
The Charters of Dorchester and the Company of Freemen

Extracts from 'Visitation of Dorset 1565' and 'The Municipal records of Dorchester Dorset' for

The Charter of James I  ;   The Bye-Laws of Dorchester   &  The Charter of Charles I

Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester November 2009 (Last updated September 2020)

The Charter of Edward VI - dated 12th November 1547
Update to File 29 Sep 2020
King James I
King James I
by Workshop associated with 'Master John' oil on panel, circa 1547 - NPG 5511

Picture © National Portrait Gallery
and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence

'Visitation of Dorset AD 1565 - by William Barbey Clarenceux King of Arms'

The actual Charter dated 12th November 1547 granted to Dorchester by King Edward VI has not been preserved among Dorchesters records (1) but its reaffirmation by Philip and Mary in the year AD 1557 has. (2) Edward was The Charter is however referred to in the Visitation of Dorset held in the year AD 1565 by William Clarenceux King of Arms (3) who then inspected the 2 Charter seals surviving in Dorschester. Extract (Sic) from Page 12:-
    DORCHESTER, Town and Borough of.

    Two SEALS: [The same as those given in Figures 9 and 10 of Plates 11 and 14 of the Visitation of 1623 Harl.Soc.,p.3.]

    Theis be the Seals anciently used by the Batliffs, Constables and Burgesses of the Towne and Borough of Dorchester, which seals, I Clarentieulx King of Armes of the |South, East and West partes of this Realme of England, have not only ratisfied and confirmed unto the Bailiffs, Constables and Burgesses of the said towne and Borough of Dorchester, but have also recorded the same in the Registers of this my Visitation now made within the countie of Dorset; and at this p'sent [presentation] was :-

      Owen HAYWARD,
      William ADEN, ---Bayliffs;
      Christopher HOLE, --- Recorder;
      John HAYWARD, --- Under Steward and Coroner
      John STRATFORD,
      John CORBIN,
      John PALMER,
      Nicholas LIMSTER,
      Morgan HAYNE,
      Luke ADEN,
      John CHUBB, --- Burgesses of the said towne of Dorchester
Genealogical Notes:-
(1). Ref Municipal Records of Dorchester (MRD) Catalogue of Charters page xvi see Footnote - MRD can be accessed via my site.
(2). MRD Document Catalfue of Charters A19 - Inspeximus and conformationby Philip & Mary of Letters Patent of Edward VI dated 12th Jan 1557.
(3). The Visitation of Dorset AD 1565 Edited by Walter Metcalf FSA published Exeter by William Pollard & Co of North Street in the year 1887. Image can be accessed via my site
The Charter of James I - dated 26th June 1610
Pages 41 to 43 with a portrait of the King and ornamental heading

King James I
King James I circa 1606

'Extracts from the Municipal records of Dorchester Dorset' by Charles Herbert Mayo 1908'

The Borough of Dorchester is held in ancient demesne, and the Burgesses and Inhabitants, both by charters and prescription, have possessed divers liberties and privileges; and the Bailiffs and Burgesses have petitioned that the Burgesses and Inhabitants be made a Body Corporate and Politic, by the name of the Bailiffs and Burgesses of the Borough of Dorchester

The King thereupon grants their request, with legal ability to hold land, tenements, etc., in fee and perpetuity, for term of years or otherwise, to plead and be impleaded and to have a Common Seal.

There shall be two Bailiffs, chosen from the Burgesses, of whom Henry WHITTELL and Richard BLACHFORD, junior., shall be the first, to continue in office until Monday after Michaelmas next ensuing; and fifteen Capital Burgesses and Councilors, to form a Common Council, thirteen of whom are to assist the Bailiffs in their office, and to hold office for life or good behavior.

