NOTE:- These records are in poor condition, the ink has bled through the paper, the style of script used, the use of roman numerals, and abbreviation all combine to make accurate transcription very difficult. Wherever possible the original registers should be consulted.
Images of the Parish register (PR) are now (Oct 2011) available on to members, but many of the names have been indexed differently. Because of the difficulty in getting an accurate transcription I have cross referenced to other records such as marriages and baptisms as I have become aware of them
Sepultura: [Buried] : The names of such as have bene [been] buried wthin [within] the pishe [parish] of the Holy Trinity in Dorchester sithence [since] ye yeare of or [Our] Lord God 1559 & 1560 Some burials prior to the start of parish registers at Holy Trinity Church can be identified from Wills that survive and have been listed below:- About July 1421 - Robert GRENELEFE - See Charter 364 - In his will dated 4th Mar 1420 and proved 4th Aug 1421 "my body to be buried in the church or churchyard of the church of Holy Trinity". About Aug 1431 - Alice CHRYELL or CHYRYELL [CHURCHILL] - See Charter 469 - In her Will dated 20th Aug 1431 " my body to be buried in the cemetery of Holy Trinity Dorchester" About Aug 1432/3 - Agnes NAGARD - See Charter 459 - In her Will dated 20th Aug 1432 "I bequeath my body to be buried in the church of Holy Trinity Dorchester" - According to John Huitchins page 390 she was the wife of William NAGARD About Aug 1435/6 - Thomas BUDDE [BUDD] -See charter 473 - In his Will dated 17th Aug 1435 "my body to be buried in the church of Holy Trinity Dorchester" About Apr 1441 - Philip HELYER [HELLIER] - See Charter 487 - In his Will dated 6th Apr 1441 "my body to be buried in the cemetery of Holy Trinity, Dorchester" About Nov 1441 - Thomas WARYN [WARREN] Clerk - See Charter 492 and transcription of his will given on page 393 of John Hutchins "The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset" - In his Will dated Wednesday next before the feast of All Saints [1st Nov] 1441 - Thomas WARYN Rector of Holy Trinity - "and my body to be buried in the church aforesaid before the image of Holy Trinity". About Oct 1452 - John GERRELL - See Charter 496 - In his Will dated 4th Oct 1452 "my body to be buried in the cemetery of Holy Trinity of Dorchester" About Apr 1483 - Roger ARTURE - In his Will dated 16th Apr 1483 "my body to be buried in the cemetery of Holy Trinity Dorchester" About Sep 1500 - John MARTYN - See Charter 551 - In his Will dated 17 Sep 1500 "my body to be buried in the church of Holy Trinity Dorchester-" |
30 Jan 1559/60 | Joane | DENNIS | Jaone [Joane] the daughter of Jhon [John] DENNIS was buried the xxxth [30th] day of January 1559. [Note:- Also recorded as such in Source Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1893 Volume 3] |
13 Apr 1560 | Joane | GRAYSELL | Jhoane [Joan] the daughter of Peter GRAYSELL was buried the xiijth [13th] day of Aprill 1560 |
15 Apr 1560 | Mattlinge | WALES | Mattlinge WALES was buried the xvth [15th] day of Aprill |
20 Apr 1560 | Robert | WALES | Robert WALES was buried the xxth [20th] day of Aprill 1560 |
05 Jun 1560 | John | OSER? | Jhon [John] OSER [ESOR?] was buried the vth [5th] day of June 1560 |
08 Sep 1560 | John | WEAVE | Jhon [John] WEAVE was buried the viijth day of September |
13 Mar 1560/61 | Margaret | CORBIN | Margaret the wife of Richard CORBIN was buried the xxiijth [23rd] day of March 1560 [Note:- 1st wife of Richard CORBIN (d. 1587) Baker by trade and Burgess of Dorchester] |
07 Jun 1561 | Robert | BENVENEW | Robert BENVENEW [BENVENUE] the sonne of Nicholas BENVENEW was buried the Vijth [7th] day of June 1561 |
01 Aug 1561 | Elizabeth | HARRIS | Elizabeth the daughter of Jhon [John] HARRIS was buried the first day of August 1561 |
21 Aug 1561 | John | BENVENEW | Jhon [John] the sonne of Nicholas BENVENEW [BENVENUE] was buried the xxith [21st] day of August 1561 [Note:- Baptised Hioly Trinity Dorchester 3rd April 1559] |
13 Sep 1561 | William | SHERINGE ? | Jhon [John] the sonne of Willm [William] SHERINGE? was buried the xiijth [13th] day of September 1561 |
27 Jan 1561/2 | Thomas | BLUNDON | Thomas BLUNDON? was buried the xxvijth [27th] of January 1561 |
16 Feb 1561/2 | Francis [Frances] | GODSWILL | Ffrancis [Frances] GODSWILL widow was buried ye xvjth [16th] of Ffebruary 1561 |
07 May 1562 | Margaret | TERIN | Margaret the daughter of Christofer [Christopher] TERIN was buried the vijth [7th] day of May 1562 |
28 July 1562 | Robert | PALMER | Robert the sonne of Jhon [John] PALMER was buried the xxviijth [28th] of July 1562 [Note This is likely to have been another son of John & Marion Palmer - his father was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 23rd Apr 1573 and left a Will] |
03 Nov 1562 | Anglice | POLLARD | Anglice? POLLARD widow was buried the third day of November 1562 |
03 Nov 1562 | Margaret | HILLARY | Margaret HILLARY was buried the same day |
07 Nov 1562 | Margaret | LACY | Margaret the wife of Nicholas LACY was buried the Vijth [7th] day of November 1562 |
22 Dec 1562 | John | BERET | Jhon [John] BERET was buried the xxijth [22nd] of December 1562 |
22 Dec 1562 | John | JOINER [JOYNER] | Jhon [John] the sonne of Nicholas JOINER was buried the same day |
05 Jan 1562/3 | John | OLIVER | Jhon [John] OLIVER a poore man was buried the vth [5th] day of January 1562 [1562/3] |
17 Feb 1562/3 | Richard | PEERS | Richard PEERS was buried the xvijth [17th] day of FFebruary 1562 [1562/3] |
20 Mar 1562/3 | William | WOODMAN | Willm [William] the sonne of Sir Willm WOODMAN psor [pastor] of the Holy Trinity was buried ye xxth [20th] of March 1562 [1562/3] [note:- William was baptised at Holy Trinity on 14th Dec 1562] His father Rev. William WOODMAN was Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters church. |
10 May 1563 | Francis | MORE [MOORE] | Ffrancis MORE [MOORE] a poore man was buried the xth [10th] day of May 1563 |
05 July 1563 | Robert | EDWARDS | Robert the sonne of Thomas EDWARDES was buried the vith [5th] day of July 1563 |
27 July 1563 | Maude | SHERIN | Maude the wife of Willm [William] SHERIN [SHERRING] was buried the xxvijth [27th] day of July 1563. [Note:- Thier son John was baptised HT 1st Sep 1561] |
30th July 1563 | Elizabeth | HIBBEN | Elizabeth the daughter of Jhon [John] HIBBEN? was buried the xxxth [30th] of July 1563 |
21 Aug 1563 | Joane | HILLARD | Joane the daughter of Richard HILLARD was buried the xxith [21st] of August 1563 |
02 Sep 1563 | John | CORDIER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Jhon [John] CORDIER was buried the second of September 1563 |
03 Sep 1563 | Pinnell | CORDIER | Pinnell the wife of Jhon [John] CORDIER was buried on the third of September 1563 |
05 Sep 1563 | Thomas | CORDIER | Thomas the sonne of Jhon [John] CORDIER was buried on the fifth of September 1563 |
13 Sep 1563 | John | CORDIER | Jhon [John] CORDIER was buried the xiijth [13th] of September 1563 |
17 Sep 1563 | William | CORDIER | Willm [William] the sonne of Jhon [John] CORDIER was buried on the xvijth [17th] of September 1563 |
21 Sep 1563 | Rabage | SHEPHERD | Rabage the wife of Jhon [John] SHEPHD [SHEPHERD] was buried the xxjth [21st] of September 1563 |
21 Sep 1563 | John | SHEPHERD | Jhon [John] the sonne of Jhon [John] SHEPHDE [SHEPHERD] was buried the xxijth [22nd] September 1563 |
28 Sep 1563 | Gilmy? | JACKET | Gilmy? the daughter of Jhon [John] JACKET was buried the xxviijth [28th] of September 1563 |
02 Oct 1563 | Elizabeth | SHEPHERD | Elizabeth SHEPPD [SHEPHERD] was buried ye second of October [1563] |
05 Oct 1563 |
Richard | SHEPHERD | Richard SHEPPD [SHEPHERD] was buried the vth [5th] of October [1563] |
08 Nov 1563 | Giant | CAMICKE | Giant the sonne of Peter CAMICKE was bur [buried] the viijth [8th] November 1563 |
08 Nov 1563 | John | CAMICKE | Jhon [John] the sonne of the said Peter was buried ye same day [Note:- Baptised HT 23rd Jan 1560] |
10 Nov 1563 | Elizabeth | CAMICKE | Elizabeth the daughter of Peter CAMICKE was buried the xth day of November 1563 |
NOTE:_ Unfortunately most of the next section in the register is illegible and caution must be exercised over transcription. I can only make out a few words and possible entries which are listed below in case we can tie up with other events at a later date:- P------- ------- was buried the first of ---- Jhon [John] ---was buried the xjth [12th] of December [1563] Richard CORB [CORBIN?] [illegible word] the ??th day of January 1563 Jhon [John] GERED? was buried the xvth [15th] day of January 1563 [1563/4] Avis?? the wife of Philip? POLLARD? was buried the vijth? [7th] day of February [1563/4] 1564 - Nicholas GOTEN? was buried ----iijth [3rd?] Marche [1564] Walter? FFOORD? was buried ------ Marche [1564] April [1564] Joane WARDE? a younge childe? was buried -- of April 1564 July - [1564] Jhon [John] SWATEN??----was buried the xxijth [22nd] July [1564] Jhon [John] the sonne of Richard -----[was buryed] the xxvjth [26th] of ------ October [1564] Richard - was buried --- Wiillm [Willian] MARTIN was buried ---- [Note:- William son of William Martin baptised 21st Oct 1564 this might be the father?] 1565 - Oliver the sonne of Richard (surname obliterated) was [buryed] the xiijth June 1565 [Note:- the sonne of Richard COBBE baptised HT 13th June 1565] Pirnell? Frake? was buried the ----June --- Elisabet [Elizabeth] the daughter of (might be John Parnell?) James BELLER? -----day of July 1565 Jhon [John] ye sonne of N-----s (Nicholas) L? was buried xxvth [25th] of July [1565] [Note:- Likely to be John the son of Nicholas LACY baptised HT 24th Aug 1562] August [1565] Jhon [John] HO------ September [1565] illegible section Jane the daughter of Thomas ---was ------- Willm [William] ---- illegible section ----1565----- 2nd page:- Top section illegible Henry? the sonne of Gilberd SAMWAYES was buried the ---day of April 1566 Ch-------was buried the third of May 1566 Elizabeth?? daughter of Michel M-----[MUSSELL} was buried xixth [19th] October 1566 ---beth the daughter of Robert NOTTWAY? was buried ---Oct 1566---- John CORBEN Senior was buried the xxvjth [26th] October 1566 [Note:- John CORBIN Senior (c1495-1566) Bailiff of Dorchester] ---RICHIOLS? was buried the xth [10th] of November 1566 [Note:- May be the frenchman who married Jane BALLET at HT on 24-Sep 1565?] --- the daughter of Nicholas BLAKE was buried ----January 1566 [1566/7] ---Jhon [John] -----was buried the xiiijth [13th] ---- ---was buried last of March 1567 ---was buried the xth [10th] of June 1567 ---beth ----Jhon [John] FFOYE was buried the xxixth [29th] of --- Elizabeth ------was buried the viiijth [9th] of July -- Jhon [John] ye [son of] Jhon [John] WOODHONSE? was buried the xxijth [22nd] day of August 1567 Thomas the [son of] Thomas KINGSTON? was buried the xxiijth day of --- 1567 James the sonne of Willm [William] CORBIN was ---October 1567 [Note:- son of William CORBIN Baptised Holy Trinity church Dorchester 23rd Jan 1564] Agnes? daughter of Jhon [John] POLLARD was buried the xxiiijth [24th] of December? 1567 Willm [William] CORBIN was buried the xxyth [25th] of December [ William CORBIN was the son of John CORBIN Senior (c1495-1566) bailiff of Dorchester] ----Fflorence P---was buried the xxvith [26th] of December 1567
illegible section Willm [William] the sonne of Thomas HAGGARD was buried the xth [10th] July? 1568 |
20 Aug 1568 | Joane | CROMWELL | Joane the daughter of Henry CROMWELL was buried the xxth [20th] day of August 1568 |
22 Sep 1568 | Joane | RICKMAN | Joane the daughter of Thomas RICKMAN was buried the xxijth [22nd] of September 1568 |
04 Dec 1568 | Nicholas | COSIN | Nicholas COSIN was buried the iiijth [4th] of December 1568 |
09 Dec 1568 | Margery | BARRY | Margery BARRY was buried the ixth [9th] of December 1568 |
18 Jan 1568/9 | Nicholas | OLIVER | Nicholas the sonne of Richard OLIVER was buried the xviijth [18th] day of January 1568 |
19 Jan 1568/9 | Joane | KNIGHT | Joane the daughter of Jhon [John] KNIGHT was buried the xixth [19th] of January 1568 |
25 Jan 1568/9 | Colome | KNIGHTON | Colome the wife of Thomas KNIGHTON was buried the xxvth [25th] of January 1568 [Note:- Thomas KNIGHTON married Colome who was a Frenchwoman at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 14th Oct 1564] |
24 Apr 1569 | Thomas | STOYTE | Thomas STOYTE was buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of Aprill [1569] |
06 Jun 1569 | Maria | STONE | Maria STONE was buried the xjth [6th] of June 1569 |
06 Jun 1569 | John | BLICKE | Jhon [John] ye sonne of Nicholas BLICKE was buried ye same day |
12 Jun 1569 | Alice | HOOP | Alice HOOP was buryed the xijth [12th] of June 1569 |
13 Jun 1569 | Walter | CUTLER | Walter CUTLER was buried the xiijth [13th] of June 1569 |
14 Jun 1569 | Edith | CORBETT | Edith the daughter of Willm [William] CORBETT was buried the xiiijth [14th] of June 1569 |
15 Jun 1569 | Joane | DENNIS | Joane DENNIS was buried the xvth [15th] of June 1569 |
18 Jun 1569 | Joane | SANDERS | Joane the daughter of Willm [William] SANNDERS [SAUNDERS?] was buried the xviijth [18th] day of June 1569 |
04 Aug 1569 | Phillip (female) | SHEPPARD | Phillip the wife of Jhon [John] SHEPPARD was buried the iiijth [4th] day of August 1569 [Note:- John SHEPPARDE married Phillip [Phillipa] OVERY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 10-May 1568] |
08 Aug 1569 | Robert | CUTLER | Robert CUTLER was buried the eigth day of August 1569 |
03 Sep 1569 | Thomas | HAGGARD | Thomas HAGGARD was buried the third day of September 1569 |
18 Sep 1569 | Avis [or Anne] | SEBBINS | Avis? [or Anne] SEBBINS was buried the xviijth [18th] of September 1569 |
30 Sep 1569 | Thomas | WHICHORNE | Thomas WHICHORNE was buried the last day of September 1569 |
17 Mar 1569/70 | Nicholas | MANINGE | Nicholas MANINGE was buried the xvijth [17th] of March 1569 [1569/70] |
28 Mar 1570 | Dorothy | BOILAND | Dorothee [Dorothy] the daughter of Walter BOILAND [BOYLAND] was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of March 1570 |
25 July 1570 | Peers | BROWN | Peers BROWNE was buried the xxvth [25th] day of July 1570 |
