Notes:- Some Latin words or phrases are still in use. e.g. "Eodem die" meaning "the same day" which has been abbreviated here sometimes to" e/d” or "eod die”. Also "i” and "j” in Latin are interchangeable so there are examples of "iun” as an abbreviation for junior. Also "vidua” meaning widow. It should be noted that Jone is a variant of Joan and much more common than Jane pre 1650 but it is often very difficult to tell the difference in old faded or damaged documents The Christian name of Hamnet is a diminutive of the earlier Hamo which was common after the conquest and came to be used independently. Another diminutive of Hamo is Hamlet. It became established in some families and carried down through the generations. |
1626 ffordington [CLDS Image 2107] A true copy of the names of all persons christened, married or buried in the parish of Ffordington Anno Dm [in the year of our Lord] 1626 Christenings 1626 Aprill 2 Andrew the son of Wm [William] BISSHOP baptised May 30 John the son of Hamnet WHITE baptised [Note:- 2nd known child of Hamnet WHITE and 1st known by his 2nd wife Chritian WHITE nee Barnes whom he married on 28 Feb 1607] Eodem [abbreviation for Eodem die meaning on the same day i.e. May 30th] Robte [Robert] the son of John OLIVER?? baptised July 3 Mary the stepdaughter of Mr. INGRAM baptised [July] 30 Jane the daughter of Wm [William] CHURCHILL baptised [Note See comments at baptism of her brother William Churchill on 01 Jan 1620/1 ] October 5 John the sonne of Anthony CLARKE baptised [See comments about this Family via this link at the marriage of Anthony CLARKE to Catherine SAVAGE at Fordington on 15th June 1607] e/d [Eodem die][meaning on the same day i.e. October 5th] Alice the daughter of John PAGE baptised e/d [Eodem die][5] John? the son of Roger GREGORY baptised e/d [Eodem die][5] John the sone of Wm [William] DELEY baptised e/d [Eodem die][5] Jone the daughter of Joseph INGRAM? baptised November 5 John the son of Roger SEAGER baptised [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Roger SEAGER to Anne THOMAS at FStG on 18th Jan 1615] [November] 13 Priscilla the daughter of Richard BATRICKS baptised [Note: Richard Batricks married a Margaret Winsor 11 Nov 1625] [November] 26 John the son of Wm [William] FFRANCIS baptised December 3 Richard the son of Jo: [John] MADDOCKE baptised January 11 Wm [William] the son of Wm COLLINS Jn [Junior] baptised [January] 21 Wm [William] the son of Wm MARTIN baptised February 4 Jone the daughter of Micheas BARNES baptised [NOTE:- Jone [Joan] 3rd known child of Micheas BARNES (1598-1680) by his first wife. ] February 25 Henry the son of John MEADER baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John MEADER to Elnor SEAGER at F StG on 7th Feb 1624] March 5 Thomas the son of Ed[ward] PELE clerke [Note:- Son of Rev. Edward PELE (1582 - 1643)] [March - day blank]- Elizabeth the daughter of Jo: [John] PAGE baptised [March] 18 Thomas the son of John WYNSER [WINSOR] baptised [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of John WINSOR to Eleanor TAP at FStG on 16th Oct 1626 ] [March] 18 Eliza the daughter of Wm [William] BATSCOMBE baptised [Note private entry in IGI has a death of 23 Aug 1680] baptised [March] 25 Elizabeth the daughter of Wm [William] BARTLET baptised [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William BARTLETT to Katherine INGRAM at FStG on 18th Apr 1621] [Signed] Edw [Edward] PELE Minister Wm [William] LAURENCE [LAWRENCE] } Churchwardens Henry MINTERNE 1627 A transcript of all Christenings, Marriages, & Burials within the year of Ffordington in the year 1627 [Link to enlarged image of CLDS Image 2108] Christenings 1627 Aprill 8 Annie the daughter of Richard DOWLE was baptised Aprill 15 Thomas the son of John BATSCOMBE was baptised Aprill 21 John the base [i.e. illegitimate] son of Mary KINGTON was baptised Aprill 