
Admons of Dorset Residents Granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker


List extracted from the Administration Act Books of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) and translated from Latin to English by George FRY and originally published in instalments in "Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset" over a period of nine years from to 1890 to 1899.
George FRY’s notes:
DORSET ADMINISTRATIONS - The following list of the Grants of Administration to the Estates of Intestates in the County of Dorset has been extracted from the records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, now at Somerset House. They commence in the year 1559, the date of the earliest existing Act Book. The division of the various years is that adopted in the Official Calendar, and is that of the New Style, but the entries themselves are dated in the Old Style.
In all cases consanguineus has been rendered "kinsman" and prox’ consanguineus "next of kin." When a surname is not given it may always be taken to be the same as that of the deceased.
The Administration Act Book for 1643 contains Acts for the months of January to May, inclusive, and one Act only for July.
The following note appears in the Act Book for 1644: - "There were noe Administracions graunted at London in Anno 1644, untill November that yeare; when there was a new seale made for this office by authoritie of Parliament."
[As of December 1894 the] Administration Acts for 1653-4 for Dorset are at present missing from the series at Somerset House. They are entered in "Original Calendar N°4" which includes Cornwall, Gloucestershire and Somerset-shire as well as Dorset, but there is no indication as to which of these counties the deceased belonged. [The entries listed here for those years could] consequently refer to one or other of the four counties mentioned.
The Administration Act Book for 1662 cannot be found but the ... names [for that year] appear in the Calendar of Dorset folk to whose estates Administration was granted [in 1662].
Kim Parker’s Notes:
The PCC Act Books are now held at the National Archives at Kew (ref: PROB 6), but as of 2014 they had not yet been indexed. Seeing as less than half of Dorset’s parish registers prior to the Civil War 1642-51 and the Commonwealth 1649-60 have survived - and many of those have gaps, or only partial information (with mothers’ names often ommitted) - this list is invaluable for family historians.
George occasionally ’forgot’ to translate the Latin version of given names into their English equivalent, particularly if the Latin version of the name had started to be used as a name in its own right by the 19th century - e.g. Ludovicus for Lewis, Matilda for Maud, Isabella for Elizabeth, etc - so I have corrected them.
Placenames have varied greatly over the centuries, so I have tried to identify the parish to which the settlement, manor or estate belonged (where it is not given) and I have called this the "Standardised Residence". However, it has not been possible to identify the parish in some cases, and in other cases where the placename is a common one that crops up in several parishes - e.g. Burton and Kingston. Such places have been classed as [unknown].
Despite George’s note about the years being presented ’old style’, he was not consistent in doing so in his list. Since he presented his list by year, and then alphabetically within year, this was not so important as the order in which grants were made could be deduced from the folio number. However, this deduction is more difficult when the entire list of, so I have ’corrected’ some of the dates to show both the year according to old style dating (the number to the left of the /) and new style dating (the number to the right of the /). In the Julian calendar (old style dating) the year ran from March 25th to March 24th.

Surame of DeceasedForenameRecorded ResidenceStandardised ResidenceGrantee & Relationship to Deceased DateFolio
DABINETTMargaret- ---Jun1653-
DABYNOTThomasCharstocke ChardstockThomas DABYNOT11Jun1625 173
DACCOMBSelinaDivelish DewlishThomas BASKETT, armiger of Holwell, son25 Apr1633161
DACKHAMEdwardHampreston HamprestonValentine HARRIS, gentleman of the city of London, brother to Margerie DACKHAM, relict 20Sep1590151
DACKOMBEBruinCorfe Castle Corfe CastleAnn DYER, daughter22Jun1670 95
DAKYNEdwardFayrefeld, Co. Dorset Fayrefield, Somerset?William DAKYN, son07Oct 157459
DALLYJohnWinterborn Kingston Winterborne KingstonElizabeth DALLY, relict14Jun 1638182
DAMER alias BLANDYMOREJohn GodmanstoneGodmanstoneSamuel BLANDYMORE alias DAMER, son 20Apr165886
DAMMONWilliam, bachelor Portesham, died in the ship "Chichester"Portesham Elizabeth DAMMON, widow, mother07Jul1698 136
DAMONThomasSteeple, Purbeck SteepleJohn MILLER, attorney of Lydia DAMON, relict15 Dec1673160
DAMYNGEMoses, bachelor Waymouth & Melcombe Regis, but died at Gosport, co. SouthamptonWeymouth & Melcombe Regis John DAMYNGE, father21Jan1627/82
DANDOPeter-- --Jun1654-
DANDO alias HERMANJoane ----Feb1653/4-
DANEILL alias MORRISAgnes Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorothy MORRYS, widow of Stowey, Somerset 10May1585140
DANIELDavid, widowerPoole PooleJames BAZILL, grandfather & guardian of Elizabeth, David and James DANIEL, children 17Mar1723/477
DANNELLWilliamQuarleston Winterborne SticklandJoan WOODROSS alias DANNELL, sister, with Francis CHALDICOTT, armiger of Quarleston 09Nov1585157
DARBYHenryAffpuddle AffpuddleJoane DARBY, relict24Sep1607 89
DARBYJohnSturthill Shipton GorgeAnne DARBY, spinster, sister07Aug 1651130
DARBYJohnBridport BridportMary DARBY, relict08Sep1677 113
DAREEdwardWootton Fitzpayne Wootton FitzpaineJohn GODWYN and Mary his wife, daughter of the deceased 24Jan1633/44
DAREGeorgeWotton Fitzpayne Wootton FitzpaineEdith DARE, relict17Dec 163989
DAREPrudence, widowLyme Lyme RegisPrudence, wife of Isaac DAVY, daughter09 May169597
DAREWilliam, bachelor Lyme Regis, but died in the "Lark" frigateLyme Regis Prudence DARE, mother21Jan1679/809
DARKERichard, junior, bachelor died in the ship "Weymouth"CharmouthWilliam LENTON, attorney of Richard DARKE, father, now at Charmouth 21Sep1706198
DARSEJohnClifton Bradford AbbasJonathan PENNY, creditor02Mar 1602/3149
DARTER/ DAUGHTERWilliam NetherburyNetherburyWilliam CASE senior, creditor 07Oct163626
DASHWOODEdmund, bachelor Morecrichell, but died at LisbonMoor CrichelSarah DASHWOOD, widow, principal creditor 27Jan1704/59
DASHWOODJohnDorchester DorchesterGrace DASHWOOD, relict03May 169286
DASHWOODJohnSturminster Newton Castle Sturminster NewtonThomas HILL, brother on mother’s side - Martha DASHWOOD, relict, renouncing 23Feb1709/1027
DASHWOODRobertMoore Critchell Moor CrichelMary DASHWOOD, relict15Feb 1658/953
DASHWOODSusanCheslebourne CheselbourneThomas DASHWOOD, son15Jan 1675/65
DASHWOODThomasSturminster Newton Sturminster NewtonMary DASHWOOD, relict02Jun 168493
DASSELLThomas, bachelor Bridport, but died at Axmouth, DevonBridportJohn DASSELL, brother 29Dec1712244
DAUBNEYJudithGorwell Long BredyGeorge DAUBNEY, husband22Jun 1659253
DAUNCE alias LUDLOWEHugh PiddlehintonPiddlehintonAnne STANLEY, widow, daughter 31Dec162541
DAVENANTEdward, bachelor, armiger SteepletonIwerne Steepleton or Winterbourne SteepletonRebecca, Catherine & Elizabeth DAVENANT, sisters 24Mar1715/1648
DAVEYMaryLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn DAVEY, son03Nov1670 157
DAVIDGEJohnFifehead Magdalen Fifehead MagdalenPhlip DAVIDGE, brother15Mar 1626/27140
DAVIEGeorge- ---Sep1653-
DAVIEWilliamLyme Regis Lyme RegisWilliam DAVIE, son09Dec1639 90
DAVIESJohn-- --Jul1653-
DAVIESJohnCharmouth CharmouthRuth DAVIES, relict22Sep1673 113
DAVIESRobert- ---Jul1654-
DAVIESWilliamGillingham GillinghamJoane GREENE, great granddaughter, with the consent of Edith GREENE, widow, sister of the deceased 03Oct163158
DAVISJohnWest Parley West ParleyAnn DAVIS, relict04May1688 71
DAVYRichardLyme Regis Lyme RegisThomazine DAYY, relict10Aug 1694164
DAVY alias PIDDLEWilliam ChidiockChideockNichole DAVY alias PIDDLE, relict 10Nov158250
DAVY alias WHEELERJohn StocklandStocklandRichard DAVY alias WHEELER, brother 14Feb1658/953
DAVYEAndrewLyme Regis Lyme RegisJoan DAVYE, relict16Mar1617/18 162
DAVYENicholasLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn DAVY, merchant of the city of Exeter, brother, during the minority of Richard, Samuel, John and Nicholas, children of the deceased 28Nov1637 
DAVYERichardLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth DAVYE, relict13Sep 1602131
DAVYESimonLyme Regis Lyme RegisMargerie DAVYE, relict31Jul 1590146
DAVYEWilliamLyme Regis Lyme RegisAlice DAVYE, relict22Nov1586 192
DAWEdmund-- --Mar1653/4-
DAWRoseWest Chelborough West ChelboroughJohn, Francis, William & James DAW, sons, with Rose GUPPY, widow, and Martha COX, widow, daughters 30May169687
DAW alias BLAKEAlice- ---Jul1653-
DAWBENYGeorge, armiger Bishops CaundleBishops CaundleAnn DAWBENY, daughter 19Sep1718164
DAWEElishaWest Chelborowe West ChelboroughSusan DAWE, relict13May 162496
DAWEEllisCatstocke CattistockRobert DAWE, guardian of Thomas, Robert, John, Agnes & Susanna DAWE, children of the deceased 14Feb1660/121
DAWEGeorgeChalmington, Catstocke CattistockAnne DAWE, relict09Feb1609/10 186
DAWENicholasLyme Regis Lyme RegisAnne DAWE, relict13Apr1626 73
DAWEThomasStinsford StinsfordGrace DAWE, relict02Oct1638 216
DAWES alias EDWARDSAnna Lyme RegisLyme RegisEdward EDWARDS, husband (further grant Mar 1701) 11Aug1684124
DAWES alias EDWARDSAnne Lyme RegisLyme RegisJohn EDWARDS - Edward EDWARDS, husband, having died before administering (previous grant Aug 1684; further grant Sep 1753) 03Mar1700/140
DAWSONJohnWeymouth, but died in the ship "Racehorse" WeymouthElizabeth DAWSON, relict07May 171797
DAYRobertLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth DAY, relict20Nov1577 135
DAYRobert-- --Aug1653-
DEANENicholasLyme Regis Lyme RegisAgnes DEANE, relict04Mar1591/2 9
DEANEWilliamLime Rege Lyme RegisMary DEANE, relict24Dec1610 223
DEANEWilliamCanford Magna Canford MagnaRichard DEANE, son10Oct1649 120
DEAREEdwardIberton IbbertonAlice DEARE, relict15May1656 91
DELAVEREReynard- ---Nov1654-
DELLJohnWitchampton WitchamptonJoseph DELL, son11May1621 120
DEMMOTTRichardStoke Abbott Stoke AbbottHenry COOPER, guardian to Robert DEMMOTT, son of the deceased 10Nov163984
DENNETTAlexanderPoole, but died at Bristol PooleWilliam PIKE, Edward PATTEN & William MINTY, guardians of Alexander, Edward & Samuel DENNETT, children of the deceased 10Dec1666236
DENNYSJohnPoole PooleAlice DENNYS, relict19Sep1603 167
DENNYSJonasWaymouth WeymouthJohn POMERY, guardian of Thomazine DENNYS, daughter of the deceased, during her minority and that of Dorothy, Frances and Elizabeth DENNYS, also daughters of the deceased 17May164635
DENSHERCiprianWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumEdward DENSHER, son 18Jan1635/6148
DENSLOWE alias BAILYEdith, widow NetherburyNetherburyGeorge SAMPSON, grandfather and guardian of Edmund & Mary BAILY alias DENSLOWE, children of the deceased 29Jul1655139
DENTMaryBeaminster, but died in Southwark, Surrey BeaminsterCatherine, wife of Richard HOARE, daughter04 May169781
DERBYJeremiah, clerk, widower PoxwellPoxwellJohn DERBY, clerk, son10 Jul1725132
DERBYNicholasSturthill Shipton GorgeCatherine DERBY, relict20Apr 160046
DERBYENicholasSturthill Shipton GorgeChristopher DERBYE, son11Feb 1606/767
DERINGEThomasBeere Regis Bere RegisGiles SANDIFORD, kinsman, during the minority of Elizabeth, Joane, Thomas, William, John & Nicholas, children of the deceased 21Jun1589103
DEVARDLaurenceDewlish DewlishThomas DEVARD, father03Jan1699/1700 6
