
Dorset Strays in Newfoundland

Kim Parker has compiled this list of Newfoundland weddings involving Dorset folk from the transcripts on Newfoundland's Grand Banks Genealogy Site ( Many Newfoundland records were lost or damaged, and parish clerks were not always assiduous when it came to recording the parish of origin of the bride or groom, so this list is in no way exhaustive. As always, transcripts should be used as a guide only and the original should be consulted for verification.


Bay de Verde

13-May-1796; James STEPHENS of Winbourn in the County of Dorset  & Susannah JEYNES of Bay de Verbs

6-Sep-1810; Silas LOADER of Sturminster Newton in the County of Dorset, England, but now of Bay De Verds, Conception Bay, bachelor & Mary DAY of Bay de Verds, spinster. Married by Rev. Anspach; Witnesses: John Lewis & Wm. Gould.


25-Sep-1845; John HARNAL, Bachelor of Chislebourn, Dorset, Eng & Ann WHITE, Spinster of Bonavista

Hermitage Bay

07-Sep-1875; Albert HANN of Dorset England & Mary Ann WELLS


06-Nov-1851; John W.(?) HATCHARD, Fisherman of Dorset, England, & Susan MATGARD of Bull's Cove (Methodist wedding)


12-Jun-1864; Justinian DOWELL, Bachelor of Bere Regis, Dorset, England & Mary Ann KNOLTON/KNOWLTON, Spinster of Carbonear, witnessed by Henry ROGERS & Gertrude BENNETT. (The transcriber notes that this couple moved to Moretons Harbour, Notre Dame Bay, and had at least 3 children baptised (1868, 1871 & 1873); his occupation was schoolmaster and by 1891 he was a JP.)

11-Nov-1865; George William MOOTRIE, Bachelor of Poole, Dorset, England, & Emma Louisa STONE, Spinster of Carbonear, witnessed by W.C. HAWKER & Catherine YOUNG

Fogo Island

11-Dec-1841; James MATTHEWS, Bachelor formerly of Sherbourne, Dorsetshire, England, now of Fogo, Newfoundland, & Betsy WATERMAN, Spinster of Fogo at St. Andrews Church in Fogo by J. C. Harvey, in the presence of J. Lindflad. 

15-Mar-1842; Christopher COBB, Widower of Dorsetshire, England, now of Barr'd Islands, Fogo, Newfoundland, & Mary COMBDEN, Spinster of Joe Batts Arm, with consent of parents, by J. C. Harvey, in the presence of George Williams, Julia Brett and William Brett.

5-Nov-1842; Thomas FOOKS, Bachelor formerly of Purbeck, near Wareham, Dorsetshire, England, now of Fogo, Newfoundland & Sarah WARRICK, Spinster of Fogo, by J. C. Harvey, in the presence of John Laws, and Catherine Dwyer plus two others.

23-Dec-1842; James ROLLS, Bachelor formerly of Sturminster Newton Castle, Dorset, England, now of Fogo, Newfoundland, & Rachel WILLS, Spinster of Joe Batts Arm by J. C. Harvey.

8-Mar-1843; John CHAFFEY, Bachelor of Corfe Mullen, near Wimborne, Dorsetshire, England, but now of Change Islands, & Emma PORTER of Change Islands, by J. C. Harvey, in the presence of James Walter and John Jeans.

3-Nov-1854; Richard READ, Bachelor of West Milton, Dorsetshire, England, now of Barr'd Island, & Louise CULL, Spinster of Barr'd Island by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of Charles Standley and Precilla Jeans.

31-Dec-1854; William John RANDELL, Bachelor of Bridport, Dorsetshire, England, & Caroline HAWKINS, Spinster of Fogo, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of John Munday and [illegible] Waterman.

11-Feb-1855; George COOMBS, Bachelor of Burton Bradstock, Dorsetshire, England, & Ellen HAWKINS, Spinster of Fogo, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of John Humphries, William Randell and Ann Hawkins.