29 Justus the son of Anthony EAMES was baptised [Note: Pilgrim - See Biography of Anthony Eames ] Eodem die [meaning on the smae day i.e. Aprill 29th] Nicholas the son of Nicholas WINSOR was baptised May 1 Elizabeth the daughter of Edw: [Edward] SPRAGUE baptised [Note IGI member has given a death date as 24 Sep 1631 - See burials for that date under Elizabeth SPRAKE - Thought to be the 1st of 3 known children of Edward Sprague from Upwey who was married to Johan (Joan) WARREN . Edward was a younger brother of Alice Sprague who married Richard Eames in Fordington on 15 June 1615 . See The Sprague Family Biography] June 3 Philip the son of Robte [Robert] SPRAT was baptised Eodem Die [June 3rd] Philip the son of Robte [Robert] FFEARE was baptised Eodem Die [June 3rd] Cassandra the daughter of Gabriel BUTLER was baptised June 17 Philip the son of Philip SWAN was baptised July 1 Jonathan the son of Wm [William] COLLINS iun [junior] was baptised July 15 Mary the daughter of John WINSOR iun [junior] was baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John WINSOR to Eleanor TAP at FStG on 16th Oct 1626 ] August 12 Francis [Frances] the daughter of Steven MORECOCKE baptised [Note IGI has surname wrong as MERECOCKE - Steven Morecocke married Anne Valence in Fordington on 20 Sep 1624] September 2 Samuell the son of Sam: [Samuel] BELMAN was baptised [Note:- 1650 Survey Fordington Manor when Mary the relict of Samuel BELMAN holds a copyhold grant dated 6th Oct 1635 for a Cottage and Garden in Fordington Fields for her life (aged 42) and that of her son Samuel (aged 22) ] October 27 Obadiah the bastard son of Christian SLADE was baptised November 11 John the son of John ASHE jun [junior] was baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] November 18 Hester the daughter of Richard BISHOP was baptised [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of Richard BISHOP to Ann Unknown whom her married circa 1614 ] youngest daughter of Richard & Ann BISHOP - See beneficiary of £10 when she reached age of 26 in his Will proved 1634] December 2 Christian the daughter of Christopher PARKES was baptised December 16 Debora the daughter of Edw: [Edward] COOME was baptised December 30 Jone the daughter of John CROMWAY was baptised [Note IGI has Christian name as Lone?] February 10 Bridget the daughter of John HUNT was baptised {Note:- her father John HUNT died in 1628 leaving a will which identifies her as his 2nd child by his wife Johan HUNT] Eodem Die [February 10th] Elizabeth the daughter of John SEAGER iun [junior] was baptised [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John SEAGER Junior to Margaret INGRAM at FStG on 7th Feb 1624] March 9 John the son of John FFORD was baptised [Signed] Edw: [Edward] PELE vicar Anthony EAMES} Churchwardens Wm [William] LINNINGTON } 1628 A transcript of all Christenings, Marriages, & Burials within the Thith [Tithing] of Ffordington Anno Domi [in the year of our Lord] 1628 [CLDS Image 2109] Ano: 1628 March 30 John the sonn of Roger TUCKER was baptised April 14 Priscilla the daughter of Steven BRINE was baptised [Note IGI has death date in error for baptism i.e. April 23rd 1628] 20 Mary the daughter of Henry MINTERNE was baptised [Note - not in IGI , do not confuse with baptism 1 May 1625] June 1 Robert the sonn of Robert WINSOR junior was baptised June 7 Jonathan the sonn of John MADDOCK was baptised July 24 John the sonn of Roger BURKE was baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Roger BUCKE to Margery VYNTON on 4th May 1615] August 31 Richard the sonn of Roger DOWLE was baptised September 14 John the sonn of John WHITE was baptised [Note:- Thought to be John WHITE the grandson of Roger WHITE and Alice STANDLIE by their son also named John WHITE ] Eodem die [on the same day i.e. September 14th] Jonathan the sonn of John EAMES was baptised [Note