of William & Ann ARNOLL was baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656 - she married at Winterbourne Came to Francis WADMAN on 20th July 1706 and had 2 children baptised at St peters Mary bap 11th Feb 1706/7 and Elizabeth bap 19th Jan 1708/9 both of which are mentioned in her elder brother John's Will dated 1st Feb 1729. Ruth was buried at St Peters 17th Dec 1711. Her husband Francis Wadman was buried there on 21st June 1717]

10 Dec 1671 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was baptised (PR)

12 Jan 1671/2 - William the sonn of William BILES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William BILES was a Quaker to Joannah HELLARD at All Saints Church on 6th Mar 1669]

16 Jan 1671/2 - Marie the daughter of John & Susanna ELERRY was baptised (PR)

04 Feb 1671/2 - John the sonn of Richard & Agnes HOPKINGS was baptised (PR)

10 Mar 1671/2 - Joane the daughter of John & Joane GAILARD was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Mar 1672/73]


08 Apr 1672 - Elizabeth the daughter of Water [Walter] BOLES & Marie his wife was baptised (PR)

05 May 1672 - Jane the daughter of Thomas MILLER & Jone his wife was baptised (PR)

27 May 1672 - Samuel the sonn of William HARBEN of Charmester & Sara his wife was baptised (PR)

27 May 1672 - Frances [i.e. Francis] the son of Christopher HARBEN & Ann his wife was baptised (PR)

27 May 1672 - Grace the daughter of Mathew NEWMAN & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

02 Jun 1672 - Lazarus the sonn of Lazarus & Ann MORES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 - IGI also has death as 26 Jun 1672]

10 Jun 1672 - Joseph the sonn of Edward & Elnor CLYNE (sic) was baptised (PR)

01 July 1672 - Larens (query* James ) the sonn of Peter & Margery STANDISH was baptised (PR)

    [Note*:- 4th child from the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas on 22nd Nov 1673 see Strays index for more info. This has been entered on the IGI as a baptism for the 1st July 1672 for Larens the son of Peter & Margery STANDISH . In fact the Parish Register entry is illegible being the last entry on the page with the start of the line missing the rest states -- STANDISH & Margery his wife baptised. Its possible that there is more information on the Bishops Transcripts from which this entry may have been made but only the one register is currently Jan 2013 avaibale to view on From the Letter of Administration for Peter STANDISH's estate it mentions his sister having charge of 3 of his children peter, James and Sarah which leads me to believe this is the baptism of their son James as their mother died the following year]

07 July 1672 - Richard the sonn of Richard PALL [PAULor PALLE] & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Richard PAUL of Dorchester to Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659]

07 Sep 1672 - John the sonn of Salathiel NORRES & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

22 Sep 1672 - Daniel the sonn the sonn of John SHEPPARD & Marie his wife was baptised (PR)

05 Oct 1672 - Marie the daughter of Peter WILLS was baptised (PR)

13 Oct 1672 - George the sonn the sonn of John & Presilla DOWLE was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 3 Sep 1674]

20 Oct 1672 - John the sonn of George & Elizabeth WHITE was baptised (PR)

28 Nov 1672 - Marie the daughter of Samuell & Marie WILLIAMS was baptised (PR)

26 Dec 1672 - Henry the sonn of John LELY & Elizabeth his wife was baptised (PR)

03 Feb 1672/3 - Ann the daughter of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

21 Mar 1672/3 - Joane the daughter of Steven (or Steaven) & Marie CHEAPMAN was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 7 May 1676]


17 Apr 1673 - Elizabeth the daughter of Moras and Elizabeth GAUTLET was baptised (PR)

24 Apr 1673 - Alce the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth SHORTE was baptised (PR)

19 May 1673 - William the sonn of William & Margaret BLOYES was baptised (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 20 Oct 1675]

19 May 1673 - Robert the sonn of Christopher & Margaret OLDISH was baptised (PR)

25 May 1673 - Jane the daughter of Tristram & Ffrances BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

11 Jun 1673 - Thomason the daughter of Richard & Judeth CARINGTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 13 Jun 1673]

26 Jun 1673 - John the sonn of John & Catharine POTT was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 Sep 1673]

13 Jul 1673 - Marie the daughter of James & Elizabeth KINGE was baptised (PR)

28 Jul 1673 - Marie the daughter of Thomas & Marie BILES was baptised (PR)

03 Aug 1673 - John the sonn of Isral [Israel] & Martha ELLAT was baptised (PR)

17 Aug 1673 - Jane the daughter of John & Leddia (or Leadya) TUCKER was baptised (PR)

24 Aug 1673 - Benjamin the sonn of Thomas FFRY [Note:- wifes name not given at baptism but burial on 20 Sep 1674 states son of Thomas & Elizabeth FFRY]

19 Oct 1673 - John the sonn of William & Elizabeth HARRES was baptised (PR)

19 Oct 1673 - Ffrances the daughter of John & Ffrances AMME was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 5 Nov 1681]

27 Oct 1673 - Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew LOADER & Marie his wife was baptised (PR)

29 Oct 1673 - Clement the sonn of Robert SEAGER & Marie his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Feb 1675]

29 Oct 1673 - Hanah the daughter of Henery WHIFEN & Bridgett his wife was baptised (PR)

09 Nov 1673 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Rebeckah BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

14 Dec 1673 - Marie the daughter of William & Elner LAMBERT was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William LAMBERT to Elinor HELLGROVE at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 13 Nov 1671]

28 Dec 1673 - Robert the sonn of Richard & Agnes HOPKINGS [or HOPKINS] was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Jul 1675]

01 Jan 1673/4 - Peter the sonn of John & Joane GAYLARD was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 May 1687]

01 Jan 1673/4 - Elizabeth the daughter of Edward & Elnor CLYNE was baptised (PR)

18 Jan 1673/4 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Joane MABER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 21 May 1676]

12 Feb 1673/4 - John the sonn of John & Bridget COLLENS [COLLINS] was baptised (PR)

12 Feb 1673/4 - Marie the daughter of Water [Walter] & Marie BOLES was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Aug 1675]

13 Feb 1673/4 - Marie the daughter of Larwens [Lawrence] & Dorathey RIGHTON was baptised (PR) [See notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

03 Mar 1673/4 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child of this name but could not trace a previous death? Marie was buried 22 May 1679]


26 Apr 1674 - Ann the daughter of William & Angell GALTON baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663]

24 May1674 - Elizabeth the daughter of Samuell & Marie WILLIAMS baptised (PR)

07 Jun 1674 - Israell the sonn of Israell & Ann SHEAPARD was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Israel Sheppard to Ann Peach in All Saints church on 19 May 1664 - Link to more Information about Israel]

28 Jun 1674 - Elizabeth the daughter of Marie MORES widdow was baptised (PR)

26 Jul 1674 - Beniamin the sonn of Richard & Judeth CARINGTON baptised (PR)

13 Sep 1674 - William the sonn of William & Elezabeth DINE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 29 Jan 1684/85]

22 Sep 1674 - John the sonn of Salathel [Salathiel] & Elezabeth NORRAS [NORRES or NORRIS] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Salathiel NORRES [NORRIS] married Elizabeth ASTEN at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 28th June 1671]

22 Sep 1674 - Nathaniel the sonn of Salathel & Elezabeth NORRAS was baptised (PR) [Note:- Salathiel NORRES [NORRIS] married Elizabeth ASTEN at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 28th June 1671]

25 Oct 1674 - Henry the sonn of John & Marie SHEAPERD was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1674 - Ann the daughter of John ELERY & Susanah his wife was baptised (PR) [Note possibly burial 27 Sep 1682 Ann the daughter of John & Susanah ILAREY]

16 Nov 1674 - Ann the daughter of John & Kathern [i.e. Katharine] POTT was baptised (PR)


24 Dec 1674 - Margaret the daughter of Ambrose ROGERS was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of Ambrose ROGERS - See also Robert 27th Mar 1665 and John 12th Apr 1669 - Margaret ROGERS married when she was 35 years old to Ambrose HUNT at St Georges Church in Fordington on 12th June 1707]

06 Jan 1674/5 - Kathern [Katherine] the daughter of Alexander & Kathern [Katherine] SHERRINGTON (PR)

04 Feb 1674/5 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Elezabeth SHORT was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 May 1675]


25 Apr 1675 - William the sonn of John & Presiliah (or Presilla) DOWLE was baptised (PR)

09 May 1675 - Thomas the sonn of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

09 May 1675 - Hannah the daughter of Steven & Marie (or Mary) CHAPMAN (CHEAPMAN) baptised [Note may have died as Hanah CHAPMAN 1 Jun 1690]

30 May 1675 - Robert the sonn of Robert SEAGER was baptised (PR) [Note:- no wife named but other baptisms show Mary & Marie]

25 Jun 1675 - John the sonn of Christopher & Joane SCUTT (SCOTT) baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 7 May 1676]

25 Jun 1675 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Marie BILES baptised (PR)

15 Aug 1675 - Bridgitt the daughter of George & Joane MABEE (sic) [query MABER] baptised (PR)

22 Aug 1675 - Margaret the daughter of John FARTSON a stranger baptised (PR)

20 Sep 1675 - Samuel the sonn of Hanah HELLARD was baptised (PR)

06 Oct 1675 - Elezabeth the daughter of Henery & Marie SHORTO baptised (PR)

17 Oct 1675 - William the sonn of John & Susanah WOODS baptised (PR)

25 Oct 1675 - Elezabeth the daughter of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 11 Jul 1682]

20 Dec 1675 - James the son of Richard WINE Clerk & Christian his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- Rector of All Saints Church see comments against baptism of their 1st child Marie 19 Oct 1664]

23 Jan 1675/6 - John the sonn of Nathanel & Rachel GRIND---[edge illegible - but will be GRINDHAM] was baptised (PR)

24 Jan 1675/6 - Ann the daughter of Steven & Elizabeth CLARK was baptised (PR)

27 Jan 1675/6 - Mark the sonn of Marie SANDERS was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 2 Dec 1677]

30 Jan 1675/6 - Marie the daughter of Richard & Agnes HOPKINS baptised [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Apr 1689][Note:- PR badly water damaged - illegible line apart from the word 'Richard'] (PR)

30 Jan 1675/6 - Lucy the daughter of Robert & Lucy HELLARD baptised [Note:- surname illegible on PR]

30 Jan 1675/6 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth FRY . [Note:- PR is illegible after Thomas - IGI also has death as 4 Nov 1676]

12 Mar 1675/6 - William the sonn of William & Elizabeth VINSON baptised [Note:- PR illegible after Elizabeth]

1676 [Note:- The original PR is badly damaged down teh right hand side where many of the surnames were - The names given below are from the REv RG Bartelot's transcription]

28 Mar 1676 - John the sonn of John & Elsth (sic) [i.e. Elizabeth] BRINE baptised [Surname illegible on PR]

09 Apr 1676 - Sarah the daughter of Robert SOWTHE baptised [Surname illegible on PR]

14 May 1676 - Thomas the son of Thomas PETTY was baptised (PR)

14 May 1676 - Grace the daughter of James & Elizabeth KINGE baptised [illegible on PR after James]

16 May 1676 - Robert the sonn of William & Ann ARNOLL (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of William Arnoll to Ann Taylor in All Saints Church on 19 Jul 1656]

18 May 1676 - Rebecca the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth SHORT baptised (PR)

17 Jun 1676 - John the sonn of Philip HUCHINS was baptised (PR) [Note:- entered out of date order at the end of the year in PR]

22 Jun 1676 - George the sonn of John & Joane GAYLARD baptised (PR)

02 July 1676 - Henery the sonn of Henery & Elizabeth WOODCOCK baptised [Surname illegibel on PR]

13 Aug 1676 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Elizabeth ELLAT (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 27 Nov 1676]

23 Aug 1676 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Bridget COLLENS [COLLINS] was baptised (PR)

07 Nov 1676 - James the sonn of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Jul 1683]

16 Nov 1676 - ffrances the daughter of Steven & Elizabeth CLARK baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 28 Dec 1676]

24 Dec 1676 - Mary the daughter of Christopher & Margaret OLDISH was baptised [Note:- IGI has incorrect year as 1776 - Surname illegible on PR]

21 Jan 1676/7 - Elizabeth the daughter of Zechariah & Elizabeth PADICK [PADOCK] baptised [Surname illegible on PR] [Note:- Zachariah PADOCK married Elizabeth GOULD at St Peters church Dorchester on 27th Aug 1672 follow link for more information about the family]

11 Feb 1676/7 - Ann the daughter of Robert & Ann SHEPPARD was baptised (PR)

18 Feb 1676/7 - Frances [i.e. Francis] the sonn of John & Elizabeth HARBEN was baptised (PR)

25 Feb 1676/7- Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Marie BILES baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Mar 1676/77]

07 Mar 1676/7 - Ann the daughter of Edward & Elnor CLYNE baptised [Surname illegible on PR]

11 Mar 1676/7 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Joane FFOOKE baptised (PR)

12 Mar 1676/7 - Elizabeth the daughter of Ann DINE widdow was baptised (PR)


25 Mar 1677 - John the sonn of John & Susanna ELERY baptised (PR)

04 Apr 1677 - Marie the daughter of Henry & Marie SHORTO baptised (PR)

04 Apr 1677 - Elizabeth the daughter of Steven & Marie CHAPMAN [CHEAPMAN] baptised (PR)

21 May 1677 - Richard the sonn of Christopher & Ann HARBEN baptised (PR)

03 Jun 1677 - Elizabeth the daughter of Alexander SHERRINGTON baptised (PR)

17 Jun 1677 - John the sonn of John & Susana WOODS baptised (Surname illegible on PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Jul 1677]

21 Jun 1677 - Isaac the sonn of Samuel WILLIAMS baptised [Surname illegible on PR]

11 July 1677 - Thomas the sonn of Salathel & Elizabeth NORRES baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Jul 1677]

09 Sep 1677 - Richard the sonn of Richard & Judeth CARINGTON was baptised (PR)

19 Sep 1677 - Lazarus the son of Lazarus MORES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 - IGI also has death as 23 Oct 1677]

25 Sep 1677 - Marie the daughter of John & Bridgett OLDISH was baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1677 - Marie the daughter of Water [Walter] & Marie BOLES was baptised (PR)

