
Admons of Dorset Residents Granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

List extracted from the Administration Act Books of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) and translated from Latin to English by George FRY and originally published in instalments in "Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset" over a period of nine years from to 1890 to 1899.
George FRY’s notes:
DORSET ADMINISTRATIONS - The following list of the Grants of Administration to the Estates of Intestates in the County of Dorset has been extracted from the records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, now at Somerset House. They commence in the year 1559, the date of the earliest existing Act Book. The division of the various years is that adopted in the Official Calendar, and is that of the New Style, but the entries themselves are dated in the Old Style.
In all cases consanguineus has been rendered "kinsman" and prox’ consanguineus "next of kin." When a surname is not given it may always be taken to be the same as that of the deceased.
The Administration Act Book for 1643 contains Acts for the months of January to May, inclusive, and one Act only for July.
The following note appears in the Act Book for 1644: - "There were noe Administracions graunted at London in Anno 1644, untill November that yeare; when there was a new seale made for this office by authoritie of Parliament."
[As of December 1894 the] Administration Acts for 1653-4 for Dorset are at present missing from the series at Somerset House. They are entered in "Original Calendar N°4" which includes Cornwall, Gloucestershire and Somerset-shire as well as Dorset, but there is no indication as to which of these counties the deceased belonged. [The entries listed here for those years could] consequently refer to one or other of the four counties mentioned.
The Administration Act Book for 1662 cannot be found but the ... names [for that year] appear in the Calendar of Dorset folk to whose estates Administration was granted [in 1662].
Kim Parker’s Notes:
The PCC Act Books are now held at the National Archives at Kew (ref: PROB 6), but as of 2014 they had not yet been indexed. Seeing as less than half of Dorset’s parish registers prior to the Civil War 1642-51 and the Commonwealth 1649-60 have survived - and many of those have gaps, or only partial information (with mothers’ names often ommitted) - this list is invaluable for family historians.
George occasionally ’forgot’ to translate the Latin version of given names into their English equivalent, particularly if the Latin version of the name had started to be used as a name in its own right by the 19th century - e.g. Ludovicus for Lewis, Matilda for Maud, Isabella for Elizabeth, etc - so I have corrected them.
Placenames have varied greatly over the centuries, so I have tried to identify the parish to which the settlement, manor or estate belonged (where it is not given) and I have called this the "Standardised Residence". However, it has not been possible to identify the parish in some cases, and in other cases where the placename is a common one that crops up in several parishes - e.g. Burton and Kingston. Such places have been classed as [unknown].
Despite George’s note about the years being presented ’old style’, he was not consistent in doing so in his list. Since he presented his list by year, and then alphabetically within year, this was not so important as the order in which grants were made could be deduced from the folio number. However, this deduction is more difficult when the entire list of, so I have ’corrected’ some of the dates to show both the year according to old style dating (the number to the left of the /) and new style dating (the number to the right of the /). In the Julian calendar (old style dating) the year ran from March 25th to March 24th.

Surame of Deceased ForenameRecorded ResidenceStandardised ResidenceGrantee & Relationship to Deceased DateFolio
UDALLThomasNetherbury, but died in the ship "St Andrew" NetherburyThomas STRODE, gentleman, guardian of Thomas UDALL, son 29Aug1693149
UNDERWOODJosephDorchester DorchesterGeorge LADMORE, nephew on sister’s side, Edward UNDERWOOD not having fully administered (previous grant Oct 1641) 21Dec1649170