28 Aug 1570 | William | [Unknown] | Willm [William] the servant of Jhon [John] HORD was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of August 1570 |
01 Sep 1570 | Margaret | HODJINS | Margret [Margaret] HODJINS was buried the first of September |
22 Oct 1570 | Steven | EDMUNDS | Steven EDMUNDES was buried the xxijth [22nd] of October 1570 |
09 Nov 1570 | Richard | BAILIFF | Richard BAILIFFE was buried the ixth [9th] of November 1570 |
13 Nov 1570 | John | MANING | Jhon [John] the sonne of Nicholas MANINGE was buried the xiijth [13th] day of November 1570 |
20 Dec 1570 | Anne | WEBBER | Anne the wife of Richard WEBER was buried the xxth [20th] day of December 1570 |
11 Jan 1570/1 | Elizabeth | MARTIN | Elizabeth MARTIN was buried the xjth [11th] of January 1570 |
15 Jan 1570/1 | Alice | Unknown | Alice Mr JAMES maide was buried the xvth [15th] of January 1570 |
24 Jan 1570/1 | Leonard | SAUNDERS | Leonard the sonne of Willim SAUNDERS was buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of January 1570 [Note:- Bap HT 30th sep 1565] |
31 Jan 1570/1 | Edmund | TANLEY? | Edmund ~ TANLEY? [or CANLEY] was buried the last day of January 1570 |
10 Feb 1570/1 | Edmund | BOYES | Edmund BOYES was buried the xth [10th] day of Ffebruary 1570 |
12 Feb 1570/1 | Avis | UNDERWOOD | Avis the daughter of Jhon [John] UNDERWOOD was buried the xijth [12th] day of Ffebruary 1570 [Note:- baptised HT 4th Feb 1570/1] |
13 Feb 1570/1 | John | DE---- | Jhon [John] DE----was buried then xiijth [13th] day of Ffebruary 1570 |
25 Feb 1570/1 | Joane | PALMER | Joane PALMER Widow was buried the xxvth [25th] of Ffebruary 1570 |
20 Mar 1570/1 | Edith | PERIN | Edith the wife of Walter PERIN was buied the xxth [20th] day of March 1570. [Note:- Likely to be the 1st wife of Walter PERINE who married Alice HEIRES at HT on 17th June 1574] |
30 Mar 1571 | James | CHEPMAN | James CHEPMAN was buried the xxxth of March 1571 |
10 Apr 1571 | Martin | MATHEN | Martin MATHEN was buried the xth [10th] of Aprill 1571 |
12 May 1571 | Edith | BAKER | Edith the wife of Jhon [John] BAKER was buried the Xijth [12th] day of May 1571 |
28 Jun 1571 | Francis | JRISSE? | Ffrancis the sonne of Richard JRISSE? was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of June 1571 |
11 Aug 1571 | Joane | UNDERWOOD | Joane the wife of Jhon [John] UNDERWOOD was buryed the xjth [11th] day of August 1571 |
12 Nov 1571 | Anne | GREZILL | Anne the wife of Peter GREZILL was buried the xijth [12th] day of November 1571 |
10 Jan 1571/2 | Peter | GREZILL | Peter GREZILL was buried the xth [10th] of January 1571 |
03 Mar 1571/2 | John | CHUBB | Jhon [John] CHUBBE was buried the third of March 1571 |
10 Apr 1572 | Faith | WOODMAN | Ffaith the daughter of William WOODMAN Clerk and pson [parson] for Dorchester was buried the xth [10th] of Aprill 1572 [Note:- Rev. William WOODMAN was Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters church] |
30 Apr 1572 | John | HELLIER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Anthony HELLIER was buried the xxxth [30th] of Aprill 1572 [Note:- Baptised HT 24th April 1572] |
08 May 1572 | John | HODGINS | Jhon [John] the sonne of Richard HODGINS was buried the viijth [8th] day of May 1572 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage between Richard HODGINS & Mary SWETINat HT on 02-Oct 1570] |
09 May 1572 | John | BAKER | Jhon [John] BAKER was buried the ixth [9th] day of May 1572 |
18 Jun 1572 | Thomasin | BATTS | Thomasin BATTS [or BUTTS] the Servant of Leonard STONE was buried the xviijth [18th] day of June 1572 |
02 July 1572 | John | YEATES | Jhon [John] the sonne of Jhon [John] YEATES was buried the second day of July 1572 |
12 July 1572 | Elizabeth | MATHEN | Elizabeth MATHEN a Bastard was buried the xijth [12th] day of July 1572 |
15 Aug 1572 | Joane [or Johanna] | COLE | Joane the wife of James COLE was buried the xvth [15th] day of August 1572 [Note:- James COLE & Johan (abbreviated form of the latin Johanna or Joane) CRADOCKE were at HT on 15-Nov 1562 ] |
20 Aug 1572 | Margaret | CHUBB | Margret the daughter of Jhon [John] CHUBBE was buried the xxth [20th] day of August 1572 [Note Baptised HT 10th Aug 1572] |
28 Aug 1572 | Agnes | CHUBB | Angs [Agnes? not clear and unlike the clear 'Agnes' 3 records further on!] the wife of Jhon [John] CHUBBE was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of August 1572 [Note:- given the above entry and that their child Margaret was baptised on 10th and buried on the 24th followed by his wife on the 28th suggests that she may have died following complication with childbirth ] |
13 Feb 1572/3 | Elizabeth | WILLIAMS | Elizabeth WILLIAMS a poore? woman was buried the xiijth [13th] day of Ffebruary 1572 [1572/3] |
23 Apr 1573 | John | PALMER | Jhon [John] PALMER the teer? was buried the xxiijth [23rd] day of April 1572 [See Will Index for the will of John Palmer of Dorchester, Dorset dated 2nd March 1572 and proved 26th May 1573. He was probably the John PALMER who was Bailiff of Dorchester in 1556; 1561 and again in 1567] |
05 Jun 1573 | Agnes | WILLIAMS | Agnes WILLIAMS a bastard was buried the vth [5th] day of June [1573] [Note:- Baptised the illegitamite daughter of Elizabeth WILLIAMS on 23rd April 1573] |
16 Jun 1573 | John | MANNINGFIELD | Jhon [John] MANNINGFIELD a prisoner was buried ye xvjth [16th] day of June |
17 Jun 1573 | Amy | ETOYTE? | Amy the daughter of Elizabeth ETOYTE? a bastard was buried the xvijth [17th] day of June 1573 |
10 Oct 1573 | John | PALMER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Ralph PALMER was buried the xth [10th] day of October 1573 [Note:- Baptised HT 5th Oct 1573] |
01 May 1574 | Elizabeth | RAYNOLDE [REYNOLD] | Elizabeth the wife of Marke RAYNOLDE was buried the first day of May 1574 [Note:- Marke REYNOLDE married Elizabeth DENIS [DENNIS] at HT on 22-Sep 1573 so likely to have died during childbirth] |
03 Aug 1574 | Bettrice | BOYLAND | Bettrice [Beatrice] BOYLAND was buried the third day of August 1574 |
11 Aug 1574 | William | RAINOLDES [REYNOLDES] | Willm [William] RAINOLDES was buried the xjth [11th] of August 1574 |
12 Aug 1574 | Joane | YEATES | Joane the wife of Jhon [John] YEATES was buried the xijth [12th] day of August 1574 |
19 Aug 1574 | Thomas | CALLWAY | Thomas CALLWAY was buried ye xixth [19th] of August 1574 |
01 Sep 1574 | William | CHEROW | Willm [William] CHEROW was buried the first of September [1574] |
06 Sep 1574 | Joane | HEWLETT | Joane the daughter of Thomas HEWLETT was buried the vjth [6th] day of September 1574 |
06 Sep 1574 | Mary | POLLARD | Mary the daughter of John POLLARD was buried the same day [Note:- Baptised HT 30th Aug 1574] |
08 Sep 1574 | Elizabeth | GILES alias WARREN | Elizabeth the daughter of Jhon [John] GILES alias WARREN was buried the viijth [8th] of September 1574 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John GILES alias WARREN the younger to Elizabeth JUPPE [or JUPPIE] widow at HT 17-Jul 1572 - Elizabeth was baptised at HT on 30th Aug 1574] |
15 Sep 1574 | Thomasin | HOWLETT | Thomasin the daughter of Thomas HOWLETT was buried the xvth [15th] day of September 1574 |
10 Oct 1574 | John | WARREN alias GILES | John WARREN alias GILES was buried the xth [10th] day of October 1574 |
02 Nov 1574 | John | STURY | Jhon [John] the son of Willm [William] STURY was buried the second of November |
06 Nov 1574 | Phillis | STURY | Phillis the wife of of Willm [William] STURY was buried the vith [6th] of November |
27 Dec 1574 | Joane | PALMER | Joane the daughter of Ralphe PALMER was buried the xxvijth [27th] day of December 1574 |
11 Jan 1574/5 | Alice | TARDY | Alice TARDY widow was buried ye xjth [11th] of January 1574 [1574/5] |
30 May 1575 | William | CORBIN | Willm [William] the sonne of Richard CORBIN was buried the xxxth [30th] May 1575 [Note:- child of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) Burgess of Dorchester Bap HT 31st May 1574] |
30 May 1575 | John | BOCKE | Jhon [John] BOCKE [BUCK?] of Turners Piddle was buried the xxxth [30th] day of May 1575 |
14 Jun 1575 | Margaret | MUSSELL | Margret the daughter of Richard MUSSELL was buried the xiiijth [14th] day of June 1575 [Note:- Richard MUSSELL married Edith GOLDINGEat HT on 06-Jul 1574 - Margaret was bap HT 15th May 1575] |
17 Jun 1575 | Alice | HOOP | Alice HOOP widow was buried xvijth [17th] June 1575 |
08 July 1575 | Henry | UNDERWOOD | Henry the sonne of Jhon [John] UNDERWOOD was buried the viijth [8th] day of July 1575 [Note:- Baptised HT 1st July 1575] |
19 July 1575 | Joane | MIYHELL [MITCHELL?] | Joane the daughter of Anthony MIYHELL [MITCHELL?] was buried the xviiijth [19th] day of July 1575 |
24 Sep 1575 | Alice | HADDOCKE | Alice HADDOCKE Widow was buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of September 1575 |
10 Oct 1575 | John | HYE | Jhon [John] the sonne of Willm [William] HYE was buried the xth [10th] day of October 1575 [Note:- Baptised HT 8th Feb 1572] |
15 Oct 1575 | John | HEIRES | Jhon [John] HEIRES was buried the xvth [15th] of October [1575] |
21 Oct 1575 | William | SIMS | Willm [William] the sonne of Willm [William] SIMS was buried the xxjth [21st] of October 1575 |
06 Dec 1575 | Eme [Amey?] | EMES [EAMES] | Eme the wife of Jhon [John] EMES [EAMES] was buried the vijth [6th] day of December 1575 |
26 Dec 1575 | Anne | HERON | Anne the wife of Willm [William] HERON was buried the xxvjth [26th] of December 1575 |
29 Dec 1575 | Gilbert | SHORTOW [SHORTO] | Gilbert SHORTOW was buried the xxixth [29th] December [1575] |
25 Jan 1575/6 | William | STONEY alias LARCOMBE | Willm [William] STONEY alias LARCOMBE was buried the xxvth [25th] of January 1575 [1575/6] [Note see marriage of Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE to Ellinor BROWNE at HT on 02-Jun 1575 which may be related?] |
01 Feb 1575/6 | John | KATCHNAVET | Jhon [John] the sonne of Thomas KATCHNAVET was buried the ffirst dat of Ffebruary 1575 [1575/6] |
06 Feb 1575/6 | John | PALMER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Bannard PALMER was buried the vith [6th] day of Ffebruary 1575 [1575/6] |
20 Feb 1575/6 | Julia | LACY | Julia LACY Widow was buried xxth [20th] Ffebruary 1575 [1575/6] |
23 Feb 1575/6 | John | SELLER | Jhon [John] SELLER was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of Ffebruary 1575 [1575/6] |
02 Mar 1575/6 | Robert | BERRET | Robert BERRET was buried the second of March 1575 |
15 Mar 1576 | Simon | EDWARDES | Simon EDWARDES a Stranger, Servant to Mr DENNER? Sergeant at Law was buried the xxixth [29th] day of March 1576 |
17 July 1576 | Thomas | PALMER | Thomas the sonne of Ralphe PALMER was buried the xvijth [17th] day of July 1576 [Note:- Baptised HT 13th July 1576] |
29 Sep 1576 | Margaret | WOODMAN | Margaret the wife of William WOODMAN pson [parson] of the Holy Trinity was buried the xxixth [29th] of September 1576 [Note:- Rev. William WOODMAN was Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters church] |
10 Oct 1576 | John | HOLLOWAY | Jhon [John] HOLLOWAY was buried the xth [10th] of October 1576 |
31 Jan 1576/7 | Jane | CORBIN | Jaine [Jane] the daughter of Richard CORBIN was buried the last day of January 1576 [1576/7] [Note:- child of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) Burgess of Dorchester Baptised HT 15th March 1575/6] |
22 Feb 1576/7 | Andrew | BERROT | Andrew the sonne of Robert BERROT was buried the xxijth [22nd] day of Ffebruary 1576 [1576/7] |
07 Mar 1576/7 | Robert | CRIBBE | Robert the sonne of Jhon [John] CRIBBE was buried the vijth [7th] day of March 1576 [1576/7] [Note:- Baptised HT 23 Dec 1576] |
03 Apr 1577 | Alice | HOWLETT | Alice the daughter of Thomas HOWLETT was buried the iijth [3rd] of April 1577 |
08 Apr 1577 | William | HERON | Willm [William] HERON was buried the viijth [8th] of April 1577 |
08 Apr 1577 | John | WEBB | Joan WEBB was buried the viijth [8th] of April 1577 |
17 May 1577 | John | HOPKINS | Jhon [John] the son of Jhon [John] HOPKINS was buried the xvijth [17th] day of May 1577 |
24 May 1577 | Alice | SCHOLLER | Alice the daughter of Jhon [John] SCOLLER was buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of May 1577 [Note:- Baptised HT with sister 10th May 1577] |
24 May 1577 | Julia | SCHOLLER | Julia the daughter of Jhon [John] SCOLLER was buried the same dat also [Note:- Baptised HT with sister 10th May 1577] |
21 July 1577 | William | PANCHARD | Willm [William] PANCHARD was buried the xxjth [21st] of July 1577 |
21 July 1577 | Thomas | KATCHNAVETT | Thomas the sonne of Thomas KATCHNAVETT was buried the same day |
28 July 1577 | Ellinor | ALLEN | Ellinor the wife of Jhon [John] ALLEN was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of July 1577 |
12 Aug 1577 | Elinor | RAINOLDES [REYNOLDS] | Elinor the wife of Mark RAINOLDES [REYNOLDS] was buried the xijth [12th] day of August 1577 [Note:- 2nd wife of Mark REYNOLDS who married Elinor STICKLANS at HT on 20th Oct 1575] |
13 Aug 1577 | Elizabeth | ALLEN | Elizabeth the daughter of Jhon [John] ALLEN was buried the xiijth [13th] of August 1577 |
20 Aug 1577 | Basill | KINGSTON | Basill KINGSTON widow was buried the xxth [20th] day of August 1577 |
25 Aug 1577 | Robert | MORES | Robert MORES was buried the xxvth [25th] day of August 1577 |
30 Aug 1577 | John | CHIRKE | Jhon [John] CHIRKE was buried the xxxth [30th] day of August 1577 |
17 Sep 1577 | Richard | SMITH | Richard SMITH was buried ye xvijth [17th] of September [1577] |
02 Oct 1577 | Robert | DINBERRHMYE | Robte [Robert] DINBERRHMYE was buried the second day of October 1577 |
01 Nov 1577 | Phillip | POLLARD | Phillip POLLARD was buried the first day of November 1577 |
08 Jan 1577/8 | Agnes | BLAKE | Agnes the wife of Nicholas BLAKE was buried the viijth [8th] day of January 1577 [1577/8] [Note:- Nicholas BLECKE [BLAKE?] married Agnes CHAPMAN at HT in Oct 1571] |
10 Feb 1577/8 | Agnes | CAVERLEY | Agnes the wife of Jhon [John] CAVERLEY was buried the xth [10th] day of Ffebruary 1577 [1577/8] |
01 Mar 1577/8 | Christine | SHAVE | Christine the daughter of Thomas SHAVE was buried the first day of March 1577 [1577/8] |
10 Mar 1577/8 | Joane | FARWELL | Joane the daughter of Willm [William] FFARWELL was buried the xth [10th] day of March 1577 [1577/8] |
