
BAPTISMS 1813 - 1880

Note: These records are transcribed from the Bishop's Transcripts which are copies taken from the original registers. BT's do not always have all the information contained in the parish registers and often have missing years. There are no records for the following years:- 1816, 1827, 1828, 1830, 1834-1843, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1850, 1863, 1854, 1861, 1869, 1870 &1878. Researchers needing to check these years will have to research the parish registers, these are held at the Dorset History Centre


Date of Baptism; Child's Name; Parent's Forenames; SURNAME; Father's Occupation; Abode; Notes

1813; 07-Mar; Lazarus son of; John & Mary; MARSH; ; Loders;

1813; 14-Mar; Maria daughter of; Robert & Maria; CRABB; ; Loders;

1813; 04-Apr; Mary daughter of; Thomas & Martha; MARSH; ; Loders;

1813; 11-Apr; David son of; John & Hester; BUDDEN; ; Loders;

1813; 11-Apr; Benjamin son of; Henry & Mary; BUDDEN; ; Loders;

1813; 11-Apr; Bernard son of; Richard & Anne; HYDE; ; Loders;

1813; 16-Apr; Job son of; William & Anne; BROWNE; ; Loders;

1813; 13-Jun; George son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; ; Loders;

1813; 13-Jun; Elizabeth daughter of; George & Jane; CRABB; ; Loders;

1813; 01-Aug; Thomas son of; Henry & Fanny; BAGG; ; Loders;

1813; 01-Aug; Jane daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; BUDDEN; ; Loders;

1813; 01-Aug; John Mawson son of; James & Phoebe; HANSFORD; ; Loders;

1814; 02-Jan; Samuel son of; Jessitha? & Mary; CLALE; Mason; Loders;

1814; 06-Jan; Henry son of; Henry & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1814; 09-Jan; Matthew son of; John & Anne; BROWNE; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 14-Jan; Anne daughter of; John & Agnes; BROWNE; Yeoman; Loders;

1814; 23-Jan; Matilda daughter of; James & Audrey; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 03-Feb; John George son of; George & Mary;  KNIGHT;  Officer In East India Company Service; Loders;

1814; 20-Mar; Mary daughter of; George & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; ; Loders; Born October 10th

1814; 14-Apr; Simeon? son of; Simon? & Elizabeth; ABBOT; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 17-Apr; William son of; Robert & Sheba; SCADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 15-May; Elizabeth daughter of; Anne; HONEYBORN; Base Born; Loders;

1814; 22-May; Thomas son of; Lydia; MARSH; Base Born; Loders;

1814; 25-Jun; Absolom son of; William & Elizabeth; HAYWARD; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 23-Jul; Susanna daughter of; David & Charlotte; GALE; Carpenter; Loders;

1814; 31-Jul; John son of; William & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Mason; Loders;

1814; 10-Sep; Job son of; Job & Anne; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 21-Sep; Richard Greening son of; John & Anne; BIDDLECOMBE; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 23-Sep; Charlotte Ruth daughter of; Houtton & Ruth; HARTWELL; Clergyman; Loders;

1814; 27-Nov; Caroline daughter of; Richard & Sarah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1814; 18-Dec; Joseph son of; Richard & Anne; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 03-Jan; Mary Anne daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 08-Jan; Mary Anne daughter of; Edward & Sarah; HANSFORD; ;  Netherbury;

1815; 14-Jan; Isaac son of; Ambrose & Elizabeth; BACKER?; Shop Keeper; Loders;

1815; 08-Jan; George son of; Jacob & Dinah; HODDER; Dairyman; Loders;

1815; 16-Jan; George son of; James & Martha; SALISBURY; Shoemaker; Loders;

1815; 22-Jan; David son of; Joseph & Sarah; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 23-Jan; Anne Gale daughter of; Diana; LILLY; Dairy Mans Daughter; Loders;

1815; 05-Feb; Mary daughter of; John & Hester; BUDDEN; Yeoman; Loders;

1815; 13-Feb; Richard son of; William & Anne; COLLINS; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 17-Feb; Maria daughter of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 05-Mar; James Foss son of; John & Martha; WOODWARD; Publican; Loders;

1815; 11-Apr; Samuel son of; John & Marianne; MUNDUN; Tailor; Loders;

1815; 30-Apr; George son of; John & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 14-May; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; Henry & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1815; 14-May; Catherine Axe daughter of; James & Phoebe; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1815; 23-May; Susanna daughter of; Thomas & Martha; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 23-May; Robert son of; Robert & Maria; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 06-Aug; Elizabeth daughter of; Robert & Sarah;  BILES; Foreman Of Pymore Factory; Loders;

1815; 06-Aug; Sarah daughter of; Robert & Sarah; BILES; Foreman Of Pymore Factory; Loders;

1815; 06-Aug; Mary daughter of; Jasper & Mary; CLALE; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 06-Aug; Catherine daughter of; James & Phoebe; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1815; 16-Aug; Catherine daughter of; Henry & Frances; BAGG; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 03-Sep; Hugh Samways son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 03-Sep; Sarah daughter of; John & Sarah; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1815; 17-Sep; Job son of;  & ?; TRAVERS?; Base Born; Loders;

1815; 22-Oct; John son of; John & Anne; BARTLET; Labourer; Loders;

1815; 13-Dec; Joseph son of; Maria; BASSET?; Base Born; Loders;

1815; 15-Dec; Samuel son of; John & Amelia; MUNDEN; Tailor; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's

1817; 19-Jan;  Keturah daughter of; Thomas & Catherine; KNIGHT; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 19-Jan; Edward Langford son of; Ann; FRAMPTON; Spinster; Loders;

1817; 23-Jan; Jane daughter of; Job & Anne; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 06-Feb; Ann daughter of; Elizabeth; GERRARD; Spinster; Loders;

1817; 14-Feb; James son of; William & Anne; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1817; 14-Feb; Robert son of; William & Anne; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1817; 02-Mar; Jane daughter of; George & Margaret; BISHOP; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 08-Mar; Georgina Hamilton daughter of;  William Hugh Edward Hamilton & Martha;  KITTOE; Officer; Loders;

1817; 16-Mar; Mary Ann daughter of; Joseph & Sarah; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 01-Apr; Arabella daughter of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 20-Apr; James son of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 04-May; James Cox son of; John & Diana; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 05-May; Eliza daughter of; George & Sarah; NORRIS; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 11-May; James son of; Richard & Sarah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 01-Jun; Sarah daughter of; George & Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 01-Jun; Mary daughter of; Joseph & Mary; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 08-Jun; Ann daughter of; Robert & Maria; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 22-Jun; Ann daughter of; John & Hester; BUDDEN; Yeoman; Loders;

1817; 22-Jun; Solomon son of; Mary; HANSFORD; Spinster; Loders;

1817; 29-Jun; Sydney Houlton son of; Houlton & Ruth; HARTWELL; Vicar; Loders;

1817; 06-Jul; Alexander son of; William & Mary; SPRACKLAND; Carpenter; Loders;

1817; 10-Jul; Anna Maria daughter of; Henry & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1817; 21-Jul; Jane daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 03-Aug; James son of; Robert & Bathsheba; SCADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 10-Aug; George son of; John & Mary; GILL; Yeoman; Loders;

1817; 24-Aug; Thomas son of; Robert & Joan; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1817; 10-Nov; Mary daughter of; Jane; COOPER; Single Woman; Loders;

1817; 23-Nov; Catherine daughter of; Joseph & Jane; WARREN; Publican; Loders;

1818; 18-Jan; Eliza daughter of; John & Sarah; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1818; 01-Feb; Martha daughter of; Jasper & Mary; CLALE; Mason; Loders;

1818; 08-Mar; George son of; Reuben & Elizabeth; CLALE; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 06-Apr; Charlotte daughter of; David & Charlotte; GALE; Carpenter; Loders;

1818; 12-Apr; Catherine Samways daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 26-Apr; Sophia daughter of; Henry & Frances; BAGG; ; Uploaders;

1818; 10? May; Henry son of; Thomas & Maria; FRAMPTON; Servant; Loders;

1818; 20-May; Phoebe Axe daughter of; James Mawson & Phoebe; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1818; 19-Jul; Isaac son of; Richard & ann; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 02-Aug; George son of; James & Rachael; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 09-Aug; Mary Abbot daughter of; Henry & Hannah; HONEYBORN; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 14-Aug; George son of; William & Jane; HANSFORD; Cordwainer; Loders;

1818; 25-Aug; William son of; John & Ann; BARTLETT; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 28-Aug; Thomas son of; John & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 13-Sep; Eleanor daughter of; Thomas & Asenath?; MATTHEWS; Cordwainer; Loders;

1818; 27-Sep; Esther daughter of; John & Ann; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 14? October; James son of; George & Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 25-Dec; Hugh son of; William & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1818; 26-Dec; Edward Hughes son of; Houlton & Ruth; HARTWELL; Vicar; Loders;

1819; 06-Jan; Christabella daughter of; Thomas & Catherine; KNIGHT; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 06-Jan; Matthew son of; Matthew & Elizabeth; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 24-Jan; Ann daughter of; Joseph & Jane; WARREN; Innkeeper; Loders;

1819; 18-Feb; William son of; John & Ann; BARTLETT; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 18-Feb; William son of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 09-May; Ann daughter of; Henry & Sarah; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 09-May; Amelia daughter of; William & Dinah; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 20-Jun; Daniel son of; Jacob & Dinah; HODDER; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 20-Jun; Ruth daughter of; James & illegible; CLARE?; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 20-Jun; Samuel son of; Edward & Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 05-Jul; James son of; John & Martha; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 14-Sep; Catherine daughter of;  John & Susanna; MUNDEN; Tailor; Loders;

1819; 19-Sep; Isaac Sprackland son of; Susanna; SPRACKLAND; ; Loders;

1819; 22-Sep; Isaac son of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 14-Nov; Richard son of; Richard & Grace; ACERMAN?; Labourer; Loders;

1819; 05-Dec; Sarah daughter of; Maria; RUSSELL; ; Loders;

1819; 12-Dec; Jane daughter of; Jolian? & Mary; MARSH; ; Loders;

1819;  19-Dec; Thomas son of; John & Jane; CRABB; ; Loders;

1820; 16-Jan; Jane daughter of; John & Diana; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 30-Jan; John son of; William & Anne; JAMES; Carpenter; Loders;

1820; 13-Feb; Susanna daughter of; George & Sarah; NORRIS; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 29-Feb; Stephen son of; Joseph & Mary; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 31-Mar; Robert son of; James & Martha; SALISBURY; Cordwainer; Loders;

1820; 23-Apr; Harriet daughter of; George & Anne; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 23-Apr; Robert son of; James & Martha; SALISBURY; Cordwainer; Loders;

1820; 02-Jul; Richard son of; John & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 09-Jul; Sarah daughter of; Richard & Sarah; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 30-Jul; Mary Beaton daughter of; Mary; WEBBER; ; Loders;

1820; 13-Aug; Elizabeth daughter of; Joseph & Jane; WARREN; Innkepper; Loders;

1820; 13-Aug; Jane daughter of; John & Diana; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 17-Sep; Matthew son of; Matthew & Elizabeth;  MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 17-Sep; Joseph son of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 26-Sep; George son of; John & Martha; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 22-Oct; Jonas son of; Jephtha & Mary; COLEAL; Stone Mason; Loders;

1820; 25-Oct; Anne daughter of; Henry & Hannah; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 29-Oct; George son of; Robert & Bathsheba; SCALDING?; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 29-Oct; William son of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 05-Nov; Caroline daughter of; Henry & Fanny; BAGGS; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 17-Nov; Elizabeth Fryer daughter of; James & Rachel; TRAVERS; Lime Burner; Loders;

1820; 26-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of; William & Dinah; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1820; 03-Dec; Elizabeth Darby daughter of; Job & Anne; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1821; 28? January; Esther daughter of; John & Esther; BUDDEN; Yeoman; Loders;

1821; 11th March Privately 2nd Feb.; George son of; Robert & Joan; PITCHER; ; Loders;

1821; 04-Feb; Mary Anne daughter of;  John & Harriet; BUDDEN; Baker; Loders;

1821; 05-Feb; John Turner son of;  Martha; TURNER; Spinster; Loders;

1821; 25-Feb; Joseph Samways son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1821;  20th May Privately April 13th; Malachi son of; William & Anne; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1821; 29th July Privately April 28th; ; Joseph son of; Richard & Grace; AKERMAN; Labourer; Loders;

1821; Privately April 28th ; Levi son of; William & Anne; JAMES; Carpenter; Loders;

1821; 06-May; Harriet Honeyburn daughter of; Richard & Anne; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1821; 20-May; Hilkiah son of; William & Sarah; HYDE;  Labourer; Loders;

1821; 7th Oct. Privately May 28th; Edmund Brown son of; Anne; FRAMPTON; Spinster; Loders;

1821; 28-May; Henry son of; William & Elizabeth; CLAPP; Labourer; Bradpole;

1821; 8th July Privately June 26; Job son of; Ambrose & Elizabeth; RAKE; Labourer; Loders;

1821; Privately June 27; Mary Anne daughter of; James & Susan; GRANT; Labourer; Powerstock;

1821; 15-Jul; Job son of; William & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1821; Privately July 19th.  labourer; William son of; Robert & Martha; STONE; ; Bradpole;

1821; Privately July 25th; Elizabeth daughter of; John & Jane; COZENS; Shoemaker; Loders;

1821; Privately July 31st; John son of; Robert & Phoebe; WHITE; Carpenter; Loders;

