21 Apr 1619 | Anne | CRIMBLE | Anne the wife of William CRIMBLE buryed April 21st |
03 Jun 1619 | Grace | MEMBRE | Grace wife of George MEMBRE buryed June 3rd [See link for comments about this family] |
11 Jun 1619 | Margery | ERLY | Margery the wife of John ERLY buryed June 11th |
20 Jun 1619 | Robert | GUI? | Robert sonne of Robert GUI? [GUY or GUN?] buryed June 20 |
23 July 1619 | Anna | GANNEY | Anna GANNEY widdowe buryed July 23 |
09 Sep 1619 | Ruth | TUCKER | Ruth daughter of Gilbert TUCKER buryed September 9 |
05 Sep 1619 | Simon | GOTALEY? | Simon GOTALEY? buryed September 5 ? |
12 Oct 1619 | Joane | PURCHASE | Joane wife of Nicholas PURCHASE buryed October 12th |
04 Nov 1619 | Francis | OSBORNE | Ffrancis [Frances] daughter of Robert OSBORNE [OSBURNE] buryed November 4 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Robert OSBURNE to Avis PERIN at HT on 24-Sep 1607 |
05 Nov 1619 | Deborah | BUSHROD | Deborah daughter of Richard BUSHROD buryed November 5 [Note:- 7th child of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) ] |
06 Nov 1619 | Rebecca | FFRYE | Rebecca daughter of Richard FFRYE buryed November 6 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard FFRYE [FRY] to Mary COXE [COX] at HT on 28-Jul 1619 - baptised HT 20th Oct 1619] |
12 Nov 1619 | Alice | FFORDE | Alice wife of Nicholas FFORDE buryed November 12 |
14 Nov 1619 | Barbara | NORTHCROFT | Barbara daughter of Willm [William] NORTHCROFT buryed November 14 [Note:- Bap 1st Sep 1619] |
29 Dec 1619 | Roger | DEVENISH | Roger sonne of Roger DEVENISH Buryed December 29 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Roger DEVENISHE to Sarah BEKE at HT on 04-Nov 1613 ] |
02 Jan 1619/20 | Elizabeth | TUCKER | Elizabeth daughter of Gilbert TUCKER buryed January 2 [1619/20] |
09 Jan 1619/20 | Matthew | POUNCEY | Matthew POUNCEY buryed January 9 |
13 Jan 1619/20 | Alice | DOWRITCH | Alice the wife of Anthony DOWRITCH buryed Jamuary 13 [Note:- 2nd wife of Anthony DOWRITCH see comments at 1st marriage to Elizabeth MARSHE at HT on 04-May 1601] |
22 Jan 1619/20 | Mary | COUSINS | Mary daughter of Thomas COUSINS [COUSENS] buryed January 22 [Note:- Bap HT 8th Feb 1617/8] |
24 Jan 1619/20 | Alice | WOOD | Alice wife of John WOOD buryed January 24 [Note:- John WOOD & Alice DYER were married at HT on 26-Nov 1614 ] |
31 Jan 1619/20 | Ann | FEVER | Ann FFEVER an aged widdow buryed January 31 |
04 Feb 1619/20 | Mathias | CORBYN [CORBIN] | Mathias CORBYN buryed January 4 [This is Mathias CORBIN son of Henry CORBIN (1564-1654) baptised 28th Feb 1618/19] |
07 Feb 1619/20 | Robert | DAVIES | Robert DAVIES buryed Ffebru: 7th |
07 Feb 1619/20 | Susan | WINDVEAT? | Susan daughter of Edmund WINDVEAT [WINDGATE?] buryed the same daye |
10 Feb 1619/20 | William | PALMER | Willm [William] PALMER buryed Ffebru: 10th |
20 Feb 1619/20 | Edith | BONGIER | Edith BONGIER [BONGER] buryed Ffebruary 20th |
23 Feb 1619/20 | Samuel | PERKINS | Samuel sonne of Mr John PERKINS [PARKINS] buryed Ffebruary 23rd [Note:- William WHITEWAY the diarist was related to John PARKINS and in his diary on 26th Feb 1619/20 he wrote of the death of his own little brother James and also stated " The beginning of this yeare was very sickily for all sorts of persons, especially of young children. Wherof there have died since the first of January a great number". |
26 Feb 1619/20 | Robert | MEMBRE | Robert sonne of George MEMBRE buryed Ffebruary 26th [Note:- third known child of George & Grace MEMBREE who was bap at HT on 25th Apr 1591 ] |
27 Feb 1619/20 | Edward | COLE | Edward COLE buryed Ffebruary 27 |
01 Mar 1619/20 | Mary | SOMERS | Mary SOMERS [SUMMERS] widow buryed March 1 |
06 Mar 1619/20 | Benjamin | UNDERWOOD | Beniamin [Benjamin] sonne of Joseph UNDERWOOD buryed March 6 |
07 Mar 1619/20 | Robert | MORY | Robert sonne of Giles MORY buryed March 7 [Note:- 3rd known child of Gile MORY bap HT 25th Apr 1591 ] |
08 Mar 1619/20 | John | HAYNE | John sonne of Christopher HAYNE buryed March 8 [Note:- Baptised HT Sep 1618][Note:- Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorcherster] |
08 Mar 1619/20 | Thomas | SMITH | Thomas sonne of Adam SMITH buryed march 8 [Note:- baptised 19th Dec 1619] |
15 Mar 1619/20 | Nicholas | PURCHASE | Nicholas PURCHASE buried March 15 [See Will of Nicholas Purches, [i.e. Purchase] Baker of Dorchester, Dorset proved 27th May 1620] |
20 Mar 1619/20 | Joane | FELTHAM | Joane FFELTHAM was buryed March 20 |
27 Mar 1620 | Dorothy | BRENSON | Dorothy daughterb of Richard BRENSON buryed March 27 |
08 Apr 1620 | Agnes | WHITTLE | Agnes wife of Mr Henry WHITTLE buryed April 8 |
09 Apr 1620 | Frances | HOSKINS? | Ffrancis [i.e.Frances] wife of John HOSKINS? buryed April 9 |
13 Oct 1620 | Joseph | MANION | Joseph sonne of Robert MANION buryed October 13 [Note:- Baptised HT 24th Sep 1620] |
16 Oct 1620 | William | CHANON | Willm [William] CHANON buryed October 16 [Note:- William CHANON & Rebecca MANNINGE were married 23-Jul 1614 at HT and had 3 children baptised there - the last born after his death] |
23 Oct 1620 | John | WOLMANTON | John sonne of Thomas WOLMANTON [WOOLMANTON] buryed October 23 |
11 Dec 1620 | [error] | [error] | |
22 Jan 1620/1 | Margery | CHUBB | Margery daughter of Matthew CHUBB buryed Jan: 22 [Note:- bap HT 17th Dec 1620] |
10 Jan 1620/1 | William | BRINE | Willm [William] bastard sonne of Joyce BRINE buryed Jan:10 [Note:- out of date order in original - Joyce BRINE later married William YEOMAN at HT on 07-Oct 1624] |
22 Jan 1620/1 | Joane | HAMMOND | Joane daughter of Gile HAMOND buryed Jan: 22 [Note:- 5th child of Giles HAMMOND & Alice WHITE who married HT 14-Nov 1608 ] |
15 Feb 1620/1 | Elizabeth | DOWRITCHE | Elizabeth wife of Thomas DOWRITCHE buryed February 15 [Note:- Thomas DOWRITCHE & Elizabeth SEN[***] were married 02-May 1607 ] |
11 Mar 1620/1 | Robert | STEPHENS | Robert STEPHENS buryed Marche 11 |
10 Apr 1621 | Eleanor | OSMUND | Eleanor OSMUND widdow was buryed April 10 [Note:- Robert OSMUND her husband was buried at HT on 20th Feb 1618/19] |
31 May 1621 | Anthony | PEARE | Anthony bastard sonne of Mary PEARE Maye 31 [Note:- Baptised HT 27th May 1621] |
03 Jun 1621 | Joseph | MARTIN | Joseph sonne of Henry MARTIN buryed June 3 [Note:- bap HT 18 Feb 1620/21] |
04 Jun 1621 | Edmund | SCRIVENOR | Edmund sonne of D SCRIVENOR buryed June 4 |
09 Jul 1621 | Martha | MORY | Martha daughter of John MORY buryed July 9 |
12 Jul 1621 | Joane | SNAKE | Joane the daughter of Robert SNAKE July 12 |
14 July 1621 | John | PURCHASE | John sonne of Aquila PURCHASE buryed July 14 [Note:- baptised HT 3rd Feb 1621] |
20 July 1621 | Elizabeth | PERRY | Elizabeth PERRY an Almeswoman buryed July 20 |
21 July 1621 | John | BLEWETT | John BLEWETT buryed July 21 |
23 July 1621 | Mary | CHURCHILL | Mary daughter of Thomas CHURCHILL buryed July 23 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL to Grace MEMBRE at HT on 05-Apr 1619 - Mary baptised HT January 6 [1619/20] |
23 July 1621 | Sarah | ADAMS | Sarah daughter of John ADAMS buryed the same daye [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John ADAMS to Anne SKINNER at HT on 20-Oct 1614 - baptised January 25th 1619/20] |
02 Aug 1621 | Deborah | ADAMS | Deborah daughter of John ADAMS buryed August 2 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John ADAMS to Anne SKINNER at HT on 20-Oct 1614 baptised 20-Oct 1614] |
12 Aug 1621 | Joseph | CRABB | Joseph sonne of Robert CRABB buryed August 12 |
24 Aug 1621 | Joane | NICHOLS | Joane NICOLS buryed August 24 |
06 Sep 1621 | John | LINSEY | John sonne of John LINSEY buryed September 6 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John LINZEY to Joane PETVIN at HT on 29-Jun 1611] |
20 Sep 1621 | Walter | PENNY | Walter PENNY buryed September 20 |
06 Oct 1621 | Edmund | FORD | Edmund FFORDE buryed October 6 |
27 Dec 1621 | Anne | ADAMS | Anne wife of John ADAMS buryed December 27 [1st wife of John ADAMS - Anne nee SKINNER whom he married at HT on 20-Oct 1614] |
16 Jan 1621/2 | Martha | NORINGTON | Martha daughter of John NORINGTON buryed Jan: 16 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John NORINGTON to Mary CLARCKE [CLARK] at HT on 31-Jul 1620 - Martha bap HT Jan: 15 [1621/22] |
11 Apr 1622 | Edward | BRINE | Edward BRINE buryed April 11 |
17 Apr 1622 | John | MAYFIELD | John sonne of John MAYFIELD April 17 [Note:- Bap 7th Apr 1622] |
13 Jun 1622 | Ann | CELBORNE | Ann CELBORNE buryed June 13 |
20 Jun 1622 | Elizabeth | AUSTEN | Elizabeth daughter of Charles AUSTEN June 20 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Charles AUSTEN to Agnes TERIN at HT on 16-May 1614] |
02 July 1622 | Margaret | TUCKER | Margaret daughter of the widdow TUCKER buryed July 2 [Note:- Baptised as Margaret bastard daughter of Alice TUCKER widdow on March 171621] |
20 July 1622 | Abigail | PURCHASE | Abigail daughter of Aquilla PURCHASE buryed July 20 [Note:- 2nd child of Aquila PURCHASE] |
05 Sep 1622 | Joseph | CRABB | Joseph sonne of Robert CRABB buryed September 5 [Note:- bap HT 1st Sep 1622] |
22 Sep 1622 | John | JAMES | John sonne of William JAMES September 22 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William JAMES to Prudence GROZE at HT on 07-Feb 1619 ] |
21 Nov 1622 | Ann | CAKE | Ann daughter of john CAKE buryed November 21 [Note:- bap HT 13 Oct 1622] |
26 Jan 1622/3 | Joane | PURCHASE | Joane daughter of Joseph PURCHASE buryed Jan: 26 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Joseph PURCHASE to Elizabeth HASELBER [HASELBURY] at HT on 09-Nov 1618] |
03 Mar 1622/3 | Charles | SIMONDS | Charles SIMONDS buryed Marche 3th [3rd] [Note:- Charles SIMONS & Margaret HOPKINS were married at HT on 20-Jun 1608] |
15 Apr 1623 | Robert | SKINNER | Robert SKINNER buryed April 15 [Note:- Robert SKINNER & Joane BOYLANDE were married at HT on 15-Feb 1589] |
20 Apr 1623 | Judith | CARDROWE | Judith daughter of John CARDROWE buryed April 20 [Note:- 11th Child of John CARDROE (d.1632) |
20 Apr 1623 | William | SNOOK | Willm [William] sonne of Robert SNOOK buryed the same daye [Note:- bap HT May 1 1623 |
03 Jun 1623 | Matthew | WINDYEAT | Matthew sonne of Edmund WINDYEAT buryed June 3 |
09 Jun 1623 | Robert | BISHOP | Robert BYSHOPP buryed June 9 [ Note:- Robert BISHOPPE & Anne STONE were married at HT on 22-Jun 1589 - See marriage for more information] |
14 Jun 1623 | Dennis | WHITE | Dionyse [Dennis] sonne of Michael WHITE buryed June 14 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Michael WHITE to Grace DENNIS at St Georges Church Fordington on 5th Aug 1622] |
18 Jun 1623 | Margery | POPE | Margery POPE buryed June 18 |
26 Jun 1623 | Joane | ALLEN | Joane bastard daughter of Eleanor ALLEN buryed June 26 |
02 July 1623 | Thomas | ADIN | Thomas ADIN [ADYN] buryed July 2 |
31 July 1623 | Susan | BRINE? | Susan daughter of Willm [William] [Note:- no surname given] buryed July 31 [Note:- although no surname is given there is only one Susan born before this date that was a daughter of a William and that was Susan daughter of Willm [William] BRINE baptised 2nd Sep 1621] |
01 Aug 1623 | Alice | ADIN | Alice ADIN [ADYN] widdow buryed August 1 |
05 Aug 1623 | Humfrey | STARY | Humfrey STARY buryed August 5 [Note:- William the sonne of Humfrey STARY was baptized the fifte [5th] day of October 1606] |
24 Aug 1623 | Anne | HOPKINS | Anne wife of Isaac HOPKINS buryed August 24 [Note:- Jane the daughter of an Isaac HOPKINS was baptized the vth [5th] day of November 1583 ] |
06 Sep 1623 | Elizabeth | TUCKER | Elizabeth TUCKER widdowe buryed September 6 |
16 Sep 1623 | John | BONGIER | John BONGIER buryed September 16 |
06 Oct 1623 | Thomas | FORD | Thomas sonne of Thomas FFORD buryed October 6 [Note:- baptised HT September 21 1623] |
24 Oct 1623 | Lydia | LOCK | Lydia daughter of Thomas LOCK buryed October 24 [Note:- another daughter Lydia was bap at Ht the daughter of Thomas LOCK on 2nd May 1624] |
08 Nov 1623 | Isaak [Isaac] | HOPKINS | Isaak [Isaac] HOPKINS buryed November 8 |
01 Dec 1623 | Cicely | EYRE | Cicely wife of Thomas EYRE buryed December 1 [Note:- Thomas EYERS & Cicely GREGORY were married at HT on 16-Nov 1600 ] |
02 Jan 1623/4 | Miriam | SNOOKE | Miriam daughter of Robert SNOOKE buryed January 2 [Note:- Bap HT 8th Feb 1617/8] |
12 Jan 1623/4 | Robert | STONE | Robert sonne of Nicholas STONE buryed January 12 [Note:- Baptised HT 30th of July 1614] |
17 Jan 1623/4 | Mary | DOWRITCH | Mary daughter of Thomas DOWRITCH buryed January 17 |