10 Mar 1577/8 | William | WEBBE | Elizabeth the daughter of Willm [William] WEBBE was buried the xth [10th] day of March 1577 [1577/8] |
28 Mar 1578 | Margaret | KINGMAN | Margret the wife of Henry KINGMAN was buried the xxviijth [28th] of March 1578 |
05 Apr 1578 | Christian | MINTERNE | Christian the wife of Jhon [John] MINTERNE was buried the vth [5th] day of Aprill 1578 |
13 July 1578 | Joane | STORKER | Joane STORKER a poore maide was buried the xiijth [13th] of July 1578 |
18 Aug 1578 | Joane | GAWDEN | Joane the daughter of James GAWEDEN [GAWDEN] was buried the xviijth [18th] day of August 1578 |
17 Sep 1578 | Alice | S? | Alice the daughter of Jhon [John] S(rest illegible) was buried the xvijth [17th] day of September 1578 |
25 Sep 1578 | Margaret | SAUNDERS | Margret the daughter of Willm [William] SAUNDERS was buried the xxvth [25th] of september 1578 |
13 Jan 1578/9 | William | HARRIS | Willm [William] the sonne of Richard HARRIS was buried the xiijth [13th] day of January 1578 [1578/9] |
16 Jan 1578/9 | John | UNDERWOOD | Jhon [John] the sonne of Jhon [John] UNDERWOOD was buried the xvith? [16th] day of January 1578 [1578/9] [Note:- Think John was baptised at HT 8th Jan 1578/9] |
16 Jan 1578/9 | Agnes | HUNT | Angs [Agnes] the daughter of Thomas HUNT was buried the xvith [16th] day of January 1578 [1578/9] [Note:- Bap HT 19th Sep 1577] |
23 Jan 1578/9 | Joane | GODSWILL | Joane GODSWILL was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of January [1578/9] |
23 Jan 1578/9 | Dorothy | FAREWELL | Dorothy the daughter of Willm [William] FFAREWELL was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of January 1578 [1578/9] |
01 May 1579 | ---illegible------first day of May 1579 | ||
04 May 1579 | Jane | WEBBE | Jane the daughter of William WEBBE was buried the iiijth [4th] day of may 1579 |
18 May 1579 | John | HELLIER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Anthony HELLIER was buried the xviijth [18th] day of May 1579 |
28 Jun 1579 | John | FRANCIS | Jhon [John] FFRANNCIS [FRANCIS] a stranger of the pish [parish] of Wimborne Minster was buried the xviijth [28th] of June 1579 |
27 July 1579 | William | STURY | Willm [William] STURY was buried the xviith [17th] July 1579 |
27 July 1579 | Joane | PALMER | Joane the wife of Jhon [John] PALMER was buried the xxviith [27th] day of July 1579 |
21 Aug 1579 | Elizabeth | MARTIN | Elizabeth MARTIN a maiden was buried the xxjth [21st] day of August 1579 |
10 Jan 1579/80 | Susan | PEARE | Susan the daughter of Jhon [John] PEARE was buried the xth [10th] of January 1579 [1579/80] [Note:- John PEARE married Alice OVERS at HT on 21-Jun 1577] |
25 May 1580 | Anne | PEARE | Anne the daughter of Jhon [John] PEARE was buried the xxvth [25th] of May 1580 [Note:- John PEARE married Alice OVERS at HT on 21-Jun 1577] [Note:- out of date order in original register ] |
15 May 1580 | Alice | GRIGGE | Alice the daughter of Jhon [John] GRIGGE was buried the xvth [15th] day of May 1580 - [Note:- John GRIGGE & Joane GOSLINGE were married at HT on 09-Nov 1577] |
19 May 1580 | Elinor | SCHOLLER | Ellinor the daughter of Jhon [John] SCHOLLER was buried the xixth [19th] day of May 1580 |
05 Aug 1580 | Aice | PREW | Alice the daughter of Willm [William] PREW was buried the vth [5th] day of August 1580 |
06 Aug 1580 | William | CRIMBLE | Willm [William] the sonne of Jhon [John] CRIMBLE was buried the vith [6th] day of August 1580 |
07 Aug 1580 | Thomas | GERODE | Thomas GERODE Tinker was buried the vijth [7th] day of August 1580 |
15 Aug 1580 | John | BLAKE | Jhon [John] BLAKE a younge ladde [lad] was buried the xvth [15th] day of August 1580 |
17 Aug 1580 | Henry | SIMONS | Henry the sonne of Jhon [John] SIMONS was buried the xvijth [17th] day of August 1580 |
16 Oct 1580 | Elizabeth | HARRIS | Elizabeth the daughter of Jerome HARRIS was buried the xvith [16th] day of October 1580 |
17 Nov 1580 | Edith | STICKLAND | Edith the daughter of Bartholomew STICKLAND was buried the xvijth [17th] of November 1580 [Note Link to Bartholomew STICKLAND burial at HT on 2nd Sep 1593 for more information about his family] |
21 Dec 1580 | Henry | JOWPE | Henry JOWPE was buried the xxjth [21st] of December 1580 [Note:- Last entry on this page] |
25 Jan 1580/1 | ? | ? | (first line illegibel) the ??? Trinity was buried the xxvth [25th] day of January 1580 [1580/1] |
05 Feb 1580/1 | John | JENNINGS | Jhon [John] the sonne of Robert JENNINGS was buried the vth [5th] day of Ffebruary 1580 [1580/1] {Note;- probably the child bap HT in December 1580] |
12 Feb 1580/1 | Alice | HODGINS | Alice the daughter of Richard HODGINS was buried the xijth [12th] day of Ffebruary 1580 [1580/1 - Note:- 6th child of Richard HODGINS & Mary SWETIN Bap HT 22nd Jan 1580] |
15 Feb 1580/1 | [Blank] | HOSKINS | [Blank] the sonne of Jhon [John] HOSKINS was buried the xvth [15th] day of Ffebruary 1580 [1580/1] |
06 Mar1580/1 | John | HOBBOND [HOBBARD?] | Jhon [John] HOBBOND [HOBBARD?] was buried the xjth [6th] of March 1580 [1580/1] |
17 Mar 1580/1 | Parnell | QUINTES | Parnell QUINTES was buried the ye xvijth [17th] of March 1580 [1580/1] |
21 Apr 1581 | John | DOUGHTY | Jhon [John] the sonne of Edward DOUGHTY was buried the xxjth [21st] of Aprill 1581 [Note:- The Rev. Edward DOUGHTY (1550-1616) was Master of the Free school and Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester from 20th Nov 1580 to 24th Oct 1584] |
22 Apr 1581 | William | MASON | Willm [William] MASON was buried the xxijth [22nd] of Aprill 1581 |
09 May 1581 | Alice | PERINE | Alice PERINE was buried the ixth [9th] of may 1581 [Note:- the wife of Walter PERINE who married Alice HEIRES at HT on 17-Jun 1574] |
08 Jun 1581 | Maud | PANCHARD | Maud the daughter of Willm [William] PANCHARD was buried the viijth [8th] day of June 1581 [Note maud was baptised at HT on 7th May 1572] |
27 Feb 1581/2 | Maud | PALMER | Mawd [Maud] the wife of Willm [William] PALMER was buried the xxvijth [27th] Ffebruary 1581 [1581/2] [Note:- William PALMER & Mawd POPINJOYE were married 02-Feb 1579] |
23 Feb 1581/2 | Katherine | RAINOLDES | Katherine the wife of Thomas RAINOLDES was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of Ffebruary 1581 [Note Out of date order in original register] |
03 Apr 1582 | Mary | SCOTT | Mary and Elizabeth the daughters of Walter SCOTT were buried the third & vth [5th] of April 1582 [Note:- Baptised together 3rd April 1582] |
05 Apr 1582 | Elizabeth | SCOTT | See above entry |
05 Apr 1582 | Robert | HODGINS | Robert the son of Richard HODGINS was buried the vth [5th] of Aprill 1582 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Richard HODGINS to Mary SWETIN at HT 2nd Oct 1570] |
20 May 1582 | John | HOIL | Jhon [John] the bastard sonne of Anne HOIL was buried the xxth [20th] of May 1582 |
1582 | Marian | PILLARD | Marian the wife of Jhon [John] PILLARD was buried the day of [blank] 1582 [Note John PILLARD married Marian BURGES At HT on 24-Sep 1565 ] |
1582 | Marian | MORRE alias FRANCES | Marian MOORE alias FFRANCES widowed was buried the [blank] day of [blank] 1582 |
25 Sep 1582 | Gertrude | COOTH | Gertrude the daughter of Jhon [John] COOTH? was buried the xxvth [25th] of September 1582 |
25 Nov 1582 | Agnes | UNDERWOOD | Agnes the daughter of Jhon [John] UNDERWOOD was buried the xxvth [25th] of November 1582 [Note:- Bap 16th Sep 1582] |
25 Jan 1583/4 | John | FFEURE | Jhon [John] FFEURE [or FFENRE] was buried the xxvth [25th] of January 1583 [1583/4] |
22 Feb 1583/4 | John | TANNER | Jhon [John] the sonne of Richard TANNER was buried the xxijth [22nd] of Ffebruary 1583 [1583/4] |
02 Mar 1583/4 | Richard | SANSOME | Richard SANSOME was buried the second of March 1583 [1583/4] |
1584 | None | None | Nihil inventums [none found/discovered] [Note:- Difficult time as the previous Rector Edward DOUGHTY (1550-1616) left Dorchester prior to 24th Oct 1584. His successor was not appointed until 10th Nov 1585. The nil return was presumably completed by the curate or later by the new incumbant who appears to have started 1585 on 1st January (See comments about the flexibility in the start date for the New Year in the Glossary] |
08 Jan 1584/5 | Nicholas | BENVENEW | Nicholas BENVENEW [BENVENUE] was buried the viijth [8th] of January 1585 [1584/5 - see comments above] |
18 Feb 1584/5 | James | GAWDE | James GAWDE [GAWLER?] was buried the xviijth [18th] of Ffebruary 1585 [1584/5 - see comments above] |
25 Feb 1584/5 | Thomas | RAMOLDES | Thomas RAMOLDES [RENOLDES or REYNOLD] was buried the xxvth [25th] of Ffebruary 1585 [1584/5 - see comments above] [Note:- Thomas RAINOLDES had married an Elizabeth [surname left blank] at HT on 27-Aug 1582] |
10 Mar 1584/5 | William | PERRIN | Willm [William] PERRIN was buried the xth [10th] of March 1585 [1584/5 - see comments above] |
10 Feb 1584/5 | George | READ | George the sonne of Willm [William] READ was buried the xth [10th] day of Ffebruary 1585 [1584/5 but still out of date order ] [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579 ] |
10 Mar 1584/5 | Katherine | ROOKER | Katherine ROOKER was buried the xth [10th] of March 1585 [1584/5 - see comments above] |
02 May 1585 | Joane | GRIGGE | Joane the wife of Jhon [John] GRIGGE was buried the second day of May 1585 [Note:- John GRIGGE & Joane GOSLINGE were married at HT on 09-Nov 1577] |
08 Jun 1585 | Dorothy | PALMER | Dorothye the daughter of Ralphe PALMER was buried the viijth [8th] day of June 1585 |
14 Jun 1585 | John | SMITH | Jhon [John] the sonne of George SMITH was buried the xiiijth [14th] of June 1585 [Note:- Bap HT 16th May 1585 - 4th child from the marriage of George SMITH [SMYTH] (bur 1608/9) to Elizabeth Nee CHURCHILL (c1543-1610/11) ] |
24 July 1585 | John | ROBERTS | Jhon [John] the sonne of Richard ROBERTS was buried the xxiiijth [24th] July 1585 [Note:- Bap HT 14th July 1585] |
21 Sep 1585 | Robert | STEVENS | Robert the sonne of Richard STEVENS was buried the xxjth [21st] day of September 1585 [Note:- Bap HT 12th Sep 1585] |
14 Jan 1585/6 | Mawd | COBBE | Mawd [Maud] the daughter of Robert COBBE was buried the xiiijth [14th] of January 1585 [1585/6] [Note:- bap HT 9th Jan 1585/6] |
18 Mar 1585/6 | Joane | STICKLAND | Joane the daughter of Bartholomew STICKLAND was buried the xviijth [18th] of March 1585 [1585/6] [Note Link to Bartholomew STICKLAND burial at HT on 2nd Sep 1593 for more information about his family] |
07 Apr 1586 | John | PERIN | Jhon [John] PERIN was buried the vijth [7th] of Aprill 1586 |
08 Apr 1586 | Anes [Agnes] | HARRIS | Anes [Agnes] the daughter of Solomon HARRIS was buried the viijth [8th] of Aprill 1586 [Note Bap HT 2nd Oct 1584] |
23 Apr 1586 | John | PERRY [PIRRYE] | Jhon [John] the sonne of Humphrey PERRY was buried the xxiijth [23rd] day of Apr 1586 [Note:- See Wills Index for Father's will proved 19th May 1598] |
25 Apr 1586 | Mary | BRINER | Mary the daughter of Jhon [John] BRINER was buried xxvth [25th] of April 1586 |
08 July 1586 | Thomas | GRIGGE | Thomas the sonne of Jhon [John] GRIGGE was buried the viijth [8th] day of July 1586 |
27 Sep 1586 | Joane | BROWNE | Joane BROWNE was buried the xxvijth [27th] of September 1586 |
03 Oct 1586 | John | JENNINGS | Jhon [John] the sonne of Robert JENNINGS was buried the third day of October 1586 [Note:- Bap HT 24 April 1583] |
10 Nov 1586 | Agnes | HYE | Agnes the wife of Wm [William] HYE was buried ye xth [10th] of November [1586] [Note Their daughter Margaret was bap HT 24th Feb 1564] |
04 Jan 1586/7 | William | READ | Wm [William] ye sonne of Wm [William] READ was buried ye iiijth [4th] day of January 1586 [1586/7] [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579 ] |
15 Jan 1586/7 | Elizabeth | SCOTT | Elizabeth the daughter of Walter SCOTT was buried the xvth [15th] day of Ffebruary 1586 [1586/7] [Note:- Bap HT 25th April 1583] |
17 Apr 1587 | Leonard | STONE | Leonard STONE was buried the xvijth [17th] of April 1587 |
17 Apr 1587 | John | GILES | Jhon [John] GILES was buried the xviith [17th] of April 1587 |
19th Apr 1587 | Florence | POLLARD | Fflorence POLLARD was buried the xixth [19th] of April [1587] |
22nd Apr 1587 | George | HOLLOWAY | George HOLLOWAY was buried the xxijth [22nd] April l [1587] |
23 Apr 1587 | Elizabeth | COOTH | Elizabeth the wife of Jhon [John] COOTH? was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of April 1587 |
08 May 1587 | Ellionor | STEVENS | Ellinor the wife of Richard STEVENS was buried the viijth [8th] of May 1587 [Note Richard STEVENS & Ellinor HOLLMAN were married at HT on 09-Oct 1570 and had 5 children baptised there ] |
12 May 1587 | Robert | BROWNE | Robert BROWNE was buried ye xijth [12th] of May [1587] |
18 May 1587 | Robert | LILLY | Robert LILLY was buried the xviijth [18th] of May [1587] |
06 July 1587 | Mary | CORBIN | Mary the daughter of Richard CORBIN was buried the vjth [6th] day of July 1587 [Note:- child of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) Burgess of Dorchester Bap HT xx] |
18 July 1587 | Walter | PERIN | Walter PERIN was buried ye xviijth [18th] of July [1587] [Note:- Walter PERINE was the widower of Alice HEIRES whom he married at HT on 17-Jun 1574] |
28 July 1587 | John | BORCHER | Jhon [ John] the sonne of Jhon [ John] BORCHER [BUTCHER?] of Cerne was buried the xxviijth [28th] of July 1587 |
25 Oct 1587 | Elinor | EDWARDES | Elnor [Elinor] the wife of Thomas EDWARDES was buried the xxvth [25th] of October 1587 |
04 Nov 1587 | John | COUSENS | Jhon [ John] COUSENS was buried the iiijth [4th] of November [1587] |
28 Dec 1587 | Alice | COUSENS | Alice the wife of Jhon [ John] COUSENS was buried the xxviijth [28th] December 1587 |
08 Feb 1587/8 | Richard | CORBIN | Richard CORBIN was buried ye viijth [8th] of Ffebruary [1587/8 ] [Note:- Richard Corbin of Holy Trinity Dorchester follow link for more information about his family and to see transcription of his will proved 11 May 1588] |
18 Feb 1587/8 | Thomas | MITCHELL | Thomas MICHELL was buried the Xviijth [18th] of Ffebruary [1587/8 ] |
03 Mar 1587/8 | Roger | WOODMAN | Roger WOODMAN was buried the third of March 1587 [1587/8] [Note:- Roger was the son of the Rev. William WOODMAN who was Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters church. Roger was bar at HT on 10th May 1564] |
1588 | Nihil inventums [none found/discovered] | ||
