Winfrith Newburgh

1871 CENSUS RG10/1998
Enumeration District 10
Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Ivan T Gould

All that part of the civil parish of Winfrith Newburgh bounded on the south by the centre of the road leading from Dorchester to Wool. Comprising the Red Lion Inn Cottages at Partway, all that part of East Knighton, to the south of the Turnpike road leading to Wool including Knighton Lane, Fishpond, Glebe Farm House and Cottaages. Cottages at Slight, dwellings on the Down, Keeper's Cottage at Marley Wood and the whole of Winfrith village
Enumerator Robert G. Randall
96 schedules 4 uninhabited  175 males, 204 females 379 total

SchedLocationForenamesSurnameRelationStatusAgeOccupationPlace BornCounty BornFolioPage
1WinfrithJamesNORMAN HeadMar59Groom & GardenerMiddlemarsh Dorset523
1WinfrithMary AnnNORMAN WifeMar61 HermitageDorset 523
1WinfrithCharles James BURTGrandson 10Scholar MinternDorset523
1WinfrithElizabethBURT Wife’s daurMar29Porter’s Wife LeighDorset523
1WinfrithRobert Joseph BURTGrandson 7 mo  ToughamSurrey523
1WinfrithElizabeth Jane BURTGranddaur 2 Weybridge Surrey523
2 JamesJOYCE HeadMar26Farm Lab.Milton Abbas Dorset523
2 JaneJOYCE WifeMar26 CaineDorset 523
3 ElizaSELBY HeadWidower36Farm ServantWinfrith Newburgh Dorset523
3 HubertSELBY Son 15Farm ServantWinfrith Newburgh Dorset523
3 WilliamSELBY Son 11Farm ServantWinfrith Newburgh Dorset523
3 JaneSELBY Daur 9ScholarWinfrith Newburgh Dorset523
4 GeorgePHILLIPS HeadMar43Curate Of Winfrith Newburgh NarbertPembrokeshire523
4 Gertrude M.PHILLIPS WifeMar29 PaddingtonMiddlesex 523
4 Ethel G.PHILLIPS Daur 10ScholarSherborne Dorset523
4 Sybil MaryPHILLIPS Daur 8ScholarSherborne Dorset523
4 John LewisPHILLIPS Son 6ScholarWeymouthDorset 523
4 Gertrude M.PHILLIPS   1 Winfrith Dorset523
4 MarianCARPENTER GovernessUnmar20GovernessLondon Middlesex523
4 Sarah AnnHARPER ServantUnmar24Domestic ServantStroud Gloucestershire523
4 ElizabethJONES ServantUnmar26Domestic ServantGlasebury Brecknoch523
4 EllenTUDSEY ServantUnmar23Domestic ServantAffpuddle Dorset523
5 JohnSHEPHERD HeadMar38Farmer 600 Acres Emp. 20 Labs. & 6 Boys HerringstonDorset523
5 ElizabethSHEPHERD WifeMar27 BelhuishDorset 523
5 John J.SHEPHERD SonUnmar5ScholarWorth Matravers Dorset524
5 Arthur H.SHEPHERD SonUnmar3ScholarWorth Matravers Dorset524
5 Charlotte M. SHEPHERDDaurUnmar2 Worth Matravers Dorset524
5 Charles J.DAMEN NephewUnmar4 Dorchester Dorset524
5 SarahSTICKLAND ServantUnmar22Domestic ServantKingston Dorset524
6 N. P.RANDALL HeadMar72Farmer 600 AcresWest Lulworth Dorset524
6 ElizabethRANDALL WifeMar71 HalstockDorset 524
6 Robert G.RANDALL SonUnmar38 WinfrithDorset 524
6 JaneRIGGS ServantUnmar23Domestic ServantTincleton Dorset524
7 JohnRALLS HeadUnmar70CarterWoolDorset 524
7 MaryRALLS SisterUnmar60Farm ServantWool Dorset524