23-Oct-1855; Charles STANDLEY, (literate) Bachelor of Sturminster Newton, Dorsetshire, England, & Mary Ann HEAD, Spinster of Joe Batts Arm, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of Charles Keats and Emma Head.

25-Oct-1855; Charles KEATS, Bachelor of Dorchester, Dorsetshire, England, & Elizabeth HAGGETT, Spinster of Barr'd Island, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of Richard Read, Mary Haggett and Julia Brown.

22-Nov-1855; Alfred RANDELL, Bachelor of Bridport, Dorsetshire, England, & Ann HAWKINS, Spinster of Fogo, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of William Randell and Ann Downer.

6-Nov-1856; George WHITE, Bachelor of Ringwood, Dorsetshire, England, & Susannah HELLINGS, Spinster of Fogo, by William Alexander Elder, in the presence of John Trowbridge, Pheobe Randell and Rebecca Hellings.

Southern Shore

25-Aug-1803; John FROSE of Dorsetshire & Margaret MURRAY alias GIBBINS of Ferryland, witnessed by Christopher & Mary CRANE (Non-conformist)

20-Nov-1866; George BENNETT of Dorsetshire & Mary DRISCOL of Toad's Cove, witnessed by John POWER (Non-conformist)

Harbour Grace

William LUSH of Poole, Dorset, was married to Catherine ANTLE of Brigus in the early 1800s.

Harbour Main

20-Jul-1921; Edwin CORNICK, Bachelor 26, Clerk, son of Frederick Charles CORNICK, business manager of Bridport, Dorset, England & Amelia UDLE, to Annie MARTIN, Spinster 22, daughter of Lorenzo MARTIN, Steward, witnessed by Harry & Ethel CORNICK.

Trinity Bay: Catalina

06-May-1843; Thomas HUNT of Sherbourne, Dorsethire & Susannah SHEPARD of Catalina, witnessed by James Duffitt & Thomas Ady

Trinity Bay: Trinity

27-Dec-1764; John CLOTHIER of Yeovil, Dorset, and Mary HURDELL, daughter of Thomas & Mary Hurdell. [NB: Yeovil is in Somerset]

24-Oct-1768; John MILLS of Bermingstone, Dorset, and Elizabeth SPRAGG, daughter of Matthew & Mary Spragg in Fox Island.

28-Apr-1771; John DEWY of Tinkleton, Dorset, and Ann BOWEN, daughter to Thomas & Eliz Bowen of Bonaventure.

04-Oct-1772; John STURMY of Poole, Dorset, and Susannah VIERGE, daughter to Mrs Honora VIERGE, Planter in Trinity.

14-May-1774; John DOLMAN of Lytchett Maltraverse, Dorset, and Sarah BARRET, daughter to Alexander BARRET, Widower in Trinity Harbour

12-Oct-1774; James HALYAR of Netherbury, Dorset, and Mary THORN, daughter to John & Mary Thorn at New Harbour Trinity Bay.

30-Apr-1780; George LAMBERT of the parish of Obourn Near Shearbourn in Dorset to Catharine GURNEY, daughter to Mr GURNEY, planter in English Harbour

02-Oct-1783; Robert BOND of the parish of Shearbourn County of Dorset and Honeria KEATS, daughter of William & Mary KEATS in Trinity.

07-Jan-1787; James LENNOX of the parish of Lobeth (county of Dorsett) and Selenie HONE, daughter of Robert & Mary HONE of this district. The marriage was read by Thomas Gifford in the church at 10 oclock in the morning

07-Nov-1787; Thomas DAMPIER of Sherbourne, in the county of Dorset and Ann SWEET of this harbour

01-Jun-1788; Joseph WHITTLE of Lichett in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Sarah Hannah WATERMAN, daughter of Sarah WATERMAN of this harbour, widow

31-Oct-1789; George WELSHMAN of Dorset and Elizabeth KEATES, daughter of William & Mary KEATES of this harbour

24-Nov-1789; Thomas LAMBERT of Moncton in the county of Dorset in Gr. Britain and Elizabeth CODD of this harbour