21 Dec 1677 - Ann the daughter of William & Elizabeth HARES was baptised (PR)

21 Dec 1677 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth FFRY baptised (PR)

17 Mar 1677/8 - John the sonn of William & Elizabeth VINSON baptised (PR)


04 Apr 1678 - Marie the daughter of John & Marie BRINE baptised (PR)

19 Apr 1678 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard & Christian WINE Clerk and Christian his wife was baptised (PR) [Note:- Rector of All Saints Church see comments against baptism of their 1st child Marie 19 Oct 1664]

12 May 1678 - George the sonn of George & Joane MABER (sic) baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Jun 1678]

23 May 1678 - Lawerenc [Lawrence] the sonn of Joseph & Jane RIALL was baptised (PR)

07 Jun 1678 - Elizabeth the daughter of Lawerenc [Lawrence] & Dorithe RIGHTON was baptised (PR) [See notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

14 July 1678 - William the sonn of Nathaniel & Rachell GRINDHAM baptised (PR)

28 July 1678 - Rebeckah the daughter of Thomas & Marie BILES was baptised (PR)

25 Aug 1678 - Charels [Charles] the sonn of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

27 Oct 1678 - Joane the daughter of Lazarus MORES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 - IGI also has death as 28 May 1681]

14 Nov 1678 - Ann the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth ELLAT was baptised (PR)

29 Nov 1678 - Marie the daughter of John & Elizabeth CRADOCK was baptised (PR)

12 Jan 1678/9 - James the sonn of John & Joane GAYLARD baptised (PR)

15 Mar 1678/9 - Ann the daughter of John & Susana WOODS was baptised (PR)

15 Mar 1678/9 - Ann the daughter of James & Agnes WOODS was baptised (PR)


30 Mar 1679 - Joane the daughter of Robert SOWTHE was baptised (PR)

20 Apr 1679 - Robert the sonn of Tristram BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

12 May 1679 - Thomas the sonn of John & Bridget COLLENS [COLLINS] baptised (PR)

10 Jun 1679 - Ann the daughter of Alexander SHERINGTON baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Oct 1680]

13 Jul 1679 - William the sonn of Philip HUCHINS was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Jun 1681]

20 Jul 1679 - John the sonn of John & Frances GAWLER (sic) baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Mar 1682]

20 Jul 1679 - Jane the daughter of Joseph HELLGROVE baptised (PR)

03 Aug 1679 - John the sonn of William POLDEN was baptised (PR)

19 Oct 1679 - Marie the daughter of Thomas & Marie HULET baptised (PR)

18 Dec 1679 - Marie the daughter of John & Joane HELLARD baptised (PR)

26 Dec 1679 - Andrew the sonn of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1679/80 - Marie the daughter of Edward CHEAPMAN the younger baptised (PR)

05 Jan 1679/80 - Benitt (sic) the daughter of James KING was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 30 May 1681]

21 Jan 1679/80 - Sarah the daughter of Richard TOOGOOD was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death on the same day]

01 Feb 1679/80 - Marshall the sonn of George & Joane MABER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Mar 1681]

06 Feb 1679/80 - Zecharaih the sonn of John & Elizabeth CRADOCK was baptised (PR)

21 Mar 1679/80 - Margaret the daughter of Robert SHEPARD baptised (PR)


13 Apr 1680 - Jone the daughter of Samuel & Joane VINSON baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Apr 1680]

25 Apr 1680 - Elizabeth the daughter of Salathiel NORRAS [or NORRES or NORRIS] was baptised (PR) Note:- IGI also has death as 27 Jun 1680 -- 4th known child from the marriage of Saliathiel NORRIS to Elizabeth ASTEN at FStG on 28th June 1671 ]

10 May 1680 - William the sonn of John LOVLES [Lovelace] was baptised (PR)

16 May 1680 - Rebecca the duaghter of Thomas BARTLETT was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 May 1687 -- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

28 Jun 1680 - Margery the daughter of Henery & Marie SHORTO was baptised (PR)

04 Jul 1680 - Robert the sonn of John & Grace HELLARD was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John HELLARD to Grace SENGER at All Saints on 5th May 1679 - IGI also has death of Robert as 22 Mar 1680/81]

19 Jul 1680 - James the sonn of James WOOD was baptised (PR)

20 Jul 1680 - Marie the daughter of John & Margaret BARTLETT was baptised (PR) [Note: 1st child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Margaret HOSKINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

08 Aug 1680 - William the sonn of Lazarus & Ann MORES was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 - IGI also has death as 15 Jun 1681]

28 Aug 1680 - George the sonn of Joseph & Joane GIGER was baptised (PR) (entry by RG Bartelot :- Joseph GIGER of Dorchester married Joan daughter of John DEVENISH of Charminster sister to Morgan DEVENISH) [Note:- Rev RG Bartelot was a well respected genealogist and vicar of St George's church at Fordington and he made this side entry. I have not been able to locate the marriage but this is the first of 4 baptisms at All saints see also Joseph Gigger junior 8th Dec 1681; John 29th June 1683 who died an infant and was buried 31st Dec 1683 and John bap 6th Jan 1684/5. The 3 surviving children are referred to in Joseph Gigger Senior's Will dated 27th Feb 1680 and proved 14 Feb 1685. ]

06 Oct 1680 - Joane the daughter of Steven & Marie CHEPMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- May have been buried as Joane CHAPMAN 11 Aug 1690]

22 Oct 1680 - Marie the daughter of Joseph & Marie BISHOP baptised (PR)

26 Oct 1680 - John the sonn of John & Marie WINSOR was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John WINSER to Marie GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

21 Nov 1680 - Ruth the daughter of Robert & Ruth WHITE was baptised (PR)

28 Dec 1680 - Ann the daughter of John & Joane GAYLORD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 6 Aug 1682]

15 Feb 1680/1 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth ELLATT baptised (PR)

15 Mar 1680/1 - John the sonn of John & Elizabeth CRADOCKE baptised (PR)


10 Apr 1681 - Ann the daughter of William LENINGTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 May 1681]

30 Apr 1681 - Chareles [Charles] the sonn of Mr. John & Ann HAYWARD was baptised (PR)

05 May 1681 - Joane the daughter of Thomas FFRY was baptised (PR)

06 May 1681 - Edward the son of Natherell [i.e. Natheniel] MILLER baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

27 May 1681 - Richard the sonn of Richard TOOGOOD baptised (PR) [Note;- IGI also has death as 28 May 1681]

03 Jun 1681 - Marie the daughter of Christopher & Verty WHITE baptised (PR)

05 Jun 1681 - Trustum [Tristram] the sonn of of Trustrum BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

16 July 1681 - Hanah the daughter of Joseph & Jane HELLGROVE was baptised (PR)

24 July 1681 - John the sonn of Alexander SHERINGTON was baptised (PR)

14 Aug 1681 - Thomas the sonn of Salathel NORAS [or NORRES or NORES] baptised (PR)

03 Sep 1681 - Ann the daughter of Thomas HELLARD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 28 sep 1682]

11 Sep 1681 - William the sonn of Thomas CLARKE baptised (PR)

01 Nov 1681 - John the sonn of John & Joane HELLARD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Jan 1681/82]

03 Nov 1681 - Marie the daughter of Mr. Jonothan & Marie LEDOZE was baptised (PR) [Note:- Jonathan LEDOZE married Marie SEWARD at AS on 26 Aug 1680]

04 Nov 1681 - John the sonn of John & Luce LONG was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Oct 1682]

08 Dec 1681 - Joseph the sonn of Joseph GIGOR was baptised (PR) [Note:- see comments at bapt George Gigger on 28 Aug 1680 above - Also transcription of his will dated 16th August 1718 ]

27 Dec 1681 - John the sonn of John & Christian HARRES [query HARRIS] baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1681/2 - Joanah the daughter of Joseph RIALL baptised (PR)

26 Jan 1681/2 - Robert the sonn of John & Grace HELLARD baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John HELLARD to Grace SENGER at All Saints on 5th May 1679]

26 Jan 1681/2 - William the sonn of John & Marie WINSOR baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John WINSER to Marie GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

12 Feb 1681/2 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Presila DOWLE baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Dec 1682]

16 Feb 1681/2 - Charles ye sonn of Charles & Katherine AUSTINE (PR) [Note:- IGI has surname as ANSTINE but may be another child of Charles Asten & Cathren Chepple who married in All Saints church in 1656 - but previous baptisms were in 1662 and 1667?]


29 Mar 1682 - Sarah the daughter of Henery SHORTO was baptised (PR)

02 Apr 1682 - Ann the daughter of James WOOD was baptised (PR)

23 Apr 1682 - John the son of John BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Sep 1682] [Note: 2nd child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Margaret HOSKINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

14 May 1682 - Thomas the sonn of William & Marie LENINGTON was baptised (PR)

23 May 1682 - Marie the daughter of Jerimiah CLARKE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 6 Nov 1682 - burial names Jerimiah's wife as Mary]

05 Jun 1682 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard CARINGTON was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 2 Sep 1684]

16 Jul 1682 - Nathaniel the sonn of John & Ann AMEY was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 24 Sep 1682]

26 Jul 1682 - Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph & Mary BISHOP was baptised (PR)

10 Sep 1682 - Ann the daughter of Edward & Ann CHEPMAN was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 10 Jul 1683]

04 Oct 1682 - Martha ye daughter of Robert & Joane FOOKE was baptised (PR)

08 Oct 1682 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert & Joan SOWTHEY was baptised (PR)

18 Oct 1682 - William ye sonn of Phillep & Joan HUTCHENS baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 29 Jul 1684]

14 Dec 1682 - Jean the daughter of Robert & Ann GALLAR (or GAWLER) was baptised (PR)

04 Feb 1682/3 - Samuell the sonn of John & Marey WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Jan 1689/90][Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

04 Mar 1682/3 - Henry the sonn of James & Elizabeth KING was born & baptised the 5 day (PR)


10 Mar 1683 - James the sonn of Symond & Jane JAMES was borne and baptised the first of Apprell (PR)

10 Apr 1683 - Laseres the sonn of Lazeras VREM baptised (PR) [Note burial 10 July 1683 ]

15 Apr 1683 - George the sonn of George & Elizabeth HELLARD baptised (PR)

22 Apr 1683 - Margery the daughter of Jon [John] & Joane HELLARD was baptised (PR)

03 Jun 1683 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Ruth WHITE baptised (PR)

03 Jun 1683 - John the sonn of Thomas & Rebeckah BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

10 Jun 1683 - James the sonn of Phillipe & Elizabeth BARTLETT baptised (PR) 3rd known child of Philip BARTLETT but by 2nd wife Elizabeth - follow link for more information

29 Jun 1683 - John the sonn of Joseph JEGAR [or GIGGER] & Joan baptised (PR) [Note:- see comments at bapt George Gigger on 28 Aug 1680 above and burial All saints 31st Dec 1683]

22 July 1683 - Samuell the sonn of Samuell & Martha MARTEN baptised (PR)

03 Sep 1683 - Joan ye daughter of Jon [John] & Joan GAYLARD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 May 1687]

05 Oct 1683 - John the sonn of Jeramiah & Mary CLARKE was baptised (PR)

30 Oct 1683 - Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. John & Elizabeth CRADDICK was baptised (PR)

02 Nov 1683 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth HELLARD was baptised (PR)

05 Nov 1683 - John the sonn of John & Ann DOWLE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 6 Nov 1683]

07 Nov 1683 - Ann the daughter of Charles & Joan ASTEN baptised (PR)

16 Dec 1683 - Robert the sonn of Robert ELLIAT baptised (PR)

22 Dec 1683 - Mary ye daughter of John & Mary WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- Out of date order at the end of the page in PR - [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

27 Dec 1683 - William ye sonn of Anthony & Margaret READ baptised (PR) [Note:- Out of date order at the end of the page in PR]

02 Jan 1683/4 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Alce YOUNG was baptised (PR)

22 Jan 1683/4 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Hanna LOCK was born 22 Jan 1683/84 and baptised the 25th day of January (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681 - IGI also has death as 22 Dec 1684]

20 Feb 1683/4 - Thomas the son of Thomas KNAPTON the younger was borne the fifteenth day of ffebruary between the hours of ten and eleven att night & christened the twentyeth of the same.(PR) [Note:- Frances the wife of Thomas Knapton Junior was buried at All Saints Church on 26th Feb 1683/4]

23 Mar 1683/4 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Mary CARTER baptised (PR)


01 Apr 1684 - Clemant the sonn of Nathaniel & Ann MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

01 Apr 1684 - George the sonn of George VOKER was baptised (PR)

04 May 1684 - Ruth the daughter of Thomas CLERKE baptised (PR)

18 May 1684 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Trustram BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

08 Jun 1684 - Elizabeth ye daughter of George HELLARD baptised (PR)

16 Jun 1684 - Catheren ye daughter of Henry & Mary SHORTO baptised (PR)

24 Jun 1684 - William the sonn of George & Elizabeth HELLARD baptised (PR)

24 July 1684 - Susanah ye daughter of John & Susanah ILROY (or Hilllery or Ellery) baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 Feb 1685/86]

03 Aug 1684 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Jon [John] & Elizabeth SHEPARD baptised (PR)

10 Aug 1684 - Elizabeth ye daughter of William & Margaret EDWARDS was baptised (PR)

11 Oct 1684 - John the sonn of James WOODS was baptised (PR)

04 Nov 1684 - George the sonn of Mr. John & Elizabeth CRADOCK was baptised (PR)

30 Nov 1684 - Phillip the sonn of John & Marey WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

21 Dec 1684 - Nicholes [Nicholas] the sonn of John & Ann DOWLE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Dec 1684]

21 Dec 1684 - Thomas ye sonn of John DOWELL [DOWLE] was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Dec 1684]

06 Jan 1684/5 - John ye sonn of Joseph & Joan JEGAR [or GIGGER] was baptised (PR )[Note:- see comments at bapt of George Gigger on 28 Aug 1680]

