


WAREHAM is a municipal borough, with a station on the Southern railway, 121 miles by rail and 111 by road from London, 17 south-east of Dorchester, 4 north-west from Corfe Castle, 8 south-west from Poole, 14 south-west from Bournemouth, 10 north-west from Swanage and 6 south from Bere Regis: it is the head of a union, county court district and petty sessional division, in the Southern division of the county, hundred of Winfrith, rural deanery of Purbeck, arch-deaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The town is situated between the rivers Piddle and Frome, occupying rising ground near their outfall into Poole Harbour, and consists of four spacious and open streets, intersecting each other at right angles, its area being nearly enclosed by high artificial ramparts of earth, and covering about 100 acres; these ramparts are of remote antiquity, supposed to be of British origin, and now form a healthful recreation ground for the inhabitants. Wareham was a Roman settlement (as was Stoborough), and figures largely in history from the time of Canute to that of the Commonwealth. The space between the embankments and the present inhabited part has been converted into gardens, which are let by the lord of the manor at moderate rents. A substantial stone bridge of six arches, rebuilt about 1777, crosses the Frome from South street, and connects the county with the road leading to the Isle of Purbeck. There is a salmon fishery in this river, which, under more stringent regulations, has considerably revived. In 1762 the greater part of the town was consumed by fire, but the three churches fortunately escaped. It is a borough by prescription, and possesses several charters, under one of which, granted by Queen Anne in 1703, the government of the town was vested in a mayor, recorder, and six capital and twelve assistant burgesses, but under the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1883 (46 and 47 Vict. C. 18) a new charter was issued, July 16, 1886, and the Corporation now consists of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve councillors. The borough returned two members to Parliament from the reign of Edward I, until the passing of the reform Act, 1832 (2 and 3 Wm. IV c 45), which reduced the representation to one only, at the same time considerably enlarging the parliamentary boundaries, and under the provisions of the Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885 (48 and 49 Vict. C 23), it was merged in the Eastern division of the county

 The town is lighted with gas by a private company and supplied with water from Worgret, 1¼ miles to the west of the town.

Wareham formerly consisted of portions of three parishes : Holy Trinity Within, Lady St. Mary Within and St. Martin's within, but by Local Government Board Order No. 31,566 now forms the parish of Wareham Lady St. Mary, the former divisions still existing for ecclesiastical purposes only. By the same Order, part of Lady St. Mary civil parish and a part of Holy Trinity civil parish, not included in the reconstituted Lady St. Mary parish, was added to Arne.

The churches of Holy Trinity and St. Martins are both standing, but neither of them are used for public worship; the latter, now covered with ivy and forming a very picturesque object in North Street, is only used for the burials of the members of one or two families. There are some traces of other parochial churches having existed in former times, called St. Michael, St. Peter and St. John, but the parishes have been consolidated with the others, and the only evidence of their existence is the name in the King's Books, which subjects the rector to a charge of first-fruits, tenths and land-tax.

The church of St. Mary is an ancient edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, with south chapel, western porch and an embattled western tower containing 8 bells: the chapel in the south aisle is said to be the burial place of the Anglo-Saxon kings, and here reposed for three years the remains of Edward the Martyr, who was murdered at Corfe Castle by Elfrida; his bones were then removed with such pomp and ceremony by St. Dunstan and a numerous train of monks to Shaftesbury: the front, of the 11th century, is of lead, hexagonal in form, mounted on a solid base of Purbeck marble, and on the sides are carved figures, representing the Twelve Apostles, in high relief; in 1841 a fine sarcophagus, of Purbeck marble , was discovered in the chapel, which is supposed to have been the receptacle for the body of Edward the Martyr; many tombstones with singular inscriptions were found at the same time, but they were mostly destroyed or built into the walls of the naïve: a small portion of the old structure has been converted into a vestry: there is a monument to the Rev. John Hutchins, author of the "History of Dorset", who was formerly rector here, and is buried in the south chapel; in St. Martin's churchyard is a cross, erected in memory of those who fell in the Great War, 1914-18; the nave of St. Mary was rebuilt in 1841-2 and the church restored in 1882, under the direction of Messrs. Counson and Son, architects, of Winchester, at a total expenditure of about £2,000; in 1893-4 the chancel was rebuilt at the cost of Mrs Rodgett, of Sandford House; the organ, the gift of Mrs Rodgett, stands in an organ chamber built at the cost of James B.Dugdale esq., J.P. at whose expense also the roof of the nave was restored; seven of the windows are stained; the church seats 750 persons. The register dates from the year 1762. The living consists of the rectories of Holy Trinity, St. Martin and St. Mary, with the perpetual curacy of Arne annexed, joint net yearly value £638, with glebe and residence, in the gift of Capt. Guy Montagu Marston R.N.,J.P. and held since1888 by the Rev. Selwyn Blackett, prebendary of Shipton-in-Sarum Cathedral, rural dean of Purbeck, chaplain to Wareham Poor Law Institution, and surrogate. The Congregational chapel, founded in 1670, seats 470; the Wesleyan chapel, in North street, 250; and the Unitarian chapel, South street, erected in 1830, 250. 