08-Nov-1792; John ISAACS of the parish of Tosham near Beminster in the county of Dorset in Gr. Britain and Elizabeth PARROT, widow of the late Samuel PARROT of this harbour

21-Jul-1793; Stephen KNIGHT of Shaftesbury in the County of Dorset in Great Britain and Ann MARCH, daughter of Stephen & Ann MARCH of Old Perlican in this district

28-Oct-1795; John RANDALL of Simonsbury in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Patience PHILLIPS, daughter of Abs(olom?) PHILLIPS of this harbour

29-Oct-1795; William MARSHALSEN the parish of White Church near Blandford in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Mary MILLER, daughter of Mary KEAT of this harbour

16-Oct-1799; William BISHOP of the parish of Cadstock in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Mary HILLIER, daughter of James & Jane HILLIER of New Harbour. Planter

27-Oct-1800; John ROBERTS of the parish of Pingleton [Tincleton?] in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Aurelia SEVIER, daughter of William & Rachael SEVIER of Rider's Harbour in this district

11-Jan-1801; Charles STOCKS of the parish of Gillingham in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Mary PEARCE of this harbour

25-Jun-1801; Thomas LUCAS of Dorchester in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Mary HISCOCK, daughter of Jasper & Ann HISCOCK of this harbour

23-Aug-1803; William WARR of Ileminster Hinton(?) in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Sarah SAVORY, daughter of Samuel & Martha SAVORY of Old Perlican in this district

27-Oct-1804; George RAWLES of the parish of Br. B? (Burton Bradstock ?) in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Sarah KEATS, daughter of William & Mary KEATS of this harbour

29-Oct-1804 Richard HISCOCK of the parish of Upper Lilihall(?) in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Sarah WOOLDRIDGE, daughter of Richard & Mary Wooldridge of this harbour

28-Apr-1805 (?); Thomas BABSTOCK of the parish of Oborn near Sherborn in the county of Dorset in great Britain and Sarah STOCKLEY of Barrow Harbour Harbour in the district of Bonavista in this Island

11-Dec-1806; William Joseph GOVER of Weymouth in county of Dorset in Great Britain and Grace WATRMAN, daughter of the late Reed? [question mark the clerk's] & Sarah WATERMAN (now BAILEY)

12-Nov-1807; Samuel Augustus GENT of the parish of Sherborn in the county of Dorset in Great Britain and Mary PITTMAN, daughter of Captain William & Ann PITTMAN of this harbour

24-Jun-1809 (?); [illegible] DAMPIER? of the parish of Sherborne in the  County of  Dorset in Great Britain and  Elizabeth [illegible] of Silly Cove in this District.

23-Oct-1809; THOMAS BELLOWS of Lady Mary parish Wareham County of Dorset in Great Britain and Elizabeth LAPEROUX (?), daughter of Jos'h & Jane LAPEROUX? of this harbour, Planter.

??-Jun-1810; Joseph KELCH(?) of the Parish of Great ??land in the County of Dorset in Great Britain and Honora, daughter… [illegible]

19-Aug-1810; Joseph STICKLAND of the Parish of East ?ake [Stoke?] near ??? in the County of Dorset in Great Britain, and Sarah EASTMAN, daughter of  John & Susannah EASTMAN of this Harbour.

11-Oct-1810; James TOOP of the Parish of East Sulamin(?), near Wareham in the County of Dorset, and Grace HODDER, widow of the late William HODDER of Ireland's Eye in this District.

01-Nov-1810; John GROVES of the Parish of Harrington near Gravis (?) County of Dorset in Great Britain, and Elizabeth WHITE, daughter of Thomas & Catherine WHITE of this Harbour. The above marriage was solemnized by us, John Groves and Elizabeth (X) White, (X) being her mark, in the presence of William (X) Burrage and John (X) Hodder, (X) being their marks.

04-Jan-1811 (?); Giles(?) BENETT(?) of Bridport in the County of Dorset and Honor WHITE, widow of the late Stephen WHITE of this harbour.