John Eames was the brother of Anthony Eames] [September] 28 Margaret the daughter of William BARNES was baptised [Note:- 4th? known child of William BARNES (1587-1660) by his wife Margery - Buried the same day] October 12 Thomasin the daughter of Gabriel BUTLER was baptised October 26 Anna the bastard child of Christian PAINE was baptised December 7 John the sonn of John CROMWELL was baptised December 17 Gabryell [Gabriel?] the sonn of Roger GREGORY was baptised December 21 William the sonn of Ambrose HUNT was baptised [Note:_ 2nd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT to Mary WINSOR at FStG 3rd July 1623] January 11 Elizabeth the daughter of Amos DENNIS was baptised February 2 Robert the sonn of Robert SPEERE was baptised February 8 William the sonn of Robert BRINE was baptised March 15 John the sonn of Richard CLARKE? was baptised March 20 John the sonn of Thomas POUNCEY was baptised March 22 Jonathan the sonn of Jonas PALFRY was baptised [Note:- 1st known child from marriage of John PALFRY to Elizabeth INGRAM at FStG 17th Jan 1625] Eodem die [on the smae day i.e. March 22nd] Mary the daughter of Hamnet CONDUIT was baptised [Note: a Hamnet Condite and Margaret Clare married 13 th Jan 1626]
Robert TUTCHIN Minister William COLLINS Church Wardens signed John WINSOR Senior Bishops Transcripts for the year 1629 are missing Ffordington The names of all the Christenings, weddings and burials for the year [CLDS Image 2110] 1630 March 28 Impris William the sonne of William BATSCOMB baptised [Note: Impris is an abbreviation for Imprimis meaning - in the first place] Aprill 9 Allicia the daughter of Owen WALLIS was baptised May 9 Mary the daughter of Philip BUNE was baptised
May 27 Anney? PAGE the daughter of Jno [John] PAGE was baptised June 19 James the sonne of Franncis GAPE was baptised June 27 Deborah the daughter of Christopher PARKE was baptised July 18 Johana the daughter of William FFRANCIS was baptised August 1 Edward the sonne of Edward SPRAGUE was baptised [Note Thought to be the 2nd of 3 known children of Edward Sprague from Upwey who was a younger brother of Alice Sprague who married Richard Eames in Fordington on 15 June 1615 . See The Sprague Family Biography] Eodem die [on the same day i.e. August 1st] Humphrey the sonne of John EDWARDS was baptised August 15 Thomas the sonne of Thomas STRANGE was baptised August 22 Richard the sonne of Richard DOWLE was baptised Eodem die [on the same day i.e. August 22nd] Mary the daughter of Joseph INGRAM was baptised October 19 [illegible] the daughter of Agnes BRINE vidua [widow] was baptised [Note: Name illegible as paper folder over- but IGI has Anne?] [illegible date ] [illegible 1st name] the sonne of Amos DENNIS was baptised November 7 Elizabeth the daughter of Henry MINTERNE was baptised November 14 Jonathan ye sonne of John SEAGER junior was baptised [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John SEAGER Junior to Margaret INGRAM at FStG on 7th Feb 1624] Eodem die [on the same day i.e.November 14th] Tamsine the daughter of Ambrose HUNT was baptised [Note:3rd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT to Mary WINSOR at FStG 3rd July 1623] December 5 Margery EAMES the daughter of Anthony EAMES was baptised [Note: Pilgrim See Biography of Anthony Eames - Margery was buried 7th April 1659 in Hingham Massachusetts] January 1 John the sonne of Jonas PALPHREY [PALFRY] was baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from marriage of John PALFRY to Elizabeth INGRAM at FStG 17th Jan 1625] January 2 John the sonne of John BATSCOME baptised January 23 Thomas the sonne of Thomas ROSSE [ROSE] was baptised [Note:- Baptism of fourth child of the marriage between Thomas Rose and Anne Eames baptised 19 December 1619 - See Biography of Anthony Eames the younger brother of Anne Rose nee Eames] February 27 Edward the sonne of