A cemetery of about one acre, adjoining the church of St. Mary, was formed in 1880 and enlarged by 1 ¼ acres in 1914, the whole costing £1,600; it is under the control of a Joint Burial Committee.

The Town Hall and Corn Exchange, in the market place, is of red brick with stone dressings, in the Gothic style, and includes a tower with clock; it is used not only by the Corporation, but for public meetings of the town and neighbourhood, and the sittings of the petty sessions of the borough and county justices.

The Oddfellows' Hall, in West Stret, was erected in 1889, and will seat about 200.

There is a voluntary Fire Brigade, consisting of a captain and ten men.

The clay mines and quarries of Messrs. Pike Brothers at Church Knowle are many acres in extent, and thousands of tons of potters', fire, pipe, tile and other kinds of clay are annually sent to all parts of the world; the railway laid down from the pits by Mr W. J. Pike with a gradual incline to the boats at the mouth of the river Frome, conveys the clay at a very trifling cost; the offices are at Creech; there are also extensive stoneware pipe works belonging to the Sandford Pottery Co. Limited, whose manufactures have a large sale both in London and in the country. The market day is Thursday. There are two fairs, held on the third Thursday in April and second Thursday in September, both for cattle, which are generally well attended; there are also two cattle markets, held on the first Thursday in February and first Thursday in March.

There is an almshouse for six men and five women, endowed by John Streche, esq. and rebuilt in 1741 by Henry Drax and John Pitt esqrs. Now transferred to new buildings, erected in 1908, at a cost of £4,119 at Westport, adjoining the town; each of the eleven almspeople receive seven shillings weekly, besides new clothes and beef and coals at Christmas. There are also various charitable bequests, including a sum of £915 in consols, left in 1809 by Stephen Bird; also a charge of 20s. yearly on the site of the "King's Head" Weymouth, left by Bernard Michel in 1646; a charge of £3 3s. yearly upon lands at Bere Regis and Bloxworth, under the will of Dame Elizabeth Holford, 1717; a sum of £333 in Consols, left by George Richard Robinson of London, in 1850 and another sum of £789 in Consols, under the will of S.Giles; also a sum of £505 in Consols, left by Charles James Card esq in1903; there is also a sum of £222 in Consols, for the benefit of the inmates of the almshouses, as well as Harbin's charity of £10 yearly and Pitt's charity of £13 yearly, left originally for educational purposes, but now applied in aid of the local poor rates, under the Education Act of 1902.

The Priory of SS. Mary, Peter and Ethelwold, founded by the Earl of Leicester in the reign of Henry I, as a cell to the convent of St. Benoit-sur-Leyr, is still standing; it was originally founded by St.Aldhelm, who died A.D.709: in the year 1880 a double piscine, of Purbeck Marble, octagonal in form, was discovered in the wall on the south side of the chancel.

Sandford the residence of the Rev. Samuel Edward Valpy Filleul M.A. about 2 miles north, is an elegant mansion of white brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style; it occupies an elevated site over looking Poole Harbour and Brownsea Island, and is well sheltered by fir plantations, and surrounded by an estate of 1,500 acres.

The principal landowners are Capt. Guy Montagu Marston R.N., J.P. who owns the manor, the Earl of Eldon, Capt. Hon. Reginald Alymes Ranfurley-Plunkett-Ernie-Erle-Drax D.S.O. Leonard Sturdy esq. Alan Sturdy esq. and Mrs Filleul.

The area of the municipal borough and Lady St. Mary civil parish is 247 acres of land, 3 of water and 3 of tidal water; rateable value, £7,341; the population in 1911 was 2,002, including 85 inmates and 8 officials in the Poor Law Institution, and in 1921, 1,994.

The population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was 3,039.

SWINEHAM, 1 mile east-by-north and North and South Bestwall, were, by Local Government Board Order, transferred from East Stoke to St. Martin Parish in 1888

STOBOROUGH LIBERTY, in Holy Trinity parish, is on the south side of the Frome, over which is a substantial stone bridge to Wareham.

