This transcription courtesy of Helen Ginn



Proved at London the 17th Day of July 1793

Last Will and Testament Of me Rebecca Jeans of Christchurch in the County of  Southampton Widow first I will that all my just Debts funeral expenses and the cost of proving this My Will be fully paid and satisfied I give and bequeath Unto my servant Susan Gillingham the sum of ten Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain xxxxxx Xxxxx  line x'd out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  to be Paid to her by my Executor hereinafter named and Also the bed bedstead and furniture whereon she Usually sleeps together with two Blankets and a Quilt I give and bequeath unto my son the Reverend Joshua Jeans rector of Dibden Hants the sum of Three hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain I give and bequeath unto my sons Thomas Jeans Doctor of Physic the said Joshua Jeans and my Son-in-law the Reverend William Jackson the = Sum of three hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to hold unto the said heirs and assigns Joshua Jeans and William Jackson their Executors And administrators upon trust nonetheless and to The intent and purpose that they my said trustees Shall and do as soon as conveniently after My decease put and place the said sum of three = Hundred pounds in Government or some other good And sufficient security and shall pay unto my daughter Sarah the wife of the said William Jackson the Interest thereof as the same shall become one and Be to them paid for and during the term of her natural Life and from and after her decease in trust to Pay the said principal sum of three hundred pounds Unto my Grandson Richard Jackson son of my said Daughter Sarah Jackson provided always and it Is the intent and meaning of this my Will that In case my said daughter shall survive my = Said grandson that then and in such case the Said sum of three hundred pounds shall be equally Divided between my said sons the said Thomas Jeans and Joshua Jeans the Executors and = Administrators respectively I give and bequeath Unto the said Thomas Jeans Joshua Jeans and William Jackson the sum of three hundred pounds In the four Percent Consolidated Bank annuities Upon trust that they the said Thomas Jeans Joshua Jeans and William Jackson shall and do pay And apply the interest and dividend thereof as The same shall be by them received unto and the Use of my sisters Mary Gumm and Sarah Gumm For and during their natural lives and to the Life of the longest liver of them and from and after The decease of them my two sisters in trust To divide the said sum of three hundred pounds Unto and between them my said two sons Thomas Jeans and Joshua Jeans and my said daughter Sarah Jackson their Executors or Administrators Respectively and I do thereby direct that such the = Share of my said daughter of and in the said ~ Sum of three hundred pounds in the four Per Cent Consolidated Bank annuities in reversion after The decease of my said two sisters shall be considered As under and subject to the same trust provisos Powers and limitations as the first mentioned sum Of three hundred pounds herein before given to my said Trustees for her use in manner herein before mentioned I give and bequeath unto the said William Jackson My two prints expressing the nativity and the circumcision Of Christ and also a guilt spoon given to me in ~ Remembrance of my late friend Bridget Brander I give and bequeath unto my two sons the said ~ Thomas Jeans and William Jeans and unto my daughter The said Sarah Jackson all my plate equally to Be divided amongst them and all the rest residue And remainder of my Estate and Effects real and personal Whatsoever and wheresoever or of what nature or Kind soever heretofore given and disposed of And of which I may be seized possessed or intitled unto I give devise and bequeath the same and every Part thereof unto my son the said Thomas Jeans To hold unto him my said son Thomas Jeans his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns respectively Forever or for and during all my Estate and Interest Therein and lastly I do hereby revoke and make Void all former and other Will and Wills by me at Any time heretofore made and do declare this only To be my last Will and Testament and I do hereby Make ordain constitute and appoint my said Son Thomas Jeans sole Executor in witness whereof I The said last Will and Testament set my hand ~ And Seal this twentieth day of May in the year Of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ~ Ninety three /-/ Rebecca Jeans __ Signed Sealed ~ Published and declared by the said Rebecca Jeans The Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament In the presence of us who at her request in her presence And in the presence of each other have subscribed Our names as Witnesses thereunto /-/ James ~ ~ Gutheridge /-/ John Shambler /-/ Sarah Holloway


This Will was proved at London the seventeenth Day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and ninety three before the Worshipful  Maurice Swabey Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of The Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of ~ The Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oath of Thomas Jeans Doctor of Physic the Son of the deceased and sole Executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of All and singular the goods and chattels and credits Of the said deceased having been first sworn in duly To administer