10 Feb 1623/4 | Edith | STONE | Edith STONE vid [Latin abbreviation for vidua or widow] buryed Febru: 10 |
10 Feb 1623/4 | Matthew | DEVENISH | Matthew sonne of Robert DEVENISH buryed the same daye |
16 Feb 1623/4 | George | GILBERT | George GUILBERT buryed Febru: 16 |
01 Apr 1624 | Elizabeth | GREEN | Elizabeth GREENE buried April 1 |
02 Apr 1624 | Amy | JOLIFFE | Amy wife of Humfrey JOILIFFE Esq April 2 [Note:- 1st wife of Humphrey Jolliffe [1575/6-1653] |
26 Apr 1624 | Martha [Margaret?] | BLATCHFORD | Martha daughter of John BLATCHFORD buried April 26 [Note:- I think this should have been Margaret Blatchford bap 29 Apr 1621 as they did not have a child named Martha and renamed the next child, a girl, Margaret again after his wife Margaret nee Membury] |
26 Apr 1624 | Edward [Edward] | HAYNE | Edward sonne of Edward HAYNE buryed April 26 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Edward HAYNE to Agnes PARKER were married at HT on 29-Apr 1622] |
15 May 1624 | Bridgett | GREENE | Bridgett daughter of John GREENE buryed May 15 [Note:- Bap HT 11th dec 1620] |
15 May 1624 | Elizabeth | POLLARD | Elizabeth wife of John POLLARD buryed the same daye [Note:- John POLLARDE [POLLARD] & Elizabeth DAVIES were married 28-Nov 1612 ] |
12 Jun 1624 | Ann | READ | Ann daughter of Nathaniel READ buryed June 12 [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Nathaniel READ to Elizabeth TRIVETT at HT on 06-Nov 1609 - Bap HT 29th Sep 1622] |
12 Aug 1624 | Mary | GREENE | Mary daughter of John GREENE buryed August 12 [Note:- bap HT 29th Sep 1622] |
15 Aug 1624 | Joseph | MARTIN | Joseph sonne of Willm [William] MARTIN buryed August 15 [Note:- Bap HT 2nd Dec 1621] |
18 Aug 1624 | Christian | BAYLY | Christian wife of John BAYLY [BAYLIE] buryed August 18 |
19 Aug 1624 | John | BANDGER | John sonne of John BANDGER buryed August 19 [Note:- Bap Ht 15th Aug 1624] |
06 Sep 1624 | James | STONE | James sonne of Richard STONE buryed September 6 [Note:- bap HT 29th Aug 1624] |
09 Sep 1624 | John | PERRY | John sonne of Humfrey PERRY buryed September 9 [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Humfrey PERY [PERRY] & Christian LONGE who married at HT on 26-Nov 1603 - bap HT 2nd Nov 1623] |
24 Sep 1624 | Thomas | PALMER | Thomas PALM[ER] buryed September 24 |
25 Sep 1624 | Thomas | BOLLOT | Thomas sonne of Thomas BOLLOT buryed September 25 |
07 Oct 1624 | Joane | CRIMBLE | Joane daughter of Nicholas CRIMBLE buryed October 7 [Note:- Nicholas CRIMBLE & Joane LIDER were married at HT on 19-Oct 1601] |
15 Oct 1624 | William | POLLARD | Willm [William] soone of John POLLARD buryed October 15 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John POLLARDE [POLLARD] to Elizabeth DAVIES at HT on 28-Nov 1612] |
18 Oct 1624 | Samuel | MORY | Samuel sonne of John MORY buryed October 18 [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of John MORYE to Gertrude MEMBREE at HT on 31-Oct 1614] |
08 Dec 1624 | Charles | POLLARD | Charles sonne of John POLLARD buryed December 8 |
10 Jan 1624/5 | Frances | TAYLOR | Ffrancis [i.e. Frances] daughter of Willm [William] TAYLOR buryed January 10 |
04 Mar 1624/5 | George | HAMBRIDGE | George HAMBRIDGE of Buckland buryed Marche 4 [Note:- there are several parishes with Buckland in the name ] |
08 Mar 1624/5 | Mary | CLARKE | Mary daughter of Willm [William] CLARKE buryed Marche 8 [Note:- bap HT February 27 [1624/5] |
18 Apr 1625 | Susan | READ | Susan daughter of Nathaniel READ April 18 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Nathaniel READ to Elizabeth TRIVETT at HT on 06-Nov 1609] |
21 May 1625 | Alice | COWBORNE | Alice COWBORNE May 21 |
23 May 1625 | Richard | MARTIN | Nicholas sonne of Willm [William] MARTIN May 23 |
17 Jun 1625 | Alice | OSBORNE | Alice daughter of Robert OSBORNE June 17 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Robert OSBURNE to Avis PERIN at HT on 24-Sep 1607] |
04 July 1625 | Agnes | MAMON | Agnes MAMON July 4 |
02 Aug 1625 | Ann | HOPKINS | Ann daughter of Isaak HOPKINS August 2 [Note Anne the wife of Isaac HOPKINS was buried at HT 24th Aug 1623 and Issak HOPKINS on 8th Nov 1623 another child of theirs Jane was bao at HT on [5th] day of November 1583 ] |
11 Aug 1625 | Robert | SNOOK | Robert sonne of Robert SNOOK August 11 |
19 Aug 1625 | Joane | SIMONDS | Joane daughter of Charles SIMONDS [SIMMONS] August 19 [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of Charles SIMONS to Margaret HOPKINS at HT on 20-Jun 1608] |
10 Sep 1625 | Thomas | DEWEY | Thomas DEWEY September 10 |
07 Oct 1625 | William | SHAVON? | Willm [William] SHAVON? October 7 |
14 Oct 1625 | Henry | WHITTLE | Henry WHITTLE one of the Capital Burgesses of this towne October 14 [Note:- 12 Oct 1625 died Mr Henry WHITTELL one of our Aldermen and Michael HUMFRYS Esquire was chosen in his place 1st November. Source William Whiteway of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 Page 76. Also an entry in the churchwarden accounts for Holy Trinity for the year 1625 " a charge is made for carrying a corpse through the town and resting in the parish".] |
16 Oct 1625 | Margaret | POUNCEY | Margaret daughter of Matthew POUNCEY October 16 [Note:- baptised HT [28th] day of April 1616] |
26 Oct 1625 | Elizabeth | MUNDEN | Elizabeth daughter of George MUNDEN October 26 [Note:- bap HT 20th Jan 1621/2] |
15 Nov 1625 | Anna | LAMBERT | Anna daughter of Robert LAMBER November 15[Note:- 6th of eight known children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632)]- bap HT [7th] day of April 1616 ] |
16 Nov 1625 | Henry | MARTIN | Henry MARTIN November 16 [Note:-Henry MARTIN & Dorothe BUCKLER were married at HT on 29-Sep 1617 ] |
12 Dec 1625 | George | MUNDEN | George sonn e of George MUNDEN December 12 [Note:- bap HT February: 13 1624/5] |
26 Dec 1625 | Mary | LIMBE | Mary LIMBE [LIMBRE?] Widdowe December 26 |
29 Dec 1625 | Mark | BARTER | Marke sonne of Willm [William] BARTER December 29 [Note:- William BARTER & Margaret MILLER were married at HT on 02-Feb 1624 and Marke was bap at HT 20th Nov 1625] |
18 Mar 1625/6 | Avis | KEATE | Avis KEATE of Broadmayne March 18 |
27 Mar 1626 | Samuel | BEST | Samuel sonne of Samuel BEST March 27 [Note bap 26 Mar 1626] |
31 Mar 1626 | Katherine | NORTHCOTT | Katherin daughter of Willm [William] NORTHCOTT March 31 [Note:- bap HT 27th Mar 1626] |
03 Apr 1626 | Alice | WILSON | Alice WILSON Wid: [i.e.widow] April 3 [Note:- See Will of Alice Wilston, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset proved 17 June 1626] |
03 Apr 1626 | William | WATTS | William sonne of Willm [William] WATTS April 3 [Note:- bap HT March 12 1625/6] |
08 Apr 1626 | Avis | SMITH | Avis SMITH widow April 8th |
02 May 1626 | John | ERLYE | John ERLYE Maye 2 |
19 Jun 1626 | Jane | MEDEN | Jane wife of Robert MEDEN June 19 |
03 July 1626 | Nicholas | PETTY | Nicholas sonne of John PETTY July 3 |
20 July 1626 | Mary | LEE | Mary daughter of Henry LEE July 20 [Note:- bap HT 6th February 1624/5] |
31 July 1626 | Luke | DIER [DYER] | Luke DIER [DYER] July 31[Note:- Child from the marriage of Walter DYER to Alice HODGINS at HT on 1st June 1602] |
23 Aug 1626 | Priscilla | SLADE | Priscilla daughter of Thomas SLADE August 23 [Note:-Thomas SLADE & Dorothe MATTHEWS were married at HT on 07-Oct 1624 - Priscilla was baptised at HT on 6th Aug 1626] |
27 Aug 1626 | Mary | NORINGTON | Mary daughter of John NORINGTON August 27[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John NORINGTON to Mary CLARCKE [CLARK] at HT on 31-Jul 1620 - Mary baptised the previous day] |
29 Aug 1626 | Robert | CUFFE | Robert sonne of Richard CUFFE August 29 [ Note:- baptised HT 5th Aug 1621 - Richard Cuff died - See wills index - with his will being proved 25th june 1625] |
02 Sep 1626 | William | BRIER | Willm [William] sonne of Willm [William] BRIER September 2 |
15 Sep 1626 | Thomasine | JEFFREY | Thomasine JEFFREY Widdowe September 15 |
24 Nov 1626 | Joshua | ANDREWS | Joshua ANDREWS Nov 24 |
08 Dec 1626 | Jeane | WAYTE | Jeane WAYTE [WHITE?] December 8 |
12 Dec 1626 | Peter | FORD | Peter FFORD December 12 [See baptisms of Froome Wood] |
24 Dec 1626 | John | PEACHE | John PEACHE December 24 |
08 Jan 1626/7 | Rafe | CORBIN | Rafe CORBIN of FFordington Jan 8 [Note:- Thought to be Ralph CORBIN (1571-1626) son of Richard CORBIN (d.1587/8) who came from Holy Trinity Parish so buried with his family] |
23 Jan 1626/7 | Joane | SKINNER | Joane SKINNER Widdow Jan: 23 [Note:- Robert SKINNER & Joane BOYLANDE were married at HT on 15-Feb 1589. Robert SKINNER was buried at HT on 15th Apr 1623 hence she was a widow] |
09 Feb 1626/7 | Edmund | WINGEAT | Edmond WINDGEAT Ffebruary 9 [Note:- Edmund WINGEAT had two children baptised at HT in Dorchester -- Robert bap 5th Sep 1624 and Christopher bap 1st Oct 1626 his widow Frances was buried at HT on 29th Aug 1628] |
12 Feb 1626/7 | Thomas | POTTS | Thomas sonne of John POTTS? Ffebru: 12 |
20 Feb 1626/7 | Jane | WHITTLE | Jane daughter of Robert WHITTLE Ffebru: 20 |
15 Mar 1626/7 | Joane | CHAFEY | Joane daughter of John CHAFEY March 15 |
07 Apr 1627 | Mary | BUSHROD | Mary daughter of Richard BUSHROD April 7 [Note:- 10th child of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) ] |
09 Apr 1627 | Thomas | WADLEY | Thomas WADLEY April 9 |
05 May 1627 | Grace | WATTS | Grace daughter of William WATTS Maye 5 [Note:- baptised HT 16 Feb 1622/3] |
11 May 1627 | Frances | BROWN | FFrances BROWNE Widdowe Maye 11 [Note:- See Will of Francis Browne, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset proved 12 October 1627] |
17 May 1627 | Susan | COYE? | Susan the wife of Willm [William] COYE? Maye 17 |
22 May 1627 | Simon | POTVINE | Simon POTVINE? an aged man Maye 22 |
23 May 1627 | Emm | POSLEY | Emm POSLEY of Bradpole Maye 23 |
19 Sep 1627 | Martha | PERKINS [PARKINS] | Martha daughter of Mr John PERKINS Sep: 19 |
24 Sep 1627 | John | PURCHASE | John sonne of Aquila PURCHASE Sept: 24 [Anomoly - His son John has already died?] |
06 Oct 1627 | Moses | SKINNER | Moses sonne of Isaak SKINNER Oct: 6 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Isaak SKINNER to Eleonor ALLEN at HT on 09-Jun 1623 who was baptised the day before his burial] |
12 Oct 1627 | Christopher | WINDGEAT | Christopher sonne of Edmond WINDGEAT Oct 12 [Note:- Father Edmund WINDGEAT was buried at HT on 9th Feb 1626/7- Christopher bap HT 1 Oct 1626] |
05 Nov 1627 | Joshua | COMINS | Joshuah COMINS Nov: 5 |
23 Nov 1627 | John | WATTS | John WATTS Nov: 23 [Note:- Father of Dorothy Watts who married Richard BUSHROD (1577-1628) Habadasher of Dorchester] |
04 Dec 1627 | Dorothy | BUSHROD | Dorothy wife of Mr Richard BUSHROD December 4 [Note:- wife of Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628) ] |
11 Dec 1627 | Susan | LEE | Susan wife of Henry LEE Dec: 11 [Note:- Henry LEE [LEIGH] of Dorchester married Susan WATTS of the same on 11th May 1610 at St Margaret Moses Church in Little Friday Street in the City of LONDON but raised a family of 8 children in Dorchester 1610-1627] |
21 Feb 1627/8 | Elizabeth | CHURCHILL | Elizabeth daughter of John CHURCHILL Ffeb: 21 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John CHURCHILL to Joane EDWARDS at HT on 19-Jun 1622] |
18 Mar 1627/8 | Maude | FFACY | Maude wife of John FFACY March 18 |
31 Mar 1628 | Amy | HOLIDAY | Amy daughter of George HOLIDAY march 31 |
11 Apr 1628 | Hugh | NEW | Hughe NEW April 11 |
16 Apr 1628 | John | MAIOR | John sonne of John MAIOR [MAYOR] April 16 [Note 1st child from the marriage of John MAIOR & Margaret GOODFELLOW at HT on 02-Apr 1627 - John junior bap HT 16th July 1627] |
02 May 1628 | Mary | MARTIN | Mary daughter of Henry MARTIN Maye 2 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry MARTIN to Dorothe BUCKLER at HT on 29-Sep 1617 - Mary bap HT 12th Oct 1618] |
03 Jun 1628 | Stephen | GOFFE | Stephen GOFFE June 3 |
21 Jun 1628 | William | AUSTEN | William sonne of Charles AUSTEN June 21 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Charles AUSTEN to Agnes TERIN at HT on 16-May 1614 |
04 Aug 1628 | Mary | CRAE? | Mary wife of George CRAE? August 4 |
12 Aug 1628 | Thomas | BANDGER | Thomas sonne of John BANDGER August 12 [Note:- bap HT Sept: 2 1627] |
29 Aug 1628 | Frances | WINDGEAT | Ffrancis [i.e. Frances] WINDGEAT August 29 [Note:- Her husband Edmund WINDGEAT was buried at HT on 9th Feb 1626/7] |
08 Sep 1628 | James | CAPEN | James CAPEN September 8 |
13 Sep 1628 | Elizabeth | JOLIFFE | Elizabeth daughter of Humfrey JOLIFFE September 13 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626 ; Elizabeth was bap HT 27th Aug 1628] |