22-Oct-1812; Charles HAYNES of the Parish of Spetisbury, near Blandford, County of Dorset in Great Britain, and Elizabeth BANNISTER, daughter of John & Martha BANNISTER of this Harbour.

12-Jan-1814; James BARTLET of parish of Higher Litchet, County of Dorset in Great Britain, and Mary WELSHMAN, daughter of George and Elizabeth WELSHMAN of this harbour.

21-Apr-1814; Robert HANNAM of the Parish of Halbridge in the County of Dorset in Great Britain and Catherine HARNHAM of Silly Cove in this District. The above marriage was solemnized by us, Robert Hannam and Catherine (X) Harnham, (X) being their marks, in the presence of John ?lant and E.J. Clinch.

06-Dec-1814; Josiah VATCHER of the Parish of Milton Abbey in the County of Dorset in Great Britain, and Sarah HOGARTH, daughter of Isaac & Dorothy HOGARTH of [illegible] in this District.

12-Jan-1815; William T?IGGS of the Parish of Wenfoot?, County of Dorset in Great Britain and Sarah BURRAGE, daughter of Joseph & Susannah BURRAGE of this Harbour.

19-Oct-1815; John PLOUGHMAN of the Parish of Hanlon? St. Mary in the County of Dorset in Great Britain and Charity FOSTER, Widow of the late William FOSTER of this Harbour

01-Apr-1818; Charles BUTLER of the Parish of ??? in the County of Dorset (Bachelor) and PATIENCE VERGE widow of Bonaventure in this District.

17-Apr-1820; George CURTIS, late of [illegible] Newton in the County of Dorset in Great Britain, but now residing at Bonaventure in the Island of Newfoundland, and Honor BAILEY, daughter of David & Elizabeth BAILEY of Bonaventure.

29-May-1821; This is to certify that Samuel GARLAND of Trinity, Newfoundland, (of Shipton George, Dorset, Eng.) and MARY HILL of Trinity, Newfoundland, were married in my house? with content of friends on this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, by me, J. Kingley Ireland?,  Magistrate. This marriage was solemnized between us, Samuel (X) Garland and, Mary (X) Hill, (X) being their marks), in the presence of: Geo. Skelton, J. P. [illegible]

01-Apr-1823; This is to certify that George BELL? of M??ly  O???rn, County of Dorset, and Elizabeth AUSTIN? of  Bonavista, Island of Newfoundland, were married in this church with content of friends this first day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, by me, Wm. Bullock, E.M. This marriage was solemnized between us George Bell and Elizabeth Austin, in the presence of Geo. Skelton and Thos. Dey.

23-Oct-1823; This is to certify that John HIND bachelor, of Swyre in the County of Dorset, and Mary Ann SHEPPARD of English Harbour in this district were married in this church with content of friends this Twenty-third day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, by me, William Bullock, Epis.Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us John (X) Hind and Mary Ann (X) Sheppard, (X) being their marks, in the presence of   Charles(X) Hurdle and George (X) Sheppard,  (X) being their marks.

13-Nov-1823; This is to certify that Robert CURTIS, bachelor, of Childokeford, County of Dorset and Jane WAKES, widow, of this parish, were married in this church, being no impediment, this thirteenth day of Nov. in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss.

This marriage was solemnized between us Robert (X) Curtis and Jane (X) Wakes, (X) being their marks, in the presence of George Cooke and E.J. Clinch

03-Apr-1824; This is to certify that Thomas FRY?, bachelor, of the parish of Thapereck?, County of Dorset,  G. Britain, and Charlotte COLLINGHAM? of  this parish were married in this church, being no impediment ??? ??? friends, this third day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss.This marriage was solemnized between us Thomas Fry? and Charlotte Collingham?  in the presence of  Th?? ??te, G?? Whitford, and [illegible].

18-Feb-1824; This is to certify that Thomas KING, bachelor, of Poole in the County of Dorset, Great Britain, and Sarah B[illegible]  widow of this parish were married in this church [illegible] this eighteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Thomas King and Sarah (X) B???, (X) being her mark, in the presence of  John B??? and ??? B?? .

