
School Log Book 1902-1922

Extracts transcribed by Caryl Parsons



7 Jan - School reopens after the Christmas holidays.
12 Jan - The Mistress was absent this morning owing to a cold.
16 Jan - A new Blackboard and Easel have been added to the School furniture. I have, this week, rearranged the desks in the Schoolroom, in order that the most may be made of the space at command.
23 Jan - Lily MEAD’s name has been taken from the register as she has attained the age of fifteen, but she continues to attend school.
26 Jan - Report from Education Board:
The school is carefully and successfully taught. The Infant Class is efficient.
23 Feb - The children had a half holiday in the afternoon, as an entertainment was held in the School in the evening.
27 Feb - The average this week is only 39.6. The weather has been very wet and stormy, and many children are absent through illness. There are now 78 children on the books.
2 Mar - A wet and stormy day. Seven children came in the morning, and ten in the afternoon, from homes close to the school. The children were sent home again, after a short interval.
17 Mar - Today was very wet and stormy.
3 Apr - Miss HANCOCK, the Assistant teacher, has been absent all the week, suffering from sore throat. Adelaide GARTELL, monitress, is taking First Year Candidate’s examination tomorrow.
21 Apr - Adelaide GARTELL, Candidate, has been absent today and yesterday, through illness.
24 Apr - Six new children have been admitted this week, 5 boys to the Infant Class, and one boy to Standard I. One girl has been readmitted, having been absent from school all the winter. There are now 85 children on the Registers, three of them being under 5 years of age. Average attendance this week 74.9.
27 Apr - The Medical Officer of Health, for the district, has ordered the School to be closed for a fortnight, on account of Chicken-pox.
29 May - A very wet day, only six children present.
1 June - Adelaide GARTELL has not been successful in passing the examination of Candidates for the office of Pupil Teacher.
11 June - Bertram DRAKE has been transferred from the ‘Under 5’ Register.
12 June - My duties as Head-Mistress terminates this afternoon.
Signed: Mary HARE
10 Jul - I, John VEALE, commenced duties as Master of this school on Monday July 6th with Mrs VEALE Assistant Art: 50. B. COFFIN - Infant Teacher.
Found all the children working Arithmetic from Cards (1st Quarter). It is now the 6th week of the Third Quarter. The writing of the whole school also needs attention. The attendance is rather low owing to many of the children being kept away ‘hay-making’.
14 Jul - Inspected the School. Signed: J. BUTT, Sub-Insp:
A clock, Science Readers for Upper Standards, Pictures for the Infants’ Object Lessons are badly needed and the walls and ceilings require attention.
17 Jul - Attendance low on Wednesday owing to Foresters’ Fete at Bishop’s Caundle.
24 Jul - The attendance has much improved 84 children being present out of 85 on books.
7 Aug - Admitted Daisy HUNT. The annual school treat (kindly given by E.H. GADESDEN Esq: took place at Weymouth today.
14 Aug - The infants who did not go to Weymouth last Friday were invited to tea at Mrs GADESDEN’s. They left school at 3.30 on Tuesday. Holiday on Wednesday owing to Fete at King’s Stag.
21 Aug - Three children absent all the week through illness.
[August seems to have been a very wet month]
28 Aug - on Wednesday afternoon there was a record attendance - every child being present.
11 Sept - Admitted Frank and Walter MITCHELL. Mr CONWAY (Dis: Sur: - San: Inspector) with Mr TULK (School Attendance Officer) visited this morning and inspected the ‘Offices’, drains etc.
18 Sept - Grace TRIM absent this week through being unwell. 25 Sept - Closed school for a week for cleaning and other necessary repairs.
9 Oct - Owing to the wet 13 children have been absent all the week.
16 Oct - Another wet week.
30 Oct - Fourteen children have been absent all this week owing to the continued inclemency of the weather.
6 Nov - With the return of fine weather the attendance has greatly improved. There are, however, a few children who habitually absent themselves 3 or 4 times every week. From want of school material (which was ordered more than 2 months ago) the work of the school cannot be carried on as efficiently as it otherwise would be.
20 Nov - Received a parcel of school materials today from Messrs E.J. Arnold (Leeds). These goods were ordered on Sept 1st. Messrs Arnold have written to say that the delay has been caused by miscarriage on the part of the Railway Co: and that the remainder of the order will be sent in a few days.
27 Nov - Received the remainder of goods.
11 Dec - Very wet this week.
18 Dec - Miss COFFIN (Infant Teacher) absent this week - attending King’s Scholarship Examination. Her place has been filled by temporary monitors.
23 Dec - Miss COFFIN resumed her duties on Monday. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Wednesday and presented prizes to 40 children for regular attendance and good conduct.