UNDERWOODJosephDorchester DorchesterRobert COREY, principal creditor, Edward UNDERWOOD, kinsman, not administering 14Mar1649/5043
UNDERWOODJoseph, widower DorchesterDorchesterEdward UNDERWOOD, citizen & grocer of St Stephens, Walbrook, London, kinsman & creditor, with the consent of Joseph UNDERWOOD, son 09Oct164173
UPHAMRichardCleanger, Buckland Buckland NewtonJoan UPHAM, relict16May 158715
UPHAMRichardBuckland Buckland NewtonPhillipa WAREHAM alias UPHAM, sister, goods left unadministered by Joan UPHAM, relict 14Oct158737
UVEDALEElizabeth, widow HortonHortonWilliam UVEDALE, armiger, son18 Jun1692102
UVEDALEVictoriaHorton Horton-cum-WoodlandsWilliam UVEDALE, brother07 Nov1705224
VAVCOURTE/ VORKWORTHNicholas Blandford ForumBlandford ForumJohn CLEVES, merchant of Blandford Forum and Richard DEANE, yeoman of Sturminster Marshall, during the minority of Ephraim & Margaret VAVCOURTE/ VORKWORTH, children of the deceased 31May1595134
VEAKE alias BISSHOPPERobert Waymouth & Melcombe RegisWeymouth & Melcombe RegisPhilip BISSHOPPE alias VEAKE, brother, with consent of Alice BISSHOPPE alias VEAKE, mother 28Jun1596170
VEALERichardThorneford ThornfordRichard VEALE, father13May1597 208
VENNJohn-- --Oct1654-
VERGEThomasSanwich SwanageMary VERGE, relict21Feb1688/9 24
VERMANEdward- ---Mar1653/4-
VICKARSCharles, bachelor Weymouth, but died in the ship "Maidstone"Weymouth Thomas TURNER, principal creditor - revoked and Will proved in October 18Feb1694/532
VIGURESEdward- ---Aug1653-
VILERobert-- --Sep1653-
VINCENTConstantineChardtocke ChardstockWilliam VINCENT, nephew & next of kin24 Jul1614158
VINCENTJohnEast Luxworth East LulworthElizabeth VINCENT, relict26Nov 1658283
VINCENTJohnPovington TynehamBrewen VINCENT, brother03Feb1658/9 52
VINCENTRobert, junior Tyneham, PurbeckTynehamNicholas BAKER, creditor 27Dec158883
VINCENTThomasShaston, but died in the ship "Antelope" ShaftesburyMargaret VINCENT, relict29Dec 1702238
VINCENTWilliam, bachelor died in the ship "Swan"[unknown]Mary, wife of Richard BENNETT, attorney of Hannah PURSE alias VINCENT, widow, mother, in Dorset 15Jun1708129
VINCENT alias HARRISAlice ChardstockeChardstockJohn HARRIS, husband07 Feb1609/10185
VIOLETWilliamCharmouth CharmouthEdward VIOLET, kinsman17Apr1627 145
VIVIANThomasTolepudle TolpuddleMargaret VIVIAN, relcit, and Thomas VIVIAN, son 01Sep1657211
VIVIAN alias HOGGARDElizabeth Turners PudleTurners PuddleThomas HEWLETT, next of kin 06Nov1677142
VOSCOMBEAbraham- ---Jun1653-
VOULESJohn, seniorLidlinch Lydlinch-cum-Stock GaylardNicholas VOULES, brother, during the minority of John, Leonard, Edith and Mellior, children of the deceased 12Apr1609152
VOWELLJohnCerne Abbotts Cerne AbbasElizabeth VOWELL, relict23Jul 1594105
VUEDALLElizabeth, widow HortonHorton-cum-WoodlandsElizabeth, wife of Edward ETTRICKE, niece on sister’s side 06Oct1685133
VYEHenryWarmewell WarmwellEmme VYE, relict25Jun1610 200
VYEHenryWatercombe, Warmell WarmwellMargaret VYE, relict11Feb1692/3 27
VYNEJohnSturminster Marshall Sturminster MarshallEdward VYNE, brother, and Lucy STONE alias VYNE, sister, widow 10Dec161288
VYNERichardWareham WarehamMary VYNE, relict31Jul1639 58
VYNEYJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisSusan VYNEY, relict (renounced and fresh letters granted Jul 1617) 11Nov161693
VYNEYJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn VYNEY, son - grant of Nov 1616 to Susan VYNEY, relict, renounced 25Jul1617128
WADDONSJoanBrappall BradpoleJohn HOLCOMBE, son12Nov1562 52
WADEJohnBuclen Buckland Newton or RipersNicholas HARDY, clerk, creditor 10Feb1588/989
WADEMatthewDinney Symondsbury (if Denhay)Mathew WADE, son23Jun 1655139
WADERichardSymondsbury, but died on ship "Bristol" in State’s Service SymondsburyJane WADE, widow, mother21May 1659188
WADHAMAnnPilleston PilstonRobert POWLETT, armiger of Fawley, Co. Hants, brother, during the minority of Nicholas WADHAM, son of the deceased 07Feb1596/7193
WADHAMBenjaminPoole, but died in Barbadoes PooleJane WADHAM, relict03Oct1692 176
WADHAMJohnSwainedge, Isle of Purbeck SwanageWinifred WADHAM, relict18Oct1632 131
WADHAMJosephPoole PooleMary WADHAM, relict19Jan1704/5 12
WADHAMMary, widowPoole PooleRobert & Martin WADHAM, sons21Apr 171668
WADHAMThomasPilleston PilstonRobert POWLETT, armiger of Fawley, Co. Hants, uncle of Nicholas WADHAM, son of the deceased 07Feb1596/7193