The first Capital Burgesses and Councilors are to be Henry WHITTELL and Richard BLACHFORD aforesaid, Mathew CHUBB. John GREEN, John YEAT, John SPICER, James GOLDE [GOULD], Oliver HAYNE, John GOLDE [GOULD] , Richard BARKER, William MILLER, Nicholas VAWTER, Joseph EYRES, John PARKINS [PERKINS] and William WHITEWAYE. The said Capital Burgesses and Councilors are to have power to fill vacancies caused by the death or removal - the oath to be taken before a Bailiff; and to elect on the Monday after Michaelmas two of the said fifteen Burgesses and Bailiffs for the year following, to be sworn before the Bailiffs, their predecessors, and to fill vacancies caused through death removal. persons duly elected, and refusing to hold office may be committed to the prison of the Borough until they submit to serve, and may be fined, and imprisoned until fines be paid.

The Bailiffs and Burgesses shall have a Recorder, first being Sir George TRENCHARD senior Knight.

The Bailiffs for the time being, and their predecessors for one year after quitting office, and the Recorder, shall be Justices of the Peace within the Borough.

The Bailiffs and their immediate predecessors and the Recorder, or three of them (of whom must be the two Bailiffs in office and the Recorder, or two of them) shall have power to enquire into felonies, etc., within the Borough, as can be done by Justices of the Peace elsewhere, but shall not proceed to determination of murder or felony, or matters touchingon loss of life or members; but shall determine all other trespassersetc., which belong to the office of Justice of the Peace.

No one of our Justices of Peace or labourers or Artificers in the County shall intermeddle within the Borough.

The Bailiffs and Burgesses shall hold every three weeks on Mondays, a Court of Record, before Bailiffs and Recorder (or his sufficient deputy) or any two of them, complaints of debts, etc., not exceeding £10. The defendants to be attached by their bodies, or their goods and chattles found within the Borough, and to be committed to the Borough Prison.

The Bailiffs and Capital burgesses, in the town Hall or other competent place assembed, shall have power to make bye-laws (not repugnant to the laws of the realm) with penalites attached, for the government of the Bailiffs Burgesses and Inhabitants; shall have a prison within the Borough and two Serjeants-at-Mace, to execute processes and attend upon the Biliffs and carry before them, within the Borough gilt or silver maces, with the Arms of England, as they have been used to do.

No one not a free Burgess or free Inhabitant shall exercise any art, occupation or mystery, or use any shop or stat--- for sale, except only in the time of fairs and markets, within the Borough, under pain of forfeiture, fine and imprisonment.

The Bailiffs and Burgesses shall have to their own--- the goods and chattles of felons, fugitives, outlaws,--- with the exception of the offences of high treason and ---munire ; shall have Return and Execution of Briefs, etc., and possess all Liberties, Franchises etc., already enjoyed and all Charters and Letters Patent, rendering to the King and his successors the accustomed rents and services.

The Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses may aquire lands and tenements not exceeding £40 in clear annual value, and have these Letters Patent, under the Great Seal, without fine or fee.

In "The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset by John Hutchins": 3rd edition pub.1868 Page 349 ref has also been made the this charter:-

    Sept. 1, 8 James I.(6) (1610) the manor and borough were granted to Henry Prince of Wales. The King had previously, in the same year, 1610, June 26th, granted letters patent regulating the government of the borough, and appointing two bailiffs and fifteen burgesses, styled the capital burgesses and councellors of the borough, out of which the bailiffs were to be chosen; and gave them power to choose a recorder, who was allowed to have a deputy. The magistrates were John Gold, sen.Bernard Toup, bailiffs; Lodowick Duke of Richmond, steward; Sir Francis Ashley, recorder; Henry Whittle, Richard Blachford, John Spicer, Nicholas Vauter, John Perkins, William Whiteway, Edmund Dashwood, Richard Bushrod, William Joliff, Dennis Bond, John Hill, John Blachford.(7)

The Bye Laws of Dorchester - dated 22nd October 1621
[Pages 384 - 391 MRD ][Link to comments at the end of this section concerning the delay of 11 years]

The Charter granted by James I. to the Borough of Dorchester, 26th June, 1610, provided that no person not being a free burgess or free inhabitant of the Borough should presume to exercise any art, occupation or mistery, or use any shop or station for sale therein, except in the time of fairs and markets, under pain of forfeiture, fine and imprisonment. The Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses were also given power to make Bye-laws for the due government of the inhabitants.