1821; 21st Oct. Privately July 31st; Edward son of; John & Anne; SYMES; Labourer; Powerstock;

1821; 25th Aug. Privately Aug. 5th;  Elizabeth daughter of;  George & Audrey;  BAGGE; Labourer; Up Loders;

1821; Privately Sept. 28th; John son of; John & Charlotte; STONE; Labourer; Bradpole;

1821; 09-Sep; Mary daughter of; Thomas & Hannah; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1821; Privately Sept. 16th;  Margaret Sophia daughter of;  Mountague RUSH;  Late Vicar of Powerstock;  Loders; born Aug. 24th

1821; Privately Sept. 16th;  Octavius son of;  Mountague RUSH;  Late Vicar of Powerstock;  Loders;  born Aug. 24th

1821; Privately Sept. 26th; George son of; William & Mary; GIBBS; Labourer; Bradpole;

1821; 23-Oct; George son of; John & Diana; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1821; Privately Nov. 7th; John son of;  Martha; SPRACKLAND; Spinster; Bradpole;

1821; Privately Nov. 18th; Ishmael son of; Daniel & Elizabeth; STONE; Labourer; Bradpole;

1821; 16th Dec. Privately Nov. 27th; Charlotte daughter of; Mary; BRANDON?; ; Loders;

1821; 02-Dec; David son of; Thomas & Catherine; KNIGHT; Labourer; Loders;

1821; 09-Dec; Joseph Robert son of; Joseph Robert & Ellen; HILL; Labourer; Bath;

1821; Privately Dec. 12th; Barbara daughter of; John & Mary; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1821; 16-Dec; Rebecca daughter of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1821;  16-Dec; Robert son of; William & Jane; HANSFORD; Cordwainer; Loders;

1821; Privately Dec. 17th; Eliza daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; BAIRNS; Butcher; Powerstock;

1822; 18-Jan; Abigail daughter of; Thomas & Asenath; MATTHEWS; Shoemaker; Loders;

1822; 28-Jan; Thomas son of; Elizabeth; HANSFORD; ; Loders;

1822; 10-Feb; William son of; Joseph & Jane; WARREN; Innkepper; Loders;

1822; 12-Feb; Elizabeth daughter of; John & Susannah; MUNDEN; Tailor; Loders;

1822; 10-Feb; John son of; James & Audrey; CLARK; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 21-Feb; Richard son of; Richard & Sarah; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 27-Feb; Catherine Akerman Axe daughter of; David & Charlotte; GALE; Carpenter; Loders;

1822; 20-Mar; George son of; Joseph & Mary; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 24-Mar; Levi son of; William & Anne; COLLINS; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 31-Mar; Hannah daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 04-Apr; Eliza daughter of; Joseph & Jane; BRAKE; Labourer; Bradpole;

1822; 31 April; Charlotte daughter of; John & Anne; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 23-Jun; David son of; Richard & Anne; HIDE; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 23-Jun; Susan Travers daughter of; Robert & Maria; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 07-Jul; Jane daughter of; James & Elizabeth; COX; Blacksmith; Loders;

1822; 14-Jul; Sarah Anne daughter of; William & Jane; STONE; Labourer; Pymore In Loders

1822; 21-Jul; Charles Francis son of; Elizabeth; BIDDLECOMB; ; Loders;

1822; 21-Jul; Sarah Anne daughter of; Joseph & Sarah; SYMES; Dairyman; Loders;

1822; 22-Oct; Elizabeth daughter of; James & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Coachman; Loders;

1822; 28? October; Anna Maria daughter of; Henry & Frances; BAGG; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 23-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 24-Nov; John Travers son of; John & Harriet; HONETBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 15-Dec; Frances daughter of; William & Diana; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 18-Dec; William son of; Sarah; CREW; Bradpole; Loders;

1822; 23-Dec; Mary daughter of; George & Jane; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1822; 26-Dec; Jane daughter of; John & Lydia; WELLS?; Thatcher; Bradpole;

1822; 29-Dec; John son of; Job & Sarah; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1823; 11-Jan; Elizabeth daughter of; Henry & Hannah; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 29-Jan; Henry son of; John & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 29-Jan; illegible daughter of; John & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 30-Jan; Jane daughter of; John & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 04-Feb; Mary daughter of; Joseph & Hannah; PEARCE; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 27-Feb; David son of; Jasper & Mary; CLARKE?; Mason; Loders;

1823; 02-Mar; Sarah Groves daughter of; Charles & Sarah; CHARD; Thatcher; Bradpole;

1823; 02-Mar; Thomas son of; George & Audrey; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1823; ? March; George Cozen? son of; John & Harriet; BUDDEN; Baker; Loders;

1823; ? March; Fanny daughter of; James & Martha; SALISBURY; Shoemaker; Loders;

1823; 08-Mar; Joseph son of; Thomas & Asenath; MATTHEWS; Shoemaker; Loders;

1823; 08-Mar; Mary daughter of; Thomas & Asenath; MATTHEWS; Shoemaker; Loders;

1823; 12-Apr; Anne daughter of; William & Sarah; BROWN; Flaxmaker; Loders;

1823; 09-May; John son of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 22-May; Mary Crabb daughter of; Robert & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 25-May; Matthew son of; John & Martha; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 25-May; George son of; Joseph & Mary; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 30-May; Sarah daughter of; John & Susan; MUNDEN; Tailor; Loders;

1823; 07-Jun; Charles son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 02-Jul; George son of; Joseph & Jane?; WARREN; Publican; Loders;

1823; 1? August; Susan daughter of; Job & Anne; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 03-Aug; Jane daughter of; Thomas & Anne; WILLIAMS; Labourer; ; Loders; she is 14yrs;

1823; 21-Sep; Sarah daughter of; Matthew & Elizabeth; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 09-Nov; George son of; William & Anne; BURBIDGE; Labourer; Loders;

1823; 24-Nov; Sarah daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; BUCKLAND; Labourer; Pymore;

1824; 8? January; Joseph son of; John & Mary; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 17-Jan; Elizabeth Walbridge daughter of; John & Esther; BUDDEN; Farmer; Upton;

1824; 19-Jan; Henry son of; Robert & Phoebe; WHITE; Carpenter; Loders;

1824; 08-Feb; Hester Anne daughter of; Joseph & Sarah; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 01-Mar; Elizabeth daughter of; George & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Bradpole;

1824; 04-Mar; John son of; George & Anne; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1824; 07-Mar; Henry John son of; John & Diana; GALE; Farmer; Maltravers;

1824; 08-Mar; Hannah daughter of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 16? March; John son of; William & Dinah; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 04-Apr; Marianna daughter of; James & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Servant; Loders;

1824; 10-Apr; Silvester daughter of; John & Mary; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 24-Apr; George son of; Thomas & Anne?; THORNER; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 02-May; George son of; James & Elizabeth; COX; Blacksmith; Loders;

1824; 15-May; Elisha son of; Hugh & Anne; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 16-May; Thomas Warren son of; Robert & Bathsheba; SCADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 30-May; Caroline daughter of; David & Mary; KNIGHT; Baker; Loders;

1824; 27-Jun; Thomas son of; John & Anne; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 11-Jul; Jane daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 22-Aug; Alexander son of; John & Anne; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 02-Oct; Phoebe daughter of; Thomas & Hannah; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 19-Dec; Sarah daughter of; Richard & Anne; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1824; 19-Dec; Benjamin son of; Benjamin & Mary; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 02-Jan; William son of; Thomas & Catherine; KNIGHT; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 02-Jan; David son of; Robert & Joan; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 23-Jan; Sarah daughter of; Henry & Anna; HONEYBOUNE; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 27-Feb; Elizabeth daughter of; Joseph & Mary; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 05-Mar; Mary daughter of; John & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 24-Apr; Harriet Honeybourne daughter of; Thomas & Maria; HANSFORD; Labourer; Up Loders;

1825; 25-Apr; Susan daughter of; James & Martha; SALISBURY; Shoemaker; Loders;

1825; 07-Jun; Harriet daughter of; Job & Anne; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 07-Jun; Robert Gale son of; Joseph & Jane; WARREN; Innkeeper; Loders;

1825; 26-Jun; Elijah son of; William & Diana; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 26-Jun; Andrew son of; Robert & Maria; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 17-Jul; Georgiana daughter of; Henry & Sarah; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 07-Aug; Hannah daughter of; Henry & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1825; 04-Sep; John son of; George & Adrey; BAG; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 06-Sep; Maria daughter of; Joanna; BISHOP; Widow; Loders;

1825; 16-Oct; Isaac son of; John & Harriet; BUDDEN; Yeoman;  Loders;

1825; 16-Oct; Elizabeth daughter of; James & Audrey; CLARK; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 13-Nov; Samuel son of; John & Diana; GALE; Yeoman; Loders;

1825; 26-Nov; Susan Collingdon daughter of; Joseph & Anne; CHICK; Yeoman; Loders;

1825; 22-Dec; Urbina daughter of; Henry & Frances; BAGG; Labourer; Loders;

1825; 25-Dec; Kezia daughter of; Richard & Sarah; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1826; 14-Feb; Charlotte daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1826; 05-Feb; Sarah daughter of; Samuel & Sarah; SIMS; Labourer; Loders;

1826; illegible Sarah Hide daughter of; Richard & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1826; 16-Apr; Elias William Warren son of; Sarah; WILLIAMS; ; Loders;

1826; 23-Apr; Frances Travers daughter of; Matthew & Lydia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1826; 23-Apr; Matthew Major son of; Thomas & Mary; MORE; Yeoman; Loders;

1826; 30-Apr; Diana daughter of; Hugh & Anne; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1826; 30-Apr; Henry son of; John & Mary; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's [Please refer to Parish Registers 1827-1830]

1829; 01-Jan; George Budden son of; Joseph & Eliza; TRAVERS; Shoemaker; Loders;

1829; 15-Feb; Diana daughter of; William & Diana; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 01-Mar; George Samways son of; Mary; BROWN; The Father Not Known; Loders;

1829; 07-Apr; Charles Cole son of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 03-May; Edwin James Strange born the 18th *** son of; Sarah; MEECH; Spinster; Loders;

1829; 10-May; Thomas son of; Richard & Kezia; LEGG; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 24-May; Pheobe Ellen daughter of; Thomas & Hannah; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 31-May; Henry son of; Henry & Hannah; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 21-Jun; Arrabella daughter of; Job & Bridget; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 21-Jun; Catherine daughter of; Job & Bridget; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 21-Jun; Mary Bishop daughter of; William & Hannah; ATKINS; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 25-Jul; Mary Pitcher daughter of; Richard & Sarah; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 02-Aug; Maria daughter of; Thomas & Maria; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 26-Aug; Mary Anne Kirping? Barret daughter of; John & Naomi; WAY; Mason; Loders;

1829; 30-Aug; George William Way son of; George & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 13-Sep; Eli William son of; John Travers & Hannah ; GILL; Carpenter; Loders;

1829; 13? September; Eliza daughter of; George & Sarah; CHARD; Mason; Loders;

1829; 06-Oct; Susan daughter of; Stephen & Mary Anne; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 11-Oct; John son of; George & Hannah; HDELL?; Yeoman; Lynch;

1829; 20-Dec; Eli son of; Peter & Sarah; BURBAGE; Labourer; Loders;

1829; 25-Dec; Joseph son of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's [Please refer to Parish Registers 1827-1830]

1831; 16-Jan; Mary daughter of; John & Mary; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 16-Jan; Henry son of; John & Jane; CRABBE; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 13-Feb; Sophia daughter of; John & Sophia; BUDDEN; Yeoman; Loders;

1831; 06-Mar; John son of; Henry & Sarah; COLLINS; Butcher; Loders;

1831; 13-Mar; Jane Dando? daughter of; George & Eliza; CHARLES;  Tailor; Loders;

1831; 20-Mar; Harriet daughter of; John & Mary; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 27-Mar; George son of; William & Hannah; ATKINS; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 27-Mar; Hannah daughter of; John & Mary; GALE; Yeoman; Loders;

1831; 01-Apr; Elizabeth Anna daughter of; Robert & Sarah; GALE; Yeoman; Loders;

1831; 24-Apr; Samuel son of; Joseph & Eliza; TRAVERS; Cordwianer; Loders;

1831; 22-May; Richard John Hill son of; Edward & Mary; GORSELL?; Baker; Loders;

1831; 05-Jun; Sarah Jane daughter of; Matthew & Sophia; GILL; Labourer; Cuckolds Corner

1831; 17-Jul; Ann daughter of; Thomas & Hannah; ELLERAY; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 17-Jul; Dinah daughter of; Joseph & Mary; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 31-Jul; Olive Louisa daughter of; Thomas & Catherine; KNIGHT; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 31-Jul; Ann daughter of; Hugh & Ann; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 18-Aug; George son of; Stephen & Mary Anne; CRABB; Butcher; Loders;

1831; 09-Oct; Jane daughter of; Richard & Ann; HIDE; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 06-Nov; James Seadden son of; Henry & Harriet; HARDING; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 06-Nov; Mary daughter of; Robert & Priscilla; HILE; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 06-Nov; John son of; Job & Sarah; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1831; 18-Dec; Harriet daughter of; Job & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Yeoman; Loders;

1831; 18-Dec; Hannah daughter of; George & Audrey; BAGG; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 05-Jan; William son of; John & Sarah; MAJOR; Farmer; Buck-barrow;

1832; 05-Jan; Rebecca Georgiania daughter of; George & Elizabeth; CRABB; ; Loders;

