
Will of Henry HOWMAN the Elder 1641

Dated 11 Sep 1640 - Inventory 27 Oct 1640 - Proved 4 Nov 1641

© Transcribed by Helen M Ford - 10th Oct 2024
Wiltshire Archives Original & Copy Will with Inventory Ref: SPC 1641 14 29:
P5/1641/34 and P5/14Reg/29B

:Will of Henry Howman, the elder, 1641 Fordington, Dorset

:Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and
Probates; Reference Number: P5/14Reg/27B

In the name of God Amen the eleventh day of September, Ano Dm’I 1640. I Henery Howman
th’elder of Fordington in the county of Dors’t yoman beinge sicke & weake in body but of good &
p’fect mind & memorie (thanks be given to Almightie God, doe make & ordaine this my [p’ ] last will
and testam’t in manner and forme followinge viz

:First & principallie I comend my soule into the hands & manifold merceye of Almightie God who of
his free grace hath redeemed the same by the precious bloud death and passion of his sonne Jesus
Christ. And my bodie to the earth w’th a full assured hope of a happy & joyful resurrection to
everlasting life

:Item I doe give unto the church of Fordington v s and to the poore of Fordington aforesaid vs

:Item whereas Roger Kete gent late of Fordington aforesaid deceased did by his deede indented
bearing date the thirteenth day of March in the yeare of Kinge James of England in the seaventeenth
and of Scotland the three and fiftieth for the conside’ons therein [ ] covenante promise and agree
to & with Thomas Kete gent, Humfry Joyliffe gent & Will’m Speringe gent that the said Roger Kere &
his heirs imedeatlied from & after the sealinge & deliverie of thesaid deed would stand and be feifed
of and in the lands rents & hereditam’ts w’h th’[(appurtenances?] that is to say of all those
messuages burgages ,houses, buildings, curtelages, backsides, gardens, grounds, lands, rents &
heriditam’ts w’th their appurtences whatsoever situate, lyeing & beinge in Waymouth within the
p’sh of Wyke Regis in the said countie of Dors’t on the South side of the high streete of Waymouth
aforesaid bound[ ] in the said deed. And of & in all rents, pensions, duties, service & hereditam’ts
whatsoever to the said premises in any sise belonging or applloying to the use of the said Roger
for terme of his life without impeachm’t of wast And after his decease the remainder thereof to
the use of the said Henery Howman and Vertue his wife & of his heires & assignes forever by the
said deed amongst other things at large [ ] doth & may appeare, All w’th said messuages burgages
houses buildings curtellages backsides gardens grounds lands rents hereim’ts and all of the p’misses
in theire? Appurtenc’s after the decease of me the said Henry Howman the elder & Vertue my wife I
give and bequeath unto Henry Howman the younger my sonne, to his heires & assignes for ever And
likewise I give & bequeath unto the said Henry my said sonne a bason & ewer and a payre of brass
candelsticks w’ch my will is shall remaine in the custody of the said virtue my wife during her lufe.

:Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas my sone a featherbed furnished ,my best cupboard and my
second brasse crock w’ch my will is also shall remaine in the custody of the said Vertue my wife
duringe her life.

:Item I give unto my daughter Alice my best chest in the hall and my best brasse crocke All w’ch said
goods before by me given to my said daughter my will shall remaine in the custody of the said
Vertue my wife during her life.

:Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswomen Joane and and Honor the daughters of my brother in
law William Clarke deceased ijs appeice

:All the rest residue of my goods, chattells, debts ,& household stuffe moveable & immoveable
whatsoever herein not before ment’ed and given I give & bequeath unto the said Vertue my wife
whom I make my sole & onlie executrix of this my p’nte last will & testament. And I doe request &
appointe the said Will’m Speringe and my Kinsman Robert Segar to be mine ov’seers to see mywill
p’formed acordinge to my true meaning.

:In witess whereof I have hereunto sett my had & seale the & yeare first above written, Henery
Howman, signed sealed and acknowledged by the said Henery Howman Elder to be his last will &
testam’t in the p’sence of

;Robert Tutchin, William Speringe, the mark of Mrs Mellisant Turner
(Probate granted on 4 th November 1641 to Vertue Howman relict.)

Inventory of the goods and Chattels of Henry Howman the Elder was taken on the 27 th October 1640
by Robert Seagar and Michael Barnes Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire
and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates;
Reference Number: P5/1641/4 (

William CLARKE & Alyce [Alice] HOWMAN married 11-May 1618 St George Fordington

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