In accordance with these provisions of the Charter, the Bailiffs, Capital Burgesses and Common Council issued fourteen Bye-laws or Constitutions (B. 27) on 22nd October, 1621, which called into existence " The Company of Freemen of the Borough of Dorchester," consisting of all the freemen, with power to elect yearly a Governor, four Assistants, and a Receiver, the Governor and Assistants, when elected, to appoint a Clerk and Beadle ; the Governor to call a Hall four times a year for the election of freemen, and the Governor, the four Assistants and five Capital Burgesses to have power to allow of, for Freemen, all the free inhabitants of the Borough, and their apprentices who have served their time, on payment of 12d. for a handicrafts man, and 2s. for every other person, and to admit " forreigners and strangers as they shall hold meete," on payment of a fine. No person not a free Burgess or free inhabitant shall exercise or work at any art, occupation, or mistery within the Borough under a penalty of 40s. a month. It is provided that the Freemen shall be liable to certain rates, taxes and fines, that a common purse and stock be kept by the Receiver, that apprentices be enrolled, that no inhabitant shall take a tenant who is not a freeman, or demise a building site to any other, or employ a journeyman or servant not approved by the Governing Body, or sell the goods of any foreigner which he has not lawfully bought.

These Constitutions are as follows (B. 27a) :- {Start of Page 385 MRD}

Constitutions of the Company of Freemen, made the 22nd October, 1621.

1. Upon complaynt and desire of reformacion to the Bayliffs and Capitall Burgesses of the Borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset lately made by their neighbours Inhabitants of the same Borough of the manifold abuses and disorders dayly arising within the said Borough by the want of care to put in execucion his Majesties Royall Charter or Letters Patents lately graunted to the Bayliffs and Burgesses of the said Borough as well as in that parte thereof which concernes the prohibicion of all (except Freemen and their apprentices) to vse or exercise any arte occupacion or mistery or to sell or vtter any merchandize within the said Borough (but only in the tyme of Faires there) as alsoe for want of fitt ordinances and constitucions for the better government of the Inhabitants of the said Borough in poynt of trade, which the Bayliffs and Capitall Burgesses of this Borough have authority to make by vertue of the said Charter or Letters Patents, Wee the Bayliffs and maior parte of the Capitall Burgesses and Common Counsell of the said Borough, vpon Consideracion of the premisses, assembling and meeting togither in the Towne hall of the said Borough on the two and twentith day of October A'no D'ni (i.e. Anno Domini or' in the year of our Lord') 1621, doe by vertue of the power vnto vs given by his Maiesties said Charter or Letters Patents with our generall consent constitute ordeyne make and establish these Lawes institucions ordinances and constitucions following to be for ever heerafter inviolably kept, and observed within the said Borough, viz.

2. Imprimis (In the first place) , that all the Freemen of the said Borough shall from henceforth for ever bee called by the name of The Company of Freemen of the Borough of Dorchester, and that there shall bee for ever heerafter chosen yearly at the Towne Hall of the said Borough, on the next Munday after the Feast of St. Michaell Tharchangell (i.e. the Feast of St Michael and All Angels which was on 29th September) by the maior parte of Freemen of the said Borough (not being Capitall Burgesses) which shall bee present at such choice, one person that shall be Governor of the Company of Freemen of the said Borough and fower Assistants vnto him, and one Receiver for the same Company of meete and discreete Freemen of the said Borough (not being Capitall Burgesses there) whoe shall vndertake the saide places whervnto they shall bee soe chosen and shall //{Start of Page 386 MRD} continewe in their places by the space of one whole yeare then next following, vpon payne of euery of them refusing, to forfeite the some (i.e. sum) of Forty shillings. And in case any of the saide Governor Assistants or Receiver shall dye in tyme of his or their office then an other Freeman or Freemen of the said Borough shall bee chosen in his or their place or places so dying in manner aforesaid, within one weeke after the death of any such person soe dying, whoe shall vndertake and execute the place or places where vnto he or they shall be chosen vntill a new officer or officers shall be chosen in his or their places vpon the payne aforesaid. And for the first Gouernor of the said company Mr. John HILL of the Borough aforesaid is elected and appointed, and for the first iiij (i.e. 4) Assistants Robert Coker, Joseph Paty, John Conduit, and John Cooke are elected and appoynted, and for the first Receiver Morgan HAYNE is elected and appoynted.