11 Jan 1684/5 - Mary the daughter of Joseph & Mary BISHOP baptised (PR)

17 Jan 1684/5 - Susana the daughter of Joseph & Jane RIALL baptised (PR)

30 Jan 1684/5 - Symon ye sonn of Symon & Jane GAME baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 Apr 1686]

13 Feb 1684/5 - James the sonn of Richard & Sarah TOGOOD [TOOGOOD] baptised (PR)


29 Mar 1685 - John ye sonn of John & Margaret BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note: 3rd child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Margaret HOSKINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

12 Apr 1685 - Rebecka ye daughter of Christopher WHITE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 13 Jul 1687]

26 Apr 1685 - George ye sonn of Robert & Ruth WHITE baptised (PR)

28 Apr 1685 - Charles ye sonn of Robert & Alse YOUNG was baptised (PR)

14 May 1685 - John ye sonn of Robert & Joan FFOOKE was baptised (PR)

21 Jun 1685 - John ye sonn of John & Luce LONG was baptised (PR)

16 Aug 1685 - Sarah ye daughter of Samuell & Martha MARTEN was baptised (PR)

21 Aug 1685 - Mary ye daughter of Jeramya & Mary CLARKE was baptised (PR)

13 Sep 1685 - Samuell ye sonn of John & Yeadeth WELLMAN was baptised (PR)

13 Sep 1685 - Ralfe ye sonn of Edward PARKER of Beaminster was baptised (PR)

28 Sep 1685 - Elizabeth ye daughter of William & Marey HEWLETT was baptised (PR)

25 Oct 1685 - Thomas ye sonn of Thomas & Ann ARNOLL baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684]

02 Nov 1685 - Edeth ye daughter of Robert & Hanah LOCK was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681]

06 Jan 1685/6 - Jane ye daughter of Jane & Symon GAME baptised (PR)

25 Jan 1685/6 - Margarett ye daughter of John & Joan HELLARD baptised (PR)

09 Mar 1685/6 - Ann ye daughter of Mr. John & Elizabeth CRADOCK was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Apr 1687]

14 Mar 1685/6 - Philip ye sonn of Philip & Joan HUTCHENS baptised (PR)


04 Apr 1686 - Thomas ye sonn of Thomas CLARKE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 21 Jun 1687]

06 Apr 1686 - Ann the daughter of Henry WOODCOCKE was baptised (PR)

27 Apr 1686 - George ye sonn of Richard & Alce FOY baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - George was a beneficiary under the will of his grandmother Judeth FOY dated 5th Aug 1704 See Wills index]

04 May 1686 - John ye sonn of John & Mary MITCHELL was baptised (PR)

07 Jul 1686 - Martha ye daughter of James KING was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 31 May 1687]

19 Jul 1686 - Martha ye daughter of Charles & Joan AUSTEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 25 Aug 1686]

15 Sep 1686 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John & Elizabeth ABBUT [ABBOT] was baptised (PR)

26 Sep 1686 - Robert ye sonn of William & Margrett EDWARDS baptised (PR)

22 Dec 1686 - Mary ye daughter of John & Mary WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679 - I have assumed that the previous Mary bap 1863 must have died - this Mary was later buried as Mary dau of John and Mary WINZAR at All Saints on 10 Jan 1688/9 and they renamed another child Mary bap 15 Sep 1695]

27 Dec 1686 - William ye sonn of Anthoney & Margret READ was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 7 Jun 1691]

12 Jan 1686/7 - George ye sonn of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD baptised (PR)

16 Mar 1686/7 - Joan ye daughter of Robert & Alce YOUNG was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 10 Apr 1687]

20 Mar 1686/7 - William ye sonn of Thomas & Rebecca BARTLETT was baptized (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

23 Mar 1686/7 - Thomas ye sonn of Mr. Robert EARLE Esquire and Susana his wife was born and was baptised the 23 March (i.e. General EARLE) [Note:- wifes name and comment added by RGB not in PR]

    [Note:- IGI has wrong year for birth - as 1681. Robert ERLE Esq of Greys Inn married Susannah the daughter of the late Rowland HUNT of Greys Inn at All Hallows Church London Wall on 4 July 1677. Their marriage settlement can be found at the National Archives - Dorset History Center - D/BLX/T21 (1)]


06 Apr 1687 - Ann ye daughter of William & Ann BASCOME was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William BASCOMBE to Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

13 Apr 1687 - Sarah ye daughter of Edward & Ann CHAPMAN was baptised (PR)

24 Apr 1687 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John & Grace GALLER baptised (PR) [Note burial 31 Dec 1699]

08 May 1687 - John ye sonn of Nathaniell & Ann MILLER baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Apr 1688] [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

26 May 1687 - Thomas ye sonn of Thomas & Ann BUSHROD baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod - Thomas junior was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Feb 1687/88 See Thomas Bushrod the father's burial at A/Sts 29 Oct 1697 for more info.]

29 May 1687 - Sarah ye daughter of John & Susana ILROY baptised (PR)

01 Jun 1687 - Joseph ye sonn of John & Ann DOWLE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 2 Jun 1687]

16 Jun 1687 - Mary ye daughter of William & Mary HEWLETT baptised (PR)

29 Jun 1687 - Jane ye daughter of Symon & Jane GAME was baptised (PR) [Note see burial 8 Apr 1708]

17 July 1687 - Edward ye son of Edward & Martha JEWELL was baptised (PR)

07 Aug 1687 - John ye sonn of Robert & Ruth WHITE was baptised (PR)

14 Aug 1687 - Mary ye daughter of Charles & Joan AUSTEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 20 Aug 1687]

04 Sep 1687 - Frances [i.e. Francis] ye sonn of John & Joan GAYLARD was baptised (PR)

04 Sep 1687 - Hanah ye daughter of Robert & Hanah LOCK was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681]

11 Sep 1687 - George ye sonn of John & Margaret BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note: 4th child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Margaret HOSKINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

25 Sep 1687 - Marten ye sonn of Robert & Ann GALLER baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Jun 1696]

16 Oct 1687 - James ye sonn of Henry & Mary SHORTO was baptised (PR)

27 Oct 1687 - John ye sonn of Samuell & Martha MARTEN baptised (PR)

13 Nov 1687 - Cathren ye daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth HELLARD was baptised (PR)

04 Dec 1687 - John ye sonn of George & Martha HOPKINS was baptised (PR)

25 Dec 1687 - William ye sonn of Thomas & Ann ARNOLL was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684]

16 Jan 1687/8 - Daniell ye sonn of Daniell & Johana GLISTON was baptised (PR)

05 Feb 1687/8 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert & Tamsen LAMUN [or LEMAN] baptised (PR) [Note:- burial as Robert LEMAN at AS on 11 Jul 1689]

16 Feb 1687/8 - Robert ye sonn of Robert & Alce YOUNG baptised (PR)

24 Feb 1687/8 - Mary ye daughter of Joseph RIALL was baptised (PR)

24 Feb 1687/8 - John ye sonne of Robert CAMP of Exon baptized (PR)

24 Feb 1687/8 - Richard ye sonn of Richard & Alce FOY was baptised (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice may have died prior to 1704 as not listed in grandmothers will]

26 Feb 1687/8 - Jonathan ye sonn of John & Luce LONG was baptised (PR)


29 Apr 1688 - Ann ye daughter of John & Ann DOWLE was baptised (PR) [Note burial 27 Jun 1706]

16 May 1688 - John sonn of Thomas & Grace KNAPTON was borne on Saturday 12th May at 2 of the clock in morning Baptised 16th Inst (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON to Grace MITCHEL 28th May 1687]

26 May 1688 - Mary ye daughter of Thomas CLARKE baptised (PR)

06 Jun 1688 - Nicholas ye sonn of Robert & Joane FOOKE was baptised (PR)

17 Jun 1688 - John ye sonn of John & Elizabeth ABBOTT was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as [6 Jan 1693/94]

01 July 1688 - Sarah ye daughter of of Robert & Charity TUCKER baptised (PR) [ Note:- IGI also has death as 5 Apr 1692]

04 July 1688 - Mary ye daughter of Richard & Hanah VAHAN baptised (PR)

02 Aug 1688 - Richard ye sonn of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 11 Oct 1696]

20 Aug 1688 - Steven ye sonn of Steven & Hanah COWARD baptised (PR)

12 Sep 1688 - Thomas ye sonn of Thomas & Ann BUSHROD baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod See Thomas Bushrod the father's burial at A/Sts 29 Oct 1697 for more info.]

25 Dec 1688 - Tamsen ye daughter of William & Ann BASCOME baptised [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William BASCOMBE to Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

14 Feb 1688/9 - Robert ye sonn of William & Christian DRY was baptised (PR)

17 Feb 1688/9 - Francis [i.e. Frances] ye daughter of Henry & Sarah HARBEN baptised (PR)

17 Feb 1688/9 - Robert ye sonn of George & Martha HELLARD baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 28 Mar 1691]


31 Mar 1689 - William ye sonn of William & Margaret EDWARDS baptsed (PR)

05 Apr 1689 - Steven ye sonn of John & Marey WINSER baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679

15 Apr 1689 - John ye sonn of Christopher WHITE baptised (PR)

30 Apr 1689 - Margarete ye daughter of Mr. Edward & Martha JEWELL was baptised (PR)

06 May 1689 - William ye sonn of Daniell & Johana GLISTON was baptised (PR)

07 July 1689 - Joan ye daughter of John & Susana ILROY baptised (PR)

14 Aug 1689 - George ye sonn of Robert & Alce YOUNG baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Aug 1695]

25 Aug 1689 - John ye sonn of John & Rachell COLE baptised (PR)

22 Sep 1689 - Ann ye daughter of Thomas & Ann ARNOLL (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684 - IGI also has death as 17 Jan 1698/99 - surname illegible on PR]

25 Sep 1689 - Sarah ye daughter of Robert & Elizabeth ELIAT was baptised (PR) [Note:- possible burial 28 Sep 1708]

06 Oct 1689 - Samuell ye sonn of Robert & Ann GAULER was baptised (PR)

29 Oct 1689 - Anthony ye sonn of Anthoney READ was born 29 Oct 1689 (PR)

24 Nov 1689 - William ye sonn of John & Hanah HELLARD was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 14 Apr 1699]

26 Jan 1689/90 - Robert ye sonn of Robert & Charity TUCKER was baptised (PR)

23 Feb 1689/90 - Richard ye sonn of Richard & Judeth GUILLATTwas baptised (PR)

06 Mar 1689/90 - Pettar ye sonn of Samuell & Martha MARTEN was baptised (PR)

07 Mar 1689/90 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert & Hanah LOCK was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681]

12 Mar 1689/90 - Josias ye sonn of John & Luce LONG was baptised (PR)


?? Mar 1690 - Thomas the son of Thomas and Grace KNAPTON borne 16 of February att 3 in afternoone baptised in March following 1690 (PR) [The parish clerk starts each year with the year heading between two parallel lines - This entry appears to have been added later by a different hand and written over the two lines making it look as though the entire entry has been crossed through which I dont think is the case. Thomas and Grace KNAPTON were clearly people of some standing as only entries for their children include the time of birth which seems to be marking the hour as of some importance to the local inhabitants - Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON to Grace MITCHEL 28th May 1687]

24 Apr 1690 - Martha ye daughter of Richard & Alce FOY was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - Martha was a beneficiary under the will of her grandmother Judeth FOY dated 5th Aug 1704 See Wills index]

01 May 1690 - Alce ye daughter of John & Elizabeth HUTCHENS baptised (PR)

29 Jun 1690 - Hanah ye daughter of Nathaniel & Ann MILLAR [MILLER] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

13 July 1690 - Martha ye daughter of Robert & Ruth WHITE baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 30 Jan 1691/92]

18 Aug 1690 - Sarah ye daughter of Henry & Sarah HARBEN was baptised (PR)

28 Sep 1690 - Susana ye daughter of John & Grace GAULLAR was baptised (PR)

02 Oct 1690 - James ye sonn of Thomas & Ann KEECH was baptised (PR)

13 Nov 1690 - Ann ye daughter of Thomas & Ann BUSHROD was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod See Thomas Bushrod the father's burial at A/Sts 29 Oct 1697 for more info.]