8 RobertORCHARD HeadMar40Farm ServantWinfrith Newburgh Dorset524
8 HannahORCHARD WifeMar37 Winfrith Newburgh Dorset524
9 IsaacALLEN HeadMar52Ag. Lab.Winfrith Newburgh Dorset524
9 EstherALLEN WifeMar51TailoressBincombeDorset 524
9 GeorginaHAYMAN Neice 8ScholarDorchester Dorset524
10 JamesGRANT HeadMar65Farm BailiffWinfrith Dorset524
10 MaryGRANT WifeMar38 BeaminsterDorset 524
10 William James GRANTSon 8 Litton Cheney Dorset524
11 WilliamTOMS HeadMar49Groom & GardenerWinfrith Dorset524
11 ElizabethTOMS WifeMar45LaundressCranborne Dorset524
11 FannyTOMS Daur 13ScholarWinfrith Dorset524
11 EllenTOMS Daur 10ScholarWinfrith Dorset524
11 GeorgeTOMS Son 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 524
11 WilliamTOMS FatherWidower49UnemployedWinfrith Dorset535
11 BessieTOMS WifeMar34 WinfrithDorset 535
12 JamesBRINE HeadMar59Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 535
12 MaryBRINE WifeMar53 WoolDorset 535
12 JamesBRINE SonUnmar18Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 535
12 LucyBRINE DaurUnmar16Domestic ServantWinfrith Dorset535
12 FannyBRINE Daur 12ScholarWinfrith Dorset535
12 FredBRINE Son 10ScholarWinfrithDorset 535
12 EllenBRINE Daur 7ScholarWinfrithDorset 535
12 William Charles BRINEGrandson 4 Hambridge Dorset535
13 GeorgeBRINE HeadMar50CarterWinfrith Newburgh Dorset535
13 ElizaBRINE WifeMar43 IlminsterSomerset 535
13 EdwinBRINE SonUnmar17CarterWinfrithDevon 535
13 FrancesBRINE Daur 15ServantWinfrith Dorset535
13 John EdwinBRINE Son 12ScholarWinfrithDorset 535
13 EmanuelBRINE Son 9ScholarWinfrithDorset 535
13 Jane Bessie BRINEDaur 5ScholarWinfrith Dorset535
13 JessieBRINE Son 2 WinfrithDorset 535
14 SarahELLIS HeadWidow68 Corfe Castle Dorset535
14 GeorgeNEVILLE Son in lawMar34Rabbit CatcherWest Morden Dorset535
14 SelinaNEVILLE DaurUnmar42Rabbit Catcher’s Wife OsmingtonDorset535
14 Sarah Selina NEVILLEGranddaur 9 mo  WinfrithDorset535
14 HannahELLIS Neice 10ScholarWinfrith Dorset535
15 HezekiahGRANT HeadMar57Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 535
15 CharlotteGRANT WifeMar49GrocerBroadmayneDorset 536
16 AnnROBERTS HeadWidow58Ag. ServantWareham Dorset536
16 HarrietROBERTS DaurUnmar24Ag. ServantWinfrith Dorset536
16 RebeccaROBERTS DaurUnmar33Ag. ServantWinfrith Dorset536
16 Thomas W.ROBERTS Son 11Ag. ServantWinfrith Dorset536
16 Frederick G. ROBERTSSon 9Ag. Servant WinfrithDorset536
16 JamesROBERTS Son 7ScholarWinfrithDorset 536
16 George E.ROBERTS Son 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 536
17 ThomasTOOP HeadMar60Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 536
17 ElizabethTOOP WifeMar59 WinfrithDorset 536
17 MaryTOOP DaurUnmar19Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset536
17 Amelia J.TOOP DaurUnmar12ScholarWinfrithDorset 536
18 GeorgeSANSOM HeadMar57WheelwrightWinfrith Dorset536
18 AnabellaSANSOM WifeMar49 Corfe Castle Dorset536