1832; 29-Jan; Charlottalla daughter of; Benjamin & Arabella; BUDDEN; Shoemaker; Loders;

1832; 12-Feb; William James son of; Sarah; MEECH; Spinster; Loders;

1832; 12-Feb; Eliza daughter of; Henry & Hannah; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 26-Feb; Harriet daughter of; Peter & Sarah; BURBIDGE; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 11-Mar; James William son of; George & Mary; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1832; 08-Apr; Mary daughter of; Robert & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 08-Apr; Sarah daughter of; George & Hannah; UDALL; Yeoman; Loders;

1832; 08-Apr; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; John & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1832; 08-May; Levi George son of; Hannah; GILL; Spinster; Loders;

1832; 13-May; Charlotte Beata daughter of; John & Ann; HYDE; Yeoman; Loders;

1832; 13-May; Elizabeth daughter of; William & Sarah; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 17-Jun; Solomon son of; George & Sarah; CHARD; Mason; Loders;

1832; 15-Nov; Henry son of; James & Elizabeth; COX; Blacksmith; Loders;

1832; 18-Nov; Matilda daughter of; Reuben & Harriet; CLAIL; Mason; Loders;

1832; 18-Nov; James son of; Robert & Ann; SEADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 28-Nov; Robert son of; Robert & Joan; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 30-Dec; Richard son of; Matthew & Sophia; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1832; 23-Dec; Frederick son of; George & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders;

1833; 20? January; William Vallins son of; David & Charlotte; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 20? January; George David son of; David & Charlotte; GALE; Labourer; ; Loders; born *** 1825?;

1833; 10-Mar; William son of; Joseph & Eliza; TRAVERS; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 10-Mar; Susan daughter of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Baker; Loders;

1833; 14-Apr; Isaac son of; Benjamin & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 05-May; Thomas son of; William & Hannah; ATKINS; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 19-May; George Clail son of; Harriet; WAY; Spinster; Bradpole;

1833; 19-May; Martha daughter of; Benjamin & Martha; LEGG; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 19-May; Elizabeth daughter of; Benjamin & Martha; LEGG; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 04-Jun; William son of; Thomas Ackerman & Hannah; VALLINS; Mason; Loders;

1833; 09-Jun; Arabella base born daughter of; Sophia; CRABB; Single Woman; Loders;

1833; 16-Jun; Samuel? son of; Matthew & Isott?; SALISBURY; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 16-Jun; Elizabeth daughter of; Thomas & Charlotte; SALISBURY; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 16-Jun; Bethsheba Rosanna daughter of; William & Eliza; SEADDEN; Cordwainer; Loders;

1833; 30-Jun; John son of; Robert & Priscilla; HILE; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 30-Jun; William Berry son of; George & Elizabeth; SIMMS; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 25-Jul; William son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; LITHEY?; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 28-Jul; Susan daughter of; George & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 28-Jul; Eliza daughter of; John & Mary; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 08-Sep; Edwina daughter of; Sarah; BROWN; Spinster; Loders;

1833; 15-Sep; Emma Sophia daughter of; John & Sarah; MAJOR; Farmer; Bissborough Farm

1833; 20-Oct; Harriet daughter of; William & Ann; BURBIDGE; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 03-Nov; Sarah daughter of; Thomas & Hannah; ELLERAY; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 17-Nov; Charles son of; Samuel & Elizabeth; CLAIL; Labourer; Loders;

1833; 01-Dec; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; George & Sarah; CHILOOTH?; Farmer; Loders;

1833; 29-Dec; Henry son of; John & Mary; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's

1844; 07-Jan; Jonas son of; illegible & Sophia; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1844; 07-Jan; Job son of; illegible & Amelia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1844; 07-Jan; Mary daughter of; illegible & Jane; GALE; Mason; Uploders;

1844; 07-Jan; David son of; John & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 07-Jan; Jane daughter of; William & Mary; GREGORY; Labourer; Uploders;

1844; 04-Feb; James son of; James & Mary; NEALE; Dairyman; Loders;

1844; 04-Feb; Fanny daughter of; Thomas & Mary; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 07-Apr; Charlotte daughter of; Thomas & Sarah; HYDE; Hagler; Loders;

1844; 07-Apr; William son of; George & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 07-Apr; John son of; John & Mary; COX; Dairyman; Loders;

1844; 07-Apr; Elija; Henry & Rebecca; WITTLER; Carpenter; Loders;

1844; 05-May; Charlotte Gale daughter of; Henry & Mary; MUNDON; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 05-May; Sarah daughter of; George & illegible; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 05-May; Henry Frampton son of; Charles & Sarah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 26-May; Richard son of; Isaac & Leron?; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 26-May; Elizabeth daughter of; James & Jane; CLARKE; Labourer; Uploders;

1844; 26-May; Hannah daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 28-Jul; Pheobe daughter of; Thomas & Rebecca; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1844; 28-Jul; Alfria?; George & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Thatcher; Loders;

1844; 06-Oct; Sam son of; Robert & Jane; WARREN; Haggler; Uploders;

1844; 9? November; Elizabeth ? daughter of; Thomas & Amelia; CRABB; Labourer; Affoden?;

1844; 10-Nov; Thomas Benjamin son of; John & Ann; HYDE; Horse Dealer; Loders;

1844; 17-Nov; Sarah Arabella daughter of; Benjamin & Arabella; BUDDEN; Shoe Maker; Loders;

1844; 01-Dec; Elizabeth daughter of; Daniel & illegible; KERSLAKE; Tailor; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's

1847; 03-Jan; Alfred son of; Henry & Mary; MUNDON; Labourer; Loders;

1847; 03-Jan; Mary daughter of; John & Jane; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 07-Feb; Matthew son of; Joseph & Eliza; TRAVERS; Farmer; Maltravers;

1847; 07-Feb; Ellen daughter of; William & Hannah; ATKINS; Dairyman; Uploders;

1847; 07-Mar; John son of; Thomas & Caroline; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1847; 07-Mar; Lavinia daughter of; John & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 07-Mar; Matthew son of; Benjamin & Ann; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1847; 04-Apr; Ann Elizabeth daughter of; Malachi & Ann; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1847; 06-Jun; Isabella daughter of; John & Theresa; LEGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 06-Jun; Mary daughter of; Absolom & Elizabeth; HAYWARD; Dairyman; Loders;

1847; 04-Jul; John son of; William & Sophia; MUNDON; Labourer;  Uploders;

1847; 07-Jul; Alfria?; Hugh & Sophia; GALE; Gardener; Machel?;

1847; 01-Aug; Mary Ann daughter of; Thomas & Sarah; HYDE; Publican; Loders;

1847; 01-Aug; Bertha daughter of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 01-Aug; Job son of; John & Susan; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 01-Aug; Gaius?; George & Elizabeth; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1847; 05-Sep; Thomas Warren son of; Robert & Ann; SEADDEN; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 03-Oct; John Cole son of; William & Elizabeth; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 03-Oct; Bernard Levi son of; Isaac & Elizabeth; CRABB; Labourer;  Uploders;

1847; 03-Oct; Elizabeth Susan daughter of; Thomas & Jane; GALE; Mason; Uploders;

1847; 07-Nov; Jesse ?; Job & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Farmer; Loders;

1847; 07-Nov; Emily daughter of; Job & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Farmer; Loders;

1847; 07-Nov; Malachi son of; Benjamin & Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 05-Dec; Mary Maria daughter of; Robert & Charlotte; BISHOP; Labourer; Uploders;

1847; 05-Dec; Charles son of; John & Pheobe; CLARKE; Mason; Loders;

1847; 05-Dec; Alli ?; Benjamin & Isabella; BUDDEN; Shoemaker; Loders;

1848; 02-Jan; Ellen?; George & Jane; WAY; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 13-Feb; John son of; Robert & Jane; WARREN; Labourer; Uploders;

1848; 05-Mar; Eliza Jane daughter of; George & illegible; BUDDEN; Labourer; Uploders;

1848; 05-Mar; Levi son of; Isaac & Mary;  CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1848; 07-May; Ann daughter of; Charles & Harriet; CRAWFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 07-May; Sarah Ann Marsh daughter of; James & Sarah; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 07-May; Elizabeth Gale daughter of; Joseph & Charlotte; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 07-May; Emily daughter of; Edward & Jane; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 07-May; George son of; John & Mary; GERRARD; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 07-May;  Ernest Gamibria? son of; Francis Richard & Frances Mary; MACCARTHY; Vicar Of The Parish;


1848; 04-Jun; Harriet daughter of; James & Hannah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 04-Jun; Sarah daughter of; Thomas & Rebecca; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 02-Jul; Henry Robert son of; William & Eliza; SEADDON; Shoemaker; Loders;

1848; 02-Jul; Richard Travers son of; Job & Sarah; HANSFORD; Hagler; Loders;

1848; 06-Aug; Charles Crabb son of; George & Sophia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 06-Aug; Richard son of; Daniel & Susan; KERSLAKE?; Tailor; Loders;

1848;  03-Sep; Harriet daughter of; Absolom & Elizabeth; HAYEARD; Dairyman; Loders;

1848; 03-Sep; Henry son of; James & Mary Ann; WATTS; Servant; Loders;

1848; 01-Oct; Martha Ann daughter of; Charles & Sarah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 05-Nov; Sarah Ann daughter of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1848; 03-Dec; Job son of; James & Jane; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's

1851; 01-Jan; Sarah daughter of; William & Elizabeth Ellen; CHILEOLT?; Yeoman; Loders;

1851; 02-Feb; Job son of; Job & Sarah; HANSFORD; Gardener; Loders;

1851; 02-Feb; Thomas son of; Thomas & Isanoth?; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 02-Feb; John son of; Thomas & Rebecca; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 02-Mar; Emma Jane daughter of; George & Amelia; HANSFORD; ; Loders;

1851; 02-Mar; George son of; Malachi & Ann; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1851; 01-Apr; George son of; Sarah; DUNNING?; Single Woman; Loders;

1851; 06-Apr; Ann Sarah daughter of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Loders;

1851; 06-Apr; Emily daughter of; James & Jane; CLARKE; Mason; Loders;

1851; 06-Apr; Lucy Jane daughter of; Thomas & Jane?; GALE; Mason; Uploders;

1851; 06-Apr; Sarah daughter of; William & Sophia; MUNDON; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 06-Apr; Eliza Ellen daughter of; William & Mary; SYMONDS?; Steward; Illegible;

1851; 04-May; Thomas Jesse son of; Robert & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 04-May; Sidney son of; Charles Cole & Sarah; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 04-May; Albert George son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 04-May; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; John & Eliza; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 04-May; William son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 04-May; Job son of; Robert & Chalotte; BISHOP; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 12-May; John son of; James & Mary; LATHEY; Mason; Bradpole;

1851; 01-Jun; Emily daughter of; Thomas & Sarah; SEADDON; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 01-Jun; James son of; George & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 01-Jun; George son of; George & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 01-Jun; Elizabeth daughter of; George & Rebecca; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 01-Jun; Anne Maria daughter of; John & Susan; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 01-Jun; Mary Elizabeth daughter of; Charles & Harriet; CRAWFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 01-Jun; Frederick son of; Samuel? & Elizabeth; HIDE; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 07-Jul; Joseph William son of; Joseph & Harriet; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 27-Jul; William son of; John & Isabella; MARSH; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 27-Jul; James son of; George & Harriet; SEADDON; Labourer; Loders;

1851; 07-Sep; Ann Brown daughter of;  & Jane?; TURIHAS?; Single Woman; Loders;

1851; 07-Sep; Alfred son of; George & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders;

1851; 19-Sep; Samuel George son of; Nathaniel & Sarah; SIMS?; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 05-Oct; Emily Florence Susan daughter of; John & Mary; BROWN; Carpenter; Uploders;

1851; 05-Oct; Henry son of; Matthew & Mitilda; BROWN; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 05-Oct; Frederick son of; James & Hannah; CRABB; Shepherd; Loders;

1851; 28-Oct; Thirzar Keturah daughter of; Henry Hayyer? & Alice Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Uploders;

1851; 02-Nov; John Gill son of; James & Harriet; GREENING; Shepherd; Loders;

1851; 02-Nov; Eliza daughter of; Thomas & Dinah; BRO**LE; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 04-Jan; Albert John son of; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Uploders;

1852; 04-Jan; Tom son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders;

1852; 12-Jan; Eliza daughter of; Charles & Eliza; GALE; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 26-Jan; James Benjamin son of; Benjamin & Arabella; BUDDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1852; 01-Feb; George son of; Henry & Mary; MUNDON; Labourer; Loders;

1852; 23-Feb; Job son of; George & Sophia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 03-Mar; Ellen Elizabeth daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; BROWN; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 03-Apr; Esther Selina daughter of; John & Jane; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 02-May; Charlotte daughter of; Joseph & Charlotte; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 06-Jun; Arthur son of; William & Ellen; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 06-Jun; Esther Jane daughter of; John & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 28-Jun; Mary daughter of; Henry & Susan; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1852; 22-Aug; Reginald Newsome son of; Charles & Elizabeth; YORKE; Banker; Dundle Northamptonshire

1852; 22-Aug; Mary Elizabeth daughter of; James & Elizabeth; KNIGHT; Tailor; Charmouth;

1852; 30-Aug; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; Priscilla; HILE; Single Woman; Loders;

1852; 05-Sep; Mary Ann daughter of; Edward & Jane; HONEYBOURN; Labourer; Loders;