15 Sep 1628 | Thomasine | TERIN | Thomasine wife of John TERIN September 15 |
06 Oct 1628 | Agnes | MAHIER | Agnes daughter of John MAHIER? October 6 [Note:- bap HT January 7 1626/7] |
20 Oct 1628 | Elizabeth | BASCOMBE | Elizabeth wife of Henry BASCOMBE October20 |
08 Nov 1628 | Anne | WATTS | Anne daughter of John WATTS November 8 |
25 Nov 1628 | Richard | STANDISH | Richard STANDISH November 25 |
11 Jan 1628/9 | Ruth | WARMANTON? | Ruth daughter of Thomas WARMANTON? January 11 |
16 Feb 1628/9 | William | CRANN? | Willm [William] CRANN? Ffebru: 16 |
24 Feb 1628/9 | Frances | HOWARD | Ffrancis [i.e. Frances] daughter of Willm [William] HOWARD? Ffebru: 24 |
16 Mar? 1628/9 | Gertrude | COMFREY | Gertrude COMFREY nonagenaria 16 [Note:- nonagenaria = Ninety years of age -- Also listed under Feb 1628/9 but after Feb 24th so probably meant to be March 16th] |
28 Mar 1629 | Ann | FORD | Ann daughter of Thomas FFORDE March 28 |
01 Apr 1629 | Mary | CLARK | Mary daughter of Willm [William] CLARK April 1 |
05 Apr 1629 | George | ROBERTS | George sonne of John ROBERTS April 5 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John ROBERTS to Anne HOLIDAYE at HT on 16-Oct 1623] |
09 Apr 1629 | Henry | BASCOMBE | Henry BASCOMBE April 9 |
13 Apr 1629 | Amy | HAIRTS? | Amy daughter of Robert HAIRTS? April 13 |
21 Apr 1629 | Vertue [Virtue] | ??? | Vertue daughter of Edmund ???W April 21 |
16 May 1629 | Susan | RYALL | Susan daughter of Wm [William] RYALL Maye 16 [Note:- Bap 8th Feb 1628/9] |
01 Jun 1629 | Rebecca | MORY | Rebecca daughter of Giles MORY June 1 [5th known child of Gile MORY [MOREY] |
02 Jun 1629 | William | WALLEYS | William sonne of Troilus WALLEIS June 2 [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of Troilus WALLEYS to Gertrude MEMBREE at HT on 07-Feb 1613] |
15 Jun 1629 | William | BASCOMBE | William sonne of Henry BASCOMBE June 15 |
16 Jun 1629 | John | THORNETON | John THORNETON June 16 |
24 Jun 1629 | Thomas | BANDGER | Thomas sonne of John BANDGER June 24 [Note:- Bap HT 28th Jan 1628/9] |
16 July 1629 | Emm | SHALCRES? | Emm wife of Robert SHALCRES ? July 16 |
05 Aug 1629 | Euro | JAMES | Euro [Euroth?] wife of Thomas JAMES August 5 |
07 Aug 1629 | Joane | NORREYS | Joane wife of John NORREYS August 7 |
07 Aug 1629 | John | POLDEN | John POLDEN August 7 |
10 Aug 1629 | Sarah | BLATCHFORD | Sarah daughter of John BLATCHFORD August 10 [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of John BLACHFORD (c1574-1632) to Margaret MEMBREE at Holy Trinity church on 6th Oct 1610] |
10 Aug 1629 | Agnes | WHITE | Agnes WHITE Octogenarium [eighty years of age] August 10 |
20 Oct 1629 | Robert | TURNER | Robert sonne of Robert TURNER October 20 |
25 Dec 1629 | Hugh | MAMER? | Hugh MAMER? Octogenarium [eighty years of age] Dec 25th |
07 Feb 1629/30 | William | BARTER | Willim [William] sonne of Willim [William] BARTER Ffebru: 7 |
10 Apr 1630 | Joane | HAMOND | Joane daughter of Giles HAMOND April 10 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Giles HAMMOND to Alice WHITE at HT on 14-Nov 1608 ] |
15 Apr 1630 | Hannah | HA----? | Hannah daughter of John HA------- April 15 |
28 Apr 1630 | Bridgett | MIALL | Bridgett MIALL April 28 |
18 May 1630 | Joseph | DEVENISH | Joseph sonne of Beniamin [Benjamin] DEVENISH Maye 18 [Note:- Son of Benjamin Devenish (1574-1643) Master of Dorchester Brewhouse] |
24 May 1630 | Joane | DATMER | Joane DATMER? nata 84 Maye 24 [Note:-in this context I think nata is latin and although used as a noun means daughter can also mean born so I think this is referring to her being 84 years of age - Surname not clear] |
13 Jun 1630 | Anne | GIRBLER? | Anne wife of Robert GIRBLER? (surname not clear) June 13 |
14 Jun 1630 | Joseph | ROCKWELL | Joseph sonne of Willm [William] ROCKWELL June 14 [Note:- See page 136 of 'Fire From Heaven' by David Underdown where he refers to passengers on the 'Mary and John' which was the 400 ton ship John White sent to New England which left Plymouth sound in March 1630. William ROCKWELL married Susan CAPON [the daughter of Bernard GALPIN --see David Underdown's annoation about the spelling of the family surname on page 283 of Fire from Heaven] at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 14th April 1624. Joseph's parents emigrated with his 2 older siblings whilst he was left behind as he was too ill to travel and sunsequently died. David refers to his burial pn '30th June 1630' but as far as I can see he was buried on the 14th of that month] |
14 Jun 1630 | Philip (female) | MARTIN | Philipp daughter of Willm [William] MARTIN June 14 [Note:- Bap HT 12 June 1630] |
13 July 1630 | Alice | COBB | Alice wife of John COBB July 13 |
16 July 1630 | Joane | HAMOND | Joane daughter of Gile HAMOND July 16 [Note:- bap 15th Nov 1629] |
05 Aug 1630 | Ann | MUNDEN | Ann daughter of George MUNDEN August 5[Note:- Baptised as Hannah daughter of George MUNDEN Maye 24 1629] |
10 Aug 1630 | Edmond | HOWE | Edmond [Edmund] HOWE August 10 |
12 Aug 1630 | Faith | PALMER | Ffayth PALM vid August 12 GENEALOGICAL NOTE: The entry here looks like "ffavth Ialm vid" and takes a bit of working out. The Christian name is fairly straightforward as the 4th letter is actually a y being faded and partly overwritten by the entry below. It is "ffayth" or Faith in modern English. The first letter of the surname is also badly faded and is actually a "P" making it "PALM". The end of the M in PALM also has a raised tail often used to indicate omitted letters which are 'er' making PALMER. Having got that far it was a relatively easy matter to locate the marriage of William PALMER & Faith MOODY at Holy Trinity church on 07-Jul 1606. William her husband was buried at HT on 26th Oct 1615. The 'vid' after the name is a well known abbreviation used for teh Latin 'vidua' meaning 'widow' |
12 Aug 1630 | Alice | BRINE | Alice wife of George BRINE August 12 [Note:- See comments about her at George BRINE's 2nd marriage to Margaret STONE at HT on 6th Sep 1630] |
19 Aug 1630 | John | NORRINGTON | John sonne of John NORRINGTON August 19 |
26 Aug 1630 | George | DAVIS | George sonne of Mary DAVIS August 26 [Note:- Servant to Joseph Purchase as entry in William Whiteways diary for 25th Aug 1630:- "This day Joseph Purchase his man DAVIS fell upon a Corne Puike and died suddenly".] |
27 Aug 1630 | Robert | MILLER | Robert sonne of Willm [William] MILLER August 27 |
20 Sep 1630 | Paule? | HABRY | Paule? bastard sonne of Joane HASBRY of Charminster September 20 |
23 Sep 1630 | William | FORD | Willm [William] FFORD September 23 |
05 Oct 1630 | Agnes | BRINE | Agnes BRINE Octagenaria [over eighty years of age?] October 5 |
15 Oct 1630 | Nathaniel | DEVENISH | Nathaniel sonne of Roger DEVENISH Oct: 15 [Note:- baptised HT 19th April 1618] |
18 Oct 1630 | John | NERRYS | John NERREYS [NORRIS?] Oct: 18 |
09 Nov 1630 | John | PALMER | John PALMER Nonagenarium [over ninety years of age?] November 9 |
26 Nov 1630 | Christian | JOLIFFE | Christian daughter of Humfrey JOLIFF November 26 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626; Christian junior was bap HT25th Nov 1630] |
26 Nov 1630 | John | BRINE | John sonne of John BRINE November 26 [Note:- Bap HT 17th Jan 1629/30] |
15 Dec 1630 | John | NORREYS | John sonne of John NORREYS December 15 |
13 Jan 1630/1 | Anthony | DOWRITCH | Anthony DOWRITCHE January 13 [Note:- Anthony DOWRITCH married 3 times in HT see marriage to 1st wife Elizabeth MARSHE at Ht on 04-May 1601] |
21 Jan 1630/1 | Edith | DEVENISH | Edith DEVENISH January 21 |
21 Jan 1630/1 | Stephen | AUSTEN | Stephen sonne of Charles AUSTEN Jan: 21 |
25 Feb 1630/1 | William | PERKINS | Mr. Willm [William] PERKINS February 25 [Note page 115 William WHITEWAY of Dorchester His Diary 1618-1635 entry for 7th Feb 1630/31 "This day Mr William PERKINS my brother [i.e. brother in law] died , and Mr John LONG succeeded him in the place of Capital Burgess - Also Will proved 02 July 1631 of William Perkins, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset (Year Book Abstracts = proved of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester by his father John PERKINS)] |
08 Mar 1630/1 | Philipp | GREGORY | Philipp sonne of Roger GREGORY March 8 [Note:- [Note:- baptised 6th Feb 1630/1 - 1st known child from the marriage of Roger GREGORY to Cicely HAYNE at HT on 12-Feb 1619 ] |
11 Mar 1630/1 | Mary | TERIN | Mary daughter of John TERIN March 11 |
14 Mar 1630/1 | Thomas | EYRE | Thomas EYRE March 14 |
31 Mar 1631 | Rebecca | WINSORE | Rebecca daughter of Nicholas WINSORE March 31 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Nicholas WINSORE to Magaret CORBIN at HT on 09-Oct 1626 ] |
04 Apr 1631 | William | TRENT | William TRENT April 4 |
19 Apr 1631 | Rachel | UNDERWOOD | Rachel wife of Joseph UNDERWOOD April 19 |
21 Apr 1631 | Deborah | CORBIN | Deborah daughter of Henry CORBINE April 21 [Note:- 4th child from the 2nd marriage of Henry CORBIN to Elizabeth PURCHASE at HT on 5th Sep 1614] |
22 Apr 1631 | Alice | MUNDEN | Alice wife of William MUNDEN April 22 [Note William Whiteway his diary 1618-1635 page 115 states under the date 21st March 1630/1 William MUNDEN's first wife died - he remarried to Thomasine FOXWELL at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 10-Sep 1632] |
22 Apr 1631 | James | HAMOND | James sonne of Giles HAMOND April 22 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Giles HAMMOND to Alice WHITE at HT on 14-Nov 1608 ] |
27 Apr 1631 | Jane | BRINE | Jane daughter of George BRINE April 27 [Note:- 1st known child from the 1st marriage of George BRINE to Alice who was buried at HT on 12th August 1630. See comments at his 2nd marriage to Margaret STONE at HT on 06-Sep 1630] |
27 Apr 1631 | Nathaniel | COOKE | Nathaniel sonne of John COOKE April 27 |
21 May 1631 | Zacheous | STONE | Zacheous sonne of Nicholas STONE Maye 21 [Note:- Zaccheus is a biblical name meaning pure, clean, just - baptised HT 2nd Feb 1622/3] |
13 Jun 1631 | Henry | SNOW | Henry SNOWE June 13 |
21 Jun 1631 | John | COOK | Jonathan sonne of John COOKE June 21 |
07 July 1631 | Thomas | GUIFFORD | Thomas sonne of Robert GUIFFORD July 7 [Note:- Robert GUIFFORD & Hannah CAPEN were married at HT on 04-Aug 1629 - Thomas Bap HT 7th Aug 1630] |
19 July 1631 | William | TAILOR | William TAILOR July 19 |
03 Aug 1631 | Sarah | ODREY | Sarah daughter of William ODREY August 3 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William ODREY to Bridgett JAYE at HT on 06-Jun 1626] |
17 Aug 1631 | Henry | NEW | Henry NEW August 17 |
22 Aug 1631 | Grace | CAKE | Grace daughter of John CAKE August 22 [Note:- Bap HT March 24 1629/30] |
27 Aug 1631 | Cicely | COOKE | Cicely COOKE vid [vidua or widow] August 27 |
06 Sep 1631 | Mary | CHAFEY | Mary daughter of John CHAFEY September 6 |
08 Sep 1631 | Sarah | DENYSE | Sarah daughter of James DENYSE [DENNIS] September 8 |
17 Sep 1631 | Susan | BRINE | Susan daughter of George BRINE September 17 [Note:- 4th known child from the 1st marriage of George BRINE to Alice who was buried at HT on 12th August 1630. See comments at his 2nd marriage to Margaret STONE at HT on 06-Sep 1630] |
05 Oct 1631 | Joane | RAWLES | Joane wife of William RAWLES October 5 |
06 Oct 1631 | Thomas | MURREY | Thomas MURREY October 6 |
10 Oct 1631 | Matthew | GANWAYE | Matthew sonne of Henry GANWAYE October 10 [Note:- Bap HT 8th Feb 1628/9] |
13 Oct 1631 | Rose | KERSLEY | Rose daughter of William KERSLEY October 13 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William KERSLEY to Anne TURNER at HT on 02-Oct 1626] |
25 Oct 1631 | Joane | LACYE | Joane daughter of Richard LACYE October 25 |
29 Oct 1631 | John | HODRES | John HODRES [HODGES?] October 29 |
01 NOv 1631 | Avis | MUNDEN | Avis wife of George MUNDEN November 1 [Note:- George MUNDEN has a brief mention in William Whiteway his diary 1618-1635 (pages 85; 99; 113; 118; 119. He is described as a Tailor of Dorchester on the Council of Freemen 1626-27, 1628-32 and one of the leaders of the revolt against the Fifteen in 1631 over free admission to the Free School. He was sufficiently wealthy to be able to employ a servant 'William Savage' whom he had admitted to the Company of Freemen in Dorchester in 1634. I have not been able to locate George and Avis marriage but arrived Dorchester pre 1621 as following children baptised at HT (1) Elizabeth bap 20th Jan 1621/2 and buried HT on 26 Oct 1625 (2) Martha bap 9th Nov 1623 (3) George bap 13th Feb 1624/5 and buried HT 12 Dec 1625 (4) Elizabeth bap 22nd July 1627 (5) Hannah bap 24th May 1629 and buried as Ann 5th Aug 1630] |