The area of St. Martin civil parish is 8,330 acres of land, 55 of water, 168 of tidal water and 1,099 of foreshore; rateable value, £14,821; the population in 1911 was 506.

The area of St. Martin civil parish is 8,330 acres of land, 55 of water, 168 of tidal water and 1,099 of foreshore; rateable value, £14,821; the population in 1911 was 506.


Post , M. O., T. & T. E. D. Office, North Street

HOWARD Stanley Evans, postmaster. Letters are delivered from all parts

Post Office Stoborough – Horace Alfred HEAD, sub-post-master. Wareham 1 mile distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office.


Mayor, Councillor Francis Vernon SYMES

Deputy Mayor, Alderman John Harvey BRADLEY


Retire Nov. 1925

Albert Edward BUSSEY                                 Wm. Charles Lewis GOVER



William BUSSELL                                          Sydney GALPIN

Frank CORAM                                              Arthur William READ

Chares John FERRY


William John BAVERSTOCK                          Alfred SHEARS

Reginald Henry HOLLAND                             Albert SPEED


William George BROWN                                William John RANDALL

Sidney FRY                                                   Francis Vernon SYMES

The Corporation meets at the Town Hall 1st Friday in each month.

Mayor's Auditor, William BUSSELL

Elective Auditors, Fredk. BOLLOM and Albt. Edwd. SKEWES


Town Clerk, John William MILLER, North Street

Treasurer, Job Herbert JOHNSON, Lloyds Bank, Wareham

Medical Officer of Health, Kilcoursie Jocelyn COURTENAY L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S. Edin. Brewery House

Borough Surveyor, William Watts FOOKES, North Street

Sanitary Inspector & Collector, James BRIDLE. West Street

Town Sergeant & Crier, James BRIDLE West Street


BENNETT Stephen White, Bridge House, Wareham

BENTINCK Frederick Cavendish M.A .Morton's House, Corfe Castle, Wareham

BOND Gerald Denis, Holme, Wareham

BOND John Wentworth Garneys D.L. Creech Grange, Wareham

BOND Wm. Henry, Tyneham House, Tyneham, Wareham

BUSH Admiral Sir Paul Warner K.C.B., M.V.O. Longham House, Wimborne

CLARK Mrs S. B. Castle Close, Wareham

CLIFTON James Edward, Northbrook House, Swanage

COLLINS William, Wycliffe, King's Road, Swanage

DICKER George, St. Aldhelms, West Street, Wareham

ELDON Earl of D.L., Stowell Park, Northleach, Glo'stersh


FRENCH A.J. Studland

GUY H. R. Ropers Lane, Wareham

HEWICK John Edwin, Cliff Cottage, Swanage

JESTY Henry Robert, Bere Regis, Wareham

LANE Frederick Geo. Alex. Bloxworth House, Wareham

MARRIOTT-DODINGTON Hugh – (no address given)

MARSTON Capt. Guy Montagu R.N. Rempstone, Corfe Castle

MOWLEM John Ernest De Moulham Villa, Swanage

PIKE Leonard Gaskill, Kingbarrow, Wareham

PROFEIT George W. Charborough Park, Wareham

RADCLYFFE Major Charles Robert Eustace, Hyde House, Bere Regis, Wareham

ROBSON Col. Henry Denne, West Lulworth, Wareham

SMITH Edgar Robert, East Street, Wareham

The Mayor of the Borough of Wareham & the Chairman of the Wareham & Purbeck Rural & the Swanage Urban District Councils, for the time being, are ex=officio magistrates.

And the Ex-Mayor for cases arising within the borough.

Clerk to the Magistrates, Archibald Edward Kenneth DAVIES-BUNTON, North Street

Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall one Thursday in each month at 12 noon, & at Swanage one Saturday in each month at 11 a.m. The following places are included in the Petty Sessional divisions:- Afflington, Affpuddle, Arne, Bere Regis, Blashenwell, Bloxworth, East Bradle, Briantspuddle, East Burton, East Chaldon, Chaldon Herring, Church Knowle, Coombe Keynes, Corfe Castle, Creech East, Creech Grange, Earlsmead & Haymoor, Eggleston, Encombe, Herstone & Langton Matravers, East Holme, West Holme, Holworth, Hyde, Kimmeridge, Kingshold, Kingston, Langton Wallis, Longcotts, East Lulworth, West Lulworth, East Morden, West Morden, Moreton, Ower, Povington, Rempston, Rollington, Shitterton, Steeple, Stoborough, East Stoke, Studland, Swanage, Tonerspuddle, Tyneham Wareham (Lady St. Mary), Wareham (St. Martin), Whitecliff, Winfrith Newburgh, Winterborne Kingston, Wool, Worgret & Worth Matravers.


