
1861 Census Ref RG9 1330

Transcribed and kindly donated to the Dorset OPC by Jean Trevett

Enumerator: Daniel Miller

Sch AddressForename(s) SurnameRel CondAge Rank, Profession or Occupation Where BornRef
1ChitcombeGeorgeUDALLHeadMarried64Farmer of 376 acres empl 5 men & 3 boysSymondsburyF156 p1
  AnnUDALL WifeMarried56 BridportF156 p1
  William UDALLSonSingle25 Shipton Gorge F156 p1
  GeorgeUDALL SonSingle23 Shipton Gorge F156 p1
  JohnUDALL SonSingle16 Shipton Gorge F156 p1
  Frederick UDALLSonSingle13 Shipton Gorge F156 p1
  MinnerCHURCHILL ServantSingle19DairymaidBurton F156 p1
  Elizabeth ROBINSServantSingle17House Servant IbbertonF156 p1
2ChitcombeJohnADAMS HeadMarried38CarterShiptonF156 p1
  Elizabeth ADAMSWifeMarried37 Burton F156 p1
  William ADAMSSonSingle13 Shipton F156 p1
  HenryADAMS SonSingle9 ShiptonF156 p1
3Woolland HouseMontagu WILLIAMSHeadMarried35Magistrate Landed Proprietor LondonF156 p1
  Sophia E WILLIAMSWifeMarried32 Ireland F156 p1
  Montagu Scott WILLIAMSSonSingle2 Woolland F156 p1
  Herbert Scott WILLIAMSSonSingle2mths  WoollandF156 p1
  Ellen Emma BATTERBEEServantSingle22Nurse Lambeth, SurreyF156 p1
  EllenTRAVERS ServantSingle15Nursery maidBeaminster F156 p1
  HarryPARCELL ServantSingle18FootmanQuainton, Bucks F156 p1
  AnnROPER ServantSingle27CookTolpuddle F156 p1
  MarianCARLEY ServantSingle28School MistressSourse ?, Hants F156 p1
  Emma?LEAY? ServantSingle27HousemaidMontacute, Somerset F156 p1
  AliceCORMADY ServantN39LaundressCounty Wexford, Ireland F156 p1
4Woolland HouseWilliam WILLSHeadMarried38CoachmanTurnworth F156 p2
  SelenaWILLS WifeMarried40 WoollandF156 p2
  Albertina WILLSDauSingle14 Turnworth F156 p2
5Woolland HouseWilliam VIVIANHeadMarried41GardenerEast Lulworth F156 p2
  AnnVIVIAN WifeMarried41 Affpuddle F156 p2
  JosephVIVIAN SonSingle14 MoretonF156 p2
  Elizabeth VIVIANDauSingle7 Compton Valance F156p2
  Walter W VIVIANSonSingle1 Woolland F156 p2
6The Parsonage HouseJohn GILDERDALEHeadMarried59Curate of Woolland Barmby on the Marsh, YorksF156 p2
  Rebecca GILDERDALEWifeMarried57  Armin Pasture, YorksF156 p2
  John Frank GILDERDALESonMarried33  Huddersfield,YorksF156 p2
  Frederick George GILDERDALESonSingle15Scholar Upper Clapton,MiddlesexF156 p2
7WoollandMartha Ann FELSTEADServantSingle20  Widford, HertfordF156p2
  JohnHARVEY HeadSingle32GamekeeperLower Mitcombe F156 p2
8WoollandJosephELSWORTH HeadMarried38Agricultural LabourerWoolland F156 p2
  Elizabeth ELSWORTHWifeMarried42 Hilton F156 p2
  William ELSWORTHSonSingle15Agricultural Labourer IbbertonF156 p2
  AmeliaELSWORTH DauSingle14 WoollandF156 p2
  GeorgeELSWORTH SonSingle10 WoollandF156 p2
  JesseELSWORTH SonSingle7 WoollandF156 p2
  JohnELSWORTH SonSingle4 WoollandF156 p2
  EllenELSWORTH DauSingle1 WoollandF156 p2
  Isabella CORMADYVisitorSingle11Scholar County Wexford St MariesF156 p2
9WoollandSamuelMILLER HeadMarried30Shop KeeperWoolland F157 p3
  Tabitha MILLERWifeMarried31 Belchawell F157 p3
  Elizabeth MILLERDauSingle5 Woolland F157 p3
  EmilyMILLER DauSingle2 WoollandF157 p3
10WoollandSolomonELSWORTH HeadMarried33Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p3
  EmmaELSWORTH WifeMarried31 Lychett Minster F157 p3
  Elizabeth ELSWORTHDauSingle8? Ibberton F157 p3
  EmmaELSWORTH DauSingle5 WoollandF157 p3
  SusanELSWORTH DauSingle2 WoollandF157 p3
11WoollandEdwardHARRISON HeadMarried54Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p3
  JaneHARRISON WifeMarried69 Dulish (Dewlish) F157 p3
  ErnestHARRISON SonSingle25Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p3
  HannahHARRISON DauSingle23 WoollandF157 p3
12WoollandRichardMILLER LodgerSingle48Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p3
13WoollandThomasELSWORTH HeadMarried43Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p3
  ElizaELSWORTH WifeMarried50 WoollandF157 p3
  Lusinda ELSWORTHDauSingle6 Woolland F157 p3
  FerrisELSWORTH SonSingle2 WoollandF157 p3
14WoollandJohnGROVES LodgerSingle23Agricultural LabourerShipton Gorge F157 p3