3. Item, that the said Governor and his Fower Assistants shall chuse and have of fitt and discreete persons for such places one Gierke and one Beadle of the said company to doe and performe such things as to their places or offices shall appertayne.

4. Item, that the said Governor shall for ever heerafter (yf there bee cause) Fower tymes in the yeare, viz. every quarter once, and noe oftner, without extraordinary occasion, call a Hall, at which tymes and none other (except vpon vrgent cause) Freemen of the said Borough shall bee elected or allowed.

5. Item, that the said Governor and Fower Assistants togither with five of the Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough (which shall be from tyme to tyme appointed by the then Bayliffs of the said Borough), or the maior (i.e. major) parte of them (soe as there be as many of the said Capitall Burgesses presente as of the said Governor and Assistants) shall at all tymes heerafter have power to allow of for Freemen, all Free Inhabitants of the said Borough, and all Free Mens apprentices of the said Borough which shall have served out their apprentishippes within this Borough for the Fyne of Twelve pence for every handicrafts man, and of two shillings for any other person, and admitt and infranchise for Freemen of the said Borough such other forreigners and strangers as they shall hold meete and for such Fynes as they shall agree of, the names of which Freemen with their Fynes shall be from tyme to tyme registred and recorded in a booke by the Clarke of // {Start of Page 387 MRD} the Company within one weeke after such allowance or admittance.

6. Item, that noe person (which shall not bee a Free Burgesse or Free Inhabitant of the said Borough after one monethes warning vnto him given by the said Governor, or in his absence by any of the said fower Assistants, to desist or forbeare) shall at any time heerafter exercise any arte occupacion or mistery within the said Borough and the precincts of the same nor shall worke or labor in any arte occupacion or mistery within the Borough aforesaid and the precincts of the same, or shall have or vse any howse shop place or standing in the Borough aforesaid and the precincts of the same for the selling or vttering of any merchandize or any other thing there (except victuelles only) or for the exercising of any arte, occupacion or mistery in the Borough aforesaid (except only in the tymes of Faires and Marketts there) vpon paine to forfeite loose and pay to the hands of the said Governor of the said Company for the tyme being the somme of Forty shillings to be by him deliuered over to the Receiver of the said Company, for every moneth that any such person shall breake or disobey this Constitucion, to be recovered by distres and sale of the gooddes of every person soe offending or by any other course, as a Fyne on him heerby imposed for his contempt and disobedience in not fullfilling and performing his Maiestys graunt and Royall comaundement in this behalfe mencioned and expressed in the said Charter or Letters Patents.

7. Item, that the Governor of the said Company and his fower Assistants for the tyme being shall from tyme to tyme for ever heerafter endevor to recover and receive all such Fyne and Fines as shall be by any person or personnes forfeited by force of any of these Constitucions, and attend prosecute and defend all suits in Law and Complaynts which shall be comenced or prosecuted concerning the execucion of these presente Constitucions or follow any other fitt course for the vpholding and mayntayning of these presente Constitucions at the Costs of the Common purse of the said Company.

8. Item, that the Governor of the said Company and his fower Assistants for the tyme being togither with Five of the Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough to bee from tyme to tyme named by the then presente Bayliffs or the greater parte of them (soe as there bee as many of the said Five Capitall Burgesses presente as of the said Governor and Assistants) shall for ever heerafter as they shall see occasion assesse // {Start of Page 388 MRD} rate and tax all Freemen and Free Inhabitants of the said Borough (the then presente Bayliffs only excepted) at such reasonable rates and taxes as to them shall seeme meete towards defraying of such charges and expences and raising of such sommes as by the said Capitall Burgesses Governor and Assistants or the greater parte of them (wherof the said Governor to be one) shall be thought fitt to be defraied, expended and raised for the good and benefitt of the said Company of Freemen and the suppressing of forreigners. Or if the said Capitall Burgesses Governor and Assistants shall differ about any of the said rates, then the said presente Bayliffs shall decide such difference. And that every Freeman of the said Borough shall for ever heerafter within eight dayes after demaund to him made, satisfy and pay to the said Receiver all such somme and sommes of mony as he shall bee rated or taxed at, vpon payne to forfeite for every such offence three shillings and fower pence and three shillings and fower pence more for euery moneth that such his rate shall be vnpaid after the end of the said eight dayes.