The parishes in the District are the same as in the Union, with the exception of Swanage & Wareham . The Area is 89,583; the population in 1911 was 10,567, & in 1921, 13,646.

Council meets at Union Board Room, Wareham, on Thursdays at 12 noon for sanitary & general purposes monthly.

Chairman James SPICER, Bovington, Wool, Wareham


Clerk, Lionel H. WARD, South Street

Treasurer, \ob Herbert JOHNSON, Lloyds Bank, Wareham

Medical Officer of Health, K. Jocelyn Courtenay L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin., Brewery House

Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor of Highways, William Watts FOOKES, North Street


The union comprises the following parishes:- Affpuddle; Arne; Bere Regis; Bloxworth; Chaldon Herring; Church Knowle; Coombe Keyes; Corfe Castle; Holme (East); Kimmeridge; Langton Matravers; Lulworth (East); Lulworth (West); Morden, Moreton; Steeple; Stoke (East); Studland; Swanage; Toners Puddle or Turners Puddle;Tyneham; Wareham Lady St. Mary; Wareham St. Martin; Winfrith Newburgh; Wool & Worth Matravers.

The population in 1911 was 17,258; area 92,492 acres; rateable value £138,240.

The Board meet alternate Thursdays at 11 a.m. at the Poor Law Institution.

Chairman of the Board of Guardians, G.D.Bond, J.P., Holme, Wareham.

Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Lionel H.Ward, South Street

Treasurer Job Herbert JOHNSON, Lloyds Bank, South Street

Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, William John RANDALL, Wareham; No.2 district William Richard RANDALL

Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bere Regis district, George LYS, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Whitelovington, Bere Regis; Corfe Castle, G.D.DRURY M.R.C.S. Eng.,L.R.C.P.Lond. Corfe Castle; Swanage district, W.A. REES, O.B.E.,M.D.Lond.,F.R.C.S.Eng. 1 Parade, Swanage; Wareham No. 1 district , Kilcoursie Jocelyn COURTENAY, L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Brewery House, Wareham; Wareham No. 2 district John Aubrey Brooking SNELL M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P.,D.P.H.,M.B.,B.Ch. Manor House Wareham; Winfrith district, Maurice Clare Bielefeld ANDERSON M.R.C.S.,Eng.L.R.C.P.Lond.Winfrith

The Poor Law Institution, built in 1835, is of brick, & will hold 250 inmates; the present number (1923) is 67; Rev. Canon Selwyn BLACKETT, chaplain; John Aubrey Brooking SNELL M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,D.P.H.,M.B.,B.Ch. Manor House, medical officer; Alfred J. VELVICK, Master; Mrs VELVICK, matron & head nurse


Superintendent Registrar, Lionel H.WARD, South Street, Wareham; deputy, E.J.SANSOM, South Street, Wareham

Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bere Regis sub-district, William Richard RANDALL, Wareham; deputy, William J.RANDALL, Wareham; Corfe Castle sub district, William J.RANDALL; Swanage sub-district, James Thomas HILLIER, Swanage; deputy, William Hill BROWN, Swanage; Wareham sub-district, William John RANDALL; deputy, William Richard RANDALL 44 West Street, Wareham

Registrars of Marriages, Albert LAWS, North Street, Wareham; deputy, Raymond LAWS, North Street, Wareham; James Thomas HILLIER, Swanage.


Cemetery, adjoining the church, Frederick BOLLAM, clerk to burial joint committee, North Street, Joseph Joiner, keeper, Church Street, Wareham

County Court, His Honor Hugh Hyslop MAXWELL, judge; W. Hatton BUDGE, registrar & high bailiff; Albert LAWS, clerk to the registrar; Joshua RACKHAM, assistant bailiff. The court is held once in two months at the Town Hall. The district comprises the following parishes: Wareham Lady St. Mary, Wareham St. Martin, Affpuddle, Arne, Bere Regis. Bloxworth, Chaldon Herring, Church Knowle, Coombe Keynes, Corfe Castle, East Holme, East Lulworth, East Stoke, Kimmeridge, Langton Matravers, Morden, Moreton, Steeple, Studland, Swanage, Toners Puddle, Tyneham, West Lulworth, Winfrith, Wool & Worth Matravers.