02 June 1589 | Thomas | KENNELL | Thomas KENNELL was buried the second of June 1589 |
04 Sep 1590 | Elizabeth | CARTER | Elizabeth the daughter of Willm [William] CARTER was buried the iiijth [4th] of September 1590 |
26 Sep 1590 | John | BARTLETT | Jhon [John] BARTLETT was buried the xxvjth [26th] of September [1590] |
16 Oct 1590 | William | SMITH | Willm [William] SMITH Clarke of this pish [parish] was buried the xvjth [16th] of October 1590 |
26 Oct 1590 | William | FFARWELL | Willm [William] FFARWELL was buried ye xxvjth [26th] of October [1590] |
22 Dec 1590 | Agnes | PORTER | Agnes PORTER was buried the xxijth [22nd] of December [1590] |
27 Dec 1590 | Alice | HARRIS | Alice HARRIS was buried the xxvijth [27th] day of December 1590 |
09 Jan 1590/1 | Joane | [illegible]] | Joane (illegible) was buried ye jxth [9th] of January [1590/1] |
19 Jan 1590/1 | Edith | ?ONRDE? | Edith the wife of Jhon [John] ?ONRDE? was buried the xixth [19th] of January 1590 [1590/1] |
11 Aug 1590 | Ellis | STONE | Ellis & Anne the children of Morgan STONE were buried the xjth [11th] of August 1590 [Note:- Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE & Ellinor BROWNE were married 02-Jun 1575 and they had a daughter Alice (Ellis?) bap at HT on 30th Oct 1575 - See marriage for more information about the family] |
11 Aug 1590 | Anne | STONE | See entry above |
25 Aug 1590 | Joane | WATERS | Joane the wife of Edward WATERS was buried the xxvth [25th] day of August 1590 [Note a child Mary the daughter of an Edward WATERS was bap at HT on 3rd June 1583] |
04 May 1591 | Thomas | MARTIN | Thomas the son of Nicholas MARTIN was buried the iiijth [4th] of May 1591 |
07 Jun 1591 | Agnes | KENE? | Agnes the daughter of Lawrence KENE? was buried the vijth [7th] of June 1591 |
13 Jun 1591 | Elinor | SANDERS | Elinor the wife of Willm [William] SAUNDERS was buried the xiijth [13th] of June 1591 |
15 June 1591 | Avis | MANIER | Avis the wife of Hughe MANIER was buried the xvth [15th] of June 1591 |
02 Sep 1591 | Alice | MUNDAY? | Alice the base daughter of Joane MUNDAY? was buried the second of September 1591 |
06 Sep 1591 | Sisly | SAMWAY | Sisly the daughter of Robert SAMWAY was buried the vjth [6th] of September 1591 |
04 Dec 1591 | John | HENVETH | Jhon [John] the sonne of Nicholas HENVETH was buried the iiijth [4th] day of December 1591 |
24 Jun 1592 | George | HOBSON | George the sonne of Jhon [John] HOBSON was buried the xxiiijth [24th] of June 1592 [Note:- Clear Side entry of 1592 start of new year] |
16 July 1592 | Mary | LAVELL | Mary LAVELL was buried the xvjth [16th] of July 1592 |
22 Aug 1592 | Thomas | HOWLET | Thomas HOWLET was buried ye xxijth [22nd] of August 1592 |
03 Sep 1592 | Agnes | BRINE | Agnes BRINE was buried ye third of September 1592 |
10 Sep 1592 | Owen | BAILY | Owen BAILY was buried ye xth [10th] of September 1592 |
16 Dec 1592 | Agnes | HAGGARD | Agnes the daughter of Thomas HAGGARD was buried the xvjth [16th] of December 1592 |
17 Dec 1592 | Robert | DEVENISH alias HOGGARD | Robert DEVENISHE alias HOGGARD was buried the xvijth [17th] of December 1592 |
07 Feb 1592/3 | Walter | BOYLAND | Walter BOYLAND was buried the vijth [7th] day of Ffebruary 1592 [1592/3] |
13 May 1593 | Thomas | EDWARDES | Thomas EDWARDES was buried the xiijth? [13th] day of May 1593 |
24 May 1593 | Thaman | PALMER | Thaman? the daughter of Jhon [John] PALMER was buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of May 1593 |
30 May 1593 | Anne | [Illegible] | Anne the daughter of Barnabee [Barnaby] (Surname illegible?) was buried the xxxth [30th] day of May 1593 |
07 Jun 1593 | Thomas | SHEAPD | Thomas SHEAPD [SHEPHERD?] was buried the vijth [7th] of June 1593 |
26 Jun 1593 | Elizabeth | COMFREY | Elizabeth the daughter of Robert COMFREY was buried the xxvjth [26th] of June 1593 [Bap HT 28th Mar 1592] |
04 July 1593 | George | STANDISH | George the sonne of Richard STANDISH was buried the iiijth [4th] of July 1593 [Note:- Baptised the same day] [Note:- Link to comments about this family ] |
20 July 1593 | William | (illegible) | Willm [William] the sonne of (illegible) of Froome was buried the xxth [20th] day of July 1593 |
01 Aug 1593 | Robert | BUCKE | Robert BUCKE Servant to Thomas LACY was buried the first day of August 1593 |
02 Sep 1593 | Bartholomew | STICKLAND | Bartholomew STICKLAND was buried the second day of September 1593 [Note:- Bartholomew STICKLAND had 5 children baptised or buried at Holy Trinity:- (1) Jane bap 18th May 1571 (2) Jonas bap 12th Apr 1573. He married in HT Church to Anne EASTON on 30-Apr 1604, Anne his wife was buried at HT on 12th Aug 1612. (3) William bap 14th Sep 1578 (4) Edith buried 17th Nov 1580 (5) Edith bap 13th Nov 1581 (6) Joane bap 3rd Mar 1585/6 and buried there 18th March 1585/6] |
03 Sep 1593 | Elizabeth | READ | Elizabeth? the wife of Willm [William] READ was buried the third day of September 1593 [Note:- marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579 ] |
12 Sep 1593 | Robert | GRIGGS | Robert the sonne of Jhon [John] GRIGGS?? was buried the xijth [12th] day of September 1593 [Note Surname unclear but a Robert the son of John GRIGGS was bap at HT on 2nd Apr 1581] |
05 Oct 1593 | Robert | ADAMS | Robert ADAMS of Warmwell was buried the vth [5th] day of October 1593 |
05 Oct 1593 | Alice | BAILEY | Alice BAILEY widow was buried the [5th] day of October 1593 |
05 Nov 1593 | Alice | PERIN | Alice the daughter of Wm [William] PERIN was buried the vth [5th] day of November 1593 [Note: Alice bap HT 26th Feb 1592/3] |
30 Nov 1593 | William | PERIN | Willm [William] PERIN [PERRINE] was buried the xxxth [30th] of November [1593] |
25 Dec 1593 | James | TOMKINS? | James the sonne of Peter TOMKINS? was buried the xxvth [25th] of December 1593 |
16 Feb 1593/4 | William | (illegible) | Willm [William] the sonne of Jhon [John] (surname illegible) was buried the xvjth [16th] day of Ffebruary 1593 [1593/4] |
14 Apr 1594 | Elizabeth | JENNINGS? | Elizabeth the daughter of Elizabeth JKINGES [JENNINGS?] was buried the xiiijth [14th] day of Aprill 1594 |
29 Apr 1594 | George | MEMBREE | George the sonne of George MEMBREE was buried the xxixth [29th] of Aprill 1594 [Note:- Bap HT 25th Apr 1594] [See link for comments about this family] |
14 May 1594 | Henry | PURCHASE | Henry the sonne of Richard PURCHASE was buried the xiiijth [14th] of May 1594 [Note:- Bap HT 10th May 1594] |
25 Jun 1594 | Walter | HOOP [HOOPER] | Walter HOOP [HOOPER] was buried the xxvth [25th] of June 1594 |
03 July 1594 | Avis | LARCOMBE | Avis [Alice] the daughter of Morgan LARCOMBE was buried the thrid day of July 1594 |
15 July 1594 | Margaret | TOMKINS | Margret the daughter of Peter TOMKINS was buried the xvth [15th] of July 1594 |
09 Aug 1594 | John | EDWARDES | Jhon [John] EDWARDES was buried the ixth [9th] of August 1594 |
23 Aug 1594 | Thomasin | SCOTT | Thomasin SCOTT was buried the xviijth [23rd] of August 1594 |
16 Sep 1594 | Joane | STONE | Joane the daughter of Robert STONE was buried the xvjth [16th] day of September 1594 [Note:- Bap HT 4th June 1594] |
20 Sep 1594 | Richard | WEBBE | Richard WEBBE Clarke was buried the xxth [20th] of September [1594] [Note:- See Will Index proved 23rd Oct 1594] |
12 Nov 1594 | Elizabeth | OSMUND | Elizabeth the daughter of Robert OSMUND was buried the xijth [12th] day of November 1594 [Note Bap HT 7th July 1593] |
25 Jan 1594/5 | Christine | GARDINER | Christine the wife of Edward GARDINER was buried the xxvth [25th] of January 1594 [1594/5] |
16 Mar 1594/5 | John | DOWRIDGE | Jhon [John] DOWRIDGE was buried the xvjth [16th] of March 1594 [1594/5] |
30 Mar 1594/5 | John | ROBINSON | Jhon [John] ROBINSON was buried the xxxth [30th] March 1594 [1594/5] |
09 Apr 1595 | Alice | DAVIES | Alice DAVIES was buried the ixth [9th] of Aprill 1595 |
18 May 1595 | Joseph | SHATTOCKE | Joseph the sonne of Emme SHATTOCKE was buried the xviijth [18th] day of May 1595 [Note:- Bap HT 10th Aug 1594] |
22 May 1595 | Phillip | BRINE | Phillip the sonne of Jhon [John] BRINE was buried the xxijth [22nd] of May 1595 [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of John BRINE married Alice PALMER at HT on 29-Jun 1574, Phillip was Bap HT 10th Mar 1594/5] |
26 May 1595 | John | MILBORNE | Jhon [John] MILBORNE was buried the xxvjth [26th] of May 1595 |
27 Sep 1595 | Thomas | HUNT | Thomas HUNT was buried the xxvijth [27th] of September 1595 |
02 Oct 1595 | Elizabeth | HOILE | Elizabeth HOILE was buried ye second of October 1595 |
12 Jan 1595/6 | John | FACY alias SCHOLLER | Jhon [John] FFACY alias SCHOLLER was buried the xijth [12th] day of January 1595 [1595/6] |
23 Dec 1596 | Elizabeth | POLLARD | Elizabeth the wife of Willm [William] POLLARD was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of December 1596 |
03 Feb 1595/6 | (Wife of Robert) | CONDUIT | [Blank] the wife of Robert CONDUIT of Ffroome was buried the third day of Ffebruary 1595 [1595/6] |
04 Jan 1595/6 | Thomas | SHAVIN | Thomas SHAVIN, George TOBY and Euroth POLLARD were buried the iiijth [4th] of January 1595 [1595/6] |
04 Jan 1595/6 | George | TOBY | See above entry |
04 Jan 1595/6 | Euroth | POLLARD | See above entry |
20 Feb 1595/6 | Thomas | STRONGMAN | Thomas STRONG was buried ye xxth [20th] of Ffebruary 1595 [1595/6] [Note:- Thomas Strongman married an Agnes at HT on 22 Jan 1584] |
19 Mar 1595/6 | Robert | COBBE | Robert COBBE was buried the xixth [19th] of March 1595 [1595/6] |
21 Mar 1595/6 | Thomas | GRUBBER | Thomas GRUBBER was buried xxjth [21st] day of March 1595 [1595/6] |
26 Mar 1597 | Agnes | WHITE | Agnes WHITE (note there are 4 letters after WHITE) was buried the xxvjth [26th] of March 1597 [Note:- Agnes WHITE (c.1540-1597) daughter of the widow Agnes WHITE (d.1576) of Fordington, living with her nephew John WHITE buried below 12th May 1597] |
30 Mar 1597 | Nicholas | TANNER | Nicholas the sonne of Richard TANNER was buried the xxxth [30th] day of March 1597 |
23 Apr 1597 | Dennis | SCHOLLER | Dionise [Dennis] SCHOLLER was buried the xxiijth [23rd] day of Aprill 1597 |
26 Apr 1597 | William | STONE | Willm [William] STONE was buried the xxvjth [26th] of April 1597 |
26 Apr 1597 | Dorothy | HANCOCK | Dorothee [Dorothy] the daughter of Giles HANCOCKE was buried the same day [Note:- Bap HT 23 Aug 1597] |
28 Apr 1597 | Alice | SCHOLLER | Alice the wife of Jhon [John] SCHOLLER was buried the xxviijth [28th] day of Aprill 1597 |
11 May 1597 | Anne | CURTIS | Anne the daughter of Ralphe CURTIS was buried the xjth [11th] day of May 1597 |
11 May 1597 | Joane | PENNY | Joane the daughter of Richard PENNY was buried the same day |
12 May 1597 | John | WHITE | Jhon [John] WHITE was buried the xijth [12th] of May 1597 [Note: John WHITE the son of Robert WHITE (d.1576) of Fordington who married Marion POUNCEY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 18th April 1594] |
16 May 1597 | Joane | LYE | Joane LYE was buried the xvjth [16th] of May 1597 |
16 May 1597 | John | HALL | Jhon [John] HALL was buried the same day |
21 May 1597 | Joane | FLOWER | Joane FLOWER a stranger was buried ye xxjth [21st] of May 1597 |
31 May 1597 | Collis | CURTIS | Collis the daughter of Ralphe CURTIS was buried the last day of May 1597 [Note:- bap HT 8th June 1595] |
10 Jun 1597 | Joane | MOONE [MOORE] | Joane the daughter of Elinor MOONE [MOORE] widow was buried the xth [10th] day of June 1597 |
12 Jun 1597 | Ellinor | CHUBB | Ellioner CHUBBE widow was buried the xijth [12th] June 1597 |
20 Jun 1597 | John | WHITMAN | Jhon [John] WHITMAN Servant to John [John] GOODMAN was buried the xxth [20th] day of June 1597 |
30 Jun 1597 | A? | POYNARD | A----iny POYNARD [PAYNARD?] of Tewksbury in ye County of Gloucestershire Gentleman was buried the xxxth [30th] of June 1597 |
07 July 1597 | Thomas | SHEWELL | Thomas SHEWELL of Warwickshire a Soldier was buried the vijth [7th] day of July 1597 |
07 July 1597 | Marian | PALMER | Marian PALMER widow was buried the same day [Note:- Marion was the widow of John PALMER who was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 23rd April 1573] |
12 July 1597 | Elinor? | BRINE | Elinor? the daughter of Edward BRINE was buried the xijth [12th] day of July 1597 |
22 July 1597 | William | LITTLE | Willm [William] LITTLE servant to Doctor BAREFOOTE was buried the xxijth [22nd] of July 1597 |
26 July 1597 | Richard | STEVENS | Richard STEVENS was buried the xxvjth [26th] of July 1597 |
29 July 1597 | Owen | HAYMAN | Owen HAYMAN was buried the xxixth [29th] of July [1597] [Note:- Jhon [John] the sonne of Owen HAYMAN was baptized the xxjth [21st] day of December 1593 at HT] |
12 Aug 1597 | John | SMITH | Jhon [John] the sonne of George SMITH was buried the xijth [12th] day of August 1597 [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of George SMITH [SMYTH] (bur 1608/9) to Elizabeth Nee CHURCHILL (c1543-1610/11) ] |
14 Aug 1597 | Thomas | LARCOMBE alias STONE | Thomas the sonne of Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE was buried the xiiijth [14th] of August 1597 [Note:- 7th known child from the marriage of Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE to Ellinor BROWNE at HT on 02-Jun 1575] |
16 Aug 1597 | Robert | COMFREY | Roberte COMFREY was buried the xvjth [16th] of August [1597] |
22 Aug 1597 | Joseph | SMITH | Joseph the sonne of George SMITH was buried the xxijth [22nd] August 1597 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of George SMITH [SMYTH] (bur 1608/9) to Elizabeth Nee CHURCHILL (c1543-1610/11) ] |
22 Aug 1597 | Eme | BRINE | Eme ye daughter of Jhon [John] BRINE was buried ye same day [Note:- child from the marriage of John BRINE & Alice PALMER were married 29-Jun 1574] |
03 Sep 1597 | Agnes | PERIN | Agnes PERIN a stranger was buried the third day of September 1597 |
03 Sep 1597 | Anne | TAILOR | Anne the daughter of Jhon [John] TAILOR [TAYLOR] was buried ye same day |
13 Sep 1597 | Henry | FORD | Henry the sonne of Peter FFOORD [FORD] was buried the xiijth [13th] of September 1597 [Note Bap HT 7th June 1597] |
16 Sep 1597 | Morgan | CLARKE | Morgan the sonne of George CLARKE was buried the xvjth [16th] of September 1597 [Note:- bap HT 14th sep 1597] |
16 Oct 1597 | Elizabeth | TERINE | Elizabeth the wife of Jhon [John] TERINE was buried the xvjth [16th] of October 1597 |
