For this period the Bishops Transcripts are intermittent and often in very
poor condition. Most were written in secretary hand where the formation
of letters was very different from that used today. Some are also written
in Medieval Latin. For those consulting original documents please note:- Abbreviation is common. some examples used here are:- eld: for elder or sen: for senior. In Latin “i” and “j” are interchangeable so you will also see iun: as well as jun: as an abbreviated version of junior. Sepult: for sepultus or sepultuserat meaning buried. wid: for widow An example of gender specific abbreviation often used in this text is the word Johes, abbreviated from Johannes meaning John. In the IGI these names have sometimes been incorrectly recorded as female which would be Johan for Johanna. Willmus for Willelmus meaning William. Jacobus or Jacobi in Latin can be translated as Jacob or James - the latter is most common Numbers are often written in Roman numerals and in faded or damaged documents are particularly difficult to get right - here the vicar has sometimes followed roman numerals with a “ th” as in xxvth [25th]. He has also used “ iiii” meaning 4th rather than “ iv”. Readers are reminded that each year started on 25th March not the 1st January [ up until 1752] so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year |
1600 to 1602 inc Missing [Listed below are people we know died at Fordington during this period] [Note:- 1600: April - John COSENS senior of Fordington Link to Fordington Manor Court Roll dated 15th Apr 1600* which suggests he died shortly before that date as his sons John Cosens junior and henry Cosens pay 40 shillings for a new copyhold grant on the death of their father.] [Note:- 1600: May - John WHITE Senior [also referred to as the Elder] of Fordington Husbandsmen wrote his Will on 3rd Jan 1597. He died according to an inventory of his goods on 27th day of May 1600* and would have been buried at St Georges Church in Fordington a few days later as he states in his Will "my body I bequeath it to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the xpian (christian) burial of Fordington" : His goods were assessed on 2nd June 1600 and his will was proved on 17th July 1600. Also Link to Fordington Manor Court Roll dated 6th May 1600* which suggests he died shortly before that date as his widow Elizabeth pays her heryott of 5s to confirm that she inherits their tenement and whole place plot in Fordington Fields by custom of the Manor.] [Note:- - 1602/3: Dec/Feb - John INGRAM Husbandman of Fordington wrote his will on 16th Dec 1602 and an Inventory of his goods etc was taken on 10th Feb 1602/3 after his death. The following register only starts from 26th March 1603] Burials in Anno Dm [abbreviated from Anno Domini] 1603 [Burials in the year of our Lord 1603] [CLDS image 2090] Symon RASKER fuit Sepultus posterus die mensis Martij Willius INGRAM fuit Sepult vicesimo [vicesimus?] Sext [Sextus] die Aprilis Eodem die Richardus BUNNE fuit sepultus Elenor uxor Willi COSSENS fuit Sepult quinto Maij Anna SEGR? fuit Sepult duodecim die mensis maij Margareta uxr [abbreviated uxor] Robi BUNE fuit Sepult vicesimo [vicesimus?] die mensis Maij Agneta uxor Roberti COSSENS fuit Sepult vicesimo [vicesimus?] primo Octobris Eliza uxor Rogeri COOMBE Sepult vicesimo [vicesimus?] quinto [quintus?] Novembris Johes TUCKER fuit Sepult Sext Novembr [Novembris] Elizabetha uxr [abbreviated uxor] Andreas KEYT sepult xiii die mensis Decembris [Note:- See Baptism of Robert the son of Andrew KEYTE on 13th Nov 1604] Dorothea fili Johes ASHE Sepult xiiii Decembr Robtus fili Thos KEZIAR sepult xxii Decembr Robtus fili Jacobi BASCOMBE [or BATTESCOMBE] sepult veneris? nono die mensis Januarii Anna uxor Willi BELLMAN sepult primo die ffebr Willmus ADAMS fuit sepult xxvi ffebr Eliza uxor Willie LUKES sepult xiv ffebr [Start of CLDS image 2091] Jacobus fili Robti FFORD sepult xiii die mensis martii Willmus SLADE sepult xx die martii Anno Dm [abbreviated from domini] 1604 [In the year of our Lord 1604] [CLDS image 2090 & 2091] Robertus COSSINS sepult decimo [decimus?]die Aprilis Elizabetha uxr [abbreviated from uxor] Thoma SEAGER sepult vicesimus secundy die Aprilis Johas uxor Gilberti TUCKER sepult primo dei Maii Thos TETMAN sepult xxiii die Junii Thomazin TETMAN sepult xxx Junii Johes fili Robti BATHGOOD sepult xxiiidie mensis Setembris Thos KEZIAR sepult xi Octobris Johes HUNT sepult viii Decembris Willius RASKER fuit sepult ? Januarii Elizabeth DOWNTON fuit? sepult xxv die mensis Januarii Marraun? uxor [3 illegible words --ER] sepult xxii die mensis ffeb Elizabeth MOLLINS sepult tertio martii Anno Dm [abbreviated from domini] 1605 [In the year of our Lord 1605] [CLDS image 2091]