15 Jan - Sent list of absentees to School Attendance Officer for Holwell, Lydlinch and Pulham. Received a Clock from County Council for the use of the School.
22 Jan - Margaret GATEHOUSE attended school for the first time this quarter. Several children absent owing to sickness.
29 Jan - The attendance this week has been much interfered with owing to the incessant rain on Wednesday and Thursday. Some of the roads were impassable.
5 Feb - The rain this week has again caused poor attendance.
12 Feb - Very poor attendance caused by the wet. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Monday afternoon and gave the children buns, bananas etc. She also brought a number of books for the School Library.
19 Feb - Half holiday given on Monday - the room being required for a Social Gathering in the evening.
26 Feb - Admitted Wallis and John WARR.
4 Mar - Twelve children absent all the week through ‘Bad Colds and Coughs’ owing to the continued wet weather.
11 Mar - The bright weather has dried up the roads considerably.
2 Mar - Report from Board of Education:
The work of late has been neglected, and there is a great falling off in the attainment of the children, which nowhere rises above fair. It is to be hoped that the present Teachers will improve matters. The infant classes must be regularly supervised by the Head Teacher. A clock is wanted. Considerable improvement will be looked for next year to ensure the continuance of the higher rate of principle grant.
25 Mar - Poor attendance today owing to the snowstorm this morning.
31 Mar - Easter Holidays
22 Apr - Admitted Albert E. and Francis H. TROWBRIDGE, Dorothy BURROWS and George ROGERS.
29 Apr - Admitted Arthur MITCHELL. Some of the elder children kept from school to work in the garden.
6 May - Admitted Hilda Mary RABBETTS and Charles WATTS.
13 May - Admitted Olive Mildred SLADE. The attendance this week has been good. 90 children were present on Tuesday morning.
3 June - Admitted Cecil MOGG on Tuesday. Mrs LONG and children visited this morning.
17 June - Elsie BARTLETT attended school after 4 weeks’ absence. Attendance falling off, probably owing to ‘hay-making’ having begun.
1 Jul - Fourteen children absent all the week - ‘hay making’.
5 Aug - Admitted Emma Martha WHITE on Wednesday. Mrs VEALE (Uncertified Teacher) having sprained her ankle very badly has been unable to attend school this week. Her place was filled by my daughter (Certified Teacher, St Mark’s, Brighton).
12 Aug - Mrs VEALE still absent.
19 Aug - Admitted Florence HOLE.
26 Aug - Mrs VEALE resumed her duties.
2 Sept - Winnie, Gertrude, Florence and Alfred CORNICK attended school for the first time since the Summer Holidays.
16 Sept - Heavy rain on Monday and Wednesday. Half holiday on Wednesday afternoon - to allow children to attend ‘Harvest Tea’ at the Chapel. Mary TRIM attended the school today for the first time this quarter. With a change in the weather the attendance has been good.
23 Sept - The attendance is much lower this week. The children are employed ‘picking up potatoes and apples’.
30 Sept - The attendance this week is good, though there are still a great many children who are habitually absent at least 2 or 3 times a week. Litle or no notice seems to be taken of ‘Lists of Absentees’ which are regularly sent to School Attendance Officer.
7 Oct - Admitted Claudine Freda TAYLOR.
14 Oct - Mr TULK called this afternoon and took list of absentees after cautioning 4 or 5 of the most irregular children.
21 Oct - The WHITE family (5 children) have left this week having moved to Bishop’s Caundle.
28 Oct - Eva MITCHELL attended school on Wednesday for the first time since Summer Holidays. Several boys very irregular this week - they are employed ‘gathering acorns’.
4 Nov - Minnie DOWNTON left.
11 Nov - Frank MITCHELL left for work. Poor attendance on Wednesday owing to the wet.
18 Nov - As suggested by Mr HANDS (S.I. [School Inspector]) Miss COFFIN spent the whole of today in the Abbey Infant School, Sherborne.
25 Nov - Daisy MITCHELL attended school after 5 weeks’ absence. Harold, Gertrude and Douglas GATEHOUSE left. In future they will attend Pulham School as they are now living in that village.
30 Nov - Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Tuesday afternoon and kindly brought 3 pairs of slippers for the use of children who come to school with wet feet.
2 Dec - Elsie BARTLETT attended school on Monday and Tuesday after 7 weeks’ absence through illness. Several other children are still absent from the same cause.
16 Dec - Miss COFFIN (Supplementary Teacher) absent this week attending King’s Scholarship Examination. Lady Emily DIGBY kindly sent 16 additional pairs of slippers for the use of the girls.
23 Dec - Received another parcel of 16 pairs of slippers (making a total of 35 pairs) from Lady Emily DIGBY. Lady Emily DIGBY visited yesterday and presented prizes to 16 children for regular attendance. This afternoon Rev W.E. LONG (on behalf of teachers and scholars) presented Miss COFFIN with an illuminated photo album on her leaving this school to undertake her duties of ‘Supplementary Teacher’ in Stalbridge School.


Copy of Inspector’s Report made after visit of November 11th 1904:
The older scholars shew a great improvement and much of the elementary work is very creditable to the teacher. The Infants’ Class is barely efficient, and a great improvement will be expected. It would be well if arrangements could be made for the infants’ teacher to pay a few visits of observation to some good infants’ school. The Head Master should prepare syllabuses of work for each term and should keep a record shewing the results of the terminal examinations. There are several cases of irregularity of attendance which call for attention from the authority.