18 JamesSANSOM SonUnmar21CarpenterWinfrith Dorset536
18 FrederickSANSOM SonUnmar18 WinfrithDorset 536
18 HarrySANSOM SonUnmar14 WinfrithDorset 536
18 AnnDIFFEY Mother in lawWidow UnemployedCorfe Castle Dorset536
19 SaraSANSOM HeadWidow40DressmakerWinfrith Dorset536
19 JohnSANSOM SonUnmar21BricklayerWinfrith Dorset536
19 TomSANSOM SonUnmar17Carpenter’s Apprentice WinfrithDorset536
20 ElizabethBRINE HeadWidow74UnemployedRenswary Gloucestershire536
20 MarySUMMERS LodgerWidow86UnemployedWhitchurch Dorset536
21 GeorgePEARCE HeadMar46CarterBriantspuddle Dorset536
21 ElizaPEARCE WifeMar27 WoolDorset 547
21 GeorgePEARCE SonUnmar13Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset547
21 Sarah AnnPEARCE DaurUnmar12ScholarWinfrithDorset 547
21 BessiePEARCE DaurUnmar10ScholarWinfrithDorset 547
21 Alice Emily PEARCEDaurUnmar2 Holme Dorset547
21 WilliamPEARCE SonUnmar3 mo WinfrithDorset 547
22 JohnBURT HeadMar37ShepherdWinfrithDorset 547
22 ElizabethBURT WifeMar30 CattistockDorset 547
22 BessieBURT DaurUnmar10ScholarWinfrithDorset 547
22 Emma J.SARGENT Daur in lawUnmar8ScholarWinfrith Dorset547
22 JohnSARGENT Son in lawUnmar7 Winfrith Dorset547
22 GeorgeBURT SonUnmar1 WinfrithDorset 547
22 CharlesTOMS BoarderUnmar20Mason’s Lab.Winfrith Dorset547
23 JamesTOOP HeadMar51Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 547
23 MaryTOOP WifeMar52 WinfrithDorset 547
23 Albert W.TOOP Son 12Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset547
24 FrederickSQUIB HeadMar36Ag. Lab.ChaldonDorset 547
24 EstherSQUIB WifeMar33 WinfrithDorset 547
24 Frederick W. SQUIBSon 8ScholarWinfrith Dorset547
24 Harriet B.SQUIB Daur 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 547
24 BessieSQUIB Daur 2 WinfrithDorset 547
25 Harry W.NETTLETON HeadMar43Paymaster Royal NavySt Helier Jersey547
25 Julia L.NETTLETON WifeMar35British SubjectSt Servery France547
25 Mary H.NETTLETON Daur 5Scholar Scotland 547
25 HarrietNETTLETON Daur 4Scholar Scotland 548
25 UnnamedNETTLETON Son 4 dy Winfrith Dorset548
25 RebeccaBRYANT NurseMar43Slate Enameller’s Wife PimlicoLondon548
25 AnnMUNNINGS ServantUnmar20Domestic ServantCapel St Mary Suffolk548
25 AnnDIMENT ServantUnmar20General ServantWinterborne Dorset548
26 HenryCOX HeadMar22BlacksmithWinfrith Dorset548
26 RhodaCOX WifeMar22 WinfrithDorset 548
26 GeorgeCOX Son 1 WinfrithDorset 548
26 JaneCOX MotherWidow58UnemployedPoole Dorset548
27 JohnFURMEDGE HeadMar54WoodmanPortsmouthHants. 548
27 JaneFURMEDGE WifeMar53LaundressPlushDorset 548
28 HubertHALL HeadMar36LabourerWinfrithDorset 548
28 ElizabethHALL WifeMar40 West Lulworth Dorset548
28 HarrietHALL DaurUnmar13ScholarWarehamDorset 548
28 William J.HALL SonUnmar3 WinfrithDorset 548
28 Mary R.HALL DaurUnmar8 mo Winfrith Dorset548
29 EdwardMORTIMER HeadMar48Carpenter Emp. 2 MenWinfrith Dorset548
29 FannyMORTIMER WifeMar42 Sturminster Marshall Dorset548