1852; 14-Oct; William Bilton son of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 07-Nov; Eliza Mary daughter of; Thomas & Rebecca; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1852; 07-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of;  Hugh & Elizabeth; GALE; Gardener; Loders;

1852; 07-Nov; George son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1852; 11-Dec; Grace daughter of; Joseph & Ann; DAW; Labourer; Uploders;

Records missing from the BT's

1855; 01-Jan; Martha daughter of; George & Mary; MARSH; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 01-Jan; Thomas George son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders;

1855; 04-Feb; Eleanor daughter of; Thomas & Aseneth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 01-Apr; Thomas son of; Harriet; HOUNSELL; Single Woman; Loders;

1855; 01-Apr; John Robert son of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Uploders;

1855; 01-Apr; Sarah Ann daughter of; Hugh & Elizabeth; GALE; Farmer; Loders;

1855; 15-Apr; Mary Jane daughter of; Richard & Martha; GERRARD; Farmer; Loders;

1855; 29-Apr; Martha daughter of; Elizabeth; MARSH; Single Woman; Loders;

1855; 06-May; Jesse son of; George & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 03-Jun; Mary daughter of; John & Eliza; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 03-Jun; Eliza daughter of; Henry Koysin & Olive Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Bradpole;

1855; 03-Jun; John son of; John & Elizabeth; GEATER; Yeoman; Matravers;

1855; 11-Jul; Frances Shepherd ?; Alfred & Mary; CHILCOTT; Miller; Loders;

1855; 29-Jul; George Chard son of; Levi & Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders;

1855; 29-Jul; Eliza Jane daughter of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 29-Jul; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1855; 5? August; Elizabeth Gale daughter of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1855; 05-Aug; Harriet Ann daughter of; Joseph & Harriet; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders; 

1855; 26-Aug; George Keitch? son of; Samuel & Caroline; GALE; Yeoman; Uploders;

1855; 26-Aug; Grace Elizabeth daughter of; Joseph & Mary Ann; HALLETT; Butcher; Bradpole;

1855; 30-Sep; Richard James son of; James & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Dairyman; Pymore;

1855; 01-Dec; John Hide son of; George & Harriet; SEADDON; Labourer; Loders;

1855; 02-Dec; John son of; Benjamin & Harriet; ROGERS; Labourer ; Loders;

1855; 02-Dec; Henry son of; James & Marina?; POMAN?; Labourer; West End;

1856; 06-Jan; John son of; David & Elizabeth; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 06-Jan; Tom son of; Thomas & Caroline; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 06-Jan; George Daniel Paul son of; James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 06-Jan; Mary Ann daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 03-Feb; Charlotte daughter of; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Uploders;

1856; 03-Feb; Frederick Thomas son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; BROWN; Mason; Uploders;

1856; 03-Feb; Barach?; Thomas & Maria; BOARD; Vitualler; Uploders;

1856; ? March; Henry son of; John & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 09-Mar; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; William & Ruth; MORRIS; Labourer; West End;

1856; 21-Mar; Mary Lathey daughter of; Job & Sarah; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1856; ? April; Emily Ellen daughter of; William & Ellen; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1856; 06-Apr; Henry son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 04-May; Emma daughter of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders;

1856; 01-Jun; Louisa daughter of; Thomas Warren & Elizabeth; SEADDON; Gardener; Loders;

1856; 06-Jul; Jesse Thomas son of; Thomas & Jeni; GALE; Mason; Uploders;

1856; 14-Jul; Florence Mary daughter of; Alfred & Mary; CHILCOTT; Miller; Loders;

1856; 15-Jul; Anne Lina daughter of; James & Elizabeth; COOKER; Thather; Bradpole;

1856; 27-Jul; Hannah Alice Georgiana daughter of; Henry & Susan; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1856; 27-Jul; Walter son of; John & Susan; HANSFORD; Market Gardener; Uploders;

1856; 27-Jul; Thomas son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; MUNDON; Labourer On Railway; Loders;

1856; 09-Jul; Mary Eliza daughter of; Mary Ann; HALLETT; Single Woman; Loders;

1856; 05-Oct; Mary daughter of; John & Mary; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1856; 25-Oct; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; Charles & Jane; PEARCE; Labourer; Loders;

1856; 26-Oct; Norris ?; Benjamin & Ann; CRABB; Farmer; Uploders; Uploders;

1856; 02-Nov; Ann Eliza daughter of; Robert & Charlotte; BISHOP; Labourer; Uploders;

1856; 23-Nov; James William son of; James & Charlotte frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1856; 07-Dec; John Charles son of; John & Isabella; MARSH; Labourer; Uploders;

1856; 18-Dec; Ann Sophia Kedolla? daughter of; Peter & Frances; MORRIS?; Game Keeper; Loders;

1857; 04-Jan; George David Travers son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 27-Jan; William Budge son of; Richard & Olive Matilda Robuk?; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 28-Jan; Mary Priscilla daughter of; John & Jane; HILE; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 01-Feb; Mary Ann daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 01-Feb; Tom son of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 01-Mar; Joseph son of; Thomas & Mary Ann; HODDER; Labourer; West End;

1857; 11-Mar; James Way? son of; George & Charlotte; COX; Blacksmith; Loders;

1857; 05-Apr; Frances Ellen daughter of; Macachi & Ann; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1857; 05-Apr; Marianna daughter of; Hugh & Elizabeth; GALE;  Gardener; Loders;

1857; 19-Apr; John Benjamin son of; Benjamin & Martha; CHAFFEY; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 03-May; Richard son of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Loders;

1857; 03-May; Joseph son of; Joseph & Charlotte; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 03-May; Henry Rendell son of; Joseph & Susan; POWELL; Mechanic; Loders;

1857; 01-Jun; Ann daughter of; Mack? & Ann; CRAWFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 07-Jun; Thirza daughter of; George & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 07-Jun; George Frayer? son of; Ann; ELLERY; Single Woman; Loders;

1857; 25-Jun; Sarah Ann daughter of; Robert & Sophia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 26-Jul; Richard William son of; Samuel & Caroline; GALE; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 02-Aug; Mary Jane daughter of; Thomas & Caroline; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 02-Aug; John King son of; John & Caroline; CROSS; Railway Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 02-Aug; Job son of; Thomas & Asinott?; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 02-Aug; Albut son of; Charles & Elizabeth; GALE; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 01-Sep; Mary Maria daughter of; John & Elizabeth; HARDY; Labourer; West End;

1857; 01-Nov; Thomas Knight son of; Henry Keyson? & Olive Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Uploders;

1857; 02-Dec; Mary daughter of; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Uploders;

1857; 11-Dec; Honor daughter of; James & Jane; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders;

1857; 25-Dec; Mary Ann daughter of; Levi & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders;

1858; 3rd Jan; Mary Ann Parsons daughter of; Lazarus & Mary Ann; MARSH; Labourer; Loders; born Nov.13th 1857

1858; 3rd Jan; Mary Anna daughter of; John & Eliza; TROTT; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 3rd 1857

1858; 3rd Jan; Mary Anne daughter of; John & Ruth; BROWN; Labourer; Uploders; born Nov. 17th 1857

1858; 21st Feb ; Henry son of; Jaber? & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Dairyman; West End; born 23rd Jan.

1858; 28th Feb; Jane Elizabeth daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Uploders; born 5th Jan.

1858; 15th Mar; James son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 2th 1858

1858; 22nd Mar.; Sarah Ann daughter of; James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 6 1858

1858; 24th March ; George son of; Henry & Fanny; HILE; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 22 1858

1858;  2nd May; Charles son of; David & Elizabeth; HYDE; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 25 1858

1858; 2nd May; Mary daughter of; Thomas Warren & Sarah; SEADDEN; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 15th 1858

1858; 02-May; Tom son of; Simeon & Susan; LIE?; Labourer; West End;  

1858; 27-May; James Thomas son of; Thomas & Jane; GALE; Mason; Uploders;  

1858; 06-Jun; Mary Elizabeth daughter of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 1st 1858

1858; 06-Jun; Emily Ann daughter of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders;

1858; 04-Jul; Mary daughter of; John & Mary; BROWN; Carpender; Uploders; born May 5th 1858

1858; 17-Jul; Richard son of; Richard Oline? & Matilda Bridge; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1858; 01-Aug; Mary Abbott daughter of; Joseph & Charlotte; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born June 28th

1858; 01-Aug; Henry Aaron son of; Henry Aaron & Sarah; TURNER; Flax Chersen?; Loders;

1858; 01-Aug; Frederick Josiah son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; BROWN; Mason; Uploders; born July 3rd 1858

1858; 01-Aug; Sarah Jane daughter of; John & Jane; BROWN; Labourer; Soscombe; born Aug. 3rd 1858

1858; 22-Aug; Mary Ann daughter of; Job & Ellen; TROTT; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 22 1858

1858; 21-Oct; Sarah daughter of; Mary Ann; HALLETT; Single Woman; Loders;

1858; 31-Oct; Martha Emma daughter of; Frederick & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1858; 07-Nov; Joseph son of; Charles & Harriet; SEADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1858; 07-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of; Henry & elizabeth; HILL; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 02-Jan; Henry Honeybourn son of; John & Eliza; TROTT; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 18-Jan; Ann daughter of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 23-Jan; Hurbert William Chilcott son of; Henry & Susan; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders;

1859; 06-Mar; Elizabeth Eliza daughter of; John & Martha; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 22-Mar; Job son of; George & Jane; CRABB; Mason; Loders;

1859; 29-Mar; Francis John son of; John & Matilda; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 03-Apr; Herbert son of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Loders;

1859;  03-Apr; Joseph Absolom son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 17-Apr; Florence? Bake daughter of; Samuel & Caroline; GALE; Farmer; Loders; born March 26th

1859; 01-May; Charles Henry son of;  John & Elizabeth; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 01-May; Mary Ann daughter of; John & Mary Ann; COLLINS; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 05-Jun; Ellen Elizabeth daughter of; James & Hannah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 05-Jun; Sarah Ann daughter of; Charles & Eliza; GALE; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 05-Jun; William John son of; Susan; SYMES; ; Loders;

1859; 05-Jun; Elias son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 05-Jul; Harriet Ann daughter of; William & Harriet; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; George son of; Hugh & Elizabeth; GALE; Farmer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; Elizabeth daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; Mary Ann daughter of; Robert & Sophia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; Charles son of; Henry & Mary Ann; BUDDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; Ann daughter of; Aaron & Sarah; TURNER; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 31-Jul; Eliza Jane daughter of; James & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 07-Aug; Elias John son of;  James & Hannah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 04-Sep; Emily Jane daughter of;  J*******h?; HIDE; ; Loders;

1859; 02-Oct; William George son of; Henry & *** Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 02-Oct; Alfred William son of; Thomas & Aseneth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 16-Oct; George son of; George & Martha; RANDALL; Labourer; Loders;

1859; 06-Nov; Charles George Way son of; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Loders;

1859; 06-Nov; Herbert son of; Levi & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders;

1859; 25-Dec; Thomas son of; John ***** & Ann; ELLERY; Carpenter; Loders;

1859; 25-Dec; Robert son of; John & Isabella; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 31-Jan; Tom son of; Levi & Mary; HALLETT; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 31-Jan; Fanny daughter of; Levi & Mary; HALLETT; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 05-Feb; Henry son of; John & Elizabeth; POMERY; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 04-Mar; Ellen daughter of; Charles & Mary Ann; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 04-Mar; Sarah Ann daughter of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 04-Mar; Charlotte daughter of; Thomas & Caroline; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 04-Mar; Ellen daughter of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 01-Apr; Alfred William son of; James & Dorcus; BARTLETT; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 01-Apr; Mary Elizabeth daughter of; James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 01-Apr; George son of; Job & Ellen; TROTT; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 06-May; Gaius? Oscar son of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Licenced Vitualler; Loders;

1860; 06-May; Mary Frances daughter of; John & Ann; SLADE; Baker; Loders;

1860; 06-May; John son of; Henry & Susannah; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 06-May; Mary Abbott daughter of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders; born Feb. 14th

1860; 06-May; Emily Jane Walbridge daughter of; Ann;  ELLERY; ; Loders;

1860; 03-Jun; Mary Ann daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders;

1860; 01-Jul; Sarah Ann daughter of; Richard & Jane; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 05-Aug; Emily Jane daughter of; George & Harriet; SEADDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 07-Oct; Elizabeth Charlotte daughter of; Samuel & Elizabeth; WILSON; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 04-Nov; Harry son of; James & Judith; JACKMAN; Railway Guard; Dorchester;

1860; 04-Nov; Thomas son of; Charles & Mary; SYMONDS; Dairyman; Loders;

1860; 30-Nov; Sarah Ann daughter of; John & Jane; MAY?; Farmer; Loders;

1860; 02-Dec; Albert son of; David & Elizabeth; HYDE; Labourer; Loders;

1860; 11-Dec; Isaac son of; William & Mary Ann; FULLER; Labourer; Loders;

Records missing from the BT's

1862; 05-Jan; Thirza Way daughter of; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Loders; born Aug. 10th 1861

1862; 06-Jan; Albert son of; Hugh & Emily Jane; MARSH; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 02-Feb; Alice daughter of; Charles & Mary Ann; BUDIN?; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 31

1862; 02-Feb; Alfred son of; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; born Dec. 4th

1862; 02-Feb; Joseph son of; John & Elizabeth; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 02-Feb; Mary Abbot daughter of; Charles &; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 1? February; Agnes daughter of; Levi & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Thatcher; Loders;