WADHAMWilliam- ---Sep1654-
WADMANFrancisSherborne SherborneMary WADMAN, relict04Nov1667 174
WAGLANDELeonardWareham WarehamMary WAGLANDE, daughter22May1574 51
WAKELEYGeorgeLyme Regis Lyme RegisMary WAKELEY, relict05Feb1647/8 18
WAKELEYMatthewChidiock ChideockJohn WAKELEY, brother03May1647 61
WAKELYRobertBridport, but died in the ship "Foresight" BridportSarah WAKELY, relict06Apr1695 75
WALDENJohnBloxworth BloxworthThomas WALDEN, son08Jan1620/1 104
WALDRONJohnAllers Loscombe, Pourstocke PowerstockJohn WALDRON, son03May1637 80
WALKERJohn-- --Jan1653/4-
WALLThomas-- --May1653-
WALLINGThomasWeymouth, but died in the ship "Neptune" WeymouthJane WALLING, relict03Aug1693 149
WALLISDanielWeymouth WeymouthEdith WALLIS, relict07Dec1670 176
WALLISJohnSymondsbury, but died in the ship "St Andrew" SymondsburyNathaniel WALLIS, father10Jan 1695/69
WALLISJohnWoods, near Poole, but died in the ship "The Hope" PooleJoan, wife of William DIRHAM, attorney of Mary WALLIS, relict 17Mar1717/1847
WALLISJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth WALLIS, relict22Dec 1719222
WALLISJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth WALLIS, widow, mother10Jun 1720120
WALLISRichardOwre Moigne OwermoigneKatherine WALLIS, relict28Jun 1638188
WALLISRichardWaymouth WeymouthCatherine WALLIS, relict10Apr 166693
WALLISWalterPoole PooleGrace WALLIS, relict22Sep1584 115
WALLISWilliam- ---Jun1653-
WALLIS alias BUTTElizabeth AffpudleAffpuddleJohn BUTT, husband14 May165691
WALLYSOwenFordington FordingtonCatherine DOWNTON alias WALLYS, widow, relict 02Jun164779
WALLYSRichardMelbury Osmond Melbury OsmondThomazine WALLYS, relict03Apr 159353
WALLYSThomasWaymouth WeymouthThomas WALLYS senior, uncle & creditor20 Oct1640161
WALRONDWilliamWootton Fitzpaine Wootton FitzpaineAlice WALROND, relict13Jan 1634/578
WALSHDorothy, spinster Milborne St AndrewMilborne St AndrewEdward WALSH, brother 23Jan1646/711
WALSHSusanna, spinster Milborne St AndrewMilborne St AndrewEdmund WALSH, brother 29Mar165135
WALTEREdwardSherborne SherborneRichard OLDIS & William HEARNE, creditors08 Nov1647163
WALTERSusan, spinster Child OkefordChild OkefordMary, wife of Walter MORGAN, sister 27Mar1651/234
WALTHAMHenryWeymouth WeymouthRuth WALTHAM, relict19May1668 73
WALTHAMJohnWeymouth WeymouthMagdalene WALTHAM, relict22Jan 1677/88
WALTHAMMartinLidlinche Lydlinch-cum-Stock GaylardRobert GIARD, kinsman05 May164857
WALTHAMThomas, bachelor WeymouthWeymouthHenry WALTHAM, brother19 Dec1667177
WALTONWilliam- ---Oct1654-
WARDRobert, bachelorWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterThomas WARD, brother20Dec 164191
WARDEN alias EBURNEJane Wimborne St GilesWimborne St GilesJohn EBURNE, brother, and Anne GRAY alias EBURNE, sister 17May164137
WAREHAMChristopherFuntmill Fontmell MagnaJohn WAREHAM, brother17Feb 1657/839
WAREHAMEdwardPuncknoll PuncknowleJohn WAREHAM, son21Apr1648 45
WARMANRichard- ---Mar1653/4-
WARMINGTONRobert, bachelor died in the ship "Newark"[unknown]Mary, wife of Richard BENNETT, attorney of Mary WARMINGTON, widow, mother, in Dorset 10Feb1707/839
WARNEGregory- ---May1654-
WARRAnneStokewake Stoke WakeMartha BEST alias WARR, daughter16Jan 1614/152
WARRJohnYetminster YetminsterThomas SMITH, principal creditor - Dorothy WARR, relict, renouncing 1!Feb1715/1626
WARRENAlexanderBridport BridportBethia WARREN, relict03Sep1655 176
WARRENCharlesChardstock ChardstockJane WARREN, relict20Sep1673 112
WARRENJohn-- --Jun1653-
WARRENJohn, bachelorSymondsbury, but died in the ship "St Andrew" SymondsburyNicholas WARREN, father10Jan 1695/69
WARRENMilesLoders LodersRobert WARREN, son, & Mary wife of Robert HARRYS, daughter 06Mar1646/735
WARRENOlive- ---Mar1653/4-
WARRENThomas- ---Sep1653-
WARRENWilliamShipton St George, but died in the ship "Breda" Shipton GorgeBenjamin CHAPPELL, attorney of John WARREN, brother 18Dec1690235
WARREN alias COXAnnHalstock HalstockHenry COX alias WARREN, husband19Aug 163614
WARREN alias JUBBERJoan EnsburyKinsonWilliam WARREN, husband18 Dec1651185
WARREN alias LOCKETTWinifred Charleton MarshallCharlton MarshallJohn LOCKETT, husband 27Feb1630/112
WARREN alias LOCKETTWinifred Charleton MarshallCharlton MarshallJohn LOCKETT, husband 27Feb1630/112
WARRYRichardBradford Bradford Abbas or Bradford PeverellSarah WARRY, relict12 Jun1702106
WASBOROWThomas- ---Jul1653-