25-Nov-1824; This is to certify that Ben? THOMPSON, widower, of the Parish of Poole, County of Dorset, and Mary POTTLE (?), widow, of Bonavista in Newfoundland, were married in this Church, being no impediment, this twenty-fifth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Ben Thompson and Mary (X) Pottle?, (X) being her mark, in the presence of  [illegible]

15-Dec-1824; This is to certify that Edward WILLIAMS, bachelor, of the parish of Woolridge in the County of Dorset, and Susan TESTIAR?, spinster, of this parish,  were married in this church with content of parents this fifteenth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Edward (X) Williams and Susan (X) Testiar?, (X) being their marks, in the presence of  E.J. Clinch and Charles ???th?.

06-Nov-1827; This is to certify that John COOMBS, bachelor, of Christ Church, county of Dorset, G. Britain, and Ann McCARTHY, spinster, of the parish, Carrigan?, in Ireland, were married in S. Mary's Church at Hearts Content, with content of ???, this sixth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven by me, William Bullock, Miss. of Trinity. This marriage was solemnized between us John (X) Coombs and Ann (X) McCarthy, (X) being their marks, in the presence of ??? ???, ??? Scott, and Amy? Way.

03-Dec-1827; This is to certify that Robert MOORE, bachelor, of this parish, Peda???erton, County of Dorset, and Elenor HUNT, widow, of this parish,  were married in St. Paul's Church, with content of friends, this third day of Dec. in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven by me, William Bullock, Minister of St. Paul's, Trinity. This marriage was solemnized between us Robert (X) Moore and Elenor (X) Hunt, (X) being their marks, in the presence of Jacob Christian and John Muir.

??-Jun-1828; This is to certify that Joseph HERIOT?, bachelor, of the parish of ???, County of Dorset, and Honora? WELCHMAN, spinster, of this parish, were married in the parish'? house, this ??? day of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, by me, William Bullock, Minister of St. Paul's.This marriage was solemnized between us Joseph? (X) Heriot? and Honora? (X) Welchman, (X) being their marks, in the presence of James Lavender? and George Welchman ???.

30-Oct-1828; This is to certify that Isaac BUTLER, bachelor, of the parish of Christ Church, County of Dorset, and Mary COOK, spinster, of St???ton parish, were married in this church with content of friends, this thirtieth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, by me, William Bullock, Minister of St. Paul's. This marriage was solemnized between us Isaac Butler and Mary (X) Cook, (X) being their marks, in the presence of Absalom Randell and ??? Bannister, both of ??? Cove.

02-Nov-1828; This is to certify that John MILLS?, bachelor, of this parish, and Susannah BURRAGE, spinster, of the parish of Poole, County of Dorset, G. Britain, were married in this church with content of friends, this second day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, by me, William Bullock, Minister of St. Paul's. This marriage was solemnized between us John Mills? and Susannah (X) Burridge, (X) being her mark, in the presence of ???t M???tt and Thomas B???.

21-Dec-1829; This is to certify that Robert GRANT, widower, of the parish of B???n County of Dorset, and ??? CURTIS?, widow, of this parish, were married in this church, this twenty-first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Rob't Grant and ??? (X) Curtis, (X) being her mark, in the presence of ??? ??? and Rich'd? ??? .

12-Sep-1830; This is to certify that George WHITE or JEFFERIES, bachelor, of Wi???? in the County of Dorset in G. Britain, and Anne WALTERS? spinster, of this parish, were married in this church, this twelfth? day of Sept. in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us George (X) ??? and Anne (X) Walters?, (X) being their marks, in the presence of Charles? Newhook, John Cotton?, and William Rogers.

27-???-1831; This is to certify that George S. FIELD?, bachelor, of the parish of Poole, County of Dorset, and Elizabeth NEWHOOK, spinster, of this parish, were married in this church, this twenty-seventh? day of ??? in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, by me, William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Geo. S. Field? and Elizabeth Newhook in the presence of ??? Newhook and ??? ???.