Lucia KETE wid sepult xxv die martii Christiana CHUNT [CHOUNT} sepult xxv Julii [Note:- Christian BARTLETT the widow of Robert BARTLETT who remarried to Harry CHOUNT at FStG between 1580-1582]
Helane MOODY sepult sext:[abbreviation for sextus] ffebus Elizabeth fili Robti WHITE sepult vicesimus sec [secundy?]die mensis ffebr
Ao [abbreviation for Anno] Dm [abbreviated from domini] 1606 [In the year of our Lord 1606][CLDS image 2091 & Start of 2092]
Walterus CONDIT vicesimo [vicesimus?] nono [nonus?] die maii Harrett CARTER vid sepult xiiii die Octobris
In witnes herof wee whose names are here subscribed have set our penn and hand the day and yeare above written
??? me Jo [John] KINGTON Ibm: [Abbreviation for Ibidem at the same place] [He was actually Curate at Fordington from 1600] William BIRDE } Wardens [i.e. Churchwardens] William BASCOMBE [or BATTESCOMBE] }[End of CLDS image 2091] Anno Dm 1607[In the year of our Lord 1607][CLDS image 2092][Note right side of first document badly water damaged, but 2nd different return filmed by CLDS [CLDS image 2094] does give dates etc so amalgamated & highlighted any discrepancies between returns ] Christian the wife of William CLOWTHER was buried the xxv [25th] day of March [Note:- According to the Survey of the Manor of Fordington held in 1615 William CLOWTER (born c1555) still held a cottage on a small plot of 20 square perch for 3 lives (60,38, 60) ] Robert the sonne of Robert COSSENS [COZENS] buried 21st day of June Elinor daughter of Peter MOODY [MOODYE] buried xxi [21st] day of June [ Note: 2nd return gives date of burial as 21st May - cant be right as out of order - 1st return clear month of June] [Note:- Elionor the daughter of Peter and Faith MOODYE is a beneficiary of £20 under her fathers Will dated 1st Jan 1606] Susanna the daughter of Robert WHITE 1st day of July [Note:- Susannah was the daughter of Robert WHITE (d.1607) her father was buried at FStG 14 October 1607. Also grandaughter of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) Link to his place in the History of The White Family of Fordington.] Judith the daughter of John KINTON buried 13th August Robt the sonne of Roger BUNE [2nd return BUNNE] buried xix [19th] August Eodem die [on the same day] Barbara the daughter of John CONNICK buried William WHITE buried the Thirteenth of October [Note:- This is the burial of William WHITE Clerk (d.1607) the 5th known child of John WHITE Senior by his wife Elizabeth and died intestate. An Inventory of his goods and a letter of administration survive . Link to his place in the History of The White Family of Fordington. the same day Avis STILL buried [Note:Avis was a not uncommon feminine name at this date] Robert WHITE was buried the xiiii [14th] day October [Note:- This is the burial of Robert WHITE (d.1607) Husbandman. He was the 2nd known child of John WHITE Senior and died intestate. An Inventory of his goods survives and a Letter of Administration survive. Link to his place in the White Family of Fordington] the same day Cicely WHITE was buried [Note:- Cisley {Sisley] WHITE was the 2nd child of Roger WHITE (d.1600/1602). Link to her place in the White Family of Fordington] Agnes the wife of William RASKER buried 1st of November Elizabeth WHITE widdowe buried 5th November[Note:Elizabeth WHITE the widow of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) Link to transcription of her Will dated 18th Oct 1607 and proved 15th Dec 1607] William WINSOR [WINSAR] senior buried 25th Ffebruary [Note:-The husband of Thomasin nee WHITE. Link to her place in the White Family of Fordington] Joanne WINSOR [WINSAR] vidua [Latin for widow] buried27th Ffebruary Mary the wife of Thomas CHOUNT buried the xxviii [28th] ffeburary Signed [2nd return only] Adam WILSONNE Vicarius [Vicar] William BIRD } Church Wardens William BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] } Anno Dm 1608 [CLDS image 2092] [In the year of our Lord 1608] [Note: 1st document very badly water damaged - 2nd separate return in good condition]