WATERCOMBEGeorge, bachelor died in the ship "Triton"AbbotsburyBartholomew PARSONS, attorney of George WATERCOMBE, father, now at Abbotsbury 06Aug1705169
WATERMANJohnWest Parley West ParleyAgnes WATERMAN, relict25Jul 162339
WATERMANJohnWareham, but died on the ship "Centurion" WarehamJane ADAMS, sister30Sep1681 129
WATHENRowland- ---Jun1653-
WATKINSJohnShaston ShaftesburyAnne WATKINS, relict22May1647 66
WATSONAnne, widowBeer Regis Bere RegisEzra WATSON, son03Apr1710 69
WATSONJohnMorechrichell Moor CrichelElianore (Alice struck out) WATSON, relict03 Nov1576110
WATTSChristopher- ---Oct1654-
WATTSMargery- ---Jan1653/4-
WATTSPaulSouth Perrott South PerrottThomas WATTS, brother16Jul 1637100
WATTSWilliamStalbridge StalbridgeAnn WATTS, relict20Apr1655 67
WATTSWilliamFairwood Verwood?Anthony HOLLOWAY, guardian of Elizabeth WATTS, daughter 05May167657
WATTSWilliamVerwood VerwoodElizabeth, wife of Richard STRIDE, daughter16 Sep1678105
WATTS alias TAYLORMary Wimborne MinsterWimborne MinsterNicholas TAYLOR, husband 08Dec1671144
WAYAlexanderof the ship "Romney" [unknown]Margaret NEWMAN, principal creditor (further gant Aug 1709) 07Jan1707/85
WAYAlexander, bachelor Bridport, but died in the ship "Romney"Bridport Elizabeth WAY, sister (grant of Jan 1708 to Margaret NEWMAN, now the wife of Samuel COXHEAD, revoked) 01Aug1709159
WAYJane, widowDorchester DorchesterElizabeth HALL, spinster, niece on brother’s side - Sarah, wife of Frances BELLAMY, renouncing 01Mar1697/854
WAYJohnBridport BridportGrace WAY, relict01Dec1657 325
WAYJohnLitchet Minster Lytchett Minster [then a chapelry of Sturminster Marshall]John HENNING & Henry RIVES, guardians of Thomas, John & James WAY, children of the deceased 10Nov1660177
WAYJosephBridport BridportChristiania WAY, relict07Oct1714 202
WAYEChristopherPoole, but died in the ship "War-spight" PooleRebecca, wife of Walter WHITE, attorney of Margaret WAY, relict 17Jan1690/14
WAYEHenryBirteport BridportStephen WAYE, son09Mar1589/90 133
WAYEHughBrappole BradpoleWilliam WAYE, brother07Feb1602/3 147
WAYMANRichardBerwick, but died in the ship "Assistance" [unknown]Mary, wife of Richard BENNETT, attorney of Catherine WAYMAN, widow, now in co. Dorset, mother of the deceased 14Jul1693121
WAYMANRobertKingston, Great Canford Canford MagnaKatherine WAYMAN, relict22May 1658114
WAYTEAnthonyWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterElizabeth DEFFRANCE, widow19Feb 1666/735
WEAREAnnShaston ShaftesburyJoseph WEARE, brother03Nov 1681151
WEAREEdwardSherborne SherborneRichard WEARE, brother17Jan1711/12 11
WEARELucySherborne SherborneMary, wife of William RUDDOCK, and Sarah & Jane WEARE, spinster, sisters 17Jan1711/1211
WEAREMaryStower East or West Stour, or Stour ProvostMary, wife of William CLARK, and Christiana WADMAN, granddaughters (son’s children) 15Jun1695116
WEAREWilliamMinchenton, Handley Sixpenny Handley (then a chapelry of Iwerne Minster)Anne WEARE, relict & administratrix of Henry WEARE, grandson & next of kin 05Jun167167
WEAVERThomasLime Regis, but died at Poole Lyme RegisJoane WEAVER, relict03Jun1679 83
WEBBGeorge-- --Jun1653-
WEBBJohnMotcombe MotcombeCatherine WEBB, mother08Jul1587 23
WEBBJohnSturminster Newton Sturminster NewtonCatherine WEBB, relict10May 1636172
WEBBJohn-- --Sep1654-
WEBBNoahBrodway BroadweyFrances WEBB, relict20Feb1655/6 65
WEBBRichard- ---Jun1653-
WEBBThomasWambroke WambrookJoane DENING alias WEBB, daughter02Dec 157589
WEBBThomasChesselbourne CheselbourneRobert WEBB, father, Elizabeth WEBB relict renouncing 29Mar160043
WEBBWilliam, bachelor died on the ship "The Dartmouth"Lyme RegisJohn DAVIS, attorney of Elizabeth WEBB of Lyme, mother 06Mar1686/778
WEBB alias WESTEdith- ---Jun1653-
WEBBERGeorgeChetnoll, Yetminster Chetnole (then a chapelry of Yetminster)Dorothy WEBBER, relict 28Mar161658
WEBBERJohnMarshwood MarshwoodHenry WEBBER, grandson01Jun1713 156
WEBBERThomasMylbourne Port Milborne Port, SomersetAlice WEBBER, relict21Jan 1583/491
WEBSTEREdward, bachelor died in the ship "Richard & James"PooleEleanor, wife of John SMITH, daughter and attorney of Jane WEBSTER, relict, now at Poole 12Aug1697144
WEDGEJohnWeymouth, but died in the ship "Boyne" WeymouthEliza WEDGE, relict15Nov1703 210
WEDLAEK alias BRAWLEYJohn ----Sep1653-
WEEKSSamuelLyme Regis Lyme RegisAnn WEEKS, spinster, daughter20Oct 1701173
