This transcription courtesy of Helen Ginn



Proved at London 8th August 1793

In the name of God Amen.

I, Moses Sleat of the Borough of Christchurch in the County of Southampton Merchant being sick and weak in Body but of Sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I order and direct that my Body shall be Buried in a plain decent and becoming manner at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as ________same worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I give and dispose thereof as followeth. First I give devise and bequeath unto my son John Sleat all that my Estate messuage or tenement farmlands and hereditaments situate at South Bockhampton in the parish of Christchurch in the County of Southampton aforesaid which I lately purchased of James Francis Perkins Esquire as the same are now in the renting and occupation of George Scott? as tenant thereof, to hold the same unto my said son John Sleat his heirs executors administrators and assigns For ever or for and during my estate term and Interest therein. Also I give devise and bequeath unto my said son John Sleat all that my estate message or tenements Farm lands and hereditaments situate at Waterditch And In the parish of Christchurch aforesaid as the same are now in the tenure or occupation of William Noramore? as tenant hereof to hold the same unto my said son  John Sleat his heirs Executors administrators and assigns For ever or for and during all my Estate and Interest Therein also I give and bequeath unto my said Son John Sleat the sum of six hundred pounds of lawful money Of Great Britain to be vested in them immediately after My decease and to be paid to him by my Executor Hereinafter named within twelve months next after my Decease to be by him applied in trade or otherwise as the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ new page my said son John and my Son Richard Wright Sleat shall think most for his comfort and advantage. Also I give unto my three daughters Mary Sleat, Susanna Sleat, and Salley Sleat all my late wife's wearing apparel of every Sort and kind and also all the gold medals and coin That were my late wife's and also all my rings and Trinkets of every sort and kind the same to be equally Parted and divided between them share and share alike Also I give unto my said daughter Salley Sleat my best Watch Also I give and bequeath unto my said three daughters Mary Sleat Susanna Sleat and Salley Sleat the sum of ten guineas each to be paid unto them by my Executor thereafter named immediately after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my good friends John Sloman of Iford in the parish of Christchurch aforesaid Esquire Henry Oake of Ringwood in the County of Southampton Gentleman and to my said Son Richard Wright Sleat the sum of seven thousand and Five hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to Hold unto them the said John Sloman, Henry Oake and Richard Wright Sleat and to the survivors and survivor  Of them his Executors and administrators nevertheless upon trust that they the said John Sloman? Henry Oake and Richard Wright Sleat and the survivors and survivor of them his executors and administrators shall and do as soon as conveniently can be after my decease put and place out the said sum of seven thousand and five hundred pounds at interest either in some public bank stock or fund or otherwise upon one or more good and sufficient real security or securities and then upon trust that they my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them his Executors and Administrators shall and do pay the net dividends Interest and increase of two thousand and five hundred pounds part of the said sum of seven thousand and five hundred pounds part of the said sum of seven thousand and five hundred pounds unto my Daughter Mary Sleat for and during the term of her natural life and From and after her decease then upon trust to assign Transfer pay and deliver the said sum of two thousand And five hundred pounds unto the child if but one and to The children if more than one equally between them of my said daughter Mary Sleat that shall be living at the time of her death at the age or respective ages of twenty one years and in the mean time and until such age I do order and direct that the Interest Dividends and proceeds of the said Sum of Two thousand and five hundred pounds and so much of the Principal as my said Trustees shall think necessary shall be applied in for and towards his her or their support maintenance education apprenticing and bringing up and in case there shall be no child or children of my said Daughter Mary Sleat living at the time of her death or being Such all of them shall happen to die under the age ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ new page of twenty one years then upon Trust that they my said Trustees and the Survivors and Survivor of them his Executors Or Administrators shall and do assign Transfer and set over The said sum of two thousand and five hundred pounds and Unto all and every my child and children that shall be then Living and to the child and children of such of them as Shall be then dead equally between them the child and Children of such of them as shall be then dead to have And divide the part or share his her or their father  Or mother would have been intitled unto if living and Upon further Trust that they my said Trustees and the Survivors and survivor of  them his Executors and ?admons Shall and do pay the net dividends ________ and __________ Of two thousand five hundred pounds further part Of the said sum of seven thousand and five hundred Pounds unto my said Daughter Susanna Sleat for and During the term of her natural life and from and after Her decease then upon Trust to assign transfer pay and ______  the said last mentioned sum of two thousand and five hundred pounds unto the child if but one and to the children if more than one equally between them of my said Daughter Susanna Sleat that shall be living at the time of her death at the age or respective ages of twenty one years and in the mean time and until such age I so order and direct that the Interest Dividends and proceeds of the said last mentioned sum of Two thousand and five hundred pounds and to much of the principal as my said Trustees shall think necessary shall be applied in  for and towards his her or their support maintenance education apprenticing and bringing up and in case there shall be no child or children of my said Daughter Susanna Sleat living at the time of her decease or being Such all of them shall happen to be under the age of Twenty one years then upon Trust that they my said Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them his Executors Or Administrators shall and do assign transfer and set over The said last mentioned sum of Two thousand and five Hundred pounds unto all and every my child and children That shall be then living and to the child and children Of such of them as shall be then dead equally _______ Then the child or children of such of them as shall Be then dead to have and _______  the part or share His her or their father or mother would have been Intitled to if living and upon further Trust that they my Said Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them his Executors and administrators shall and do pay the net Dividends Interest and ________ of Two thousand and five Hundred pounds being the residue of the said sum of Seven thousand and five hundred pounds unto my said Daughter Salley Sleat for and during the term of her Natural life and from and after her decease then upon ________ to assign and transfer pay and deliver the said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ new page last mentioned sum of Two thousand and five hundred pounds unto the child if but one and to the children of more than one equally between them of my said daughter Salley Sleat that shall be living at the time of her death at the age or respective age of twenty one years and in the mean time and until such age I do order and direct that the Interest Dividends and Proceeds of the said last mentioned sum of Two thousand And five hundred pounds and so much of the principal As my said Trustees shall think necessary shall be ___ Applied __  for and towards his her or their support Maintenance education apprenticing and bringing up  And in case there shall be no child or children of my Said Daughter Salley Sleat living at the time of her Death or being such all of them shall happen t be Under the age of twenty one years then upon trust That they my said Trustees and the survivors and Survivor of them his Executors and Administrators shall And do assign transfer and set over the said last Mentioned sum of Two thousand and five hundred pounds Unto all and every my child and children that shall be Then living and to the child and children of such of Them as shall be then dead equally between them the Child or children of such of them as shall be then Dead to have and receive the part or share his her Or their father or mother would have been intitled to If living provided always and my will expressly is and I Do hereby order and direct that they my said Trustees the Said John Sloman Henry Oake and Richard Wright Sleat And the survivors and survivor of them his Executors And administrators shall and so by and out of the Principal sum by me herein before given to them for the Benefit and advantage of my said Daughters and their Children respectively pay or cause to be paid unto each Of my said Daughters the said Mary Sleat Susanna Sleat And Salley Sleat any sum or sums of money they my Said Trustees shall in their discretion think necessary or For the benefit or advantage of my said Daughters Respectively so as such sum or sums of money so to be Paid to my said Daughters do not exceed the sum of Two hundred pounds each and I further order and direct That the receipt or receipts of my said Daughter or Daughters respectively whether they shall be covert or Sole shall be sufficient discharge to my said Trustee for The same any thing in this my Will contained to the Contrary thereof notwithstanding also I give and bequeath Unto my Servant Elizabeth Gill for and during the term Of her natural life one annuity or clear yearly sum Of five pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be Paid to her by my Executor hereinafter named at and By two half yearly portions and payments the first Payment thereof to begin and to be made at the expiration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ new page