1862; 15-Feb; Ann daughter of; John & Eliza; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 02-Mar; Thomas son of; James & Marina?; POMEROY?; Labourer; Setting?;

1862; 02-Mar; John Henry son of; Augustus & Harriett; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 03-Apr; Herbert? son of; John & Susan; HANSFORD;  Farmer; ; born Mar. 18th

1862; 06-Apr; Sarah daughter of; Thomas & Susan; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 12-Apr; Sarah daughter of; Job & Ellen; TROTT; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 18-Apr; George Henry Willswell? son of; Charles & Elizabeth; HINE; Farmer; Loders; born Feb. 20 1862

1862; 04-May; Emily Jane daughter of; George & Marina?; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Loders; born Mar. 19th

1862; 04-May; John son of; John & Jane; ELLIS; Mason; Loders;

1862; 01-Jun; Frances Leah daughter of; Henry & Frances Catherine; HYDE; Dairyman; Loders; born Apr. 16th 1862

1862; 27-Jul; Arthur William son of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Apr.?7th 1862

1862; 27-Jul; Rosa Evangeline daughter of; Willougby & Emily; TRAVERS; Storekeeper?; Loders; born July 1st 1862

1862; 27-Jul; Sarah Ann daughter of; Ann; HYDE; ; Loders; Born July 6th 1862

1862; 27-Jul; David son of; Henry & Mary; NORTHOVER; Labourer; Loders; born June 8th 1862

1862; 27-Jul; William son of; Henry & Mary; NORTHOVER; Labourer; Loders; born June 26th 1860

1862; 27-Jul;  James son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders; born July 5th 1862

1862; 27-Jul; George son of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 20 1862

1862; 27-Jul; *** Charles son of; Henry & Alice? Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Toller Porcorum; born Mar. 24th 1862

1862; 07-Sep; Sarah ??? daughter of; Thomas & Jane; COLLIN MARSH?; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 07-Sep; Mary Ann daughter of; Thomas & Jane; COLLIN MARSH?; Labourer; Loders;

1862; 05-Oct; William James son of; James & Jose?; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 17th 1862

1862; 02-Nov; Mary Ann ??? daughter of; Richard Score & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Miller; Loders; born Aug. 13th 1862

1862; 02-Nov; Harriett daughter of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 13th 1862

1862; 02-Nov; Emily daughter of; Walter? & Harriett; GILL; Labourer; Loders; born 26th July 1862

1862; 03-Nov; John William Gurdy son of; John & Mary Ann Gerrard Gundry; HYDE; Illegible; Loders; born Oct. 16th 1862

1862; 07-Dec; Martha Ann daughter of; John & Elizabeth; POMEROY; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 5th 1862

1862; 30-Dec; Anporta?; Richard & Olive?; GILL; Labourer; Loders;

1863; 04-Jan; Susan daughter of; Mary Ann; HODDER; Labourer; Dothing?;

1863; 01-Mar; Thomas son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 18th 1862

1863; 01-Mar; Alice daughter of; William & Mary Ann; WHITE; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 14th 1862

1863; 01-Mar; Caroline daughter of; Henry & Susan; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 27th 1862

1863; 29-Mar; William Frederick son of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born Feb. 17th

1863; 05-Apr; Joseph William son of; Thomas & Caroline; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 11th

1863; 05-Apr; George son of; Joseph & Jane; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born Feb. 22nd

1863; 03-May; William Alfred son of; Robert & Elizabeth; SLADE; Dairyman; Loders; born Aug. 13th 1862

1863; 03-May; Ann Elizabeth daughter of; John & Mary Ann; BAGG; Labourer; Loders; born Feb. 18th

1863; 24-May; Annie Osligdon? daughter of; Caroline; HANSFORD; Kingston Russell; Loders;

1863; 06-Jun; Caroline daughter of; Joseph & Charlotte; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1863; 07-Jun; Alice Elizabeth daughter of; Henry & Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born April 6th

1863; 07-Jun; Robert son of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Loders; born April 3rd

1863; 05-Jul; Charlotte Esther daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born May 23rd 1863

1863; 02-Aug; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; John & Charlotte; CLARK; Labourer; Loders; born June 18th 1863

1863; 06-Sep; Florence Elizabeth daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Loders; born July 20th 1863

1863; 06-Sep; Sarah Louisa daughter of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Loders; born Aug. 2nd 1863

1863; 06-Sep; George son of; George & Harriet; SEADDEN; Labourer; Loders; born April 13th 1863

1863; 04-Oct; William John son of; Levi & Mary Ann Gale; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders; born Aug. 19th 1863

1863; 04-Oct; John son of; John & Jane; *A*RKE; Labourer; Loders; born July 1st 1863

1863; 01-Nov; Dan?; George & Eliza; CRABB; Carpenter; Loders; born Sept. 21st 1863

1863; 01-Nov; Bessie Ronza? daughter of; William & Harriett; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 27th 1863

1863; 06-Dec; John Woodford son of; John & Jane; ; Farmer; Loders; born Oct. 21st 1863

1863; 06-Dec; Sydney Richard son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 9th 1863

1863; 06-Dec; Esther Ann daughter of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 6th 1863

1863; 06-Dec; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; George & Ann; CRABB; Mason; Loders; born Oct. 19th 1863

1863; 19-Dec; George son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 27th 1863

1863; 25-Dec; David Richard Brown son of; Charles & Elizabeth; HINE; Farmer; Loders;

1864; 01-Jan; Henry son of; William & Mary Ann; WHITE; Labourer; Loders;

1864; 07-Jan; Florence? Rebecca Louisa daughter of; William & Mary  Ann; WHITE; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 29th 1863

1864; 06-Feb; John Osmund Hansford son of; Stephen & Ellen; FRY; Market Gardener Uploders; Loders; born Feb. 6th 1864

1864; 07-Feb; Leonard son of; John & Matilda; HYDE; Vicars Sextent; Loders; born Dec. 24th 1863

1864; 17-Feb; Henry John son of; George & Susan; BISHOP; Labourer; Uploders;

1864; 29-Feb; Sarah W*ton daughter of; Henry & Mary Ann; MUCH?; Labourer; Loders;

1864; 03-Apr; Albert Edward son of; David & Elizabeth; HYDE; Gardener; Loders;

1864; 03-Apr; Ellen daughter of; Augustus & Harriett; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders;

1864; 03-Apr; Mary Jane daughter of; Jacob & Emily; BARTLETT; Dairyman; Loders Dothing?; born Feb. 14th1864

1864; 01-May; Mary Ann Elizabeth daughter of; John & Elizabeth; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 30th 1864

1864; 05-Jun; Edwin Frank Frankland son of; Henry & Susan; GERRARD; Yeoman; Loders; born April 29th 1864

1864; 05-Jun; Lucy Eliza daughter of; Richard Score & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Miller; Loders; born April 29th 1864

1864; 05-Jun; Herbert? George son of; John & Ann;  SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; born April 18th 1864

1864; 05-Jun; Ellis Albert son of; George & Maria; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Uploders; born April 11th 1864

1864; 05-Jun; John son of; Joseph & Charlotte; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born April 19th 1864

1864; 03-Jul; Frank son of; George & Sarah; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders; born May 16th 1864

1864; 03-Jul; Alice Louisa daughter of; John & Susan; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born May 24th 1864

1864; 03-Jul; Herbert Elijah son of; Elijah & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born May 29th 1864

1864; 03-Jul; Joseph Ezzant? son of; John & Jane; ELLIS; Mason; Loders; born May 9th 1864

1864; 05-Jul; Alice Ruth Clarke daughter of; Joseph & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born June 26th 1864

1864; 09-Jul; Frederick Herbert son of; Robert & Martha; ASH?; Market Gardener; Loders; bornJuly 7th 1864

1864; 31-Jul; Alice Beatrice daughter of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born April 27th 1864

1864; 31-Jul; Elizabeth son of; Henry & Mary; NORTHOVER; Labourer; Loders; born April 25th

1864; 02-Oct; E***rt Edgar son of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Licenced Vitualler; Uploders; born Aug. 23rd 1864

1864; 02-Oct; William son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 20th 1864

1864; 02-Oct; Alfred Henry son of; Henry & Olive Louisa; BUDDEN; Labourer; Toller Porcorum; born Aug. 17th 1864

1864; 06-Nov; George son of; Henry & Frances Catherine; HYDE; Flax Dealer; Loders;

1864; 06-Nov; illegible; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders;

1864; 06-Nov; William son of; William & Rebecca; SAMWAYS; Miller; Loders; born Aug. 28th 1864

1864; 16-Nov; Ada Mathe? daughter of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born Oct. 7 1864

1864; 04-Dec; Mary Jane daughter of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 19th 1864

1865; 01-Jan; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; William & Jane Mayo; PEARCE; Baker; Uploders; born Oct. 24 1864

1865; 05-Mar; Ellis George son of; George & Harriet; SEADDEN; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 10 1864

1865; 05-Mar; William son of; Hugh & Emily Jane; MARSH; Labourer; Uploders; born Nov. 24 1864

1865; 05-Mar; John son of; Henry & Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Jan. 12th 1864

1865; 27-Mar; Thomas son of; Emily; ENLEIGH?; Single Woman; Loders West End;

1865; 02-Apr; Sidney Charles son of;  James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 12 1865

1865; 02-Apr; Herbert son of; George & Jane; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 12 1865

1865; 02-Apr; Alexander Davidson son of; John & Elizabeth;  TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 16 1865

1865; 02-Apr; Albert son of; John & Mary Ann; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 25 1865

1865; 07-May; John Henry Gale son of; George & Susan; BISHOP; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 25 1865

1865; 07-May; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; Charles & Ellen; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born April 1 1865

1865; 07-May; James son of; James & Sarah; PARSONS; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 9 1865

1865; 07-May; Frances Leah daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born Mar. 10 1865

1865; 22-May; Walter Monsward? son of; Stephen & Ellen; FRY; Market Gardener; Uploders;

1865; 04-Jun; Elizabeth Augusta daughter of; Richard & Olivia; GILL; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 19 1865

1865; 04-Jun; John Crabb son of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born April 5 1865

1865; 04-Jun; John Henry son of; Thomas & Sarah; HARBY?; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 1 1865

1865; 04-Jun; Job son of; Thomas & Susan; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born April 21 1865

1865; 04-Jun; George son of; Henry & Mary Ann; BUDDEN; Labourer; Loders;

1865; 02-Jul; Francis John son of; Malachi & Ann; BROWN; Carpenter; Uploders; born May 20 1865

1865; 30-Jul; Charles son of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders; born June 22 1865

1865; 30-Jul; George Cornelius son of; Elizabeth; MARSH; Single Woman; Loders; born Jan. 28 1865

1865; 30-Jul; Alban Henry Gerrard son of; George & Ann; HYDE; Corndealer; Loders; born June 28 1865

1865;  30-Jul; Mary Jane daughter of; James & Charlotte; BAGG; Labourer; Uploders; born May 13 1865

1865; 11-Sep; Alfred son of; Levi & Mary Ann Gale; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders; born Aug. 8 1865

1865; 01-Oct; Hebra? Jane daughter of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Uploders; born Aug. 22 1865

1865; 05-Nov; Annie daughter of; Emily; HANSFORD; Single Woman; Uploders; born Feb. 14 1865

1865; 05-Nov; Anna Maria daughter of; Ann Elizabeth; CRABB; Single Woman; Uploders;

1865; 05-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of; Henry & Susan; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 17 1865

1865; 05-Nov; Malachi John son of; James William & Charlotte Frances;  BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born Aug. 2 1865

1865; 16-Nov; George William son of; John & Jane; HAWKER; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 14 1865

1865; 03-Dec; Ann Jane daughter of; James & Jane; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders Dothery; born Nov. 20 1865

1866; 07-Jan; Amelia daughter of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 29 1865

1866; 10-Jan; Fanny daughter of; Elizabeth Ann; WHITE; Single Woman; Uploders;

1866; 04-Mar; John son of; George & Elizabeth; CURTIS; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Dec. 21 1865

1866; 04-Mar; Alizaron?; William & Harriet; BRAKE; Carpenter; Loders Dothery; born Jan. 15 1866

1866; 04-Mar; Hannah daughter of; Frank & Eliza; GALE; Mason; Uploders; born Dec. 28 1865

1866; 04-Mar; Samuel son of; John & Charlotte; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders; born Jan. 23 1866

1866; 04-Mar; Fred son of; William & Rebecca; SAMWAYS; ; Loders; Born Dec. 29th 1865

1866; 01-Apr; Lily daughter of; Richard Score & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Miller; Loders; born Dec. 18th 1865

1866; 01-Apr; George Henry son of; George & Sarah; BAGG; Labourer;  Loders; born March 5th

1866; 05-Apr; Miranda daughter of; John & Ellen; SHIPPICK; Flax Dresser; Loders Pymore; born Feb. 7 1866

1866; 06-May; Ben Robert son of; George & Maria; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Uploders; born April 2 1866

1866; 21-May; Mona Louisa daughter of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born April 18 1866

1866; 24-May; Mary Jane daughter of; Sarah Ann; COLLIER; ; Loders;

1866; 03-Jun; Elizabeth Mary daughter of; Thomas Charles & Elizabeth; WAY; Labourer; West End; born April 12 1866

1866; 03-Jun; Joseph John son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born April 29 1866

1866; 08-Jun; Lazarus son of; Charles & Ellen; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders;

1866; 01-Jul; Walter son of; John & Isabella; MARSH; Labourer; Uploders; born April 6th