WELCHRichardHorton Horton-cum-WoodlandsBarbara, wife of Leonard WELSTED, sister 14Feb1669/7019
WELDISHWilliamdied at Weymouth, but of Holborn St Andrews Holborn St AndrewsMary WELDISH, relict15Oct 1657305
WELLER alias GRAVESMargery ----Jun1653-
WELLSCatherinePurbeck [unknown Purbeck parish]Ann WELLS, spinster, daughter10 Sep1700183
WELLSEdwardShaston ShaftesburyMighel WELLS, relict20Jun1614 152
WELLSEdward, bachelor Poorestock, but died in the ship "Sunderland"Powerstock Richard WELLS, father13Dec1697242
WELLSToby-- --Sep1654-
WELSHEJohn, clerk, rector of Askerswell AskerswellAskerswellGeorge WELSHE, brother, during the minority of Marmaduke and Hugh WELSHE, sons of the deceased, with the consent of Gertrude WELSHE, relict 03Aug1594107
WELSHMANJohnNetherbury NetherburyAlice WELSHMAN, relict30Nov 1586192
WELSTEADMaryMilton Abbas Milton AbbasLeonard WELSTEAD, gentleman of Harefield, Middlesex, brother 18Feb1629/30156
WELSTEDRichardWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterMaude WELSTED alias HAYWARD, mother24 Apr159910
WELSTEEDJohnWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterPenelope WELSTEED, relict12May 1636172
WELSTEEDWilliam, bachelor Corfe Castle, but died in "Hampshire" frigateCorfe Castle Thomas BROMFIELD, attorney of Margaret WELSTEED, mother27 Jan1681/214
WENMOUTHAnne- ---Jun1654-
WESCOTTRichard- ---Aug1653-
WESCOTTWalter- ---May1653-
WESTHenry, bachelorLyme Regis, but died in West Indies Lyme RegisAbel WEST, brother (further grant Aug 1668)26 May166874
WESTHenry, bachelorLyme Regis Lyme RegisWalter WEST, father - letters granted May 1668 renounced 13Aug1668125
WESTJohn-- --Sep1653-
WESTRobert-- --Mar1653/4-
WESTWilliamSturminster Marshall Sturminster MarshallAnne WILLIS alias WEST, daughter01 Feb1603/4187
WEST alias WEBBEdith- ---Jun1653-
WESTLEYWilliamBradford Abbas Bradford AbbasJoane WESTLEY, relict02Jan 1715/165
WESTONEbora, spinster Blandford ForumBlandford ForumRobert WESTON & Rebecca HACKET alias WESTON, brother and sister 17Feb1676/729
WESTONHenryPoole PooleJoseph WADHAM, principal creditor - Mary WESTON, relict, and Ambrose WADHAM, cousin, renouncing 21May170181
WESTONJosephPoole PooleBarbara WESTON, relict26Oct1695 184
WESTONWilliamPoole, but died in "Sarah" frigate PoolePhillis WESTON, relict07Sep1709 181
WESTWOODWilliam, clerk Wimborne MinsterWimborne MinsterJonah WESTWOOD, son, Joane WESTWOOD alias ERBURY, relict, John & William WESTWOOD, sons, and Catherine BEWKERS & Agnes CROUCHE, daughters, renouncing 23Apr160045
WETHYJohn-- --Aug1653-
WEYNicholasByrport BridportWilliam & Henry WEY, brothers and Joan DENSLOE, sister 10Oct1590155
WHATLEYJohnMotcombe MotcombeJoan, wife of Robert VINCENT, daughter09 Oct1711185
WHEDDONGiles- ---Jun1654-
WHEELERArthurWimborne Minster, but died at sea in "Fearly" frigate Wimborne MinsterAnne WHEELER, relict06Mar 1660/132
WHEELERRobertBere Regis Bere RegisAlice CARPENTER, sister, William VYNE and Thomas MEADER, next of kin 08Apr161256
WHEELERThomasBloxworth BloxworthRichard WHEELER, brother19Oct 1678117
WHEELERWilliamCorfe Mullen Corfe MullenHenry RUSSEL, guardian of Elizabeth & Mary WHEELER, minors, children of the deceased 13Jul164983
WHEELERWilliamCorfe Mullen Corfe MullenElizabeth STONE alias WHEELER, daughter07 Jun166159
WHEELER alias DAVYJohn StocklandStocklandRichard WHEELER alias DAVY, brother 14Feb1658/953
WHEELER alias WILKESThomas ----Sep1654-
WHELLIEKERichard- ---Jun1654-
WHETCOMB alias EATONAnne, widow WaymouthWeymouthGeoffrey SAMWAYES, father & guardian of John & Nicholas SAMWAYES, children of the daughter of the deceased 26Feb1647/821
WHETCOMBEJohnSherborne SherborneSexia WHETCOMBE, relict25Oct 1701173
WHIFFENHenryAll Saints Dorchester Dorchester All SaintsAnn WHIFFEN, relict (further grant Mar 1723) 16Jan1710/112
WHIFFINAliceNew Mills, Purbeck Corfe CastlePeter WHIFFIN, only brother14Apr 165779
WHIFFINThomasCorffe Castle Corfe CastleDorothy WHIFFIN, relict08Jul 1633180
WHING/ WINGRichardVerwood CranborneAnne WHING/WING, relict24Mar 1608/9150
WHINNELLHenry, widower Milton AbbasMilton AbbasJoseph WHINNELL, son20 Sep1720187
WHITCHEREdward- ---Mar1653/4-
WHITEAnnAffpuddle AffpuddleHenry HOLLAND, uncle & guardian of John WHITE, son of the deceased 22Oct1660154