13 Jan - Miss E.M. VEALE commenced her duties as Infant Teacher. [The Head Teacher is now working with his wife and daughter.] Admitted Elsie MITCHELL on Monday and Dora STOKES on Wednesday. Col: and Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Tuesday afternoon and presented each child with a present together with sweets, oranges etc.
27 Jan - Dorothy DRAKE attended school after 2 weeks absence. Holiday on Thursday, N: Dorset Election Polling Day.
10 Feb - Rev W.E. LONG visited this morning and presented Beatrice JAMES with a 1st class medal and Album with accompanying views (awarded by the Dorset County Council) for an unbroken attendance during the year 1904.
17 Feb - The work of the school is going on steadily though more desks are greatly needed in the principal room for the use of Standard I.
24 Feb - Re-admitted Grace TRIM. Free Tea at the Chapel on Wednesday.
3 Mar - ‘Measles’ having broken out in 3 families the attendance has fallen considerably.
6 Mar - Owing to an outbreak of ‘Measles’ the school was closed this afternoon by order of the Medical Officer of Health.
20 Apr - Reopened school on Monday after ‘Measles’ - only 51 children present. The weather has been wet and cold all the week and the children look far from well. It is proposed to open up the school during Easter Week.
5 May - Admitted Fanny and Lily COLLIS. Attendance still keeps low - several children have not attended since measles broke out.
19 May - Admitted John COLLIS. Very poor attendance this week - most of the children suffering from bad colds and coughs. It has been very difficult at times to continue lessons. Holiday on Wednesday afternoon to allow children to attend ‘Bazaar and Tea’ in connection with the Wesleyan Chapel.
26 May - Admitted Beatrice HOUSE. Walter MITCHELL attended after 11 weeks’ absence through illness. Half holiday on Wednesday - ‘Empire Day’.
2 June - Admitted George CORNICK. Arthur MITCHELL attended after 2 weeks absence through illness.
9 June - Archie MOGG attended after 14 weeks’ absence through illness.
16 June - Harry BARTER and Alan ENGLISH attended after 14 weeks’ absence through illness. Holiday on Friday - children attended ‘Pageant’ at Sherborne.
23 June - A few of the elder children are absent ‘hay-making’.
30 June - Attendance falling off this week - most of the absentees are assisting in the hay fields. Very wet today.
7 Jul - Admitted Reginald UPSHALL and Stanley HUDSON.
Summer Holidays
25 Aug - Holiday on Wednesday - a F�te being held at King’s Stag.
8 Sept - Elsie SLADE and George CORNICK attended for first time since ‘Summer Holidays’. Attendance still keeps low owing to the wet.
15 Sept - Winnie, Gertrude and George CORNICK attended for the first time since Summer Holidays.
22 Sept - Admitted Godfrey HUNT. Several children are absent picking up potatoes.
6 Oct - No improvement in the attendance this week. Children are now kept away from school ‘apple and potato picking’. The Attendance Bye Laws in this parish are disregarded by many of the parents and little or no notice seems to be taken by the Attendance Officer.
13 Oct - The attendance, though better this week, might be still further improved provided the Attendance Officer looked up all cases sent to him.
20 Oct - Sherborne Fair being held on Monday and Tuesday the School not opened until Wednesday when the attendance was again low owing to the ‘Harvest Tea’ at the Chapel.
27 Oct - Readmitted Elsie MITCHELL.
3 Nov - Removed 7 children’s names from the Register - 2 being over 14 years of age - the others having left the parish. Very wet the whole week.
10 Nov - Three children absent this week through illness. Fred HOUSE left having gone to live at Bishop’s Caundle.
17 Nov - Readmitted Reginald UPSHALL. Eva GRAY attended after 2 weeks’ absence through illness.
24 Nov - Closed school on Tuesday, Scarlet Fever having broken out in the parish.
30 Nov - School still closed.

12 Jan - reopened the school on Monday with very poor attendance. Very wet on Tuesday morning.
19 Jan - Very stormy this week. Miss VEALE (Infant Teacher) absent through illness.
26 Jan - The Infant Teacher resumed duties on Monday. Numbers still keep very low. Very wet on Thursday.
9 Feb - Admitted Clifton MOGG. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Tuesday morning and presented prizes to all the children who has attended more than 300 times during the past year.
16 Feb - Readmitted Florence CORNICK. Arthur MITCHELL attended school after 3 months absence through illness. Mrs VEALE absent today owing to illness.
23 Feb - Very wet this week. Mrs VEALE still absent. The Hon: Col: DIGBY called this afternoon and gave the children a large box of ‘bananas’.
2 Mar - Admitted Margaret MACHEM. Mrs VEALE still absent - her place has been filled by Miss BOWN (Supplementary Teacher) provided by County Council. The Hon: Col: DIGBY visited again and gave each child 4 oranges and some biscuits.
9 Mar - Miss BOWN left today.
16 Mar - Miss HALLETT (Certificated Teacher) provided by The County Council took charge of the Lower Division in place of Mrs VEALE who is still absent. Very wet again this week.
23 Mar - With the dry weather the attendance has improved though there are several late comers in the morning.
30 Mar - Admitted Wm: WATTS. Daisy TRIM attended after being absent since Nov: 21st 1905.
6 Apr - Godfrey HUNT attended for first time since 11th Oct 1905.Col: and Lady DIGBY visited on Wednesday afternoon and gave each child � lb canister of tea.
27 Apr - Admitted Jesse WADMAN, Kate and Bessie STOKES. Lily MOGG attended after 8 weeks’ absence through illness.
4 May - The attendance this week has greatly improved - only 1 child absent all week.
18 May - Admitted Primrose WADMAN, Willie RABBETTS and Reginald CABELL.
25 May - Daisy TRIM and Willie RABBETTS absent this week through illness.
1 June - Mrs VEALE’s engagement terminated on Thursday May 31st. Miss HALLETT leaves today.
15 June - Miss ROGERS (Certificated Teacher) entered on her duties as Assistant Teacher on Monday. Admitted Daisy STOKES.
Some absentees hay making.
10 Aug - Re-opened school on Monday, only 46 present. Admitted Wilfred and Gwendoline SARGEANT, Phyllis HOLE and Emily TRIM.
17 Aug - Attendance better this week. Mr DALWOOD (School Attendance Officer) Mr TULK, previous Attendance Officer, last mentioned by name on June 1st] visited today.
24 Aug Admitted Evelyn CORNICK. Attendance improving. Mr DALWOOD called today.
31 Aug - Alfred CORNICK attended on Tuesday for first time since school reopened after Summer Holidays. Holiday on Wednesday - King’s Stag F�te.
7 Sept - Dora STOKES attended on Monday for first time since Summer Holidays. Albert FOX absent this week through illness.
21 Sept - Several children absent this week ‘potato picking’.
28 Sept - Attendance lower this week - absentees ‘Apple and potato picking’.
12 Oct - The weather has been wet all the week and the numbers (especially in the Infants’ Class) have kept low. Wilfred JEANES attended after 4 weeks’ absence through illness.
19 Oct - ‘Sherborne Fair’ being held on Monday and Tuesday, the school was not opened until Wednesday, when the attendance was very poor owing to the wet.
26 Oct - Admitted Ada RIDOUT and Annie STIRLING. George ROGERS attended after 4 weeks’ attendance through illness. Mr J.J. DALWOOD visited this morning.
2 Nov - Lily MOGG absent this week through illness. 9 Nov - The attendance this week has been very poor owing to the continued rain.
16 Nov - Several cases of illness have been reported this week.
23 Nov - There is a great deal of sickness among the children and the numbers this week have consequently kept very low.
7 Dec - The attendance this week has been much better except on Monday when the numbers were 43 and 45. Most of the absentees attended Sturminster Xmas Market. Mr J.J. DALWOOD visited this morning.
14 Dec - Very poor attendance again this week especially on Monday and Thursday. The medals and certificates awarded to Beatrice and Florence HOLE by the Dorset County Council Education Committee for regular attendance were presented this morning by Rev W.E. LONG.
21 Dec - Broke up for the Christmas Holidays.