07 Dec 1690 - Hanah ye daughter of Steven & Hanah COWARD was baptised (PR)

22 Dec 1690 - John ye son of Christopher WHITE baptised (PR)

17 Jan 1690/1 - Thomas ye sonn of John & Mary WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

04 Feb 1690/1 - Martha ye daughter of John DOWLE was baptised (PR)

22 Feb 1690/1 - John ye sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth HELLARD was baptised (PR)

22 Feb 1690/1 - Susanah ye daughter of George & Martha HELLARD baptised (PR)

08 Mar 1690/1 - Thomas ye sonn of Mr. Edward & Martha JEWELL was baptised (PR)

16 Mar 1690/1 - Nicholas ye sonn of Thomas & Ann ARNOLL was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684]

16 Mar 1690/1 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Grace KNAPTON borne 16th of Ffebruary at 3 in afternoon baptised 16th Inst [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON to Grace MITCHEL 28th May 1687]


10 Apr 1691 - Bathsheba ye daughter of William & Ann BASCOME baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William BASCOMBE to Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

03 May 1691 - Joseph ye sonn of Joseph & Sarah BISHOP was baptised (PR)

11 May 1691 - Steven ye sonn of Jeramya & Mary CLARKE was baptised (PR)

11 May 1691 - William ye sonn of William & Mary HULATT [query HOWLETT] was baptised (PR)

06 Sep 1691 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Mary CARTER was baptised (PR)

09 Sep 1691 - Richard DOWLE son of William DOWLE was baptised (PR)

25 Sep 1691 - William ye sonn of John & Rachell COLL baptised (PR) [Note:- their surname also recorded as COLE or COALE or KOLL - IGI also has death as 29 Sep 1691]

28 Sep 1691 - Jane ye daughter of Mr. Thomas & Margaret LEADOLES was baptised (PR)

04 Nov1691 - Philip ye sonn of Robert ELIAT was baptised (PR)

16 Nov 1691 - Sarah ye daughter of John & Bridgett LOCK was baptised (PR)

21 Dec 1691 - Edeth ye daughter of Thomas & Edeth CHISELL was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 Dec 1691]

01 Jan 1691/2 - Mary ye daughter of William & Elizabeth EDWARDS baptised (PR)

24 Feb1691/2 - Ann ye daughter of Joseph & Jane RIALL was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 10 Mar 1691/92]

30 Jan 1691/2 - Joan ye daughter of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD was baptised (PR)


07 Apr 1692 - Joan ye daughter of Henry & Mary SHORTO was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 3 Jul 1693]

28 Apr 1692 - Robert ye sonn of Nathaniell & Sarah GRIFFEN was baptised (PR)

09 Jun 1692 - John ye sonn of Pettar [i.e. Peter] & Sarah STANDISH was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 Feb 1692/93]

26 Jun 1692 - William ye sonn & Mary ye daughter of Anthoney READ were borne between eleven & 12 of the clock at night [i.e. on 26 June] and baptised ye 27 day of June 1692 (PR) [Note:- burial of William 25 July 1692 and of Mary on 14 May 1693]

27 Jul 1692 - John ye sonn of Thomas & Ann KEECH was baptised (PR)

02 Aug 1692 - John ye sonn of Steven & Hanah COWARD was baptised (PR) [Note burial 10 Sep 1694]

15 Sep 1692 - Robert ye sonn of Samuel & Martha MARTEN baptised (PR)

26 Sep 1692 - Robert ye son of Robert & Hanah LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681 - IGI also has death as 11 Jul 1697]

30 Oct 1692 - Judeth the daughter of Richard & Alse FFOY was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - Judeth was a beneficiary under the will of her grandmother Judeth FOY dated 5th Aug 1704 See Wills index]

20 Nov 1692 - The two daughter of Thomas and Edeth CHESZEL, Edeth and Ann was baptised (PR) [Note:- both buried 23 Dec 1691 under surname CHESSELL]

27 Dec 1692 - Hanah the daughter of Joseph & Hanah FRY was baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1692/3 - Samuel the son of Georg [i.e. George] HELARD wase baptized (PR)

20 Jan 1692/3 - Renaldo the sonn of Thomas & Grace KNAPTON was baptised: borne the 10 att at 5 o clock in morning (PR) (Note:- Comment by Rev RG Bartelott - The underlined is in an educated hand of the period the rest the Clerke)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON to Grace MITCHEL 28th May 1687]

30 Jan 1692/3 - Joseph the sonn of Thomas & Ann BUSHROD was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod See Thomas Bushrod the father's burial at A/Sts 29 Oct 1697 for more info.]

09 Feb 1692/3 - Charity Chritan [Christian] the daughter of John & Marey WINSER was baptised (Note by RGB:- Charity was first written) [Note:- IGI incorrectly has recorded as male ] [Note:- 9th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]


02 Apr 1693 - William the sonn of John & Luce LONGE was baptised (PR)

01 May 1693 - William the sonn of William & Ann TUCKER HOLT was baptised (PR) (Note by RGB:- TUCKER was first written)

09 July 1693 - Sarah the daughter of William & Ann BASKAM [BASCOMBE] was baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William BASCOMBE to Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

12 July 1693 - Joan the daughterc of Thomas and Mary HUNT (or HUENT) was baptised (PR)

01 Oct 1693 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Ann ARNAL [ARNOLL] was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684

05 Oct 1693 - John the sonn of Henary & Joan LILLY was baptised (PR)

03 Nov 1693 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Eadith CHISELL was baptised (PR)

28 Nov 1693 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY (or EVEME) was baptised (PR)

03 Dec 1693 - John the sonn of John & Lidea MATHES was baptised (PR)

15 Dec 1693 - Nathaniel the sonn of Nathaniel & Sarah GRIFFEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 10 Jun 1694]

    15 Dec 1693 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Charity TUCKER was born [Note:- she was not baptised until the age of 14 on 20 July 1712]

07 Jan 1693/4 - John the sonn of Robert GALER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Feb 1694]

17 Jan 1693/4 - Robert the sonn of John & Bridget LOCK was baptised (PR)

03 Feb 1693/4 - Jane the daughter of Robert & Rebecka SCKUT [or SCUTT] was baptised (PR)

11 Mar 1693/4 - Fforansese the daughter of Grace SPRAT was baptised (PR)


13 Apr 1694 - William the sonn of Richard & Elizabeth SANSOM was baptised (PR)

03 Jun 1694 - John the sonn of James KING was baptised (PR)

14 Jun 1694 - William the sonn of Anthony RED [Note:- READ] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Burial 1 Mar 1695/6]

19 Jun 1694 - Edward the sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth HELLARD was baptised (PR)

28 Jun 1694 - Robert the sonn of Robert ELEET [ sic - IGI has ELLET probably ELLAT] was baptised (PR)

20 Aug 1694 - Samuel the sonn of Samuel & Judieth FASY [or FFASY] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Samuel Fasey or Facey married Judith GEY or GAY in All Saints church on 3 Oct 1693]

19 Oct 1694 - Thomas ye sonn of Robert & Hannah LOCK was baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681

19 Oct 1694 - John ye sonn of Thomas BUNN & Mary his wife was born and was baptised ye 22nd (PR) [Note:- IGI has death as 15 Feb 1694/95]

27 Dec 1694 - Nicholas the sonn of John & Ann DOWLE was baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1694/5 - Johanna the daughter of Joseph VRY [i.e. FRY] was baptised (PR)

13 Jan 1694/5 - Robert the sonn of John & Hannah HELLARD was baptised (PR)

10 Feb 1694/5 - Mary the daughter of Richard & Alice FFOY baptised (PR illegible) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - IGI also has death as 9 Apr 1700]

10 Feb 1694/5 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Ann KECH [or KEECH] baptised (PR illegible)

17 Mar 1694/5 - John the sonn of William & Margaret EDWARDS his wife was baptised (PR)


28 Mar 1695 - John the sonn of William & Mary HOWLETT was baptised (PR)

31 Mar 1695 - Sarah the daughter of Peter STANDISH & Sarah his wife was baptised (PR)

16 Apr 1695 - Ann the daughter of "mister" Edmund and Martha JEWELL was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 8 May 1698]

16 Apr 1695 - John the sonn of Richard & Susana RIALL was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 17 Dec 1699 - and of his mother Susanna 15 Nov 1696]

30 Jun 1695 - Joseph the sonn of Thomas & Mary KARTER [i.e.CARTER] was baptised (PR)

11 Aug 1695 - Mary the daughter of George & Ann HELLARD was baptised (PR)

26 Aug 1695 - Nathaniel the sonn of Nathaniel GRIFEN was born 14 Aug 1695 & baptised the 26the (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Mar 1700/01]

15 Sep 1695 - Mary the daughter of John WINSER was baptised 1695 (PR) [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

19 Sep 1695 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Ann BUSHROD was baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod See Thomas Bushrod the father's burial at A/Sts 29 Oct 1697 for more info.]

21 Oct 1695 - Robert the sonn of Thomas & Mary HUNT was baptised (PR)

30 Oct 1695 - Mary the daughter of Henery & Joan LILLYE was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Aug 1701]

05 Nov 1695 - Henary the sonn of Henary & Mary KRECH (i.e. CREECH illiterate clerk hand) was baptised (PR)

10 Feb 1695/6 - Martha the daughter of Edward & Martha HOGGES was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 27 Aug 1701]

20 Feb 1695/6 - Henary the sonn of John & Brigget [Bridget] LOCKE was baptised (PR)

23 Feb 1695/6 - John the sonn of Richard & Judeth GILLAT was baptised (PR)

25 Feb 1695/6 - John the sonn of William & Ann HOLT was baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried ASt's 31 Dec 1699]

01 Mar 1695/6 - John the sonn of Joseph & Mary ROGERS was baptised (PR)


09 Apr 1696 - Grace the daughter of Thomas & Grace KNAPTON was baptised born 23 Mar 1695/96 (PR)[Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas KNAPTON to Grace MITCHEL 28th May 1687]

16 Apr 1696 - James the sonn of James & Mary KING was baptised (PR)

06 May 1696 - Henary the sonn of Henary & Mary SHORTTO was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Sep 1702]

14 July 1696 - Thomas the sonn of Steven & Hanah COWARD was baptised (PR text after Steven illegible)

30 Aug 1696 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Elizabeth COST was baptised (PR)

15 Nov 1696 - Susana the daughter of Thomas & Ann KECHE [or KEECH] was baptised (PR)

25 Nov 1696 - Linard [query Leonard] the sonn of Linard & Elizabeth MALLARD was baptised (PR) (Note:- by Rev RG Bartelot - query illiterate for Miller?)

12 Feb 1696/7 - Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel & Judieth FASEY [or FFASY] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Samuel Fasey or Facey married Judith GEY or Gay in All Saints church on 3 Oct 1693 - 2nd child]


05 May 1697 - John the sonn of Mary OLDISHE (otherwise ATKINS) was baptised (PR)

09 May 1697 - Clemant the sonn of John & Rachel KOLL was baptised (PR) [Note:- their surname also recorded as COLE or COALE or KOLL ]

25 May 1697 - Edward the sonn of Anthony & Margaret REDE [i.e. READ] was baptised (PR)

07 Jun 1697 - Dorathe the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOME was baptised (PR)

09 Aug 1697 - Mary the daughter of Mr. Edmond & Martha JWELL [or JEWEL or JUELL] was baptised (PR) [Note:- Burial 27 May 1699]

18 Aug 1697 - Peter the sonn of Peter & Sarah STANDISH was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 29 Aug 1697]

07 Oct 1697 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Jane FROST was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas FROST to Jane BARTLET at All Saints church on 26 Dec 1696]

10 Nov 1697 - Samuel the sonn of Nathaniel & Sarah GRIFFEN was baptised (PR)

16 Nov 1697 - Elizabeth the daughter of Henary & Joan LILLY was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 10 Jan 1697/98]

02 Dec 1697 - James the sonn of Richard & Alce FFOYE was baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - James was a beneficiary under the will of his grandmother Judeth FOY dated 5th Aug 1704 See Wills index]

05 Dec 1697 - Mary the daughter of Edward & Martha HOGGES was baptised (PR)

14 Dec 1697 - Jane the daughter of William & Charrate [i.e. Charity] TUCKER (sic) was baptised (PR)

26 Dec 1697 - Martha the daughter of George HELLARD was baptised (PR [Note:- IGI also has death as 13 Mar 1698]

26 Dec 1697 - Sarah the daughter of William & Margaret EDWARDS was baptised (PR)

05 Jan 1697/8 - William the sonn of Joseph ROGGERSE [query ROGERS] was baptised (PR)

02 Feb 1697/8 - Elizabeth the daughter of Linnard [query Leonard] & Elizabeth MALLARD was baptised (PR)

20 Feb 1697/8 - George the sonn of John & Hannah HELLARD was baptised (PR)

26 Feb 1697/8 - Thomas PITMAN and Edward PITMAN the to [two] sons of Mister Thomas PITMAM were both born ffebruary 26 in 1696 (PR illegible after word 'both' [Note:- children of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) by his wife Rebecca (d.1703) ]


11 Apr 1698 - Joseph the sonn of John & Mary WINSER was borne (PR) [Note:- 11th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

19 Sep 1698 - Ann the daughter of John & Ann COTTRELL was baptised (PR)

12 Oct 1698 - Thomas the sonn of Peter & Sarah STANDISH was baptised (PR)

13 Nov 1698 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Hanah LOKE [i.e. LOCK] was baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681 - IGI also has death as 13 May 1700]

14 Dec 1698 - John the sonn of Richard & Alce VOANE "was born" (PR)

15 Dec 1698 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Charete [Charity] TOCKER (sic) [or TUCKER] was borne (PR)

30 Dec 1698 - Rebecka the daughter of Thomas PITMAN was baptised (PR) [Note:- child of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) by his wife Rebecca (d.1703) ]

29 Jan 1698/9 - Martha the daughter of George HELLARD was baptised (PR)

13 Feb 1698/9 - Elizabeth the daughter of Henary & Joan LILLY was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 May 1704]

01 Mar 1698/9 - Elizabeth the daughter of James & Darathe [Dorothy] STANDISH was baptised (PR)

20 Mar 1698/9 - Joseph the sonn of John & Ann DOULL [query DOWLE] was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 May 1699]


02 Apr 1699 - John the sonn of Thomas MILLER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 30 Aug 1702]

10 Apr 1699 - Katren [Katharine] the daughter of Linnard [Leonard] & Elizabeth MALLARD was baptised (PR)

14 May 1699 - William the sonn of Ralph & Barbara ATKENS was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 21 May 1699]

21 May 1699 - William the sonn of James (and Mary) KING was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 Jul 1699]

12 Jun 1699 - Mary the daughter of Mary HOCKER was baptised (PR)

12 Jun 1699 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Ann GALLER was born (PR out of date order)

18 Jun 1699 - John the sonn of Thomas & Sarah EVOME (or EVOMY) was baptised (PR)

09 Jul 1699 - Sarah the daughter of Nathanell [Nathaniel] GRIFFEN was baptised (PR) [Note;- burial 30 Mov 1705]

16 Jul 1699 - Susanna the daughter of Henery HARBEN was baptised (PR)

19 Oct 1699 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Mary GRIFFEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

25 Oct 1699 - Mary the daughter of William & Charaty [Charity] TUCKER was baptised (PR)

26 Oct 1699 - Thomas the sonn of Mary LININGTON baptised (PR)

05 Nov 1699 - George the sonn of Thomas & Jane FFROST was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas FROST to Jane BARTLET at All Saints church on 26 Dec 1696]

12 Nov 1699 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Ann KECHE [or KEECH] was baptised (PR)

10 Dec 1699 - John the sonn of John & Susanna PARSONS was baptised (PR)

31 Jan 1699/1700- Edward the sonn of Edward & Martha HOGGES was baptised (PR)

04 Feb 1699/1700 - John the sonn of John & Sarah HARAS baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 5 May 1700]