WHITEBernard, bachelor Kingston RussellKingston RussellJohn MITCHELL, brother’s grandson - Bridget MITCHELL, sister of the deceased, renouncing 14May167969
WHITECharlesSturminster, but died at St Clements Danes, Middlesex Sturminster Marshall or NewtonWinifred WHITE, relict17 Dec1685171
WHITEEdward- ---Jul1653-
WHITEJohnSpetsbury SpetisburyMary WHITE, relict09Jan1638/9 7
WHITEJohnLong Chesilborne CheselbourneElizabeth WHITE, relict31Dec 1678159
WHITEJohn, bachelorOakford Fitzpaine Okeford FitzpaineEdith WHITE, widow, mother24Jul 167585
WHITEJohn, clerkMaydon Newton Maiden NewtonThomas WHITE, son15Nov1587 40
WHITEMaryStafford West StaffordGeorge WHITE, armiger, husband26Mar 171945
WHITEPaul-- --Feb1653/4-
WHITEPhilipBotenhampton BothenhamptonFulbrooke WHITE, son18Mar 1657/871
WHITERichardWaymouth WeymouthIsotte WHITE, relict01Jun1649 66
WHITERobertDorchester, but died in St Botolph, Aldersgate St., London DorchesterJames COOKE, principal creditor - Rebecca WHITE, relict, renouncing 21Jul1692127
WHITERobert, bachelor West StaffordWest StaffordRichard WHITE, brother 18Jun168494
WHITERobert, widowerWitcombe WhitcombeRobert WHITE, son26Jun1671 67
WHITEWalterWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterThomas WHITE, senior, son, and Thomas WHITE, junior, grandson of the deceased 19Feb1612/1390
WHITEWilliam- ---Jun1653-
WHITEWilliam- ---Sep1653-
WHITEINGEThomas- ---Aug1653-
WHITLEDGE alias KENNARDElizabeth ----Jun1653-
WHITNEYEdward- ---Sep1653-
WHITTELThomasDorchester DorchesterJoseph WHITTEL, brother, guardian of Elizabeth, Ann, Mary & Martha, children of the deceased 18Jun1656117
WHITTERNEMartha- ----1654-
WHITTLEJohnBeaminster BeaminsterMargaret WHITTLE, relict12Aug 1695151
WICKEElizabeth- ---Oct1654-
WICKHAMAnthonyEast Holme East HolmeCatherine WICKHAM, relict22Apr 161513
WICKHAMThomas- ---Jun1653-
WICKHAMThomas, bachelor SherborneSherborneWilliaM WICKHAM, father16 Mar1715/1649
WIFFIN/ WYFFINWilliam PrestonPreston-cum-Sutton PoyntzPeter WIFFIN & Isabell PAYNE, brother & sister; Thomas PAYNE, husband of Isabell, during the minority of John, William, Arthur, Elzanor and [blank] WYFFIN, chlldren of the deceased 28Jan1577/8138
WIGMOREJohnWoodland Woolland or Horton-cum-WoodlandsSwithin CLEEVES, clerk, principal creditor - [blank] relict not administering 28Jul164691
WILBORE alias SMITHWilliam Weeke RegeWyke RegisEdith SMITH alias WILBORE, relict 15Jan1608/9143
WILCOXThomasBeer Regis Bere RegisWilliam WILCOX, brother - [blank] relict, renouncing 07May1659175
WILDJohn-- --Jun1654-
WILESJoanPossom PorteshamWilliam PITMAN, grandson19Jan 1617/18153
WILKENS alias MABLEYThomas GillinghamGillinghamElizabeth WILKENS alias MABLEY, relict 26Jan1630/14
WILKINSAnne- ---Jul1653-
WILKINSGyles- ---Jul1653-
WILKINSHenry- ---Jul1653-
WILKINSJohnCranborne CranborneRabinette WILKINS, relict27Feb 1582/361
WILKINSThomasWymborne All Saints Wimborne All Hallows [now part of Wimborne St Giles]Mary WILKINS, relict 04Apr166861
WILLESThomas, bachelor BroadwinsorBroadwindsorJohn WILLES, brother02 May168564
WILLETTJoanShroton Iwerne CourtneyFrances JEANES, sister, wife of Richard JEANES, husbandman of Melcombe Horsey 07Jun163947
WILLETTRichardMarshood MarshwoodMary WILLETT, relict07Feb1655/6 65
WILLIAMSEdwardWeymouth WeymouthHenry WILLIAMS, brother11Mar1658/9 99
WILLIAMSElizabethDorchester DorchesterMatthew WILLIAMS, brother29Mar 170141
WILLIAMSFrancisPentridge PentridgeDorothy BURDEN, sister04May1620 67
WILLIAMSGeorge, bachelor Herringstone, but died in IrelandWinterborne Herringston John MILLER, gentleman, attorney of Robert WILLIAMS, armiger, father 07Jul1692127
WILLIAMSHenryWareham WarehamGeorge WILLIAMS, brother, during the minority of John, Elianore, Jane and Mary, children of the deceased 16Sep159229
WILLIAMSJohnWotton Glanfield Glanvilles WoottonMary WILLIAMS, relict (further grant Jul 1647) 26Mar162668
WILLIAMSJohnBeere Regis Bere RegisNicholas WILLIAMS, father14Jan 1630/15
WILLIAMSJohnWootton Glanville Glanvilles WoottonJohn WILLIAMS, son - Mary WILLIAMS, relict, not having fully administered (form grant Mar 1626/7) 14Jun1647100
WILLIAMSJohn, armiger Sturminster Newton CastleSturminster NewtonJohn WILLIAMS, grandson 15Apr170875
WILLIAMSJohn, bachelor SherborneSherborneAlexander WILLIAMS, brother04 Apr168547
WILLIAMSStephenWeymouth WeymouthHenry WILLIAMS, brother, during the minority of Dawbney WILLIAMS, son of the deceased 18May164548