For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Poole; Thomas EASTON, Midland Bank Chambers, High Street, Southampton, official receiver

Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, J. Woodford WHITE, Swanage

County Police Station, South Street, Henry TOOP, superintendent; 3 sergeants & 19 constables (for the Wareham division)

Excise & Old Age Pension Office, North Street, Fredk. BOLLAM, clerk to the Borough & Rural Sub-Committees

Fire Brigade, Fred NEWBERRY, captain

Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange 17 West Street, Reginald Henry HOLLAND, branch manager.

Stamp Office, North Street, Howard Stanley EVANS, distributor

Town Hall & Corn Exchange, Market Place


No. 11 Platoon, 4th Battalion Dorset Regiment. Head Quarters, The Drill Hall. Commanding, Captain W.T.FLETCHER, T.D.


Clerk to the Commissioners of Income & Land Taxes, John William MILLER, North Street

Clerk to the River Frome Salmon Fishery Conservators, Frederick BOLLAM, North Street

Veterinary Inspector under the Diseases of Animals Acts for Wareham & Wimborne Petty Sessional Divisions, Edward WHITELY-BAKER M.R.C.V.S. Glencairn Avenue Road, Wimborne


St.Mary's Church, Rev. Selwyn BLACKETT, rector, preb. Of Salisbury, rural dean & surrogate;Rev.William John COBURN, curate

Congregational, Chapel Lane, Rev. Frank CORAM

Wesleyan Methodist, North Street (Poole Circuit)

Unitarian, South Street

A service is held every Sunday in the school at Sandford by the Wareham clergy


Arthur W.POPE, West Street, assistant attendance officer Council School, West Street, for 250

children; Miss PRINCE, head mistress

Elementary, St. Martin's Lane, built in 1885, for 400 children, Frank Leonard COOPER, master

Elementary, Stoborough, built in 1871 & since enlarged for 150 children; Reginald Thomas STEAD, master

Elementary Sandford, built in 1877, the gift of the late Mr RODGETT, for 100 children; Miss STICKLAND, mist.

Railway Station, Frederick WALKER, station master


Poole – W.G.KEEVES, from North Street, mon. & thurs.



ANDERSON, Miss` , Westport,

BAKER, Mrs , Ivanhoe Westport,

BEARDSLEY, Mrs , 5 Bestwall Villas, East Street

BENNETT, Stephen White, Bridge House South Street, J.P.

BLACKETT, Rev. Selwyn , The Rectory Pound Lane, (rector, rural dean, surrogate, preb. Of Shipton in Sarum Cathederal & chaplain to Wareham & Purbeck Poor Law Institution)

BRADLEY, John Harvey, 18 West Street,

BURGESS, Albert John, 21 North Street,

BUSSEY, Miss` , East Street,

CLARK, Mrs , Castle Close, J.P.

COAKES, Miss` , East Street,

COBURN, Rev. William John, 7 North Street, Curate

COLLIHOLE, Henry S, East Street,

COLLINS, William Wiche, Stoborough Croft,

CORAM, Rev. Frank , Bestwall Villa, East Street, Congregational

COURTNEY, Kilcoursie Jocelyn, Brewery House,

DICKER, George , Aldhelms West Street, J.P.

DICKER Jun., George , Snowswick, Worgret Road,

DRAKE, Ernest , Stoborough House,

DUNN, Frank , St. Michaels,

FEA, John Brook, West Port House,

FEILDEN, Major Ramsay Robert, The King'sBarrow, Stoborough

FILLEUL, Rev. Samuel Edward Valpy, Sandford, M.A. (Retired)

FILLITER, Mrs , St Martins House \North Street

FOOKES, William Watts, North Street,

FORRESTER, Mrs , Freeland Lower Westport,

GALPIN, Harold Tom, Homegarth, Stoborough,

GARLAND, Mrs , The Moorings, 34 North Street

GEE, Mrs , Brantwood Westport,

HARRIS, Miss` , 36 East Street,

HOBBS, John Albert, Saxonholm,

JOHNSON, Job Herbert, The Bank South Street,

KELSALL, Hope W, Camp Side, Worgret Road,

LACEY, Charles James, North Bestwall,

LUCAS, William George, The Cottage, Stoborough,

MARSHALLSAY, Richard Jeanes, Thetford Cottage, Worgret Road

MILLER, John , Maybank, Worgret Road,

NEVILLE-JONES, Ralph , Tree Tops, Worgret Road,

NEWBERRY, Herbert , Kingston House, Stoborough

NORTHOVER, Thomas , North Street,

PETERS, John Richard, North Street,

PIKE, Leonard Gaskell, King Barrow, Stoborough, J.P.