15 Nov 1631 | William | WIER | William sonne of William WIER Jun: [i.e. Junior] November 15 [Note:- baptised HT September 11 1631] |
09 Dec 1631 | Eleanor | MARSFIELD | Eleanor wife of John MARFFIELD December 9 [Note:- John MARSFFEILD & Eleonor AIRES were married at HT on 09-Nov 1619] |
24 Dec 1631 | Anne & Mary | GREGORY | Anne and Mary daughters of Roger GREGORY December 24 [Note;- 2nd and 3rd children, twins of Roger GREGORY & Cicely HAYNE who were married 12-Feb 1619 at HT, both baptised together 6th Dec 1631] |
28 Mar 1632 | Margaret | SIBLEY | Margaret SIBLEY March 28 [Note:- Edward SIBLEY & Margret UNDERWOOD were married at HT on 29-Oct 1599] |
05 Apr 1632 | Nancy | JENNINGS | Nancy wife of George JENNINGS April 5 |
21 Apr 1632 | Thomas | DOWRITCHE | Thomas sonne of John DOWRITCHE April 21 [Note:- Baptised HT 18th May 1628] |
28 May 1632 | Margaret | GAYON | Margaret wife of Thomas GAYON [or GAXON] Maye 28 |
11 Jun 1632 | Thomas | ? | Thomas ??URDE June 11 |
14 Jun 1632 | Elizabeth | JENNINGS | Elizabeth JENNINGS Widow June 14 |
10 Aug 1632 | Thomas | POUNCEY | Thomas sonne of Thomas POUNCEY August 10 |
13 Aug 1632 | Sarah | NERYE | Sarah daughter of John NERYE August 13 |
28 Aug 1632 | John | CARDROWE | John CARDROWE August 28 [Note:- John CARDROWE (1586/7 - 1632) Grocer of Dorchester] |
28 Sep 1632 | Sarah | BRINE | Sarah? daughter of George BRINE September 28 |
04 Oct 1632 | Grace | CHURCHILL | Grace wife of Thomas CHURCHILL October 4 [Note:- Thomas CHURCHILL & Grace MEMBRE were married at HT on 05-Apr 1619] |
12 Oct 1632 | Edith | STICKLAND | Edith STICKLAND October 12 |
30 Oct 1632 | Thomas | CHURCHILL | Thomas CHURCHILL October 30 [Note:- Thomas CHURCHILL & Grace MEMBRE were married at HT on 05-Apr 1619] |
02 Nov 1632 | Henry | GANAWAYE | Henry GANAWAYE November 2 |
05 Nov 1632 | Robert | LAMBERT | Robert LAMBERT November 5 [Note:- Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632)] |
10 Nov 1632 | Thomas | DOWRITCH | Thomas DOWRITCH November 10 |
16 Nov 1632 | John | GROSIER | John GROSIER November 16 |
23 Nov 1632 | John | BLATCHFORD | John BLATCHFORD November 23 [ Note:- John BLACHFORD (1574-1632) the husband of Margaret MEMBREE whom he married at Holy Trinity church Dorchseter 6th Oct 1610] |
27 Nov 1632 | Mary | KEECH | Mary wife of Silvester KEETCH [KEECH] November 27 [Note:- Silvester KEECH death is recorded in William WHITEWAYs Diary page 129 as 18th March 1633] |
08 Dec 1632 | William | NORTHCOTT | William NORTHCOTT December 8 |
10 Dec 1632 | Robert | WHITTLE | Robert sonne of John WHITTLE December 10 [Note:- Bap 2nd Nov 1628] |
18 Dec 1632 | Thomas | YEOMAN | Thomas sonne of William YEOMAN December 18 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William YEOMAN & Joyce BRINE at HT on 07-Oct 1624] |
19 Dec 1632 | Edith | GOOLD | Edith wife of Thomas GOOLD [GOULD] December 19 |
01 Jan 1632/3 | John | COBB | John COBB January 1 |
04 Jan 1632/3 | Roger | DEVENISH | Roger DEVENISH January 4 |
05 Jan 1632/3 | Thomasine | BLEWETT | Thomasine BLEWETT January 5 |
05 Jan 1632/3 | Joane | PATY | Joane PATY vid [abbreviation for Latin vidua or widow] |
23 Jan 1632/3 | Mary | CAKE | Mary wife of PATROLUS CAKE January 23 |
06 Feb 1632/3 | William | MILLER | Willm [William] sonne of Willm [William] MILLER Febru: 6 [Note:- bap HT 13th July 1619] |
08 Feb 1632/3 | Aice | POUNCY | Alice POUNCY Febru: 8 |
14 Feb 1632/3 | George | BRINE | George BRINE Febru: 14 |
15 Feb 1632/3 | Simon | HASELBURY | Simon sonn of Willm [William] HASELBER [HASELBURY] Febru: 15 |
18 Feb 1632/3 | Robert | HARRIS | Robert HARRIS February 18 |
25 Feb 1632/3 | Charles | AUSTEN | Charles sonne of Charles AUSTEN February 25 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Charles AUSTEN & Agnes TERIN were married 16-May 1614] |
15 Mar 1632/3 | Hester | LACY | Hester dafter [daughter] of Ricd [Richard] LACIE [LACY] March 15 [Note:- Baptised at HT as Heather dau of Richard LACY on13th jan 1632/3] |
18 Mar 1632/3 | Silvester | KEECH | Siluister [Silvester] KEECH March 18 |
26 Mar 1633 | John | TERIN | John sonne of John TERIN March 26 |
02 Apr 1633 | John | BUSHROD | John sonne of Thomas BUSHROD April 2 [Note:- Baptised HT September 9 1632 son of Thomas Bushrod (1605-1677) and Wilmot nee Parkins , died 1st April see William Whiteways diary page 129 In a list of deaths he refers to "Little John Bushrod 1 Aprilis"] |
11 Apr 1633 | Henry | TRAVERSE | Henry TRAVERSE a stranger April 11 |
23 Apr 1633 | Wilmot | BUSHROD | Wilmot wife of Thomas BUSHROD April 23 [Wilmot BUSHROD nee PARKINS was the wife of Thomas BUSHROD [1605-1677] |
24 Apr 1633 | Robert | SAMWAYES | Robert SAMWAYES April 24 [Note:-Husband of Alice nee PERIN who married at HT on 26th May 1619 - See marriage for children] |
06 May 1633 | Mathew | HUTCHINS | Matthew sonne of William HUTCHINS Maye 6 [Note:- bap HT 25th Dec 1631] |
08 May 1633 | john | HOCKINS | John HOCKINS Maye 8 |
20 May 1633 | William | PINNEY | William PINNEY Maye 20 |
26 Jun 1633 | George | MARTIN | George MARTINE June 26 |
01 Jun 1633 | Rafe | LOCKE | Raphe [Rafe] sonne of Thomas LOCKE June 1 [Note:- baptised HT April 22 1632] |
05 Jun 1633 | John | NEW | John sonne of Thomas NEW June 5 [Note:- Baptised HT 2nd June 1633] |
15 Jun 1633 | Constance | SOUTHE | Constance wife of Thomas SOUTHE [SOWTH] June 15 |
24 Jun 1633 | Leonard | HOSKINS | Leonard HOSKINS June 24 |
03 Jul 1633 | Mary | MARTINE | Mary daughter of the widow MARTINE July 3 |
04 Jul 1633 | Martin | DOGORE? alia BAKER | Martine DOGORE? als [alias] BAKER Julye 4 |
19 Jul 1633 | Thomas | PURCHASE | Thomas sonne of Joseph PURCASE July 19[Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Joseph PURCHASE to Elizabeth HASELBER [HASELBURY]at HT on 09-Nov 1618] |
01 Aug 1633 | Richard | HOSKINS | Richard sonne of John HOSKINS August 1 |
?? Aug 1633 | Mary | NEWINGTON | Mary daughter of John NEWINGTON August ? |
?? Aug 1633 | Eleanor | MOTIER | Eleonor wife of Robert MOTIER August ?? |
19 Sep 1633 | Cecily | GREGORY | Cecily GREGORY Widdow September 19 [Note:- Roger GREGORY & Cicely HAYNE were married at HT on 12-Feb 1619] |
?? Sep 1633 | Matthew | MOGIER | Matthew sonne of John MOGIER ?? Sep 1633 [Note:- bap HT 27th Sep 1633] |
?? Sep 1633 | Joane | BANDGER | Joane daughter of Nicholas BANDGER ?? Sep 1633 [Note:- Joane daughter of Nicholas BANDGER was baptised at HT on August 18 1633] |
18 Oct 1633 | Samuel | GIRDLER | Samuel sonne of Robert GIRDLER October 18 |
26 Oct 1633 | Agnes | FACYE alias SCHOLLER | Agnes the wife of Henry FACYE alias SCHOLLER October 26 |
29 Oct 1633 | Joseph | ? | Joseph sonne of Mr John PORFRIT? October 29 |
20 Nov 1633 | Elizabeth | ? | Elizabeth wife of John SINPINST? November 20 |
29 Nov 1633 | Dorothy | BRINE? | Dorothe [Dorothy] daughter of William BRINE? November 29 |
05 Dec 1633 | Hannah | CHURCHILL | Hannah daughter of Thomas CHURCHILL December 5 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL to Grace MEMBRE at HT on 05-Apr 1619] |
01 Jan 1633/4 | Ann | BEAKE | Ann wife of Richard BEAKE January 1 |
13 Jan 1633/4 | Thomas | HIAT | Thomas sonne of Thomas HIAT January 13 [Note:- Thomas sonne of Thomas HYATT was baptised January 18 1626/7] |
29 Jan 1633/4 | John | RIALL | John RIALL an Almesman January 29 |
03 Mar 1633/4 | Elizabeth | CAPEN | Elizabeth daughter of Thomas CAPEN March 3 [Note:- Baptised HT 23rd Feb 1633/4] |
07 Mar 1633/4 | William | TERIN | William sonne of John TERIN Marche 7 [Note:- John and William sonnes of John TERINE were baptised at HT on March 6 1633/4] |
08 Mar 1633/4 | Morgan | STONE alias LARCOMBE | Morgan STONE als [alias] LARCOMBE Marche 8 ( followed by 2 illegible words - looks like 'pore Conbenarine'?) [Note:- Morgan LARCOMBE alias STONE & Ellinor BROWNE were married at Ht on 02-Jun 1575] |
10 Mar 1633/4 | John | TERIN | John sonne of John TERIN Marche 10 [Note:- John and William sonnes of John TERINE were baptised at HT on March 6 1633/4] |
12 Mar 1633/4 | Prudence | JAMES | Prudence wife of William JAMES Marche 12 [Note:- William JAMES & Prudence GROZE were married at HT on 07-Feb 1619 ] |
14 Mar 1633/4 | Henry | JOLIFFE | Henry sonne of Mr Humfrey JOLIFFE Marche 14 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626; Henry was Baptised HT 31st Jan 1632/3] |
14 Apr 1634 | Mary | BEST | Mary wife of William BEST April 14 |
18 Apr 1634 | Mary | HAINE | Mary daughter of Edward HAINE April 18 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Edward HAYNE to Agnes PARKER were married at HT on 29-Apr 1622] |
19 Apr 1634 | Richard | CLARKE | Richard sonne of Richard CLARKE April 19 |
13 May 1634 | Anne | BERKINE | Anne wife of Mr William BERKINE of Shilvehampton Maye 13 [Note:- Shilvinghampton is a hamlet in the parish of Portesham in Dorset] |
30 May 1634 | John | CHURCHILL | John sonne of John CHURCHILL May 30 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John CHURCHILL to Joane EDWARDS at HT on 19-Jun 1622] |
02 Jun 1634 | William | LAMBERT | William sonne of William LAMBERT June 2 [Note:-The father William LAMBERT Senior was the 5th of 8 children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) Follow link for more information :- William LAMBERT Junior buried here was Baptised HT 30th May 1634] |
24 Jun 1634 | Edawrd | DOWLE | Edward DOWLE June 24 |
15 Aug 1634 | Angel | GEOR | Angel GEOR [GEORGE?] August 15 |
27 Aug 1634 | Sarah | LAMBERT | Sarah daughter of William LAMBERT August 27 [Note:- William LAMBERT Senior was the 5th of 8 children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) Follow link for more information :- Sarah was Baptised with her brother William who pre deceased her on 30th May 1634] |
03 Sep 1634 | Damaris | NEW | Damaris daughter of Thomas NEW August 3 [Note baptised at HT n 17th Aug 1634] |
04 Sep 1634 | Joane | JEFFREYS | Joane the bastard daughter of Mary JEFFREYS September 4 [Note:- See comments against her baptism on 3rd Sep 1634] |
10 Oct 1634 | Anne | EDWARDS | Anne wife of John EDWARDS October 10 |
11 Oct 1634 | Thomas | BRINE | Thomas BRINE October 11 |
22 Oct 1634 | Elizabeth | MARTIN | Elizabeth daughter of Anne MARTIN Widdow October 22 |
07 Nov 1634 | Joseph | ROCKWELL | Joseph sonne of Roger ROCKWELL November 7 [Note:- bap HT 16th March 1633/4] |
21 Nov 1634 | Joane | CRIMBLE | Joane daughter of John CRIMBLE November 21 |
02 Dec 1634 | Katherine | THARLESON | Katherine daughter of Stephen THARLETON December 2 |
19 Jan 1634/5 | Thomas | TUCKER? | Thomas sonne of John TUCKER? January 19 [1634/5] |
12 Feb 1634/5 | Dorothy | TUCKER | Dorothe [Dorothy] wife of John TUCKER Ffebruary 12 |
12 Mar 1634/5 | Elizabeth | HOSKINS | Elizabeth HOSKINS Widdow March 12 |
01? Mar 1634/5 | Thomas | CROUTCHER | Thomas CROUTCHAR [CROUTCHER] March 1? [Note:- A Weaver by trade - Brief mention in Fire from Heaven by David Underdown pages 68/9 and 135 & Municipal Records of Dorchester pages 666/7 his widow Joan was alive 27th May 1635] |
25 Apr 1635 | Thomas | BRINE | Thomas BRINE April 25 |
04 May 1635 | Mary | CORBIN | Mary daughter of William CORBIN Maye 4 [Note:- Baptised February 1 1634/5 - Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (d.1645/6)] |
01 Jun 1635 | William | MEMBREE | William sonne of George MEMBREE June 1 |
09 Jun 1635 | William | CLARKE | William CLARKE June 9 |
08 July 1635 | George | MAMON | George MAMON July 8 |
13 July 1635 | Stephen | GREGORY | Stephen GREGORY July 13[Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of Roger GREGORY to Cicely HAYNE at HT on 12-Feb 1619] |
21 July 1635 | John | HOSKINS | John HOSKINS July 21 |
24 July 1635 | Margaret | STANDISH | Margaret STANDISH Widdow July 24 |
30 July 1635 | John | SAMWAYES | John sonne of Alice SAMWAYES Widow July 30 [Note:- Robert SAMWAYES & Alice PERIN were married at HT on 26-May 1619 but Robert died and was buried at HT on 24th April 1633 - See marriage for children] |
15 Sep 1635 | Eleanor | DEVENISH | Eleanor wife of Beniamen [Benjamin] DEVENISH September 15 [Note:- Does not state whether Benjamin Senior or Junior?] |
18 Sep 1635 | John | CROSS | John CROSS a Stranger September 18 |
19 Sep 1635 | Hester | TERIN | Hester daughter of John TERIN September 19 [Note:- Baptised HT 17th Sep 1635] |
02 Oct 1635 | William | PURCHASE | William sonne of Joseph PURCHASE October 2 [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of Joseph PURCHASE to Elizabeth HASELBER [HASELBURY] at HT on 09-Nov 1618 - Baptised HT 9th Aug 1635] |