29 OwenMORTIMER SonUnmar20CarpenterWinfrith Dorset548
29 Christopher G. MORTIMERSonUnmar18Carpenter WinfrithDorset548
29 Ellen A.MORTIMER DaurUnmar8ScholarWinfrithDorset 548
29 EmilyMORTIMER DaurUnmar6ScholarWinfrithDorset 548
29 AnnMORTIMER DaurUnmar4 WinfrithDorset 559
29 ElizabethMORTIMER Daur 2 WinfrithDorset 559
29 John C.MORTIMER Son 2 mo Winfrith Dorset559
30 RichardTIZARD HeadMar59TailorPallingtonDorset 559
30 ElizabethTIZARD WifeMar64 WinfrithDorset 559
30 Elizabeth C. TIZARDSonUnmar25Domestic Servant WinfrithDorset559
31 SimonGRANT HeadMar63Boot & ShoemakerWinfrith Dorset559
31 SusannaGRANT WifeMar60 WinfrithDorset 559
31 LouisaCARTER DaurMar40DressmakerWinfrith Dorset559
31 JaneCARTER GranddaurUnmar14DressmakerGreat Bedwin Wilts.559
31 ElizabethCARTER GranddaurUnmar10ScholarAxford Wilts.559
32 JohnSELBY HeadMar73Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 559
32 MarySELBY WifeMar72 WinfrithDorset 559
33 WilliamSTAMMERS HeadMar63Ag. Lab.East Chaldon Dorset559
33 ElizaSTAMMERS WifeMar54LaundressStudlandDorset 559
34 MaryCOX HeadUnmar73HouseholderWinfrith Dorset559
35 HenryBRINE HeadMar25Ag. Lab.ChaldonDorset 559
35 AnnaBRINE WifeMar21 Burton Bradstock Dorset559
36 GeorgeSARGENT HeadMar49Ag. Lab.OsmingtonDorset 559
36 MarySARGENT WifeMar48 WhitechurchDorset 559
36 FrankSARGENT SonUnmar16Ag. Lab.Osmington Dorset559
37 FrankHOPKINS HeadMar24GrocerBlandfordDorset 559
37 Lucy B.HOPKINS WifeMar24 WinfrithDorset 559
37 BessieHOPKINS Daur 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 559
37 Walter W.HOPKINS Son 4ScholarWinfrithDorset 5510
37 FrankHOPKINS Son 1 YatelyHants. 5510
38 GeorgeGRANT HeadMar47Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5510
38 LouisaGRANT WifeMar44 DorchesterDorset 5510
38 MaryGRANT DaurUnmar18Servant DomesticWinfrith Dorset5510
38 JaneGRANT Daur 12Servant DomesticWinfrith Dorset5510
38 AnnieGRANT Daur 10ScholarWinfrith Dorset5510
38 BessieGRANT Wife 3ScholarWinfrithDorset 5510
39 AnnGRANT HeadWidow87Formerly NeedlewomanWinfrith Dorset5510
40 JohnCOX HeadMar61Retired BlacksmithWinfrith Dorset5510
40 ElizaCOX WifeMar67 HatchSomerset 5510
41 JamesSPICER HeadMar27BricklayerTolpuddle Dorset5510
41 Rebecca J.SPICER WifeMar28 WinfrithDorset 5510
42 Uninhabited         5510
43 William H.BENNETT HeadUnmar25SchoolmasterShoreham Sussex5510
43 Mary AnnBENNETT SisterUnmar19HousekeeperEastbourne Sussex5510
44 GeorgeCOX HeadWidower56ShoemakerWinfrith Dorset5510
44 GeorgeCOX SonUnmar25Ag. Lab.WinfrithSomerset 5510
44 ElizabethCOX DaurUnmar16HousekeeperWinfrith Wilts.5510
44 KateCOX Daur 8ScholarWinfrithDorset 5510
45 JohnKING HeadMar66DairymanWinfrithDorset 5510
45 SarahKING WifeMar54 Bere RegisDorset 5510
45 AlbertORCHARD Son in lawUnmar16Ag. Lab.Wareham Dorset5510
46 GeorgeSUMMERS HeadWidower53Ag. Lab.Chaldon Dorset5510