Elizabeth the daughter of Henry LEVITE [LEVET] buried the 5th day of May [Note:- there is a baptism for an Elizabeth the daughter of henry LEVET in Fordington on 28 Nov 1585] Mary the wife of John WHITE buried the xiiith [13th] of May [Note:- wife of John WHITE Junior son of John White Senior (d.1600)] Ffrancis the sonne of Thomas BASCOME [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] buried xxix [29th] day of May [Note:- Bap FStG 7th June 1605 - Note:- Thought to be 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615]] Julyan [Julian] SWANE widow was buried 6th June Margery the daughter of Thomas KEYZAR buried 10th August Joane the wife of Hamnet WHITE buried the 11th September [Note:- Joane was the 1st wife of Hamnet WHITE (d.1633/4) ] Henry the sone of Thomas [rest of 1st return illegible] -------- [2nd return different - has Henry HAYWARD buried 25th September?] Symon BEST [2nd return BESSE] was buried the 29th September Ruth?CAUDINE? was buried 4th November Elizabeth FFORD the wife of Edmund FFORD buried the 11th November Tho [Thomas] the sonne of John ASHE buried primo [1st] December [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Symon [Simon] the sone of [illegible] ---- January [2nd return different - has Simon REESE? buried 11th January] Judith [Judeth] Servant to Robert BITHGOOD--- day of ffebr [Note:- Robert BITHGOOD (1560-bef.1628) was a Clothier by trade and is listed in the 1607 and 1615 Surveys of Fordington Manor as holding a farthinghold in Fordington Fields ] William the sonne ofWilliam FRANCIS buried the 22nd Ffebuary Signed [2nd return only] Adam WILSON Vicarius [Vicar] William BIRD } gardianus [Church Wardens] William BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] }[End of CLDS image 2092] Burials 1609 to 1613 inc MISSING - Below known to have died during this period:- 16 Jun 1609 - John BARNES Husbandman of of Fordington - See Will dated 14th Jun 1609 (proved 1st Sep 1609) and "Inventory of all the goods chattels and debts of John BARNES who deceased the 16th day of June AD 1609" - he asked "As concerning my body I commend it to the earth and to be buried as is our use [custom] and right" and went on to leave 2 shillings to the church of Fordington and ten shillings to the poor people there. Relict Maud executrix. Bet 29 May & 20th June 1609 - Joan HUNT nee RASKER (c1566-1609) 1609-1613 - Robert INGRAM Senior - See 1607 Survey of Fordington Manor holding a Farthinghold Plot in Fordington Fields which is annotated that his wife Margaret INGRAM was then still living. Also See 1615 Survey by which time Margaret has inherited the plot. Margaret INGRAM a widow was buried at FStG 13th Aug 1626 making her 81 at death. 1609-1613 - John WYNDSOR - Link to entry in 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor indicating that he died within this period Aug 1613 - Christopher RASKER husband of Elizabeth - See Letter of Administration granted to his widow Elizabeth on 3rd Sep 1613. Son of William RASKER (d.1605) the elder who remarried to Katherine BELMAN FstG 2nd May 1586. ![]() May 16thHenrie ANNETS husbandman [i.e. farmer] Buried [Note: See Wills Index for 9th July 1614] May 23rd Mellysent [Millicent] the wife of Thomas EAMES Buried [Note see Biography of her son Anthony Eames] June 4th Joan the wife of Xpoffer [Christopher] PIERCE Buried June 12th John WILLIAMS husbandman [i.e.farmer] Buried [Note:John Williams appears to have taken up a farthinghold in 1591 and surrendered it in 1596 [Link to entry in 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor]. He is probably the John Williams, natural son of Richard Williams, mentioned in Letter of Admon for Elenor Tucker of Fordington 1573] June 16th Roger the sonne of John BRYNE Buried June 19th Robte [Robert?] RASKER junio [junior] Buried June 21st Jane the daughter of Thomas BASCU [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] [Bapt 5th Jun] Buried [Note:- Bap FStG 5th June 1614 - Note:- Thought to be 6th child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 June 24th Rabbidge the daughter of Henire [Henry] WHITE Burial [NOTE: Rabbidge is a female name originating from Cornwall in use 1450 - 2nd of 4 known children of Henry White, others were Priscilla bap 26 Oct 1606; Henry bap 15th Nov 1615 and Roger bap 5th Dec 1619 - there would have been other children between 1609 and 1613 when records are missing --origin of Henry senior not so far identified] August 12th Isabell the wyfe of James SEAGAR Buried Septeb 1st Dorothee the wyfe of Thomas BYSSHOPPE [Bishop] Buried Septeb 20th Margarett the daughter of William KEEMOR? Buried Septeb 28th William HARRIS Yoman [Yeoman] Buried [Note: a yeoman was above a husbandman holding a small landed estate which he actually cultivated, he