12 Jun 1700 - Allicksander [i.e. Alexander] the sonn of Amy DOULL [query DOWLE] was baptised (PR)

13 Jun 1700 - Mary the daughter of Joseph & Mary ROGERS was baptised (PR)

21 Jun 1700 - Mathew the sonn of John & Margret BOLTE was baptised (PR)

25 Aug 1700 - John the sonn of Ralp & Barbara ATKENS was baptised (PR)

23 Sep 1700 - Danell [Daniel] the sonn of Robert & Charate [Charity] TOCKER [or TUCKER] was baptised (PR)

29 Sep 1700 - John the sonn of John & Mary SHEPARD was baptised (PR)

14 Oct 1700 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Mary GRIFFEN was baptised (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698 - IGI also has death as 8 Dec 1700]

16 Oct 1700 - Alc (or Alice) the daughter of Peter & Sarah STANDISH baptised [Note:- IGI also has death as 14 Sep 1701] (PR entry illegible)

20 Oct 1700 - William the sonn of Steven & Hanah COOWARD [i.e.COWARD] was baptised (PR)

03 Nov 1700 - Jeramiah the sonn of Jeramiah & Mary CLARKE was baptised (PR)

05 Nov 1700 - Samuell the sonn of Samuel & Judith FASSYE was baptised (PR)[Note:- Samuel Fasey or Facey married Judith GEY or Gay in All Saints church on 3 Oct 1693 - 3rd child]

05 Nov 1700 - William the sonn of William & Martha ERSE was baptised (PR)

27 Nov 1700 - Mary the daughter of Linnard [Leonard] & Elizabeth MALLARD was baptised (PR)

05 Dec 1700 - Mary the daughter of Mister Robert & Mary LODAR was baptised (PR)

19 Feb 1700/1 - Rebecka the daughter of Robert & Ffobbe [Phoebe] ROMSA was baptised (PR)

16 Mar 1700/1 - John the sonn of John & Sarah HARIS was baptised (PR surname off edge of paper)[Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Se 1702]

23 Mar 1700/1 - Edward the sonn of Edward & Elizabeth WHITMILL was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 Mar 1700/01]


31 Mar 1701 - Joseph the sonn of Mister Joseph & Elizabeth SEWARD was baptised (PR)

    [Note:- Daniel the son of William & Charity TUCKER was baptised on 2nd April 1713 (aged 12 years) ]

20 Apr 1701 - Christian the daughter of Thomas & Jane FFROST baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas FROST to Jane BARTLET at All Saints church on 26 Dec 1696]

27 Apr 1701 - Elizabeth the daughter of David & Abigall {Abigail] CAVE was baptised (PR)

27 Apr 1701 - Susanna the daughter of William & Margaret EDWARDS was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Oct 1702]

25 May 1701 - Mary the daughter of Richard & Alce FFOY was baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - Mary was a beneficiary under the will of his grandmother Judeth FOY dated 5th Aug 1704 See Wills index]

08 Jun 1701 - Mathew the sonn of John & Mary WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Feb 1701/02] [Note:- 12th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

27 Jun 1701 - Jane the daughter of Thomas & Margaret MILLAR was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Aug 1712]

17 July 1701 - Hennary the sonn of Mister Hennary & Anna WHIFFEN was baptised (PR)[Note:- burial 18 Mar 1705/06]

27 July 1701 - Martha the daughter of William & Charaty TOCKAR [or TUCKER] was baptised (PR)

09 Aug 1701 - Nathanell [Nathaniel] the sonn of Nathanell & Sarah GRIFFEN 'was born' (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 7 Aug 1704]

17 Sep 1701 - Usly (i.e. Ursula) the daughter of Thomas & Darafe [query Dorothy] ELMS was born (PR)

21 Sep 1701 - Elizabeth the daughter of William & Elizabeth ROGGERS was baptised (PR)

01 Oct 1701 - Mary the daughter of Hennary & Joan LILLAY was borne (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 3 Dec 1701]

14 Nov 1701 - Robert the sonn of Robert & Mary TILLER was baptised (PR)

27 Nov 1701 - Mary the daughter of Benjamin & Onar [i.e. Honour] KARINGTON [i.e. Carington] was baptised (PR)

15 Dec 1701 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Mary STOWT (sic) [STOUT] was baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 21 Dec 1701]

15 Dec 1701 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Mary STOWT was baptised (PR)

22 Dec 1701 - Henary the sonn of Ezekiel & Sarah SLIFELL [query SLYFEILD] was born (PR)

29 Dec 1701 - Grace the daughter of George & Margaret SHEPARD was baptised (PR)

29 Dec 1701 - Tamsen the daughter of George & Margaret SHEPARD was baptised (PR) [Note burial 7 Jan 1701/2]

13 Feb 1701/2 - John the sonn of John & Elizabeth COSTE was borne (PR)

09 Mar 1701/2 - Hanna the daughter of Robert & Mary GRIFFEN was baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698 - IGI also has death as 3 Mar 1709/10]

11 Mar 1701/2 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Elnar HARIS born (PR)

18 Mar 1701/2 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVEME (or EVOMY) baptised [Note:- burial with younger sister 22 May 1709]


03 Jun 1702 - Joseph the sonn of Joseph & Mary RODGERS was baptised (PR) [Note:- burial 1 Oct 1706]

30 Aug 1702 - Alce the daughter of Robert & Sarah STANDISH baptised (PR)

28 Oct 1702 - Thomas the sonn of Mr Joseph & Elizabeth SEWARD was baptised (PR)

08 Nov 1702 - Elizabeth the daughter of Jonas & Elizabeth DENES was baptised (PR)

04 Dec 1702 - Martha the daughter of Elias & Sarah COOM was baptised (PR)

20 Dec 1702 - David the daughter of John & Mary WINSER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 13th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

08 Jan 1702/3 -Trustrem the sonn of Thomas & Jane VOS was baptised (PR)

09 Jan 1702/3 - Mary the daughter of Robert BARTLET was baptised (PR) [Note:- Unknown marriage but may be the daughter of Robert BARTLETT (1664-1703) As he died in 1703 Hence no later baptisms]

21 Jan 1702/3 - Isral [Israel] the sonn of John & Mary SHEPARD was baptised (PR)

07 Feb 1702/3 - James the sonn of Ralf & Barbary ACKENS [i.e. ATKENS] was baptised (PR)

07 Feb 1702/3 - Samul [Samuel] the son of Samuel & Jone HELARD was baptised (PR)

09 Feb 1702/3 - Ann the daughter of Henry HARBEN was baptised (PR)

16 Feb 1702/3 - Ann the daughter of William HOLTE was baptised (PR)

28 Feb 1702/3 - Susana the daughter of Thomas LOCKET was baptised (PR)

12 Mar 1702/3 - Thomas the sonn of John & Susana PARSONS was baptised (PR)


02 July 1703 - Rightton the son of Thomas ELMS was borne (PR)

13 Aug 1703 - Thomas the son of Linard [Leonard] (& Elizabeth added by RGB) MALARD was borne (PR)

02 Sep 1703 - William the son of Samuell FACEY was borne (PR)

    06 Sep 1703 - James the son of Robert TOCKER [TUCKER?] was borne (PR) [Note he was not baptised until the age of nine on 29 January 1711/12 with his sister Sarah]

23 Sep 1703 - James the sonn of James STANDISH was born (PR)

07 Oct 1703 - William ARDLEY the sone of William ARDLEY was then baptised (PR)

02 Nov 1703 - Thomas LEE was born (PR)

03 Dec 1703 - John the sone of William TOCKER [or TUCKER] was born (PR)

12 Dec 1703 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas MILLER was baptised (PR)

08 Feb 1703/4 - Mary the daughter of Robert (& Mary added by RGB) GRIFFEN 'was borne' (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698 & buried 7th Aug 1707]

27 Feb 1703/4 - Thomas the [son] of Trustrem & Elizabeth BARTLET was born (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]

16 Mar 1703/04 Josiah the son of Josiah BILLS was borne (PR)


06 May 1704 - Richard the son of Richard BROOKES [BROOKS] was born (sic) (PR) [Note:- Richard is thought to have been the son of Richard Brooks Junior, (the brother of Mary Channing (1687-1705/6) nee Brooks who was executed for poisoning her husband ). His mother was Thomasine ]

18 May 1704 - Debera the daughter of Thomas HUNT was born (PR)

25 Nov 1704 - John the son of John & Margaret HELARD born (PR)

24 Dec 1704 - Thomas the son of Joseph ROGGERS was born (PR)

07 Feb 1704 - Hana the daughter of Samuel HELARD was born (PR)[Note:- IGI has Hana incorrectly coded as male]

12 Feb 1704/5 - Micall Henry the son of Richard FOOY was born (PR) [Note:- 8th and last child from the marriage of Richard FOY (the son of Richard FOY and Judeth BISHOP who married at All Saints Dorchester in 1654) & Alice UNKNOWN - IGI also has death as 16 Oct 1705 where he is referred to as Mical but second name is Harry the son of Richard & Alice FOY]

05 Mar 1704/5 - Mary the daughter of Thomas EFFEME was born (PR)

12 Mar 1704/5 - Elizabeth the daughter of Trustrum BARTLETT was born (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]

1705 [Note:- Parts of the original parish register are illegible as badly water damaged - so I have relied upon some information from the transcriptions done by the Rev RG Bartelot]

15 Apr 1705 - Susana the daughter of Robert TILLARDE baptised (PR illegible)

26 Aug 1705 - Peter the son of of Peter STANDISH was borne and baptised (PR)

13 Sep 1705 - William the son of of William & Charity TUCKER "was borne" (PR) [Note:- not baptised until the 16th June 1710]

23 Sep 1705 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard & Mary GAWLER baptised (PR)

15 Oct 1705 - Wm [William] the son of of Ezekill & Sarah SLYFIELD baptised (PR)

03 Dec 1705 - John the son of of Wm [William] & Ann HOLT baptised (PR)

16 Dec 1705 - John the son of of Thomas & Ann VOSS baptised (PR)

16 Dec 1705 - Sarah the daughter of Robert & Susana WHITE christened (PR)

30 Jan 1705/6 - John the son of of John & Rebecka HUTCHENCE [query HUTCHENS] his wife was baptised (PR)

14 Mar 1705/6 - Alce the daughter of Robert & Martha GAPE was christened (PR)

1706 [Note:- Parts of the original parish register are illegible as badly water damaged - so I have relied upon some information (from the transcriptions done by the Rev RG Bartelot) ]

11 Apr 1706 - (Ann) the daughter of Leonard & Elizabeth MALLETT was borne and xtned [christened] Aprill 11th (PR)

18 Jun 1706 - (John) BARTLET the son of Tristram BARTLET & Elizabeth his wife was born 9th Jun 1706 (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702. John Bartlett was buried at All Sts 27 Oct 1716]

22 July 1706 - William the son of Ralph & Barbarah ATKINS cristned [christened] July (day illegible) (PR)

7 Aug 1706 - (Mary) the daughter of Katharine VAUGHAN was baptised Augst 7 1706 (PR)

16 Aug 1706 - (John) the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY was borne July 18th & Cristend [christened] (sic) (PR)

01 Sep 1706 - (Joseph) the son of John & Margaret HELLARD was baptised September 1st (PR)

?? Sep 1706 - Thomas the son of Ann VALENS xtned [christened] (PR) (Note:- by RGB: between 1st Sep & 25 Sep 1706)

    [Note:- 13 Sep 1706 - William the son of William & Charity TUCKER was born but not baptised until 16th June 1710]

25 Sep 1706 - William the son of John & Mary HARRIS was baptised september 25th 1706 (PR)

13 Feb 1706/7 - (Edeth) the daughter of Samule [Samuel] & Joan HELLARD was borne Feb 13: 1706 (PR)

1707 [Note:- Parts of the original parish register are illegible as badly water damaged - so I have relied upon some information (from the transcriptions done by the Rev RG Bartelot) ]

01 July 1707 - (Hannah) the daughter of Jane BERRY was cristned [christened] July 1st 1707 (PR)

17 July 1707 - George the son of Richard & Mary GAWLER was cristned [christened] July 17: GAWLER (Sic) (PR)

14 Sep 1707 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Ann LOCKET cristned [christened] September 14: 1707 (PR)

19 Sep 1707 - James the son of Stephen & Mary MITCHELL was cristned [christened] Sept 19 (PR)

28 Sep 1707 - Susanah the daughter of Henery HARBINE cristned [christened] Septemb 28: 1707 (PR)

29 Sep 1707 - Joan the daughter of Joseph GIGGER cristned [christened] Septem 29: 1707 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child of the marriage of Joseph GIGGER of Dorchester to Elizabeth CHALDECUT of Hilton at Blandford St Mary on 25th June 1704]

23 Nov 1707 - Mary the daughter of Tho: [Thomas] & Ann VOSS cristned [christened] No: 23: 1707 (PR)

25 Nov 1707 - Margret the daughter of Tho: [Thomas] & Sarrah EVOMY cristned [christened] No: 25: 1707 (PR) [Note burial 22 May 1709]

30 Nov 1707 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert TILLER & Mary his wife cristned [christened] No: 30: 1707 (PR)

08 Feb 1707/8 - Ann the daughter of William & Elizabeth ROGERS ffeb: 8: was christened (PR)

15 Feb 1707/8 - Hannah the daughter of Trusrtriam & Elizabeth BARTLET ffeb: 15: was Crist [christened] (PR)[Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]

14 Mar 1707/8 - Susanah the daughter of Robert & Susana WHITE christened March 14th (PR) [Note:- Susannah later married on 13th July 1735 to William BARTLETT (1711/12-1772) ]

19 Mar 1707/8 - Richard the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY christened March 19: 1707/8 (PR) [Note:- burial 13 Feb 1709/10]

21 Mar 1707/8 - Robert the son of Robert & Mary GRIFEN christened March 21 (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

1708 [Note:- Parts of the original parish register are illegible as badly water damaged - so I have relied upon some information (from the transcriptions done by the Rev RG Bartelot) ]

09 Apr 1708 - Frances the daughter of William & Ffrances LOCK was Christened (PR) [Note:- 1st child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

21 Apr 1708 - Philip the son of Philip & Susanah HUTCHENS Aprill 21: Xtned (PR)

27 May 1708 - Mary the daughter of Petter & Sarah STANDISH May 27 Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Feb 1708/09]