11 Jan - Resumed duties on Monday. Admitted Alice, Edith, Martha and Rose ALNER.
18 Jan - Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Tuesday and gave prizes to 16 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. School Attendance Officer called this morning.
25 Jan - Mrs LONG visited on Monday and gave each child an orange. Col: DIGBY called on Thursday and offered a large number of prize-packets to be given for punctual and regular attendance. The weather this week (since Monday) has been bitterly cold and the attendance has greatly suffered.
1 Feb - Seventeen children absent all the week - mostly through illness. Of the 66 who attended, 60 made the full number of times and received a prize packet.
8 Feb - Twelve children absent all the week. More cases of sickness.
15 Feb - Admitted Leonard VINCENT. Mr DALWOOD called this afternoon and made list of absentees.
22 Feb - Edith ALNER, Primrose WADMAN and Grace TRIM attended after 4 weeks’ absence. Attendance low on Thursday owing to the snow-storm.
15 Mar - The attendance of some of the elder boys has been most irregular - some of the bigger children (boys and girls) are now away ‘bean-dropping’ while others attend, or are kept home while their fathers attend Sturminster ‘fortnightly’ market.
22 Mar - Re-admitted Reginald CABELL. The attendance this week has been very poor - a case of ‘measles’ having been reported.
28 Mar - Nineteen children absent this week from various causes. Mrs LONG kindly sent large tin of biscuits to be given for regular attendance.
12 Apr - Admitted Herbert and Emily LOVELESS, Claude BESSANT and Jack VINCENT. Very wet today.
19 Apr - Re-admitted Reginald UPSHALL and Arthur GROVES.
26 Apr - Col: DIGBY kindly sent parcel of packets of note paper and envelopes to be given to the children for regular and punctual attendance. Admitted Cyril MITCHELL. Re-admitted Emily TRIM.
3 May - Mr DALWOOD called this morning and cautioned several irregular children.
10 May - Gallery removed and 4 new desks (supplied by the County Council) used in Class Room.
17 May - Alec CADIE attended school after 9 weeks’ absence through illness.
24 May - Rev W.E. LONG addressed the children this morning on ‘Empire Day’ after which lessons were taken according to the Time Table. [First celebration of Empire Day at Holwell School.]
31 May - Re-admitted Arthur MITCHELL.
7 June - Edith ALNER attended after 4 weeks’ absence through illness. Holiday on Wednesday - Holwell F�te.
14 June - Emily LOVELESS and Florence HOLE absent through illness.
21 June - Admitted Fred VINCENT. Holiday on Tuesday - children attended ‘Missionary Exhibition’ at Sherborne. Received Telegram from Dr WILLIAMS (Medical Officer for Health) forbidding the JEANES family to attend school.
28 June - Admitted Mary BAKER. Broke up school for the Summer Holidays.
9 Aug - Resumed duties on Monday. Admitted 9 children. Attendance very low this week.
16 Aug - Holiday today as some of the girls are giving an entertainment at ‘Holwell Manor’.
23 Aug - Albert FOX attended for the first time since the ‘Summer Holidays’. John BAKER absent through illness.
30 Aug - Admitted Winifred and Pearl ELFORD. Irene COOMBES attended for the first time since the ‘Summer Holidays’. Holiday on Wednesday - King’s Stag F�te.
6 Sept - Admitted Frank COOPER and Winnie STIRLING. Alfred and Gertruce CORNICK attended for the first time since the ‘Summer holidays’.
13 Sept - George ROGERS returned to school after his accident 3 weeks ago. Mary and John BAKER and Frank COOPER absent through illness.
20 Sept - John BAKER attended after 5 weeks’ absence through illness.
27 Sept - Admitted Annie VAUX. Mary BAKER and Godfrey HUNT absent this week through illness.
11 Oct - Admitted Victor EVANS.
18 Oct - ‘Sherborne Fair’ being held this week the school was not opened till Wednesday when the numbers present were 37 and 34. Registers not marked Owing to the wet on Thursday and Friday the numbers have kept very low.
25 Oct - Mary TRIM attended for the first time since Summer Holidays. Owing to Sturminster Fair being held on Monday, and the wet today the attendance has kept low.1 Nov - Admitted Wm: and Eva ?WENMOUTH. Jack MULLETT attende after 8 weeks’ absence through illness.
8 Nov - Col: DIGBY kindly sent parcel of packets of note-paper and envelopes to be given to the children for regular and punctual attendance.
15 Nov - Some of the bigger children are employed ‘picking up acorns’.
22 Nov - Lady Emily DIGBY kindly sent parcel of note paper and envelopes to be given to the children for regular and punctual attendance.
29 Nov - Lady Emily and Miss DIGBY visited on Monday and gave the children a large box of pears.
20 Dec - Col:, Lady Emily, and Miss DIGBY visited on Wednesday afternoon and kindly gave each child a present, also a bottle of sweets and some biscuits. The medals and certificates awarded to Edith DRAKE, Charles YOUNG, Elsie FOX and Daisy MITCHELL by The Dorset County Council Education Committee for regular attendance were presented this morning by Rev W.E. LONG. Broke up school for the Christmas holidays.