1866; 17-Jul; Thomas James son of; Robert & Eliza; KNIGHT; Farmer; Uploders; born July 12 1866

1866; 18-Jul; George son of; James & Maria; NORMAN; Labourer; West End;

1866; 29-Jul; Henry son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born June 23 1866

1866; 29-Jul; Matthew Charles son of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born June 7 1866

1866; 29-Jul; Sarah daughter of; Henry & Mary; NORTHOVER; Labourer; Loders; born June 11 1866

1866; 05-Aug; Mirena?; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; born May 14 1866

1866; 07-Oct; William Alfred son of; Daniel Cox & Jane; WAKELEY; Farmer; Middle Pymore; born July 14 1866

1866; 07-Oct; Alexander son of; Charles & Caroline; PEASON; Blacksmith; Dolling?;

1866; 04-Nov; Mimmie? ; Robert & Sarah Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 20

1866; 23-Nov; Thomas William son of; George & Ann; CRABB; Mason; Uploders; born Oct. 14 1866

1966; 01-Dec; Emily daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born Dec. 4 1866

1866; 02-Dec; Ernest Malachi son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born Oct. 25 1866

1866;  02-Dec; Richard David son of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 27 1866

1867; 06-Jan; William Richard son of; John & Elizabeth; BIDDLECOMB; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 3rd 1866

1867; 06-Jan; John son of; Thomas & Susan; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 13 1866

1867; 20-Jan; Sarah Ann daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1867; 03-Feb; Caroline daughter of; Joseph & Charlotte;  CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born Dec. 10 1866

1867; 03-Feb; Adelaide Louisa daughter of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Innkeeper Uploders; Loders; born Dec. 29 1966

1867; 03-Feb; Martha Frances daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born Nov. 26 1866

1867; 03-Feb; Henry Richard son of; Henry & Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 29 1866

1867; 03-Feb; William Ernest son of; Joseph & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Nov. 13 1866

1867; 03-Mar; Robert son of; John & Jane; PINN; Forman Pymore Factory; Pymore; born Feb. 14 1867

1867; 03-Mar; William Sydney son of; William Sydney & Mary; BENNETT; Soldier R.a.; Loders; born Nov. 30 1866

1867; 21-Mar; Jesse Walter son of; Job & Emily; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders;

1867; 07-Apr; Mary Ellen daughter of; James & Ann; LATHEY; Labourer; West End; born Mar. 2

1867; 05-May; George William son of; Thomas & Sarah ann; HARBY; Flax Dresser Pymore; Loders; born April 1 1867

1867; 05-May; Sarah Osmund daughter of; Stephen & Ellen; FRY; Licenced Vitualler; Loders; born Mar. 15 1867

1867; 24-May; Florence Alma daughter of; Frederick & Elizabeth; SAMWAYS; Yeoman; Loders;

1867; 02-Jun; Alexander Austin son of; James & Mary Ann; HILL; Forman Pymore Factory; Pymore;

1867; 07-Jul; Edwin son of; John & Matilda; HYDE; Vicars Assistant?; Loders; born May 21 1867

1867; 07-Jul; James Charles Bligdon son of; James & Charlotte Elizabeth; NORMAN; Machinist; Loders;

1867; 28-Jul; Emily Ellen daughter of; James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 25

1867; 04-Aug; William John son of; William Henry & Ann; NORMAN; Flax Dresser; Loders; born June 30 1867

1867; 01-Sep; Malachi son of; Eliza; BROWN; ; Loders; Born July 32 1867

1867; 01-Sep; Charles Daniel son of; Thomas Charles & Elizabeth; WAY; Labourer; Middle Pymore; born July 24 1867

1867; 01-Sep; Thomas Robert James ?roly? knight son of; George & Susan; BISHOP; Farmer; Uploders; born Aug. 3 1867

1867; 01-Sep; Sarah Fuzan? daughter of; John & Fanny; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born June 12 1867

1867; 01-Sep; Ellen Elizabeth daughter of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer; Loders; born June 18 1867

1867; 05-Oct; Thirza *lina daughter of; George & Thirza; SEADDEN; Ship Carpenter; Loders; born Sept. 19 1867

1867; 05-Oct; Fred son of; John & Mary Ann; BAGG; Labourer; Loders; born July 15 1867

1867; 05-Oct; George son of; David & Elizabeth; DUNN; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 5 1867

1867; 05-Oct; Levi son of; David & Elizabeth; HYDE; Gardener; Loders; born Aug. 7 1867

1867; 28-Nov; Frederick Walter son of; George & Eliza; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born Nov. 20 1867

1867; 30-Nov; Robert son of; Daniel Cox & Jane; WA*LY?; Farmer; Pymore; born Nov. 26 1867

1867; 01-Dec; William George Warr son of; John & Ellen; CHARD; Labourer; West End; Born Oct. 24 1867

1867; 01-Dec; Mary Elizabeth daughter of; John & Sarah; MARGUIE?; Sailor H.m.s. Duke Of ?; Loders; born Oct. 3 1867

1868; 05-Jan; Sidney son of; Richard & Olive; GILL; Labourer; Uploders; born Sept. 20 1867

1868; 05-Jan; Lucy Ann daughter of; James & Charlotte; BAGG; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 17 1867

1868; 14-Jan; Ben son of; William & Rebecca; SAMWAYS; Miller; Uploders; born Jan 12 1868

1868; 02-Feb; George son of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 5 1867

1868; 02-Feb; Sarah Ann daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 3 1867

1868; 02-Feb; Esther Ann daughter of; Sarah Ann; COLLIER; ; Loders; Born Jan 3 1868

1868; 01-Mar; Jesse son of; George & Elizabeth; CURTIS; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Jan. 3 1868

1868; 01-Mar;  Frederick George son of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders; born Dec. 25 1867

1868; 01-Mar; Frederick George son of; George & Emily; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Jan. 11 1868

1868; 01-Mar; Samuel David son of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Jan. 11 1868

1868; 04-Mar; Elizabeth daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 4 1868

1868; 01-Apr; Frances Emma Elizabeth daughter of;  Albert & Mary; CRABB; Wheelwright; Uploders; born Mar. 3 1868

1868; 05-Apr; Richard Score son of; Richard Score & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Miller; Loders; born Jan. 12 1868

1868; 05-Apr; Susan Catherine daughter of; Frederick & Jane; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 11 1868

1868; 05-Apr; George Henry son of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 16 1868

1868; 05-Apr; Thomas son of; Henry & Susan; CRABB;  Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 22 1867

1868; 05-Apr; Esther Allen daughter of; James & Sarah; EASTON; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 1 1868

1868; 05-Apr; Levi son of; Levi & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Uploders; 

1868; 04-May; John Herbert son of; John & Ellen; SHEPPICK; Flax Dresser; Pymore; born Feb. 9 1868

1868; 17-May; Eliza Jane daughter of; Samuel & Honor; TRAVERS; Labourer; Dothery; born April 18 1868

1868; 25-May; Douglas Wade son of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born April 21 1868

1868; 07-Apr; Alfred Edwin son of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born April 2 2868

1868; 05-Jul; Robert Samuel son of; Robert & Elvira; KNIGHT; Farmer; Uploders; Born April 10 1868

1868; 05-Jul; Louisa Ellen daughter of; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Uploders; born May 7 1868

1868; 05-Jul; Frederick John son of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born May 14 1868

1868; 05-Apr; Frances Elizabeth daughter of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 11 1868

1868; 02-Aug;  Ann Elizabeth daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born June. 23 1868

1868; 02-Aug; Jonathan son of; Stephen & Ellen; FRY; Innkeeper; Loders; born June 18 1868

1868; 02-Aug; Malachi William son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Mason; Uploders; born April 24 1868

1868; 02-Aug; James son of; James & Mary; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 13 1868

1868; 06-Sep; John son of; John & Sarah Ann; DOWRING; Carpenter; Loders; born July 22 1868

1868; 04-Oct; Lois ?; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; born July 16 1868

1868; 04-Oct; Ada Sarah Susan daughter of; William & Sophia; GALE; Labourer; Uploders; born Aug. 11 1868

1868; 04-Oct; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; John & Jane; HAWKER; Labourer; Loders; born July 20 1868

1868; 04-Oct; Morgan Addison son of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Yeoman; Loders; born July 9 1868

1868; 01-Nov; Lucy Edith daughter of; George & Eliza; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born Sept. 24 1868

1868; 01-Nov; Elizabeth daughter of; William & Hannah; JOY; Hemp Dresser; Loders; born July 1 1868

1868; 01-Nov; George Travers son of; John & Charlotte; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 9 1868

1868; 06-Dec; William son of; John & Fanny; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 24 1868

Records missing from the BT's

1871; 01-Jan; George William son of; William & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Yeoman; Loders; born Nov. 2 1870

1871; 01-Jan; Henry John son of; John & Sarah ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 27 1870

1871; 30-Jan; Frances Jesse ; Charles & Maria; HINE; Farmer; Loders; born Dec. 31 1870

1871; 05-Feb; David son of; Matthew & Charlotte; HANSFORD; Labourer; Dothery; born Sept. 3 1870

1871; 05-Mar; Mary Ann Brown daughter of; George & Anna Maria; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders; born Dec. 22 1870

1871; 05-Mar; Frederick John son of; James & Charlotte Elizabeth; NORMAN; Machinist; Bothanhampton; born Jan. 2 1871

1871; 05-Mar; Blanche Eva daughter of; Joseph & Lavinia Ann; BARNES; Confectioner; Uploders; born Nov. 22 1870

1871; 05-Mar; Levi son of; John & Charlotte; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders; born Jan. 13 1871

1871; 05-Mar; Pheobe Ellen daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 15 1870

1871; 02-Apr; Frances Louisa daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born Feb. 17 1871

1871; 02-Apr; William George son of; George & Elizabeth; CURTIS; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Jan. 16 1871

1871; 02-Apr; Sarah Lucy daughter of; Robert & Eliza; KNIGHT; Labourer; Uploders; born Jan. 24 1871

1871; 02-Apr; Julia Fanny daughter of; John & Fanny; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; bornNov. 23 1870

1871; 02-Apr; Elizabeth Ann daughter of; Richard & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 20 1870

1871; 07-May; He*****; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 16 1871

1871; 01-Jun; Maurice son of; Richard Score & Eliza; HANSFORD; Miller; Loders; born April 10 1871

1871; 04-Jun; Agnes Emily daughter of; Job & Emily; HANSFORD; Farmer; Uploders; born April 23 1871

1871; 04-Jun; George Samuel son of; George & Susan; BISHOP; Farmer; Uploders; Born April 3 1871

1871; 26-Jun; Maria Jessie daughter of; Henry & Leah; HOWS; Coachman; Loders; born April 17 1871

1871; 02-Jul; Mary Jane daughter of; William James & Mary Ann; MUCH?; Illegible; Loders; born June 14 1871

1871; 02-Jul; Grace daughter of; William & Rebecca; SAMWAYS; Miller; Uploders; born April 30 1871

1871; 02-Jul; Alice Jane daughter of; James & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born April 23 1871

1871; 06-Aug; Frederick Charles son of; James & Mary Ann; STEELE; Forman Pymore Factory; Pymore; born May 28 1871

1871; 06-Aug; Arthur son of; John & Matilda; HYDE; Vicars Sexant; Loders; born July 12 1871

1871; 03-Sep; Henry son of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders; born July 18 1871

1871; 03-Sep; Fred Willoughby son of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Innkeeper; Uploders; born May 29 1871

1871; 03-Sep; Frank George son of; Robert & Louisa; KNIGHT; Blacksmith; Uploders; born May 26 1871

1871; 03-Sep; Emily Ann daughter of; Elizabeth; WHITE; ; Loders;

1871; 03-Sep; Samuel Robert son of; William & Sophia; GALE; Labourer; Loders; born July 31 1871

1871; 01-Oct; William Henry son of; Thomas & Emily; WATTS; Labourer; Loders;

1871; 01-Oct; Stephen son of; George & Elizabeth; CRABB; Butcher; Loders;

1871; 15-Oct; William Henry son of; Frederick John & Esther; BRAKE; Painter; Dothery;

1871; 05-Nov; Frances Eliza daughter of; William & Emily; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Sept. 9 1871

1871; 05-Nov; James John son of; Robert & Sarah Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 15 1871

1871; 05-Nov; George William son of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Aug. 27 1871

1871; 05-Nov; Abna? George son of; John & Elizabeth; ENBRIGTH?; Flax Dresser; Pymore; born Aug. 9 1871

1871; 05-Nov; William Tom son of; George & Mary Ann; RENDALL; Blacksmith; Loders; born Aug. 31 1871

1871; 12-Nov; Rosilie Tucker daughter of; Henry & Sarah Bess; WALLBRIDGE; Labourer; Dothery; born Nov. 8 1868

1871; 12-Nov; Charles Samuel Tucker son of; Henry & Sarah Bess; WALLBRIDGE; Labourer; Dothery; born Oct. 16 1871

1871; 10-Dec; George Lewis son of; Edwin Benjamin & Emily Florence Sarah; BONFIELD; Engineer; North Allington; born Oct. 20 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Annie Louisa Osgant? daughter of; William Henry & Annie; NORTHOVER; Engineer; Uploders; born Oct. 30 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Hubert Frank son of; John & Mary Ann; BAGG; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 10 1871

1871; 24-Dec; William John son of; John & Sarah Ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 14 1871