03 Jun 1708 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Richard & Margret EDMONDS Xtend June 3rd 1708 (PR)

10 Aug 1708 - John the son of John & Mary GAWLER Cristened Augst 10th (PR)

02 Sep 1708 - Mary the daughter of James & Dority STANDISH Cristened Septemb 2 (PR)

12 Sep 1708 - Mary the daughter of John & Mary SHEPPARD Xtned Septemb: 12 (PR)

13 Sep 1708 - (Ann) the daughter of John & Amey SHERINGTON Xtned Septemb 13 (PR)

26 Sep 1708 - (Elizabeth) the daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS Xtned Sept 26 (PR)

27 Jan 1708/9 - (Mary the daughter?) of Ralph & Barbara ATKINS baptised [Note:- Mary comes from RGB transcription - The left edge of the document is illegible but it clearly states ---the son of Ralph & Barbarah ATKINS Xtned Jan 27 (PR) ]

18 Mar 1708/9 - (Mary) the daughter of William & Mary DOWLE Xtned March 18 (PR)

21 Mar 1708/9 - Samule the son of Samule & Joane HELLARD baptised (PR last line on the page and illegible)

1709 [Note:- Parts of the original parish register are illegible as badly water damaged - so I have relied upon some information (from the transcriptions done by the Rev RG Bartelot) ]

23 Jun 1709 - (James the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY christened) (PR illegible)

18 Sep 1709 - Edith daughter of (Thomas & Edith GAPE baptised ) (PR end illegible)

25 Sep 1709 - Hannah the daughter of Trustriam (& Elizabeth BARTLET was baptised) (PR end illegible) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]

22 Nov 1709 - George the son of William & Frances LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

04 Dec 1709 - John the son of Ezekill & Sarah SLYFIELD baptised (PR)

19 Mar 1709/10 - Sylas son of Robert & Mary TILLER baptised (PR)


15 May 1710 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Susanah WHITE christened (PR)

11 Jun 1710 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Lucy BARTLET baptised (PR)[ Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Lucy BENNETT at Wyke Regis 17 Nov 1709 ]

16 Jun 1710 - William the son of Wm [William] & Charity TUCKER "was borne September 13th 1705: & Xtned June 16th 1710 (PR)

16 Jun 1710 - John the son of William & Charity TUCKER was borne ffeb 1st 1709 & Xtned June 16th 1710 (PR)

14 Jul 1710 - George GIGGER the son of Joseph & Elizabeth GIGGER was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 3rd child of the marriage of Joseph GIGGER of Dorchester to Elizabeth CHALDECUT of Hilton at Blandford St Mary on 25th June 1704]

23 Jul 1710 - Henry the sonne of the widow EVOMY was Xtned (PR)

27 Aug 1710 - Rebecka the daughter of William & Mary BARTLET Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child of the butcher William BARTLETT (bur. 1741/2) by his wife Mary Unknown ]

05 Oct 1710 - Hanah the daughter of John & Hanah INSOR (or ENSOR) Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John ENSOR to Hannah LOCK at Bradford Peverell Dorset on 03 Oct 1709]

10 Nov 1710 - John the son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS Xtned (PR)


18 May 1711 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Ann LOCKET Xtned (PR)

07 Jun 1711 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Mary SEAGER Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 9 Nov 1716]

10 Jun 1711 - Mary the daughter of George BATT Xtned (PR)

15 Jul 1711 - William the son of Leonard & Elizabeth MALLARD Xtned aged (then 3years & 16 weeks) (PR)

15 Jul 1711 - George the son of Leonard & Elizabeth MALLARD Xtned (born 7 Jun 1711) (PR)

06 Nov 1711 - Hannah the daughter of John & Hannah BRINE Xtned (PR)

02 Dec 1711 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Ann VOSS Xtned (PR)

30 Dec 1711 - Martha the daughter of James ALLEN of Forington [Fordington] (PR)

08 Jan 1711/2 - William the son of William & Mary BARTLETT Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd child of the butcher William BARTLETT (bur. 1741/2) by his wife Mary Unknown . William Junior later married Susannah WHITE at All Saints Church on 13th July 1735 - Follow link for more infomation about his family]

29 Jan 1711/2 - James the son of Robert & Charity TUCKER Xtned aged nine years borne 6 September 1703 (PR)

29 Jan 1711/2 - Sarah the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth TUCKER Xtned (PR)

30 Jan 1711/2 - Mary the daughter of William & Frances LOCK Xtned (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]


30 Apr 1712 - Mary the base daughter of Wm [William] & Mary HAYWARD was baptised (was born - 27th April 1712)

20 Jul 1712 - Elizabeth the daughter of George (& Ann BATT Xtned ) (PR)

20 Jul 1712 - Mary the daughter of Robert & Charity TUCKER christened then aged 14 she was born December 15 1693. (PR mainly illegible)

21 Aug 1712 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Sarah NORRIS christened (PR mainly illegible)

28 Sep 1712 - Robert the son of John INSER (or ENSOR) & Hanah his wife was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John ENSOR to Hannah LOCK at Bradford Peverell Dorset on 03 Oct 1709]

10 Dec 1712 - William the son of John & Chriatian SWEET was Xtned (PR)

18 Dec 1712 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Mary GAWLER was Xtned (PR)

19 Jan 1712/3 - George the son of William & Mary HILLARD was Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 25 Jan 1712/13]


02 Apr 1713 - Danile [Daniel] the son of Rob: [Robert] & Charity TUCKER Xtned being near 12 years old when Xtned (PR)

02 Apr 1713 - Robert the son of Robert & Elizabeth TUCKER Xtned (PR)

10 Apr 1713 - Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel & Joan HELLARD Xtned (PR)

19 May 1713 - Samuel the son of Samuel & Mary STANDING (sic) was Xtned (PR)

23 May 1713 - Henry the son of James & Mary SHORTO was Xtned (PR)

13 Sep 1713 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Susanah WHITE was Xtned (PR)

17 Sep 1713 - Edeth ye daughter of William & Mary BARTLETT was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 3rd child of the butcher William BARTLETT (bur. 1741/2) by his wife Mary Unknown. Edith Bartlett later married William STYLE at St Georges Church in fordington on 29th July 1741. Edeth has an older brother William BARTLETT bap AllSts 3rd Jan 1711/12. their father was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 10th Feb 1741/2 and left a Will in which both her brother and herself are left 1 shilling each with the rest to their mother Mary. ]

17 Nov 1713 - Margret ye daughter of John & Elizabeth BARTLET was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Elizabeth CRIMBLE at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 19th Oct 1712 - also buried as 13 Apr 1714]

30 Nov 1713 - Mary the daughter of Danile & Sarah GLISSON was Xtned (PR)

23 Dec 1713 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Lucya IRONSIDE was Xtned (PR)

28 Dec 1713 - Richard the son of Robert VOSS & Rebecca his wife was Xtned (PR)

06 Jan 1713/4 - William the son of William & Frances LOCK was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 4th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707 - IGI also has death as 16 Sep 1716]

23 Jan 1713/4 - John the son of John & Hannah BRINE was Xtned (PR)

26 Jan 1713/4 - Sarah the daughter of George BATT & Ann his wife was Xtned (PR)


31 Mar 1714 - Amey daughter of John & Amey SHERINGTON Xtned (PR)

15 Aug 1714 - Deborah ye daughter Joseph & Hannah NEWCOMB Xtned (PR)

22 Aug 1714 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John & Elizabeth ANDREWS Xtned (PR)

30 Oct 1714 - George the son of Hannah BERY Xtned (PR)

28 Nov 1714 - Edward the son of Thomas & Ann VOSS Xtned (PR)

04 Jan 1714/5 - Thomasin ye daughter of Phuilip & Susana HUTCHENS the younger Xtned (PR)

10 Jan 1714/5 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Roger & Elizabeth SCAMELL Xtned (PR) 1714/15 (PR)

20 Jan 1714/5 - Martha ye daughter of George & Elizabeth FFOY Xtned (PR)

07 Feb 1714/5 - Elizabeth the daughter of Morrice GAUNTLET Xtned (PR)


25 Mar 1715 - Mary & Elizabeth ye daughters of James & Mary SHORTO Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has Mary's death as 17 Feb 1716/17. Elizabeth SHORTO (1715-1765) married Edmund BOWER at St Georges Church in Fordington on 26th Jan 1740/1 ]

25 Mar 1715 - Richard the sonn of Mary GILLET otherwise OXON Xtned (PR)

29 Mar 1715 - Richard the son of Thomas & Ann LOCKET Xtned (PR)

17 Apr 1715 - Sarah the daughter of John & Joan SERILL Xtned (PR)

01 May 1715 - Henry the son of Robert & Rebecka VOSS Xtned (PR)

12 May 1715 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Lucya IRONSIDE Xtned (PR)

12 Jun 1715 - William the son of Mary TILLAR Xtned (PR)

31 Jul 1715 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Mary MIDLETON Xtned (PR)

07 Aug 1715 - Mary the daughter of John & Christian SWEET Xtned (PR)

01 Nov 1715 - Robert the son of Joseph & (omitted) BELLBINE christened (PR)

20 Nov 1715 - Ann the daughter of Richard & Joane GILLET Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 27 Nov 1715]

04 Dec 1715 - Joseph the son of Robert & Elizabeth TUCKER Xtned (PR)

13 Dec 1715 - William and Sarah the son and daughter of Thomas & Sarah NORISE [NORRIS] Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death of Sarah as 23 Mar 1715/16]

23 Feb 1715/6 - Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. Joseph & Elizabeth GIGGER Xtned (PR) [Note:- 4th child of the marriage of Joseph GIGGER of Dorchester to Elizabeth CHALDECUT of Hilton at Blandford St Mary on 25th June 1704]

26 Feb 1715/6 - Mary the daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS Xtned (PR)


02 Apr 1716 - Edeth the daughter of Robert & Susana WHITE was Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 16 Dec 1716]

04 Apr 1716 - Clement the son of John & Hanah BRINE was Xtned (PR)

08 Apr 1716 - William the son of George & Mary LIMBEY was Xtned (PR)

14 Jun 1716 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY Xtned (PR)

19 Aug 1716 - Ann the daughter of William & Ffrances LOCK was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 5th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707 - IGI also has death as 16 Sep 1716 - IGI also has death as 11 Sep 1716]

27 Sep 1716 - John the son of John & Elizabeth ANDREWS Xtned (PR)

11 Nov 1716 - Joseph & Benjamin the sons of Robert & Rebecka VOSS [Note:- IGI also has death of Joseph as 27 Dec 1718]

13 Nov 1716 - Robert ye son of Robert & Elizabeth EDWARDS Xtned (PR) [Note:- out of date order at the end of the page in PR]

22 Nov 1716 - Samuel the son of William & Charity TUCKER Xtned aged 5 years (PR)

31 Jan 1716/7 - William the son of John & Honner JEFERYS Xtned (PR)

05 Feb 1716/7 - Margery the daughter of James & Mary SHORTO Xtned (PR)

10 Mar 1716/7 - John the son of Mary POUNT Xtned (PR)


01 Apr 1717 - James Dennell GAYLARD son of James & Mary GAYLARD Xtned (PR)

05 May 1717 - Mary ye daughter of James & Elizabeth TOGOOD Xtned (PR)

09 Jun 1717 - John the son of Thomas & Mary MIDLETON Xtned (PR)

12 Jul7 1717 - William the son of William & Mary HELLARD Xtned (PR)

04 Sep 1717 - Sarah the daughter of William & Frances LOCK Xtned (PR) [Note:- 6th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

17 Sep 1717 - Harry the son of Emmanule CHIPMAN & Sarah CHIPMAN Xtned (PR)

15 Dec 1717 - David Penroy ye son of Jane WHITE Xtned (PR) [Note:- Penroy may be the surname of the father]

19 Dec 1717 - John the son of Phillep & Mary ELLIOT Xtned or baptized (PR)

21 Dec 1717 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY Xtned (PR)

25 Dec 1717 - Ffry CROSBY ye daughter of Robert & Ann CROSBY Xtned (PR)

23 Jan 1717/8 - James the son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS Xtned (PR)

22 Jan 1717/8 - William the son of Richard & Hanah SIMES Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 26 Jun 1724]

24 Jan 1717/8 - Tomazin the daughter of William & Thomazin GRAY Xtned (PR)

16 Feb 1717/8 - Betty the daughter of John & Martha REYNHOLDS Xtned (PR)

16 Mar 1717/8 - John the son of John & Amey SHERINGTON borne 16 March (PR)


27 Mar 1718 - William the son of Thomas & Ann LOCKET Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 16 Nov 1718]

24 Apr 1718 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Hannah BRINE Xtned (PR)

12 May 1718 - John the son of John & Christian SWEET borne & Xtned (PR)

01 Aug 1718 - John the of Philip & Susanah HUTCHINS Xtned (PR)

17 Aug 1718 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Rebecca WIMBOURNE Xtned (PR)

19 Aug 1718 - John the son of George & Ebett BARTLETT Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of George BARTLETT to Ebett HURMAGE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1717]

02 Oct 1718 - James the son of Henry & Elizabeth LOCK Xtned (PR)

01 Jan 1718/9 - John the son of Robert & Elizabeth TUCKER Xtned (PR)

18 Feb 1718/9 - John the son of John & Houner JEFFERYS Xtned (PR)


28 Apr 1719 - Elener the daughter of Richard & Sarah CONDUIT Xtned (PR)

03 Jun 1719 - Ann the daughter of William & Ffrances LOCK Xtned (PR) [Note:- 7th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

26 Jul 1719 - John the son of John & Rose DUDLEY Xtned (PR)

05 Aug 1719 - John the son of Zechariah & Mary NELSON Xtned (PR) (Note:- by Rev RG Bartelot - For earlier NELSONs see Frampton where Zachery Nelson was Cromwellian preacher 1650) [Note:- 1st child from trhe marriage of Zecharaiah NELSON to Mary HARDY on 25th Sep 1718]

13 Aug 1719 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Mary LIMBEY Xtned (PR)

18 Aug 1719 - Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. John & Martha NELSON Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John NELSON to Martha ARDEN at Hammoon in Dorset on 22nd Sep 1718]