11 Oct 1635 | Marian | OTTEN | Marian wife of George OTTEN October 11 [Note:- George OTEN & Marian LACY were married at HT on 29-Nov 1599] |
18 Jan 1635/6 | James | BAILEY | James sonne of William BAILY January 18 [Note:- Baptised HT 10 Jan 1635/6] |
18 Apr 1636 | Elizabeth | FACYE | Elizabeth FACYE April 18 |
20 Apr 1636 | Joane | BANDGER | Joane daughter of Nicholas BANDGER April 20 [Note:- Baptised HT 16th Apr 1636] |
24 Apr 1636 | Rose | RANDAL | Rose daughter of William RANDAL April 24 [Note:- Baptised HT 24th Sep 1634] |
02 May 1636 | Margaret | YEOMAN | Margaret daughter of William YEOMAN Maye 2 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William YEOMAN & Joyce BRINE at HT on 07-Oct 1624] |
04 May 1636 | Elizabeth | JACOB | Elizabeth daughter of Charles JACOB Maye 4 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Charles JACOB to Mary HILL at HT on 25-Jul1635 - Elizabeth Bap 1st May 1635] |
28 May 1636 | Elizabeth | HAIMOND | Elizabeth daughter of John HAIMOND Maye 28 |
29 Jun 1636 | Anne | BISHOP | Anne BISHOP Widow June 29 [ Note:- Robert BISHOPPE & Anne STONE were married at HT on 22-Jun 1589 - See marriage for more information] |
29 Jun 1636 | Margaret | CHANON | Margaret CHANON Widdow June 29 |
29 Jul 1636 | John | WILSE | John WILSE July 29 |
23 Aug 1636 | Alice | LAUTO? | Alice LAUTO [or LANTO] Widdow August 23 |
02 Oct 1636 | John | CRIMBLE | John sonne of John CRIMBLE October 2 [Note:- Baptised HT 1st Oct 1636] |
08 Oct 1636 | Henry | FACY | Henry sonne of Henry FFACY October 8 [Note:- Baptised HT 7th Oct 1636] |
17 Oct 1636 | William | WINSORE | William sonne of Nicholas WINSORE October 17 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Nicholas WINSORE to Magaret CORBIN at HT on 09-Oct 1626] |
25 Nov 1636 | Thomas | MOOG | Thomas MOOG a Stranger November 25 |
31 Dec 1636 | Edith | ADAMS | Edith wife of John ADAMS December 31 [Note:- John ADAMS & Edith STACY were married at HT on 15-Jan 1624 - Also Note this was the 2nd marriage of John ADAMS 1st was to Anne SKINNER at HT on 20-Oct 1614 who also died] |
02 Jan 1636/7 | Eleanor | MOTIER | Eleanor daughter of Robert MOTIER January 2 |
09 Jan 1636/7 | Hester | HAGGARD | Hester wife of Walter HAGGARD January 9 |
10 Feb 1636/7 | John | BAILEY | John BAILY Nonagecius [Think this is latin for aged 90] February 10 |
20 Feb 1636/7 | Rebecca | STILLARD | Rebecca daughter of Thomas STILLARD February 20 [Note:- Thomas STILLARD & Rebecca PERRY were married at HT on 06-Jun 1631 - Rebecca baptised HT 18 Feb 1636/7] |
21 Feb 1636/7 | Alice | BANDGER | Alice wife of Nicholas BANDGER February 21 [Note:- They had a daughter Joane baptised at HT on August 18 1633 but she was buried there the following month - They renamed their next child Joane who was baptised at HT on 16th April 1636 but she also died being buried there 4 days later] |
24 Feb 1636/7 | William | GAPPER | William GAPPER February 24 [Note:- Had a daughter Jane bap HT on January 29 1631/2 - wife may have been Mar GAPPER the widow buried HT 26th June 1637] |
04 Mar 1636/7 | Robert | CORBIN | Robert CORBIN March 4 [Note:- Thought to be Robert Corbin son of Richard Corbin (d.1587/8) baker by trade and Captial Burgess of Dorchester] |
06 Mar 1637 | Hugh | YEOMAN | Hugh sonne of William YEOMAN March 17 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of William YEOMAN & Joyce BRINE at HT on 07-Oct 1624 - baptised HT 2nd Apr 1637] |
17 Mar 1637 | Sarah | EDWARDS | Sarah daughter of Joseph EDWARDS March 19[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Joseph EDWARDS to Alice BARTLETT at HT on 11-Aug 1630 |
19 Apr 1637 | Samuel | WIER | Samuel sonne of Robert WIER April 19 [Note:- baptised HT 25th Dec 1636] |
06 Jun 1637 | Mary | SIMONDS | Mary daughter of Thomas SIMONDS June 6 [Note:- baptised HT 12th March 1636/7] |
10 Jun 1637 | Jane | MUNDEN | Jane daughter of George MUNDEN June 10 |
11 Jun 1637 | Margery | CASHIER | Margery CASHIER June 11 [Note:- Out of date order in original register] |
26 Jun 1637 | Mary | GAPPER | Mary GAPPER Widdow June 26 [Note:- probably widow of William GAPPER who was buried at HT on 24th Feb 1636/7] |
05 July 1637 | Dorothy | WALBRIDGE | Dorothe [Dorothy] daughter of Thomas WALBRIDGE July 5 [Note:- Out of date order in original register - Dorothy bap HT 6th Mar 1636/7] |
19 Sep 1637 | Elizabeth | READ | Elizabeth wife of Nathaniel READ September 19 [Note:- marriage of Nathaniel READ to Elizabeth TRIVETT at HT on 06-Nov 1609- See marriage for children] |
11 Oct 1637 | Alice | SAMWAYS | Alice SAMWAYS widow October 11 [Note:- Robert SAMWAYES & Alice PERIN were married 26-May 1619 - See marriage for more information] |
17 Oct 1637 | Mary | TERRY | Mary TEERY widow October 17 [Note:-See link to Will of Mary TERRY Widow & sister of Rev.John White: (Source Rose Troup)] |
11 Dec 1637 | Eleanor | WILSE | Elianor [Eleanor] daughter of Gile WILSE December 11 [Note:- bap HT 10 Dec 1637] |
23 Dec 1637 | John | WATTS | John sonne of William WATTS December 23 |
30 Dec 1637 | George | HAWKE? | George HAWKE? December 30 |
13 Jan 1637/8 | Sarah | WATTS | Sarah wife of William WATTS January 13 |
16 Jan 1637/8 | William | BONFIELD | William BINFEILD January 16 |
09 Feb 1637/8 | Joane | CRIMBLE | Joane wife of John CRIMBLE February 9 [Note:- She almost certainly died as a result of complications from giving birth to her daughter Joane who was buried with her - John Crimble may then have remarried to Frances GAWLER at HT on 12th June 1638] |
09 Feb 1637/8 | Joane | CRIMBLE | Joane daughter of John CRIMBLE February 9 [Note:- See comments above - baptised the same day] |
13 Feb 1637/8 | Thomasine | TRACY | Thomasine daughter of Peter TRACY February 13 [Note:-2nd child from the marriage of Peter TRACYE to Frances SWIRE at HT on 01-Aug 1633] |
21 Feb 1637/8 | Margery | BANDGER | Margery wife of Matthew BANDGER February 21 [Note:- Matthew BANDGER appears to have remarried after her death to Margaret HOSKINS at Ht on 18-Oct 1638] |
09 Mar 1637/8 | Thomas | HUTCHINS | Thomas sonne of William HUTCHINS March 9 [Note:- bap HT 11th Feb 1637/8] |
24 Mar 1637/8 | John | CURTIS | John sonne of Henry CURTEIS [CURTIS] March 24 [Note:- bap HT 18th Feb 1637/8] |
16 Apr 1638 | Margaret | SHAVEN | Richard? Margaret wife of Richard SHAVEN April 16 [Note:- Richard SHAVEN & Margret HUDDS were married at HT on 16-Nov 1601] |
19 Apr 1638 | Alice | JENKINS | Alice wife of Christopher JENKINS April 19 |
24 Apr 1638 | Nicholas | BANDGER | Nicholas BANDGER April 24 A daughter Joane buried HT in Sep 1633- Alice the wife of Nicholas Bandger was buried at HT on 21 Feb 1636/7] |
07 May 1638 | Simon | HASELBURY | Simon HASELBER [HASELBURY] May 7 [Note:- See link for more information about Simon Haselbury] |
07 May 1638 | Thomas | SLADE | Thomas SLADE May 7 [Note:- Thomas SLADE was the husband of Dorothy nee MATTHEWS whom he married on 7th Oct 1624. His widow re-married to Henry PINNEY at HT on 29th Oct 1646] |
09 May 1638 | John | MARSFIELD | John sonne of John MARSFIELD May 9 [Note:- Bap HT July 12 1635] |
09 July 1638 | Stephen | THARLETON | Stephen sonne of Stephen THARLETON of St Peters [Parish Dorchester] |
18 July 1638 | John | CASELY? [KERSLEY] | John sonne of William CASELY? July 18 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William KERSLEY to Anne TURNER at HT on 02-Oct 1626 - baptised HT March 16 1633/4] |
13 Aug 1638 | Dionyse | GREEN | Dionyse wife of Marke GREENE August 13 [Note:- Marke [or Mark] GREENE & Dionyse [from Latin Dionisia / Denisia or Deonise, Denyse] HUNT were married at Ht on 06-Oct 1621] |
28 Aug 1638 | Alice | MAMON | Alice wife of Robt [Robert] MAMON August 28 |
28 Aug 1638 | Joane | LACY | Joane daughter of Richard LACY August 28 [Note:- Baptised HT 23rd Feb 1633/4] |
28 Aug 1638 | William | BAILEY | William sonne of Clement BAILY [BAILEY] August 28 |
30 Aug 1638 | Margaret | BROWNE | Margaret BROWNE August 30 |
04 Sep 1638 | Elizabeth | TURNER | Elizabeth wife of Richard TURNER September 4 [Note:- Richard TURNER & Elizabeth HUNT were married at Ht on 27-Jan 1594 ] |
06 Sep 1638 | Ruth | ROCKWELL | Ruth daughter of Roger ROCKWELL September 6 [Note:- bap HT 15th July 1638] |
11 Sep 1638 | Margery | FOOK | Margery wife of John FFOOKE September 11 |
22 Sep 1638 | Robert | MANION? | Robert MANION? September 22 |
05 Oct 1638 | Margery | CARTER | Margery CARTER Wid [Widow] October 5 |
09 Oct 1638 | Joseph | PURCHASE | Joseph PURCHASE October 9 [Note:- Eldest son of Nicholas Purchase who died 1620 and married at HT on 9th Nov 1618 to Elizabeth HASELBURY] |
09 Oct 1638 | Thomas | COUNTER | Thomas COUNTER October 9 |
09 Oct 1638 | Anthony | PINNEY | Anthony PINNEY October 9 |
24 Oct 1638 | Henry | CROOME | Henry CROOME October 24 |
07 Nov 1638 | Nathaniel | READ | Nathaniel READ November 7 [Note:- Nathaniel was 5th child of William READ and Elizabeth BISHOPPE who married at HT on 31-Jan 1579. Nathaniel married Elizabeth TRIVETT at HT Church in Dorchester on 06-Nov 1609. ] |
07 Nov 1638 | Edith | JENNINGS | Edith wife of George JENNINGS November 7 |
19 Nov 1638 | Richard | KEATE | Richard KEATE November 19 |
03 Dec 1638 | Margaret | CORBINE | Margaret daughter of Robert CORBINE December 3 [Note:- Thought to be another child of Robert CORBIN (d.1636/7) a yeoman and grocer by trade] |
10 Dec 1638 | Julian | DANMER | Julian DANMER [or DAMNER] Widow December 10 |
18 Jan 1638/9 | Eleanor? | SMITH | Elearar [Eleanor?] SMITH January 18 |
18 Jan 1638/9 | Joseph | EDWARDS | Joseph sonne of Joseph EDWARDS January 18 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Joseph EDWARDS to Alice BARTLETT at HT on 11-Aug 1630 - baptised HT January 6 1638/9] |
19 Jan 1638/9 | Thomas | CHANON | Thomas CHANON a Stranger January 19 |
04 Mar 1638/9 | William | DAVY | William sonne of Lawrence DAVY March 4 [Note:- Bap HT 23rd Oct 1636] |
04 Mar 1638/9 | Hannah | MANION | Hannah daughter of Rafe MANION March 4 [Note:- Baptised HT 19th March 1636/7] |
09 Mar 1638/9 | Jane | ALAMBRIGG | Jane daughter of Mr John ALAMBRIGG march 9 [Note:- Bap HT 18th Feb 1637/8] |
16 Mar 1638/9 | Humfrey | JOLIFFE | Humfrey sonne of Mr Humfrey JOLIFF March 16 [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626: Humphrey junior was baptised HT 15th April 1638] |
27 May 1639 | Thomas | GEORGE | Thomas sonne of Robert GEORGE May 27 [Note:- Bap 26 Sep 1630] |
31 May 1639 | Eleanor | PERIN | Eleonor [Eleanor] daughter of Rafe PERIN [PERRIN] Junior May 31 [Note:- Bap HT July 30 1637] |
02 Jun 1639 | Grace | WATTS | Grace daughter of John WATTS June 2 [Note:- Bap HT 9th Aug 1635] |
10 Jun 1639 | John | CHURCHILL | John CHURCHILL June 10 [Note:- See Wills Index for Will of John Churchell, Yeoman of Holy Trinity in Dorchester, Dorset proved 12th Feb 1640 - husband of Joane EDWARDS whom he married at Holy Trinity in 1622] |
19 Jun 1639 | Elizabeth | WATTS | Elizabeth daughter of John WATTS June 19 |
26 July 1639 | Simon | HASELBURY | Simon sonne of William HASELBER [HASELBURY] July 26 |
27 July 1639 | Abigail | ALAMBRIG | Abigail daughter of Mr John ALAMBRIG July 27 [Note:- Baptised HT 25th July 1639] |
08 Aug 1639 | Janie [or Joane] | JEFFREY | Janie [or Joane] wife of Richard JEFFREYE August 8 |
08 Aug 1639 | James | CRIMBLE? | James sonne of James CRIMBLE? (Surname not clear) August 8 {Possible baptism 29th Oct 1637] |
19 Aug 1639 | Joseph | WINSOR | Joseph sonne of Nicholas WINSORE August 19 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Nicholas WINSORE to Magaret CORBIN at HT on 09-Oct 1626 ] |
28 Aug 1639 | George | JENNINGS | George JENINGE August 28 [Note:- A George JENINGS married Agnes HEMINGTON at HT on 18-Nov 1616] |
14 Sep 1639 | Elizabeth | HOOKER? | Elizabeth wife of John HOOKER? September 14 [Surname unclear] |
20 Sep 1639 | Thomas | HIAT? | Thomas HIAT? September 20 [Surname unclear] |
21 Sep 1639 | Christian | PERRY | Christian wife of Humfrey PERY [PERRY] September 21 [Note:- Humfrey PERY [PERRY] & Christian LONGE were married at Ht on 26-Nov 1603] |
07 Oct 1639 | George | OTNEY | George OTNEY October 7 [Note:- This may be the burial of George OTEN [or OATEN] who married Marian LACY at HT on 29-Nov 1599?] |
07 Oct 1639 | Joanne | GIFFORD | Joanne daughter of Robert GIFFORD October 7 [Note:- [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Robert GUIFFORD to Hannah CAPEN at HT on 04-Aug 1629 ] |
08 Oct 1639 | Sarah | EDWARDS | Sarah daughter of Richard EDWARDS October 8th |
14 Oct 1639 | John | GREENE | John GREENE October 14 |