PORTMAN, Mrs Berkeley , The Priory,

PRITCHARD, Edward Gerald, 1 St John's Villas East Street

RANDALL, Mrs , The Hut. St John'sHill,

SANSOM, William George, San Remo East Street,

SHAW, C. Graham, Sandford,

SKEWES, Albert Edward, Elme House, North Street,

SMITH, Edgar Robert, Warrakoo, East Street, J.P.

SNELL Jn., Aubrey Brooking, Manor House,

STURDY, Alan , Carey,

STURDY, Leonard , Trigon, J.P.

SYMES, Francis Vernon, 2 St John's Villas, East Street

TORBETT, Major Francis Herbt., Rodwell, Grange Road, English

WATKINS, Thomas , Belle Vue Westport,

WESTLAKE, Mrs , Wayside, Worgret Road,

WILLIAMS, Thos. , Springfield, Stoborough,


ADAMS, Alfred , New Inn, The Quay, Publican

ANDREWS, George R, King's Arms, P.H. Stoborough, Publican


AXON, Thomas Frederick, 1 East Street, Boot & Shoe Repairer

BAGGS, Frank , Wareham Mills, Miller (water)

BAILEY, Arthur Thomas, Keysworth Farm, Farmer

BARNES, Mrs Flora , 37 West Street, Confectioner

BARNES, Thomas , Northport, Smallholder

BAUNTON, Charles , Worgret, Farmer

BENNETT, Bros. , East and North Street, Bakers, Grocers and Confectioners

BENNETT, Frank , West Street, Greengrocer

BEST, Harry , West Street, Fruiterer

BLAMPIED, John , Castle, P.H.South Street, Publican

BOATSWAIN, Arthur Frank, Redcliffe Farm, Stoborough, Farmer

BOLLAM, Frederick , North Street, Collector of Poor Rates & clerk to the Wareham Bor. & Rural Old Age Pension Sub-Com. & River Frome Salmon Fishery & clerk to Burial & closed churchyard joint committees

OSBORNE, Stanley M, Born Electrical Engineering Co., Elec. & Mech. Engineer

BOWLES, R Francis, Seven Burrows, Farmer

BRADLEY, John Harvey, West Street, Outfitter

BRIDLE, James , West Street, Photographer & bill poster;sanitary inspector, collector to the boroiugh & town sergeant & crier

BROWN, Francis John, 20 Church Street, Confectioner

BURGESS, Brothers , South Street, Caterers

BURGESS, Francis , Trinity Lane, Boot & Shoe Repairer

BURGESS, George Alfred, Black Bear Hotel South Street, Proprietor

BURGESS, Lewis , Mill Lane, Blacksmith

BURGESS, Sydney Arthur, 55 North Street, Boot Maker

BUSSELL, William , 67 North Street, Shopkeeper

BUSSEY, & Son , North Street, Tailors

BOLLAM, Frederick , Cemetery adjoining church (Lady St. Mary), Clerk to Burial Joint committee

JOINER, Joseph , Cemetery adjoining church (Lady St. Mary), CEMETERY Keeper

CHAFFEY, Mrs L..M. , West Street, Stationer

CHRISTOPHER, Frank , 22 North Street, Shoe maker

CHRISTOPHER, Mrs Lilian Bessie, The Rising Sun The Quay, Publican

CHURCHILL, John , 37 North Street, Fruiterer

CHURCHILL, William , East Street, Photographer

CHURCHILL's, , East Street, Motor Engineer

CLEEVE, Brothers , West Street, Motor Engineer

CLEEVE, John Thomas, Stoborough, Motor Garage

COFFIN, Mrs Beatrice , Halfway House Inn, Publican

COTTEE, Samuel William, North Street, F.A.I. Auctioneer, valuer, house & estate agent

BUDGE, W Hatton, South Street, COUNTY COURT Registrar & high bailiffe

RACKHAM, Joshua , South Street, COUNTY COURT Assistant bailiffe

COURTNEY, & SNELL , North Street, Surgeons

COURTNEY, Kilcoursie Jocelyn, Brewery House, L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S. Surgeon & med.Officer & public Edin. vaccinator No 1Wareham District & medical officer of health to Corp. & Rural District Council & to Royal Naval Cordite Factory Holton Heath

COX, Charles , South Street, Fishmonger

CROCKER, Mrs Elizh. , The Yews, North Street, |Boarding House

CULL, Harry , North Street, Cycle Agent

CUSTARD, Edgar Brown, North Street, News Agent

DAVIES-BUNTON, Archibald Edward Kenneth, North Street, Solicitor & clerk to County Magistrates