26-Sep-1831; This is to certify that Henry BOWERING, bachelor, of the parish of ???, County of Dorset?, G. Britain and Susanna? COOK?, spinster, of this parish, were married in this church this twenty-sixth? day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, by me William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Henry Bowering and Susanna (X) Cook, (X) being her mark, in the presence of Mary Newhook and ??? Newhook

??-Jan-1832; This is to certify that William [illegible]  (Brown or Ci???), of [illegible] Dorset, and Margaret WARR, of this parish, were married in this church with content of ??? this ???ty-??? day of Jan'y in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, by me William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us William ??? and Margaret Warr in the presence of Will'm Corduroy? and Will'm Thesius?

03-May-1832; This is to certify that George [illegible]  (Old, Miller, Webber), bachelor, of the parish of ???, county of Dorset, G. Britain and Mary NEWHOOK, widow, of this parish, were married in this church this third day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, by me William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us George (X) ??? and Mary (X) Newhook , (X) being their marks, in the presence of  Anne Newhook and ??? ???.

29-May-1833; This is to certify that Thomas MEADOWS, bachelor, of the parish of Camfort, County of Dorset? and Christiana W???K spinster, of this parish, were married in this church with content of parent this twenty-ninth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, by me William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us Thomas Meadows and Christiana (X) W???K, (X) being her mark, in the presence of John Walters and M. Walters.

27-Sep-1836; This is to certify that James VICK?, bachelor, of the parish, Christ Church, County of Dorset, and Sircet? SIVIER, widow, of this parish, were married in this church with content of friends? this twenty-seventh day of  September in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six by me William Bullock, Epis. Miss. This marriage was solemnized between us James (X) Vick? and Sircet (X) Sivier?, (X) being their marks, in the presence of  Charles Pittman and Robert Betters?

22-Apr-1838; Thomas JENKINS, Bachelor of the County of Dorset, & Anne DAMPIER, Spinster, witnessed by Charles ? & Robert ?

01-May-1839; Thomas OAKE, Bachelor of Dorset, & Rebecca PENNY, witnessed by Richard PENNY & Robert DOVE

31-Jul-1841; This is to certify that William RUSSELL, Bachelor, of Wight Parish, ??? ??? Regis, Dorset, and Martha? MILLER Spinster, of Bonaventure, were married in this Church with content of friends on this thirty first day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-one by me, David Martin. This marriage was solemnized between us, William (X) Russell and Martha (X) Miller,  (X) being their marks, in the presence of John Janes and ??? Wiseman.

21-May-1842; This is to certify that Charles PENNY, Bachelor, of ??ish Parish, Dorsit, and Elizabeth PENNY, Spinster, of the parish of English Harbour, were married in this Church with content of parents on this twenty-first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two by me, David Martin, Off. Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, Charles (X) Penny and Elizabeth (X) Penny, (X) being their marks, in the presence of Samuel (X) Penny and ??? (X) Wells, (X) being their marks.

13-Aug-1842; This is to certify that Thomas LOUGHLIN of Bentley's, Dorset and Sarah PIERCY of Trinity Harbour were married at Trinity this (thirteenth) day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two by me David Martin - Clergyman in Holy Order. This marriage was solemnized between us - Thomas (his X mark) Loughlin, Sarah (her X mark) Piercy. In presence of us - Thomas (his mark) Warren and James (his mark) Smith - Witnesses present at the said marriage.

18-May-1846; This is to certify that Thomas OATS of Horchams, Dorset and Hannah MILLER of English Harbor were married at Trinity this eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six, by me Henry James Fitzgerald, M.A., Clergyman in Holy Order. This marriage was solemnized between us – Thomas (X) Oats, Hannah (X) Miller (X-their marks). In presence of us – George (X-his mark) Cutler, second name off bottom of page, witnesses present at the said marriage.

16-Oct-1856; This is to certify that Robert BAYLEY, widower, of Poole, Dorset, England, and Margaret BLACK, spinster, of Edinburgh, Scotland, were married at St. Paul's Church on this sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord, one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Six, by me, Benjamin Smith, Minister This marriage was solemnized between us, Robt. Bayley, and Margaret Black, in the presence of us, Wm. Nelson, A. Buchanan, ??? ???, Torch? Saaplen?, Mary Bayley. (X being their marks).