23 Oct 1639 | John | MARION | John sonne of Rafe MARION October 23 [Note:- baptised HT March 11 1632/3] |
01 Nov 1639 | Grace | WATTS | Grace WATTS Vid: [abbreviation for latin Vidua or Widow] November 1 |
26 Nov 1639 | Ann | SHERY | Ann SHERY [abbreviation for latin Vidua or Widow] November 26 |
07 Jan 1639/40 | George | WHITE | George sonne of George WHITE January 7 [Note:- George WHITE & Mary TURNER were married at HT on 15-Aug 1636 and their son George junior baptised there 14th May 1637] |
30 Jan 1639/40 | Martha | PATY | Martha daughter of William PATY January 30 [Note:- See comments about her father William PATY under the baptism of her brother William at HT on March 13 1630/1 - Martha baptised HT 17th March 1632/3] |
06 Feb 1639/40 | William | BROWNE | William sonne of William BROWNE February 6 [Note:- Baptised HT Ffebruary 8th 1639/40] |
10 Feb 1639/40 | John | HILL | John HILL February 10 |
17 Feb 1639/40 | William | GOLDWIRE | William GOLDWIRE a Stranger February 17 |
17 Feb 1639/40 | Samuel | ROCKWELL | Samuel sonne of Roger ROCKWELL February 17 [Note:- Baptised HT September 8th 1639] |
17 Feb 1639/40 | Margaret | FACY | Margaret FFACY Widow February 17 [Note:- William FFACY & Margaret BUCKLAND were married at Ht on 15-Nov 1625] |
28 Feb 1639/40 | James | GOLD | James sonne of James GOLD February 28 |
28 Feb 1639/40 | Elizabeth | CORBIN | Elizabeth daughter of William CORBIN February 28 [Note:- Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (d.1645/6) - Elizabeth buried here was baptised at HT on 18th Aug 1632] |
10 Mar 1639/40 | John | HAMMOND | John HAMMOND March 10 |
23 Mar 1639/40 | Richard | TURNER | Richard TURNER March 23 |
FILE NOTE:- The next section of the original Register containing approx 40 burials and covering 1640 and the first half of 1641 is illegible apart from a few odd words - A memorial in HT Church states that John PERKINS [PARKINS] died (2nd) November1640. [Note:- Link to his Biography on the History of Parliament Website John PARKINS (1671-1640) MP 1621 Mayor 1629] Quality is also poor up to Oct 1642 |
02 Jun 1641 | (illegible) | (illegible) | ?? wife of William CANLY June 2 |
04 Aug 1641 | (illegible) | NORRINGTON? | ?? daughter of John? NORRINGTON? August 4 |
20 Aug 1641 | Grace?? | TRACYE | Grace?? daughter of Peter TRACYE August 20 [Note:- Christian name very faint - May be Grace daughter of Peter TRACY who was baptised at HT on August 25th 1639 - name may start with a G and is about the right length] |
04 Sep 1641 | Joseph | UNDERWOOD | Joseph UNDERWOOD Senior September 4 [Note:- See link for more background on Joseph UNDERWOOD (1586-1641)] |
10 Sep 1641 | Nathaniel | ROCKWELL | Nathaniel sonne of Roger ROCKWELL September 10 [Note:- Baptised HT 15 August 1641] |
30 Sep 1641 | (illegible) | TUCKSBURY | ?? wife of John TUKCBURY [TUCKSBURY?] September 30 |
30 Sep 1641 | Sarah? | STONE | Sarah? daughter of Sarah STONE Wid: [Widow] September 30 |
11 Oct 1641 | (illegible) | (illegible) | |
11 Nov 1641 | Jane | BARTLETT | Jane? ye wife of George BARTLETT November 11 [Note:- very poor quality record even inverting the image - Jane and Joane were virtually interchangeable . This is George BARTLETT (bur.1670) who married to Joan DAVIS at Holy Trinity on 08-Oct 1640, After her death George BARTLETT remarried to Joane GOULD at HT on 03-Jan 1642 ] |
20 Nov 1641 | Ann? | HOOPER?? | Ann? daughter of John HOOPER?? November 20 [Note:- record very poor quality - possible baptism Ann daughter of John HOOPER 7 March 1640/1] |
04 Dec 1641 | Ann | HUTCHENS?? | Ann?? daughter of William HUTCHENS?? December 4 [Note:- record very poor quality - possible baptism "Ann daughter of William HUTCHINS baptised HT March 3 1638/9] |
11 Dec 1641 | Katherine? | (illegible) | Katherine?? wife of John (illegible) December 11 |
27 Jan 1641/2 | Mary | WHITE | Mary daughter of George WHITE January 27[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of George WHITE to Mary TURNER at HT on 15-Aug 1636] |
26 Feb 1641/2 | Maralin? | MILLER | Maralin? wife of John MILLER Feb: 26 |
23 Mar 1641/2 | Catherine | GREGORY | Catherine GREGORY March 23 |
25 Mar 1642 | Elizabeth | ASH | Elizabeth daughter of Joseph ASH [Note:- they seem to have renamed their next child Elizabeth on 19th Feb 1642/3] |
0? Apr 1642 | John | WILSE?? | John sonne of John WILSE?? April ? |
10 May 1642 | Robert | MOTIER | Robert MOTIER May 10 |
10 May 1642 | John | JOLIFFE | John sonne of Mr Humfrey JOLIFFE May 10 [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626 who was bap at HT on 10th May 1640] |
18 May 1642 | Jane? | POLDEN | Jane? daughter of Robert POLDEN May 18 [Note:- Christian name not clear seems to end in 'ne' so probably Jane daughter of Robert POLDEN bap at HT on 18th Aug 1639] |
19 May 1642 | Avis | (illegible)? | Avis (illegible Surname) vid: May 19[abbreviation for latin Vidua or Widow] |
10 Jun 1642 | (illegible)? | (illegible)? | E?? wife of John ?LA?? June 10 |
24 July 1642 | Elizabeth | WATTS | Elizabeth daughter of John WATS [WATTS] July 24 [Note:- baptised HT 28 June 1640 ] |
22 Aug 1642 | Edward | WALLBRIDGE?? | Edward WALLBRIDGE?? August 22 |
25 Aug 1642 | Robert | STILLARD | Robert sonne of Thomas STILLARD august 25 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas STILLARD & Rebecca PERRY married at HT on 06-Jun 1631 - Robert baptised HT 28th Oct 1638] |
12 Sep 1642 | Nathaniel | HILL | Nathaniel sonne of George HILL September 12 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of George HILL to Mary READE at HT on 29-Sep 1640] |
24 Sep 1642 | Henry | WILSON | Henry WILSON September 24 |
08 Oct 1642 | James | WILSE | James WILSE October 8 |
12 Oct 1642 | Thomas | LACY | Thomas sonne of Richard LACY October 12 |
?? Oct 1642 | (illegible)? | PATY | ?? sonne of Mr William PATY [Note:- See comments about his father William PATY under the baptism of his son William at HT on March 13 1630/1 we know he had at least 2 sons William & Joseph so this may be the burial of one of them] |
27 Oct 1642 | William | (illegible) | William son of George (illegible) |
03 Nov 1642 | George | (illegible) | George son of? George? (illegible) |
04 Nov 1642 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible line) |
04 Nov 1642 | John | MUNDEN | John son of William MUNDEN November 4 |
01 Dec 1642 | Widow | CARDRO | (Mrs? illegible) CARDRO Widow (several more illegible words) December 1st 1642 [Note:-Widow of John CARDROWE (1586/7 - 1632) Grocer of Dorchester] |
01 Dec 1642 | William? | PHELPS?? | William? PHELPS?? a Soldier December 1st 1642 |
01 Dec 1642 | Martha | (illegible) | Martha daughter of Robert (illegible) December 1st 1642 |
08 Dec 1642 | Alice | CORBINE | Alice? CORBINE Widow December 8th 1642 |
27 Dec 1642 | John | EYRES | John EYRES December 27th 1642 |
30 Dec 1642 | Morris? | NICHEL? | Morris? NICHEL? [or MICHEL] a Soldier December 30 1642 |
05 Jan 1642/3 | James | CORBINE | James son of William CORBINE January 5th 1642/3 [Note:- Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (d.1645/6) - James buried here was baptised at HT on 1st Jan 1642/3] |
06 Jan 1642/3 | John | GIFFORD | John sonne of Richard? GIFFORD |
11 Jan 1642/3 | Margaret | BLATCHFORD | Margaret BLATCHFORD [BLACHFORD] January 11th 1642/3[ Note:- 7th child from the marriage of John BLACHFORD (1574-1632) to Margaret MEMBREE at Holy Trinity church Dorchseter 6th Oct 1610] |
02 Feb 1642/3 | William | DORY | William DORY February 2 1642/3 |
03 Feb 1642/3 | Francis | DENNING | Frances? sonne of Jsaac [Isaac] DENNING February 3rd 1642/3 |
20 Feb 1642/3 | ?? | ?? | illegible (Might be John TERIN??) February 20th 1642/3 |
24 Feb 1642/3 | Richard | ??R | Richard (illegible ) February 24th 1642/3 |
23 Feb 1642/3 | Nicholas | EYRES | Nicholas EYRES February 23 1642/3 [Out of date order on original] |
06 Mar 1642/3 | (illegible) | BENMAN | (illegible) BELMAN March 6 1642/3 |
16 Mar 1642/3 | Ralph?? | PALMER | (illegible - might be Ralph?) sonne of Ralph PALMER |
02 Mar 1642/3 | Alice | COMAGE | Alice wife of William COMMAGE March 2? 1642/3 [Note:- William COMAGE & Alice DEVERGE were married at HT on 31-Oct 1631] |
23 Mar 1642/3 | Robert | CHARTON | Robert CHARTON a Soldier March 23 1642/3 |
[Between 25th & 31st March 1643] | John | MANNEL | John sonne of Ralph MANNEL March ?? 1643 |
[Between 25th & 31st March 1643] | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) sonne of Ralph (illegible) March ?? 1643 |
19 Apr 1643 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) ---AM April 19th? 1643 |
24 Apr 1643 | William | CAPEN | William son of Thomas CAPEN April 24th? 1643 |
29 Apr 1643 | John? | MILLER? | John son of Mathew? MILLER? [Note:- poor quality record this may be John the son of Mathew MILLER who was bap HT 1st January 1642/3] |
?? May 1643 | Mary? | COUNTER? | Mary? daughter of Hugh? COUNTER? May ?? 1643 [Note:- poor quality record this may be May the daughter of Hugh COUNTER who was bap HT 2nd April 1643] |
11 May 1643 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (----ch illegible) |
?? May 1643 | William | LAMBERT | William LAMBERT May ?? 1643 [Note:-This is William LAMBERT Senior who was the 5th of 8 children of Robert LAMBERT (bur.1632) Follow link for more information . |
?? May 1643 | Joan | CHAFFER | Joan CHAFFER May ?? 1643 |
25 May 1643 | Lawrence | COLLIER | Lawrence COLLIER May 25 1643 |
28 May 1643 | Hugh | SCRIVEN | Mr Hugh SCRIVIN [SCRIVEN] May 28 1643 |
31 May 1643 | Martha | GOULD | Martha daughter of Thomas GOULD May 31 1643 |
01 Jun 1643 | James | GOULD | James sonne of Thomas GOULD June 1 1643 [Note:- Baptised HT 26 March 1643] |
13 Jun 1643 | Anne | LIMBE [LIMBRY] | Anne wife of Giles LIMBRE [LIMBRY] 13 June 1643 |
14 Jun 1643 | Thomas | STILLARD | Thomas STILLARD 14 June 1643 [Note:- Thomas STILLARD & Rebecca PERRY were married at HT on 06-Jun 1631] |
17 Jun 1643 | John | MABER | John sonne of John MABER June 17 1643 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John MABER to Dorcas BAMFEILD at HT on 24-Apr 1638] |
27 Jun 1643 | John | GILLET | John GILLET June 27 1643 [Note:- John GILLET married Martha POLDEN at HT on 30-Apr 1635 see marriage for children] |
29 Jun 1643 | Deborah | LAMBERT | Deborah daughter of the Widdow LAMBERT June 29 1643 [Note:- Baptised 18th Oct 1643 daughter of William LAMBERT who was buried at HT in May 1643 See above for more information] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Dorothy | BRINE | Dorothy daughter of John BRINE [edge of document where date was is missing] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Elizabeth | WIRE | Elizabeth daughter of William WIRE [edge of document where date was is missing] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Emme | READ | Emme the wife of John READ [edge of document where date was is missing - John READE & Emme CHAPER [or CHANER] were married at HT on 03-Aug 1629 ] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | John | BRAGG | John BRAGG a Soldier [edge of document where date was is missing] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | (missing) [John?] | EDWARDS | [edge of document where date and Christian name would be is missing] sonne of Joseph EDWARDS [Note:- This is likely to be John EDWARDS the last surving child of Joseph EDWARDS and Alice who bap HT 7th Aug 1631]. |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Sarah | HAYNE | Sarah daughter of Edward HAYNE [edge of document where date was is missing] [Note:- 11th known child from the marriage of Edward HAYNE to Agnes PARKER were married at HT on 29-Apr 1622] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Mary | STEVENS | Mary daughter of Richard STEEVENS [STEVENS or STEPHENS] [edge of document where date was is missing] |
14th ?? 1643 | Emme | GIFFORD | Emme GIFFORD Widow 14th [edge of document where month was is missing] |
(after 29th June) 1643 | Phillip | (illegible) | Phillip (surname illegible) a Soldier [edge of document where date was is missing] |
illegible line | illegible line | (illegible line) | illegible line |
08 Sep 1643 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) |
09 Sep 1643 | (illegible) | BIRD? | (illegible) BIRD? Sen [Senior] [Note:- See Comments for a William Berd [Bird] listed on the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615 If it does relate to this burial he would have been about aged 88] |
09 Sep 1643 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) daughter of Richard (illegible) September 9th 1643 |