46 John C.SUMMERS SonUnmar18Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5611
46 Mary AnnSUMMERS DaurUnmar16HousekeeperWinfrith Dorset5611
46 GeorgeRIGGS Boarder 12Plow BoyWinfrith Dorset5611
47 ElizabethHIBBS HeadWidow71Formerly NurseMore Critchel Dorset5611
48 WilliamSANSOM HeadMar28Carpenter & WheelwrightWinfrith Dorset5611
48 Sarah U.SANSOM WifeMar26 GosportHants. 5611
48 Albert W.SANSOM Son 2 WinfrithDorset 5611
48 Lilly C.SANSOM Daur 3 mo Winfrith Dorset5611
49 RobertBURT HeadMar49ShoemakerWinfrithDorset 5611
49 ElizabethBURT WifeMar56 MoretonDorset 5611
50 JamesANDREWS HeadMar32Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5611
50 SusanANDREWS WifeMar30 BradpoleDorset 5611
50 GeorgeANDREWS Nephew 8 BinegarDorset 5611
51 GeorgeELLIS HeadMar40Engine DriverPreston Dorset5611
51 JaneELLIS WifeMar45 BradpoleDorset 5611
51 WilliamCOX Nephew 12ScholarWinfrith Dorset5611
52 ThomasLILLINGTON HeadMar40Farmer 385 Acres Emp. 12 Lab. 3 Women 4 Boys WinfrithDorset5611
52 MariaLILLINGTON WifeMar41 WarehamDorset 5611
52 MaryLILLINGTON SisterUnmar42 Winfrith Dorset5611
52 HenryCHURCHILL VisitorWidower68builderWareham Dorset5611
52 AliceSELBY ServantUnmar12Domestic ServantWinfrith Dorset5611
53 WilliamBURDETT HeadMar65ShepherdSuttonSomerset 5611
53 JaneBURDETT WifeMar54 BurtonDorset 5611
53 ThomasBURDETT SonUnmar21Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5611
53 LouisaBURT BoarderUnmar22Ag. ServantWinfrith Dorset5612
53 EdithBURT Boarder 3 Winfrith Dorset5612
54 EdwardANDREWS HeadMar64ShoemakerOwermoigne Dorset5612
54 JaneANDREWS WifeMar60 WinfrithDorset 5612
54 WilliamANDREWS SonUnmar17ShoemakerWinfrith Dorset5612
55 AndrewREAD HeadMar31Postmaster & CarpenterGillingham Dorset5612
55 HelenREAD WifeMar34 WinfrithDorset 5612
55 John A.READ Son 6ScholarMarnhullDorset 5612
55 Mary L.READ Daur 4ScholarDorchester Dorset5612
55a JaneALLEN LodgerWidow73UninhabitedChaldon Dorset5612
55a Mary A.BRINE LodgerUnmar21Letter CarrierChaldon? Dorset5612
55a James A.BRINE Lodger 2 WarehamDorset 5612
56 JohnTOMS HeadMar54WoodmanWest Lulworth Dorset5612
56 ElizabethTOMS WifeMar53 WinfrithDorset 5612
56 ElizabethTOMS DaurUnmar22 WinfrithDorset 5612
57 HenryTOMS HeadWidower52Ag. Lab.West Lulworth Dorset5612
57 MariaTOMS DaurUnmar17HousekeeperWinfrith Dorset5612
57 RichardTOMS Son 15Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset5612
57 John Thomas TOMSSon 13Farm Servant WinfrithDorset5612
58 EmanuelTOMS HeadMar33Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5612
58 ElizabethTOMS WifeMar37 WinfrithDorset 5612
58 ArabellaTOMS   13ScholarWinfrith Dorset5612
58 AnnieTOMS   9ScholarWinfrith Dorset5612
58 FredTOMS   7ScholarWinfrith Dorset5612
58 WalterTOMS Son 4ScholarWinfrithDorset 5713
58 JaneTOMS Daur 2 WinfrithDorset 5713
58 LucyTOMS Daur 1 mo Winfrith Dorset5713
59 KittyANGEL HeadWidow64Formerly Lab.Turnerspuddle Dorset5713