10-Nov-1856; This is to certify that Robert CURTIS, Widower, of Childokeford, Dorset, England, and Ann JEFFREYS, Widow, of Trinity, were married at St. Paul's Church, Trinity, on this tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Six, by me, Benjamin Smith, Minister.

This marriage was solemnized between us, Robert (X) Curtis and Ann (X) Jeffreys, (X being their marks), in the presence of us, Violet Grant, Charles Grant, Reginald (X) Tibbs, Rosa (X) Bartlett, Jane (X) Piercey?, Ann (X) Powell, (X being their marks).

19-Aug-1857; This is to certify that Henry DEVON, bachelor, of Fontmell, Dorset, England, and Sarah WATERMAN, widow, of Trinity, were married at St. Paul's Church, Trinity, on this nineteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Seven, by me, Benjamin Smith, Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, Henry (X) Devon and Sarah (X) Waterman, (X being their marks), in the presence of us, Robt (X) Grant, David (X) Bailey, Ann (X) Barnard?, Eli (X) Hodder, and Mary (X) Jeffreys, (X being their marks), witnesses to the said marriage.

05-Sep-1857; William Davis CROSS, widower of Whitechurch near Blandford, Dorset, England, and Ann BUCHANAN, Widow of Trinity, Newfoundland, by Benjamin Smith, Minister, in the presence of Wm. Kalson?, ??  ??, ??  ??, ?? Buchanan?, ?? Lawlor, and Arthur? Buchanan.

13-Aug-1862; This is to certify that John STEELE, Fontmell near Shaftsbury in Dorsetshire, England, Bachelor, & Zipporah CARBERRY, Spinster of Berguin's? Cove in this Bay, were married at Ireland's Eye in this Parish on this thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two by me Benjamin Smith, Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, John Steele and Zipparah? (X) Carberry, (X) being their marks, in the presence of ??? ???, Sarah (X) Philips, Sarah? (X) Kelly?, Charles (X) Pearl?, and Mary Ann (X) Paul, (X) being their marks.

01-Dec-1864; This is to certify that John BAKER, Bachelor, of Sherborne, Dorset, England, and Honor RANDALL, Spinster, of Ship Cove, were married at Saint Paul's Church, Trinity, on this first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four by me, Benjamin Smith, Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, John(X)Baker and Honor(X)Randall, (X) being their marks, in the presence of Isaac(X)Randall, Amy Ann(X)Rex, James (X) ???, John(X)Janes?, ???(X)??? , and Jonas?(X)Randall, (X) being their marks.

Tilt Cove

12-Nov-1877; James CHARD, formerly of Beaminister, Dorset, England, now of Shoe Cove, & Selina Jane TOMS, of Jacob, Shoe Cove Bight, by Walter R. Smith, in the presence of L. N. Gill & William Toms


15-Nov-1849; Peter SAMWAYS of Poole, Dorsetshire, England, & Miss Ann YOUNG of South Side Twill Hr, Green Bay, witnessed by George Hull, Ann Jestican, Fanny J. Evans & Elizabeth Hull. (NB: The marriage was celebrated at the Wesleyan Mission House. Peter Samways was born c1822 and died Mar 21 1907. Ann was christened June 30 1822 Twillingate, the daughter of John Young & Elizabeth Tilley/Tilsie, and died Feb 17 1902)

03-Nov-1851; William BROWN, of Stockford, Dorsetshire, England & Mary WHITE of Twillingate, witnessed by John Young, Elias Roberts & John Moss?

26-Mar-1852; Charles HARVEY, Bachelor of Dorsetshire, England, & Jane ELLIOTT, Spinster of Twillingate, witnessed by John Elliott & Samuel Ford

20-May-1854; John Froom WILLS of Sturminster Newton, Dorset & Caroline BOURDON née OSMOND, widow of Isaac BOURDON

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