19 Aug 1719 - Richard the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY Xtned (PR part illegible)

03 Sep 1719 - Ann the daughter of Charles & Rebecca YOUNG Xtned (PR)

27 Sep 1719 - Martha the daughter of Samuel & Elener HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Oct 1719]

08 Oct 1719 - Robert the son of Henry & John CREECH Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 Dec 1719]

16 Oct 1719 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Sarah NORRIS Xtned (PR)

20 Oct 1719 - Mary the daughter of John & Elizabeth ANDREWS Xtned (PR)

26 Oct 1719 - Mary the daughter of Samuel & Mary GRIFFEN Xtned (PR)

03 Nov 1719 - Hanah the daughter of Richard & Hanah COWARD Xtned (PR)

25 Nov 1719 - John the son of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY Xtned (PR)

03 Dec 1719 - John the son of John & Mary BASSETT Xtned (PR)

04 Dec 1719 - Elizabeth the daughter of William & Mary HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 6 Sep 1722]

23 Dec 1719 - Mary the daughter of John & Ann LILLY Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7]

05 Jan 1719/20 - Temperence the daughter of William & Mary RODGERS Xtned (PR)

11 Jan 1719/20 - Mary the daughter of James & Mary SHORTO Xtned (PR) (Note:- by Rev RG Bartelot " The Shorto family were brewers. To them succeeded the Bower & Eldridge families)


11 Apr 1720 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Philip & Mary ELLIOTT Xtned (PR)

01 May 1720 - William the son of William & Thomasan GREY Xtned (PR)

08 Jun 1720 - Hester the daughter of William & Frances LOCK Xtned (PR) [Note:- 8th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

26 Jun 1720 - John the son of John & Sarah PARSONS Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Jul 1724]

10 Jul 1720 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Mary BUSHROD Xtned (PR)

28 Jul 1720 - Thomas the son of William & Margaret HOLT Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Sep 1720]

31 Jul 1720 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Mary HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 11 Feb 1721/22]

17 Aug 1720 - Claule (i.e. Clavell) the son of John & Amey SHERINGTON Xtned (PR)

28 Aug 1720 - Barborah [Barbara] the daughter of George & Ebbe BARTLETT Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of George BARTLETT to Ebett HURMAGE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1717]

13 Sep 1720 - Elizabeth the daughter of James & Mary BRITON Xtned (PR)

09 Oct 1720 - Zechery the son of Zachariah & Mary NELSON Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from trhe marriage of Zecharaiah NELSON to Mary HARDY on 25th Sep 1718]

20 Oct 1720 - Richard CONDUIT the son of Richard & Sarah Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 29 Sep 1723]

02 Nov 1720 - Nathanael the son of John & Hannah BRINE Xtned (PR)

25 Dec 1720 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard & Judith WARREN Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard WARREN (1696-1773) to Judith FOY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1719/20 - Elizabeth was buried All Saints Church 22nd Jan 1723/4 ]

29 Dec 1720 - Thomas the son of Henry & Joan CREECH Xtned (PR)

06 Jan 1720/1 - Tamazin the daughter of Philip & Susanah HUTCHINS Xtned (PR)

19 Jan 1720/1 - Edward the son of Samuell & Elenar HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Sep 1723]

25 Jan 1720/1 - John the son of Mr. John & Peneopy FFURLONG Xtned (PR)

03 Feb 1720/1 - Mary the daughter of William & Mary HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Nov 1721]

05 Mar 1720/1 -John the son of Samule & Susannah BEDLOE Xtned (PR)


30 Mar 1721 - George the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY Xtned (PR)

11 Apr 1721 - Mary the daughter of John & Houner JEFERYS Xtned (PR)

13 Apr 1721 - Edeth ye daughter of Thomas & Rebecca WIMBOURNE Xtned (PR)

17 Apr 1721 - Philip the son of Philip & Mary ELIOTT Xtned (PR)

13 Jun 1721 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Mary GAPE baptised (PR illegible)

28 Jun 1721 - John the son of Richard & Mary ROSE was Xtned (PR) [Note 1st child from marriage of Richard ROSE to Mary Tuexbury in Holy Trinity church Dorchester 18 aug 1720]

19 July 1721 - Mary the daughter of Edward & Jane HELLARD Xtned (PR)

24 Aug 1721 - John the son of William & Tamazin GRAY Xtned (PR)

14 Sep 1721 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI has death as 1 Jun 1724]

05 Oct 1721 - Mary the daughter of the Reverend John NELSON & Martha his wife was christened (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John NELSON to Martha ARDEN at Hammoon in Dorset on 22nd Sep 1718]

26 Oct 1721 - Richard the son of Richard & Hanah SIMES Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Aug 1724]

08 Nov 1721 - William the son Henry & Elizabeth LOCK Xtned (PR)

06 Dec 1721 - Robert ye son of Robert & Elizabeth HELLARD Xtned (PR)

03 Jan 1721/2 - Ann the daughter of John & Ann LILLY Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7 - Ann was buried at All Saints on 2nd July 1725]

02 Feb 1721/2 - William son of John MEADER Xtned (PR)

12 Mar 1721/2 - John the son of Henery & Elizabeth LOCK


27 Mar 1722 - Edith ye daughter of Robert & Mary WHITE Xtned (PR)

12 Apr 1722 - William the son of John & Mary EDWARDS 'was baptised'(PR)

08 May 1722 - Steven ye son of Mr. Steven & Judith WATERHOUSE (WATERMAN first written) was Xtned (PR)

17 May 1722 - Edward ye son of Henry & Joan CREECH was Xtned (PR)

01 Jun 1722 - William ye son of John & Susana HEWLET Xtned (borne May ye 12th) (PR)

06 Jun 1722 - William the son of William & Ffrances LOCK Xtned (PR) [Note:- 9th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707 - IGI also has death as 10 Sep 1723]

15 Jun 1722 - Mary the daughter of Joseph BISHOP Xtned (PR) [Note:- She married Charles PITFIELD (1723-1801) at St Georges Church Fordington on 5th Oct 1746]

05 Nov 1722 - Sarah ye daughter of John & Sarah PARSONS Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 15 Nov 1723]

15 Nov 1722 - Richard ye son of Richard & Mary HOPKINS Xtned (PR)

20 Nov 1722 - Mary the daughter of George LIMBEY Xtned (PR)

12 Dec 1722 - John ye son of Gaberill (Gaberile) & Ann GOULD Xtned (PR)

20 Feb 1722/3 - Charles the son of Mr. William CHURCHILL Xtned (PR) [Note:- Buried All Saints Church 16th Sep 1723, at burial his father called a Captain]

27 Feb 1722/3 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Mr. John & Penelopy FFURLONG was Xtned (PR)

28 Feb 1722/3 - Charles the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY was Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Sep 1723]

05 Mar 1722/3 - Edeth ye daughter of Samuel BEDLOE [& Susannah] Xtned (PR)


27 Mar 1723 - Samuel the son of Robert & Elizabeth EDWARDS Xtned (PR)

27 Mar 1723 - Elenar DUNFORD Xtned (PR)

31 Mar 1723 - Susanna ye daughter of John MEADER Xtned (PR)

04 Apr 1723 - Houner [Honour] ye daughter of John & Honr [Honour] JEFERYS Xtned (PR)

20 Apr 1723 - Danile [Daniel] ye son of Robert TUCKER Xtned being 1 year and halfe old (PR)

29 Apr 1723 - Simeon [Simon] ye son of Simeon & Hanah BURT Xtned (PR)

05 May 1723 - Dorithy ye daughter of James & Dorithy GAYLARD Xtned (PR)

24 May 1723 - Hanah the daughter of William & Mary HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 8 Feb 1730/31]

18 Jun 1723 - John the son of Richard & Hanah SIMES Xtned (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 14 Feb 1723/24]

08 Jul 1723 - Ann ye daughter of Stephen & Judith WATERHOUSE was Xtned (PR)

09 Jul 1723 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert & Elizabeth HELLARD Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death asn 24 Mar 1730/31]

19 Jul 1723 - Peter the son of Peter & Grace DAVIS was Xtned (PR)

19 Jul 1723 - Peter ye son of Samule & Grace CUTBREAD Xtned (PR) [Note:- buried AS 21st Juy 1723]

09 Aug 1723 - John ye son of John & Susanah HEWLET Xtned (PR)

17 Sep 1723 - Alce ye daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMY Xtned (PR) [Note IGI also has death as 7 Jun 1724 ]

27 Sep 1723 - Jane ye daughter of Edward & Jane HELLARD Xtned (PR)

21 Nov 1723 - Sarah the daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth FACEY Xtned (PR)

01 Jan 1723/4 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Samule & Elenor HELLARD Xtned (PR)

01 Jan 1723/4 - Haray [i.e. Harry] ye son of John & Ann LILLY Xtned (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7]

10 Jan 1723/4 - John ye son of Joseph & Mary BISHOP Xtned (PR)

26 Jan 1723/4 - Mary ye daughter of Philip & Mary ELIOTT Xtned (PR)

27 Jan 1723/4 - Mary ye daughter of John & Mary KEECH Xtned (PR)


01 Apr 1724 - Robert & Jane ye son and daughter of Robert & Mary WHITE Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 6 Apr 1724]

21 Apr 1724 - Ffrances ye daughter of Richard HOPKINS & Mary his wife Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Jun 1724]

18 Jun 1724 - Thomas ye son of John & Sarah SYMONS Xtned (PR)

10 July 1724 - Elizabeth ye daughter of George FFOY Xtned (PR)

12 July 1724 - Ann ye daughter of Andrew & Ann WEAK Xtned (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 23 Jul 1724]

20 Sep 1724 - Mary the daughter of Francis HAYDON was baptized (PR)

01 Oct 1724 - Richard the son of Richard & Dorothy SIMS was baptized (PR)

25 Nov 1724 - Robert the son of William & Frances LOCK was baptized (PR)[Note:- 10th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707 - IGI also has death as 10 Sep 1723]

21 Dec 1724 - Thomas son of Mr. Thomas & Martha PITTMAN [PITMAN] baptized (PR) [Note:- See Comments under Thomas Pitman the Younger (1696-1725)Capital Burgess, Bailiff and Mayor of Dorchester].

06 Jan 1724/5 - Marey the daughter of John & Susanah HULET baptised (PR)

15 Jan 1724/5 - Hannah the daughter of Richard & Hanna SIMS Xtned (PR)

22 Jan 1724/5 - John the son of Henrey & Betty JACOB was Xtned (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724. Their son John later married Rebecca the daughter of William & Elizabeth SPARKS in Stinsford on 8 Nov 1750]

25 Feb 1724/5 - Ann the daughter of Philip & Susanah HUTCHINS Xtned (PR)

02 Mar 1724/5 - Joseph the son of William & Mary RODGES [ROGERS] Xtned (PR)


25 Mar 1725 - The 3rd GREAT FIRE of Dorchester - Destroyed 57 Houses - [Link to more information]

26 Mar 1725 - Ann ye daughter of Thomas & Sarah NORAS was Xtned (PR)

28 Mar 1725 - William (illegible word?) BANKS (Note:- Unfinished entry in baptisms) (PR)

08 Apr 1725 - Marey the daffter [daughter] of John & Sarah PARSONS was Xtned (PR)

14 Apr 1725 - Elizabeth ye dafter [daughter] of Richard & Mary ROSE Xtned (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child of the marriage of Richard ROSE to Mary Tuexbury in Holy Trinity church Dorchester]

07 May 1725 - Samuel the son of James & Agnes FOY was baptised (PR)

20 May 1725 - Harbrt [Herbert] the son of John & Honour JAFFERIES [JEFERYS] was baptised (PR)

30 Jun 1725 - Ann the dafter [daughter] of Robert & Elizeberth [Elizabeth] HELERD was baptised (PR)

30 July 1725 - Henery the son of Henery &Elizeberth [Elizabeth] LOCK was baptised (PR)

01 Aug 1725 - Marey the dafter [daughter] of William & Jean CHICK of the parish of St Peters was baptised (PR)

27 Aug 1725 - Betey the dafter [daughter] of Richard & Judy WOREN [WARREN] was baptised (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard WARREN (1696-1773) to Judith FOY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1719/20]

17 Sep 1725 - James the son of Thomas & Sarah EVOMEY [EVOMY] was baptised (PR)[Note:- IGI also has death as 12 Sep 1734]

23 Sep 1725 - Joshua the son of John & Sarah SIMENTS was baptised (PR)

06 Oct 1725 - Andrew the son of Andrew & Ann WEAK was baptised (PR)

10 Oct 1725 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Rebecca WIMBERN was baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried All Saints Dorchester 14th Oct 1725]

27 Oct 1725 - George the son of Daniel & Ann TUCKER was baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Daniel TUCKER to Ann WHITE at All Saints church in Dorchester on 18th Jan 1824/5. George died and was buried there 4th Jan 1727/8]

05 Nov 1725 - Susannah the dafter [daughter] of James & Ann CROS of Teverton was baptised (PR) [Note:- another baptism 23 Mar 1727/8 surname may be CROIX or CRUWYS or CROSS]

04 Dec 1725 - Dorethey [Dorothy] the dafter [daughter] of George & Mary LIMBERYwas baptised (PR)

17 Jan 1725/6 - John the son of Joseph & Marey BISHOP was baptised (PR)

21 Jan 1725/6 - John the son of John & Eamey ROGERS was baptised (PR)

23 Jan 1725/6 - James the son of John & Marey KEECH was baptised (PR)

24 Jan 1725/6 - George the son of Richard & Dorithy SIMES [SIMS] was baptised (PR)

03 Mar 1725/6 - John the son of Samuel & Elizeberth [Elizabeth] FEASEY was baptised (PR)

08 Mar 1725/6 - Elizabeth the dafter [daughter] of Samuel BEDLO & Susana was baptised (PR)


27 Mar 1726 - Henery the son of Henery & Elizebeth JACOB was baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724].