10 Jan - Resumed duties on Monday with very poor attendance owing to the severe weather. Re-admitted Herbert and Emily LOVELESS.
17 Jan - Admitted Harry and Cissy BANBURY. Cecil MOGG attended after 10 weeks’ absence through illness. Mild weather.
24 Jan - Removed 11 names from the Register - children who have left school.
31 Jan - Master absent on Tuesday and Wednesday attending son’s wedding. School in charge of Miss ROGERS.
7 Feb - Mr W. HARDING from County Council Office visited this afternoon.
21 Feb - Re-admitted John BAKER. Miss VEALE (Infant Teacher) absent this week through illness. On Tuesday afternoon (after an address by the Rev W.E. LONG) Lady Emily DIGBY gave prizes to 18 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. There are still several cases of illness.
28 Feb - Miss VEALE resumed her duties on Monday. Attendance poor again owing to sickness amongst the children.
6 Mar - Very wintry weather this week. Today some of the roads are impassable - the floods being out - several families are unable to get here.
13 Mar - Rev J.C. FITZGERALD (Missioner) visited daily during the week. Attendance still low - most of the absentees are suffering from ‘Influenza and bad colds’.
20 Mar - Admitted Ethel MITCHELL.Rev J.C. FITZGERALD visited as last week.
27 Mar - Re-admitted Fred VINCENT. Removed 2 names from the Register. Miss ROGERS (Assistant Teacher) absent on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning owing to her father’s illness.
3 Apr - Horace LEACH attended school after 4 Weeks’ absence, Annie STIRLING after 3 weeks’ absence, Winnie STIRLING after 6 weeks’ illness. 14 Children absent all week.
10 Apr - Removed 3 names from the Register.
1 May - Admitted George YOUNG. Owing to the wet the numbers on Tuesday were 32 - 34 and on Thursday 32 -33.
8 May - Removed 3 names from the Register. Admitted Fred MITCHELL, Arthur ENGLISH and Violet ELFORD. Registers not marked on Tuesday owing to the wet. Mr BUTT H.M. Inspector visited on Wednesday. Received ‘Harmonium’ for school use from County Education Committee.
15 May - No: on books 79.
22 May - Rev W.E. LONG visited this morning and gave an address on ‘Empire Day’. Closed school for the day.
5 June - Holiday on Wednesday - ‘Holwell F�te’ being held that day.
19 June - The Diocesan Inspection was held this morning by Rev J. RIDLEY (Pulham).
26 June - Attendance falling off ‘haymaking’ having begun.
1 Jul - Mr DIBBEN (H.M.I.) and Mr FISHER visited on Tuesday morning. Broke up school for the ‘Summer Holidays’.
14 Aug - Resumed duties on Monday - only 59 children present. Holiday on Wednesday - King’s Stag F�te’
4 Sept - The weather this week has been very wet especially on Tuesday when the numbers were 38 - 40. Received a map of Dorset from Dorset County Council Education Department. Lady Emily DIGBY sent a basket of presents for children who were unable to attend School Treat.
11 Sept - Admitted Lizzie SMITH and Amelia COLES. Herbert and Emily LOVELESS attended school after 20 weeks’ absence.
18 Sept - Winnie, Pearlr and Violet ELFORD attended after 3 weeks’ absence.
9 Oct - Francis TROWBRIDGE attended after 3 weeks’ absence. Removed George YOUNG’s name from the Register, he having left the neighbourhood.
16 Oct - ‘Sherborne Fair’ being held this week school was not opened until Wednesday.
23 Oct - Readmitted Edward MITCHELL. No: on books 78.
30 Oct - John WARR attended after 3 weeks’ absence caused by an accident to his hand.
6 Nov - Removed 4 names from the Register. Evelyn CORNICK attended after 7 weeks absence. Commenced with fires in both rooms on Monday.
13 Nov - Attendance not so good today owing to the stormy weather.
27 Nov - Miss DIGBY visited on Monday and brought some packets of note paper and envelopes to be given to the children for regular and punctual attendance. 12 children absent all the week with ‘Colds and Coughs’. Several of the bigger boys have been absent ‘rabbiting’.
23 Dec - Broke up for the Xmas Holidays.

15 Jan - Admitted Nina DRAKE. Resumed duties on Monday with very poor attendance. 19 children absent all the week with ‘colds and coughs’.
22 Jan - Lady Emily DIGBY sent some packets of note paper and Envelopes to be given to the children for regular and punctual attendance.
19 Mar - Reopened school on Monday after being closed 6 weeks. Children suffering from Whooping Cough and Mumps. Attendance very low this week.
26 Mar - Attendance very low this week. Dr MANNING (one of the Medical Officers appointed by the Dorset County Council) visited on Wednesday and medically examined 3 children.
8 Apr - re-admitted Ellen LOVELESS.
23 Apr - Admitted Dorothy ?STILING and Annie HOLE. On Tuesday afternoon (after an address by the Rev W.E. LONG) Lady Emily DIGBY gave prizes to 17 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. At the same time The County Council Medals and Certificates were given to 4 children who had made 97 per cent of the total number of attendances from July 31st 1907 to July 31st 1908.
30 Apr - Bessie MULLETT attended after 17 weeks’ absence through illness.
7 May - Removed 6 names from register. Attendance still keeps low.
21 May - Admitted Iris MULLETT, Arthur WATTS and Edith TOPE.
28 May - Rev W.E. LONG visited the school on Monday afternoon and addressed the children on ‘Empire Day’. Holiday on Tuesday - Holwell F�te being held that day.
11 June - Admitted Mabel STOKES. Maggie MACHEM attended after 3 weeks’ absence.
13 Aug - Admitted Leonard James ?SARA.
27 Aug - Attendance still keeps low. Haymaking and Harvesting not yet finished owing to the wet season.
3 Sept - Charles YOUNG and Fred MITCHELL attended for the first time since the ‘Summer Holidays’. Holiday on Wednesday - ‘King’s Stag F�te
24 Sept - Dr MANNING visited on Tuesday and medically examined 9 children.
8 Oct - George and Evelyn CORNICK attended for the first time since the ‘Summer Holidays’.
15 Oct - ‘Sherborne Fair’ being held this week the school was not opened till Wednesday.
22 Oct - Admitted Linda Mary ELLIS. Lady Emily DIGBY kindly sent 3 baskets of pears for distribution among the children.
12 Nov - Admitted john COLLIS. Holiday on Tuesday - Consecration of New Churchyard.
19 Nov - Attendance better this week. 45 children received a packet of note-paper (kindly sent by Col: DIGBY) for making perfect attendance during the week.
3 Dec - Very stormy all this week.
10 Dec - Lady Emily and Miss DIGBY visited on Tuesday afternoon and stayed half an hour.
17 Dec - The weather this week has been very cold and wet and the attendance has suffered in consequence.
23 Dec - Owing to the wet the numbers on Wednesday were 34 and 31. This morning only 24 were present. Broke up school for the Xmas holidays.