9. Item, that the Governor of the said Company and his Fower Assistants for the tyme being or the greater parte of them togither with Five of the Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough to be from tyme to tyme appoynted by the then Bayliffs of the said Borough or the maior parte of them wherof the said Governor to be one, soe as there bee as many of the said Capitall Burgesses presente as of the said Governor and Assistants, shall and may for ever heerafter fyne or amerce every Freeman and Free Inhabitant of the said Borough that shall carry himselfe stubornely or otherwise misdemeane himselfe or shall refuse to observe such Orders for the goverment of the same Company and for the ordring of trade amongest the tradesmen of the said Borough as by the said Capitall Burgesses Governor and Assistants shall be thought fitt, soe as the same Fyne on any person for any such offence exceed not Tenne shillings, the same Orders being first allowed off and confirmed by the Bayliffs and Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough or by the greater parte of them.

10. Item, that there shall bee a common purse and stock for the said Company which shall be kept by the Receiver for the said Company for the tyme being and that the said Receiver shall collect, distreyne for, sew for, receive and gather such seuerall rates and taxes as shall be upon the Freemen and Free Inhabitants of the said Borough sett and assessed, // {Start of Page 389 MRD} and shall receive all Fynes and other monyes which shall bee forfeited by breach of any of these Constitucions and all other monyes which shall belong to the said Company, and shall out of the same deliver and pay all such sommes of money as shall bee thought needfull by the Governor of the said Company and his said Assistants for the tyme being, or the maior parte of them, wherof the said Governor to be one, for any cause or matter whatsoever for the good of the said Company, And shall within tenne dayes next after a new Receiver shall be chosen in his place, make his Accompt faire writen in a booke for that purpose before the Bayliffs and Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough and before the Governor of the said Company and his Fower Assistants which were in office that yeare that he was Receiver, or before as many of them as will be presente at such accompt, of all such sommes of mony as he hath or shall receive or disburse by vertue of his office of Receivershipp and pay over the Remaynder vpon his accompt to the next Receiver for the said Company within one weeke next after his Accompt soe made vpon payne to forfeite Five shillings : and Five shillings more for euery weeke after that he shall not make his accompt and deliver over the Remaynder as aforesaid.

11. Item, that euery person that shall bee bownd Apprentice to any Freeman within this Borough shall have his name registred by the Clerke of the said Company at or before the next Quarter calling of a Hall, after he shall bee soe bownd, in a faire booke to be provided for such purpose, vpon payne that euery such Freeman shall forfeite Forty shillings, and such Apprentice his Freedom, and every such Apprentise to pay for the entry of his Apprentiship fower pence and noe more.

12. Item, that noe Inhabitant within this Borough of Dorchester shall take into his howse or any parte therof any Tenant Inmate or vndertenant for their habitacion other then such as are or shall bee Freemen of the same Borough, nor shall graunt nor demise any parcell of grownd within the same Borough to any person that shall theron erect or build any messuage or dwelling howse but only to a Freeman of the said Borough (except the same person that is or shall bee soe taken in or to whome such grownd shall bee graunted or demised, bee first allowed of by the said Five Capital-J Burgesses to be chosen as aforesaid, and by the said Governor and his Assistants or the maior parte of them).

{Start of Page 390 MRD} 13. Item, that noe Freeman or Free Inhabitant of the said Borough shall entertayne into his service any iorney man (i.e. journeyman) or servant (except apprentices) vnles the same iorney man or servant shall bee first approved of and allowed by the said Five Capitall Burgesses and by the said Governor and his Fower Assistants or the maior parte of them : vpon payne to forfeite for every such iorney man or servant that he shall soe entertayne contrary to this Constitucion the somme of six shillings and eight pence for every moneth that he shall soe entertayne any such iorney man or servant.