WILLIAMSThomas- ---Jan1653/4-
WILLIAMSThomasToller Porcorum Toller PorcorumAgnes WILLIAMS, relict18Jan 1657/811
WILLIAMSWiliamPoole, but died in the ship "Coronation" PooleRebecca, wife of Walter WHITE, attorney of Richard WILLIAMS 17Jan1690/16
WILLIAMS alias BAKERThomas Melbury BubMelbury BubbMary WILLIAMS alias BAKER, relict (further grant May 1726) 15Jan1694/515
WILLIAMS alias BARTLETTDorothy PuddletonPuddletownHenry BARTLETT alias WILLIAMS, son 26Jun1657142
WILLIAMS alias MINTERNE alias BAKER ElizabethChetnoll, YetminsterChetnole (then a chapelry of Yetminster) James MINTERNE, husband02Jan1693/415
WILLISJohnWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterAnne, wife of William ETTERICK, niece on brother’s side 09Dec1646150
WILLISRichard, junior CheselbourneCheselbourneMargaret WILLIS alias HODDER, aunt 08Oct156018
WILLOUGHBIEAnnMilborne Stileham Bere RegisRobadge BASKETT, wife of Peter BASKETT of Chichester, gentleman, sister - Mary COOKE, widow, not fully administering 22Dec1632140
WILLOUGHBYJohnStepleton Winterborne Steepleton or
Iwerne Steepleton
Frances WILLOUGHBY, relict 19May1571174
WILLSJohnBeamister BeaminsterAnn WILLS, relict03Feb1672/3 26
WILLS alias HAYNEDorothy ----Mar1653/4-
WILLS alias MORYJohnBroadwinsor BroadwindsorKatherine SPRAKE alias WILLS alias MORY (relationship not given) 25Mar1659100
WILLYJames, bachelordied in the ship "Litchfield" PowerstockJohn REYNOLDS, attorney of John WILLY, father, now at Powerstock 21Jan1703/413
WILLYAMSMaryShaftesbury ShaftesburyWilliam WILLYAMS, brother29Oct 1585154
WILMINGTONSamuelBradford Abbas Bradford AbbasHugh WILMINGTON, father16Aug 1700165
WILSHIEREThomasEasterfleete FleetAgnes WILSHIERE alias GRAYE, sister21Oct 160062
WILSHIREEdward, junior ChardestokeChardstockPhilippa SANFORD alias WHILSHIRE, sister, in the person of Baldwin SANFORD, her husband 12Feb1584/5129
WILSONSimonWeymouth, but died in the ship "Montague" WeymouthRachel, widow, mother01Sep1692 166
WILSONSimon, bachelor died in the ship "Montague"WeymouthJohn REIGNOLD, attorney of Rachael WILSON, sister, now at Weymouth 10May170897
WILSON alias ALFORDSarah WeymouthWeymouthThomas WILSON, husband26 Sep1715181
WILSON alias GUBBERJudith Blandford ForumBlandford ForumThomas WILSON, husband 13Oct1707192
WILTESHEREEdwardChardestoke ChardstockThomazine WILTESHERE, mother10Oct 157214
WILTESHIREEdwardChardstock ChardstockJohn BOWDITCH, senior, uterine brother - Thomasine WILTESHIRE, mother, not having fully administered (former letters Oct 1572) 22Aug1638195
WINDELydia, widowLyme Regis Lyme RegisAbiah KERRIDGE, widow, sister03Oct 1705196
WINDHAMFrancis- ---Jun1653-
WINDHAMGeorge- -Former Admon Jan 1648/9-Jun1653 -
WINDLOWE/ WYNDLARThomas Litchett Mynster in Sturminster MarshallLytchett Minster [then a chapelry of Sturminster Marshall] Baldwin LAKE of North Petherton, Somerset, during the minority of Baldwin, Mary and William SHEREMAN, nephews & niece of the deceased 16Oct157336
WINDOWEJohnShapwicke ShapwickCatherine WINDOWE, relict07Nov 160797
WINDOWEJohnShapwick ShapwickGeorge RUSSELL, husband of Catherine RUSSELL alias WINDOWE, relict & administratrix of John WINDOWE (former grant Nov 1607) 10Jan1624/5137
WINTERMaryMudford Mudford, Somerset?Henry WINTER, husband (further grant Mar 1669/70) 02Jul1664-
WINTERMaryMudford Mudford, Somerset?Thomas SWAYNE, next of kin and principal creditor - Henry WHITE, husband, not having fully administered (former grant Jul 1664) 10Mar1669/7043
WINTERHAYRobertWitcombe WhitcombeAlice WINTERHAY, relict06Oct 1610214
WINTERHEYGilesWidcombe WhitcombeJoyce WINTERHEY, relict24Nov 159235
WISEPhilip, bachelorPoole, but died in the West Indies PooleGeorge WISE, uncle on father’s side28 Jun169397
WISEMANJohnMilton Abbye Milton AbbasNicholas HUMFRYE, next of kin02Jan 1600/170
WITTJohnPurbeck, but died in the ship "John & Mary" [unknown Purbeck parish]Edmund BUGDEN, principal creditor - Ann WITT, relict, renouncing 31Oct1685133
WOODGerrard, D.D.- ---Jul1653-
WOOD alias SURRELLWilliam ChetnollChetnole (then a chapelry of Yetminster)Anne SURRELL alias WOOD 20Aug1635123
WOODEHenrySherborne, but died in the ship "Windsor Castle" SherbornePhyliis WOODE, relict14Sep1694 182
WOODFORDWalterEdmundsham EdmondshamAnn WOODFORD, relict14Nov1656 278
WOODMANRichardBishops Caundle Bishops CaundleJoane WOODMAN, relict27Apr 165886