14 Jan - Resumed duties on Monday. Lady Emily DIGBY visited this afternoon, and after an address by the Rev W.E. LONG, gave prizes to 17 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. At the same time The County Council Medals and Certificates were presented to 6 children who had made 97 per cent of the total number of attendances from 31st July 1908 to 31st July 1909.
28 Jan - Admitted Ivy MULLETT. Registers not marked today as some of the roads are impassable owing to the floods.
11 Feb - Readmitted Cecil MOGG.
18 Feb - Very stormy all the week. Some of the roads were impassable.
25 Feb - Admitted James BAKER. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Wednesday afternoon and stayed over an hour. Very stormy this week.
11 Mar - Admitted Freda SALVIDGE. Col: DIGBY visited on Monday and gave each child 4 oranges and some Ginger Biscuits.
24 Mar - Each of 37 children received a packet of Staionery for regular attendance this week.
8 Apr - Admitted Joseph WADMAN, Trevor GAWLER and John JAY.
15 Apr - Dr MANNING (one of the Medical Officers appointed by the County Council) visited this morning and medically examined 8 children. [From ‘Holwell Village School 1778-1987’ by Annette Sandison: ‘In 1907 the government appointed School Medical Officers who were to examine pupils regularly. This scheme was not popular with either parents or children.’]
29 Apr - Charles WATTS attended after 13 weeks’ absence through illness, and Bert TRIM after 4 weeks absence.
6 May - Admitted Allan HOLE and Allan ROSS.
13 May - Holiday on Tuesday - Teachers attended Choral Festival at Weymouth. Attendance very poor today owing to the wet.
27 May - On Tuesday (Empire Day) suitable lessons were given and ‘Patriotic Songs’ were sung.
3 June - Admitted Albert William COFFIN. Holiday on Wednesday - Holwell F�te.
10 June - Admitted Edith ROBERTS. Registers not marked on Tuesday morning owing to the thunderstorm. No: present 25.
17 June - Admitted Dorothy HANSFORD and Madge MULLETT.
24 June - Three boys absent ‘haymaking’.
1 Jul - Attendance falling off - haymaking having begun.
6 Jul - Summer Holidays.
12 Aug - Re-admitted Alec ROBERTS. Holiday on Wednesday - King’s Stag F�te.
26 Aug - Daisy HUNT, Godfrey HUNT and Emily LOVELESS attended for the first time since the holidays. On Tuesday afternoon Mr IRVINE H.M. Inspector visited.
2 Sept - Admitted John ANTELL. Linda ELLIS attended for the first time since the holidays.
9 Sept - Attendance improving. Bert TRIM, Reginald CABELL and Evelyn CORNICK attended school for the first time since the ‘Summer Holidays’.
16 Sept - George CORNICK attended for the first time since the Summer Holidays. Holiday on Tuesday afternoon to see the soldiers (12 Regiments) march through the village. On Wednesday morning Mr BUTT (H.M. Sub-Inspector) and Miss MORRIS (Inspectress of Needlework) visited from 11 a.m. to 12 noon.
23 Sept - Dr MANNING visited on Wednesday morning and medically examined 3 children. Diphtheria having broken out in the parish the attendance today is only 27 both morning and afternoon.
30 Sep - Attendance very low. Two-thirds of the children absent from same cause as last week.
14 Oct - Readmitted Annie VAUX. Reopened school on Monday after being closed a week with the sanction of the Medical Officer (Dr ROBINSON).
21 Oct - Holiday on Monday and Tuesday - ‘Sherborne Fair’.
18 Nov - Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday 4 girls attended Cookery Class at Bishop’s Caundle.
25 Nov - Girls attended Cookery Class
2 Dec - Girls attended Cookery Class on Wednesday.
9 Dec - Some of the roads are impassable.
16 Dec - 3 girls attended Cookery Class at Bishop’s Caundle on Wednesday.
22 Dec - Admitted Dorothy GATEHOUSE. Lady Emily DIGBY visited this afternoon, and after a short address by the Rev W.E. LONG, gave prizes to 16 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. At the same time The County Council Medals and Certificates were presented to 8 children who had made 97 per cent of the total number of attendances from July 31st 1909 to July 31st 1910. Christmas Holidays.