DEVENISHAnnaLydlinch LydlinchHenry DEVENISH, husband03Jun1719 95
DEVENISHFrancisGillingham GillinghamHenry DEVENISH, son - Ann DEVENISH, relict, and Francis DEVENISH, eldest son, renouncing 12Jun168999
DEVENISHNicholas, bachelor Gillingham, but died at BombayGillinghamHenry DEVENISH, brother 11Feb1692/326
DEVENISHRichard- ---Sep1654-
DEWEJohnMotcombe MotcombeMary DEWE, relict15Aug1635 122
DEWEYJohnSpetsborough SpetisburyMary DEWEY, relict20Dec1624 135
DEWEYRoger, bachelorPoole PooleMary, wife of James SAVAGE, sister14Jun 1705124
DEWEYWilliamWareham WarehamMargaret DEWEY, relict06Mar1668/9 23
DEWYRichardBeare, Litchet Minster Lytchett MinsterMargaret DEWY, relict08Aug 1660111
DEWYRichardPoole, but died abroad PooleMary DEWY, spinster, sister19Jan 1684/55
DEWYThomasShapwick ShapwickWilliam DEWY of St Ebbs, City of Oxford, Master of Arts, son 11Feb1629/30153
DEWYEMatthewMaperton, Almore AlmerMary DEWYE, relict10Nov1592 34
DIBBENRichardManston ManstonFrances DIBBEN, relict01Oct1723 - -
DIBSTALLRobertBradford Abbas Bradford AbbasThomas CREESE, grandfather & guardian of Mary, Robert, Ann, Elizabeth & Thomas DIBSTALL, children of the deceased 15Jun1696105
DIDMILL alias STANIERRobert ----Jul1653-
DIERChristian- ---Jun1654-
DINCKJoan, spinsterWeymouth WeymouthMargery WALL, widow, sister03Apr 165886
DINGLERichard- ---Mar1653/4-
DINNYNGEHenryWambrook WambrookJoan DINNYNGE, relict09May1584 103
DIRDODanielGyllingham GillinghamGrace DIRDO, relict06Feb1608/9 146
DISKETTAndrewPuncknell PuncknowleEdward DISKETT, son13Oct1660 151
DISKETTEdward- ---Jun1654-
DOBERChristiana, spinster HolnestHolnestElizabeth BENFORD, sister24 Mar1681/242
DOBERJohnStalbridge StalbridgeEdward DOBER, son10Jan1712/13 14
DOBER alias NOKEFrances Long BurtonLongburtonJohn NOKE, son-in-law25 Apr165151
DOBLEJoan-- --Aug1653-
DODDJohn, armiger, bachelor WolvetonCharminsterIsabella DODD, widow, mother (further grant Feb 1724) 19Sep1719162
DODDJohn, bachelorWolveton CharminsterBenjamin HALL, won of the executors of the Will of Dame Isabella DODD, widow, mother of the deceased (previous grant Sep 1719) 28Jan1723/429
DODIMEADEJohn- ---Jun1653-
DOLBERRYWilliam, widower Chalden HerringChaldon HerringGeorge DOLBERRY, son 02Nov1705223
DOLEDorothyGillingham GillinghamCecily STRONGE alias DOLE19Feb 1624/5145
DOLERichard- ---Mar1653/4-
DOLEINGEThomas- ---Feb1653/4-
DOLINGEHenryWolgarston, Corff Castle Corfe CastleJane DOLINGE, relict09Jul 164685
DOLLENWilliamLangton, Purbeck Langton MatraversJudith DOLLEN, spinster, sister17 Sep1672134
DOLLINGEdwardKnowle, but died in the ship "Rebecca" Church KnowlePenelope Botterall, widow, attorney for Susan DOLLING, relict 04Mar1694/551
DOLLINGMaryDunshay Worth MatraversMargaret, wife of John PYKE, and Selena DOLLING, sisters 08Feb1675/619
DOLLINGRobertDunshay, Worth Matravers Worth MatraversMary & Selina DOLLING, sisters24 Oct1674153
DOLLINGEAnthonyWareham Holy Trinity Wareham Holy TrinityAnthony DOLLINGE, son15Mar 1626/27140
DOLLINGERobertCorfe Castell, but died in the City of Sarum Corfe CastleThomas & Robert DOLLINGE, sons25Jan 1590/1163
DOMEYMary-- --Mar1653/4-
DOMINEStephen, bachelor died in the ship "Bristol"East LulworthJane, wife of George PATTISON, now abroad, attorney of Robert DOMINE, now of East Lulworth, father 27Aug1692148
DONNERobertEast Knoyle East Knoyle, Wiltshire?Hester DONNE, relict18Jul 166098
DONNEWilliamBroadwinsor BroadwindsorJohn DONNE, father, during the minority of John, Elizabeth, William, Samuel, James and Joseph, children of the deceased 26Dec1646150
DOOCHERichardKatherston Catherston LewestonJoan DOOCHE, relict09May 1618172
DOOGOODThomas, junior Kingston LacyPamphillThomas DOOGOOD, father31 Aug163150
DOVELL alias HILLFrancis WaymouthWeymouthConondo PROWSE, next of kin16 Oct1602134
DOWCHWilliam, clerkStalbridge StalbridgeRebecca COLBORNE, daughter07May 165085
DOWDINGJosephStower Provost Stour ProvostMargaret DOWDING, relict10May 1658102
DOWDINGEAlice, widowLongham HamprestonRoger Wilsted, gentleman of Milton Abbas, nephew on sister’s side 28Apr1640119
DOWLEThomasDorchester, but died in the ship "Expedition" DorchesterPriscilla DOWLE, relict07Jun 1703127
DOWLINGEStephenAlderholt, Cranborne CranborneAlice DOWLINGE, relict29Oct1638 222
DOWNEHenryWarham WarehamThomas WHITE, butcher of Wareham, during the minority of Thomas VRYN, next of kin 19Sep1594109
DOWNENicholasSherborne SherborneJoane DOWNE, relict27Jul1660 93
DOWNESJohnBirtport BridportRichard DOWNES, brother, during the minority of John, William, Joan & Agnes, children of the deceased 31Oct1589115
DOWNING/ DOWNEWilliam DalwoodDalwoodGrace DOWNING/ DOWNE, relict21 Jun1666123
DOWNTONJohnWootton Glanfeld Glanvilles WoottonChristine DOWNTON, relict10Dec 1580215
DOWNTONThomasDorchester DorchesterEdith DOWNTON, relict07Feb1585/6 165
DOYLYNorrisMilton Milton AbbasJohn DOYLY, gentleman of Marleborough, Wiltshire, cousin, during the minority of Ursula DOYLY, daughter of the deceased 27Feb1628/976
DRAKEHenry, armigerChildhay BroadwindsorGiles STUDLEY, creditor - Lady Anna CHAMPERNOWNE, widow, relict, not administering 04Mar1640/121
DRAKEPhilipLyme Regis Lyme RegisMary DRAKE, relict08Mar1666/7 49
DRAKEThomasBlandford Forum Blandford ForumJane DRAKE, relict11Dec 1667177
DRAKEWilliamMore Critchell Moor CrichelMary DRAKE, relict20May1656 92
DRAYCOTTFrancisBrownsey, Poole StudlandJohn MILLER, proctor, pending litigation between Mary DRAYCOTT, widow, sister, Priscilla, wife of Edward NORWOOD, Abigail & Elizabeth BARRINGTON, nieces on sister’s side and Edmund COLLYER, executor 14Aug1690142
DRAYCOTTFrancisBrownsey StudlandPriscilla, wife of Edward NORWOOD, niece on sister’s side 19Dec1690204
DRAYCOTTMaryWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterPriscilla, wife of Edward NORWOOD, sister 05Dec1695228
DRAYTONRichardWhitchurch Canonicorum Whitchurch CanonicorumJoane, wife of David SYMES, daughter 07Dec1700235
DRAYTON alias HARRISHenry AbbotsburyAbbotsburyAgnes BAUNTON, wife of William BAUNTON, sister 14Jun165187
DREWJohnTolepuddle TolpuddleThomas JESSE alias JOYCE, husband & administrator of Mary, daughter & executrix named in the Will, she having died before proving it 13Feb1695/621
DREWRogerTollpuddle TolpuddleJohn DREW, son27Oct1652 184
DRINKELLThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisWilliam HOWPILL, gentleman of Lyons Inn, Middlesex, creditor 30May1590141
DRODDYJohnWeymouth WeymouthSarah DRODDY, relict09Sep1672 134
DROVEN alias OKELEYMary CranborneCranborneWilliam WILLIS, gentleman of Puddletowne, during the minority of Nicholas OKELEY, son of the deceased 20May1633169
DROVEN alias OKELEYMary CranborneCranborneWilliam WILLIS, gentleman of Puddletowne, during the minority of Nicholas OKELEY, son of the deceased 20May1633169
DUDFIELDSamuel- ---Oct1654-
DUGMOREWilliam- ---jun1653-
DUNRobertWestofer West StourMary DUN, relict04Nov1618 207
DUNNERalph-- --Nov1654-
DUNNINGWilliamEastholme East HolmeMary DUNNING, relict09Oct1657 241
DURELLJohnPoole, but died in Barbadoes PooleEleanor DURELL, relict20Dec1692 221
DURELLMosesPoole PooleEdward HOLLWELL, principal creditor - Mary HOOPER, Ann JONES and Moses DURELL, children, renouncing - Daniel DURELL, another son, not appearing 08Nov1717216
DURHAMJohnPoole, but died at Portsmouth PooleMagdalen DURHAM, relict02Jul1692 126
DYERJane-- --Jun1653-
DYERPeterFrampton FramptonElizabeth, wife of Henry ROSSITER, sister24 Sep1660148
DYERRalph-- --Jun1654-
DYER alias HARRISAnn- ---Jul1653-
DYER alias HEWESThomas ----Mar1653/4-
DYKERJohnHollnest HolnestCicilie DYKER, relict21Nov1590 157
DYMONDRichardEvershott EvershotElizabeth, now the wife of Richard STONE, relict 05Jan1704/511
DYRDORobertGillingham GillinghamWilliam DYRDO, junior, son,17Nov 157462
DYRDOWilliamGillingham GillinghamKatherine DYRDO, relict30Apr 157447
EAMEJohn-- --Feb1653/4-
EAMESRichardFrampton FramptonAlice EAMES, relict03May1634 28
EARLJohnCaundle Bishop Caundle BishopChristopher HELLIER, grandfather and guardian of Mary EARL, only child - Anne EARL, relict, renouncing (previous grant May 1685) 19Oct1686154
EARLEJohnCaundle Bishop Caundle BishopThomas EARLE, brother - Ann EARLE, relict, renouncing (further grant Oct 1686) 02May168563
EASTMENTElizabeth, spinster SherborneSherborneJohn EASTMENT, armiger, brother - Dorothy EASTMENT, mother, having died before administering (previous grant Nov 1681) 22May1694102
EASTMONDJoanChardstock ChardstockThomas EASTMOND, son23Apr1631 20
EASTMONDThomasFivehead Magdalen Fifehead MagdalenJohn EASTMOND, gentleman, brother06 Feb1651/218
EASTMONTElizabeth, spinster SherborneSherborneDorothy EASTMONT, widow, mother 03Nov1681149
EASTMONTJohn, armiger, widower SherborneSherborneDorothy, wife of Carew HARVEY alias MILDMAY, daughter 15Mar1722/3- -
EASTMONTMartha, spinster SherborneSherborneJohn EASTMONT, brother01 Oct1705235
EASTMONTWilliamsaSherborne SherborneJohn EASTMONT, armiger, husband06May 1706102
EATON alias WHETCOMBAnne, widow WaymouthWeymouthGeoffrey SAMWAYES, father & guardian of John & Nicholas SAMWAYES, children of the daughter of the deceased 26Feb1647/821
EBURNE alias WARDENJane Wimborne St GilesWimborne St GilesJohn EBURNE, brother, and Anne GRAY alias EBURNE, sister 17May164137
EDGARJohnMosterne, South Provost MostertonWalter PARTRIDGE, next of kin25Oct 1651157
EDGARJohnMosterne MostertonMary EDGARD, mother, of goods not administered by John EDGAR, father, deceased 20Jan1651/21
EDMONDESEdwardSwanage, but died in the ship "Northumberland" SwanageEly DUFFETT, attorney of Alice EDMONDES, relict10 Mar1695/647
EDMONDESWilliamNetherbury NetherburyThomas & Henry EDMONDES, sons31Mar 159350
EDMONDSStephenAbbott Bury AbbotsburyBarsheba EDMONDS, sister28Apr 164642
EDMONDSThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisThomas SPRAKE & Joane SPRAKE alias EDMONDS, his wife, sister of the deceased 12Jun164678
EDWARDWilliamOkeford Fitzpaine Okeford FitzpaineEdward EDWARD, son - Elizabeth EDWARD, relict, renouncing 04May168676
EDWARDSAbrahamChardstocke ChardstockJane EDWARDS, relict23May1667 89
EDWARDSEmanuel- ---May1654-
EDWARDSHenryWarham, but died on ship "Centurion" WarehamEdith EDWARDS, relict30Sep1681 131
EDWARDSJohnChardstock ChardstockRichard & Abraham EDWARDS, brothers23 Apr165779
EDWARDSJohn, marynerPoole PooleAmie DEANE alias EDWARDS, relict07Nov 158123
EDWARDSThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisAlicia WILLS alias EDWARDS, relict27 Mar1660/134
EDWARDSWilliamOkeford Fitzpaine Okeford FitzpaineRebecca EDWARDS, relict16Jun 1655138
EDWARDSWilliamEnsborough, Canford Magna Canford MagnaAlice EDWARDS, relict13Jun 167097
EDWARDS alias DAWESAnna Lyme RegisLyme RegisEdward EDWARDS, husband (further grant Mar 1701) 11Aug1684124
EDWARDS alias DAWESAnne Lyme RegisLyme RegisJohn EDWARDS - Edward EDWARDS, husband, having died before administering (previous grant Aug 1684; further grant Sep 1753) 03Mar1700/140
EDWARDS alias ROBINSWalter Hasselbeare PluncknettHaselbury Plucknett, SomersetDionysius PEAKE alias EDWARDS alias ROBINS, son 20Jun159918
EFFORDNicholasPoole PooleWilliam SEAGER, clothier of Fordington23Oct 1688158
EGGLETONRichardWaymouth & Melcombe Regis Weymouth & Melcombe RegisJohn WOTTON, creditor04 Feb1591/26
ELLISJohnShassbury ShaftesburyAnn ELLIS, relict04Sep1637 111
ELLISJohn-- --Feb1653/4-
ELLISWilliamBridport, but died in Guinea BridportMary ELLIS, widow, mother16Oct 1686151
ELLYOTTRichardWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJoan ELLYOTT, relict30May 1627152
ELLYSBasilThornford ThornfordSarah STOKES, sister29Oct1650 149
ELSDONMary, juniorLyme Regis Lyme RegisChristopher GOWE, gentleman of Tiverton, Devon, during the minority of John, Joane & Jane ELSDON, brother & sisters of the deceased 07Aug1596175