Edward READ was baptised [Signed] Robert TUTCHIN Curate Owen WALLIS } Churchwardens 1631 Register of all the Christenings Marriages and Burials in the Parish of Fordington Anno Domini 1631 [CLDS Image 2111] Aprill 17 Jane the daughter of Hamnet WHITE was baptised [Note:- 3rd known child of Hamnet WHITE and 2nd known by his 2nd wife Chritian WHITE nee Barnes whom he married on 28 Feb 1607] Maye 1 Robert the sonne of Robert SEAGER was baptised [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where his father is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives his father Robert Seager aged 56 and his elder brother Roger aged 27 ] Maye 15 Samuell the sonne of Robert TUTCHIN Clerke was baptised [Note: "clerk as in cleric - Robert Turchin was the curate of Fordington and completed and signed this return] June 10 Steven the sonne of Steven BRINE was baptised in eode die [on the same day i.e.10th June] Ann the daughter of John CHAFFIE was baptised June 15 James the sonne of Henry BAYLIE was baptised August 28 Robert the sonne of Robert BRYNE was baptised September 14 Mary the daughter of Thomas CHURCHILL was baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL to Charity ZILES at FStG 7th Oct 1630] November 13 Joseph the sonne of John MEDER was baptised November 26 Richard the sonne of Owen WALLIS was baptised November 27 Elizabeth the daughter of Robert HUNT was baptised [Note 1st child from the marriage of Robert Hunt and Katherine Batscombe at FStG on 23rd Jan 1630] in eode die [on the same day i.e. November 27th] Gilian the daughter of Robert BENFIELD was baptised December 20 Jone the daughter of Roger BUCKE was baptised [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Roger BUCKE to Margery VYNTON on 4th May 1615] December 26 Anne the daughter of John GYLES was baptised January 14 Thomas the bastard of Agnes WATTS was baptised
March 4 John the sonne of John SAMWAYES was baptised [Note:- child of John Samways and Mary Bunn who married Fordington 10th may 1631] March 11 Peter the sonne of Richard LOCKE was baptised March 25 Jone the daughter of Grace CHURCHILL widow was baptised [Signed] Robert TUTCHIN Curat ibid [latin abbreviation for ibidem meaning in the same place] Anthony EAMES} Churchwardens Tom [?] WINZAR [?] [Note:- Rev RG Bartelot in his History of Fordington has this as Thomas WINZAR]} Bishops Transcripts for the year 1632 are missing [Note:-19th Sep 1632 - The casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635 - Ordered that Christopher RUNNIER should pay 12d weeklie to the overseers of the poor of Fordington towards the maintenance of a base child born to Margaret STEVENS of which he is the reputed father. ] 1633 A register of all the names of such as have been Christened, Married [CLDS Image 2112] Ffordington and Buryed in the Parish of Ffordington Ano Dom [Anno Domini - In the year of our Lord] 1633 Christenings Aprill 21 Jonas the sonne of Amos DENNIS baptised May 5 Mary the daughter of Christopher PARKE baptised May 26 Thomas the sonne of Thomas KINGE baptised July 7 Richard the sonne of John COCKES? baptised {Note buried FStG 16th Aug 1633] July 28 William the sonne of Edward SPRAKE [i.e. SPRAGUE] baptised [Note Thought to be the last of 3 known children of Edward Sprague from Upwey who was a younger brother of Alice Sprague who married Richard Eames in Fordington on 15 June 1615 . See The Sprague Family Biography] September 15 Robert the sonne of Robert HUNT baptised [Note 2nd child from the marriage of Robert Hunt and Katherine Batscombe at FStG on 23rd Jan 1630] Eodem die [on the same day i.e.September 15th] Margaret the daughter of Robert BUNE Jun [Junior] baptised Eodem die [on the same day i.e.September 15th] Elizabeth the daughter of Edward READ baptised October 6 Sarah the daughter of John SEAGER sen [senior] baptised [Note:- Buried FstG 17th Feb 1633/4] Eodem