60 JamesHIBBS HeadMar33Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5713
60 TheresaHIBBS WifeMar33 WinfrithDorset 5713
61 AnnPAYNE HeadWidow73PedlerTeignmouth Devon5713
61 AnnTOOP VisitorUnmar75 Winfrith Dorset5713
62 GeorgeTRENT HeadMar28Ag. Lab.LulworthDorset 5713
62 ElizabethTRENT WifeMar27 WinfrithDorset 5713
62 JesseTRENT Son 1 WinfrithDorset 5713
63 WilliamHANSFORD HeadMar49Boot Manufacturer & GrocerNorton Somerset5713
63 MarthaHANSFORD WifeMar48 HookDorset 5713
63 MaryHANSFORD DaurUnmar19MachinistWinfrith Dorset5713
63 ElizabethHANSFORD DaurUnmar16MachinistWinfrith Dorset5713
63 HannahHANSFORD Daur 11ScholarWinfrith Dorset5713
63 JesseHANSFORD Son 8ScholarWinfrithDorset 5713
63 ElouisaHANSFORD Daur 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 5713
64 JohnHANSFORD HeadMar24ShoemakerWinfrithDorset 5713
64 FrancesHANSFORD WifeMar24 WinfrithDorset 5713
64 Lucy C.HANSFORD Daur 5 WinfrithDorset 5713
64 RhodaHANSFORD Daur 2 WinfrithDorset 5713
64 Frank H.HANSFORD Son 4 mo Winfrith Dorset5713
65 MarkLILLINGTON HeadMar26Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5714
65 MarthaLILLINGTON WifeMar28 WinfrithDorset 5714
66 Uninhabited         5714
67 DavidANDREWS HeadMar58Ag. Lab.ChaldonDorset 5714
67 HannahANDREWS WifeMar53 WinfrithDorset 5714
67 GeorgeANDREWS SonUnmar22Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5714
67 FrankANDREWS Son 14Ag. Lab.Winfrith Dorset5714
67 CharlesANDREWS Son 12Ag. Lab.Winfrith Dorset5714
68 HenryFREEMAN HeadMar34Police Sergeant Dorset Constabulary WimborneDorset5714
68 MaryFREEMAN WifeMar35 HawkchurchDorset 5714
68 FrancisFREEMAN Son 7ScholarWarmwellDorset 5714
68 WilliamFREEMAN Son 5ScholarSherborneDorset 5714
68 AnnieFREEMAN Daur 3 PortlandDorset 5714
68 KateFREEMAN Son 1 PortlandDorset 5714
69 JosephBILLEY HeadMar47Baker & GrocerWinfrith Dorset5714
69 LouisaBILLEY WifeMar44 StokeDorset 5714
69 ElizabethBILLEY DaurUnmar17Assistant In ShopWinfrith Dorset5714
69 William G.BILLEY Son 13Assistant In ShopWinfrith Dorset5714
69 MarthaBILLEY Daur 12ScholarWinfrith Devon5714
69 Charles W.BILLEY Son 6ScholarWinfrithDorset 5714
69 Emily L.RANSON Granddaur 42 Euston Square London5714
70 Uninhabited         5714
71 JohnSELBY HeadMar61Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5714
71 AnnSELBY WifeMar47 AffpuddleDorset 5714
71 Ellen A.SELBY Daur 11ScholarWinfrith Dorset5815
71 RoseSELBY Daur 9ScholarWinfrithDorset 5815
71 AnneSELBY Daur 6ScholarAnsfordWilts. 5815
71 William G.SELBY Son 3 WinfrithDorset 5815
72 WilliamCROAD HeadMar29DairymanPrestonDorset 5815
72 Sarah AnnCROAD WifeMar23 BowdenSomerset 5815
72 CharlesCROCKER Brother in lawUnmar18DairymanStowel Somerset5815
73Red Lion InnElizabeth DUGDALEHeadUnmar58Innkeeper WinfrithDorset5815
73Red Lion InnMaryDUGDALE SisterUnmar55InnkeeperWinfrith Dorset5815