EMBERLYRichardLitchet Minster Lytchett Minster (then a chapelry of Sturminster Marshall)Anne EMBERLY, relict 16Dec1699220
EMBLINMargaret, spinster SherborneSherborneJoane, wife of Reynold POND, aunt on father’s side and next of kin 04Jan1685/63
ENGLANDJohnBurstock BurstockMary ENGLAND, relict01Mar1666/7 49
ENGLANDJohnChildhay, Broadwinsor BroadwindsorHannah ENGLAND, relict24Jul 1722148
ESSEXGeorgeCranborne CranborneElizabeth ESSEX, relict10Jun 167269
ESTMAN/ ESTMOND alias TICHBORN BarbaraLodge[unknown]Nicholas ESTMOND/ ESTMAN, husband 26May160639
ETTRICKAndrew, bachelor Sturminster NewtonSturminster NewtonWilliam ETTRICK, cousin - Robert ETTRICK, brother, dying before administering (previous grant Jun 1700) 04Dec1702236
ETTRICKEAndrewSturminster Marshall Sturminster MarshallRobert ETTRICKE, brother (further grant Dec 1702) 19Jun1700119
EVANSHenrySpetisbury SpetisburyMargery EVANS, relict05Oct1657 241
EVANSJohnFroome Quintine Frome St QuintinChristian EVANS, relict23Jul 1624105
EVANSJohn-- --Mar1653/4-
EVANSThomasShapwick ShapwickMargaret EVANS, relict13Feb1657/8 39
EVERARDJohnCharlton Marshall Charlton MarshallEllen EVERARD, relict14May 164659
EVERARD alias NEWMANThomas GillinghamGillinghamMary DIRDO, next of kin17 Dec1647172
EVEREDHumphreyPillesdon PilsdonJoane, wife of Henry HEWSTIE, only sister12 Feb1657/839
EVEREDJohnCharlton Marshall Charlton MarshallThomas EVERED, nephew19Jun 1657142
EVEREDMargeryBadcombe BatcombeWilliam EVERED, son30Nov1606 57
EVEREDPhineasWeymouth WeymouthPhineas EVERED, son13Aug1694 164
EVERETTFardinando- ---Dec1654-
EVERETTJohn- ---Aug1653-
EVERYJohnSimondesburie SymondsburyBarbara EVERY, relict24Jan 1622/34
EVERY alias CHILCOTTMabella BriddyLittle or Long Bredy?Elizabeth BOND alias EVERY, daughter 06Nov1650162
EWINSJoane-- --Mar1653/4-
EXOLLStephenSherborne SherborneEdward EXOLL, son20Nov1604 225
EYRESJohnSutton Poyntz Preston-cum-Sutton PoyntzRichard EYRES, brother22 Nov1655223
FABIANJohn, bachelorWimborn, but died in the ship "Princess" Wimborne Minster or St GilesRobert FABIAN, brother05 Sep1716180
FACIEJohn-- --Jan1653/4-
FAIRCLOUGHNathanielStalbridge StalbridgeElizabeth FAIRCLOUGH, relict27Nov 1656278
FAIRECLOUGHElizabethStalbridge StalbridgeSamuel FAIRECLOUGH, Richard SHUTE & Richard FAIRECLOUGH, guardians of Samuel, Elizabeth, Nathaniel, John & Posthumous FAIRECLOUGH, children of the deceased 31Jan1666/715
FAIRECLOUGHNathaniel, clerk StalbridgeStalbridgeRichard FAIRECLOUGH, Richard SHUTE & Samuel FAIRECLOUGH, relations & guardians of Samuel, Elizabeth, Nathaniel, John & Posthumous FAIRECLOUGH, children of the deceased - Elizabeth FAIRECLOUGH, relict, not administering (previous grant Nov 1656) 02Oct1666192
FAIRECLOUGHNathaniel, clerk StalbridgeStalbridgeSamuel FAIRECLOUGH, Richard SHUTE & Richard FAIRECLOUGH, guardians of Samuel, Elizabeth, Nathaniel, John & Posthumous FAIRECLOUGH, children of the deceased - Elizabeth FAIRECLOUGH, relict, now deceased, not having fully administered (former grant Nov 1656) 31Jan1666/715
FANTLEROYWilliamChettle ChettleMary FANTLEROY, relict25Mar1607 72
FARNEHAMWilliam"Diocese of Bristol" [unknown]John & Richard FARNEHAM, brothers28Jun 1569148
FARNHAMRobertBurstock BurstockAndrew FARNHAM, brother06Dec1649 170
FARRNicholas, bachelor Abbotsbury, but died in the ship "Mordaunt"Abbotsbury Thomasina FARR, spinster, sister05Aug1692 145
FARRAThomasCorfe Castle Corfe CastleSarah FARRA, relict01Dec1660 200
FARREJohn, bachelorShilvington, but died in East India Portesham (Shilvinghampton)William SMITH, attorney of William FARRE, father 04Oct1678116
FATHERSGilesEast Wooddeforde WoodsfordGeorge PENNY, gentleman of St Martin’s in the Fields - [blank] relict, renouncing 20Apr161399
FATHERSGilesEast Wooddeforde WoodsfordGiles FATHERS, son - grant of Apr 1613 to George PENNY renounced 15Feb1613/14137
FATHERSGilesEast Woodford WoodsfordGeroge PENY, armiger, uncle17May 161925
FAUNTLEROYDorothyFauntleroy Marsh, Folke FolkeJane STUCKEY alias WESTON, sister - William FAUNTLEROY, husband, renouncing 07May1657104
FAUNTLEROYHenryFauntleroyes Marsh FolkeDorothy PUNCHARD alias FAUNTLEROY, sister16 Aug163447
FAUNTLEROY alias RIDEOUTMary AlwestonFolkeWilliam RIDEOUT, husband20 Nov1630202
FAWKENERJohn- ---Aug1653-
FAYRIPhilipShaston ShaftesburyPhilip FAYRI & Elizabeth FAYRI alias BARBER, children
Joan FAYRI, relict, not administering
FELLOWAlexanderWareham WarehamEliza FELLOW, relict12Jun1671 66
FENTONAgnesStalbridge StalbridgeRoger, Thomas and Ann MAY, grandchildren20 Nov1642172
FERREYThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisSusan FERREY, relict07Jan1669/70 2
FERRYMatthewLyme Regis Lyme Regis[blank] relict20Feb1586/7 6
FILLJohnSpetsbury SpetisburyMary FILL, relict21Oct1682 145
FILLRobert, bachelorWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterThomas HARDING & Robert PORTER, guardians of Ann & Phillis FILL, sisters of the deceased - Elizabeth PORTER alias FILL, another sister, having renounced 24Nov1655224
FISHERDorothy, widowSherborne SherbornePenelope, wife of Francis FISHER, daughter07 Sep1725174
FISHERJamesGrimpston Stratton (Grimstone)Catherine FISHER, relict06 Jun16365
FISHERJohn-- --Aug1653-
FISHERJohnSherborne SherborneElizabeth FISHER, relict30Mar 1658/9100
FISHERMargaretSherborne SherborneJohn FISHER, son25Apr1657 79
FISHERSamuel- ---Jul1653-
FISHER alias REDMANFrances PoolePooleRoger FISHER, husband14May 168374
FITZHERBERTRichardBlandford Blandford Forum, St Mary or Langton Long BlandfordSarah FITZHERBERT, sister, daughter 12Jul1699126
FITZJAMESRalphLillington LillingtonSusan FITZJAMES, relict07Dec 1670176
FITZJAMESRobertHolnest HolnestPenelope FITZJAMES, relict02Sep 164165
FITZJAMESThomasGussage Gussage All Saints or St MichaelMargaret FITZJAMES, relict 25Sep1637111
FITZJAMESThomasHandley Sixpenny Handley (then a chapelry of Iwerne Minster)Mary FITZJAMES, relict 07Apr168854
FLAMBERTJoanHartleigh, Minterne Magna Minterne MagnaAmbrose FLAMBERT, brother11Jan 1624/5140
FLAMBORDJohnRampisham RampishamJohn BAUGHE, sopemaker of the City of Bristol, creditor 24Nov1613125
FLEAYEdward- ---Sep1653-
FLEWELLChristianTollard Farnham Tollard Royal [Dorset side of the parish]Elizabeth FLEWELL, mother 10Aug1658214
FLEWELLWilliamLitchett Minster Lytchett MinsterEdith CRAYFORD, grandchild15May 1658102
FLORENCEChristian, widow MoredonMordenJohn FLORENCE, son22Sep 1638212
FLOYERAmyWhitchurch Canonicorum Whitchurch CanonicorumJohn FLOYER, son - William FLOYER, husband, renouncing 11Jan1705/626
FLOYERAnthonyWhitechurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumAnne FLOYER, relict 18Dec1609181
FOLLETJohnLime Regis Lyme Regis[blank] relict16May1599 12
FOOKJohnCharminster CharminsterJohn HEMER and John DAMER, guardians of Hannah & John FOOK, children - Ann FOOK, relict, renouncing 06May169079
FOOKERobertSherborne SherborneRobert FOOKE, son, & Ann SHACKLE, daughter27 Apr164660
FOOKESArthur, armiger SImondesboroughSimondsburyJoane FOOKES, relict 16Oct1610213
FOOKESFrancis, brother City of Bristol, but died at BeaminsterBristolWalter FOOKES, father 0!Nov1678133
FOOKESRobertSutton Poyntz Preston-cum-Sutton PoyntzAnn FOOKES, relict20Mar 1696/747
FOOKESThomasSherborne SherborneCatherine FOOKES, relict10Feb 1675/619
FOORDRobert- ---Sep1654-
FORDAnne, widowHeydon HaydonJohn FORD, son22Nov1656 278
FORDWilliam- ---Jan1653/4-
FORD alias HULETSaphira StalbridgeStalbridgeWilliam HULET, husband29 Oct162852
FORD alias KNEEBONEJoan ----Jun1653-
FORD alias SYMESJohnWest Milton PowerstockAlice FORD alias SYMES, relict, with Christopher & John FORD alias SYMES, sons 27May1603155
FORD alias SYMESWilliam PoorestockPowerstockAnne FORD alias SYMES (further grant Nov 1668) 29Jun1666123
FORD alias SYMESWilliam Askerswell, but died at Glastonbury, SomersetAskerswell Susanna STONE, aunt (father’s side) & guardian of Thomas, William, John, Margaret, Ann, Emme and Mary SYMES, children; administratrix of goods unadministered by Anne SYMES alias FORD, relict since deceased (former grant Jun 1666 & further grant Aug 1679) 21Nov1668167
FORDEGeorgeBemyster BeaminsterAlice FORDE, relict05Oct1560 18
FORKSRobertPoole PooleFrances FORKS, relict20Apr1584 102
FORSEYRobert, widower Knapp, Whitchurch Canonicorum, but died in FlandersWhitchurch Canonicorum John FORSEY, son12Sep1698170
FORTERobertDorchester DorchesterJoane FORTE, relict09May1589 97
FORTESCUEEleanor, widow QuareWorth Matravers (Quarr)John PITT, uncle (mother’s side) & guardian of Francis & Elizabeth, children of the deceased 31Mar1669/7043
FOSTERJamesSherborne SherborneThomasine FOSTER, relict23Oct 1676128
FOSTERJohnWinterborne Mynster Wimborne MinsterWilliam PULVERTOSTE, gentleman of Boston, Lincolnshire, & Giles GRENEWOOD, gentleman of Haselbury, Somerset, creditors 16May15727
FOSTERJohnWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJohn FOSTER, son10Nov 157462
FOSTERJohnWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterMargaret FOSTER, relict27Apr 158856
FOSTERJohnPuncknell PuncknowleRichard CRIBBE of Punknell - Elizabeth FOSTER, relict, not having fully administered 20Oct1602132
FOSTERJohn, clerk, rector of Puncknowl PuncknowlPuncknowleJoane FOSTER, relict17 Jun1597210
FOUNTAINEWilliam, bachelor Lyme Regis, but died at Saltash, CornwallLyme RegisJohn FOUNTAINE and Mary, wife of Richard PERRIAM, brother & sister 10Nov1681150
FOWKEArthurSymondsbury SymondsburyElizabeth CLUTTERBUCK, daughter17Nov 1693211
FOWKE alias COMPTONSusanna SymondsburySymondsburyArthur FOWKE, armiger, husband 19May169178
FOWLESusanWareham WarehamRobert FOWLE, brother12May1584 103
FOWLERJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth FOWLER, relict10Oct 1701172
FOWLERWilliam- ---Jun1654-
FOX alias ROMAYNEWilliam CerneyCerne Abbas or Up CernePhillis FOX alias ROMAYNE, relict 08Jun1657140
FOXEThomas-- --Jul1653-
FOYJohnBatcombe BatcombeSibill FOY, relict16Sep1624 116
FOYLEEdwardShaston, but died in London ShaftesburyElizabeth FOYLE, relict09Oct 163460
FRADESHAMEdwardWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterAgnes FRADESHAM, relict24Nov 1591195
FRAMPTONAnnBuckland Buckland Newton or RipersWalter FRAMPTON, son22 Jun166965
FRAMPTONAnneBuckland Buckland Newton or RipersWalter FRAMPTON, son29 May166355
FRAMPTONFrancisMilton Abbas Milton AbbasElizabeth FRAMPTON, relict20Jun 167096
FRAMPTONGiles, bachelor MortonMoretonWilliam FRAMPTON, armiger, brother 20May1707102
FRAMPTONHenry, widower PoolePooleJohn FRAMPTON, son24Mar 1723/477
FRAMPTONMaryWymborne Wimborne Minster or St GilesThomas FRAMPTON, son02 Jan1647/89
FRAMPTONRobertBurton [unknown]Elizabeth FRAMPTON, relict31Oct 1626112
FRAMPTONRobert, bachelor Mourton, but died in co. WiltsMoretonRichard FRAMPTON, brother 25Jun1666122
FRAMPTONThomasDorchester, but died in the ship "Greenwich" DorchesterMary FRAMPTON, relict12Feb1691/2 33
FRAMPTONWilliamMooreton MoretonElizabeth FRAMPTON, relict10Jul 1609167
FRANCISRichard- ---Jun1653-
FRANCKJohnWest Forsell Chaldon HerringRobert SMART, kinsman & creditor19 May162681
FRANCKERichardWinfrith Newburgh Winfrith NewburghHester FRANCKE, relict13Oct 1651157
FRANCKLINRichard- ---Jul1653-
FRANCKLYNGeorgeLangton Matravers Langton MatraversElizabeth, wife of Jonathan WHEELER, principal creditor - Mary FRANCKLYN, relict, renouncing 11Feb1706/721
FRANCKLYNJohnLangton Purbeck Langton MatraversMary FRANCKLYN, relict (further grant Jan 1714) 11Feb1706/721
FRANKLANDJohnBeer Regis Bere RegisJohn GATCHE, father & guardian of Robert GATCH, grandson, & Jane GATCH, granddaughter, next of kin 25Feb1660/121
FRANKLINThomasMilton Abbas Milton AbbasAnn FRANKLIN, relict27Mar 1702/357
FRANKLYNJohnLangton Matravers Langton MatraversMary, wife of John HOLMS, junior, daughter - Mary FRANKLYN, rellict, dying before administering (previous grant Feb 1707) 08Jan1714/154