15WoollandSamuelBUGLER HeadMarried32Retired FarmerBeaminster F157 p3
  AnnBUGLER WifeMarried33 Beaminster F157 p3
  ThomasBUGLER BrotherMarried34DairymanBeaminster F157 p3
  SarahSHINER SisterMarried41Bailiffs WifeBeaminster F157 p3
  Charles THORNEServantMarried55General Servant BeaminsterF157 p3
16WoollandFrancisHARRISON HeadMarried36Carter AgriculturalWoolland F157 p4
  MarthaHARRISON WifeMarried39 TompsonF157 p4
17WoollandRichardELSWORTH HeadWidow71Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p4
18WoollandWilliamELSWORTH LodgerMarried27Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p4
  SelinaELSWORTH WifeMarried24 Okeford Fitzpaine F157 p4
19WoollandWilliamMILLER HeadMarried40Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p4
  Elizabeth MILLERWifeMarried38 Lydlinch F157 p4
  Alfred John MILLERSonSingle10 Ibberton F157 p4
  HenryMILLER SonSingle4 WoollandF157 p4
  Frances MILLERDauSingle1 Woolland F157 p4
20WoollandRobertHILLIER HeadWidow64Formerly ServantWoolland F157 p4
21WoollandBenjaminMILLER HeadMarried65Retired FarmerWoolland F157 p4
  JemmaMILLER WifeMarried66 WoollandF157 p4
22WoollandLeonardELSWORTH HeadMarried45Agricultural LabourerWoolland F157 p4
  Hanner? ELSWORTHWifeMarried44 West Orchard F157 p4
  MaryELSWORTH DauSingle20 WoollandF157 p4
  Matilda ELSWORTHDauSingle17 West Orchard F157 p4
  SamuelELSWORTH SonSingle14 WoollandF157 p4
  SarahELSWORTH DauSingle2 Sturminster Newton F157 p4
23WoollandGeorgeGILLINGHAM HeadMarried37BlacksmithWoolland F157 p4
  Mary Ann GILLINGHAMWifeMarried27  Lions GateF157 p4
  LouisaGILLINGHAM DauSingle10 mths Woolland F157 p4
24WoollandRichardHOPKINS HeadWidow72PauperLydlinchF157 p4
  Mary Ann HOPKINSDauSingle35 Woolland F157 p4
25WoollandCharlesELSWORTH HeadMarried50Agricultural LabourerWoolland F158 p5
  Elizabeth ELSWORTHWifeMarried46 Woolland F158 p5
  Sabenina ELSWORTHDauSingle15 Woolland F158 p5
  MaryELSWORTH DauSingle11 WoollandF158 p5
  SeathELSWORTH SonSingle6 WoolandF158 p5
  MarthaELSWORTH DauSingle3 WoollandF158 p5
26WoollandJohnELSWORTH HeadMarried42 WoollandF158 p5
  Isabella ELSWORTHWifeMarried44 Fiddleford F158 p5
  HarryELSWORTH SonSingle14Agricultural LabourerWoolland F158 p5
  Caroline ELSWORTHDauSingle11 Woolland F158 p5
  LoveELSWORTH DauSingle8 WoollandF158 p5
  UnityELSWORTH DauSingle8 WoollandF158 p5
  RoseELSWORTH DauSingle5 WoollandF158 p5
27Dairy HouseEdward J LAMBERTHeadMarried38Farmer of 140 acres Employing 3 men & 2 boys Hazelbury BryanF158 p5
  HannahLAMBERT WifeMarried25 Beaminster F158 p5
  AnnLAMBERT MotherWidow69 PulhamF158 p5
28WoollandHenryELSWORTH HeadMaried35Agricultural LabourerStoke Wake F158 p5
  Elizabeth ELSWORTHWifeMarried32 East Pulham F158 p5
  HenryELSWORTH SonSingle8 Hazelbury Bryan F158 p5
  Frances ELSWORTHDauSingle3 Hazelbury Bryan F158 p5
  Herbert ELSWORTHSonSingle1 Woolland F158 p5
  JamesELSWORTH BrotherSingle32Agricultural LabourerStoke Wake F158 p5
29Waterlow FarmJames MITCHELLHeadWidow58Famer of 160 acres Employing 2 men & 2 boys BriantspuddleF158 p5
  JamesMITCHELL SonSingle31 Milton Abbas F158 p5
  GeorgeMITCHELL SonSingle20 Milton Abbas F158 p5
 WaterlowLouisa SCOTTServantSingle20Dairymaid Abby MiltonF158 p6
  William SCOTTServantSingle14?ow BoyAbby Milton F158 p6
30WaterlowEdwardHARRISON HeadMarried29Agricultural LabourerWoolland F158 p6
  EmilyHARRISON WifeMarried28 WoollandF158 p6
  MaryHARRISON DauSingle8 WoollandF158 p6
  TomHARRISON SonSingle6 WoollandF158 p6
  Henry G HARRISONSonSingle3 Woolland F158 p6
  JamesHARRISON SonSingle11 mths Woolland F158 p6
31WaterlowHenryVATER LodgerSingle21CarterIbberton F158 p6
32WaterlowGeorgeMULLETT HeadMarried26Agricultural LabourerBuckland Newton F158 p6
  Jane AMULLETT WifeMarried23 Polnham (Pulham?) F158 p6
  HesterMULLETT DauSingle3 Buckland Newton F158 p6
  Mahalath MULLETTDauSingle1 Buckland Newton F158 p6
 Males; 67 Females; 65         


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