13 Jan - Three girls attended Cookery Class at Bishop’s Caundle on Wednesday. One case of ‘Measles’ reported this week. Holiday in the afternoon - room required for Sunday School Tea.
20 Jan - Two more cases of measles reported this week. Holiday today - School Treat at Holwell Manor.
27 Jan - Admitted Bertram and Harold WILKINSON. Mary BAKER attended school after 7 weeks’ absence. Four girls attended Cookery Class. Attendance low owing to ‘measles’.
3 Feb - Three children still absent with ‘measles’. Four girls attended Cookery Class.
10 Feb - Admitted Lily, Violet and Hilda DURRANT. Daisy and Godfrey HUNT attended after 3 weeks’ absence through illness. Four girls attended Cookery Class.
17 Feb - Admitted Tom BAKER. Reginald CABELL, Arthur ENGLISH and Edith TOPE attended after 4 weeks’ absence with ‘measles’.
3 Mar - Col: and Lady Emily DIGBY visited the school on Wednesday and gave each child some oranges, bananas and biscuits.
17 Mar - Eleven children absent all the week with bad ‘Coughs and Colds’.
31 Mar - holiday on Thursday - 30 children entered for the Choral Competition at Sherborne Class IX.
Result: Holwell School 130 marks; Chetnole School 121 marks; Purse Caundle School 117 marks.
7 Apr - Grace TRIM attended school after 10 weeks’ absence through illness. Owing to the cold winds and snow several children have been absent since Tuesday.
13 Apr - Admitted Amy CORNICK.
Cookery Class Report:
The Bishop’s Caundle Cookery Class made 70.308% marks in their Examination.
Holwell School
Freda SALVIDGE 17/20 85%
Mary BAKER 15/20 75%
Hilda RABBETTS 15/20 80%
Emily LOVELESS 17/20 85%
Average - 81.25%
28 Apr - Re-admitted Alec ROBERTS.
12 May - Re-admitted Madge MULLETT. Admitted Cecily ELLIS. Col: DIGBY visited on Monday. Holiday on Tuesday - Teachers took part in the Dorset Choral Competition at Weymouth.
19 May - Admitted Mabel MITCHELL.
26 May - Admitted Reginald HOLE. Dr MANNING visited this morning and medically examined 6 children - 5 children refused to be examined.
2 June - Admitted Gladys MULLETT. Holiday on Wednesday - ‘Holwell F�te’
9 June - Holiday on Monday - ‘Whit Monday’ The weather this week has been very warm and it has been very difficult to keep up the children’s attention for any length of time.
16 June - There has been a slight falling off in attendance this week. Haymaking has begun.
30 June - On Coronation Day Two Shelters (kindly given by Colonel DIGBY) were opened.
4 Jul - Summer Holidays
11 Aug - Resumed duties on Tuesday. Attendance fairly good. A few children absent ‘holiday keeping’.
18 Aug - Absentees at work in the ‘Harvest Field’.
25 Aug - Fred and Jack VINCENT attended for the first time since the holidays.
1 Sept - Admitted Minnie MOGG.
8 Sept - Admitted Dorothy LINTERN. Mrs GADESDEN of Holwell Manor kindly presented a piano for school use.
15 Sept - Admitted Florence DURRANT.
22 Sept - School piano tuned on Tuesday by Tuner from Messrs GODFREY and Sons, Yeovil. Received a Temporary Attendance Register, also a Partial Exemption Register from Dorset County Council Education Committee and forwarded School Registers to Dorchester as requested.
29 Sept - George CORNICK attended after 6 weeks absence. Received attendance Registers from Dorchester on Thursday. Freda SALVIDGE, Primrose and Joseph WADMAN left owing to removal.
20 Oct - holiday on Monday and Tuesday - ‘Sherborne Fair’.
27 Oct - Attendance very bad on Monday - absentees ‘acorn’ picking.
3 Nov - Attendance bad on Monday - ‘Sturminster Fair’. Lady Emily DIGBY visited and sent ‘Desk with Seat’ for school use.
10 Nov - Attendance lower today owing to the wet.
17 Nov - George CORNICK attended school after 5 weeks’ absence.
24 Nov - Took 5 names off the Register - the children having left the parish.
1 Dec - Admitted Wm: Chas: MITCHELL.
15 Dec - Very wet this week - only fair attendance.
20 Dec - Lady Emily DIGBY visited this afternoon and gave prizes to 16 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. At the same time The County Council Prizes, Medals and Certificates were presented - 2 first class and 4 second class.

12 Jan - Resumed duties on Monday. Miss ROGERS absent since Tuesday owing to the serious illness of her father.
19 Jan - Miss ROGERS resumed her duties. School piano tuned on Monday. Owing to the deep snow on Thursday only 20 children were present. Registers not marked.
26 Jan - The weather this week has been very wet and cold.
2 Feb - removed 3 names from the Register.
9 Feb - The attendance still keeps low owing to the stormy weather.
16 Feb - There are several cases of sickness this week.
23 Feb - George CORNICK attended after 10 weeks’ absence. Bert and Harold WILKINSON left.
1 Mar - Admitted Thomas HARRIS. Very wet today only 44 attended.
8 Mar - Admitted May GAWLER on Monday and Winnie HARRIS on Tuesday. Very wet this week.
15 Mar - The weather still keeps stormy.
29 Mar - Admitted Edna and Robert GOODFELLOW, Maurice and Elsie PITMAN.
4 Apr - holiday on Monday - 36 children entered for the Choral Competition at Sherborne Class IX. Result: Holwell first with 50 marks out of 80, Admitted Edward and Arthur SHERRY.
19 Apr - Admitted Wm: CORNICK, Albert LANE and Wm: PITMAN.
26 Apr - Admitted Millicent Ivy LANE.

Inspected on 27th March 1912 - Report by H.M.I. Mr C.B. HUNT:
Premises - The attention of the Managers is directed to the fact that the Cloakroom accommodation, provided by the present very small lobby is inadequate for the needs of the school.
The playgrounds are very muddy, in parts, and should be gravelled.
Two capital shelters have been erected, one in each playground, and these are a great boon to the many children who are unable to get home for their mid-day meal. The brick path to the girls’ offices is also a great improvement.