FRAUNCESEdwardMilbury Osmond Melbury OsmondElizabeth FRAUNCES, relict04Dec 1660201
FREAKEGeorge, armiger Sherborne, but died at Ligh Court, WorcesterSherborneJohn WALCOTT, creditor 20May1640126
FREAKERobert- ---Feb1653/4-
FREETHERNERowland- ---Jun1653-
FREKEEdmund, bachelor Upway, died in the ship "Royal Victory" at ChathamUpwey Robert FREKE, father23Sep1691157
FREKEElizabeth, spinster UpwayUpweyGeorge FREKE, brother20Feb 1709/1027
FREKEElizabeth, spinster UpwayUpweyHarry FREKE, brother12Jul 1720147
FREKEJohn, bachelorUpway, but died in the ship "Carlisle" UpweyElizabeth FREKE, daughter, and attorney of Robert FREKE, father of the deceased 09Nov1696198
FREKEMary, spinsterUpway UpweyHarry FREKE, brother12Jul1720 147
FREKERalph, bachelorUpway, died in the ship "Golden Lion" UpweyRobert FREKE, father23Sep1691 157
FREKERobert, bachelor UpwayUpweyWilliam FREKE, brother16Mar 1709/1047
FRENCHDorothy- ---Jun1653-
FRENCHJohnYeatminster YetminsterElizabeth FRENCH, relict15Oct 1677124
FRENCHStephenBirdport BridportIsabelle FRENCH, relict31Jul1580 203
FRENCHWilliamHalstock HalstockAmbrose MOORE, principal creditor10Sep 1649106
FRENCHEJohnHalstock HalstockJuliane FRENCHE, relict29Apr1610 193
FRENCHMANNathanielWinterborne Came Winterborne CameAnne FRENCHMAN, relict10Dec 1655260
FROOMEWilliamBeere Regis Bere RegisJohn FROOME, brother06Nov1630 202
FROSTRobertCharlton Marshall Charlton MarshallRichard FROST, only son15Feb 1657/839
FRYChristopherHinton Martell HInton MartellAlice FRY, relict14Jun1639 49
FRYGeorgeBlandford Forum Blandford ForumThomas FRY, brother21Feb 1617/18160
FRYGeorgeMapton Mapperton? or Mapperton in Almer?Jane FRY, daughter - Em FRY, relict, renouncing 29Jun1657142
FRYGeorgeBroadwinsor BroadwindsorAlice FRY, relict10Jul1680 119
FRYJohnMaperton Mapperton (parish) or Almer (Mapperton House)John FRY, son 26Jul162079
FRYJohnWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumThomazine FRY, relict 10Sep1646106
FRYJohn, widowerTarrant Gunfield Tarrant GunvilleJohn FRY, grandson20Sep 164169
FRYRogerBurton [unknown]Maud FRY, relict25Mar1658/9 100
FRYSimonWootton Fitzpaine Wootton FitzpaineMargaret FRY, widow14Jul 16367
FRYThomasTarrant Mounckton Tarrant MonktonRobert ODBER, gentlemant of Christchurch, co. Southampton, "consobrinus" (revoked and fresh grant Jul 1626) 03Jun1625170
FRYThomasTarrant Munckton Tarrant MonktonThomas FRY & Mary FRY, kinsfolk - Robert ODBER not administering (former grant Jun 1625) 01Jul162693
FRYWilliamCorff Castle Corfe CastleLawrence FRY, brother10Oct 1646131
FRYWilliam-- --Mar1653/4-
FRY alias GOODALLDulcibella Tarrant HIntonTarrant HintonGeorge FRY, husband 11Mar1631/287
FRYEMatthewLangton longe Blandford Langton Long BlandfordWilliam FRYE, son31Mar 159350
FRYERJames, bachelordied in the ship "Maidstone" Shipton GorgePhilip DELL, attorney of Mary FRYER, mother, now at Shipton Gorge 20Nov1705228
FUELLJohnChaston Shaftesbury? (Shaston)Elizabeth TEMPLE alias FUELL, relict 27Jan1574/567
FULFORDAmes, bachelor TollerToller Fratrum or Porcorum (parishes) or Toller Whelme in Corscombe Elizabeth, wife of Giles FRAMPTON, sister13Jul 1674107
FULFORDJohnBomethorne, Poole PooleJuliane FULFORD, relict10Jul1595 139
FURBEREdwardFoston, Charminster CharminsterEllis FURBER, uncle of Francis, Edward, Elizabeth, and Mary, children of the deceased 17Nov1685153
FURLOR alias HATHERLYJohn PuncknollPuncknowleMary HATHERLY alias FURLOR (no relationship given) 28May165568
FURSDONAgnesBeare Regis Bere RegisGeorge FURSDON, brother26Oct 1638222
FURSDONPetronilla, widow ChardstockChardstockAlexander HOLLOCKE, creditor - William FURSDON, son, renouncing 28Jun1629101
GAIEHWilliamLyme Regis Lyme RegisJoan GAIEH, relict03Mar1625/6 66
GAILORWilliamShipton St George, but died in the ship "Breda" Shipton GorgeBenjamin CHAPPELL, attorney of Richard GAILOR, father 18Dec1690233
GALEBrianPowerstock, but died in the ship "Warspight" PowerstockElizabeth GALE, relict06Jun 1696105
GALERJohnTarrant Hinton Tarrant HintonWilliam LUSHE, creditor - Joane GALER, relict, renouncing 03Jan1619/2050
GALLYJamesLangton Matravers, but died in the ship "Essex" Langton MatraversJohn WESTON, attorney for Catherine GALLY, relict 02Nov1692204
GALLYJohnStandbridge Hinton ParvaJames GALLY, son, with consent of Elizabeth GALLY, relict 04Nov1585156
GALTONJohn-- --Feb1653/4-
GALTONThomasBeare Regis Bere RegisCatherine GALTON, relict04Jan 1640/15
GAMEHenryNetherbury NetherburyJoane GAME, relict13Nov1655 223
GAMEThomasLoaders LoadersMary, wife of Symon LONG, only child of the deceased 20Jul1655151
GAMMONThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisRichard GAMMON, son04Dec1640 169
GARDINERRichard- ---May1654-
GARDNERRichard, bachelor OzmontonOsmingtonAlice ANDROWES, spinster of Waymouth 27May162827
GARDNERTemperanceDorchester DorchesterHenry GARDNER, son25Nov1657 292
GARDNER alias RIDEOUT/ REDWOOD EdwardSouth LitchettLytchett MinsterAnn GARDNER alias RIDEOUT alias REDWOOD 12Nov163465
GARDNER alias RIDEOUT/ REDWOOD EdwardSouth LitchettLytchett MinsterAnn GARDNER alias RIDEOUT alias REDWOOD 12Nov163465
GARLANDHenryAbbotsbury AbbotsburyNicholas SAMWAYES, creditor, during the minority of William & Mary GARLAND, brother & sister of the deceased; with the consent of Grace, Mary & Emme SAMWAYES, nieces on sister’s side 22Jan1647/88
GARLANDWilliamRevelsey Buckland Newton? (Revels Inn Farm?)Elizabeth GARLAND, relict 25Nov1656278
GARLAND alias TOVEYWilliam ----May1654-
GARRARDJohn, bachelor Wareham, but died in the ship "Centurion"Wareham Phyllis GARRARD, widow, mother30Sep1681 131
GARRETTDorothy, widow GillinghamGillinghamBenjamin PHILLIPPS, next of kin 19Oct159370
GARRETTMary, spinster Shaston St PeterShaftesbury St PeterMary, wife of Richard CAVE, niece on sister’s side 19Nov1687173
GARRETTWalter- ---Feb1653/4-
GARRETT alias TOPPSibella Alderholt, CranborneCranborneRichard TOPP, husband 08Jun167270
GASSEGraceChetnol, Yetminster Chetnole [then a chapelry of Yetminster]Magdalene, wife of Richard CASE, granddaughter & next of kin 09Sep1660148
GASSEJohnChetole, Yetminster Chetnole (then a chapelry of Yetminster)Mellier GASSE, relict 05Feb1686/728
GAUNTLETTThomasShaston ShaftesburyJane GAUNTLETT, relict24Oct 1621143
GAWLERMorganTarrant Hinton Tarrant HIntonDorothy GAWLER, relict15Dec 1586195
GAWLERWilliam, widower SturminsterSturminster Marshall or NewtonJohn GAWLER senior, guardian of John, Roger, William & Barbara GAWLER, children of the deceased 03Jul167191
GAYLARDEdwardWootton Fitzpaine, died in the ship "Expedition" Wootton FitzpaineMary GAYLARD, relict10Oct 1691189
GAYLARDGeorgeSherborne SherborneGeorge GAYLARD, son - Elizabeth GAYLARD, relict, renouncing (further grant Oct 1718) 14Jun1718116
GAYLARDGeorgeSherborne SherborneJohn GAYLARD, son - George GAYLARD, son, dying before administering (previous grant Jun 1718) 04Oct1718195
GAYLARDJohn- ---May1654-
GAYLARDJohnPoole PooleJane, wife of William THOMPSON, nephew on sister’s side - Alice GAYLARD, relict, dying before administering 27Sep1708178
GAYLARDMaryDorchester DorchesterRobert GAYLARD, husband09May 170291
GAYLARDWilliam- ---Mar1653/4-
GAYLERDRobertBroadwinsor BroadwindsorDorothy GAYLERD, relict16Jun 1621127
GAYLORDPeterDorchester DorchesterEmme GAYLORD, relict21Jun1642 141
GEAREDavidWaymouth & Melcombe Regis Weymouth & Melcombe RegisMary GEARE, relict02Nov 1633201
GEERISHGabrielEastlulworth East LulworthElizabeth GEERISH, relict25May 166873
GENGEErasmusPuddletowne PuddletownJohn GENGE, brother19May1619 20
GEORGEWilliamCorfe Castle Corfe CastleJohn GEORGE, uncle & guardian of Henry & Elizabeth, children of the deceased 12May167969
GEORGE alias CHRISTOPHERWilliam ----Mar1653/4-
GERARDEThomasWareham WarehamJoyce (male) FROSTE, creditor, during the minority of Thomas, John, Joane, Mary, Margaret and Elizabeth GERARDE, children of the deceased, with the consent of Robert GERARDE, brother of the deceased, and John GERARDE, uncle of the children on their mother’s side (fresh Admon granted 11 Feb 1609/10) 11Nov1598266
GERRARDAlice, spinster Corfe CastleCorfe CastleGeorge GERRARD, brother 24May167251
GERRARDJohnPoole, died in the ship "Charles" at Jamaica PooleRobert HOPKINS, attorney of Mary GERRARD, relict13 Sep1703174
GERRARDThomasWareham WarehamThomas GERRARD, son (see former grant Nov 1598 to Joyce FROST) 12Feb1609/10187
GEYJohn, clerkWinterborne Came Winterborne CameMary GEY, relict22Apr 1635104
GEYRichardStafford West Stafford or East Stafford in West KnightonJohn GEY, brother 31May165272
GHILESHerbert, bachelor Old Winsor, but died at Poole[unknown]Elizabeth, wife of William ADKINS, sister 26Apr168854
GIBBESChristopher, bachelor Portland, but died in the ship "Rupert"Portland William GIBBES, brother01Sep1691157
GIBBINSWilliamWeeke Wyke RegisRebecca GIBBINS, relict11Sep 1673112
GIBBONSidracPoole PooleLucy GIBBON, relict22May1636 172
GIBBONSidracPoole PooleNicholas GIBBON, clerk, brother - Lucy GIBBON, relict (now deceased) not fully administering (former grant May 1636) 15Dec163638
GIBBONSidracPoole PooleJohn PAYNE, creditor (letters of Dec 1636 renounced) 07Apr163771
GIBBSAgnesMarshwood MarshwoodEdith NEWBERRY/ NEWBURROUGH, next of kin22 Sep1670153
GIBBSEdward, bachelor South PerrottSouth PerrottCatherine, wife of Francis SANDYS, sister 04May166873
GIBBSIsaacGillingham GillinghamJohn GIBBS, son13May1637 79
GIBBSMathew- ---Jun1653-
GIEARCatherine, widow WeymouthWeymouthJames GIEAR, son23Feb 1675/619
GIEAREJamesWeymouth, but died in the parish of St Andrew’s Holborn, London WeymouthMary GIEARE, relict03May1683 74
GIGGERGeorge, bachelor PoolePooleJoseph & John GIGGER, brothers14 May171797
GIGGERJohnWareham WarehamLaurence GIGGER, son12Oct1638 222
GILBERTEdward, armiger Clifton MabanckeBradford Abbas (Clifton Maybank)Alice GILBERT, relict 18Apr158994
GILBERTEdward, armiger Clifton MabanckeBradford Abbas (Clifton Maybank)Dame Elizabeth MOLYNS, daughter (of goods not administered by Alice GILBERT) 22Nov1598268
GILBERTRichardWyke Wyke RegisJames & Thomas GILBERT, brothers11Jan 1703/411
GILBERTRichard, bachelor Wimborne MinsterWimborne MinsterThomas GILBERT, brother 01Jul167192
GILBERTRobert, bachelor died in the ship "Litchfield"WeymouthThomas WATLEY, attorney of Joan GILBERT, widow, mother, now at Weymouth 30Jun1707113
GILHAMRichard, bachelor Wyke Regis, but died in the ship "Pendennis"Wyke Regis Susan BELLETT, spinster, principal creditor02May 1704115
GILLJohnRadipole RadipoleSara GILL, relict30Sep1608 129
GILLJohnWool WoolElizabeth JAMES, sister22Aug1657 191
GILLThomasWyke Regis, died in the service of the King Wyke RegisAnne GILL, relict10Dec1673 159
GILLAM alias PARRYSRoger Purbeck[unknown Purbeck parish]Agnes GILLAM alias PARRIS, relict 28Jan1568/9141
GILLETJoan, widowWareham WarehamEleanor GILLETT alias BURGE, Margaret GILLET alias RYVES & Agnes GILLET alias ARNEWODDE, daughters, in the persons of John BURGE, Robert RYVES & James ARNEWODDE, their husbands 19Mar1568/9143
GILLETTHenryMosterton MostertonCatherine GILLETT, relict19May 1617116
GILLINGAME/ GILLINGHAMCharles PulhamPulhamHenry GILLINGAME/ GILLINGHAM, brother 03Nov1613124
GILLINGHAMLaurencedied in the ship "Somerset" WarehamMary, wife of Richard BENNETT, attorney of Ann GILLINGHAM, spinster, sister, now at Wareham 09Aug1705168
GILLINGHAMRichardLinington LillingtonJohn GILLINGHAM, son - Joan GILLINGHAM, relict, now deceased, not having fully administered 12Dec1677163
GILLINGHAMRichard, clerk, rector of Lillington LillingtonLillingtonJoane GILLINGHAM, relict29 Nov164181
GILLINGHAMWilliamLydlinch Lydlinch-cum-Stock GaylardMelior HANHAM alias GILLINGHAM, daughter 23Apr165251
GLADJohnWambrook WambrookJohn GLAD, son02Dec1669 166