DAVIS Jun., John , Mill Lane, Decorator

DICKER, George , West Street & Market Place, Grocer

DIFFEY, Miss Elizabeth , East Street, Dress Maker

DUGDALE, & Sons , North Street, Butcher

DUNN, Mrs Mary , 59 North Street, Shopkeeper

DURRANT, Arthur George, King's Arms North Street, Publican

EARWAKER, Mrs Susan , 15 Ropers Lane, Laundry

EDMUNDS, Arthur Joseph, 7 Mill Lane, Hair Dresser

ELLIOTT, William , Railway Hotel Northport, Publican

ELMES, & CO , 75 North Street, Coachbuilders

ELMES, Charles , New Inn Stoborough, Publican

FOOKS, William Watts, North Street, Architect & surveyor borough surveyor & highway surveyor & sanitary inspector to the Rural District Council

FOOKS, James , Stoborough, Thatcher

FOOKS, William Joseph, Glencoe Stoborough, Apartments

FOOT, James , The Nurseries, Corn, seed, oilcake, hay, straw, forage, coal & manure merchant, nurseryman & seedman

FOOT, John , Sandford, Farm bailiff to Rev. S.E.V. Filleul M.A.

FORD, James Oliver, North Street, Agent for Sutton & Co. carriers & cycle depot

FORDHAM, Frederick , East Street, Watch maker

SANSON , Edward J. , FREEMASONS LODGE Howards Lane, Hon. Secretary

FRISBY'S LTD, , North Street, Boot & shoe factors

FUDGE, Charles , 25 North Street, Saddler & harness maker

GALPIN, Sydney , West Street, Corn & flour dealer

Gay, Sidney , Stoborough, Baker

GODING, Mrs Emily Eliza, Antelope Inn West Street, Publican

GODWIN, Mrs Beatrice , North Street, Motor Propietor

GORINGE, Wm James, North Street, Sadler & harness maker

GOVER, Lewis , 33 North Street, Stationer

GRANT, Henry , Lord Nelson North Bridge, Publican

GREEN , Miss Charles , Horse & Groom St. John's Hill, Publican

HANSFORD, Frederick , Duke of Wellington East Street, Publican

HEAD, Horace Alfred, Post Office Stoborough, Grocer

HIBBS, Alfred Louise, Northport, Baker

HIBBS, Fred , Northport, Jobmaster

HOLLAND, Reginald Henry, 17 West Street, Confectioner

HOLLY, Sidney H , 10 West Street, Electrical Enginner

HOOPER, Arthur James, West Street, Tailor

HUMBER, John , Ferncroft Farm, Farmer

INGROUILLE, Leonard John, South Street, Chemist

INTERNATIONAL TEA STORES, , South Street, Grocers & tea dealers

JEFFS, T.B. & Son , Mill Lane, Auctioneers, valuers, architects & surveyors

JOHNSON, Job Herbert, Lloyds Bank Ltd. South Street, Manager

JOINER, Joseph , Church Street, Keeper of Cemetery

KEATES, George , Stoborough, Jobbing Gardener

KELLAWAY, Mrs Sarah , Church Green, Basket Maker

KELSEY, Miss Hannah , South Street, Stationer & Parish Clerk

KNAPP, Misses Jane & Mary , Church Street, Shopkeepers

LACEY, William Chas. Erick, Bestwall Farm, Farmer

LAWS, Albert , 17 North Street, Registrar of marriages & clerk to registrar of Wareham County Court & assistant clerk to Commissioners of Income & Lane

LAWS, Raymond , 17 North Street, Bookbinder

LEONARD, James W, East Street, Plumber

LILLINGTON, George , Stoborough, farmer

LUCAS, John N, 51 North Street, Pinaforte dealer

MACE, Miss Nellie , St John's Hill, District Nurse

MACEY, Jesse , Angel Inn Coldharbour, Publican

MAJOR, Charles , East Street, Boot Maker

MANSFIELD, William , 4 Ropers Lane, Insurance Agent

MARSH, Albert Ricardo, St Michael's Rd & West Street, Builder

MARSH, William George, Bestwall House, Farmer

MEERING, Ernest , Stoborough, Cowkeeper

MILLER, John William, North Street, Solicitor & commissioner for oaths & clerk to commissioners of taxes Wareham Division & clerk to Stretche's charity

HOLLAND, Reginald Henry, 17 West Street, Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange

MYERS, Lancelot Brainard, 21 North Street, M.B.E.Surgeon-Dentist

NEVILLE-JONES, Ralph , Preston Redman & Neville-Jones South Street, Solicitor & notary public