WOODROFFEAnthonyLyme Regis Lyme RegisSusanna VINEY, mother12Mar1621/2 187
WOODWARDThomasSherborne SherborneCatherine WOODWARD, relict12Nov 1683156
WOODWARDWilliam- ---Mar1653/4-
WOOLFREYSHenry, widower Beer Kings, but died in the ship "HIbernia"Bere Regis Anne WOOLFREYS, spinster, daughter03Jul1693 124
WOOLFREYSJohnKingston [unknown]Joan WOOLFREYS, relict04Jun1649 73
WOOLFRIESHenry, gent. MaptonMapperton? or Mapperton in Almer?Henry WOOLFRIES, eldest son - Susan WOOLFRIES, relict, renouncing 18Nov1657292
WOOLFRYESThomasForthington FordingtonJoan WOOLFRYES, relict04Oct 1701173
WOOLLEYGeorgeBurstocke BurstockElizabeth WOOLLEY, relict16Apr 166140
WORSELEYJohnHamworthe Hamworthy (then a chapelry of Sturminster Marshall)Anne alias Agnes WORSELEY, relict 13Dec156487
WREACHMary-- --Aug1654-
WRIGHTEleanorMelcombe Regis Melcombe RegisMargaret LEIGHT alias WRIGHT, wife of Laurence LEIGHT, daughter 19Nov1638232
WRIGHTFrancisEast Woodford WoodsfordElizabeth JONES alias WRIGHT, wife of Robert JONES of the city of Oxford, sister 12Sep1638211
WRIGHTJohnShaston ShaftesburyNicholas BURD, principal creditor22 Nov1660174
WRIGHTEWilliamBuckland Buckland Newton or RipersMargaret WRIGHTE, relict12 Feb1590/1165
WRITEWilliamYetminster YetminsterWilliam WRITE, son25Jun1656 118
WRIXONChristopherWest Milton, Poorestock PowerstockMary WRIXON, relict, & Paul WALROND, nephew on his sister’s side 05Nov1666206
WYATTWalterPoole, but died at St Malo PooleSusannah SIMMONDS, widow, attorney of Susan WYATT, relict 02Jun1694131
WYATT alias SPERINGEMary DorchesterDorchesterWilliam SPERINGE, husband10 Jul1622187
WYERWilliam, widowerSherborne, but died in the ship "Carcas Bomb" SherborneThomas POTTER, guardian of Robert WYER, son05 Mar1701/248
WYMPREJohnBridport, lieut. & adjutant in Lord MOUNTJOY’s regiment, died abroad BridportPrudence WYMPRE, relict12Sep1715 181
WYMYFFElizabethSherborne SherborneRobert WYMYFF, son21Feb1578/9 164
WYNESJoanWithihook YetminsterAgnes BUCKERELL, sister19Feb 1584/5132
WYNESJoanWithiock, Yetminster YetminsterJohn, Alice, Mary and Joan BUCKERELL, kinsfolk, of goods left unadministered by Agnes BUCKERELL 22Jun1585144
WYNISSEGeorgeThornford, but died abroad ThornfordAnne WYNISSE, relict02Feb1638/9 15
YARDLEYRichardMelcombe Regis Melcombe RegisElizabeth YARDLEY, relict16Aug 1692145
YARDLEY alias HEANEElizabeth WeymouthWeymouthRichard YARDLEY, husband19 Jul1666146
YEATESThomasGodmiston GodmanstoneHenry WILLIS, principal creditor - Susan YEATES, relict, renouncing 15Nov1711206
YEATSJohnFrampton FramptonEleanor YEATS, relict02Jul1678 86
YETMANAgnesMarnhull MarnhullRichard CUNDITT & Agnes his wife, daughter26 Oct1646119
YOUNGAffrodotiusHaslebeare Bryan Hazelbury BryanThomas YOUNG, son21Jun 160510
YOUNGAlice, widowDalwood DalwoodAlice, wife of Sebastian ISAACK, Elizabeth, wife of William LANGFORD, and Jane YOUNG, children 15Jul1680120
YOUNGEdwardMiddle Gussage Gussage St MichaelElizabeth YOUNG, relict09Aug 1695151
YOUNGJohnWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterChristopher YOUNG, brother17Mar 1626/7139
YOUNGMargaretFuntmill Magna Fontmell MagnaThomas YOUNG, son07Sep1648 110
YOUNGNicholasBuckhorn Weston Buckhorn WestonSusan YOUNG, relict15Jan 1626/7130
YOUNGStephenTarrant Launston Tarrant LauncestonFrances YOUNG, relict17Oct 1646125
YOUNGThomasBlandford Forum Blandford ForumJohn YOUNG senior of Child Ockford, brother 15Apr1640120
YOUNGThomasManston ManstonMary YOUNG, relict21Jun1659 253
YOUNGThomasdied in the fire-ship "Owners Love" WimborneRichard WRIGHT, attorney of Mary YOUNG, relict, now of Wimborne 16Mar1697/854
YOUNG alias ROMAYNE Ruth Sturminster NewtonSturminster Newton Thomas YOUNG, husband 26Nov1684 169
YOUNG alias SHELDONKatherine ManstonManstonThomas YOUNG, husband17 Jun1657141
YOUNGEJohn-- --May1654-
YOUNGEWalterKingsale, Ireland, but died in the Isle of Purbeck [unknown Purbeck parish]John YOUNGE, brother19 Jun162073
YOUNGEWilliamPortland PortlandAlice VEAKE, relict16Nov1596 184
YOUNGEWilliamPoole PooleTemperance YOUNGE, relict11Apr1659 128
ZEALYJohnDorchester "Carcer’em" DorchesterSamuel HALSELBER, principal creditor04 Jun166963
ZOUCHFrancisShaston St James Shaftesbury St JamesWilliam, Allan & Ann ZOUCH, children 10Jul160055


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