die [6] Katherin the daughter of Richard COSSENS baptised October 20 Hugh the sonne of John BASCOMBE baptised [ IGI wrongly has Henry or Harry -- John BASCOMBE may be the son of Thomas Bascombe (bur.1619/20) and Agnes nee Cosens (1555-1625) ] October 27 Ann the daughter of Samuell HUIT [ IGI has HEUIT ] baptised November 24 Samuell the sonne of John BRAGGE baptised [Note a John BRAG married an Eliz Winsor 5 Dec 1626] December 1 John the sonne of Robert WINSOR baptised December 15 John the sonne of Joseph INGRAM baptised December 29 Robert the sonne of Robert BUGGE baptised Eodem die [on the same day i.e. December 29th] Joseph the sonne of Henry READ baptised [Note buried 1637] January 17 Mary the daughter of Nicholas SLADE baptised February 2 Richard the sonne of Richard FFREAKE baptised Eodem die [on the same day i.e February 2nd] Jone the daughter of Robert BRYNE baptised March 16 William the sonne of Richard DOWEL baptised March 30 Jane the daughter of Thomas CHURCHILL baptised [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL to Charity ZILES at FStG 7th Oct 1630] [Note: March 30 th is beyond the end of the year for 1633 which ended on 25 th March. The return for 1634 however has not survived so this is the only baptism we know of for that year. It is correctly recorded in IGI ] [Signed] Rob [Robert] TUTCHIN Curate Robert SEAGER Churchwarden [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where he is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives himself aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] 1634 Missing [Note: One entry erroneously included at the end of 1633 - see above] 1635 A transcript of the Register for the year [CLDS Image 2113] Ffordington John the son of John TORRINGTON was baptised March 29th [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John TORRINGTON to Barbara COLLINES [COLLINS] at St George's Church in 1634] Joane the daughter of Thomas EAMES was baptised March 31st [Note see biography of Anthony Eames her kinsman] Christopher the son of William CRICKET was baptised April 12th Thomas the son of Thomas BUN was baptised April 12th Joane the daughter of Richard ASHE was baptised April 19th Benjamin the son of John HOOPER was baptised April 26th Richard the son of Richard CHURCHILL was baptised [April cossed out] May 31st An [i.e. Ann or Anne] the daughter of Steven BRINE was baptised June 7th [Note: IGI has wrong date of 23rd Nov which is when she was buried] Dorothy the daughter of Philip TUCKER was baptised June 21st [Note: IGI has wrong date of 2nd August which is when she was buried] Samuel the son of Ambrose WAY was baptised July 12th [Note child from the marriage of Ambrose WAY to Christian ROWDEN at FStG 10th May 1631] Elizabeth the daughter of William MARTIN was baptised July 19th George the son of Robert ASH was baptised August 2nd William the son of William STRONG was baptised August 20th [Note:- Link to more information about the family of Rev.William Strong curate of St Georges Church Fordington] Hester the daughter of Thomas CHURCHILL was baptised August 23rd [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL to Charity ZILES at FStG 7th Oct 1630] William the son of William BARNES iun: [junior] was baptised September 13th An [i.e. Ann or Anne] the daughter of John COLLINS was baptised September 13th [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John COLLINS to Margaret DIGATE at FStG in 1634] An [i.e. Ann or Anne] the daughter of Amos DENNIS was baptised September 27th Ffrancis (Sic) [Frances] the daughter of Michaias BARNES was baptised October 4th[NOTE:- Frances 5th known child of Micheas BARNES (1598-1680) by his first wife. ] Jonathan the son of Steven EDWARDS was baptised October 25th John the son of Richard DOWEL was baptised November 29th Robert the son of Robert LETSON was baptised December 8th Martha the