GLASSEdwardShaftesbury ShaftesburyJane GLASS, relict19May1721 87
GLISSONJohn, bachelor MarnhullMarnhullGilbert GLISSON, clerk, father 06Oct1703193
GLISSONMaryDorchester DorchesterConyers PLACE, clerk, guardian of Mary and Magdalen GLISSON, children - William GLISSON, husband, deceased (further grant Jun 1731) 26Jan1724/57
GLISSONWalter, clerkMarnehull MarnhullWilliam PEYTON, clerk, rector of Fryerninge, Essex, during the minority of [blank] & with consent of Mary GLISSON, relict 14Nov163983
GLISSONWalter, rector of Marnhull MarnhullMarnhullMary GLISSON, relict (letters of Nov 1639 cancelled) 31Jan1641/2101
GLOVERJohnDorchester DorchesterLucy GLOVER, daughter - Susan GLOVER, relict, renouncing 21Jul1711114
GLYEJohnNewton Abbott, but died in the ship "Milford" Newton Abbott, Devonshire?Elizabeth, wife of William LENTOUR, attorney of Bridget SHAPLEY, aunt on father’s side and next of kin 19Jun1692101
GODDARDJohn, armigerGillingham GillinghamMary, wife of William WESTON, armiger, grandmother & guardian of John & Mary GODDARD, children of the deceased 15Apr170382
GODDARDJohn, armiger, widower GillinghamGillinghamMary GODDARD, spinster, daughter (letters of Apr 1703 void) 11Dec1716238
GODDARDJohn, junior, bachelor GillinghamGillinghamMary GODDARD, spinster, sister 11Dec1716238
GODDARDMatthewBlandford Forum Blandford ForumEdith GODDARD, relict22Jun 158240
GODDARDRichardPoole PooleMargaret GODDARD, relict13Mar1589/90 133
GODDARDWalterBrodford Bryan Pamphill (if Bradford Farm)Thomas BOWER, clerk of Pentridge "clico ecclie" 27Nov160066
GODDARDEJohn, junior"Diocese of Bristol" [unknown]Richard GODDARDE, uncle, during the minority of Walter, Richard, Edmund, William, Alice & Jane GODDARDE, brothers & sisters of the deceased 12Nov1568139
GODOLPHINFrancis- ---May1653-
GOLDThomasDorchester DorchesterGeorge CAREW, principal creditor22Dec 1671145
GOLDENThomasSherborne SherborneThomas GOLDEN, son - Mary GOLDEN, relict, having died before administering (previous grant Mar 1689) 23Sep1699161
GOLLOPPeterBroadwinsor, but died in the ship "Prince George" BroadwindsorMary GOLLOP, relict25Nov1707 211
GOLLOPPJohn, bachelor WansleyBroadwindsorPeter GOLLOPP, brother19 Nov1691200
GOLLOPP alias MULLETMary ----May1653-
GOODJohnNotton, Maiden Newton Maiden NewtonSusanna GOOD, relict25Jan 1680/17
GOODWilliamCrockway, Maiden Newton Maiden NewtonThomasine, wife of Martine DEARE, daughter 04Feb1670/127
GOODALLDavid- ---Jan1653/4-
GOODALL alias FRYDulcibella Tarrant HIntonTarrant HintonGeorge FRY, husband 11Mar1631/287
GOODDELLDavidTarrant HInton Tarrant HintonBartholomew COLWILL, yeoman of Barwick, Wiltshire, creditor - Dulsabella GOODDELL, relict, renouncing 09Feb1630/111
GOODFELLOWRoger, bachelor HammoonHammoonRobert BYLES, nephew on sister’s side 09Jun1705124
GOODINGEThomas- ---Jun1653-
GOODMANJohn- ---May1654-
GOODRIDGEJohn- ---May1653-
GOODRIDGEStephenWareham, but died in the ship "Cambridge" WarehamElizabeth GOODRIDGE, relict11Jan 1678/910
GOODWINJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn GOODWIN, nephew on brother’s side07 Apr168854
GOREThomas, gentleman HookeHookeJohn GORE & Barbara GORE alias SEINTJOHN, brother & sister; William SEINTJOHN, husband of Barbara 31Jul1569149
GORTLEYSimonDorchester DorchesterJohn GORTLEY, brother31Oct1619 41
GOSLEYHenryWeymouth WeymouthJohn STRONG, principal creditor - Anne GOSLEY, relict, renouncing 09Oct1679145
GOSLINGRalphBlandford Forum Blandford ForumElizabeth LAWRENCE, grandmother & guardian of Sarah and Charles, children of the deceased 14Feb1681/226
GOSSERichardAlderholt CranborneJoan GOSSE, relict09Nov1594 115
GOUGHFrancis, clerkStockland StocklandMary GOUGH, relict27Jun1691 96
GOULDAnnaMilborne Milborne St AndrewJohn GOULD, husband27Feb 1724/526
GOULDBarbaraUpway UpweyElizabeth GOULD, widow, mother27Jul 1708149
GOULDBarbara, spinster UpwayUpweyJohn GOULD, brother12Oct 1682145
GOULDIvory, bachelorUpway UpweyJohn GOULD, armiger, brother14May 168374
GOULDJamesDorchester DorchesterGilbert LODER, executor of the Will of Jane GOULD, relict of the deceased, who did not fully administer (former grant Jun 1613) 22Dec1630207
GOULDJamesWooll WoolArthur GOULD, brother & principal creditor04 Oct1652183
GOULDJames, widowDorchester DorchesterMary, wife of Charles CHURCHILL, armiger, daughter 13Jan1707/84
GOULDJohnBloxeworth BloxworthJoane GOULD, relict03Dec1602 139
GOULDJohn, bachelorDorchester DorchesterNicholas GOULD, brother - James GOULD, father, renouncing 16Nov1675139
GOULDNicholas, bachelor UpwayUpweyElizabeth GOULD, widow, mother11 Jan1702/311
GOULDWilliamWest Stower West StourAgnes GOULD, relict19Apr1649 38
GOULD alias COLEJudith Milborne St Andrew, but died at UpwayMilborne St Andrew John GOULD, armiger, husband01Mar1683/4 43
GOULDEJamesDorchester DorchesterJoan GOULDE, relict08Jun1613 124
GOULDEJohnCatstocke CattistockElizabeth GOULDE, relict11Feb 1595/6157
GOULDENThomasSherborne SherborneMary GOULDEN, relict04Mar1688/9 38
GOULDESBURGHRobertMilton Abbas Milton AbbasHenry GOULDSBURGH, son21May 164948
GOULDSBOROUGHWilliamStinsford StinsfordMargaret RAVEN, daughter02Jul 1658184
GOULSTONElizabethSymondsbury SymondsburySeymour GOULSTON, clerk, husband02Aug 1708161
GOVERJonadabCorfe Castle Corfe CastleThomasine TOMS alias PURCHAS, sister07 Sep1626104
GRANDYJamesPoole PooleBarbara GRANDY, relict14Dec1658 338
GRAUNTHAMWilliamNetherbury NetherburyWalter DOLLING of Netherbury, Alice GRAUNTHAM, relict & executrix, not administering 03Feb1581/232
GRAVES alias WELLERMargery ----Jun1653-
GRAYBennett/ Benjamin Poole, of the ship "Devonshire"PooleMartha GRAY, relict 16Mar1722/3- -
GRAYGraceSymondsbury SymondsburyGrace, wife of John KEMBLE, now in Virginia, daughter 23Mar1694/551
GRAYNicholas- ---Sep1653-
GRAYPeter-- --Jun1653-
GRAYPeterDorchester DorchesterAnne GRAY, relict24Dec1720 238
GREASLEYWalsinghamSherborne SherborneGeorge GREASLEY, soldier, brother09Nov 1633202
GREEDIEJames- ---Sep1653-
GREENAnnSherborne SherborneJoseph GREEN, husband28Aug1722 172
GREENGabrielNetherbury NetherburyElizabeth GREEN, relict16Oct 1718195
GREENJohn, bachelorNether Compton, but died in the City of Lincoln Nether ComptonHugh GREEN, brother02Oct 1686151
GREENMargaret, spinster Nether ComptonNether ComptonJane, wife of Anthony GUNDRY, and Jane GREEN, sister 10Sep1695163
GREENEAlice, widowPoole PooleJoane BERRYNTON alias GREENE, Katherine ROGERS alias GREENE, widow, and Cecilie PARRIS alias GREENE, daughters 22Jan1598/92
GREENEGabriel- ---Jan1653/4-
GREENEJames- ---Jun1653-
GREENEJeromeGillingham GillinghamMary GREENE, relict15Apr1625 157
GREENEJohnShaston St James Shaftesbury St JamesMargaret GREENE, relict20Jul 162339
GREENEJohnWinfrith Newborough Winfrith NewburghRoger CLAVELL & Elizabeth his wife, sister of the deceased 25May1640126
GREENEJohn-- --Jun1654-
GREENEJohn, bachelorWinfrith Newbrough Winfrith NewburghJohn GREENE, father (letters of May 1640 revoked) 23Jan1640/18
GREENEPeter, bachelor Weymouth, but died in the ship "Bristol"Weymouth Peter GREENE, father30Sep1691161
GREENERichardGillingham, then of Middle Temple, London GillinghamWilliam GREENE, brother22Jun 166157
GREENERichard, gent.Dunhead Lodge, Motcombe MotcombeThomas GREENE, son29Nov1682 161
GREENEWilliam, bachelor Wareham, but died in the ship "Lion"WarehamHenry GREENE, brother 17Jan1690/13
GREGORIERobert- ---Sep1653-
GREGORIEWilliam- ---Jul1654-
GREGORYArthurLyme Regis Lyme RegisChristian GREGORY, relict12Nov 1624128
GREGORYHenryWeymouth WeymouthMary GREGORY, relict05Jul1666 146
GREGORYRogerFordington FordingtonSamuel GREGORY, son30Jun1673 67
GREGORYSamuelBeere Regis Bere RegisElizabeth GREGORY, relict17Apr 167953
GRENEEdwardPoole PooleWilliam GRENE, next of kin20Apr1565 92
GRENEWilliamGillingham GillinghamHonor GRENE, relict12Feb1592/3 45
GREYGeorgeKingston Marleward StinsfordSusan GREY, relict11Dec1672 177
GREYThomasBlandford Forum Blandford ForumRichard GREY, brother17May 167549
GRIFFINThomas- ---Sep1653-
GRIFFINWilliam- ---Jun1653-
GRIGGSGeorgeLyme Regis Lyme RegisSarah GRIGGS, relict07Jan1645/6 9
GRINDENWilliam, bachelor died in the ship "Lion"DorchesterRachel, wife and attorney of Nathaniel GRINDEN, father, now of Dorchester 03Jan1697/817
GROOMESJudeth- ---Mar1653/4-
GROSSERobert, widower BurlestonBurlestonMary GROSSE, relict18 Apr169958
GROVEHughGillingham GillinghamEleanor GROVE, relict05Aug1656 205
GROVEJane, widowShaston ShaftesburyMary LOWE alias GROVE, widow, Margaret ANCKETILL alias GROVE, widow, and Joan GROVE, spinster, daughters 07Feb1637/8151
GROVEWilliamShaston ShaftesburyThomasine GROVE, relict, and John GROVE, son 13Oct158249
GRUBHAMMaryChardstock ChardstockAndrew GRUBHAM, son04Jan1657/8 11
GRUNDEYThomasPoole PooleJohane GRUNDEY, mother15Feb1590/1 166
GRYMSTEDHenry, widower YetminsterYetminsterJohn GRYMSTED, son16 Nov1683155
GUBBER alias WILSONJudith Blandford ForumBlandford ForumThomas WILSON, husband 13Oct1707192
GUDGEJohnBridport, but died in the ship "Lark" BridportElizabeth GUDGE, relict01Feb1695/6 25
GUDGEJoseph, bachelor Whitchurch CanonicorumWhitchurch CanonicorumWilliam GUDGE, brother 28Jan1723/44
GUDGEThomasStoake Abbott Stoke AbbottThomas GUDGE, son10Mar1648/9 19
GULLIERichard- ---Jul1654-
GULLOCKEThomas- ---Mar1653/4-
GULLYNicholas- ---Dec1654-
GUNDRIEWilliamRansham Rampisham?Beatrice GUNDRIE, relict01Feb 1627/87
GUNDRYWilliamBenvil, Corscombe CorscombeJane GUNDRY, relict16Sep1680 142
GUNDRYWilliamNether Compton Nether ComptonMary GUNDRY, relict (further grant Jul 1824) 29Jan1724/57
GUNNERobert- ---Jun1653-
GUNTERHenrySymsborough SymondsburyJohn GUNTER, brother - Thomas GUNTER, father, renouncing 12Jan1657/88
GUPPIEAgnesCorscombe CorscombeGiles DAWE, and Etheldrede DAWE alias GUPPIE, daughter 26Nov1602137
GUPPIEChristopherHalstocke HalstockEdith GUPPIE, relict15Jun1616 71
GUPPIEEzekielPickyiatt, South Perrott South PerrottFrancis & Bernard GUPPIE, sons03Oct 1646115
GUPPIERebecca, widowHalstocke HalstockEllen MUDFORD, sister, during the minority of Rebecca GUPPIE, daughter of the deceased 28May164659
GUPPYJohnFrampton FramptonRichard CROADE, creditor - Elizabeth GUPPY, relict, not administering 20Nov1632135
GUPPYStephenCharmouth CharmouthCicelie GUPPY, relict26Mar1577 119
GUYERRobertWaymouth & Melcombe Regis Weymouth & Melcombe RegisMarian GUYER, relict12 Jul1633181
GWYNNEElizabeth, spinster ShastonShaftesburyWilliam GWYNNE, brother17 Apr171171
HACKFORDJamesWimborne, but died in the ship "Plymouth" in the King’s service Wimborne Minster or St GilesEleanor HACKFORD, relict13 Jul1674105
HAINEMorganFrier Warddon Portesham (Friar Waddon)Thomas HAINE, kinsman03 May160047
HALFORDJohn- ---Aug1653-
HALLDorothy, widowShaston St James Shaftesbury St JamesDorothy, wife of Thomas WILKINS, daughter 13Dec1705235
HALLEdith, widowSherborne SherborneJohn HALL, son14Jul1677 91
HALLEdwardWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterThomas WYTHE and Anne WHYTHE alias HALL 01Dec1601102
HALLEdwardLitchett Lytchett Matravers or MinsterDorothy MULLENS alias HALL, daughter 27Oct1637118
HALLPeterdied in the ship "Sandwich" Langton Long Blandford or Langton MatraversJohn AMBROSE, attorney of Bridget HALL, relict, now of Langton 07Jan1697/817
HALLWilliamSherborne, but died at Bridgwater, Somerset SherborneJudith BAKER alias HALL, sister. Letters of May 1671 revoked. 24Jan1684/53
HALLWilliam, bachelor Sherborne, but died at Bridgwater, SomersetSherborneEdward PENNEY, principal creditor (further grant Jan 1684) 26Jun167166
HALLAMNathaniel- ---Feb1653/4-
HALLETFrancesBridport BridportStephen, James & Ursula HALLET, children24 Nov1651200
HALLETTAndrew- ---Mar1653/4-
HALLETTChristopherUpway UpweyMary CLARKE, mother25Jan1647/8 10
HALLETTErasmusNetherbury NetherburyElizabeth HALLETT, relict (further grant Mar 1676) 08May167548