14. Item, that noe Freeman or Free Inhabitant of the said Borough shall directly or indirectly vtter or sell within the said Borough the goodes wares or merchandize of any f orreigner ther then such as he hath himselfe lawfully bought, and is his owne proper goodds before such sale or vtterance vpon payne to forfeite for every tyme that he shall breake this Constitucion the summe of five powndes.

In testimony of allowance of these Constitucions we the Bailiffs and maior parte of the Capitall Burgesses of the said Borough have heervnto subscribed our names and set our Common Scale the day and yeare first above written.

    Richard BLACHFORD Bayliff
    Richard BUSHROD Bayliff
    John SPICER
    Edmunde DASHWOODE
    Oliver HAYNE
    William JOLYFF
    Barnard TOUP
    D BOND

    [There are other names which seem to be later additions.]
Wee the Inhabitants Freemen of the Borough of Dorchester haue scene and pervsed the Constitucions abovesaid and doe heerby submitt our selves to performe and observe them and euery of them and for the breach of them or any of them doe consent and agree to pay and be lyable to the paines penaltyes and forfeitures therin conteyned in manner and forme therin expressed.

Here follow, for the rest of the skin of parchment, and on the back of it, a very large number of signatures of Freemen, closely written, some few being dated, the latest 1679. No seal is now attached to the document.

It will be seen that these Bye-laws were not made until the lapse of eleven years subsequent to the granting of the Charter. Perhaps the two following extracts from Minute // {Start of Page 391 MRD} Book C. 4 may record a circumstance which impressed upon the Corporation the need of definite rules and constitutions for the protection of the interests of the townsmen.

6th Nov., 1619. " Upon complaynt made vnto the Baylififs and Burgesses of this Borough that one Thomas Ford is come to this Borough and heere intendeth to set vp a wholesale Trade for mercery wares for a Londoner, to the greate hindrance of the mercers within this Borough ; the Bailiffs and Capitall Burgesses of the same Borough being assembled did hold it fitt and soe did agree that seeing they haue a charter within this Borough to exclude all Forreiners that the said Thomas Ford and his master for whome he deales shall be kept out of this Borough for setting vp their said Trade here."
20th August, 1620. "

The day and yeare abouseaid the company being called togither about a peticion preferred to ye Duke of Lenox by one Thomas Ford who hath lately set vp trade in this borough wherin he hath suggested that he was admitted leave and allowance of 7 of the cheifest magistrates and Justices of this towne, now all these of the Common Counsell of this borough whose names are heervnder written doe vtterly disavow that ever they gave consent to any admittance vnto him but have been very much against it and doe all agree that vsing his trade he shall bee expolsed this borough.

Jo : Parkins [Perkins]; Henry Whittell; Wllia' Hertford; Oliver HAYNE; John Govld; Edmunde Dashwoode,"

The Charter of Charles I - dated 22nd September 1629
Pages 56 to 58

King Charles I circa 1628

The Borough of Dorchester is held of the King in ancient demesne, and has enjoyed divers liberties by charters and prescription

The Bailiffs and Burgesses have petitioned to be made and confirmed to be a Body Corporate and Politic by the name of the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of Dorchester, with the addition of certain liberties.

The King thereupon grants thereupon grants that the Borough of Dorchester shall be a Free Borough, and the Bailiffs, Burgesses and Inhabitants a Body Corporate and Politc, by the name aforesaid, with perpetual succession, capable of acquiring, holding and demising lands, liberties, hereditaments, etc., in and for goods and chattles, of pleading and being impleaded etc., and and to have a Common Seal.

A Mayor shall be chosen from the more honest and discr? Burgesses, two Bailiffs, six Aldermen, chosen from among the Burgesses, and six other Burgesses, simialarly chosen whcich together, to the number of fifteen, shall be termed the Capital Burgesses of the Borough, with power to elect so many freemen, dwelling or not dwelling within the Borough, as they please, to be Burgesses.

The Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses shall be a Common Council to assit the Mayor, with power to make bye-laws, with fines and imprisonment upon delinquents, not repugnant to the laws of England

Frances ASHLEY, Knight, John GOULD, Richard Blachford, John PERKINS, William Whitwey Senior, Edmund Dashwood, William JOLIFF, Bernard TOUP, Dennis BOND, John Hill, John BLACHFORD, James GOULD, William WHITWEY Junior; William DERBY and Richard SAVAGE now inhabitants and freemen of the Borough, shall be the first fifteen Capital Burgesses.

John PERKINS shall be Mayor, until Monday after Michaelmas next, and for one year after, being first sworn before the present Bailiffs. William JOLIFF and William DERBY shall be Bailiffs. John GOULD, Richard BLACHFORD, John PERKINS, William WHITEWEY Senior, Edmund DASHWOOD and William JOLIFFE shall be the first Aldermen for life or good behaviour, if resident, the said Bailiffs and Aldermen having been first sworn before the Mayor. The fifteen Capital Burgesses shall continue for life, unless removed for bad behaviour or non-residence. They shall assemble on the Monday after Michaelmas yearly, the elect one of the Capital Burgesses to be Mayor, (the Mayor, before executing his office, to be sworn before the last Mayor, or the Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses presnt) and two to be Bailiffs for one year (to be sworn before the Mayor before executing his office). On a vacancy occuring during the year of office another Capital Burgess shall be chosen for the residue of the term. The Mayor shall be removable for bad government, or other reasonable cause.

Similar provisions are made as to the Bailiffs, and their successors, to administer the oaths, as aforesaid, without furtrher warrant.

If the persons elected refuse to hold office, they shall be liable to fine and imprisonment in the Prison of the Borough.

They shall have within the Borough a man learned in the law, as Recorder. Francis ASHLEY, Knight Serjeant-at-Law, shall be the first Recorder, and hold office for life,

The Bailiffs for the time being, and their predecessors for one year after quitting office, and the Recorder, shall be Justices of the Peace within the Borough.

The Bailiffs and their immediate predecessors and the Recorder, or three of them (of whom must be the two Bailiffs in office and the Recorder, or two of them) shall have power to enquire into felonies, etc., within the Borough, as can be done by Justices of the Peace elsewhere, but shall not proceed to determination of murder or felony, or matters touchingon loss of life or members; but shall determine all other trespassersetc., which belong to the office of Justice of the Peace.

No one of our Justices of Peace or labourers or Artificers in the County shall intermeddle within the Borough.

The Bailiffs and Burgesses shall hold every three weeks on Mondays, a Court of Record, before Bailiffs and Recorder (or his sufficient deputy) or any two of them, complaints of debts, etc., not exceeding £10. The defendants to be attached by their bodies, or their goods and chattles found within the Borough, and to be committed to the Borough Prison.

The Bailiffs and Capital burgesses, in the town Hall or other competent place assembed, shall have power to make bye-laws (not repugnant to the laws of the realm) with penalites attached, for the government of the Bailiffs Burgesses and Inhabitants; shall have a prison within the Borough and two Serjeants-at-Mace, to execute processes and attend upon the Biliffs and carry before them, within the Borough gilt or silver maces, with the Arms of England, as they have been used to do.

No one not a free Burgess or free Inhabitant shall exercise any art, occupation or mystery, or use any shop or stati? for sale, except only in the time of fairs and markets, within the Borough, under pain of forfeiture, fine and imprisonment.

The Bailiffs and Burgesses shall have to their own ? the goods and chattles of felons, fugitives, outlaws, with the exception of the offences of high treason and premunire; shall have Return and Execution of Briefs, etc., and possess all Liberties, Franchises etc., already enjoyed and all Charters and Letters Patent, rendering to the King and his successors the accustomed rents and services.

The Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses may aquire lands and tenements not exceeding £40 in clear annual value, and have these Letters Patent, under the Great Seal, without fine or fee, being first sworn before the Mayor. Subsequent Retorders shall be chosen by the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and of Capital Burgesses, to hold office at their pleasure, being first sworn before the Mayor.

They shall also have a Common Clerk— William DERBY gentleman, to be the first—to hold office during pleas of the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses, and shall elect the subsequent Clerks. The Clerk shall be sworn before the Mayor.