28 Oct 1597 | Lucy | [Blank] | Lucy [Blank] a stranger was buried ye xxiijth [28th] of October 1597 |
21 Nov 1597 | Roger | ADEN | Roger the sonne of Thomas ADEN [ADYN] was buried the xxith [21st] day of November 1597 |
20 Dec 1597 | Thomas | BAILY | Thomas the sonne of Jhon [John] BAILY [BAILEY] was buried the xxth [20th] day of December 1597 |
24 Dec 1597 | Ellinor | EDWARDES | Ellinor EDWARDES was buried the xxiiijth [24th] of December 1597 |
20 Mar 1597/8 | Elizabeth | PERKINS | Elizabeth the wife of Willm [William] PERKINS of Shelvehampton in the pish [parish] of Portisham was buried the xxth [20th] day of March 1597 [1597/8] [Note:- Shilvinghampton is a small hamlet within the parish] |
09 Apr 1598 | Horatio | RICHARDSON | Horatio the sonne of Joane RICHARDSON was buried the ixth [9th] of Aprill 1598 [Note:- bap HT with his sister Alice on 19th Aug 1597] |
14 Apr 1598 | William | POLLARD | Willm [William] POLLARD was buried ye xiiijth [14th] of Aprill 1598 |
28 Apr 1598 | Henry | PERRY | Henry PERRY was buried ye xxviijth [28th] of Aprill 1598 |
19 May 1598 | John | PURCHASE | Jhon [John] PURCHASE was buried the xixth [19th] of May 1598 |
06 June 1598 | Clement | BOYLAND | Clement BOYLAND was buried the vjth [6th] of June 1598 |
15 July 1598 | Joane | READ | Joane the daughter of Willm [William] READ was buried the xvth [15th] day of July 1598 [Note:- Thought to be the 6th child from the marriage of William READ to Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579] |
31 July 1598 | Christain | MOGGE | Christian the wife of Walter MOGGE was buried the last of July 1598 [Note:- Walter MOGGE married Christian GILES at HT on 15-Jul 1589 and they had 2 children bap at HT prior to her death ] |
09 Sep 1598 | Mawde | PHILLIPS | Mawde the daughter of Robert PHILLIPS was buried the ixth [9th] of September 1598 [Note:- Bap HT 10th June 1598] |
12 Sep 1598 | Alice | STONE | Alice STONE widow was buried the xijth [12th] day of September 1598 |
10 Nov 1598 | Edward | HILL | Edwarde HILL a stranger and a Minister was buried the xth [10th] day of November 1598 |
12 Nov 1598 | Edith | TANNER | Edith the wife of Richard TANNER was buried the xijth [12th] day of November 1598 |
29 Nov 1598 | Henry | HARRISON | Henry HARRISON servant to Thomas SHORY was buryed the xxixth [29th] of November 1598 |
04 Mar 1598/9 | Nicholas | EDWARDES | Nicholas the sonne of Jhon [John] EDWARDES was buried the iiijth [4th] day of March 1598 [1598/9] [Note:- Bap Ht 12th Feb 1598/9] |
08 Mar 1598/9 | William | REINOLDES [REYNOLDS] | Willm [William] of the bastard daughter of Avis REINOLDES was buried the viijth [8th] day of March 1598 [1598/9][Note:- Bap HT 28th Oct 1598 see comments there] |
09 Mar 1598/9 | Charles | TERINE | Charles the sonne of Morgan TERINE was buried the ixth [9th] of March 1598 [1598/9] |
17 Mar 1599 | Ursula | GREGORY | Urusla the wife of Henry GREGORY was buried the xxvijth [17th] of March 1599 [Note: Henry GREGORY married Ursula HARTE at HT on 13-Oct 1589] |
29 Mar 1599 | Agnes | TERINE | Agnes the wife of Morgan TERYNE [TERINE] was buried the xxixth [29th] day of March 1599 [Note:- Agnes and Morgan had a son William bap at HT on 21st Nov 1594 and a daughter Joane on 3rd Sep 1597. Her husband Morgan re-married Edith HELLIER at HT on 27-Sep 1599] |
31 Mar 1599 | William | BRINE | Willm [William] the sonne of Jhon [John] BRINE was buried the last day of March 1599 [Note:-child from the marriage of John BRINE married Alice PALMER at HT on 29-Jun 1574] |
13 Apr 1599 | Petronnill | HARRIS | Petronnill HARRIS widow was buried the xiijth [13th] day of Aprill 1599 [Note:- Petronnill in Latin translates as Parnell or Pernell] |
23 Apr 1599 | Charles | WINTREY | Charles WINTREY was buried the xxiijth [23rd] of Aprill 1599 |
07 May 1599 | George | COOKE | George COOKE was buried the viith [7th] of May 1599 [Note:- George Cooke married Edith Stone at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 03-Jul 1598 only one child was born from the marriage; Anne COOKE bap HT 14th Jan 1598/9 ] |
10 May 1599 | John | PINNEY | Jhon [John] PINNEY was buried the xth [10th] of May 1599 |
18 May 1599 | William | SAVAGE | Willm [William] SAVAGE was buried the xviijth [18th] of May 1599 |
27 May 1599 | John | POMEROY | Jhon [John] POMEROY was buried the xxvijth [27th] of May 1599 |
26 June 1599 | John | COOKE | Jhon [John] COOKE was buried the xxvith [26th] of June 1599 |
08 Sep 1599 | Elizabeth | CHOUNTE | Elizabeth CHOUNTE widowwas buried the viijth [8th] day of September 15899 |
10 Sep 1599 | Robert | WARREN | Robte [Robert] WARREN was buried the xth [10th] of September 1599 |
22 Sep 1599 | Anthony | MITCHELL | Anthony MITCHELL was buried the xxijth [22nd] of September 1599 |
16 Dec 1599 | George | MEMBREE | George the sonne of Willm [William] MEMBREE was buried the xvjth [16th] day of December 1599 [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of William MEMBREE to Alice SAMWAYS at HT on 18-Dec 1585] |
07 Jan 1599/1600 | James | GREGORY | James GREGORY was buried the vijth [7th] of January 1599 [1599/1600] |
30 Jan 1599/1600 | Richard | STANDISH | Richard the sonne of Richard STANDISH was buried the xxxth [30th] of January 1599 [1599/1600] [Note:- Link to comments about this family ] |
Mar 1600 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) of Willm [William] S----- was buried |
Apr 1600 | (illegible entry) | DARBY? | (illegible entry) ------Gilbert? the sonne of Jhon [John] DARBY [DERBY] was buried ---------of Aprill 1600 |
06 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) was buried the vjth [6th] |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) was buried | |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) was buried the x--- | |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) --- the --- John? DARE [DAWE?] was buried --------1600 | |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) --was buried the xxijth [22nd] --- | |
09 Feb 1600/1 | (illegible entry) | TOMKINS | (illegible entry) -- Peter TOMKINS was buried the ixth [9th] of Ffebruary 1600/1 |
06 Apr 1601 | (Amy) | STANDISH | (illegible entry) ---------------------the daughter of Richard STANDISH was buried the vjth [6th] of Aprill 1601 [Note:- This has to be Ame STANDISH , he had 2 daughters at this date but the other, Margaret is known to have survived . Link to comments about this family ] |
?? Apr 1601 | (illegible entry) | TAILER | (illegible entry) -----------------the sonne of Jhon [John] TAILER [TAYLOR] was buried the -----day of Aprill 1601 |
1601 | (George) | FFOY | [G]eorge FFOY was buried the ------------------- [Note:- George FOY & Agnes HAMOND were married at HT on 01-Oct 1574 and had several children baptised there - see their marriage - Agnes his widow was buried at HT on 22nd Nov 1610 - See the Will of George Foye, Sheereman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 25 Apr 1601 and proved 28th May 1601 ] |
1601 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) |
1601 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) |
1601 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) |
1601 | (illegible entry) | SIBLEY | (illegible entry) --------Edward SIBLEY [Note:- Edward SIBLEY married Margret UNDERWOOD at HT on 29-Oct 1599] |
1601 | (illegible entry) | WILSON? | (illegible entry) ---WILSON?--------1601 |
Oct 1601 | (illegible entry) | STEVENS? | (illegible entry) ---STEVENS? was buried ------October---- |
22 Nov 1601 | Nicholas | (PERRY?) | (illegible entry) Nicholas the sonne of Henry (surname obliterated) [was buried the] xxijth [22nd] day of November [1601] [Note:- A "Nicholas the sonne of Henry PERRY was baptized at HT on the xvth [15th] day of September 1599 which might be his baptism ] |
1601 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) -----SPER [Note:- surname isprobably SPERIN or SPERINGE] |
?/ Dec 1601? | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) -- daughter of Robert--------------day of December --------- |
1601 | (illegible entry) | PERINE | (illegible entry) ---PERINE was buried the------ [Note:- Register signed Richard EVERARD - He was the curate at Holy Trinity] |
1601 | John? | (illegible entry) | John? |
22nd ??? 1601 | Emme | (illegible entry) | Emme ---------------xxijth-----------1601 |
1602 | William | (illegible entry) | Willm [William] the sonne of W--------------------- |
4th ?? 1602 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | ---------the sonne of -----------buried the iiijth [4th] daye of ------ |
1602 | Dorothy | (illegible entry) | Dorothee the wife of ------buried the |
10 Oct 1602 | Jane | MARKES | Jane the daughter of Jhon [John] MA----------------the xth [10th] day of October 1602 [Note:- Jane the daughter of Jhon [John] MARKES was baptized the xvjth [16th] day of of January 1599 [1599/1600] |
15 Oct 1602 | John | MILLER | Jhon [John] MILLER was buried the xvth------------- [Note:- John MILLER & Alice MARTINE were married at HT on 12 Jan 1595 after his death Alice MILLER remarried to Thomas COWBOURNE at HT on 19-Nov 1604] |
07 Nov 1602 | Anthony | (illegible entry) | Anthony the sonne of Morgan ?OT??R was buried the vijth [7th] day of November 1602 |
?? Nov 1602 | (illegible entry) | HOSKINS? | (illegible) the sonne of Jhon [John] HOSKINS? -------of November 16-- |
?? Nov 1602 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | -------Nov 1602 |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | ||
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | ||
Elizabeth | (illegible entry) | Elizabeth ------------ | |
(illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | ---ne the wife ------- | |
Roger? | (illegible entry) | Rog-------------was buried ----------------- | |
05 Apr 1603 | (illegible entry) | (illegible entry) | -------y was buried the vth [5th] day of Aprill 16?? |
?/ Apr 1603 | (illegible entry) | WOODCUTT? | ---wife of Theophilus WOODCUTTE was buried the ??? of Aprill 160? |
?? May 1603 | William | GLESON? | --- the sonne of Willm [William] GLE??? [GLESON?] ------day of May 160? |
?? May 1603 | (illegible entry) | BURGES | ------BURGES Widowe was [buried the] --May --- |
?? May 1603 | ---daughter of Jhon [John] -------was buried the --- May 1603 [Note:- Register signed Richard EVERARD - He was the curate at Holy Trinity] |
09 Jun 1603 | Robert | CURTIS | Robert the sonne of Ralphe CURTIS was buryed the ixth [9th] day of June 1603 |
09 July 1603 | John | GOODMAN | John GOODMAN was buried the ixth [9th] day of July 1603 [Note:- The husband of Avis and father of George GOODMAN bap HT 29th Nov 1597 and buried HT 26th Sep 1603] |
25 July 1603 | Robert | HUNT | Robert HUNT was buried the the xxvth [25th] of July 1603 |
12 Aug 1603 | Joane | AVINE | Joane the daughter of Robert AVINE was buried the xijth [12th] day of August 1603 {Note:- Bap HT 7th Aug 1603] |
29 Aug 1603 | Susan | HOWLETT | Susan HOWLET widow was buried the xxixth [29th] of August [1603] [Note:- Susan had married Thomas HOLLETTat HT on 08-Nov 1561 but unfortunately her maiden name was not recorded in the register] |
26 Sep 1603 | George | GOODMAN | George the sonne of Avis GOODMAN widow was buried the xxvjth [26th] day of September 1603 [Note:- bap HT 29th Nov 1597 - his father John was buried HT 9th July 1603] |
28 Oct 1603 | John | LACYE | Jhon [John] LACYE was buried the xviijth [28th] day of October 1603 |
22 Dec 1603 | Agnes | PINNEY | Agnes PINNEY the daughter of Cicely ALLEN was buried the xxijth [22nd] day of December 1603. |
06 Jan 1603/4 | Richard | TURNER | Richard the sonne of Jhon [John] TURNER was buried the vjth [6th] day of January 1603 [1603/4] |
08 Apr 1604 | William | HYE | Willm [William] HYE was buried the viijth [8th] day of Aprill 1604 |
20 May 1604 | Margret | LACY | Margret the daughter of Nicholas LACY was buried the xxth [20th] day of May 1604 [Note:- Margret was bap HT 4th Sep 1573] |
27 May 1604 | John | MELLEDGE | Jhon [John] the sonne of Jhon [John] MELLEDGE was buried the xxvijth [27th] day of May 1604 [Note:- bap HT 15th Apr 1602 - 2nd child of John MELLEDGE Follow link for more information] ] |
22 Jun 1604 | Anne | ANTHONY | Anne the daughter of Jhon [John] ANTHONY was buried the xxijth [22nd] day of June 1604 [Note:- bap HT 11th May 1603] |
17 Aug 1604 | John | MARKES | Jhon [John] MARKES was buried the xvijth [17th] day of August 1604 [Note:- John MARKES was the husband of Joane MONEDAY whom he had married at HT on 23-Jun 1599] |
29 Aug 1604 | Edith | LACYE | Edith the daughter of Robert LACYE was buryed the xxixth [29th] day of August 1604 [Note:- bap HT 22nd Jan 1603/4] |
02 Sep 1604 | Robert | BAREFOOTE | Robert the sonne of Doctor BAREFOOTE was buried the second day of September 1604[Note:- Link to comments about this family ] |
27 Sep 1604 | Avis | BAKER | Avis BAKER widow was buryed the xxvijth [27th] of September [1604] |
26 Oct 1604 | George | ROA | George the sonne of Henry ROA was buried the xxvjth [26th] day of October 1604 |
01 Nov 1604 | Margret | TAILER | Margret TAILER [TAYLOR] was buryed the first day of November 1604 |
07 Nov 1604 | Agnes | SHORY | Agnes the daughter of Thomas SHORY was buyed the vijth [7th] day of November 1604 [Note:- Register signed Richard EVERARD - He was the curate at Holy Trinity] |
21 Nov 1604 | Grace | THORNE | Grace THORNE was buried the xxjth [21st] of November [1604] |
17 Dec 1604 | Nicholas | RUSSELL | Nicholas the sonne of Teague RUSSELL was buryed the xvijth [17th] day of December 1604 [Note:- Bap HT 15th Dec 1604] |
18 Dec 1604 | John | RUSSELL | Jhon [John] the sonne of Teague RUSSELL was buryed the xviijth [18th] day of December 1604 [Note:- Bap HT 15th Dec 1604] |
18 Jan 1604/5 | Henry | CARDROW | Henry the sonne of Jhon [John] CARDROW was buryed the xviijth [18th] day of January 1604 [1604/5] [[Note:- 1st Child of John CARDROE (d.1632) Bap HT 8th Jan 1604/5] |
05 Feb 1604/5 | Nicholas | LACY (junior) | Nicholas LACY Junior was buryed the vth [5th] day of Ffebruary 1604 [1604/5] |
03 Mar 1604/5 | Nicholas | NICHOLS | Nicholas the sonne of Jhon [John] NICHOLS was buryed the thrid day of March 1604 [Note:- Bap HT on 7th July 1592] |
15 Mar 1604/5 | Elizabeth | LAWRENCE | Elizabeth |