HALLETTErasmusNetherbury NetherburySusan, wife of John SAUNDERS, daughter - Elizabeth HALLETT, relict, now deceased, not having administered (former grant May 1675) 20Mar1675/628
HALLETTHenryShepton George Shipton GorgeJoane HALLETT, relict01Apr 1659128
HALLETTHugh, widowerBeminster BeaminsterJames HALLETT, son20Feb1671/2 20
HALLETTJohn, juniorBridport BridportAnne HALLETT, relict14Sep1660 139
HALLETTRichardHalstocke HalstockMary HALLETT, relict13Dec1626 126
HALLETTThomasNetherbury NetherburyWalter HALLETT, brother10Jun 1577126
HALLETTThomasBridport, but died in the ship "St Andrew" BridportAbigail HALLETT, relict14Jul1692 126
HALLETTWilliamMarshwood MarshwoodDorothy HALLETT, relict15Oct 1655203
HALLETTWilliamMaiden Newton, but died in the ship "New Pembroke" Maiden NewtonMary HALLETT, relict07Sep 1698170
HALLIBREADElizabethPoole PooleJames HALLIBREAD, husband18Apr1671 49
HALLYBREADJamesWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJohn HITCHES, principal creditor - Agnes HALLYBEARD, relict, renouncing 06Mar1694/551
HAMANJames-- --Mar1653/4-
HAMAN/ HANNAMWalterOborne OborneJoan HAMAN/ HANNAM, relict20Nov 161141
HAMLEYHumphrey- ---Jul1654-
HAMPTONJohn- ---Nov1654-
HANCOCKJohnPoole PooleCicilie HANCOCK, relict28Sep1575 83
HANCOCKEJohnStudland, but died aboard the ship "Happy Returns" in the King’s service StudlandRichard STEPHENS, father & attorney of Susan HANCOCKE, relict 10Oct1673119
HANCOCKEThomas- ---Jul1653-
HANCOCKE alias BARTLETTRobert PiddletownePuddletownEme BARTLETT alias FRAMPTON alias HANCOCKE, late wife of John BARTLETT alias HANCOCKE deceased, son of Robert BARTLETT alias HANCOCKE, of goods left unadministered by Alice BARTLETT alias HANCOCKE, relict of the deceased, during the minority of Nathaniel, Mary, Elizabeth and Rebecca, children of John BARTLETT alias HANCOCKE (see Admon Feb 1592/3) 26Apr159424
HANCOCKE alias BARTLETTRobert PiddletownePuddletownAlice BARTLETT alias HANCOCKE, relict 09Feb1592/346
HANHAMJamesWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJohn HANHAM, father (further grant Jul 1672) 06Apr166140
HANHAMJamesWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterFrances HANHAM, sister - John HANHAM, father since deceased not having fully administered (previous grant Apr 1661) 01Jul167291
HANHAMJohn, soldierWymborne Wimborne Minster or St GilesThomas HANHAM, armiger, brother, during the minority of Eleanor, daughter of the deceased (fresh grant Oct 1629) 31Jan1625/644
HANHAMJohn, soldierWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJohn PYNE, armiger, & Eleanor PYNE alias HANHAM, his wife, daughter of the deceased (former grant Jan 1625/6 renounced) 26Oct1629124
HANLEIGHRichardBatcombe BatcombeAbigail HANLEIGH, relict15Jun 1699109
HANNJames, clerkPoole PooleMary HANN, relict10Apr1693 62
HANNPhilipDalwood DalwoodAlice HANN, relict11Nov1639 84
HANNRobert, bachelorDalwood DalwoodThomas HANN, father01Apr1667 71
HANNAMThomasWinborne Wimborne Minster or St GilesEdmund HAWLES, esq., nephew 25May165568
HANNEGeorgeStoureton Caundell Stourton CaundleAnne HANNE, relict05Mar 1595/6159
HANNYNGTON alias ORAMIsabelle Wootten GlanvildeGlanvilles WoottonRichard HANNYNGTON, brother (cancelled) 18Nov158387
HANSFORDMargery, widow GillinghamGillinghamNicholas TAYLOR, nephew on sister’s side 14Sep1689148
HAPGOODThomas, bachelor Sturminster MarshallSturminster MarshallThomas GARDINER, uncle on mother’s side & next of kin 04Sep1697164
HARBINElizabeth, widow CharminsterCharminsterMary HARBIN, daughter25 May172597
HARBINJohn, gentleman CharminsterCharminsterJoan WEEKS alias HARBIN, niece on brother’s side 01Jul167584
HARBINMary, widowWareham WarehamHenry HARBIN, son28Mar1671/2 30
HARBINWilliamBradford Bradford Abbas or PeverellAlice HARBIN, relict24 Mar1597/8243
HARBYNWilliam, junior Bradford PeverellBradford PeverelJohn COLE, senior, gentleman of Puddletrenthide, creditor 17Dec162539
HARBYNZanchy- ---Jan1653/4-
HARDEYEdwardWelcombe Matravers Melbury BubbJoane HARDEY, relict, and Christopher HARDEY, son 05Jun1610199
HARDEYHughMayden Newton Maiden NewtonAgnes HARDEY, relict06May 162493
HARDEYJohnDorchester DorchesterJohn HARDEY, nephew, during the minority of John, Charles, Jane, Catherine & Giles HARDEY, children of the deceased (fresh letters granted Nov 1621) 09May1617114
HARDIEJohnStalbridge StalbridgeGrace HARDIE, daughter17Mar 1646/736
HARDINGJohnShaston ShaftesburyElizabeth HARDING, relict07Mar 1723/477
HARDINGRichard- ---Sep1653-
HARDINGWilliamSturminster Marshall Sturminster MarshallJane HARDING, relict23May 169990
HARDING alias HAYSOMETheodosia Woolcombe MatraversMelbury BubbNicholas HARDING, gentlemen, husband 11Nov1692204
HARDING alias HEYWARDEdith Sturminster MarshallSturminster MarshallJames FORD, uncle on mother’s side & guardian of Walter HEYWARD, son - John HARDING, husband, renouncing 19Apr169062
HARDINGESarah- ---Nov1654-
HARDYEdmundWolcombe Matravers Melbury BubbJohn HARDY, son08Oct1622 202
HARDYEdmund, seniorToller Toller Fratrum or Porcorum (parishes) or Toller Whelme in Corscombe Edmund HARDY, junior, son25Oct1567125
HARDYElizabethWolcombe Melbury BubbEdith, wife of Robert AUGER, daughter11 Dec1650181
HARDYJohnDorchester DorchesterJohn HARDY, gentleman of Trinity College, Oxford, son (former grant May 1617) 27Nov1621148
HARDYJohnBeamister BeaminsterRichard CHURCHILL, woollen draper of Dorchester, creditor 05Jul164154
HARDYJohnBroadsidling Sydling St NicholasThomas HARDY, son16Aug 1642153
HARDYJohnUpsidling Sydling St NicholasRobert HARDY, brother06Sep 1656222
HARDYJohnWeymouth WeymouthJohn HARDY, son10Mar1696/7 47
HARDYRichard, bachelor Sidling, but died at SmyrnaSydling St NicholasFrancis DEVENISH, junior, nephew on sister’s side - Sarah DEVENISH, sister, renouncing 23Nov1693212
HARDYThomasFrampton FramptonJohn BROWNE, armiger of Frampton (cancelled; fresh Admon 7 June, 1600) 14Nov159929
HARDYThomasFrampton FramptonThomazine STEGG alias HARDY, daughter (Admon granted Nov 1599 renounced) 08Feb1599/160038
HARDYThomasMelcombe Regis Melcombe RegisJohn BROWNE, grandson (Admon granted 08-Feb renounced) 07Jun160052
HARDYThomasCharminster CharminsterNicholas & John HARDY, brothers13Jun 1659253
HARDYThomas, bachelor UpsidlingSydling St NicholasRobert HARDY, armiger, brother 01Sep1703174
HARDYWilliamRodden AbbotsburyHenry HARDINGE, creditor - Margaret HARDY, relict, renouncing 12Jan1619/2050
HARDY alias CLARKEAnna Wolcombe MatraversMelbury BubbJohn HARDY, armiger, husband 05Jul167584
HARFORDNathaniel- ---Jun1653-
HARNER alias TURNERNathaniel StocklandStocklandJoane HARNER alias TURNER, relict 20Dec1681164
HARREYSamuelLime Lyme RegisRichard SIMKINS, principal creditor25 Jul164980
HARRIEHenryOckeford Fitzpaine Okeford FitzpaineElizabeth HARRIE, relict08Aug 1660111
HARRIEWilliamPuddletowne PuddletownDorothy, wife of George POOK and Joan, wife of John EYRES, nieces (revoked, fresh letters, Jan 1659/60) 17Jun1657141
HARRINGTONMary- ---Jan1653/4-
HARRISElizabeth, widow Lyme RegisLyme RegisElizabeth HARRIS, spinster, daughter 06Apr171068
HARRISFrancisUpwaye UpweyJoane DEVENYSHE, sister03Jun1592 22
HARRISFrancisUpwaye UpweyAnne alias Agnes ROBINS, sister05Feb 1594/5125
HARRISJohnSherborne SherborneAlice HARRIS, relict20Oct1589 115
HARRISJohnBedmister Beaminster?Margaret HARRIS, relict23Jan 1724/57
HARRISNathanielRyme Intrinseca Ryme IntrinsecaJames SOMER14Apr1686 56
HARRISPriscilla- ---Sep1653-
HARRISThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth HARRIS, relict19Nov 1702212
HARRIS alias BEERESarah Ryme IntrinsecaRyme IntrinsecaSamuel BEERE, son 07Feb1689/9031
HARRIS alias DRAYTONHenry AbbotsburyAbbotsburyAgnes BAUNTON, wife of William BAUNTON, sister 14Jun165187
HARRIS alias DYERAnn- ---Jul1653-
HARRIS alias IVIEMerry AshmoreAshmoreJames IVIE, clerk, husband16 Feb1704/531
HARRIS alias MORECOMBEHonor Sturminster NewtonSturminster NewtonMorris HARRIS, husband 14Apr165677
HARRIS alias VINCENTAlice ChardstockeChardstockJohn HARRIS, husband07 Feb1609/10185
HARRISONElizabeth, widow BradfordBradford Abbas or PeverellWilliam HARRISON, son 30Sep1609171
HARRISONLionelGlasing Bradford Bradford Abbas?Mary HARRISON, relict23Jan 1625/644
HARTAlice, widowBloxworth BloxworthAnthony TREWE & Anne his wife, niece on sister’s side 05May163938
HARTFrancisPoole, but died in the ship "Princess Anne" PooleElizabeth HART, relict23Dec1691 224
HARTJaneSwillett, Broadwinsor BroadwindsorJane HART, spinster, niece - Catherine, wife of John PHELPS, elder niece, renouncing 03May1706102
HARTJohnCastletowne SherborneRobert HART, son01May1648 57
HARTPhilipBurton, but died in the ship "Breda" Burton BradstockJohn PILTON, attorney of Susan HART, relict 16Dec1690233
HARTWilliamWitchampton WitchamptonMarmaduke & Roger HART, brothers, with Henry FIFETT principal [creditor?] 11Jan1664/56
HARTENicholasLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth HARTE, relict11Jan 1591/21
HARTERichardYetminster YetminsterAgnes HARTE, widow, during the minority of Grace, John, Thomas, Mary and Joane, brothers and sisters of the deceased 15Nov1589119
HARTERichardYetminster YetminsterGrace HARTE alias HOOKE, sister, in the person of John HOOKE, husband - Admon granted Nov 1589 to Agnes HARTE renounced 12May159038
HARTERobertWaymouth & Melcomb Regis Weymouth & Melcombe RegisJoan KELLAWAYE alias HARTE, sister, in the person of Henry KELLAWAYE, her husband 27Jun158721
HARTWELLEdward, bachelor West OrchardWest OrchardRichard HARTWELL, brother 04Nov1683155
HARTWELLJohnManston ManstonAnne HARTWELL, relict25Jul1646 87
HARVEYEdith, spinster Lyme RegisLyme RegisHenry HENLEY, armiger, principal creditor 19Oct1700201
HARVEYEdwardLangton Long Blandford Langton Long BlandfordMary HARVEY, relict15Apr 165678
HARVEYLeonardMelcombe Regis, but died in the ship "Hampshire" in the King’s service Melcombe RegisMary HARVEY, relict10Nov 1673142
HARVEYMatthewWareham WarehamJoane HARVEY, relict22Oct1630 194
HARVEYMatthewDorchester DorchesterRichard BURY, uncle on sister’s side of William, Margaret, Dorothy and Elizabeth HARVEY, children of the deceased 19Apr165166
HARVEYRichardChurch Knowle, Purbeck Church KnowleThomas HARVEY, brother09Feb 1656/734
HARVEYWilliamLangton Langton Long Blandford or Langton MatraversElizabeth HARVEY, relict 21Jan1649/504
HARVIEThomasLime Regis Lyme RegisJohn & George HARVIE, brothers, with Margaret HARVIE alias GAMAGE, sister 07Jun160051
HARVYHenryColeway, Lyme Regis Lyme RegisWalter HARVY, brother - Mary HARVY, relict, renouncing 06May161117
HARWARDEAnnePoole PooleHenry HARWARDE, brother07May1572 7
HARWARDEAnnePoole PooleCicilie CONSTANTYNE alias HARWARDE, mother, and John & Henry HARWARDE, brothers of the deceased 15Oct157215
HARWOODJohnPoole PooleJoane HARWOOD, relict27Nov1578 157
HARWOODThomas- ---Jan1653/4-
HASCOLLJosephShaston ShaftesburyKatherine HASCOLL, relict15Jan 1658/917
HASCOLLThomasFuntmill Fontmell MagnaJoane HASCOLL, relict20Nov 1658282
HASKALLMarkGillingham GillinghamMelior HASKALL, relict04May 1640127
HASKENS alias CARRIEREdith Lyme RegisLyme RegisJohn HASKENS, husband25 Mar168443
HASKETTMary, widowHenstridge Henstridge, SomersetDorothy HEDDITCH, widow, sister07 Jun1697105
HASSARDHenry, juniorLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn HASSARD, father27Jun1589 103
HASSARDNicholasRegis Lyme Lyme RegisThomazine HASSARD, relict10Feb 1586/76
HASSARDRobertCharmouth CharmouthJoseph HASSARD, son06Mar1646/7 35
HASSOMJohnWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumAgnes HASSOM, now wife of Edmund BLAKE, relict 06Sep1704180
HASTINGJohnWoodlands Horton-cum-WoodlandsElizabeth HASTING, relict (further grant Sep 1667) 26Jun1658132