1871; 24-Dec; George son of; Thomas & Harriet; WADDHOLM?; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 2 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Alfred son of; Henry & Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 11 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Charles Henry Munden son of; Robert & Amelia; PITCHER; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 14 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Joseph Henry Crabb son of; Job & Charlotte; HYDE; Labourer; Uploders; born Oct. 28 1871

1871; 24-Dec; Sarah Kate daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born Oct. 14 1871

1872; 07-Jan; Nonis? Adrey?; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Nov. 22 1871

1872; 25-Jan; John Robert son of; Ann; KNIGHT; ; Uploaders;

1872; 04-Feb; Louisa daughter of; Job & Amelia; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 23 1871

1872; 04-Feb; Anne E*adne daughter of; Joseph & Lavinia; BARNES; Confectioner; Uploders; Born Dec. 14 1871

1872; 04-Feb; Kate daughter of; Robert & Mary Ann; HYDE; Policeman; Uploders; born Dec. 28 1871

1872; 04-Feb; John son of; John & Emily; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 13 1871

1872; 04-Feb; George Lewis Henry son of; William & Harriet; LATHEY; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 8 1871

1872; 04-Feb; Frances Elizabeth daughter of; George & Emily; SYMES; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 29 1871

1872; 22-Feb; Gerald Evans son of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born Jan. 12 1872

1872; 28-Feb; George Thomas son of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Loders;

1872; 03-Mar; Robert Sidney son of; Thomas & Jane;  BROWN; Mason; Uploders; born Jan. 25 1872

1872; 03-Mar; Emily Louisa daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born Jan. 3 1872

1872; 03-Mar; Samuel son of; John & Ellen; CHARD; Labourer; Colby?; born Jan. 27 1872

1872; 10-Apr; William John son of; John & Sarah; MARGIRE; Sailor H.m. Shipworker?; Loders; born Mar. 20 1872

1872; 16-Apr; Bowen? Fred son of; Matthew & Charlotte; HANSFORD; Labourer; Dothery; born Mar. 31 1872

1872; 16-Apr; Andrew son of; Matthew & Charlotte; HANSFORD; Labourer; Dothery; born Mar. 31 1872

1872; 05-May; Ronna ?; Henry & Fanny; REANA?; Carpenter; Dothery; born Mar. 21 1872

1872; 05-May; Lucy Jane daughter of; David & Elizabeth; DUNN; Labourer; Loders; born Feb. 10 1872

1872; 02-Jun; Eliza Beatrice daughter of; George & Sarah; PONPHER?; Labourer; Dothery; born Jan. 7 1872

1872; 07-Jul; Hannah Elizabeth daughter of; John & Jane; PINN; Forman Pymore Factory; Pymore; born Mar. 31 1872

1872; 07-Jul; Rosa Ann daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; BOWRING; Carpenter; Loders; born April 29 1872

1872; 14-Jul; Bessie Rosa daughter of; George & Eliza; HANSFORD; Farmers Labourer; Uploders; born May 11 1872

1872; 28-Jul; George son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born April 21 1872

1872; 28-Jul; Louisa daughter of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer; Loders; born May 22 1872

1872; 04-Aug; Frederick Edwin son of; Thomas & Sarah; HARBY?; Pleacher Pymore Mill; Pymore; born June 12 1872

1872; 04-Aug; Sarah Ellen Emily daughter of; Albert & Mary; CRABB; Wheelwright; Uploders; born June 13 1872

1872; 04-Aug; Annie Laura daughter of; William & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Yeoman; Loders; born June 17 1872

1872; 01-Sep; Thomas Alfred son of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born July 18 1872

1872; 27-Oct; Minnie daughter of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Yeoman; Loders;

1872; 03-Nov; Constance Blanche daughter of; Frederick & Elizabeth F*****; SAMWAYS; Yeoman; Loders; born Aug. 31 1872

1872; 03-Nov; Richard Wayford son of; Stephen & Ellen; FRY; Innkeeper; Loders; born Oct. 1 1872

1872; 03-Nov; John son of; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; born Aug. 8 1872

1872; 03-Nov; Alice Eliza daughter of; Levi & Mary Ann; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Uploders; born Sep. 19 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Sam Edwin son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born Nov. 11 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Louis Samuel Bishop son of; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Dec. 6 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Fred George son of; George & Amelia; HYDE; Labourer; Uploders; born Nov. 13 1872

1873; 05-Jan; James George son of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 4 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Edwin son of; William & Sarah; CRABB; Mason; Uploders; born Nov. 7 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Mary Jane daughter of; Norris & Ellen; HONEYBORN; Labourer; Loders; born Sept. 17 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Frederick George son of; Esua & Emily; REED; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 5 1872

1873; 05-Jan; Edwin Job Thomas son of;  Elizabeth; BISHOP; ; Loders; Born Nov. 8 1872

1873; 02-Feb; Ellen daughter of; Robert & Mary Elizabeth; E?LEIGH; Labourer; Dothery; born Dec. 14 1872

1873; 02-Mar; Laura Lilian daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born Nov. 25 1872

1873; 02-Mar; George Henry son of; Henry & Jane; SEYMOUR; Labourer; Loders;

1873; 02-Mar; Elizabeth Jane daughter of; Jane; NORMAN; Dothery; Loders; born Nov. 20 1872

1873; 06-Apr; Eliza Jane daughter of; George & Anna Maria; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders; born Jan. 24 1873

1873; 06-Apr; Louisa Emily Sophia daughter of; William & Sophia; GALE; Farmers Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 18 1873

1873; 06-Apr; Luke Hubert George son of; Luke & Ellen; WHITE; Labourer; Uploders; born Feb. 6 1873

1873; 01-Jun; Walter John son of; John & Lavinia; HOSKINS; Foreman Pymore Factory; Pymore; born April 4 1873

1873; 01-Jun; Thomas son of; Edward & Emma Jane; GIBBS; Labourer; Loders; born Mar. 11 1873

1873; 11-Jun; William son of; George & Jane; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born May 2 1873

1873; 12-Jun; Eva Jane daughter of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish; Loders; born May 28 1873

1873; 22-Jun; Thomas John son of; Robert & Mary; HYDE; Policeman; Loders; born June 3 1873

1873; 06-Jul; William John son of; John & Bertha; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born April 13 1873

1873; 03-Aug; Emily Louisa daughter of; Henry & Ann; GREEN; Labourer; Loders; born June 8

1873; 24-Aug; Walter Edward son of; Thomas & Louisa; REYNOLDS; Butler At Loders Court; Loders; born Aug. 10 1873

1873; 07-Sep; Mabel daughter of; Charles & Amelia; HUGHES; Schoolmaster; Loders; born June 30 1873

1873; 05-Oct; Rosa Emma daughter of; Frederick & Jane; CRABB; Labourer;  Uploders; born Aug. 27 1873

1873;  05-Oct; Edith daughter of; George & Eliza; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Aug. 16 1873

1873;  05-Nov; Fred son of; William & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Farmer; Loders; born Oct. 7 1873

1873;  02-Nov; Arthur William son of; Robert & Sarah Ann; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Aug. 16 1873

1873;  02-Nov; Ernest son of; Francis George & Rosina?; BRAKE; Painter; Dothery;  born Sep. 25 1873

1873;  02-Nov; Walter George son of; William & Emily; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Uploders; born Aug. 12 1873

1873;  02-Nov; Lillie Louisa daughter of; Job & Charlotte; HYDE; Labourer; Uploders; born Sep. 12 1873

1873;  06-Dec; Francis son of; John & Sarah ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1873;  07-Dec; Emily Frances daughter of; James & Charlotte; BAGG; Labourer;  Loders; born Sept. 28 1873

1873;  07-Dec; John Alfred son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 14 1873

1873;  25-Dec; George Edgar Franklin son of; John Alexander & Emily; RICHARDS; Netter;  Loders; born Nov. 21 1873

1873;  25-Dec; Lillie Jane daughter of; Job & Amelia; CLARKE; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 22 1873

1873;  25-Dec; Mary Mabel daughter of; Richard & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Loders; born July 31 1873

1874;  04-Jan; Ellen daughter of; John & Mary; GUY; Shepperd; Uploders; born Nov. 12 1873

1874;  05-Jan; Tom son of; Edward Reddle & Louisa Augusta Mary; MOORMAN?; Butcher;  Netherbury;

1874;  01-Feb; Harry Richard son of; Albert & Elizabeth; KNIGHT; Labourer;  Uploders; born Nov. 17 1873

1874;  01-Feb; Bessie Rose daughter of; Harry & Mary; BROWN; Labourer;  Uploders; born Jan. 2 1874

1874;  01-Feb; John son of; Robert & Eliza; KNIGHT; Farmer; Uploders;

1874;  01-Mar; Harriet Mary daughter of; Frederick John & Esther; BRAKE; Painter;  Dottery; born Jan. 10 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Priscilla Elizabeth Kate daughter of; William Henry & Annie; NORMAN; Flax Dresser; Loders; born Feb. 7 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Florence Asenath daughter of; George & Emily; SYMES; Labourer;  Uploders; born Dec. 6 1873

1874;  05-Apr; Tom son of; George & Susan; BISHOP; Farmer; Uploders; born Mar. 3 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Esther Ellen daughter of; Job & Emily; HANSFORD; Farmer;  Uploders; born Jan. 12 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Eliza Ada daughter of; Job & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Uploders; born Feb. 26 1874

1874;  05-Apr; James William son of; John & Emily; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Mar. 1 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Sidney son of; George & Elizabeth; CURTIS; Shoemaker; Uploders; born Feb. 19 17874

1874;  05-Apr; Isabel daughter of; Richard Weygood & Emily Jane; MEICH?; Carpenter; Loders; born Feb. 25 1874

1874;  05-Apr; Richard Bridge son of; Richard & Olive Matilda; GILL; Labourer;  Uploders; born Mar. 23 1874

1874;  29-Apr; Job son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Apr. 28 1874

1874;  29-Apr; Mary daughter of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Apr. 28 1874

1874;  03-May; Frederick Housell Vernon son of; Charles Henry & Lillie Helena; WOLFRIES?; Coachman; Loders; born Feb. 19 1874

1874; ? May; Lillie Annie Rose daughter of; Albert & Mary; CRABB; ;  Loders; Born March 2 1874

1874;  22-May; Thomas Benjamin Hyde son of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Inn Keeper; Uploders; born Mar. 16 1874

1874;  07-Jun; Margaret Lilly daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; BOWRING; Carpenter;  Loders; born April 6 1874

1874;  07-Jun; John Robert son of; John Jacob & Ann Sarah; OSMOND; Baker; Uploders; born April 9 1874

1874;  05-Jul; Harriet Ann Isabella daughter of; Richard & Mary; HILE; Labourer;  Eaham Bridge Loders;

1874;  05-Jul; Emma Jane daughter of; George & Lydia; SMITH; Private Soldier; Pymore; born Mar. 9 1874

1874;  02-Aug; Margaret Jane daughter of; James William & Elizabeth Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born May 14 1874

1874;  02-Aug; Albert Edward son of; James & Jane; SYMES; Labourer;  Uploders; born June 23 1874

1874;  02-Aug; Edwin Lewis son of; Luke & Ellen; WHITE; Labourer; Uploders; born July 19 1874

1874;  02-Aug; Louisa Jane daughter of; Robert & illegible; PITCHER; Labourer;  Loders; born June 28 1874

1874; * September; **** William son of; John & illegible; HILE?; Labourer;  Loders; born July ? 1874

1874; * September; Annie daughter of; David & Elizabeth; DUNN; Labourer;  Loders; born Aug. ? 1874

1874; * September; Isaac son of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Aug. 31 1874

1874; illegible; Ada ? daughter of; Charles & Emma?; HIDE; Farmer; Loders; born Aug ? 1874

1874;  06-Dec; Fanny Isabel daughter of; William & Sophia; GALE; Farm Labourer; Loders; born Oct. 25 1874

1874;  25-Dec; Caroline Elizabeth daughter of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Labourer;  Uploders; born Oct. 10 1874

1874;  25-Dec; Charles Herbert son of; Sophia; CONWAY; Dottery; Loders; born Nov. 26 1874

1875;  03-Jan; Leah Isabel daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer;  Uploders;

1875;  03-Jan; Florence Kate daughter of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer;  Uploders;

1875;  20-Jan; Dan son of; John & Sarah Ann; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1875;  07-Feb; Bessie daughter of; Annie; RENDAL; Dothery;  Loders;

1875;  14-Feb; Harry Edward son of; Edward Rendell & Louisa Augusta Mary; MORRMAN; Butcher;  Mangeston?;

1875; 07-Mar; Rosa Jane daughter of; George & Ellen; CRABB; Innkeeper; Loders;

1875;  29-Mar; Alice Bishop daughter of; Ann; HANSFORD; ;  Uploaders;

1875;  04-Apr; Arthur son of; Henry & Elizabeth; HILE; Labourer; Uploders;

1875;  07-Apr; Mabel Mary daughter of; William Thomas & Jane; CURPHEY; Vicar Of The Parish;  Loders;

1875;  15-Apr; Robert son of; Alfred & Jane; TOLEMAN; Labourer; Dothery;

1875;  02-May; John Molyaeux? son of; George & Anna Maria; SAMWAYS; Butcher;  Loders;

1875;  04-Jul; Emily Anna daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Loders;

1875;  01-Aug; Frederick William son of; John & Matilda; HYDE; Gardener;  Loders;

1875;  01-Aug; William John son of; William & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Farmer;  Loders;

1875;  01-Aug; Elizabeth Frances daughter of; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Loders;

1875;  01-Aug; Hannah daughter of; George & Mary Hannah; GALE; Carter; Loders;

1875;  05-Sep; Edith Mary daughter of; George & illegible; MONDON; Gardener;  Loders;

1875;  05-Sep; George Cole son of; James? & Elizabeth; WAKELY; Labourer; Stoke;

1875;  05-Sep; Jesse Edgar son of; Henry & Mary; BROWN; Labourer; Loders;

1875;  05-Sep; Louisa Ann Elizabeth daughter of; William & Harriet; LATHEY; Labourer;  Loders;

1875;  05-Sep; Joseph William Perrott son of; Ann; WHITE; Single Woman; Loders;

1875;  03-Oct; William Gary son of; Charles Crabb & Charlotte; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Loders;

1875;  07-Nov; Ernest Levi son of; John Alexander & Emily; RICHARDS; Net Warden; Loders;

1875;  07-Nov; Frances Lilly daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Packer;  Loders;

1875;  05-Dec; Frances Emma daughter of; Robert & Eliza; KNIGHT; Farmer;  Loders;

1875;  05-Dec; Julie daughter of; John & Sarah Ann; BOWRING; Carpenter; Loders;

1875;  05-Dec; Mary daughter of; Henry & Ann; GREEN; Carter; Loders;

1875;  25-Dec; Job son of; Job & Amelia; CLARK; Labourer; Loders;

1876;  06-Feb; Fred son of; George & Esther; CRABB; Labourer; Loders;

1876;  05-Mar; Daw?; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer;  Uploders; 25 Dec.