05 Apr 1726 - Marey the dafter [daughter] of Thomas & Elizeberth [Elizabeth] HOPPEN was baptised (PR)

15 Apr 1726 - Robert the son of Philop [Philip] & Marey ELIOT [ELLIOT] was baptised (PR)

16 Apr 1726 - Steven the son of Francies & Elizabeth HAYDON was baptised (PR)

18 Apr 1726 - Mary ye daughter of John & Martha NELSON was baptised (PR)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John NELSON to Martha ARDEN at Hammoon in Dorset on 22nd Sep 1718]

25 Apr 1726 - Thomas Mullet the son of Thomas & Mary STANDISH was baptised (PR)

02 Jun 1726 - John the son of John & Ann LILLEY [i.e. LILLY] was baptised (PR)[ Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7 - IGI also has death as 6 Feb 1730]

16 Jun 1726 - Elizabeth the daughter of Edward & Jane HELLARD was baptised (PR partly illegible)

09 Aug 1726 - Robert the son of Robert & Mary WHITE was baptised (PR)

22 Sep 1726 - Thomas ye son of Richard & Frances HOPKINS baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 19 May 1730]

02 Oct 1726 - John ye son of Aughter (Arthur) & Dorthy HAVILEN baptised (PR)

23 Oct 1726 - Samuill [Samuel] the son of Samuel & Elener HELERD was baptised (PR)

30 Oct 1726 - Hester the daughter of William & Ann PITFULL [i.e. PITFIELD] baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William PITFIELD to Ann UPSEL at All Saints Church Dorchester 2nd Feb 1725/6]

16 Dec 1726 - Robert the son of John & Margett [Margaret] INGRUM [INGRAM] baptised (PR)

20 Jan 1726/7 - Judeth the daughter of James & Ageness [Agnes] FOY baptised (PR)

?? Feb 1726/7 - Richerd [Richard] the son of Jushua & Elizabeth BRUCKS [BROOKS] baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Joshua BROOKS of Dorchester to Batteris RICKETTS of Portesham at Loders on 16th Jan 1717]


15 Apr 1727 - John the son of Richard & Hanah SIMES baptised (PR)

19 Apr 1727 - Marey the daughter of Richard & Mary ROES [ROSE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of the marriage of Richard ROSE to mary Tuexbury in Holy Trinity church Dorchester 18 Aug 1720]

03 Jun 1727 - Susanah the daughter of Richard & Dorothy SIMES baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Feb 1728/29]

11 Jun 1727 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Sarah NORES [NORRIS] baptised (PR)

12 Jun 1727 - John the son of Samuel & Susanah BEDLO baptised (PR)

13 Jun 1727 - Robert the son of James & Dorothy GAYLORD [GAYLARD] baptised (PR)

23 Jun 1727 - Honour the daughter of John & Honnor JAFFERY baptised (PR)

10 Aug 1727 - Elizeberth [Elizabeth] the daughter of Thomas & Eliezeb: [Elizabeth] HOPPEN baptised (PR)

10 Aug 1727 - Susanna the daughter of William & Susanna BOWLES baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI has an additional alternative surname of BOWLER]

17 Aug 1727 - Marey the daughter of William & Elizeb: Elizabeth HARIES baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 31 Dec 1727]

25 Aug 1727 - Marey the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMEY baptized (PR)

18 Oct 1727 - Marey the daughter of Richard and Elizeberth [Elizabeth] COBB baptized (PR)

15 Nov 1727 - Ann the daughter of George & Ebby BARTLET baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of George BARTLETT to Ebett HURMAGE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1717]

08 Dec 1727 - Susanna ye daughter of John & Mary RANDELL baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 20 Mar 1727/28]

28 Dec 1727 - Suanna ye daughter of William & Mary RODGER baptised (PR)

03 Jan 1727/8 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John & Mary SMITH baptised (PR)

05 Jan 1727/8 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Francis & Elizabeth HAIDEN [or HAYDEN] baptised (PR)

10 Jan 1727/8 - Betty ye daughter of Henery & Elizabeth JACOB baptised (PR)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724].

23 Jan 1727/8 - Batterice ye daughter of Jushua & Elizabeth BRUCKS [BROOKS] baptised [Note:- IGI incorrectly has BRUCKS as surname][Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Joshua BROOKS of Dorchester to Batteris RICKETTS of Portesham at Loders on 16th Jan 1717 - Batterice was buried at All Saints on 1st Feb 1727/8 ]

02 Mar 1727/8 - William the son of Thomas & Margaret LINNINGTON baptised (PR) [Note:- Thomas LINNINGTON married Margaret SYMMONDS of St James Westminster in London on 22 Aug 1725 see Strays file]

05 Mar 1727/8 - Margaret the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth HELERD baptised (PR partly illegible)

17 Mar 1727/8 - William the son of Henry & Joan CRICH [i.e. CREECH] baptised (PR mainly illegible)

23 Mar 1727/8 - William the son of James and Ann CROIX of Teverton (CRUWYS ?) (PR only "son of James & Ann CROS" legible)


12 Apr 1728 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Mary STANDISH baptized (PR)

12 Apr 1728 - Sarah the daughter of Joseph & Mary BISHOP baptized (PR)

03 May 1728 - Marey the daughter of Joseph & Marey TUCKER baptized (PR)[Note:- IGI also has death as 29 may 1730]

03 Jun 1728 - Robert the son of Richard & Greas [Grace] STIVENS [STEVENS] baptized (PR)

10 Jun 1728 - Jean the daughter of James & Mary HUNTE baptized (PR) [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of James HUNT (1724-1773) who married Mary ROGERS (d.1764) at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 6th May 1744 ]

09 Jul 1728 - William the son of Richard & Frances HOPKINS baptized (PR)

22 Jul 1728 - George Lock the son of George & Elizabeth FOY baptized (PR)

23 Jul 1728 - John the son of Gabril & Martha GOULD baptized (PR)

01 Aug 1728 - Ann the daughter of John & Ann LELLEY [i.e. LILLY] baptized (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7]

14 Aug 1728 - Charles the son of John & Barbra HOLTE baptized (PR)

    NOTE:- Not so far located marriage of John & Barbara HOLT but know of 5 children all bap All Saints:- (1) Charles bap 14th Aug 1728 (2) Thomas bap 16th Nov 1730 & buried 4th April 1731 (3) John bap 30th Jan 1731/2 & buried 22nd Feb 1731/2 (4) Ann bap 15th May 1733 (5) Barbarah bap 17th June 1735 & buried 18th Aug 1737. John HOLT buried All Saints Dorchester 25th May 1746 see letter of administration for his estate granted to his principal creditor Thomas LODER who also died and administration then granted 9th Nov 1747 to Thomas LODER's brother Robert LODER Gent for £100+ of beer and malt then is the possession of his widow Barbara. She was buried All Saints 19th April 1748]

09 Sep 1728 - Edeth the daughter of Daniel & Ann TUCKER baptized (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Daniel TUCKER to Ann WHITE at All Saints church in Dorchester on 18th Jan 1824/5 ]

17 Oct 1728 - Sarah the daughter of Edward & Jane HELERD baptized (PR)

20 Oct 1728 - John the son of William & Elizabeth HARIES baptized (PR)

05 Nov 1728 - Betey the daughter of Sanmuel & Elizabeth FEASEY baptized (PR)

08 Nov 1728 - John the son of Samuel & Joan HELERD baptized (PR)

08 Dec 1728 - John the son of Thomas & Ann GRITTEN baptized (PR)

28 Dec 1728 - Martha the daughter of Samuel & Elener HELERD baptized (PR)

21 Jan 1728/9 - Sarah the daughter of After (Sic) [query Arthur?] & Dorithy HAVILAN baptized (PR surname HAVLA?]) [ Note:- IGI also has death as 1 Feb 1730/31]

29 Jan 1728/9 - Sarah the daughter of William & Tamsen GRAY baptized (PR)

20 Feb 1728/9 - Ebenezer the son of Joshua & Beateras BROOKS baptized (PR)[Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Joshua BROOKS of Dorchester to Batteris RICKETTS of Portesham at Loders on 16th Jan 1717]

04 Mar 1728/9 - Tom Brag the son of Hanah BEREY (or BRAY) baptized (PR)


12 Sep 1729 - Martha the daughter of John & Rachel COOL baptized (PR - out of date order in PR - last on page)

25 Sep 1729 - Nathaniel the son of Frances [i.e. Francis] & Elizeb: [Elizabeth] HAYDON baptized (PR)

27 Sep 1729 - John the son of John & Mary SMITH baptized (PR)[Note:- Buried at All Saints 21 Jul 1730]

23 Oct 1729 - Susanah the daughter of John & Susanah HULET baptized (PR)

19 Nov 1729 - Dorithey the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMEY baptized (PR)[Note:- IGI also has death as 16 Sep 1732]

30 Nov 1729 - John the son of Thomas & Sarah NORIES [or NORRIS] baptized (PR)

05 Jan 1729/30 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Elizabeth HOPPEN baptized (PR)

11 Jan 1729/30 - Marey the daughter of Joseph & Marey SOUFELL [i.e. SWAFFIELD] baptized (PR)

18 Jan 1729/30 - William Vie the son of Sarah RENDEL baptized (PR)

12 Feb 1729/30 - Thomas DUNFORD aleas [alias] WATS baptized (PR)

12 Mar 1729/30 - John the son of Henery & Elizabeth LOCK baptized (PR)


28 Mar 1730 - Mary the daughter of Richard & Francis [i.e. Frances] HOPKINS baptised (PR)

13 Apr 1730 - William the son of William & Alcs BANKES baptised (PR)

16 Apr 1730 - Susanah the daughter of John & Sarah PARSONS baptised (PR)

19 Apr 1730 - Thomas the son of John & Amey ROGES [ROGERS] baptised (PR)

20 Apr 1730 - John the son of Samuel & Elizabeth TOMSON baptised (PR)

11 May 1730 - Elizabeth the daughter of Joshua & Beatris BROOKS baptised (PR) [Note:- 9th and last child from the marriage of Joshua BROOKS of Dorchester to Batteris RICKETTS of Portesham at Loders on 16th Jan 1717]

29 July 1730 - Ann the daughter of James & Ann CROS baptised (PR)

09 Aug 1730 - Ann the daughter of Edward & Jane HELARD baptised (PR)

15 Aug 1730 - William the son of William & Elizabeth CLEAR baptised (PR)

17 Aug 1730 - John the son of John & Elizabeth PING baptised (PR)

14 Oct 1730 - Sarah the daughter of James & Dorithy GAILERD [or GAYLARD] baptized (PR)

27 Oct 1730 - Hanah the daughter of Samuel & Jean HELERD baptized (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 18 Mar 1735/36]

02 Nov 1730 - Nickloss [Nicholas] the son of Nickloss [Nicholas] & Susanah LUNT [query HUNT] baptized (PR)

02 Nov 1730 - William the son of James & Ann STANDISH baptised (PR)

16 Nov 1730 - Thomas the son of John & Barbra HOLT baptized (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 4 Apr 1731 - See comments about this family at baptism of their eldest known child Charles Christopher at All Saints Church dorchester on 14th aug 1728]

13 Jan 1730/1 - Mary the daughter of After [query Arthur] & Dorithy HAVALAND baptized (PR)


30 Mar 1731 - Will [William] the son of William & Marey ROGES baptised (PR)

12 May 1731 - William the son of William & Ann HAYDON baptised (PR)

19 May 1731 - John the son of John & Mary SMITH baptised (PR)

28 July 1731 - Rebecah the daughter of John & Joan HELERD baptised (PR)

31 July 1731 - Jacob the son of William & Alcs BANKS baptised (PR partly illegible)

01 Aug 1731 - Henery the son of James & Jean HONT baptised (PR)

16 Nov 1731 - Marey the daughter of Gabril & Mary GOULD baptised (sic) (PR)

24 Nov 1731 - Henery the son of Henry & Elizabeth JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724].

02 Dec 1731 - William the son of William & Elizabeth FAR (or FARR or PAR) baptised (PR)

02 Dec 1731 - John the son of Richard & Sarah PROUES [i.e. PROUSE or PROWSE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard PROWSE (1688-1779) to Sarah WHITE at St Peters church Dorchester on 16th April 1731]

27 Jan 1731/2 - Philip the son of William & Mary CLEAR baptised (PR)

30 Jan 1731/2 - John the son of John & Barbra HOLT baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI also has death as 22 Feb 1731/32 - See comments about this family at baptism of their eldest known child Charles Christopher at All Saints Church dorchester on 14th aug 1728]]

09 Feb 1731/2 - William the son of John & Ann ANDRIS baptised (PR) [Note:- IGI has ANDRES as surname]

29 Feb 1731/2 - Mary LONG aged near 3 scoar [i.e.score] was baptised (PR) [i.e. 60 years old]

01 Mar 1731/2 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard & Hanah SIMES baptised (PR)

02 Mar 1731/2 - Richard the son of Richard & Elizabeth COOL baptised (PR)

02 Mar 1731/2 - John the son of Thomas & Sarah NORRIS baptised (PR)


03 Apr 1732 - Edward the son of Edward & Ursilo [Usrula] CUSENES [COZENS or COSENS] baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Revd Edward COZENS (1690-1753), Master of the free school in Dorchester to his wife Ursula]

09 Apr 1732 - [omitted] the son of Thomas & Ann GRITTEN baptised (PR)

18 Apr 1732 - Edeth the daughter of Samuel & Elener HELLERD baptised (PR)

21 Apr 1732 - Sarah the daughter of John & Sarah PARSONS baptised (PR)

22 May 1732 - Ann the daughter of John & Mary TUCKER born baptised June 21st (PR)

11 Jun 1732 - Mary the daughter of John & Mary LEAN of the parish of St Peters baptised (PR)

22 July 1732 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Ann LILEY [i.e. LILLY] baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7. Elizabeth was buried 20th June 1732 so there is a clerical error in either her baptism or burial month. We know she did not survive because she is not mentioned in her fathers Will]

10 Oct 1732 - Mary the daughter of William & Mary TUCKER baptised (PR)

28 Nov 1732 - Margery the daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth CORPP of Blandford baptised (PR)

24 Dec 1732 - Ann the daughter of William & Alcs BANKES baptised (PR)

04 Jan 1732/3 - Samuel the son of Samuel & Jean HELERD baptised  (PR)

01 Feb 1732/3 - Ann the daughter of John & Mary SMITH baptised (PR)

06 Mar 1732/3 - Samuel the son of Samuel & Ann CROS of Tiverton baptised (PR)

?? Mar 1732/3 - William & Mary children of William & Mary ROGER baptised (PR)

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