1881 Census - RG11/2121
Transcribed by Keith Searson
Address; Name; Relationship; Status; Sex; Age; Occuaption; Where Born; Notes
Porton Street; Job HALLETT; Head; M; M; 51; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Adelaide HALLETT; Wife; M; F; 46; North Porton Dorset
; Jacob HALLETT; Son; S; M; 18; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Martha HALLETT; Daughter; S; F; 13; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Francis HALLETT; Daughter; S; F; 10; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Amelia HALLETT; Daughter; S; F; 7; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Alice Maude HALLETT; Daughter; S; F; 3; North Porton Dorset
; Hannah HALLETT; Daughter; S; F; 11; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Hannah HALLETT; Head; Widow; F; 59; Groom; Powerstock Dorset
; Levi HALLETT; Son; S; M; 14; North Porton Dorset
; William GALE; Lodger; S; M; 27; Hurdle maker; Hooke Dorset
; George WRIXON(?); Head; M; M; 28; Farm Carter; South Porton Dorset
; Ellen WRIXON (?); Wife; M; F; 31; Charminster Dorset
; Caroline R WRIXON(?); Daughter; S; F; 5; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; George WRIXON(?); Son; S; M; 3; North Porton Dorset
; Thomas WRIXON(?); Brother; S; M; 32; Darm Labourer; South Porton Dorset
; Silvester GALE; Head; M; M; 42; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Caroline GALE; Wife; M; F; 42; South Porton Dorset
; Isabella GALE; Daughter; S; F; 13; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Edwin Joseph GALE; Son; S; M; 12; Farm Servant; North Porton Dorset
; Susanna GALE; Daughter; S; F; 11; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Henry GALE; Son; S; M; 7; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Thomas GALE; Son; S; M; 3; North Porton Dorset
; Molly GALE; Mother in Law; Widow; F; 88; Midwife; South Porton Dorset
North Porton Church; Uninhabited
; Esau GALE; Head; M; M; 55; Farm Labourer; Stanton St Gabriels Dorset
; Maria GALE; Wife; M; F; 54; Up Cerne Dorset
; Thomas GALE; Son; S; M; 23; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Edwin GALE; Son; S; M; 16; Gardener; North Porton Dorset
; Alice GALE; Daughter; S; F; 14; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Alfred GALE; Head; M; M; 41; Farm Labourer; Beaminster Dorset
; Mary GALE; Wife; M; F; 30; West Milton Dorset
; Fred GALE; Son; S; M; 9; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Henry GALE; Son; S; M; 3; North Porton Dorset
Porton Farm; Henry WHITLY; Head; M; M; 49(?); Farmer; Great Toller Dorset; Farms 100 acres. Employs 2 men and 1 boy
; Emma Caroline WHITLY; Wife; M; F; 38; Axminster Devon
; Lucy Emma WHITLY; Daughter; S; F; 3; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Margaret Anna WHITLY; Daughter; S; F; 2; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Edith Mary WHITLY; Daughter; S; F; 11 mths; North Porton Dorset
; Ellen SAMWAYS; Servant; S; F; 18; General Servant; Beaminster Dorset
; Jane BRAKE; Head; Widow; F; 51; Partner in Farm; Great Toller Dorset
; Emma Jane BRAKE; Daughter; S; F; 16; Isleworth Middlesex
**combe Farm; Thomas William(?) CRAWFORD; Head; M; M; 23; Dairyman; West Milton Dorset
; Emma CRAWFORD; Wife; M; F; 20; Sydling St Nicholas Dorset
Lascombe Farm; Elizabeth LEGG; Head; Widow; F; 68; Farmer; Powerstock Dorset; Farms 160 acres. Employs 3 men
; Elizabeth D LEGG; Daughter; S; F; 33; North Porton Dorset
; Richard GALE; Head; M; M; 54; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Maryanna GALE; Wife; M; F; 54; Hooke Dorset
; Richard GALE; Son; S; M; 16; Farm Labourer; North Porton Dorset
; Jesse GALE; Son; S; M; 13; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; William John GALE; Son; S; M; 10; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Elizabeth GALE; Daughter; S; F; 24; Net Braider; North Porton Dorset
; Ethel Maude GALE; Grandaughter; S; F; 2; North Porton Dorset
; Charles LEGG; Head; M; M; 31; Farm Labourer; Langdon Dorset
; Mary Ann LEGG; Wife; M; F; 20; Lampet (?) Dorset
; Henry LEGG; Son; S; M; 5; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Thomas FRAMPTON; Head; Widower; M; 48; Farm Labourer; Langdon Dorset
; David FRAMPTON; Son; S; M; 11; Scholar; North Porton Dorset
; Charles DUNFORD; Head; M; M; 63; Farm Labourer; Wraxall Dorset; Deaf
; Mary Ann DUNFORD; Wife; M; F; 56; North Porton Dorset
; Francis GREENING; Head; Widower; M; 81; Annuitant; Loders Dorset
; Fanny GREENING; Daughter; S; F; 51; North Porton Dorset
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