12 Sep 1643 | Benjamin | DEVENISH | Beniamen [Benjamin] DEVENISH September 12th 1643 [See Biography Benjamin DEVENISH (1574-1643) tailor and master of the Dorchester Brewhouse |
16 Sep 1643 | Willaim | (illegible) | William sonne of (illegible) September 16th 1643 |
21 Sep 1643 | Henry | WHITE | Henry WHITE September 21st 1643 |
29 Sep 1643 | William | HUTCHINS | William HUTCHINS September 29th 1643 |
29 Sep 1643 | Jane | MILLER | Jane daughter of John MILLER September 29th 1643 |
04 Oct 1643 | Sarah | GOULD | Sarah daughter Christopher GOULD October 4th 1643 |
02 Oct 1643 | William | BAKER | William sonne of Erasmus BAKER October 2nd 1643 [Note:- Original out of date order - 2nd child from the marriage of Erasmus BAKER to Anne JOLIFF at HT on 06-May 1639] ] |
12 Oct 1643 | Mary | HATEL? | Mary wife of John HATEL? October 12th 1643 |
13 Oct 1643 | Samuel | (illegible) | Samuel sonne of Henry (illegible - obliterated) October 13th 1643 |
16 Oct 1643 | William | (illegible) | William?? sonne of William (illegible - obliterated) October 16th? 1643 |
?? Oct 1643 | James | ARTHUR? | James sonne of Gilburd [Gilbert] Ar------ [Likely to be James sonne of Gilbert ARTHUR baptised March 13 1635/6] |
?? Oct 1643 | Rose | (illegible) | Rose daughter of Steephen [Stephen] ------- |
26 Oct 1643 | Phillip | COUSENS | Phillip COUSENS October 26 1643 |
26 Oct 1643 | Elizabeth | (illegible) [HASELBURY] | Elizabeth daughter of William (illegible) October 26 1643 [Note:- Thought to be the 7th child from the marriage of William HASELBER [HASELBURY] to Jane BANDGER at HT on 03-Aug 1630] |
26 Oct 1643 | Jane | GILLETT | Jane daughter of Martha GILLETT Widow October 26 1643 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John GILLET to Martha POLDEN at HT on 30-Apr 1635 - Her father John GILLETT was buried HT 27th June 1643 hence Martha a Widow] |
27 Oct 1643 | Martha | GILLETT | Martha daughter of Martha GILLETT Widow October 27 1643 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John GILLET to Martha POLDEN at HT on 30-Apr 1635] |
06 Nov 1643 | Stephen | (illegible) | Steephen [Stephen] sonne of Steephen [Stephen] (Surname obliterated - illegible) November 6th 1643 |
06 Nov 1643 | Katherine | (illegible) | Katherine daughter of (Surname obliterated - illegible) November 6th 1643 |
06 Nov 1643 | Elizabeth | G-------- | Elizabeth daughter of G(illegible) November 6th 1643 |
06 Nov 1643 | Luce [Lucy] | BELLRINGER | Luce [Lucy] daughter of James [BELLRINGER] November 6th 1643 |
16 Nov 1643 | Mary | (illegible) | Mary wife of John (Surname not clear CAPEL?) November 16 1643 |
21 Nov 1643 | William | HOSER? | William the sonne of John HOSER? [HAYER??] November 21 1`643 |
04 Dec 1643 | John | PERRIN | John sonne of Ralph PERRIN Jun [Junior] December 4 1643 |
13 Dec 1643 | Elizabeth | (illegible) | Elizabeth daughter of (illegible) December 13 1643 |
18 Dec 1643 | Alice | GOULD? | Alice GOULD? Widowe December 18 1643 |
18 Dec 1643 | Frances | (illegible) | Frances daughter of Francis (illegible) December 18 1643 |
01 Jan 1643/4 | Richard | WATS? | Richard sonne of John WATS?? [WATTS?] January 1 1643/4 |
18 Jan 1643/4 | George | WHITE? | George sonne of (illegible) WHITE? January 18 1643 |
18 Jan 1643/4 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) ---HERS Widow January 18 1643 |
20 Jan 1643/4 | Alexander | HUTCHINS | Alexander son of Margaret HUTCHINS widdow [Note:- Baptised HT 15th January 1643/4] |
31 Jan 1634/4 | Daniel | GOURD? | Daniel sonne of Gershem GOURD? age? January 31st 1643/4 |
08 Feb 1643/4 | Thomas | PETTY | Thomas the bastard sonne of Tammasene [Thomasine] PETTY February 8th 1643/4 [Note:- Baptised HT January 29th 1643/4 ] |
08 Mar 1643/4 | Henry | NEWTON | Henry sonne of George NEWTON March 8th 1643/4 |
11 Mar 1643/4 | Ralph | PERRAM | Ralph PERRAM [PERIN or PERRIN] March 11th 1643/4 [Note:- Ralphe PERIN & Margret PURCHASE were married at HT on 10-May 1610 - See his marriage for more information] |
11 Mar 1643/4 | Judith | FULLER | Judeth [Judith] daughter of Mr (illegible) FULLER |
18 Mar 1643/4 | Hannah | DAW | Hannah daughter of Henry DAW March 18 1643/4 |
30 Mar 1644 | Elizabeth | CORBIN | Elizabeth daughter of Henry CORBIN March 30th 1644 [Note:- 3rd child from the 2nd marriage of Henry CORBIN to Elizabeth PURCHASE at HT on 5th Sep 1614 who was baptised at HT 16th Dec 1620] |
?? Apr 1644 | (illegible) | (illegible) | ----widow --April 1644 |
09 Apr 1644 | Margery? | (illegible) | Margery? (illegible --- may end in LAND?) -- April 9th 1644 |
11 Apr 1644 | Matthew | WIER | Matthew sonne of John WIER April 11th 1644 [Note:- Bap HT November 6 1631] |
16 Apr 1644 | George | LYDOCK? | George LYDOCK? April 16th 1644 |
(illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) the wife of (illegible) |
11 May 1644 | Robert | POLDEN | Robert sonne of Robert POLDEN May 11th 1644 [Note:- Baptised HT 16th Oct 1636] |
31 May 1644 | Ralph | PALMER | Ralph sonne of Ralph PALMER [Note:- baptised HT 7th Jan 1643/4] |
01 Jun 1644 | Humfrey | (illegible) | (illegible word approx 4 letters) Humfrey (illegible) |
03 Jun 1644 | Mary? | (illegible) | Mary? daughter of (illegible) |
13 Jun 1644 | (illegible) | (illegible) | illegible - obliterated |
27 Jun 1644 | (illegible) | (illegible) | illegible - obliterated |
?? July 1644 | Robert | READ | Robert bastard sonne of Katterne READ [Note:- Baptised HT on June 26th 1644] |
?? July 1644 | Nicholas | (illegible) | Nicolos sonne of John (illegible obliterated) |
?? July 1644 | George | CHURCHILL | George CHURCHILL + 2 words |
?? July 1644 | (illegible) | (illegible) | illegible widdow |
29 July 1644 | Thomas | HOOPER | Thomas HOOPER July 29th 1644 [Note:- mention is made of a Carpenter Thomas HOOPER and his wife Mary in David Underdowns book fire from Heaven] |
02 Aug 1644 | (illegible) | HEYDON | (illegible) HEYDON August 2nd 1644 |
11 Sep 1644 | Lord | GRINEWITH? | The Lord GRINEWITH? (+illegible word) September 11th 1644 |
14 Sep 1644 | Joseph | HILL | Joseph HILL September 14th 1644 |
Sep 1644 | (illegible) | (illegible) | 5 illegible lines |
15 Oct 1644 | no name | no name | A Soldier October 15th 1644/5 |
17 Oct 1644 | Joseph | (illegible) | Joseph sonne of Joseph (illegible obliterated) October 17th 1644 |
11 Nov 1644 | no name | no name | A Soldier November 11th 1644 |
13 Nov 1644 | John | (illegible) | John son of (illegible) November 13th 1644 |
20 Nov 1644 | Jane | (illegible) | Jane [or Joane?] daughter of (illegible) |
20 Nov 1644 | no name | no name | A Soldier |
30 Nov 1644 | Robert | POLDEN | Robert POLDEN November 30th 1644 |
Dec? 1644 | (illegible) | BRINE | (illegible possibly Willm?) son of John BRINE (possibly December 1644) |
20 Dec 1644 | William | MARTIN | William MARTIN December? 20th 1644 |
01 Jan 1644/5 | James | (illegible) | James P(illegible) January 1st 1644/5 |
20 Jan 1644/5 | John | CIRSLEYE [KERSLEY?] | John sonne of William CIRSLEYE [KERSLEY?] January 20th 1644/5 |
30? Jan 1644/5 | illegible | HAYNE? | 7 illegible words 4th is HAYNE |
02 Mar 1644/5 | illegible | STEVENS | S---hen [Stephen?] son of John STEEVENS [STEVENS] |
04 Mar 1644/5 | (illegible) | (illegible) | Mary? the wife of (illegible) Richard (illegible) |
06 Mar 1644/5 | John | STEPHENS? | Mr John STEPHENS? Minister March 6th 1644/5 |
10 Mar 1644/5 | William | CYE? | William CYE? a Soldier |
26 Mar 1645 | John | BRANDELE? | John son of Samuel BRANDELE? March 26th 1645 |
16 Apr 1645 | Elizabeth | (illegible) | Elizabeth the wife of William (illegible) April 16th 1645 |
15 May 1645 | Mary | WILEC [WILCE] | Mary daughter of Giles WILEC [WILCE] May 15th 1645 [Note:- Baptised HT 11th May 1645] |
23 May 1645 | William | WHITE | William WHITE May 23rd 1645 |
28 Jun 1645 | Margaret | MABER | Margaret the daughter of John MABER June 28th 1645 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John MABER to Dorcas BAMFEILD at HT on 24-Apr 1638baptised HT January 29th 1643/4] |
09 July 1645 | William | HUTCHINS | William HUTCHINS July 9th 1645 |
09 July 1645 | Elizabeth | MARSH | Elizabeth daughter of Richard MARSH July 9th 1645 |
?? July 1645 | Margaret | GORE | Margaret the wife of Henry GORE [date illegible after 9th July 1645] |
?? July 1645 | Mary | JOLIFFE | Mary daughter of Mr Humfrey JOLIFFE [date illegible after 9th July 1645 [Note:- 9th child from the marriage of Humphrey Joliffe to Christian FOY at Cattistock on 11 Jan 1626 - Baptised HT 12 December 1641] |
illegible | illegible | illegible | 4 lines of illegible entries |
29 Aug 1645 | Samuel | WILLIAMS | Samuel son of Giles WILLIAMS August 29th 1645 [Note:- Giles WILLIAMS & Elizabeth ALAMBRIGGE were married at Ht on 01-May 1643 - have not located baptism however] |
07 Sep 1645 | Joane | DAVIS? | Joane DAVISSE [DAVIS?] Widow September 7th 1645 |
08 Sep 1645 | Robert | OSBURNE | Robert OSBURNE [OSBORNE] September 8th 1645 [Note:- Robert OSBURNE [OSBORNE] & Avis PERIN were married at HT on 24-Sep 1607 - See marriage for children] |
09 Sep 1645 | Richard | WHITE | Richard WHITE & Ruth WHITE his daughter September 9th 1645 [Note:- Richard WHITE & Ruth OSBORNE were married at HT on 21-Jun 1636 and their daughter Ruth was baptised there June 11th 1637] |
09 Sep 1645 | Ruth | WHITE | See above entry [Ruth daughter of Richard WHITE September 9th 1645] |
12 Sep 1645 | Priscilla | CHURCHILL | Priscilla CHURCHEL [CHURCHILL] September 12th 1645 |
22 Sep 1645 | Thomas | HOSKINS | Thomas HOSKINS September 22nd 1645 |
02 Oct 1645 | Richard | BEAKE | Richard BEAKE October 2nd 1645 |
02 Oct 1645 | Edward | WILCE | Edward son of Richard WILCE October 2nd 1645 |
05 Oct 1645 | no name | no name | A soldier of the generalls October 5th 1645 |
08 Oct 1645 | Jane | SCUT | Jane SCUT [SCUTT] October 8th 1645 |
10 Oct 1645 | Anne | PERRIN | Anne the wife of Ralph PERRIN [PERIN] October 10th 1645 |
15 Oct 1645 | John | WIRE | John WIRE October 15th 1645 |
25 Oct 1645 | Thomas | PERRY | Thomas PERRY October 25th 1645 |
30 Oct 1645 | Elinor | PERRIN | Ellinor [Elinor] daughter of ralph PERRIN October 30th 1645 |
01 Nov 1645 | Christian | PINNEY | Christian wife of Henry PINNEY November 1st 1645 |
12 Nov 1645 | Anne | PERRIN | Anne PERRIN November 12th 1645 |
18 Nov 1645 | Phillis | BURT | Phillis BURT November 18th 1645 |
13 Dec 1645 | John | PERRIN? | John PERRIN? December 13th 1645 |
15 Dec 1645 | John? | TAYLOR | John? TAYLOR December 15th 1645 |
01 Jan 1645/6 | Alice | LEAVERIDGE | Alice LEAVERIDGE January 1st 1645/6 |
20 Jan 1645/6 | John | GINNEY | John the Bastard sonne of the Widdow GINNEY January 20th 1645/6 |
20 Jan 1645/6 | George | GINNEY | George the son of the Widdow GINNEY January 20th 1645/6 |
29 Jan 1645/6 | Emme | DOWELL | Emme DOWELL [DOWLE] Widdow January 29th 1645/6 |
09 Feb 1645/6 | Judith | HOOPER | Judeth [Judith] the wife of John HOOPER February 9th 1645/6 [Note:- John HOOPER & Judith HAGGARD were married at HT on 16-Jul 1640] |
14 Feb 1645/6 | William | CORBINE | William son of William CORBINE February 14th 1645/6 [Note:- Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (d.1645/6)] |
15 Feb 1645/6 | Unnamed Infant | GUIFORD | A child of Robert GUIFORD's not baptised February 15th 1645/6 [Note:- almost certainly stillborn 7th? child from the marriage of Robert GUIFFORD to Hannah CAPEN at HT on 04-Aug 1629 ] |
16 Feb 1645/6 | William | CORBINE | William CORBINE senior February 16th 1656/6 [Note:- Link to more information about the William CORBIN Snr] |
29 Feb 1645/6 | Jane | MILLER | Jane daughter of William MILLER February 29th? 1645/6 [Note:- Bap HT 18th Nov 1621] |
01 Mar 1645/6 | Joane | CORBINE | Joane daughter of William CORBINE March 1st 1645/6 [Note:- Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (1645/6) - Joane buried here was baptised at HT on 13th June 1630] |
03 Mar 1645/6 | Hannah | CORBINE | Hannah daughter of William CORBINE March 3rd 1645/6 [Note:- Link to more information about the children of William CORBIN (1645/6) - Hannah buried here was baptised at HT on January 29 1636/7] |
06 Mar 1645/6 | James | BELRINGER | James BELRINGER March 6th 1645/6 [Note:- James BELRINGER & Temperance TERIN were married at HT church Dorchester on 04-Oct 1638 - temperence buried 19th see below] |
16 Mar 1645/6 | John | ASHE | John sonne of Joseph ASHE March 16th 1645/6 |
19 Mar 1645/6 | Temperance | BELRINGER | Temperence BELRINGER Widow March 19th 1645/6 [Note:- James BELRINGER & Temperance TERIN were married at HT church Dorchester on 04-Oct 1638 - James buried 6th March see above] |