73Red Lion InnDaniel DUGDALEBrotherUnmar68Annuitant Unemployed WinfrithDorset5815
74WinfrithHenrySQUIB HeadMar61Ag. Lab.PrestonDorset 5815
74WinfrithDinahSQUIB WifeMar73 DewlishDorset 5815
75 ThomasBURT HeadMar41CarrierWinfrithDorset 5815
75 MaryBURT WifeMar37 PrestonDorset 5815
76 JosephWOODSFORD HeadMar69Ag. Lab.Toller Farnham Wilts.5815
76 ElizabethWOODSFORD WifeMar65 Bere RegisDorset 5815
77 JamesTOMS HeadWidower48UnemployedWest Lulworth Dorset5815
77 MaryTOMS DaurUnmar18HousekeeperChaldon Dorset5815
77 AnnWHITTLE BoarderUnmar45Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset5815
77 WalterWHITTLE Boarder 9ScholarWinfrith Dorset5815
78FossellThomasSUMMERS HeadMar56ShepherdWinfrithDorset 5815
78FossellLouiseSUMMERS WifeMar50 WinfrithDorset 5815
78FossellIsabellaSUMMERS DaurUnmar14ScholarWinfrithSomerset 5815
78FossellThomasSUMMERS Son 9ScholarWinfrithDorset 5815
79FossellJosephMORTIMER HeadMar69Farm ServantLongparish Hants.5816
79FossellJaneMORTIMER WifeMar74 WinfrithDorset 5816
79FossellThomasMORTIMER SonUnmar34ImbecileWinfrithDorset 5816
80FossellJeremiahHIBBS HeadMar30Ag. Lab.Melcombe Regis Dorset5816
80FossellAnne R.HIBBS WifeMar32 MoretonDorset 5816
80FossellGertrude H. HIBBSDaur 9 mo Winfrith Dorset5816
81East Fossell Dairy HouseHenry C. PANNELLHeadMar30DairymanButterwick Dorset5816
81East Fossell Dairy HouseElizabeth A. PANNELLWifeMar29 Little Bredy Dorset5816
81East Fossell Dairy HouseJohn J. PANNELLSon 4ScholarWinfrith Dorset5816
81East Fossell Dairy HouseAlice PANNELLDaur228 Winfrith Dorset5816
82FossellRobertTOMS HeadMar29MasonWinfrithDorset 5816
82FossellAnnTOMS WifeMar29 GaltonDorset 5816
82FossellAlbert R.TOMS Son 3 mo Winfrith Dorset5816
83FossellElizaPAYNE HeadUnmar68Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset5816
83FossellElizabethSINNICK NeiceWidower46Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset5816
84FossellJamesGUY HeadMar75LabourerWinfrithDevon 5816
84FossellMariaGUY WifeMar78 WinfrithDorset 5816
85Fossell VOID    Uninhabited   5816
86Heath CottageAden FRAMPTONHeadMar36GroomCattistock Dorset5816
86Heath CottageMary FRAMPTONWifeMar36BuilderMarshalsay Dorset5816
86Heath CottageElizabeth FRAMPTONDaur 6ScholarWinfrith Dorset5816
86Heath CottageAlfred FRAMPTONSon 4ScholarWinfrith Dorset5816
86Heath CottageWilliam FRAMPTONSon 2 Winfrith Dorset5816
86Heath CottageMary Jane FRAMPTONDaur 3 mo  WinfrithDorset5816
87Winfrith HeathDaniel WALLISHeadMar52Baker & Grinder WatercombeDorset5917
87Winfrith HeathMary Ann WALLISWifeMar51 Moreton Dorset5917
87Winfrith HeathDaniel WALLISSonUnmar28Labourer Unemployed WinfrithDorset5917
87Winfrith HeathAnna WALLISSonUnmar18General Servant WinfrithDorset5917
87Winfrith HeathJosiah WALLISSon 12ScholarWinfrith Dorset5917
87Winfrith HeathEllen WALLISDaur 8ScholarWinfrith Dorset5917
87Winfrith HeathFred WALLISSon 4 Winfrith Dorset5917