was below a gentleman who would normally hire servants to do the work, although more to do with lifestyle] Noveb 29th William BASCU [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE?] the Elder Buried [Note:- Thought to be the William BASCOMBE Senior who held a farthinghold plot in Fordington Fields in the 1600 Survey of the Manor by copyhold grant dated c1584 as this plot of 16 acres and 1 rood is later held in the 1615 Survey by Agnes BASCOMBE aged abt 60 (c1555) who is also buried at FStG on 31st Aug 1625 when she would have been abt 70] Deceb 17th Richard the sone of Grace PARKER Buried Deceb 21st Radulphe [Ralph] COOY? shephard Buried Janu: 26th [1614/15] Marie the daughter of William LYNNINGTON [LINNINGTON] Buried [Note: Baptised on 24th December 1614] [Note:- 1st known child of William LINNINGTON - Link to 1650 Survey Fordington Manor and more information about the family] March 5th Margaret COKER vid [vidua = widow]. Buried March [5th] John the sone of John BYRDE [BIRD] Buried [Note:- Bapt FStG 24th Jan 1614/15] March 12th William WINSOR [WINSAR] the elder Buried March 14th Joan the wyfe of Thomas TAPPE Buried [Note:- Link to a Thomas TAPP (born c1555) aged ~60 in the Survey of Fordingtn Manor in 1615] ffinis [the end] Buried 1615 [CLDS Image 2097] ![]() May 13th Marryan [Marian] the daughter of Thomas SEAGAR Buried May 24th Rebecca EVERETT single woman Buried June 13th Robti [Robert] the sone of John SPRANKLYN Buried [Note Baptised Fordington 24th April 1615] August 12th Amee [Amy] the wyfe of William ATKINS Buried August 27th Marie PIERCE Buried Octb 28th Judith the daughter of William JONES Buried [Note:- Baptised Fordington 30th March 1615 - William Jones was vicar of Fordington 1609-1616] Decb 27th John the base sonne of John EDWARDS Buried Janu:17th Alice TAPPE vid (abbreviation for vidua or widow) Buried [Note:- Thought to be the Alice TOPP a widowed tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding a copyhold grant for a half place in Fordington Fields] Janu: 18th Thomas GREGORIE Buried Febu: 9th Wynnifryth WINTERHAY Buried Febu: 11th Xpofer [Christopher] the sonne of John WINSOR Buried Burials 1616 [CLDS Image 2098] [Note:- There is no heading on this composite return but James the son of John Seager (1st burial) was only baptised on 31st March so this must be 1616 which is otherwise missing. This image therefore correctly continues from Image 2097 above with one final baptism at the very top as shown below, no more marriages and a short list of burials with the last entry dated 6th June [1616]
![]() Aprill 4th James the sone of John SEAGER Buried [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Marie COLLINS at FStG 17th Oct 1615. Aprill 9th Richard PROWER Buried [Note:- Richard PROWER (bur.1616) Yeoman of Fordington [Link to Nuncupative Will dated 8th Apr 1616 --Richard PROWER is in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600 holding a whole place in Fordington Fields by virtue of a copyhold grant held by his wife Johane dated c1580. His widow Johane PROWER was buried at FStG 3rd June 1622] Aprill 24th Katherine the wife of Robte [Robert] INGRAM Buried [Note:- Katherine INGRAM (bur 1616) wife of Robert INGRAM -- See comments against the will of their son John INGRAM's will dated 16th Dec 1602] Aprill 28th Stephen the sone of Stephen FFABIEN? Buried May 25th William the sone of William FFRANCIS Buried June 3rd Margarett the wife of Ww [William] FFRANCIS Buried June 6th Anna the daughter of Thomas LYNSIE [Note Bap 19th May 1616] Buried Burials - 7th June 1616 to 25th March 1617/18 Missing [NOTE:- The next composite return of Births Marriages and Burials covering burials in the second half of 1616 and the whole of 1617 is missing. abt Oct/Nov 1616 - John WILLS [Link to Letters of administration dated 16th Nov 1616.] abt 1617 - Anthony BARNES Senior (1548-abt.1617) Widow Agnes bur 1628 ![]() Ffordington 1618 [CLDS Image 2099] The names of all such psons [persons] as have bin [been] cristened, marryed & buryed syth [since] ons [on] the xxvth [25th] day of March Anno Dm [Domini] 1618 untyll the xxvth [25th] day of March 1619 and hereafter followeth which [were] within the pish [parish] of ffordington in the County of Dorset - viz
Ffordington 1618 BURYALLES: Aprill 16 Anne GAWDIN wydow was buried Maye 22 Elizabeth the daughter of Samuell MACE? buried June 25 Thomas EAMES buried