daughter of Robert THORNEL was baptised December 8th Hamnet the son of Hamnet HEWIT was baptised December 13th Margaret the daughter of Robert HUNT was baptised December 27th [Note 3rd child from the marriage of Robert Hunt and Katherine Batscombe at FStG on 23rd Jan 1630] Martha the daughter of Joseph INGRAM was baptised January 7th Mary the daughter of John LAWRENCE sen: [senior] was baptised January 24th William the son of Morgan WINSORE [WINZAR, WINSOR, WINSER] was baptised January 31st [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of Morgan WINSORE to Eleanor BUN in 1635 ] Joseph the son of Christopher PARKES was baptised February 7th Lidia the daughter of Anthony INGRAM was baptised February 7th Michaias the son of Robert BRINE was baptised February 21st Michaias the son of William RASCER iun: [junior] was baptised February 24th Mary the daughter of John BRAG was baptised February 24th Sarah the daughter of Thomas KING was baptised March 20th [Signed] Renaldo KNAPTON } Church Wardens John EAMES } See also biography of his younger brother Anthony EAMES} Bishops Transcripts for the year 1636 are missing Fordington Anno Dm 1637 [Document very badly water damaged indeed and torn on left side making accuracy very difficult] [illegible heading apart from above words] [CLDS Image 2114] --- 4 illegible baptisms --- the daughter of Roger GREGORIE? illegible --- the sonne of William COLLINS? was Baptised --- Jane the daughter of Thomas HUNT was Baptised --- the sonne of Francis GOODWIN? was Baptised --- Robert? the son of [illegible] MADOCK? was Baptised --- Elenor the daughter of Philip CLEMENT was Baptised --- the daughter of Ffrancis CARTER was Baptised --- Jane? the daughter of Thomas BRUYNE? [Bryne?] was Baptised --- Samuel? the sonne of Hamnet CONDITT was Baptised [Probably buried same year] --- An [Ann or Anne] the daughter of John BEDHOPE [Bedlow?] was Baptised --- Robert the son of Owen WALLIS was Baptised --- the daughter of Anthony INGRAM was Baptised [Probably died same year] --- Humphrey? the son of John COWARD was Baptised --- the son of John TORRINGTON was Baptised [Note:- This is the baptism of Stephen the 2nd known child from the marriage of John TORRINGTON to Barbara COLLINES in 1634 see their marriage for more information and John Torringtons will dated 1660] --- Grace the daughter of Thomas EAMES was Baptised [Note see biography of Anthony Eames her kinsman] --- Christopher the son of William CONDITT was Baptised --- Thomas the son of Thomas BUN was Baptised [Note the IGI also has an entry for November 20 th 1637 Mary the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Lock baptised - I cannot locate such an entry on this document - none of the entries include the mothers name] [Signed] John WINSOR John BRAGGE Church Wardens 1638 A transcript of the Register of the Parish of Fordington Anno 1638 [CLDS Image 2115] Ffordington Christenings Mary the daughter of Adam TUCKER April 1st Richard the son of Philip BUN April 15th [Note:- See comments about this family made at the baptism of his elder sister Mary Bunn on 9th May 1630 via this link] Sarah the daughter of Christopher PARKES April 15th [Note: IGI has wrong date of Apr 20] Elizabeth the daughter of Wm [William] WINSORE [WINZAR, WINSER, WINSOR] April 22nd Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel HEWIT May 6th Robert the son of Wm [William] MARTIN May 14th Mary the daughter of Marshal MABUR June 17th Thomas the son of Robert BENFIELD June 24th Morgan the son of Robert BRINE July 15th Anne the daughter of Henry CROOME July 17th [Note IGI has wrong date of Jul 18] Deborah the daughter of Anthony INGRAM July 29th Anne the daughter of Thomas BUNNE August 26th [Note IGI has wrong date of Sep 4th] Mary the daughter of Wm [William] BARNES Septem 23rd Jonathan the son of Jacobe? CHANNEL Octob: [October] 7th Elizabeth the