29 Mar 1605 | Joane | PALMER | Joane the wife of Jhon [John] PALMER was buryed the xxixth [29th] day of March 1605 [Note:- John PALMER & Joane BISHOPPE were married at HT on 22-Nov 1579] |
03 May 1605 | John | FACY alias SCHOLER | Jhon [John] FFACY als [alias or also] SCHOLER was buryed the third of May 1605 |
05 May 1605 | Jane | MELLEDGE | Jane the daughter of Jhon [John] MELLEDGE was buryed the vth day of May 1605 [Note;- 3rd child of John MELLEDGE Follow link for more information] |
15 May 1605 | Elizabeth | CRIMBLE | Elizabeth the wife of Jhon [John] CRIMBLE was buryed the xvth [15th] day of May 1605 |
08 Jun 1605 | Joane | COX | Joane & Jane the daughters of George COX were buryed the viijth [8th] day of June 1605 [Note:- Probably twins both baptised together 2nd June 1605] |
08 Jun 1605 | Jane | COX | See above entry |
16 June 1605 | Anne | SHORY | Anne the daughter of Thomas SHORY was buryed the xvjth [16th] day of June 1605 |
28 June 1605 | George | TOGOOD | George the sonne of Giles TOGOOD [TOOGOOD] was buryed the xxxiijth [invalid date - probably meant xxviijth or 28th] [Note:- Bap HT 16th June 1605] |
29 Aug 1605 | Richard | HODGINS | Richard HODGINS was buryed the xxixth [29th] of August 1605 |
30 Aug 1605 | Edward | HELLIER | Edward the sonne of Jhon [John] HELLIER was buryed the xxth [30th] day of Aug 1605 [Note:- Bap HT 11th May 1604] |
02 Sep 1605 | Elinor | LOADER | Elinor the wife of Jhon [John] LOADER was buryed the second day of September 1605 |
07 Sep 1605 | Sara | HOSKINS | Sara the daughter of Jhon [John] HOSKINS was buried the vijth [7th] day of September 1605 [Note:- Bap HT16th Sep 1604] [Note:- Register signed Richard EVERARD - He was the curate at Holy Trinity] |
04 Dec 1605 | Andrew | GREGORY | Andrew the sonne of Henry GREGORY was buryed the iiijth [4th] day of December 1605 |
16 Dec 1605 | William | JOLLIFFE | Willm [William] the sonne of Willm [William] JOLLIFFE was buryed the xvjth [16th] day of December 1605 [Note:- bap HT 1st Sep 1605- 2nd child from the marriage of William JOLLIFFE to Joane FOYE at HT on 9th Sep 1602 ] |
08 Jan 1605 | Sara | SKINNER | Sara the daughter of Robert SKINNER was buryed the viijth [8th] day of January 1605 [1605/6][Note:- bap HT 11th Jan 1600/1 3rd child of Robert SKINNER & Joane BOYLANDE ] |
10 Jan 1605/6 | Tiffen | DOWRITCHE | Tiffen DOWRITCHE Widow was buryed the xth [10th] of January 1605 [1605/6] |
17 Jan 1605/6 | Elienor | MOONE | Elienor MOONE Widow was buryed the xvijth of January 1605 [1605/6] |
22 Jan 1605/6 | Jane | PARMITER | Jane PARMITER the Servant of William WILSON was buryed the xxijth [22nd] day of January 1605 [1605/6] |
26 Jan 1605/6 | Robert | WOODING | Robert WOODDING was buried the xxvjth [26th] of January 1605 [1605/6] |
02 Feb 1605/6 | Nicholas | LACYE | Nicholas LACYE was buryed the second of Ffebruary 1605 [1605/6][Note:- Nicholas LACY & Avis SHAVINGE were married 28-Oct 1594 - his widow Avis was buried at HT on 7th June 1613] |
19 Mar 1605/6 | Elizabeth | WILLIS | Elizabeth the bastard daughter of Ffrancis WILLIS was buryed the xixth [19th] day of March 1605 [1605/6] [Note:- Bap HT 15th March 1605/6] |
01 Apr 1606 | Susan | BROWNE | Susan the daughter of William BROWNE a stranger was buried the first day of Aprill 1606 |
09 July 1606 | John | LUCAS | Jhon [John] the sonne of Thomas LUCAS was buryed the ixth [9th] day of July 1606 |
20 Aug 1606 | Mary | TERINE | Mary TERINE was buryed the xxth [20th] of August 1606 |
16 Sep 1606 | Christian | TAILER | Christian the daughter of Jhon [John]TAILER was buryed the xvjth [16th] day of September 1606 [Note:- Bap HT 13th Mar 1602] |
21 Sep 1606 | William | PATY | Willm [William] PATY was buried ye xxjth [21st] of September 1606 |
10 Oct 1606 | Thomas | PILLARD | Thomas the sonne of Thomas PILLARD was buryed the xth [10th] day of October 1606 |
21 Nov 1606 | Agnes | WATTS | Agnes WATTS the daughter in lawe of William WARREN? buryad [buried at] the xxjth [21st] daye of November [1606] |
23 Nov 1606 | Edith | GODDARD | Edithe GODDARD buryad [buried] the xxiijth [23rd] of November [1606] |
27 Nov 1606 | William | WARREN | William WARREN buryad [buried] the xxvijth [27th] of November [1606] |
02 Dec 1606 | Edith | WATTS | Edith the wife of Thomas WATTS burad [buried] the second of December [1606] |
20 Dec 1606 | Katherine | TOOGOOD | Katherine [Catherine] the daughter of Giles TOOGOOD [TOGOOD] buryed the xxth [20th] December [1606] [Note:- Bap HT 19th Sep 1606] |
24 Dec 1606 | Petronil | SALWAY | Petronil SALWAY Widdowe buryed the xxiiijth [24th] of December [1606] [Note:- Petronil is a cooloquial form of the Latin Petronilla which translates at Parnel or Pernell] |
29 Dec 1606 | George | GUYE | George the sonne of John GUYE buryed the xxixth [29th] of December [1606] [Note:- Bap HT 28th Dec 1606] |
07 Jan 1606/7 | Ursula | BURTE | Ursula BURTE servant of John RYALL buryed the seventh of January [1606/7] |
26 Jan 1606/7 | Mary | DOWRITCHE | Marye the wife of Thomas DOWRITCHE buryed the xxvjth [26th] of January [1606/7] [Note:- Thomas DOWRITCHE & Mary CHOWNTE were married at HT on 03-Feb 1598] [Note:- Register signed by Joannes [John] WHITE Rector : and wardens [i.e. churchwardens] John BAYLIE and Henry EDWARDES (made his mark)] |
18 Feb 1606/7 | Elizabeth | CARTER | Elizabeth the daughter of Humfrey CARTER buryed the xviijth [18th] of Ffebruary [1606/7][Note:- Bap HT 23 Feb 1602/3] |
09 Mar 1606/7 | Sarah | EDWARDS | Sarah the daughter of John EDWARDS the sadler was buryed the ixth [9th] of March [1606/7] [Note:- Bap HT 6th Mar 1596/7] |
27 Mar 1607 | Anne | GOSLINGE | Anne the daughter of John GOLSLINGE buryed the xxvijth [27th] of March [1607] |
12 Apr 1607 | Edward | STEVENS | Edward STEVENS sonne of Rich [Richard] STEVENS buryed the xijth [12th] of Aprill [1607] |
21 Apr 1607 | Joane | HOOP | Joane the daughter of Bartholomew HOOP [HOOPER] buryed the xxjth [21st] of April [1607] |
22 Apr 1607 | Edmund | STEVENS | Edmund the sonne of Henry STEVENS buryed the xxijth [22nd] of April [1607] [Note:- Bap HT 1st Mar 1600/1] |
26 Apr 1607 | Robert | LACY | Robert LACY buryed the xxvjth [26th] of April [1607] |
29 Apr 1607 | Joane | WALKHAM | Joane the bastard daughter of Alice WALLHAM [or WALKHAM] buryed the xxixth [19th] of April [1607] [Note:- Bap HT 27th Apr 1607] |
02 May 1607 | Rosamund | HELLIET | Rosamund the wife of Thomas HELLIET buryed the second of Maye [1607] |
09 May 1607 | Edith | BRINE | Edith the daughter of Thomas BRINE buryed the ixth [9th] of Maye [1607] |
10 May 1607 | John | ADYN | John the sonne of Thomas ADYN buryed the xth [10th] of Maye [1607] |
16 May 1607 | Robert | PIPPAEN? | Robert the sonne of Simon PIPPAEN? buryed the xvjth [16th] of Maye [1607] |
28 May 1607 | John | CRIMBLE | John CRIMBLE Buryed the xxviijth [28th] of Maye [1607] |
30 May 1607 | Matthew | MILLER | Matthew MILLER servant to William WILSON buryed the xxxth [30th] of Maye [1607] |
15 Jun 1607 | Matthew | COWBORNE | Matthew the sonne of Thomas COWBORNE [COBORNE] buryed the xvth [15th] of June [1607] [Note:- Bap HT 8th Sep 1606] |
19 Jun 1607 | William | LILLYE | William the bastard sonne of Charilya LILLYE buryed the xixth [19th] daye of June [1607] [Note:- Bap HT 20 Dec 1606] |
22 Jun 1607 | Elizabeth | DOWRITCHE | Elizabeth the daughter of Anthonye DOWRITCHE buryed the xxijth [22nd] of June [1607] [Note:- Bap HT 2nd Aug 1604 2nd child from the marriage of Anthony DOWRICHE to Elizabeth MARSHE at HT on 04-May 1601] |
07 July 1607 | Christian | MILLER | Christian MILLER the daughter in law of Thomas COWBORNE buryed the vijth [7th] of July [1607][Note:- Christian was the 2nd child from the marriage of John MILLER to Alice MARTINE at HT on 12-Jan 1595. John MILLER died and was buried at HT on 15th Oct 1602. Alice MILLER then re-married to Thomas COWBORNE at HT on 19th Nov 1604] |
11 July 1607 | Ambrose | DOWRITCHE | Ambrose the sonne of Anthony DOWRITCHE buryed the xjth [11th] of July [1607] [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Anthony DOWRICHE to Elizabeth MARSHE at HT on 04-May 1601 who was baptised at HT 7th Dec 1606] |
06 Feb 1607/8 | Katherine | HEBBERD | Katherine HEBBERD Widow buryed the vjth [6th] of Ffebruary [1607/8] |
07 Feb 1607/8 | Giles | BOYTE | Giles the sonne of William BOYTE buryed the vijth [7th] of Ffebruary [1607/8] [Note:- Bap HT 22nd Nov 1607] |
08 Feb 1607/8 | John | BRINE | John BRINE buryed the viijth [8th] of Ffebruary [1607/8] |
17 Feb 1607/8 | George | MIDDLETON | George the sonne of John MIDDLETON buryed the xvijth [17th] of Ffebruary [1607/8] [Note:- Bap HT 14th Feb 1607/8] |
06 Mar 1607/8 | John | BARFOOT | John BARFOOT Do [Doctor] of Physick buryed the vjth [6th] of March John BARFOOT [Also recorded as Barefoot, Barfoote] was a Doctor of Medicine although I have not so far been able to find out where he trained. He married and had children before his arrival in Dorchester as he had a son (1) John who was born circa 1588 and matriculated at Brasenose college Oxford on 20th March 1603 when he was 15. This son John was awarded his BA from Balliol College in 1605 and an MA in 1609. He Joined the church and became Vicar of Itchenstoke in Hants in 1605 Vicar of Great Ludford Lincoln in 1613. He appears to have had at least another son (2) Robert born prior to his arrival as he is buried at HT church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1604 He had settled in Dorchester by 1594 and had another 6 children all baptised at Holy Trinity church (3) Francis bap 26th July 1594 (4) Anne bap 15th Jan 1595 and buried HT 5th Dec 1615 (5) Thomas bap 1st Aug 1597 (6) Katherine bap 24 Sep 1598 who married when she was 18 to Israel Morgan at HT on 14th Jan 1617/8 (7) Mathew bap 13th Feb 1599/1600 he married Elizabeth Meech at Winfrith Newburgh 26 June 1622 and had a daughter Elizabeth bap HT 20th Apr 1623 (8) Dorothy bap 5th July 1602. His son Mathew BARFOOT also seems to have become a barber surgeon and is briefly mentioned in David Underdowns book about dorchester 'Fire from Heaven' :- "Dorchester had an unusual number of medical practotioners for a place of its size: half a dozen physicians, and about the same number of barber-surgeons. One of the latter, Matthew BARFOOT assisted at executions , regularly served as foreman of coroners juries, and was an expert witness at inquests." |
06 Mar 1607/8 | Joseph | DOWRITCHE | Joseph the sonne of Thomas DOWRITCHE buryed the same dayee [Note:- Bap HT 5th Mar 1607/8]{Note the 3rd child of Thomas DOWRITCHE but the 1st by his second wife Elizabeth whom he married at HT on 2nd May 1607. |
07 Mar 1607/8 | Elizabeth | TOOGOOD | Elizabeth the wife of Giles TOOGOOD buried the vijth [7th] of March 1607 [1607/8] [Note:- Giles & Elizabeth had 4 children bap at HT] |
11 Mar 1607/8 | Susan | BOWDEN | Susan the wife of Luke BOWDEN buryed the xjth [11th] of March [1607/8] [Note:- Luke BOWDEN buried at HT on 5th June 1610] |
11 Mar 1607/8 | Anasteise | CHAPPELL | Anasteise the wife of Nicholas CHAPPELL buryed the smae daye [Note:- Anasteise [Anastasia] married Nicholas CHAPPELL at HT on 26th Nob 1573] [Note:- Register signed by Joannes [John] WHITE Rector and Churchwardens Henry EDWARDES (his mark H) & Simon HAYSELBURY |
22 Mar 1607/8 | John | STANDISH | John the sonne of Richard STANDISH buyed the xxijth [22nd] of March [1607/8] [Note:- Link to comments about this family ] |
21 May 1608 | Hugh | BISHOP | Hughe the sonne of Robert BISHOPPE buryed the xxjth [21st] day of May [1608][Note:- Bap HT 17th May 1608] |
23 May 1608 | Henry | EDWARDES | Henry the sonne of John EDWARDES buyed the xxiijth [23rd] day of May [1608] [Note:- See Will index 'Will of Henrie Edwardes, Yeoman of Holy Trinity Dorchester, Dorset'. |
30 May 1608 | Henry | COBBE | Henrye the sonne of John COBBE buryed the xxxth [30th] of May [1608] [Note:- baptised with his brother Simon on 20th May 1608] |
28 July 1608 | William | READ | William READ was buyed the xxviijth [28th] of July [1608] [Note:- William READ who married Elizabeth BISHOPPE at HT on 31-Jan 1579/80 See Wills index for "Will of William Reade, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset PROB 11/112 proved 30 September 1608] |
20 Aug 1608 | Joane | BENVILE | Joane the daughter of John BENVILE buryed the xxth [20th] of August [1608] [Note:- Bap HT 23 July 1608] |
28 Sep 1608 | Elizabeth | CORBIN | Elizabeth CORBIN widow buryed the xxviijth [28th] of September [1608] [Note:- The widow of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) a baker by trade and burgess of Dorchester. After his death she inherited by custom of the manor her husbands half place in Fordington Fields which she still held in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor.] |
07 Dec 1608 | Joane | SMITH | Joane the wife of Ralphe SMITH buryed the seventh of December [1608] [Note:- Ralph SMITH Married Joane MILBOURNE his first wife at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 30th April 1598] |
17 Dec 1608 | Petronil | ROA [ROW] | Petronil the wife of Marke ROA [ROW] buryed the xvijth [17th] of December [1608] [Note:- Marke remarried to a Judith MIDDLE at HT on 25-Sep 1609] [Note:- Petronil is a female Latin name which translates as Parnell or Pernell] |
20 Dec 1608 | Emme | HOSKINS | Emme the daughter of John HOSKINS buryed the xxth [20th] of December [1608] [Note:- Bap 18th Dec 1608] |
06 Jan 1608/9 | George | SMITH | George SMITHE Gentleman buryed the vjth [6th] of Januarye [1608/9] [Note:- husband of Elizabeth nee Churchill who was the 2nd child of John CHURCHILL (1512-1557) Esq of Dorchester, See also Wills Index "Will of George Smyth, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset PROB 11/114 proved 01 June 1609".] |
12 Jan 1608/9 | Phillis | EDWARDES | Phillis EDWARDE Widdowe buryed the xijth [12th] of Januarye [1608/9] |
27 Jan 1608/9 | Richard | WALLIS | Richard WALLEIS buryed the xxvijth [27th] of Januarye [1608/9] |
22 Feb 1608/9 | Agnes | THATCHER | Agnes the wife of Thomas THATCHER buryed xvijth [22nd] of Ffebruary [1608/9] [Note:- Thomas THATCHER & Agnes DEVENISHE were married at HT on 13-Sep 1593] |
04 Mar 1608/9 | Joane | TERIN | Joane the daughter of Morgan TERIN buryed the 4th of March [1608/9][Note:- bap HT 3rd Sep 1597] |