June 28 Elizabeth the wife of William [?]LINTER? buried August 30 Agnes PETTYE servant to Robte [Robert] PETTY buried September 13 Jane the daughter of John WHITE Junior buried [Note:- daughter from the 2nd marriage of John WHITE Junior (c.1560-aft 1618) ] November 06 Nicholas WINSOR was buried
December 06 Margerye the wife of Jhn [John] ASHE junior buried [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] January 17 Catherin [Catherine] the daughter of William CRYMELL [CRYBLE, CRIMBEL] buried
Ffebruary 03 Sybell the wyfe of William HUTTON buried February 19 Marye the wyfe of Anthony BARNES Junior buried [Note:- AnthonyBARNES Junior (1582-1618) ] March 02 Margerye WINSOR was buried
March 4 John TUCKER the sonne of William TUCKER buried March 8 Catheryne the daughter of William BARNES Junior buried [Note:- Katherine BARNES born c1593] March 23 John the sonne of Anthony BARNES junior buried [Note:- AnthonyBARNES Junior (1582-1618) ] SignedEdward PELE Vicar ibidem [at or in the same place] Edward JOHNSON} Church Wardens of Ffordington Phillippe FFEARE } Ffordington 1619 A note of all the christenings, weddings and buryalls in Ffordington aforesaid in the County of Dorset syth [since] on the xxvth [25th] daye of Marche Anno Dm [Domini] 1619 [illegible] xxxvth [15th] daye of Marche Anno Dm 1620: ![]() BURYALLS: [CLDS Image 2100]
Aprill 28 Christian COSENS [COZENS] wydowe was buried [Note: See Wills Index for 1619 She was the widow of Robert COSENS buried at FStG on 10th Apr 1604 ] Maye 29 Johane the wyfe of Rog[e]r GREGORYE was buried August 17 Robert the sonne of Robte [Robert] COSENS Junior was buried November 20 Anthonye the sonne of John WEECH was buried [Note:- Bap FStG 8th Jan 1618] January 26 Eame the wife of Henrye WHITE was buried [Note:- Link to more information about their family - note entry below] February 4 Henrye WHITE was buried [Note:- Link to more information about their family - Henry is also in the Survey of Fordington taken in 1615 which gives his age as being 62 making him born c1553] February 7 Dorothie WINSOR was buried [Note:- Link to Survey of Fordington Manor 1615 which gives her age as about 60 making her born circa 1555 and (aged 64) at death] February 9 [illegble - paper folded over may start with "A" + a short word eg 'Ann'] daughter of Thomas? FRY sen buried February 16 Agnes the daughter of Roger SWYRS was buried February 22 Katherin the daughter of Anthonye WINSOR buried eodem die [the same day i.e. 22] Elizabeth the daughter of John DEARINGE was buried February 23 Ffrances the daughter of William WHITE buried [Note:- Thought to be the 2nd known child of William WHITE (c1593- aft 1621?) ] March 2 Thomas BASCOME [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] of West Street was buried [Note:- The husband of Agnes BASCOMBE nee COSENS (c1575-1625) who was buried at FStG on 31st Aug 1625 - See also Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1615 which shows Tho: Botescombe aged 42 years (i.e. born c1573) holding a copyhold grant for a plot of 18 acres in Fordington Fields ] March 18 John the sonne of John ASHE Junior was buried [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Vicar Edward JOHNSON } Churchwardens Robat [Robert] WINSOR } 1620 A true copy of the names of all those Christened, Married or Buried in the Tith [Tithing] of ffordingtonin the County of Dorset in the yeare of our Lord God 1620 note the certaine dayes and monthes m ???h any such christening, marriage and buriall was had: ![]()
Burials followeth [CLDS Image 2101] March 27 Elizabeth the wife of John MOGGE the elder was buried March 31 Agnes MARTIN widow was buried Aprill 1 John COLLINS was buried April 10 Margret CONWAY was buried April 21 Herbert PELHAM Esquire was buried
Aprill 22 Mary REEVE was buried April 27 Agnes LYNNINGTON [LINNINGTON] was buried [Note:-thought to have been the wife of William LINNINGTON - Link to 1650 Survey Fordington Manor and more information about the family] May 6 Julyan HOARE was buried May 27 Edward WILLS was buried May 30 James LUCKAS was buried June 5 Roger KEATE gent [gentleman] was buried [Note: See Transcription of his Will dated 5 July 1620 and entry in the Fordington Manor Survey of 1615 - imputed year of birth 1550 (age 65) 19.1 acres of land ]