of six months to be computed from the day of my death and I do subject and charge all my residuary real estate with the payment of the said annuity of five pounds unto my Said Servant Elizabeth Gill accordingly then as to all the rest and residue of my freehold and leasehold  estates messauges lands tenements and hereditaments and as to all the rest and residue of my personal estate monies and securities for Money Bank Stock Annuities and all other my personal Estate and Substance whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kindsoever whereof  or wherein I shall be any ways seized possessed of or interested in at the time of my death I give devise and bequeath the same respectively unto my said Son Richard Wright Sleat and to his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the payment of all my just debts funeral expenses and the legacies sums of money and annuity heretofore given and I do nominate and appoint my said son Richard Wright Sleat Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made And do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said Moses Sleat have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this Thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and ninety three Moses Sleat _ Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Moses Sleat as and for  his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who at his request in his presence and in The presence of each other have subscribed our Names as witnesses thereto Jesse StandardGeorge Keat John Blacklock  I the above named Moses Sleat do make this Present codicil which I order and direct shall be taken as And for a part of my above written will I Have given to my good friends John Sloman

Henry Oake and my Son Richard Wright Sleat the Sum of seven thousand and five hundred pounds upon The trusts intents and purposes above mentioned Now I do by this my codicil add to my Trustees  Above named my good and worthy friend Thomas Stone of Morden in the County of Dorset Gentleman and request of him to accept of the said Trust in witness whereof I have hereunto my hand And seal this thirteenth day of June 1793 Moses Sleat _ Signed Sealed Published and Declared by The said Moses Sleat as and for a codicil to be Added to and taken as and for a part of this Last Will and Testament in the presence Of us Jesse StandardGeorge KeatJohn Blacklock This Will was proved at London with a codicil the eighth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety three before the Right \Honorable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper our Commissary of the Prerogative Court Of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Richard Wright Sleat the Son of the deceased and Sole Executor Named in the said will to whom administration was Granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.