87Winfrith HeathEmily WALLISGranddaur 3 mo  WinfrithDorset5917
87Winfrith HeathMary Ann LOCKDaurMar22Labourer’s Wife TadwellDorset5917
88Winfrith HeathJohn RIGGSHeadMar38Ag. Lab.Tincleton Dorset5917
88Winfrith HeathMartha RIGGSWifeMar38 Athelhampton Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotCharles PEARCEHeadMar34FellmongerCrewkerne Somerset5917
89Winfrith Great LotCaroline PEARCEWifeMar34 Halstock Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotEmily PEARCEDaurUnmar12ScholarWeymouth Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotHarriet PEARCEDaur 11ScholarWeymouth Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotCaroline PEARCEDaur 9ScholarWeymouth Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotCharles PEARCESon 6ScholarWeymouth Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotRobert PEARCESon 4 Winfrith Dorset5917
89Winfrith Great LotWlliam PEARCESon 2 Winfrith Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadRobert VINEHeadMar51CarterGalton Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadMary Jane VINEWifeMar44Farm ServantWorth Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadJane VINEWifeMar26UnemployedWorth Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadGeorge VINESon 21Ag. Lab.Creech Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadFrances VINEDaur 13ScholarWool Dorset5917
90Winfrith New RoadMary B. VINEDaur 9ScholarWinfrith Dorset5918
90Winfrith New RoadEllen G. VINEDaur 7ScholarWinfrith Dorset5918
91Winfrith New RoadAnn BOWRINGHeadWidow36Farm Servant WinfrithDorset5918
91Winfrith New RoadGeorge BOWRINGSon 16Farm Servant WinfrithDorset5918
92Wood BottomGeorge OLDHeadMar39ShepherdBockhampton Dorset5918
92Wood BottomAnnOLD WifeMar29 SteepleDorset 5918
92Wood BottomGeorge OLDSon 5ScholarKimmeridge Dorset5918
92Wood BottomJohnOLD Son 1ScholarKimmeridge Dorset5918
92Wood BottomCharles OLDFather 73ShepherdKimmeridge Dorset5918
92Wood BottomAnnSTURMEY VisitorMar43VisitorBockhampton Dorset5918
93SlightsThomasHURST HeadMar36Ag. Lab.MoretonDorset 5918
93SlightsJaneHURST WifeMar31 WinfrithDorset 5918
93SlightsMary AnnHURST Daur 13ScholarWinfrith Dorset5918
94SlightsWilliamBURT HeadMar63CarterWinfrithDorset 5918
94SlightsRobertBURT SonUnmar29CarterWinfrithDorset 5918
94SlightsHarrietBURT DaurUnmar17Farm ServantWinfrith Dorset5918
95SlightsJohnTOOP HeadMar43Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5918
95SlightsHarrietTOOP WifeMar46 WinfrithDorset 5918
95SlightsWalterTOOP SonUnmar19Ag. Lab.WinfrithDorset 5918
95SlightsEstherTOOP DaurUnmar17Domestic ServantWinfrith Dorset5918
95SlightsAnn Amelia TOOPDaur 15ScholarWinfrith Dorset5918
95SlightsWilliamTOOP Head 13Plow BoyWinfrith Dorset5918
95SlightsFannyTOOP Wife 10ScholarWinfrith Dorset5918
95SlightsEllenTOOP Son 7ScholarWinfrithDorset 5918

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