June 19 Wm [William] BARNES Senior was buried [Note:- Actually thought to be burial of William BARNES Junior/Younger (1553-1620) as William BARNES Senior/Elder (1545-1621/2) was buried at FStG on 30th Jan 1621/2 (see below). Link to comments about Differentiation of the name "William BARNES" which reviews all info available] July 1 Margret the daughter of Roger SEAGER was buried [Note:- Bapt 9th Apr 1620 - 1st known child from the marriage of Roger SEAGER to Anne THOMAS at FStG on 18th Jan 1615] July 7 Jane the daughter of Wm [William] WINSOR the elder was buried Eodem die [7] Wm [William] MARTIN was buried July 11 Jnet [Janet] the daughter of iho [John] STRANGE was buried July 19 John the sonne of Ffrancis ASHE widow was buried [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] July 26 Robte [Robert] POTTS was buried August 10 Thomas TUCKER was buried September 9 Richard BARTLET was buried [Note Richard BARTLETT is the younger of 2 sons mentioned in the Will of his father Robert BARTLETT dated 12th May 1579 - Link to Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600 showing that he held a cottage in Fordington by copyhold granted c1598 and Link to Survey in 1615 which records that he is still paying 9d rent for it. October 24 Alce [Alice] HOMAN was buried December 3 John HAWKINS was buried January 14 Mary the daughter of John COMFREY? buried January 23 Edith the wife of Thomas BARTLET was buried [Note:- The wife of Thomas BARTLETT bap 18th Aug 1592 FStG a child of the Robert BARTLETT mentioned in his fathers Will Dated 12 May 1579 who was the eldest surviving child, and under the age of 24 at that date: Link to his father's Will. ] Ffebruary 12 John PROWER was buried [Note:- Son of Richard PROWER Yeoman of Fordington by his wife Johane who held a whole place in Fordington Fields in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor.] Ffebruary 16 William COUSENS [COZENS] was buried Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Vicar Thomas CHOUNT } Church---- [Churchwardens] Robert FORDE } ![]() 1621 Fordington in Dorset [CLDS Image 2102] A note of the names of all such people? as have byn Maryed, Christened, & Buryed within the Tithing of Fordington from & after the xxvjth [26th] daye of Marche Anno Dm [Domini] 1621 untyll the xxvth [25th] daye of Marche Anno Dm 1622 As followeth being:-
Buryals 1621 May 02 Susan the wyfe of John COLLYNS [COLLINS] was buryed [Note:- Susanna was the wife of John COLLINS whom she married at FStG in May 1620] June 26 William BUNNE [BUNN] was buryed
August 05 Richard WINZOR [WINSOR / WINSAR] was buryed September 26 Elizabeth the daughter of Robte [Robert] COSENS [COZENS]was buryed November 23 William the sonne of William CLEMENT was buryed [Note Bapt 11 Nov 1621] December 21 Thomas BASSECOMBE [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] the sonne of Tho [Thomas] BASSECOMBE was buryed
December 22 Agnes SANSOME was buryed January 30 Willm [William] BARNES the elder was buryed [Note:- Link to William BARNES (1545-1621/22) Widower of Marie BARNES buried FStG 11th Jan 1587/8 March 13 Mary the wyfe of Edmund WYNDITT was buryed March 22 Richard FFOLYES was buryed Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Vicar Thomas CHOUNT } Church---- [Churchwardens] Robert FFORDE } 1622 Fordington Buryalls [CLDS Image 2103] April 2 Elizabeth the daughter of John DEERINGE was buryed [Note:She was baptised 12th July 1621] April 7 Jone the wyfe of Edward BENBENNE was buryed April 20 Henrye [not clear looks like Lesvite?] April 27 Margarett the daughter of Richard COSENS [COZENS] was buryed [Note: She was baptised 10 March 1621] May 8 Jone the wyfe of Robert WINSOR [WINSAR] the elder was buryed [Note:- Link to a Robert Windsore in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615] May 28 Christian [illegible ends in Y] Wydowe was buryed June 3 Johana PROWER Wydowe was buryed [Note:- Link to Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600 as she was the widow of Richard PROWER who died in 1616 leaving a nuncupative Will dated 8th Apr 1616. The Survey in 1600 refers to Johane PROWER being granted a copyhold in her name c1580] July 13 William the sonne of Walter DAWE was buryed July 26 Anowen the daughter of Roger GREGORYE was buried August 11 Marye THORNE was buried August 12 Florence the wyfe of Richard SEAGAR was buried [Note:- Link to pedigree chart] [illegible - possibly James?] the sonne of Roger GREGORYE was buried [Note: Fairly sure same name as baptised 26 May 1622] September 2 Elizabeth BARNES was buried September 13 Alice ZEAGER [SEAGER] was buried September 26 Elena the daughter of John ASHE Junior was buried [Note: baptised Fordington 29 August 1621][Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] September 28 Johane the wyfe of Robert COSENS sen [Senior?] was buried September 30 Grace the wyfe of John DOWNETON [DOWNTON] was