HASTINGSAnna, spinster Ilsington, late of BridportPuddletownRobert SQUIBB, guardian of Francis HASTINGS, brother 14Feb1681/226
HASTINGSDorothy, spinster ChilfromeChilfromeFrancis HASTINGS, guardian of Theophilus HASTINGS, nephew - Dorothy HASTINGS, mother, renouncing 01May169079
HASTINGSFrancisIslington PuddletownAnn HASTINGS, relict10Feb1667/8 33
HASTINGSGeorge, SirWoodland Horton-cum-WoodlandsRobert WILLIAMS, principal creditor 06Oct1660153
HASTINGSJohnWoodlands Horton-cum-WoodlandsThomas PECHER, principal creditor, administrator of goods not administered by Elizabeth HASTINGS alias CLERKE, relict since deceased (former grant Jun 1658) -  -
HATHERLY alias FURLORJohn PuncknollPuncknowleMary HATHERLY alias FURLOR (no relationship given) -  68
HAULESGeorgeShaston ShaftesburyAnthony HINTON, cousin - Ursula HAULES, relict, not administering 12Aug164695
HAUSEJohnPoole, but died in the ship "Fairfax" in the King’s service PooleHenry NORRINGTON, attorney of Alice HAUSE, relict17 Nov1673143
HAVELLANDJohn, bachelor DorchesterDorchesterElizabeth, now wife of Edmund BLAKE, relict 06May1704105
HAWKINSAnthonySherborne SherborneRichard STRIDE, brother on his mother’s side 27May1617116
HAWKINSJames- ---Jul1653-
HAWKINSThomasBlandford Forum Blandford ForumMargaret HAWKINS, relict25Apr 1633161
HAWLESEdmundMonkton up Wimborne Wimborne St GilesElizabeth HAWLES, relict23Feb 1636/759
HAWLESNicholasShaston ShaftesburyJohn HAWLES, son24Sep1649 107
HAWLESWilliamSherborne SherborneMartha, wife of John COOTH, sister01Sep 1715181
HAWLEYAviceMelcome Melcombe Horsey or RegisJohn HAWLEY, brother30 Jun1578149
HAWTHONSamuel, bachelor Fordington, but died in the ship "Breda"Fordington Randoll HAWTHON, father08Dec1690234
HAYMESRichardMotcombe MotcombeEdith HAYMES, relict07Dec1702 236
HAYNEBenjamin, bachelor MarshwoodMarshwoodGideon HAYNE, brother13 Feb1670/127
HAYNEUrith, widowUpway UpweyNicholas HAYNE, son18May1676 56
HAYNE alias WILLSDorothy ----Mar1653/4-
HAYSOME alias HARDINGTheodosia Woolcombe MatraversMelbury BubbNicholas HARDING, gentlemen, husband 11Nov1692204
HAYTERJohnShaston St James Shaftesbury St JamesFrances, wife of George GARRET, daughter 26Nov1673143
HAYWARDBenjaminCharmouth CharmouthMary HAYWARD, relict04Jan1686/7 7
HAYWARDEdithEast Compton [unknown]Henry BARTLET, brother’s son22Jun 1659254
HAYWARDEdwardBeamister BeaminsterJoane HAYWARD, relict03Mar1649/50 44
HAYWARDJohnCheselbourne CheselbourneWilliam SAUNDERS, yeoman of Turners Puddle20 May1584104
HAYWARDJohnWole, Combe Keyns WoolJoane HAYWARD, relict15Jul1609 166
HAYWARDRichardMaperton Mapperton (parish) or Mapperton in AlmerDorothy HAYWARD, relict 13Jan1640/13
HAYWARDWilliamHelton HiltonCicely HAYWARD, sister23Oct1658 266
HAZZARDRogertBettiscombe BettiscombeThomas HAZZARD, son26Nov1657 292
HEANE alias YARDLEYElizabeth WeymouthWeymouthRichard YARDLEY, husband19 Jul1666146
HEARLEHenry- ---Jul1653-
HEARNEJohnAshpuddle AffpuddleAgnes HEARNE, relict20Aug1612 71
HEARNEJohnBingham Melcombe Horsey or NetherburyHenry, Thomas, Maximilian & Joane GAME, minors, next of kin of Thomas GAME, late of Limbrey, Dorset 03Oct1660148
HEARNEWilliamNetherbury NetherburyHugh HEARNE, brother31Oct1628 53
HEBBERDNicholas, mariner Weymouth, but died abroadWeymouthAnne HEBBERD, relict 05Jul1652121
HEBBESElizabethMilton Milton AbbasJoane GARDENER, sister (cancelled)27 Jan1597/8249
HEBBESIsabella [Elizabeth], widow LiscombeMilton Abbas (Luscombe) or Powerstock (Loscombe) Catherine ADYN, Joane GARDENER and Joane JORDEN, sisters (previous Admon renounced) 23May1598249
HEBBESThomasCorton alias Craston PorteshamWilliam HEBBES, son08Dec1602 139
HELEDame Jane ?Anne, widow CliftonBradford Abbas (Clifton Maybank)Matthew SHIPP, principal creditor (further grant 27 Mar 1664/5) 03Jun165297
HELIARRobert- ---Nov1654-
HELIERJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisJoan HELIER, relict31Mar1569 144
HELLIERThomasSidlinge Sydling St NicholasThomas HELLIER, senior, father14 May162496
HELLIERThomas- ---Sep1653-
HELLIERWilliam- ---Aug1653-
HELMEChristopherGillingham GillinghamMary HELME, spinster, guardian of Arthur, William & Christopher, children of the deceased 22Feb1697/837
HENBERYWilliamEast Qrehelt [unknown]John HENBERY, son09Nov1604 225
HENDYEWilliamSandwich SwanageJohn PHEPPARD of Sandwich, sayler29Jan 1623/473
HENINGEEdmundPoxwell PoxwellJoan HENINGE, relict04Sep1646 106
HENLEYRobertLyme Regis Lyme RegisElizabeth HENLEY, relict17Oct 1638217
HENLEYSusannaColway Lyme RegisHenry HENLEY, armiger, husband13Jan 1650/13
HENLEYWilliamLyme Regis Lyme RegisFrances HENLEY, relict26Jun 163792
HENLYMary, spinsterLyme Regis Lyme RegisHenry HENLEY, father25Feb1667/8 33
HENLYRobert, widowerUpway UpweyElizabeth HENLY, daughter19Oct1696 173
HENMANWilliamNetherbury NetherburyAnne SLOCOMB alias HENMAN, daughter23 Jul1608124
HENNINGMargaretMaiden Newton Maiden NewtonJohn HENNING, husband11Oct 1712195
HENNINGEJohnPoxwell PoxwellJane, wife of Robert GROVE, sister24Mar 1647/835
HENNINGENicholasPoxwell PoxwellJane, wife of Robert GROVE, sister24Mar 1647/835
HENSLEYMichael- ---Aug1653-
HENVILLJamesTarrant Gunfield Tarrant GunvilleBridgett HENVILL, relict08Aug 1647122
HENVILLJoanTurnerspudle Turners PuddleJohn SALISBURY, brother26Aug 1642153
HENVILLNicholasFordington FordingtonAgnes HENVILL, relict03Feb1596/7 197
HERBERT alias BEERESarah WeymouthWeymouthWilliam HERBERT, husband26 Jul1707140
HERLEJosias- ---Mar1653/4-
HERMAN alias DANDOJoane ----Feb1653/4-
HERNEDanielSherborne SherborneMargaret HERNE, relict11Feb1719/20 33
HERNERebecca, spinster DorchesterDorchesterFrancis HERNE, armiger, nephew 08Dec1712210
HERNE alias BOOBYElias DalwoodDalwoodJoane HERNE alias BOOBY, relict (further grant Mar 1669/70) 08Aug1666158
HERNE alias BOOBYElias DalwoodDalwoodElias BOOBY alias HERNE, grandson - Joane BOOBY alias HERNE, relict, dying before administering (previous grant Aug 1666) 05Mar170043
HESCOCKEHenryWareham, but died in the ship "Centurion" WarehamThomasine HESCOCKE, relict30Sep 1681131
HEWESThomasWeymouth WeymouthJoyce HEWES, relict01Jun1676 71
HEWES alias DYERThomas ----Mar1653/4-
HEXT/ HIXTJohn- ---Jul1654-
HEYWARD alias HARDINGEdith Sturminster MarshallSturminster MarshallJames FORD, uncle on mother’s side & guardian of Walter HEYWARD, son - John HARDING, husband, renouncing 19Apr169062
HIBBERDRichardBridport BridportJohn HALLETT, yeoman of Charmouth, creditor11 Jul161677
HICKESEdwardHurshaye, Burstock BurstockElizabeth HICKES, relict31Jul 160190
HICKLEBRIDGEJohnNetherbury NetherburyBarnard HICKLEBRIDGE, brother30Nov 1669146
HICKSJohnWickham [unknown]Elizabeth HICKS, relict24Dec 1657326
HIDEJohn, bachelordied in the ship "Eagle" Shipton GorgeEdward EBDEN, attorney of Nathaniel HIDE, father, now at Shipton Gorge 20Feb1707/832
HIDERobertBuckland Buckland Newton or RipersAnne HIDE, relict02Jun 164872
HIDESilas, bachelordied in the ship "Eagle" Shipton GorgeEdward EBDEN, attorney of Nathaniel HIDE, father, now at Shipton Gorge 20Feb1707/832
HIDONNicholas- ---Sep1653-
HIETTPhillipLyme Regis Lyme RegisMargaret HIETT, relict28Oct 1597225
HIGDONPeter- ---May1653-
HIGHMOREWilliam, bachelor HamprestonHamprestonJohn HIGHMORE, brother24 Feb1667/833
HIGHMOREWilliam, rector Winterborne[unknown]Anne HIGHMORE, relict03 Nov1708230
HILEYJohnPoole PoolePeter HILEY, brother03Dec1684 185
HILEYPeterPoole PooleRachael HILEY, relict02Dec1672 176
HILEYRachael, widowPoole PooleCharles HILEY, son22May1694 102
HILLChristopherPymperne PimperneJoane HILL, relict16Apr1629 87
HILLDorothyRyme Intrinseca Ryme IntrinsecaRobert HILL, brother24Aug 1629113
HILLJames, bachelordied in the ship "Shoreham" AbbotsburyBartholomew PARSONS, attorney of Ann HILL, widow, mother, now at Abbotsbury 02Jul1706140
HILLJohnCranborne, but died at Vigo CranborneJane HILL, relict01Mar1702/3 57
HILLJohn, widowerBishops Caundle Bishops CaundleJohn HILL, nephew on brother’s side 31Oct1684155
HILLRebecca, spinster FarringdonIwerne Courtney (Farrington)Robert HILL, brother 23May167852
HILLRobertStalbridge StalbridgeEleanor HILL, relict15Jun1647 81
HILLThomas-- --Jun1654-
HILLThomasSturmister New Castle Sturminster NewtonMary HILL, relict08Dec 1693235
HILLWilliamPoole PooleChristian HILL, relict (further grant Nov 1642)28 Feb1625/660
HILLWilliamPoole PooleJoan MADDERNE alias HILL, widow, daughter - Christian HILL, widow, not having fully administered (former letters Feb 1625/6) 04Nov1642173
HILLWilliam- ---Sep1653-
HILL alias DOVELLFrancis WaymouthWeymouthConondo PROWSE, next of kin16 Oct1602134
HILLARDMaryBlandford Blandford Forum or St MaryThomas HILLARD, son12 Jun1657140
HILLARYJohnBroadwinsor BroadwindsorElizabeth HILLARY, relict14Nov 1655223
HILLARYOwenPiddlehinton PiddlehintonMary HILLARY, relict16Mar 1753/445
HILLARYEOwenPiddlehinton PiddlehintonElizabeth DYES alias HILLARYE and Joane STYLL alias HILLARYE, sisters; Admon of goods left unadministered by Mary HILLARYE, relict of the deceased 03Jul157455
HILSON alias BURGEMatthew MarnehallMarnhullMary BURGE alias HILSON, relict 17Jul166098
HINEMark, bachelorBradstock, but died in the ship "Breda" Burton BradstockBenjamin CHAPPELL, attorney of Henry HINE, father 18Dec1690234
HINGSTONThomasWaymouth & Melcombe Regis Weymouth & Melcombe RegisJustinian HINGSTON, son, with consent of Joan HINGSTON, relict 01Jul159223
HINGSTONWalter, bachelor Lyme RegisLyme RegisSimon HUSSEY, principal creditor 24Mar1667/848
HIRONSamuel, clerkClifton Bradford Abbas (Clifton Maybank)Hester HIRON, relict16 Jan1707/84
HIRONSamuel, clerkClifton Clifton MaybankJames LACY,clerk, executor of Will of Hester HIRON, relict & administratrix of the deceased, now also deceased (previous grant Jan 1708) 21Feb1712/1331
HITTCatherine, widowBeaminster BeaminsterThomas HITT, Christiana SMART alias HITT and Ann GOLDING alias HITT, children 22Jun167873
HIXAlice-- --Jul1654-
HIXWilliamBurstoke BurstockRobert HIX, nephew - John HIX, brother of the deceased, not administering 02Apr163118
HIXWilliamHolwell, Cranborne CranborneAnn, wife of Hugh BARRETT, William FATHERS and Charles GARRETT, cousins 15Feb1713/1427
HIXONGeorge, bachelor St JamesPooleChristopher HIXON, brother11 Feb1656/734
HIXTWilliam- ---Jul1654-
HOARDWilliamSturminster Marshall Sturminster MarshallWilliam WATKINSON, principal creditor - Frances HOARD, relict, renouncing 25Aug1670127
HOBBESMichaelMiddleton alias Milton Milton AbbasIsabelle HOBBES, relict15May 158367
HOBBESRobertFrome St Quintin Frome St QuintinJoan HOBBES, relict19Jun 1566109
HOBBIEWilliamWinterborne Marwood Winterborne ZelstonWarbare HOBBIE, relict03Sep 1614164
HOBBSEdmund- ---Feb1653/4-
HOBBSSamuel- ---Jul1654-
HOBBSThomasSherborne SherborneSamuel NAPPER, principal creditor - Anne HOBBS, relict renouncing (further grant Jan 1728) 01Jul1713173
HOBBYElizabethCorfe Mullen Corfe MullenSusanna HOBBY, daughter18Mar 1658/9100
HOBMANJohn-- --Jul1654-
HOBSONWilliam- ---Oct1654-
HODDERCecilyBlandford St Mary Blandford St MaryWilliam BAREFOOTE, kinsman, during the minority of Mary HUSSEY, niece on sister’s side 20Jul164886
HODDERDorothyWeymouth, but died in the parish of St Bartholomew, London WeymouthRichard HODDER, husband04Oct1682 145
HODDEREdwardWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumJoane HODDER, relict 12Feb1640/116
HODDEREdward, juniorStepleton Iwerne or Winterbourne SteepletonMargaret HODDER, relict 22Jul1693123
HODDERGeorgeLitton Litton CheneyEdward HODDER, gentleman, brother, during the minority of Dorothy HODDER, daughter 06Oct1632130
HODDERGeorge- ---Sep1653-
HODDERJohnCharmouth CharmouthElizabeth HODDER, relict19Mar 1658/9100
HODDERMaryBridport BridportElizabeth GLISSON alias HODDER & Anne HODDER, nieces 03Jan1655/69
HODDERWilliamWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumRebecca HODDER, relict 09Apr164754