A Court of Record shall be held every three weeks, Monday, before the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen, Recorder and the Common Clerk, or before two or more of them, of which the Mayor and Recorder (or in his absence the Common Clerk to be one, in which may be tried pleas and actions emerging within the jurisdiction of the Borough, not exceeding £40 with power of attachment by person or goods.

The Mayor, Recorder, the Mayor's last predecessor ? one year, the Bailiffs, and one Capital Burgess elected by Mayor and Capital Burgesses, shall be Justices of the Peace within the Borough, and they or any three or more of them of whom the Mayor and Recorder to be two, shall have power to enquire concerning felonies, etc., as County justices have but not to determine treason, murder, or felony, or any matter touching the loss of life or members, but to hear and determine other offences which pertain to the office of Justice of the Peace.

No one of our Justices of Peace or Labourers or Artific? in the County of Dorset shall intermeddle within the limits of the Borough.

The aforesaid John PERKINS, before executing the office of Justice of the Peace, shall be sworn before the Bailiffs.

All other Justices of the Peace shall be sworn before the Mayor.

There shall be a prison within the Borough; two Serjeants-at-Mace, to execute processes and attend upon the Mayor, and carry before the Mayor within the Borough gilt or silver maces, with the arms of England, as they have have been used to do.

No one, not a free Burgess or free Inhabitant, shail. exercise any art, occupation or mistery, or use any shop or stati? for sale, except only in the time of Fairs or Markets, within the Borough, under pain of forfeiture, fine and inmprisonment.

The Corporation shall have to their own use the goods and chattells of felons, fugitives, outlaws, etc., with the exception of offences of high treason and premunire, to have Return and Execution of Briefs, etc., and to have all tolls of corn brought for sale in the market, as accustomed.

All the Inhabitants of the Borough to be a Body Corporate and Politic, by the name of the Governor, Assistants, and Free Men of the Borough of Dorchester, with perpetual succession, capable of holding lands and tenements, goods and chattells, to plead and be impleaded, and to have a Common Seal.

A Governor of the Free Men of the Borough shall be chosen, and twenty-four Free Men or free inhabitants to be the Common Council of the Free Men of the Borough to assist the Governor.

The Governor, four assistants chosen by the Free Men from among the twenty-four assistants, and five other assistants chosen by the Mayor from among the Capital Burgesses, shall hold four Courts yearly, for the purpose of admitting persons to the liberty of the Borough and for treating of matters concerning the Free Men; and four other Courts yearly, to consult on matters concerning merchandise, with power of making bye-laws with penalties by way of fines and amercements (provided that in all the Courts as many Capital Burgesses be present as the Governor and other assistants), and have power of administering oaths in the said Courts and of examining upon oath.

All Free Men of the Borough, justices of the Peace alone excepted, shall attend the Courts under pain of fines and amercements.

Questions which may arise in the execution of the premises shall be determined by the Mayor, Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses.

John LONG, of Dorchester, shall be the first Governor, to continue in office till the Monday after Michaelmas, and to be sworn before the Mayor.

The Freemen shall assemble yearly on this day, and choose one of the Common Council of Freemen to be Governor for the ensuing year, to be sworn before the Mayor.

On the death of a Governor while in office, another shall be chosen for the remainder of the term.

The first twenty-four of the Common Council shall be Simon Hasselbury, Joseph Patie, Robert Coker, William Perkins, John Coke, John Long, Henry DERBY, Mathew Butler, Joseph Vnderwood, Edward Dashwood, Richard Williams, Henry Maber, Richard Burye, Thomas Whitle, Thomas Blachford, John Dashwood, Thomas Bushrode, Josiah Tirrey, John Allombrig, Amias Martin, Henry Sims, Robert Napper, John Stevens and George Munden, to be removable by Mayor, Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses.

On a vacancy, another Freeman of the Borough shall be chosen by the Mayor, Bailiffs and Capital burgesses.

The Govenor and Assistants may elect a Clerk a Receiver one or two Bedels, and other inferior officers.

Ratification to the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and Vurgessesof previously existing liberties, lands etc., and all other Charters and Letters Patents, and all markets and DFairs etc.

They shall render to the King and his successors accustomed rents and services.

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