buried October 4 Julihan the daughter of Herbert PELHAM Esquire was buried [Note:At this date Julian was usually a female name] November 2 Leonard the sonne of Jhn [John] PAGE was buried November 12 John WHITE the younger was buried [Note:- Link to John WHITE Junior (c.1560-1622)] December 5 Robert BELLMAN was buried December 14 Berthie [Bethie?] WINSOR wydowe was buried December 24 Johane [variation for Joan] WINSOR wydowe was buried March 2 Lawrence COMBE was buried March 6 William BELLMAN was buried [Note:- Link to Survey of Fordington Manor 1615 which confirms that he is still holding this cottage by copyhold granted c1564 as shown in 1600 Survey.] March 24 William WINSOR was buried Aprill 18 Martha the daughter of Walter DAWE was buried [Note: Last entry is beyond the end of that year ] Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Minister Rafe [Ralph] CORBIN } Church---- [Churchwardens] 1623 Ffordington in Cond horst 1623 [CLDS Image 2104]
A Register of all the Christenings, weddings and buryalls ut [that] have bin [been]in ffordington in the County of Dorset this present year of our Lord God 1623 from hereafter day of assumption of our Blessed Lady St Marye the virgin [note this is the 25th day of March] in the year aforesayd untyll the ffeast of Assumption of our Lady in Anno dm 1624 being? one whole year viz Buryalls Aprill 29 Robert the base [i.e. illegitimate] sonne of Margery PIERCE buried [See Notes at baptism 20th January 1621] May 3 Marye WHITE wydowe was buried [Note:- Mary WHITE nee KEZIAR (d.1623) 2nd wife of John WHITE Junior (c.1560-1622)] May 5 William TUCKER was buried [Note:- Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 which states he was about 56 years old in 1615 and therefore born circa 1559 making him aged 64 at death. He had 2 smallholdings one of 29:2 acres and another for 27 acres] July 27 Roger the sonne of Henry WHITE deceased buried [NOTE: 3rd of 4 known children of Henry and Eame WHITE who both died in January and February 1619/20. Follow link for more information] August 5 William the sonne of James BATSCOMBE [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] deceased buried August 12 John BUNNE Senr was buried [Note:- Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 which states he was about 45 years old in 1615 and therefore born circa 1575 making him aged 48 at death. He had a smallholdings of 18.2 acres held for his own life - Probably the same John BUN who held a Cottage on a small plot of 8 square perch against 4 lives] September 4 Roger the sonne of William TURNER buried [Note:- Roger was the son of William TURNER by his wife Millicent SEAGER and a beneficiary under the will of Roger KETE (1550-1620). Link to Pedigree] October 19 George WHITE was buried November 22 Roger the sonne of John WEECH was buried December 26 Jane the daughter of John PAGE was buried January 14 Thomas WINSOR the elder was buried [Note:- See Comments made on the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615 - Thought to the Thomas WINSOR who married Julian BISHOP on 4th Feb 1578 at FStG and born c1555 and aged about 60 in 1615 making him aged 68 at death] January 25 Johane WINSOR wydowe was buried Ffeb: 3 John the sonne of John PAGE was buried Ffeb:16 Elizabeth BATSCOMBE [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] single woman was buried Ffeb:19 William the sonne of Robte [Robert] COSSENS [COZENS] Junior was buried Ffeb: 21 Obadiah the sonne of John ASHE junior was buried [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] March 6 Thomas BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] was buried [Note:- Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 which states he was about 66 years old in 1615 and therefore born circa 1549 and (aged 74) at death and had two farthingholds of 17.1 acres and 18.3 acres] March 22 William COLLYNS [COLLINS] Senr [Senior] was buried [Note:- Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 which states he was about 50 years old in 1615 and therefore born circa 1565 and (aged 58) at death. He had a smallholding of 29.2 acres] Signatures Edw [Edward] PELE vicar Phillippe FFEARE } Robert SEAGER } Church Wardens [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor he is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives himself aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] 1624 A true transcript of all Christenings, [illegible torn off = Weddings] & Burials within the year of the [illegible torn off] [CLDS Image 2105] County of Dorset Anno Dm [ In the year of our Lord] 1624