NEWBERY, & Sons , St John's Hill, Blacksmiths & Wheelwrights

NEWMAN, Mrs Carrie Ethel, 39 North Street, Draper

NEWMAN, William , 34 East Street, O.B.E. M.R.C.V.S. Veterinary Surgeon

NORTHOVER, Mrs Maud , South Street, Confectioner

OATEN, Frank Alfred, Red Lion Hotel, Propietor

OLD VINERIES, , Westport, Nurserymen


PAUL, George Edward, West Street, Linen & Woollen Draper

PERRY, William John, West Street, Dentist

PIKE BROTHERS, , Office, Creech, Clay Mine Propiertors

POND & Sons Ltd, , Station Garage, Motor & agricultural engineers;sole agents for Dunelt motor cycles

POND & WALTON, , East Street, Builders & Contractors

PRINCE, John , Trinity Lane, Blacksmith

PRIORY, George Bootherstone, 22 East Street, Photographer

RACKHAM, Joshua , Westport, Assistant bailiff county court

RANDALL & SON, , West Street, Pharmaceutical chemists

RANDALL , James , Stoborough, Farmer

RANDALL, W.J. , Oddfellow's Hall (No. 4179) West Street, Secretary

REDMAN, H. Gordon, Preston Redman & Neville Jones South Street, Solicitor & commissioner for oaths

REEKS, Alfred John, Pure Drop West Street, Publican

RIDOUT, Henry , Hyde Hill Stoborough, Farmer

RIGGS BROTHERS, , South Street, Greengrocers

RIGGS , Mrs Elizabeth Jane, the Manse North Street, Appartments

RIGGS, William , New Street, Chimney sweeper

ROSE BROTHERS, , South Street, Tobacconists

ROSE , Joseph & Son, West Street, Butchers

SANDFORD POTTERY, , Sandford, Manufacturers of stoneware pipes & fittings

SANSOM & CO, , South Street, Ironmongers

SCRIVEN , Miss Jane , St John's Hill, Apartments

SEYMOUR, William , Stoborough, Farmer

SKEWES, Albert Edward, Boy's High School Elm House North Street, Headmaster

SNELL, John Aubrey Brooking , Manor House South Street, M.B., B.Ch. D.P.H., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator No.2 district Wareham & Purbeck union & medical officer to the Poor Law institiution (Courteney & Snell)

SNELLING, Miss Gertrude , North Street, Stationer

SPEED, Albert , 12 West Street, Ironmongers

STEPHEN, Robert Chuter, National Provincial & Union Bank of England Ltd North Street, Manager

STRANGE, William J.B., East Street, Hairdresser

STRONG & CO., of Romsey Limited , Wareham, Wine & Spirit Merchants

STROUD, George , 23 North Street, Apartments

SYMES, Francis Vernon, North Street, Draper

SYMONDS, Frederick Tom, West Street, Printer & Stationer

TALBOT, Thomas , Sandford, Gamekeeper to Rev. S.E.V.Filleul M.A.

TATCHELL, Henry , Camp Farm, Sandford, Farmer

THOMAS, William , 45 North Street, Butchers

THOMAS, William , 53 North Street, Tailor

TOLSON, Henry George, Keysworth, Pottery Manufacturer,

TOOP, Henry , Police Station South Street, Supt. Of Police


TRAPP, Frank , 49 North Street, Cycle Agent

TUCK, Miss Jane , Mill Lane, District Nurse

VINEY, Alfred , Sandford Farm, Farmer

WARD, Lionel H., South Street, Clerk to guardians & assessment committee of Wareham & Purbeck Union, Superintendent Registrar of Wareham district & Clerk Wareham & Purbeck Rural District Council

RICHARDS, Ernest H., North Bridge, Manager Wareham & District Gas Co.Ltd

COLLIHOLE, Henry Stanton, Corn Exchange Market Place; entrance East Street, Hon. Secretary Wareham Reading Club

WARREN, Ralph , South Street, Butcher

WELLSTEAD, Frank , 41 West Street, Draper

WELLSTEAD, George , Northport, China & glass dealer

WELLSTEAD Jun. , George , New Street, Shopkeeper

WELLSTEAD, Tom , West Street, Furniture Dealer

WHITE, Charles William, South Street, Fried Fish Dealer

WHITE, David , 39 Mill Lane, Gardener to S.W. Bennett

WHITTLE, Mrs Frank , Chichester House East Street, Apartments

WHITTLE, , South Street, Butchers

WOODS, William J., Station Saw Mill, Timber Merchant & Sawing Mills

WORLD'S STORES LIMITED, , South Street, Grocers

WYATT & ROBERTS, , North Street, Jewellers