daughter of Wm [William] STRONG Clerke Octob: [October] 14th [Note:- Link to more information about the family of Rev.William Strong curate of St Georges Church Fordington] Philip the son of Philip TUCKER Octob: [October] 14th Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas WINSORE [INZAR, WINSER, WINSOR] Novem 18th Richard the son of Wm [William] COLLINS Novem 25th Grace the daughter of Robert FFREARE Decem 24th Elizabeth the daughter of Wm [William] CHAFEE? Decem 27th Elinor? the daughter of John BUN Jan: 1st John the son of Thomas EAMES Jan: 13th [Note see biography of Anthony Eames his kinsman] Mary the daughter of Walter BOLES March 10th Sarah the daughter of James FFENIE March 13th Guy the base son of Alice CROOME March 17th [Signatures] Wm [William] STRONG Curate [Note:- Link to more information about the family of Rev.William Strong curate of St Georges Church Fordington] Wm [William] COLLINS William BARNES 1639 A Register for the Parish of Fordington for this year 1639 [CLDS Image 2117] Ffordington Baptised John sonne of John WHITE Baptised May the 5th John the sonne of Walter THORNE Bapt: May the 19th Anne the daughter of Margaret JOHNSON Bapt: May the 23rd Luce the daughter of Amos DENNIS Bapt: May the 26th Anne the daughter of Robert HUNT Bapt: June the 9th [Note 4th child from the marriage of Robert Hunt and Katherine Batscombe at FStG on 23rd Jan 1630] Elizabeth the daughter of Morgan WINSOR Bapt: June the 30th [Note IGI has wrong date Dec 28th -- 2nd known child from the marriage of Morgan WINSORE to Eleanor BUN in 1635 ]] Edith the daughter of Robert WINSOR Bapt: June the 30th [Note omitted from IGI ] Adam the sonne of Adam TUCKER Bapt: August the 25th John the sonne of Richard CHOUNT Bapt: Septemb: the 8th John the sonne of Samuel BELMAN Bapt: Septemb: the 22nd [Note:- 1650 Survey Fordington Manor when Mary the relict of Samuel BELMAN holds a copyhold grant dated 6th Oct 1635 for a Cottage and Garden in Fordington Fields for her life (aged 42) and that of her son Samuel (aged 22) ] Martha the daughter of Ffrancis BARNES Bapt: Septemb: the 22nd [Note IGI has month wrong as Oct] Johanna the daughter of John COLLINES [COLLINS] Bapt: Septemb: the 22nd [Note:- 3rd? child from the marriage of John COLLINS to Margaret DIGATE at FStG in 1634] Edward the sonne of Edward PARKER Bapt: Sept: 29th Jane the daughter of Richard CHURCHILL Bapt: Septemb: the 29th Katheren the daughter of Owen WALLIS Bapt: Octob: 6th Arundell the daughter of Richard COSENS Bapt: Octob: 13th John the sonne of Elizabeth SWANE Bapt: Octob: 27th Elizabeth the daughter of Edward EAMES Bapt: Novemb: 27th [Note:- Her father Edward was the only son of Richard Eames (c1589/90-c1634) & Alice Sprague (1597-1668) and he was baptised in Fordington on 25 Dec 1618. Edward married her mother Elizabeth Tapp (1605-1685) in Fordington on 31st January 1638/9] Nathaniell the sonne of Isaac BARRETT Bapt: Novemb: 27th Edward and John the sonnes of Christopher JOHNSON Bapt: January 6th Robert the sonne of William WHITE Bapt: Jany: 6th John the sonne of Thomas TIZARD Bapt: Jany: 6th Bersheba the daughter of John PRISCOTT Bapt: Jany: 6th Robert the sonne of William RASKER Bapt: Jany: 26th Richard the sonne of Richard INGRAM Bapt: Februarie 22nd Mirriam the daughter of William CRICKETT Bapt: Februarie 22nd Nathaniell the sonne of John BRAGGE Bapt: March the 8th Henrie the sonne of William COZINES Bapt: Mah: the 8th William the sonne of Thomas BUN Bapt: Mah: 15th William the sonne of John BUN Bapt: March 15th [Signatures] John MSH [MARSHE] Cur: [Curate] [Link to more information about Rev John MARSH BA (b.1608) Robert SEAGAR } Churchwardens [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where her father is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives himself aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] John BRAGGE } |