17 Mar 1608/9 | Rebecca | BOKE [BEKE] | Rebecca the daughter of Richard BOKE [BEKE] buryed the xvijth [17th] of March [1608/9] |
13 Apr 1609 | Walter | KINGSTON | Walter KINGSTON was buryed the xiijth [13th] of Aprill [1609] |
15 Apr 1609 | Dorothy | KINGSTON | Dorothee KINGSTON was buryed the xvth [15th] of Aprill [1609] |
19 May 1609 | John | BOKE [BEKE] | John BOKE [BEKE] buryed the xixth [19th] of Maye [1609] |
23 May 1609 | Luke | MEMBREE | Luke the sonne of George MEMBREE buryed the xxiijth [23rd] of Maye [1609] [See link for comments about this family] |
24 June 1609 | Agnes | SHORYE | Agnes the daughter of Thomas SHORYE buryed the xxiiijth [24th] of June 1609 [Note:- bap HT 4th Nov 1604] |
03 Aug 1609 | Geffrey | JEWDRY | Geffrey JEWDRY buryed the third day of August [1609] |
30 Aug 1609 | Simon | BISHOP | Simon the sonne of Robert BISHOPPE buryed ye xxxth [30th] of August [1609] [Note:- Baptised HT the same day] |
16 Sep 1609 | William | TOMSON | William TOMSON was buryed the xvjth [16th] day of September [1609] |
01 Oct 1609 | Mary | HELLIER | Mary the daughter of John HELLIER buried the first of October [1609] |
01 Oct 1609 | Agnes | CLARKE | Agnes the daughter of George CLARKE buried the same time |
22 Oct 1609 | Richard | PENNY | Richard PENNY was buryed the xxijth [22nd] of October [1609] |
24 Oct 1609 | Margaret | HOOP | Margret the wife of Bartholomew HOOP buried xxiiijth [24th] of October [1609][ Note Bartholomew and Margaret had 3 children bap at HT (1)Thomas bap 8th Jan 1603; (2) Joane bap 1st Dec 1606 (3) Mary bap 12 Apr 1609] |
16 Nov 1609 | John | BRINE | John the sonne of Edward BRINE buried the xvjth [16th] of November [1609] [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John BRINE married Alice PALMER at HT on 29-Jun 1574 bap Ht 15th may 1591] |
03 Dec 1609 | Henry | STEVENS | Henry STEVENS was buried the third of December [1609] [Note:- Henry STEVENS married Euroth MIGHILL at HT on 28-Oct 1598 and had 4 children bap in the parish |
04 Jan 1609/10 | Ralph | PALMER | Ralphe PALLMER was buried the iiijth [4th] day of January [1609/10] [Note:- See Wills Index for 'Will of Ralph Palmer, Vintner of Dorchester, Dorset PROB 11/115 proved 26 May 1610] |
07 Jan 1609/10 | Grace | STEVENS | Grace the daughter of Euroth STEVENS buried the vijth [7th] of January [1609/10][Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Henry STEVENS to Euroth MIGHILL at HT on 28-Oct 1598 ] |
13 Jan 1609/10 | Alice | BRINE | Alice BRINE widow buried the xiijth [13th] day of January [1609/10] |
24 Jan 1609/10 | Julian | MIGHELL | Julian MIGHELL widow buried the xxiiijth [24th] day of January [1609/10] [Note:- Register signed by Joannes [John] WHITE Rector and Jo: [Joseph] PURKINS |
02 Mar 1609/10 | William | WILSON | William WILSON was buried the second of Marche [1609/10] |
04 Mar 1609/10 | Peter | BRINE | Peter the sonne of Thomas BRINE buried the iiijth [4th] of Marche [1609/10] [Note:- Bap HT 10th Dec 1609] |
23 Mar 1609/10 | Elinor | LARCOMBE | Elinor the wife of Morgan LARCOMBE buried ye xxiijth [23rd] of March [1609/10] [Note:- Elinor married Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE at HT on 2nd June 1575] |
08 Apr 1610 | Richard | SKOVELL | Richard SKOVELL was buryed the viijth [8th] of April 1610 |
05 Jun 1610 | Luke | BOWDEN | Luke BOWDEN was buryed the ffifhe [5th] day of June [Note:- His wife Susan BOWDEN was buried at HT on 11 Mar 1607/8. He was a witness to the will of Richard CORBIN (d. 1587/8) and likely a relation to his sonhenry CORBIN's 1st wigfe Margaret Corbin nee Bowden buried at HT on ] |
17 June 1610 | Grace | SEAWARD | Grace the daughter of Alice SEAWARD buried ye xvijth [17th] of June 1610 [Note:- bap HT 5th June 1610] |
21 July 1610 | Thomas | PINNEY | Thomas the son of Wm [William] PINNEY buried the xxjth [21st] of July 1610 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of William PINNEY to Joane DOWRITCHE at HT on 16-Jan 1597] |
05 Aug 1610 | Thomas | CARDROW | Thomas the son of John CARDROW buried the vth [5th] of August 1610 [Note:- 6th Child of John CARDROE (d.1632) Bap HT 4th Aug 1610] |
17 Aug 1610 | Henry | EDWARDES | Henry EDWARDES was buryed the xvijth [17th] of August 1610 [See Will dated 8th Aug 1610] |
01 Sep 1610 | Joane | RICHARDSON | Joane RICHARDSON widow buryed the first of September 1610 |
08 Sep 1610 | Thomas | STAINESBURY | Thomas STAINESBURY was buryed the viijth [8th] of September 1610 |
17 Sep 1610 | Agnes | WHETSONE | Agnes WHETSTONE widow was buryed the xvijth [17th] of September 1610 |
10 Nov 1610 | Joane | PHIPPARD | Joane PHIPPARD was buryed the xth [10th] of November 1610 |
22 Nov 1610 | Agnes | FFOY | Agnes FFOY widow was buryed the xxijth [22nd] of November 1610 [Note:- George FOY married Agnes HAMOND at HT on 01-Oct 1574 and had 4 children baptised there : George FOY was buried at HT in 1601 & also left a Will] |
10 Jan 1610/11 | Elizabeth | COBBE | Elizabeth the daughter of John COBBE buried ye xth [10th] of January 1610 [Note :- Bap HT 28th Nov 1610] |
12 Mar 1610/11 | Elizabeth | READ | Elizabeth the daughter of Nathaniel READ buryed ye xijth [12th] of March 1610 [Note:- Bap HT 9th Mar 1610/11] |
28 Mar 1611 | Humfrey | SHORY | Humfrey the sonne of Thomas SHORY buryed the xxviijth [28th] of March 1611 [Bap HT 9th Oct 1608] |
28 Mar 1611 | William | PERIN | William the sonne of Ralph PERIN buryed the same day [Note:- bap HT 28th Feb 1610/11] |
27 Apr 1611 | Joane | JEWDY | Joane JEWDY widw was buried the xxvijth [27th] of April 1611 |
12 Jun 1611 | Elizabeth | COOKE | Elizabeth the daughter of William COOKE buried the xijth [12th] day of June 1611 [Note:- William Cooke married Elizabeth Dowritch at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 13-Feb 1605. Elizabeth was the first of 5 children having been baptised at HT 1st Nov 1606 ] |
25 Jun 1611 | Robert | STONE | Robert STONE buried the xxvth [25th] day of June 1611 |
03 July 1611 | Robert | LAMBERT | Robert the sonne of Robert LAMBERT buryed the third day of July 1611 [Note:- [Note:- 3rd of eight known children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) - baptised HT 2nd Feb 16099/10] |
13 Dec 1611 | Elizabeth | COSENS | Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas COSENS buryed the xiijth [13th] day of December [Note:- bap HT 2nd Dec 1611] |
27 Dec 1611 | Thomas | MEREFIELD | Thomas MERIFIELD buryed the xxvijth [27th] of December 1611 |
30 Dec 1611 | John | MANNELL | John the sonne of Hughe MANNELL buryed the xxxth [30th] day of December 1611 |
02 Jan 1611/12 | Alice | TAILOR | Alice TAILER [TAYLOR] an Almeswoman was buryed the second day of January 1611/12
[Note:- Register signed by John WHITE Rector; Richard BUSHROD and Henneri CORBINE |
09 Jan 1611/12 | Margery | BARTLETT | Margery BARTLETT buryed the ixth [9th] of January 1611/12 |
17 Jan 1611/12 | Susan | CORBIN | Susan the daughter of Henry CORBIN buryed the xvijth [17th] of January 1611/12 [Note:- Only child from the marriage of Henry CORBIN to Margaret BOWDEN whom he had married on 9th July 1610. Susan was baptised at HT on 31st Dec 1611] |
03 Feb 1611/12 | Ambrose | COOKE | Ambrose the sonne of William COOKE buryed the third day of Ffebruary 1611/12 [Note:- His father William Cooke married Elizabeth Dowritch at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 13-Feb 1605. Ambrose was the 3rd of 5 children having been baptised at HT 7th Mar 1610/11 ] |
22 Feb 1611/12 | Dennis | LASHER | Dennis LASHER buryed the xxijth [22nd] of Ffebruary 1611/12 |
15 Mar 1611/12 | Margaret | PERIN | Margaret the wife of Ralph PERIN buryed the xvth [15th] day of March 1611/12 [Note:- Ralphe PERIN & Margret PURCHASE were married at HT on 10-May 1610] |
02 Apr 1612 | Alice | TERIN | Alice the daughter of Morgan TERIN buryed the second day of April 1612 [Note 4th child of Morgan TERIN but by his 2nd wide Edith. Alice was bap HT 29th March 1612] |
05 Apr 1612 | Magdalene | TERIN | Magdalene the wife of John TERIN buryed the vth [5th] day of April 1612 |
06 Apr 1612 | Anne | REDWORTE | Anne the daughter of John REDWORTE buryed the vjth [6th] of April 1612 |
11 Apr 1612 | Humfrey | CARTER | Humfrey the sonne of Humfrey CARTER buried the xjth [11th] day of Aprill 1612 [Note:- bap HT 23rd June 1611] |
21 Apr 1612 | Hughe | LITTENER | Hughe LITTENER was buryed the xxjth [21st] day of April |
10 July 1612 | Henry | LEIGHE | Henry the sonne of Henry LEIGHE buryed the xth [10th] day of July 1612 [Note:- Bap HT 22nd Feb 1610/11] |
16 July 1612 | John | HILL | John the sonne of John HILL buryed the xvjth [16th] day of July 1612 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John HILL to Agnes JEFFREYES at HT on 30-Jul 1605 - John Hill junior was bap HT 3rd Sep 1611] |
07 Aug 1612 | Agnes | DIBBEN | Agnes DIBBEN an Almeswoman buryed vijth [7th] of August 1612 |
12 Aug 1612 | Anne | STICKLAND | Anne the wife of Jonas STICKLAND was buryed the xijth [12th] day of August 1612 [Note:- Jonas STICKLAND & Anne EASTON were married at HT on 30-Apr 1604 ] |
26 Aug 1612 | Alice | HOBSON | Alice the wife of John HOBSON was buryed the xxvjth [26th] day of August 1612 [Note:- John HOBSON & Alice STEVENS were married at HT on 03-Apr 1592] |
27 Aug 1612 | Phillis | WILSE | Phillis the daughter of Henry WILSE was buryed the xxvijth [27th] day of August 1612 [Note:- Henry WILSE & Phillis BAYLYE were married at HT on 17-Oct 1608] |
10 Sep 1612 | Joane | WARREN | Joane WARREN widow buryed the xth [10th] of September 1612 |
12 Sep 1612 | Deborah | LAMBERT | Deborah the daughter of Robert LAMBERT was buryed the xijth [12th] of September 1612 [Note:- 4th of eight known children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) - Bap HT 5th Sep 1612] |
09 Oct 1612 | Agnes | HANCOCK | Agnes the wife of Giles HANCOCKE was buryed the ixth [9th] day of October 1612 [Note:- Giles and Agnes had a daughter Dorothy bap HT 23rd Aug 1586] |
11 Oct 1612 | Henry | KELLWAY | Henry KELLWAY [KELLAWAY] was buried the xjth [11th] of October 1612
[Note:- Register signed by John WHITE Rector |
12 Nov 1612 | Sarah | ORCHARD | Sarah the daughter of Willm [William] ORCHARDE was buryed the xijth [12th] November 1612 [Note:- Bap HT 11th June 1612] |
23 Nov 1612 | Henry | CRANLEY | Henry CRANLY was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] of November 1612 |
12 Dec 1612 | Elinor | HADOCKE | Elinor HADOCKE was buryed the xijth [12th] of December 1612 |
21 Jan 1612/13 | Simon | HASELBURY | Simon the sonne of Simon HALSELBURY was buryed the xxjth [21st] day of January 1612/13 [Note:- 4th known child of Simon Haselbury - Simon junior baptised HT 16th July 1612] |
28 Jan 1612/13 | William | PINNEY | Willm [William] the sonne of William PINNEY was buryed the xxviijth [28th] day of January 1612/13 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William PINNEY to Joane DOWRITCHE at HT on 16-Jan 1597 - their 7th child a son was baptised the same day and named William in his memory] |
13 Mar 1612/13 | Edith | COUNTER | Edith the wife of Thomas COUNTER was buryed the xiijth [13th] day of Marche 1612/13 [Note:- Thomas COUNTER & Edith LACY were married at HT on 27-Jan 1591] |
16 Mar 1612/13 | Elizabeth | PIDWIN | Elizabeth the wife of Simon PIDWIN was buryed the xvjth [16th] of March 1612/13 [Note:- Unusual name combination - Simon may have remarried as a Simon PEDVIN married a Margery CHURCHILL at HT on 12th June 1624] |
22 May 1613 | Robert | WATTS | Robert WATTS was buryed the xxijth [22nd] day of May 1613 |
07 June 1613 | Avis | LACYE | Avis LACYE widow was buryed the vijth [7th] day of June 1613 [Note:- Nicholas LACY & Avis SHAVINGE were married at HT 28-Oct 1594 and Nicholas was buried there on 2nd Feb 1605/6] |
08 July 1613 | Alice | DARE | Alice the daughter of John DARE was buryed the viijth [8th] day of July 1613 |
10 Sep 1613 | Joane | LIMBE | Joane the wife of Richard LIMBE was buryed the xth [10th] day of September 1613 |
14 Sep 1613 | Thomas | COBORNE | Thomas COBORNE was buryed the xiiijth [14th] of September 1613 |
30 Sep 1613 | Agnes | PENNY | Agnes PENNY widow was buryed the xxxth [30th] of September 1613 |
03 Oct 1613 | Nicholas | CHAPPELL | Nicholas CHAPPELL was buryed the third of October 1613 |
20 Oct 1613 | John | CINNOCKE | John CHINNOCKE was buried the xxth [20th] day of October 1613 |
07 Nov 1613 | John | PERIN | John PERIN was buryed the vijth [7th] day of November 1613 |
18 Nov 1613 | Phillip | REDWORTE | Phillippe the sonne of John REDWORTE was buried the xviijth? [18th] day of November 1613 [Note:-Phillipe the sonne of John REDWOODE was baptized the xxxjth [31st] day of January 1612/13] |
13 Jan 1613/14 | Cicely | SAMWAYS | Cicely SAMWAIES {SAMWAYS} widow was buryed the xiijth [13th] of January 1613/14 |
27 Jan 1613/14 | Mary | DOWRITCHE | Mary the wife of William DOWRITCHE was buryed the xxvijth [27th] day of January 1613/14 |
12 Feb 1613/14 | William | ASHE | William ASHE was buryed the xiith [12th] of Ffebruary 1613/14 |
21 Feb 1613/14 | Agnes | TAILOR | Agnes the wife of John TAILOR {TAYLOR} was buryed the xxjth [21st] day of Ffebruary 1613/14 |
20 Mar 1613/14 | Walter | DYER | Walter DYER was buryed the xxth [20th] of Marche [Note:- Walter DYER & Alice HODGINS were married at HT on 01-Jun 1602] |
03 Apr 1614 | Petronill | PERIN | Petronill the daughter of John PERIN was buryed the third day of April 1614 (PR) [Note:- baptised HT 12th April 1595] |
05 Apr 1614 | Giles | DAVY | Giles the sonne of Robery DAVY was buryed the fifth day of April 1614 (PR) [Note:- Bap at HT 30th March 1614] [Note:- Register signed by John WHITE Rector |
01 May 1614 | Anne | LUCAS | Anne the daughter of Thomas LUCAS was buryed the First day of May 1614 (PR) |
02 May 1614 | Elizabeth | DOWRITCHE | Elizabeth the wife of Anthony DOWRITCHE was buryed the second day of May 1614 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth nee Marsh the 1st wife of Anthony DOWRITCH who married HT 4th May 1601 and had 5 children ] |
08 May 1614 | John | BLATCHFORD | John the sonne of John BLATCHFORDE was buryed the viijth [8th] day of May 1614 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John BLACHFORD (c1574-1632) to Margaret MEMBREE at Holy Trinity church on 6th Oct 1610 - John junior was baptised at HT Church on 25th April 1614] |
17 Jun 1614 | Morgan | TERIN | Morgan TERIN was buryed the xvijth [17th] day of June 1614 (PR) |