21 Mar 1645/6 | John | BELRINGER | John sonne of James BELRINGER March 21st 1645/6 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James BELRINGER & Temperance TERIN at HT on 04-Oct 1638] |
25 Mar 1646 | Joseph | STACIE | Joseph sonne of Joseph STACIE [STACYE] March 25th 1646 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Joseph STACY to Sarah UNDERWOOD at HT on 16-Apr1635] |
25 Mar 1646 | Ruth | GALPIN | Ruth daughter of Barnard GALPEN [GALPIN] March 25th 1646 |
30 Mar 1646 | Willaim | MILLER | William sonne of John Miller March 30th 1646 [Note:- Baptised 15 May 1642] |
06 Apr 1646 | Deborah | FACIE | Deborah daughter of Henry FACIE April 6th 1646 |
10 Apr 1646 | Elizabeth | GALPIN | Elizabeth daughter of Barnard GALPEN [GALPIN] April 10th 1646 |
13 Apr 1646 | Joane | POUNCEY | Joane the wife of Roger POUNCEY April 13th 1646 |
14 Apr 1646 | Sarah | CURTES [CURTIS] | Sarah daughter of Henry CURTES [CURTIS] April 14th 1646 [Note:- Bap HT October 26 1634] |
16 Apr 1646 | Richard | BROW [BROWNE] | Richard BROW [BROWNE] April 16th 1646 |
17 Apr 1646 | Leonard | MILLER | Leonard son of John MILLER April 17th 1646 [Note:- bap HT Decmber 3 1639] |
20 Apr 1646 | Bernard | GALPIN | Bernard son of Barnard GALPEN [GALPIN] Aprill 20 1646 |
21 Apr 1646 | Jane | BANGER | Jane daughter of Mathew BANGER [BANDGER] April 21st 1646 [Note:- child from the marriage of Matthew BANDGER & Margaret HOSKINS at HT on 18-Oct 1638] |
26 Apr 1646 | Margaret | CURTEIS | Margaret daughter of Henry CURTEIS [CURTIS] April 26th 1646 [Note:- baptised HT 14 March 1640/1] |
27 Apr 1646 | Constance | CURTEIS | Constance daughter of Henry CURTEIS April 27th 1646 [Note:- baptised HT May 26 1639] |
27 Apr 1646 | Mary | GALPIN | Mary daughter of Barnard GALPEN [GALPIN] April 27th 1646 [Note baptised HT 8 November 1640] |
30 Apr 1646 | John | BANGER | John sonne of Mathew BANGER [BANDGER] April 30th 1646 |
06 May 1646 | William | GALPIN | William sonne of Barnard GALPEN [GALPIN] May 6th 1646 |
06 May 1646 | Elizabeth | HOOPER | Elizabeth daughter of John HOOPER May 6th 1646 [Note:- John HOOPER & Judith HAGGARD were married at Ht on 16-Jul 1640 ] |
06 May 1646 | Nicholas | JEFFREYS | Nicholas JEFFREYS May 6th 1646 [Note:- Husband of Elionor JEFFREYS nee WILLIAMS] |
10 May 1646 | Richard | CURTEIS | Richard son of Henry CURTEIS [CURTIS] May 10th 1646 [Note:- baptised HT 5 February 1642/3] |
10 May 1646 | Mathew | BANGER | Mathew BANGER [BANDGER] May 10th 1646 [Note:- Matthew BANDGER & Margaret HOSKINS were married at HT on 18-Oct 1638] |
02 Jun 1646 | Anne | PERRIN | Anne daughter of Ralph PERRIN June 2nd 1646 |
15 Jun 1646 | Elizabeth | POMEROY | Elizabeth daughter of Ralph POMMEROY [POMEROY] June 15th 1646 [Note:- Ralph POMERY & Mary BANGER were married at HT on 07-Jun 1642] |
16 July 1646 | Philip | COUSENS | Phillip COUSENS July 16th 1646 |
20 July 1646 | John | HAWKER | John HAWKER July 20th 1646 |
31 July 1646 | Samuel | BUSHROD | Mr Samuel BUSHROD July 31st 1646 [Note:- 6th child of Richard BUSHROD 1576-1628 Habadasher & Merchant Adventurer of Dorchester - His will is available at the National Archives proved 1647] |
27 Aug 1646 | Thomas | HAVILAND | Thomas sonne of Alexander HAVILAND August 27th 1646 |
17 Oct 1646 | Martha | BUSHROD | Martha daughter of Martha BUSHROD Widow October 17th 1646 [Note:- Samuel BUSHROD & Martha ALAMBRIGGE [ALLAMBRIDGE] were married at HT on 01-Sep 1640 but Samuel is buried above on 31st July 1646 leaving Martha a widow] |
10 Nov 1646 | Elizabeth | HOPKINS | Elizabeth HOPKINS Widow November 10th 1646 |
13 Nov 1636 | Robert | COUSENS | Robert son of Robert COUSENS November 13th 1646 |
25 Nov 1646 | Clement | BAYLY | Clement BAYLY [BAILEY] November 25th 1646 [Note:- Clement BAYLY & Margaret BRITT were married at Ht on 05-Feb 1615 - See marriage for more information about this family] |
12 Dec 1646 | John | ILLARIE | John ILLARIE [ILLARY] December 12th 1646 [Note:- John ILLARY & Elizabeth CLARKE were married at HT on 08-Jul 1641] |
15 Dec 1646 | William | DAVISSE | William DAVISSE [DAVIS] December 15th 1646 |
17 Dec 1646 | William | FOOKE | William sonne of John FOOKE December 17th 1646 [Note:- John FOOKE & Elizabeth PARSONS were married 14-Jan 1638 ] |
19 Dec 1646 | Joyce | FOY | Joyce the wife of William FOY December 19th 1646 |
10 Jan 1646/7 | Christopher | LIMBE | Christopher LIMBE January 10th 1646/7 [Note:- Christopher LIMNIE [LIMBE or LIMBREY] & Margret CLARKE were married at Ht on 19-Jul 1599] |
19 Jan 1646/7 | Mary? | WILCE | Mary? daughter of Richard WILCE January 19th 1646/7 |
29 Mar 1646/7 | Peter | PRESCOT | Peter (illegible) of John PRESCOT March 29th 1647 |
05 Apr 1647 | Margaret | BANGER | Margaret the wife of Matthew BANGER April 5th 1647 [Note:- Matthew BANDGER [BANGER] & Margaret HOSKINS were married at Ht on 18-Oct 1638] |
13 Apr 1647 | Thomas | GREENE | Thomas sonne of Marke GREENE April 13th 1647[See comments against Marke GREEN's first marriage to Dionyse HUNT at HT on 6th Oct 1621] |
25 Apr 1647 | Grace | TERRIN | Grace daughter of Grace TERRIN Widow April 25th 1647 [Note:- probably the Grace daughter of John TERIN baptised at HT on 11th December 1631] |
24 May 1647 | Mary | WHITE | Mary WHITE Widow May 24th 1647 |
21 July 1647 | Andrew | MORGAN | Andrew MORGAN July 21st 1647 |
26 July 1647 | George | WHITE | George WHITE July 26th 1647 |
29 July 1647 | Mary | WILCE | Mary daughter of Giles WILCE July 29th 1647 |
12 Aug 1647 | Elizabeth | MEADER | Elizabeth wife of George MEADER August 12th 1647 [Note:- George MEADER & Elizabeth GUILBERT were married at HT on 18-May 1632] |
24 Aug 1647 | Samuel | CURTEIS | Samuel son of Henry CURTEIS [CURTIS] August 24th 1647 [Note:- baptised HT July 30th 1647 ] |
25 Aug 1647 | Elizabeth | GEORGE | Elizabeth wife of Robert GEORGE August 25th 1647 |
26 Aug 1647 | John | POWELL | John son of Christopher POWELL August 26th 1647 [Note:- Christopher POWEL & Odrey WARD were married at Ht on 08-Sep 1644 ] |
18 Jan 1647/8 | Elinor | BONIFACE | Elinor BONIFACE Widow January 18th 1647/8 |
30 Jan 1647/8 | Anne | EVERAT | Anne the daughter of Richard EVERAT January 30th 1647/8 |
?? Feb 1647/8 | Mary | HODGES | Mary HODGES February ?? |
illegible | illegible | illegible | 3 illegible entries (one might be a Mary?) |
04 Apr 1648 | [Blank] | HULET | [Blank] daughter of John HULET - April 4th 1648 |
07 Apr 1648 | Agnes | illegible | Agnis [Agnes] (illegible) Widdow - April 7th 1648 |
?? Apr 1648 | illegible | illegible | illegible --widdow |
1648 | Frances? | DIAMOND | Frances? daughter of John DIAMOND - ?? |
Sep? 1648 | illegible | illegible (WILLIAMS?) | illegible (might end with surname WILLIAMS??) |
15 Sep? 1648 | Jane | N? | Jane wife of Thomas N(illegible) - September? 15th 1648 |
01 Oct? 1648 | Margaret | MARTINE | Margaret daughter of Nicholas MARTINE - October 1st 1648 [Note:- baptised HT June 17th 1644] |
23 Oct 1648 | --ane | FOOKE | --ane daughter of John FOOKE - October 23rd 1648 [Note:- John FOOKE & Elizabeth PARSONS were married at HT on 14-Jan 1638] |
15 Dec 1648 | James | BAKER | James BAKER - December 15th 1648 |
12 Mar 1648/9 | illegible | illegible | ----------- ----------- daughter of ---rre---- ------ |
12 Mar 1648/9 | Elizabeth | ---ER | Elizabeth daughter of Mathew (illegible --ER) |
22 Mar 1648/9 | John | WOOD | John WOOD - March 22nd 1648/9 |
25 Mar 1649 | May or Mary | ---KE | May (or Mary) --KE (possibly CACKE or CAKE or CLARKE?) Widdow - March 25th 1649 |
07 Apr 1649 | Joane? | HOLLY | Joane? HOLL-- (or HELL--) ? Widdow - April 7th 1649 |
13 Apr 1649 | John | illegible | John sonne of (illegible) - April 13th 1649 |
?? May 1649 | Katherine | illegible | Katherine daughter of (illegible) - May ? 1649 |
1649 | (illegible) | WALLIS | (illegible) WALLIS |
1649 | (illegible) | (illegible) | 2 illegible lines |
1649 | Martha? | WHITE | Martha? daughter of (illegible) WHITE widdow (illegible date) |
1649 | (illegible) | (illegible) | illegible line (John) |
1649 | (illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) son of Robert (illegible) |
1649 | George | (illegible) | George son of Robert (illegible) |
1649 | Sarah | (illegible) | Sarah daughter of Peter (illegible) [Note:- May be Sarah daughter of Peter DEVONISH? baptised August 8th 1647] |
1649 | William | SAMWAYS | William son of John SAMWAYS (illegible date) [Note:- Baptised HT December 25 1636] |
1649 | Hugh | COUNTER | Hugh COOUNTER (illegible date) |
1649 | Onesepherus | (illegible) | Onesepherus the son of (illegible) |
1649 | (illegible) | HASELBERRY | (illegible) son of William HASELBERRY |
1649 | William | TUCKER | William TUCKER |
(illegible) | (illegible) | (illegible) | 10 illegible lines |
1649-1652 | 1649-1652 - missing pages not located may not have survived: | NOTES:- 2. 1651, Aug 22. At night there was great thunder and lightening, such as has not been known by any living in this age; and there fell with it a great storm of hail, some of the stones of which were seven inches about, with abundance of rain, and it continued all night and a great part of the next morning, till eight of the clock. That same day were Mr LOVE and Mr GIBBONS beheaded. Source:- extract from 'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' (3rd Edition published 1868) by John Hutchins - Page 392 section devoted to the Parish Registers for Holy Trinity Church Dorchester] 3. The following page (badly water damaged however) has been found (Jan 2014) wrongly indexed on ancestry under baptisms and they have only recorded a few dates and Chritian names - It is in fact burials from February 1652/3 to approx Dec 1653 and I have managed to decipher some names as follows [On ancestry image 3 under Holy Trinity Dorchester 1650-1659] | |
illegible line | illegible | illegible | illegible |
Feb 1652/3 | Elizabeth | illegible | Elizabeth wife of Mr ---illegible |
Feb 1652/3 | William | illegible | William son of -- illegible --was buried |
03 Mar 1652/3 | John | illegible | John illegible |
05 Mar 1652/3 | Elinor?? | illegible | Elinor?? daughter of ---illegible |
08 Mar 1652/3 | Jama [James] | WILLIAMS | Jama son of Giles WILLIAMS [Note:- Baptised at HT on January 11th 1651/2] Centre entry in original register:- Ano 1653 |
27 Mar 1653 | Rachel | illegible | Rachel -- illegible (may be daughter of ?) |
12 Apr 1653 | Deborah | HILLIAR ? | Deborah daughter of Matthew Hillier ? |
?? Apr 1653 | illegible | DAW?? | illegible of John DAW?? |
11 May 1653 | Tamaseine | MUNDEN | Tamaseine [Tomasine] wife of William MUNDEN [Note:- William MUNDEN married Thomasine FOXWELL at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 10th September 1632] |
18 May 1653 | Elizabeth | LISTER | Elizabeth daughter of Allein LISTER? [Not clear but an Elizabeth the daughter of an Allen Lister was baptised at HT on April 13th 1651 which is likely to be her] |
14 Jun 1653 | Samuel | HASELBERRY | Samuel HASELBERRY [Note:- Thought to be Samuel son of William and Jane HASELBURY bap HT 14th Jun 1640] |
03 July 1653 | Peter | DEVONISH | Peter DEVONISH [Note:- Peter had his daughter Sarah Baptised at HT on August 8th 1647 and a son John on February 9th 1650/1] |
24 Aug 1653 | William | WA??? | William son of William WA???? |
04 Sep 1653 | Joane | ??? | Joane the wife of Robert ---- |
11 Sep 1653 | William | ??? | William CHI?? a stranger |
16 Sep 1653 | Ralph | MA?? [MANNELL] | Ralph MANNELL [Note:-Most of the surname is illegible but Ralph is an uncommon Christian name in Dorchester and a Letter of Administration for the estate of Ralph MANNEL [MANUEL?] late of Dorchester and Ann MANNEL late of Wool in Dorset who was a widow and buried there on 29th Oct 1659 was granted on 16 Mar 1668 to James MANNEL Maltster late of Dorchester the natural and lawful son and administrator of the estates of the deceased both of which died intestate.] |
19 Sep 1653 | John | BAKER | John son of Erasmus BAKER [Note:- child from the marriage of Erasmus BAKER to Anne JOLIFF whom he married at HT 06-May 1639] |
20 Sep 1653 | Mary | WRIGHT? | Mary daughter of Robert WRIGHT? |
09 Oct 1653 | illegible | illegible | illegible widow |
23 Oct 1653 | Johis [John] | ??? | Johis [John] ---illegible |
27 Oct 1653 | illegible | illegible | illegible |
07 Nov 1653 | illegible | illegible | illegible |
07 Nov 1653 | Mr illegible | illegible | illegible |
memorandum | X | X | A mainly illegible note which seems to refer to:- "there was great thunder [and] lightning such hath not been ---living in this age & the --a great --of hail etc |