1876;  05-Mar; John Robert son of; Job & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; Jan. 15

1876;  07-May; Bessie Agnes daughter of; Frederick & Jane; CRABB; Labourer;  Uploders; Mar. 17

1876;  07-May; William son of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; Jan-17

1876;  07-May; Nelly Emma daughter of; William Henry & Annie; NORMAN; Flax Thresher; Uploders; Jan-23

1876;  07-May; Mabel Laura daughter of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer;  Uploders; Mar. 28

1876;  25-Jun; Henry Lewis son of; John & Sarah; BROWN; Labourer; New St;

1876;  02-Jul; Ada daughter of; John Day & Ellen Day; CHARD; Labourer; Dottery;

1876;  25-Jul; Mary Eliza daughter of; Stephen & Emma; CALLAWAY; Labourer;  Dorchester Rd;

1876;  30-Jul; Marcia Annie daughter of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Farmer;  Loders;

1876;  30-Aug; Edwin son of; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker; Loders; Jan-30

1876;  22-Oct; Lilian Prudence Sophia daughter of; Edward & Sarah Anne; HODDER MUNFORD; Jeweller;  Tiverton; Aug. 9th

1876;  31-Dec; Thomas Lazarus son of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer;  Uploders;

1876;  31-Dec; George son of; Sarah; HALLETT; Single Woman; Uploders;

1977;  28-Jan; Alice Maria daughter of; Sophia; CORMICK; Single Woman; Dottery;

1877;  28-Jan; Lily Margaret daughter of; James & Charlotte; BAGG; Labourer;  Loders;

1877;  25-Feb; Herbert son of; George & Ellen; CRABB; Market Gardener; Uploders; born Jan. 2 1877

1877;  25-Feb; Rosa Lily daughter of; Richard & Martha; READ; Labourer;  Uploders; born Dec. 9 1876

1877;  25-Feb; Mina Louisa daughter of; Job & Emily; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Uploders; born Jan. 4 1877

1877;  25-Mar; Rose daughter of; Albert George & Sarah Ann; ELLERY; Packer On Railways; Loders; born Feb. 10 1877

1877;  25-Mar; Elsie Amy daughter of; George & Mina; MONDON; Gardener;  Loders; born Feb. 27 1877

1877;  18-Apr; John Benjamin Hyde son of; Willoughby & Emily; TRAVERS; Innkeeper;  Upper Loders; born April 2 1877

1877;  29-Apr; Annie Eliza daughter of; Robert & Martha; GALE; Labourer;  Loders; born Mar. 17 1877

1877;  29-Apr; George son of; George & Anna Maria; SAMWAYS; Butcher; Loders; born Jan. 14 1877

1877;  27-May; Sarah Susan White daughter of; Susan; BISHOP; Widow; Uploders;

1877;  03-Jun; Rosa Louisa daughter of; Charles Crabb & Charlotte; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Yandover; born May 6 1877

1877;  08-Jul; Walter Frederick son of; Frederick John & Esther; BRAKE; Painter;  Dottery; born June 10 1877

1877;  17-Jul; Tom son of; John & Elizabeth; TRAVERS; Labourer; Uploders; born Jun 15 1877

1877;  29-Jul; Robert son of; Robert & Sophia; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born June 7 1877

1877;  29-Jul; Herbert Charles son of; David & Susan; TRAVERS; Packer On Railway; Uploders; born June 4 1877

1877;  26-Aug; John Alfred son of; Charles & Leah; MARSH; Farmer; Uploders; born July 12 1877

1877;  26-Aug; David son of; David & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Uploders; born July 27

1877;  23-Sep; Emily Jane daughter of; James William & Charlotte Frances; BROWN; Carpenter; Loders; born Aug. 10 1877

1877;  03-Oct; Florence Isabel daughter of; Thomas & Elizabeth; GILL; Blacksmith;  Uploders; born June 11 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Emma daughter of; Charles & Elizabeth Ann; HINKS; Coachman; Loders;  born June 29 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Fanny Eliza daughter of; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Uploders; born Aug. 17 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Rosina daughter of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Uploders; born July 29 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Honor Kate Clark daughter of; Robert & Sarah Ann; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Aug. 22 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Frances Ellen Marsh daughter of; George & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Uploders; born Aug. 19 1877

1877;  07-Oct; Richard son of; Richard & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer; Loders; born Dec. 5 1875

1877;  07-Oct; Thomas son of; Alfred & Jane; TOLMAN; Labourer; Dottery; born Sept. 8 1877

1877;  08-Oct; Elizabeth Ellen Gale daughter of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Labourer;  Loders; born Sept. 28 1877

1877;  25-Nov; Ellen daughter of; George & Jane; HANSFORD; Labourer; Uploders; born Sep. 23 1877

1877;  25-Dec; Annie Louisa daughter of; John Jacob & Ann Sarah; OSMENT; Baker;  Uploders; born Oct. 13 1877

Records missing from the BT's

1879;  10-Jan; Ernest James son of; John & Mary Ann; LOVELESS; Comber;  Terracepymore; born Dec. 18 1878

1879;  26-Jan; Frederick John son of; Henry & Jane; PARKER; Carter;  Lower Loders Boursbarrow; born  Nov. 26 1878

1879;  16-Feb; Elizabeth Annie daughter of; William & Elizabeth; SYMONDS; Farmer;  Lower Loders Boarsbarrow; born Dec. 27 1878

1879;  01-Mar; Ellis Herbert son of; John Jacob & Ann Sarah; OSMENT; Baker;  Uploders; born Feb. 7 1879

1879;  02-Mar; Christopher son of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Ganger; Lower Loders; born June 27 1879

1879;  07-Mar; Beatrice daughter of; John & Ann; SLADE; Shoemaker;  Lower Loders; born Dec. 10 1878

1879;  12-Mar; Rosa Lily daughter of; William & Mary; TRAVRERS; Labourer;  Lower Loders; born Feb. 7 1879

1879;  22-Apr; George Henry son of; Emily; BRINSOM; Single Woman; Pymore; born April 9 1878

1879;  25-May; Samuel William son of; William & Sophia; GALE; Carter;  Lower Loders; born April 23 1879

1879;  25-May; Lucy daughter of; George & Ellen; CRABB; Dairyman; Uploders; born April 21 1879

1879;  25-May; Sidney son of; Job & Emily; HANSFORD; Carter; Uploders; born Mar. 11 1879

1879;  25-May; Thomas son of; Gaius? & Mary; SYMES; Labourer; Uploders; born Mar. 10 1879

1879;  25-May; Robert Charles son of; Charles & Elizabeth Ann; HINKS; Coachman; Low Loders; born April 10 1879

1879;  29-Jun; Edwin Charles Marsh son of; Richard & Martha; READ; Labourer;  Lower Loders; born Mar. 26 1879

1879;  29-Jun; Annie Elizabeth daughter of; George & Anna Maria; SAMWAYS; Butcher;  Lower Loders; born April 4 1879

1879;  05-Jul; Rosa Susanna daughter of; William & Frances; DAVEY; Miller;  Lower Loders; born Nov. 6 1878

1879;  11-Jul; Rosina daughter of; William & Elizabeth; CHEESEMAN; Carter; Dottery; born June 3 1879

1879;  20-Jul; George Walter son of; George & Marina; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Uploders; born June 2 1879

1879;  28-Sep; Norris William son of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Farmer;  Lower Loders; born July 25 1879

1879;  28-Sep; Rosa Lily daughter of; Laurence & Mary; WAY; Twinemaker;  Uploders; born July 13 1879

1879;  26-Oct; Frank son of; Susan; BISHOP; ;  Loders; Born Aug. 20 1879

1879;  26-Oct; William Thomas son of; William & Mary; CLARK; Carter;  Loders; born Aug. 19 1879

1879;  26-Oct; Arthur John son of; Job & Emilia; CLARK; Packer; Loders; born Sept. 20 1879

1879;  26-Oct; Alfred son of; George & Sarah Ann; ELLERY; Packer; Loders; born Aug. 13 1879

1879;  10-Nov; Eliza Annie daughter of; Albert & Emily Gertrude; GALE; Labourer;  Uploders; born Sept. 28 1879

1879;  17-Nov; Sarah Ann daughter of; William & Francis; DAVEY; Miller;  Loders; born April 11 1874

1879;  17-Nov; Mary Louisa daughter of; William & Frances; DAVEY; Miller;  Loders; born Oct. 13 1876

1879;  30-Nov; Frederick son of; Isaac & Mary Ann; CRABB; Labourer; Loders; born Sept.15 1879

1879;  30-Nov; Rosa Emily daughter of; Joseph & Emily Jane; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Sept. 14 1879

1879;  30-Nov; Albert Charles son of; Robert & Martha; GALE; Labourer;  Yondover; born Sept. 6 1879

1879;  01-Dec; Mina Lily daughter of; William & Elizabeth; CRABB; Labourer;  Uploders;

1879;  25-Dec; Henry Job son of; Thomas & Elizabeth; WHITE; Labourer; Loders; born Nov. 17 1879

1880;  25-Jan; Ann Eliza daughter of; Robert & Eliza; KNIGHT; Farmer;  Uploders; born Dec. 31 1879

1880;  25-Jan; William George son of; Alfred & Jane; TOLMAN; Labourer;  Loders; born Nov. 30 1879

1880;  25-Jan; Annie daughter of; James & Emily; NORMAN; Botter; ;  born Oct. 16 1879

1880;  04-Apr; Daniel Charles son of; John & Sarah Ann; BROWN; Labourer;  Loders; born Jan. 11 1880

1880;  06-Apr; George Edwin John son of; Solomon & Esther Jane; DENNETT; Policeman;  Yetminster; born Jan. 24 1880

1880;  17-Apr; Harry John son of; Henry George & Kate; FOOKS; Schoolmaster; Loders; born Feb. 21 1880

1880;  25-Apr; Anna daughter of; George & Jane; ELLERY; Fanger?; Loders; born Mar. 21

1880;  25-Apr; Charles son of; Charles & Clara Ann; REX; Gardener; Loders; born Mar. 8 1880

1880;  06-Jun; Caroline Elizabeth daughter of; James & Charlotte; READ; Labourer;  Loders; born April 11 1880

1880;  06-Jun; Arthur James son of; Charles & Elizabeth; HANSFORD; Shoemaker;  Yondover; born Mar. 31 1880

1880;  27-Jun; Frederick Harold son of; Frederick & Jane; CRABB; Labourer;  Loders; born Mar. 9 1880

1880;  01-Aug; Kate Eliza Marsh daughter of; George & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Loders; born May 18 1880

1880;  01-Aug; Annie Louisa daughter of; Daniel & Mary; SYMES; Labourer;  Loders; born May 21 1880

1880;  01-Aug; Thomas Richard son of; Richard & Mary Ann; HANSFORD; Labourer;  Loders; born May 23 1880

1880;  01-Aug; Herbert John son of; Charles & Charlotte; MARSH; Labourer;  Uploders; born July 7 1880

1880;  01-Aug; Francis Louisa daughter of; Absolom & Ellen; CRABB; Labourer;  Uploders; born May 31 1880

1880;  05-Sep; Elizabeth Ellen daughter of; Joseph & Ellen Jane; LAKE; Labourer;  Loders; born 1880

1880;  31-Oct; Emily Eliza daughter of; Charles & Elizabeth Ann; PARRIS; Blacksmith; Atrum Bridge; born Sept. 23 1880

1880;  07-Nov; Sidney John son of; John Alexander & Emily; RICHARDS; Foreman In Factory;  Loders; born Oct. 2 1880

1880;  28-Nov; Eva Blanche Elizabeth daughter of; Hawood & Mary; HANSFORD; Farmer;  Uploders; born Sept. 7 1880

1880;  22-Dec; Emily Alice daughter of; Charles Albert & Mary; GALE; Painter;  Loders; born Nov. 22 1880

1880;  25-Dec; Mabel Mary daughter of; Charles & Marcia; HINE; Farmer;  Loders; born Nov. 8 1880

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