20 Jun 1614 | wife of Robert | STEPHENS | [Blank] the wife of Robert STEPHENS buryed the xxth [20th] day of June 1614 (PR) |
27 Jun 1614 | Margaret | CORBIN | Margaret the wife of Henry CORBIN was buryed the xxvijth [27th] daye of June 1614 PR) [Note:- Henry CORBIN & Margret BOWDEN were married at HT on 09-Jul 1610 and had only 1 child, Susan Corbin who also died an infant] |
15 July 1614 | Joane | TANNER | Joane TANNER a mayde [i.e. a maid] was buryed the xvth [15th] daye of Julye 1614 (PR) |
15 Aug 1614 | Elizabeth | WHITTLE | Elizabeth the wife of Henry WHITTLE was buryed the xvth [15th] daye of August 1614 (PR) [Note:- Henry WHITTLE & Elizabeth SAMWAIES [SAMWAYS] were marriedat HT on 07-Sep 1612 ] |
22 Sep 1614 | Ffrensham | LOVELL | FFrensham LOVELL was buryed the xxijth [22nd] daye of September 1614 (PR) |
01 Oct 1614 | James | LONGE | James the sonne of John LONGE was buryed the first daye of October 1614 (PR) [Note:- bap HT 30th Sep 1614] |
01 Oct 1614 | John | WALLIS | John WALLEIS was buryed the same daye (PR) |
03 Nov 1614 | Elizabeth | CORBIN? | Elizabeth the wife of Thomas CORBINE? (note surname very faint & unclear) of Upway was buryed the third daye of November 1614 (PR) |
25 Nov 1614 | John | NICHOLS? | John NICOLS was buryed the xxvth [25th] day of November 1614 (PR) |
05 Dec 1614 | Anne | COWDE | Anne the wife of John COWDE a stranger was buryed the vth [5th] daye of December 1614 (PR) |
11 Dec 1614 | Margaret | DOWRITCHE | Margaret the wife of Thomas DOWRITCHE was buryed xjth [11th] daye of December 1614 (PR) |
18 Dec 1614 | Roger | CHAPER? | Roger the sonne of John CHAPER? (unclear) was buryed the xviijth [18th] daye of December 1614 (PR) |
23 Dec 1614 | Henry | SCHOLER | Henry SCHOLER was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] daye of December 1614 (PR) |
26 Dec 1614 | John | DARE | John DARE was buryed the xxvjth [26th] of December 1614 (PR) |
27 Dec 1614 | John | HAWKINS | John HAWKINS buryed the xxviith [27th] of December 1614 (PR) |
13 Feb 1614/15 | Mary | HODGINS | Marye HODGINS Widdowe was buryed the xiijth [13th] daye of Ffebruary 1614/15 (PR) |
14 Feb 1614/15 | Catherine | LINSEY | Catherine [Katherine] the daughter of John LINSEY was buried the xiiijth [14th] day of Ffebruary 1614 (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John LINZEY to Joane PETVIN at HT on 29-Jun 1611] |
17 Mar 1614/15 | John | SNOOKE | John the sonne of Robert SNOOKE was buryed the xvijth [17th] daye of Marche 1614 (PR) [Note:- Bap HT 11th March 1614/15] |
14 Apr 1615 | Agnes | ? | Agnes the wife of John (surname unclear short 4 letters? -AKE?) was buryed the xiiijth [14th] day of April 1615 |
23 Apr 1615 | Julian | PINNEY | Julian PINNEY a widdowe was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] of April 1615 |
25? Apr 1615 | Peter | GANWAY | Peter the bastard sonne of Emme GANWAY was buryed the xxth? [date unclear] daye of April 1615 |
13? May 1615 | Ann | WALLOIS | Ann the (next word unclear and there may be an entry above the line as well) of Troilus WALLOIS was buryed the xiijth? [13th?] daye of Maye 1615 [Note:- Troilus WALLEYS [WALLOIS] & Gertrude MEMBREE were married at HT on 07-Feb 1613 and they have a child William bap there 1st May 1616. There is no baptism at HT for Ann (baptism registers are very clear from 1613 -1615) |
10 Jun 1615 | Roger | HILL | Roger the sonne of John HILL was buryed the xth [10th] daye of June 1615 [Note:- bap HT 24th Oct 1614] |
22 Jun 1615 | Avis | SIMONS | Avis the wife of Robert SIMONS was buryed the xxijth [22nd] daye of June 1615 [Note:- Robert SIMONS & Avis LACY were married at HT on 29-Apr 1598] |
23 Jun 1615 | Elizabeth | COLLIER | Elizabeth COLLIER a mayde [i.e. a maid] was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] daye of June 1615 |
24 July 1615 | James | JENNINGS | James JENNINGS was buryed the xxiiijth [24th] daye of July 1615 |
01 Aug 1615 | [Blank] (Elizabeth?) | PINNEY? | [Blank] the daughter of H---y? ?INNEY was buryed the first daye of August 1615 [Note:- water damaged - may be Elizabeth the daughter of Henry PINNEY who was baptised 30th May 1613?] |
04 Aug 1615 | [Richard?] | SHAVEN | R-----------[Richard?] SHAVEN was buryed the fourth daye of August [Note:-a Richard SHAVEN & Margret HUDDS were married at HT on 16-Nov 1601] |
28 Aug 1615 | Phillip (female) | SHEPLER | Philipp SHEPSLER [SHEPHERD?] a widddowe was buryed the xxviijth [28th] day of August 1615 [See link where Philllip has been used as a female name in the Shepherd family?] |
01 Sep 1615 | Frances | BLATCHFORD | Ffrancis [i.e. Frances] the daughter of John BLATCHFORDE was buryed the first daye of September 1615 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John BLACHFORD (c1574-1632) to Margaret MEMBREE at Holy Trinity church on 6th Oct 1610 - Franciswas baptised at HT Church on 12th April 1615] |
02 Sep 1615 | Elizabeth | COOKE | Elizabeth the daughter of William COOKE was buryed the second day of September 1615 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William COOKE to Elizabeth DOWRITCHE at HT on 13-Feb 1605 - Elizabeth was baptised 28th August 1615] |
10 Sep 1615 | James | TURNER | James the sonne of Richard TURNER was buryed the xth [10th] day of September 1615 |
26 Oct 1615 | William | PALMER | William PALMER was buryed the xxvjth [26th] daye of October 1615 |
05 Dec 1615 | Anne | BAREFOOT | Anne the daughter of Mrs BAREFOOT was buryed the fifth daye of December 1615 [Note:- Link to comments about this family] |
29 Dec 1615 | Rabage | LACY | Rabage LACY an aged ???man [Almsman?] buryed the xxixth [29th] day of December 1615 |
22 Feb 1615/16 | Katherine | TRIVETT | Katherine TRIVETT a widdowe was buryed the xxijth [22nd] of February 1615/16 |
15 Mar 1615/16 | Robert | TUCKER | Robert the sonne of Gilbert TUCKER was buryed xvth [15th] day of March 1616 [Note:- baptised HT 11th Sep 1614] [Note:- Register signed by John WHITE Rector |
12? May 1616 | Robert | COYTYR? | Robert COYTYR? was buryed thev 12th? of Maye 1616 |
20? May 1616 | Mary | ? | Mary (illegible surname - short 4 letters? ) was buryed the 20th? of Maye |
06 Jun 1616 | Agnes | FFOWEL [FFERRET?] | Agnes the daughter of William FFOWEL was buryed the 6th of June [Note:- bap HT 19th Aug 1612] |
07 Jun 1616 | Christopher | WAY | Christopher the sonne of Christopher WAY was buryed the 7th June |
10 Jun 1616 | Mary | COMFREY | Mary the daughter of John COMFREY was buryed the 10th of June [Note:- bap HT 14th January 1613/14] |
11 Jun 1616 | Troilus | MOONE | Troilus the sonne of John MOONE was buryed the xi? [11th] of June [Note:- Bap 2nd May 1611] |
13 Jun 1616 | Thomas | SOUTHAY | Thomas the sonne of Thomas SOUTHAY was buryed the 13th June [Note:-bap HT 9th July 1615] |
28 Jun 1616 | Elizabeth | POLLARD | Elizabeth the daughter of John POLLARD buryed the 28th June [Note:- baptised HT 12th March 1614/5] |
28 Jun 1616 | Marye | DEVENISH | Marye the wife of Thomas DEVENISH the younger was buryed the xviijth [28th] of June |
18? Jul 1616 | William | DOWRICH | William the sonne of Anthony DOWRITCH was buryed the xviijth? [18th?] of July [Note:- Bap HT 5th May 1611] |
14 Sep 1616 | Rafe | SMITH | Rafe SMITH was buryed the xiiiith [14th] day of September [Note:- Rafe [Ralph] SMITH married twice the 2nd time to Bathsheba PARKER at Holy Triniy Church Dorchester on 6th Feb 1608. He also left a Will dated 11th Aug 1616. ] |
05 Oct 1616 | Thomas | CLAPCOLT? | Thomas the sonne of William CLAPCOLE?? was buryed the vth [5th] of October |
01 Nov 1616 | Humfrey | CARTER | Humfrey CARTER was buryed the first daye of November [Note:- Humfrey [also spelt Humphrey] CARTER had 5 children baptised at HT (1) Robert bap 10th July 1598 (2) Elizabeth bap 23rd Feb 1602 & buried 18 Feb 1606/7 (3) Jonathan bap 11th Aug 1605 (4) Dorcas 2nd June 1608 and (5) Humfrey 23rd June 1611 and buried 11th Apr 1612] |
24 Nov 1616 | Robert | MAYNARD | Robert MAYNARD was buryed the xxiiijth [24th] day of November |
22 Dec 1616 | Euroth | STEPHENS | Euroth the daughter of |
23 Dec 1616 | Richard | LIMBE | Richard LIMBE an aged man was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] daye of December |
02 Jan 1616/17 | Jerome | HARRIS | Jerome HARRIS was buryed the second daye of January [1616/17] [See Wills Index for more info - wife Christian ] |
27 Jan 1616/17 | William | MEMBRE | William MEMBRE [MEMBREE] was buryed the xxvijth [27th] daye of January [1616/17] [Note:- Husband of Alice nee Samways, they married at HT Church Dorchester on 18th Dec 1585. See marriage for list of known children] |
08 Mar 1616/17 | Emon | LINFOOT | Emon LINFOOT was buryed the viijth [8th] day of March |
18 Mar 1616/17 | Agnes | REA | Agnes the wife of Henrye REA was buryed the xviijth [18th] daye of March |
23 Mar 1616/17 | Joane | UNDERWOOD | Joane UNDERWOOD widdowe was buryed the xxiijth [23rd] day of March |
14 April 1617 | Jane | PATTE? | Jane PATTE [POTTE?] [Note:- Surname far from clear] was buryed the xiiijth [14th] of April 1617 |
18 Apr 1617 | Charles | COMFREY | Charles the sonne of John COMFREY was buryed the xviijth [18th] of April [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of John COMFREY to Anne PALMER at HT on 08-Apr 1607 - Charles bap at HT on 2nd April 1617] |
01 May 1617 | John | ? [Hardey?] | John (illegible) was buryed the first daye of Maye [*Note:- See Letter of Administration issued 9th May 1617 for a John Hardey which may be him] |
28 Jun 1617 | Mary? | WADMAN | Mary? daughter of Robert WADMAN was buryed the xxviijth [28th] day of June [Note Her christian name is virtually illegible but Mary is his only known daughter and she was baptised at HT on 10th Aug 1616] |
12 Jul 1617 | John | PETTY | John the sonne of John PETTY was buryed the xijth [12th] of Julye [Note:- Thought to be the son of John LINZEY [LINSEY] alias Petty & Joane PETVIN who married at HT on 29-Jun 1611 - See comments at their marriage] |
16 Aug 1617 | Gilbert | TUCKER | Gilbert TUCKER was buried the xvjth [16th] day of August [Note: Gilbert Tucker is listed as a tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding a copyhold grant dated in 1591 for a farthinghold plot in Fordington Fields. Follow link for more information] |
26 Aug 1617 | Thomas | DEW? | Thomas DEW? was buryed the xxvjth [26th] day of August |
01 Oct 1617 | William | FERRET | William FFERRET was buryed the first daye of October [Note:- William FERRET had a daughter Agnes baptised at HT on 19th Aug 1612] |
15 Oct 1617 | Edith | CAKE | Edith the daughter of William CAKE was buryed the xvth [15th] day of October [May have been baptised at HT circa August/Sep 1616] |
03 Nov 1617 | James? | ? | James? (illegible entry) -- was buryed the third of November |
06 Nov 1617 | Wilmot | PARKINS | Wilmot the wife of Mr John PARKINS was buryed the sixth of November [Note:- Churchwarden Accounts survived image 883 of 1094 year 1617 "of John PARKINES for his wife burial in the church 6 shillings and 6 pence] |
17 Nov 1617 | Joane | COXE | Joane the wife of George COXE was buryed the xvijth [17th] of November |
05 Dec 1617 | Thomasine | ? | Thomasine ----IN (surname illegible about 6 letters) widdowe was buryed the vth? [5th] of December |
05 Dec 1617 | Thomas | PHIPPARD? | Thomas PHIPPARD?? was buried the vth [5th] day of December |
11 Feb 1617/18 | Elizabeth | BEAKE [BEKE] | Elizabeth the wife of Robert BEAKE buryed the xith [11th] of Ffebruary [Note:- Robert & Elizabeth had a daughter Mary bap at HT 3rd July 1614. See 1623 Visitation of Dorset Page 13 Robert Beke was the son of Henry Beke by his wife Alice Snelling and Elizabeth the daughter of William Buckler of Woolcom Matravers within the parish of Melbury Bubb. This pedigree is repeated by John Hutchins in his 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' on page 376] |
06 Apr 1618 | Joane | LEE | Joane daughter of Henry LEE [LEIGHE] buryed April 6 [Note:- Bap HT on 15th Dec 1616] |
24 Apr 1618 | Mary | DERBY | Mary daughter of Willm [William] DERBY buryed April 24 [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of William DERBY to Marie BRODESTOCKE at Beaminster on 19-Apr 1615] |
24 Apr 1618 | Elizabeth | CORBIN | Elizabeth the daughter of Henry CORBIN buryed the same day [Note:- Bap HT 2nd March 1616/17] |
06 May 1618 | Rachel | UNDERWOOD | Rachel the daughter of Joseph UNDERWOOD buryed Maye 6th [Note:-5th child from the marriage of Joseph UNDERWOOD & Rachel EDWARDS at HT on 25-Apr 1607 |
02 Jun 1618 | J? | SMITH | J----- daughter of Willm [William] SMITH buryed ye second of June |
19 Jun 1618 | Thomasine | FEVER | Thomasine the wife of leonard FFEVER buryed June xixth [19th] |
19 Jun 1618 | Mailin? | BULL | Mailin? sonne of Richard BULL buryed the same day |
21 Jun 1618 | Francis | MILLER | Ffrancis MILLER buryed June 21st |
12 July 1618 | Matthew | MAEBIN | Matthew the sonne of Matthew MAEBIN buryed July 12 |
12 July 1618 | Lydia | MOGG | Lydia [Lidia] the daughter Walter MOGG buryed July 12 [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Walter MOGGE to Christian GILES at HT on 15-Jul 1589 |
09 Aug 1618 | Elizabeth | BUSHROD | Elizabeth daughter of Richard BUSHROD buryed August 9th [Note:- 5th child of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) ] |
21 Aug 1618 | Joane | ASHE | Joane ASHE Widdowe buryed Aug 21 |
23 Aug 1618 | Elizabeth | CAKE | Elizabeth daughter of Willm [William] CAKE buryed Aug 23 |
22 Sep 1618 | Giles | HANCOCK | Giles HANCOCKE an Almeseman buryed Sept:22 [Note:- His wife agnes died and was buried at HT on 9th Oct 1612. He had a daughter Dorothy bap HT 23rd Aug 1586] |
20 Nov 1618 | Joseph | HASELBURY | Joseph sonne of Simon HASELBER [HASELBURY] buryed November 20th [Note:- 6th known child of Simon Haselbury ] |
04 Dec 1618 | Angel | BAINES | Angel BAINES was buryed December 4th |
21 Dec 1618 | Abigail | MARTIN | Abigail daughter of William MARTIN buryed December 21st [Note:- Bap HT 6th Dec 1618] |
05 Feb 1618/19 | John | ROGERS | John ROGERS buryed Ffebruary 5th |
20 Feb 1618/19 | Robert | OSMUND | Robert OSMUND buryed Ffebruary 20th [Note:- Robert OSMUND & Elinor SHEPPERD were married at Ht on 28-Jul 1587 and had 2 children bap in the parish] |
16 Mar 1618/19 | Nicholas | MARTIN | Nicholas MARTIN buryed March 16th |