HODDERWilliamWhitchurch Winterborne Whitechurch or Whitchurch CanonicorumGeorge HODDER, son 22Mar1649/5041
HODGESAnthony- ---Sep1653-
HODGESHugh, armiger, serjeant-at-law SherborneSherborneHugh HODGES, armiger, son08 Sep1693170
HODGESPhilipHanley Sixpenny Handley (then a chapelry of Iwerne Minster)Sarah HODGES, daughter 08Dec1655253
HODGESThomasSherborne SherborneJohn RAYMOND, gentleman of Bridport, kinsman & creditor, during the minority of Martha & Mary HODGES, children of the deceased 05Dec1637136
HODYJohnSpetisbury SpetisburyArthur HODY, armiger, brother03Jul 1711128
HOFFORDWalterBridport BridportWilliam GOLLOP, sister’s son [nephew]04 Aug1651131
HOGGARD alias VIVIANElizabeth Turners PudleTurners PuddleThomas HEWLETT, next of kin 06Nov1677142
HOLCOMBEGilesHerison CharminsterJohn HOLCOMBE, brother23May 1614148
HOLCOMBEJohnLyme Regis Lyme RegisJoane HOLCOMBE, relict07Sep 157213
HOLEJohn-- --Mar1653/4-
HOLEJohn-- --May1654-
HOLFORDNicholasSymondsbury SymondsburyMary HOLFORD, relict16Feb1676/7 28
HOLLANDJohn, bachelor LodersLodersAnne, wife of Nicholas BROWN, armiger, cousin 02Aug1705166
HOLLESHellenor- ---Jul1653-
HOLLEWAYAnne- ---Jul1653-
HOLLINGSWORTHJohnWeymouth WeymouthHannah DEARING, spinster, aunt on mother’s side & guardian of Dearing HOLLINGSWORTH, son 22Oct1713226
HOLLOWAYGeorgeWeymouth, but died at Chatham WeymouthMary, wife of Joseph DUDLEY, sister, during the absence of John HOLLOWAY, father 01Oct1692185
HOLLWAYHonor, spinster BroadsidlingSydling St NicholasHonor HOLLWAY, mother 02Jan1684/55
HOLLWAYHusseyBroad Sydling Sydling St NicholasHonor HOLLWAY, widow, mother10 Jun168171
HOLLWAYThomasWymborne Minster Wimborne MinsterJoane HOLLWAY, relict31Mar 164835
HOLMANArthurWeymouth WeymouthJohn HOLMAN, eldest son21Mar1655/6 55
HOLMANArthurWeymouth WeymouthSamuel HOLMAN, son27Jul1689 114
HOLMANMorganSwire SwyreAlice HOLMAN, relict14Sep1621 137
HOLMANThomasLyme Regis Lyme RegisStephen EVANS, principal creditor23Oct 1648117
HOLMESJohnBridport BridportMartha HOLMES, relict (further grant Feb 1730)22 May169567
HOLMESMathewOwer Owermoigne or Ower in Corfe CastleThomas BULLOCK, brother 30Jan1655/69
HOLTONElizabethBeere Regis Bere RegisLeonard QUOKE, next of kin18Apr 161512
HOLTONGilesBeere Regis Bere RegisLeonard QUOKE, next of kin18Apr 161512
HOLWELLWilliamBridport BridportMary HOLWELL, relict04Jul1673 90
HOOKEWilliamCharlton Marshall Charlton MarshallJoane HOOKE alias HARDING, relict21 May1659176
HOOPERHopton, bachelor HanleySixpenny Handley (then a chapelry of Iwerne Minster) Rachel HILLEY, Catherine MORGAN & Dorothy FISHER, sisters20 Dec1669166
HOOPERJohnBoveridge CranborneEdward HOOPER, gentleman of Boveridge during the minotiry of Agnes & Alice HOOPER, sisters 06Nov1584121
HOOPERJohnBoveridge CranborneAlice HOOPER alias MANNERS, mother26Nov 1585158
HOOPERJohnBoveridge CranborneEdward HOOPER, gentleman of Boveridge during the minotiry of Agnes & Alice HOOPER, sisters 11Jul158869
HOPKINSHenry- ---Sep1653-
HORDChristopherWaterstow, Puddleton PuddletownChristopher HORD, son18Jul1608 123
HORDEGeorgeDorchester DorchesterFlorence HORDE, relict (cancelled)28 Nov157339
HORDEGeorgeDorchester DorchesterFlorence HORDE, relict (cancelled)01 Dec157340
HOREBartholomewStockland StocklandAmos CALLARD, principal creditor06Sep 1722186
HORLERWalter- ---Jul1653-
HORLOCKSampsonGreat Funtmill Fontmell MagnaIbert HORLOCK, relict05Oct 1657241
HORNEGustavusSherborne SherborneGustavus HORNE, son (former grants Feb 1696/7 & Oct 1697) 13Jan1697/817
HORNEGustavus, widower SherborneSherborneGustavus HORNE, son (revoked) 15Feb1696/728
HORNEGustavus, widower SherborneSherborneRichard WRIGHT, guardian of Gustavus HORNE, son 23Oct1697186
HORNEThomasSherborne SherborneChristopher HORNE, brother14Jun 160643
HORNE alias MARKSAlice BroadwinsorBroadwindsorRobert HEXT, father of Eleanor HEXT, granddaughter & next of kin, during her minority 24Nov1635139
HORSEYCharles, bachelor Weymouth, but died abroadWeymouthAgnes HORSEY, widow, mother 07Dec1696220
HORSEYDame Edith, widow Wymborn MinsterWimborne MinsterRichard MORRIS, creditor 11Oct162851
HORSEYWilliamWeymouth WeymouthAgnes HORSEY, relict01Sep1690 163
HORSINGTONWilliam- ---Jul1653-
HORTTobias-- --Mar1653/4-
HORWOODHumphrey- ---Jul1653-
HOSKENSMargaretBeamister BeaminsterJoan CRABBE, granddaughter02Feb 1623/478
HOSKENSWilliamStoke Abbot Stoke AbbottMary HOSKENS, relict23Jan 1646/711
HOSKINSHenryBeamister BeaminsterHenry HOSKINS, grandson? ("nepos") - John HOSKINS, son, not having fully administered, grant of Jul 1582 09Jul1617126
HOSKINSJohnHamworthie HamworthyRobert HOSKINS, brother02Dec 161696
HOSKINSWilliam, bachelor Beaminster, but died at Morlaix, FranceBeaminsterJohn HOSKINS, brother - Henry HOSKINS, father, Mary HOSKINS, mother, James HOSKINS, brother, Ann HILLARY, sister & Mary GEDGES, sister, renouncing 07Feb1667/826
HOSKINS/ HARRISONEdith BradfordBradford Abbas or PeverellRichard HARRISON, son 24May164136
HOSKYNJohn-- --Jul1653-
HOSKYNSHenryBemyster BeaminsterJohn HOSKYNS, son03Jul1582 41
HOTKINS alias READEJames Westleigh, HalstockHalstockEdward HOTKINS alias READE, son, [blank], relict, renouncing 20Oct1610213
HOUNSELLCrispinWeymouth WeymouthThomas KNAPTON, principal creditor - Mary HOUNSELL, relict 22Oct1700201
HOUNSELLRogerBridport BridportSarah HOUNSEL, relict13Apr1702 66
HOURDWilliamFolke FolkeWilliam FAUNTLEROY, armiger, next of kin13 Apr163122
HOWRobert-- --Jun1654-
HOWARDEliasHyde Farm, Purbeck SteepleJoane HOWARD, relict26Jan1697/8 17
HOWARDHenry, Viscound Howard de Bindon BindonWoolThomas, lord Howard, new Viscount Howard de Bindon, brother 16Jan1590/1162
HOWARDPeterAnderston Winterborne AndersonMary HOWARD, relict28Apr 171387
HOWARDWilliamWymborne Wimborne Minster or St GilesThomas HOWARD, brother21 Nov1629129
HOWCHINSJohnPoole PooleAmicie HOWCHINS, relict11Oct1568 137
HOWELLJane-- --Sep1653-
HOWELLJohn-- --Jun1654-
HUCKERJohnLyme Lyme RegisJohn HALSON, next of kin02Feb 1567/8128
HUETTSamuelDorchester DorchesterAnn HUETT, relict29Apr1645 40
HUGHESRichardSutton, St Michael’s Gussage Gussage St MichaelHester HUGHES, relict12Nov 1698215
HUGHESWalter- ---Sep1653-
HUISHWilliam- ---Oct1654-
HULESMartinChardstock ChardstockBridget CLARKE, wife of Thomas CLARKE, friend of Elizabeth HULES, daughter of the deceased, during her minority 30Nov1630197
HULETAugustinStalbridge StalbridgeFrances HULET, relict21May1612 62
HULET alias FORDSaphira StalbridgeStalbridgeWilliam HULET, husband29 Oct162852
HULETTDrueBridport BridportAnne HULETT, relict13Apr1695 74
HULETTRobertCramborne CranborneHonor HULETT, relict08Mar1658/9 99
HUMBERSTONECecilyWalterstone, Piddle Towne PuddletownWilliam HUMBERSTONE of Grayes Inn, Co. Middlesex, brother 18Mar1595/6160
HUMBYLeonard- ---May1654-
HUMFREYMargaretCanford Magna Canford MagnaAdlington HUMFREY, brother17Dec 163986
HUMFREYMichaelDorchester DorchesterJohn HUMFREY, son24Apr1626 71
HUMFRYESWilliam- ---Sep1653-
HUNHAMJohnCorfe Castle Corfe CastleHester HUNHAM, relict12May 170291
HUNTDeborahDorchester DorchesterSebastian HUNT, husband10Jul 1719113
HUNTHerculesLyme Regis Lyme RegisJohn HUNT, brother20Nov1576 110
HUNTHerculesLyme Regis Lyme RegisRichard HUNT, father09Feb1576/7 117
HUNTJohnChedington ChedingtonNicholas HUNT, brother03Dec 1580215
HUNTJohn-- --Aug1653-
HUNTWalter, bachelorForthington, but died in the ship "Berwick" FordingtonAmbrose HUNT, brother30Aug1695 150
HUNT/ HUNTLEYMargaret PoolePooleJohn HURST, husband (grant of Feb 1624/5 renounced) 26Jun1629101
HURDRichard- ---Sep1654-
HURDWilliamSherborne SherborneGrace HURD, relict25Aug1642 153
HURDAIREWilliamHamoone HammoonDorothy HURDAIRE, daughter16Oct 1657241
HURDENHenry- ---Aug1653-
HURDINGJohn, armigerLong Bredy Long BredyCatherine FULWOOD, widow, sister (further grant Sep 1710) 19Apr169574
HURDINGEEdmund- ---Feb1653/4-
HURDINGEHenryKingston Russel Kingston RusselJames, William & Henry HURDINGE, with the consent of Leonard HURDING, son and heir 04Jul156014
HURLEJohnNutford, Blandford Forum Blandford ForumMary HURLE, relict15Feb 1657/839
HURMANJohnShaston ShaftesburyRichard HURMAN, brother11Feb 1658/953
HURMANMargaretShaston ShaftesburyAlban MUSTON & Elizabeth his wife, sister27 Nov1647163
HURSTJohnPoole, but died in the ship "Charles Galley" PooleJohn ORCHARD, attorney of Lucy HURST, widow, mother 13Nov1690210
HURST/ HUNTLEYMargaret PoolePooleTheobald TURVILE, sister (?), renounced and fresh administration granted Jun 1629 27Feb1624/5147
HURTBenjamin- ---Jul1653-
HUSEEYJoseph, armiger Wimborne MinsterWimborne MinsterWalter PIGOTT, principal creditor, of goods not administered by Thomas HOBBY, armiger, now dead. Mary FRAMPTON, widow, sister, renouncing (previous grant Feb 1703) 14Nov1708230
HUSSEYEdmundSt Giles Wimborne St GilesSusan HUSSEY, relict02Aug 1670128
HUSSEYElizabethMotcombe MotcombeJohn HUSSEY, husband01Dec1697 240
HUSSEYGilesEdmondsham EdmondshamMargaret HUSSEY, relict24Mar 1631/287
HUSSEYJaneDivelish DewlishRobert HUSSEY, armiger, husband28Mar 166874
HUSSEYJohnClenston Winterborne ClenstonEdith SPARKE, daughter04May 1585138
HUSSEYJosephWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterAmy HUSSEY, relict (further grant Feb 1703) 24Jul1695137
HUSSEYJosephWimborne Minster Wimborne MinsterThomas HOBY, armiger, principal creditor - Amy PIGOTT alias HUSSEY, relict, since deceased, Robert HUSSEY, armiger, brother, and Mary FRAMPTON, widow, sister, renouncing (previous grant Jul 1695; further grant Dec 1708) 18Feb1702/334
HUSSEYRobert, armiger DewlishDewlishThomas KNOYLE, great nephew on sister’s side & next of kin - William KNOYLE, nephew, having died without fully administering (former grant Jan 1671) 08Mar1680/141
HUSSEYRobert, widower Stower PaineStourpaineGeorge FILLITER, principal creditor - Hubert HUSSEY and Mary, wife of John STOUT, children, renouncing 09Feb1708/928
HUSSEYSimonLyme Regis Lyme RegisJoan HUSSEY, relict11Nov1673 142
HUSSEY alias BAYLEYJohn YetminsterYetminsterAnn HUSSEY alias BAYLEY, relict 16Oct1670155
HUSSEY alias PIGOTTAnna Wimborne MinsterWimborne MinsterWalter PIGOTT, armiger, husband 09Dec1700236
HUSSYRobertDowlish DewlishWilliam KNOYLE, nephew on sister’s side (further grant Mar 1681) 24Jan1670/112
HUTCHINSHenry, bachelor ChardstockChardstockMargaret WARREY, mother03 Jun1667104
HUTCHINSThomasBroadwinsor BroadwindsorJohn GOLLOPP, grandson & creditor - Richard HUTCHINS, son, not administering 03Jul164151
HUTCHINSThomas, bachelor Weymouth, but died in BarbadosWeymouthThomas HUTCHINS, father 03Aug1693148
HUTCHINSONJohnSt James, Westminster, but died at Dorchester in military service DorchesterElizabeth HUTCHINSON, relict05Aug 1698155
HUXFORDJohn, bachelor Weymouth, but died in the ship "The Lion"Weymouth John STRONG, attorney of John HUXFORD, father19Dec 1690234
HYATTClementWinborne Mynster Wimborne MinsterJoan CARTER alias HYATT, sister10 Nov157462
HYATTThomasDorchester DorchesterJoane HYATT, relict15Oct1639 76
HYDEThomasWeymouth WeymouthThomas HYDE, son - Rebecca HYDE, relict, renouncing 16Dec1703233
HYEWilliamDorchester DorchesterAnne HOLLEDAYE alias HYE, daughter17 Oct160195
HYETTJames-- --May1654-
IRELANDEdwardSouth Perrott South PerrottAnn IRELAND, relict29Nov 1658283
IRELANDRogerThornford ThornfordDorothy IRELAND, relict18Nov 1673143
IRISHMathew- ---Sep1653-
ISAACHenry, bachelorUpway, but died in the ship "Chester" UpweyDaniel ISAAC, brother19Sep1694 181
ISACKEWilliamOpsam Portesham? [Possum = Portesham in Dorset dialect]William HOOPER of Melcombe Regis, creditor, with the consent of the deceased’s relict 20Jul156366
IVIE alias HARRISMerry AshmoreAshmoreJames IVIE, clerk, husband16 Feb1704/531
IZODFrauncis- ---Mar1653/4-


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