Burials 1624 March 29 Judith the daughter of Ambrose WHITE was buried [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Ambrose WHITE to Elizabeth RASKER at Fordington on 5th July 1614] Aprill 13 Anne the daughter of Roger BUCKE was buried [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of Roger BUCKE to Margery VYNTON on 4th May 1615] April 29 Thomas BUNNE was buried [Note:- Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 suggests aged about 60 in 1615 hence born circa 1555 and aged 69 at death and had a smallholding of 27 acres] September 20 Roger the sonne of Richard COUSENS [COZENS] was buried October 12 Nicholas ALLEN was buried October 19 Marion the wife of Wm [William] BUN was buried October 25 Mary the daughter of Roger GREGORY was buried November 3 Edith COUSENS [COZENS] widow was buried November 10 Robte [Robert] BARTLET was buried [Note:- Robert BARTLETT is a beneficiary under his fathers Will Dated 12 May 1579 and was the eldest surviving child and under the age of 24 at that date: - Also listed as a tenant in Fordington Manor Surveys for 1600 and 1615 of a.copyhold granted c 1586 for a 24:3 acre half plot and a 17:3 acre farthinghold plot when his age was given as 53 making him born circa 1563. January 30 Alice WILLES widow was buried [Note: See Wills Index for 1625] ffeb: 10 Mary the daughter of Edward COOMBE was buried ffeb: 14 Elizabeth the daughter of John PAGE was buried ffeb: 16 Edward JOHNSON gent [gentleman] was buried [Note: See Wills Index for 22 April 1625] [Not: See previous comments re gentleman & note also recorded as a churchwarden] March 20 Jone the wife of Roger WILLES was buried Signatures [indistict] Edw PELE Vicar Robti? [Robert] BUN } Church Wardens Rich [Richard] BYSHOP [BISHOP] } 1625 A transcript of all Christenings, marriages, burialls [CLDS Image 2106] ffordington within the year of the Tith [Tithing] of ffordington Anno Dm [In the year of our Lord] 1625 Burials 1625 March 25 Maudlin the daughter of Richard WILLES was buried March 31 Christopher SPRAGUE was buried [Note son of Edward and Christian Sprague from Upwey- See Sprague Family Biography on this site] Aprill 1 Jone ADAMS was buried April 16 Jone MATHEW was buried April 17 Edith NATIONS was buried April 20 Marion BESSE widow was buried May 19 Julian WINSOR widow was buried [Note:- Julian WINSOR nee BISHOP widow of Thomas WYNSOR [WINSOR] whom she married at FStG on 4th Feb 1578/9] June 19 Robert WHITE was buried [Note:- See Genealogical Note (GN3) of the White Family of Fordington] July 9 Grace the daughter of Roger SEAGER was buried [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Roger SEAGER to Anne THOMAS at FStG on 18th Jan 1615] July 13 Alice the wife of Richard FFRIKE [Freake] was buried August 10 Sara the daughter of Wm [William] CHURCHILL was buried [Note:- Baptised FStG 27th June 1624] August 13 Thomasin ADAMS widdow was buried August 31 Agnes BATSCOMBE [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] widdow was buried [Note:- Agnes BASCOMBE (1555-1625) Link to Fordington Manor Survey 1615 suggests aged about 60 in 1615 hence born c1555 and aged about 70 at death. Held a farthinghold in her own name of 16.1 acres] Sept 5 John the son of John CROMWEY was buried Sept 22 Benjamin the son of John WEECH was buried Oct 26 John the son of Maude KEEMER was buried Oct 29 Edith the daughter of Rich: [Richard] WARREN was buried [Note thought to be the 5th known child of Richard WARREN and Eve who married in Fordington 12 Oct 1591 Editha was baptised Fordington 2nd July 1605. Note Genealogical note (5) on the Will of Richard WArren (1557-1637) ] Novemb: 18 Mary the daughter of John WINSOR Sen:[senior] was buried Novemb: 25 Jone the wife of John BRINE was buried Dec: 24 Richard SEAGER was buried [Note:Link to Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1615 showing that Richard SEAGER held 2 plots and a cottage in Fordington Fields - 1st plot of 29 acres then aged about 63 making him born c1552 and aged 73 at death - Link to his Will dated 5th Dec 1625. He also held a 2nd plot for another 19th acres and a cottage for Richard Seager Juniors wife aged 58 ] Jan 2 Jane the daughter of Wm [William] LAURENCE [LAWRENCE] was buried ffeb 18 Richard the son of Richard DOULE was buried March 22 Christian WINSOR widdow was buried Signatures Edw [Edward] PELE vicar Robte [Robert] BUN } Churchwardens Richard BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] } |