3 May - Admitted Doris DAVIS and Hilda FOX. Dr MANNING visited this morning and medically examined 9 children. 7 others were not examined owing to parents’ objections.
10 May - Admitted Thomas and Mildred STILING and Donald HODGES.
17 May - Admitted Alfred George Victor ELLIS.
Attendance lower today - the members of the C.E.?S/T. S having gone to Weymouth.
24 May - George CORNICK attended after 4 weeks’ absence. Holiday on Wednesday - Holwell Slate Club F�te.
31 May - Admitted Ruby JAY. Dr ROBINSON visited on Tuesday and inspected the Cloakroom, and suggested a new one for the Girls and Infants.
14 June - Admitted Violet Blanche MITCHELL.
21 June - Attendance beginning to fall off - ‘haymaking’ having begun.
5 Jul - Summer holidays
16 Aug - Resumed duties.
23 Aug - Admitted Florence WATTS. Attendance fairly good despite the stormy weather.
30 Aug - Some of the absentees kept home owing to the rain.
6 Sept - Admitted Dorcas ZIMMERMAN. Evelyn, Amy and Willie CORNICK attended for the first time since school broke up for the Summer Holidays.
13 Sept - With the return of fine weather some of the older children are absent haymaking or potato digging.
20 Sept - Admitted Edward STEWKESBURY.
4 Oct - Admitted Robert STEWSBURY.
11 Oct - Evelyn, Amy and Willie CORNICK attended after 4 weeks’ absence.
18 Oct - Holidays on Monday and Tuesday - ‘Sherborne Fair’.
25 Oct - Attendance lower this week owing to the cold storms.
1 Nov - Admitted Edward COFFIN and Stella FOX.
8 Nov - George CORNICK attended for the first time since June 14th. Evelyn, Amy and Willie CORNICK attended after 3 weeks’ absence. Mr DALWOOD called this morning and cautioned several irregular children.
15 Nov - School piano tuned on Wednesday.
29 Nov - Admitted Ella MACEY.
6 Dec - John BAKER attended after nearly 5 weeks’ absence through illness. There are several cases of whooping cough this week. The teachers and scholars presented Miss Margery DIGBY with a silver paper knife on the occasion of her marriage. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Thursday afternoon and announced that each child would receive a box of wedding cake, which duly arrived on Friday and was distributed to the children according to her ladyship’s wishes. Hearty cheers were then given for the bride and bridegroom.
13 Dec - Admitted John HASTINGS. Several more cases of illness this week.
20 Dec - Lady Emily DIGBY visited this afternoon and gave prizes to 16 children who had made the highest number of attendances during the past year. At the same time The County Council Prizes - Books, Medals and Certificates were presented - 4 first class and 4 second class. More cases of whooping cough reported this week. Christmas Holidays.

10 Jan - resumed duties on Monday. Admitted Lucy May HARWOOD. Attendance very poor this week - most of the absentees have ‘whooping cough’.
17 Jan - Three families are still absent with ‘whooping cough’.
24 Jan - Attendance very poor this week owing to the wet. There are still cases of ‘whooping cough’. Col: and Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Monday afternoon and kindly gave each child a useful present together with sweets, biscuits and oranges.
31 Jan - A very wet week. John JAY attended after 9 weeks’ absence. Bertie and Edward COFFIN attended after 6 weeks’ absence.
7 Feb - Poor attendance on Monday - Sturminster Market. Dorothy STILING attended after 13 weeks’ absence. Ruby JAY attended after 9 weeks’ absence through illness.
14 Feb - Admitted Gertrude, Fred and Ivy MILLER. Charles WATTS was examined in Standard V and passed for a Certificate of Proficiency.
21 Feb - George, Amy and Willie CORNICK attended after 8 weeks’ absence.

Report by H.M.I.:
The premises have been improved by the addition of a girls’ cloakroom. The boys’ playground has been gravelled and, part at least, of the girls’ playground should now be made serviceable for Physical Training and Recreation. The efficiency of the school, as a whole, is creditable.
Older Scholars:
The Instruction in the English Subjects is very fairly effective, Reading, Recitation, Spelling and Written Competition being satisfactory. With respect to the written exercises, all the children’s work should appear in their books, or the loose papers, which are used at present, should be presented for inspection. Practice should be given in Class I to the reproduction of a connected oral summery of the silent Reading Lesson, which will otherwise be found to be largely unproductive.
Writing is well taught and the exercise books are generally very neat.
Arithmetic is fairly accurate, but the progress of the brighter children of Class 1 is retarded that they may all work together. More successful results will be obtained if they be allowed to proceed at their own pace. The explanatory statements of the solutions, which are quite common and good in Class 2, are wholly lacking in Class 1.
The musical exercises are sung correctly - and great pains have been taken with the training of the children’s voices. The songs are rendered tunefully, sweetly and expressively.
Needlework is practically taught and the syllabus covers much ground.
The lessons in History are interesting, but they are confined too much to the Reading Book.
Infants’ Division:
These Classes are taught with energy and kindness and are making fair progress, considering the distances the children have to walk, and the consequent irregularity during the winter season.

28 Feb - Admitted Jethro ?FRIBANCE. John ANTELL attended after 9 weeks’ absence through illness.
20 Mar - Re-admitted Ivy LANE.
4 Apr - Admitted Gwendoline HOLE. Doris DAVIS attended after 5 months’ absence through illness.
25 Apr - Admitted Victor ELLIS. Dr HARRISON having reported Ruby JAY to be suffering from ‘Diphtheria’. I have this afternoon sent home her brother John JAY, until I receive a medical certificate certifying that the child is free from infection.
28 Apr - Diphtheria and Measles having broken out in the parish the school was closed by permission of Dr ROBINSON.
23 May - Reopened school on Monday with poor attendance. Another case of measles reported. Empire Day observed on Friday May 23rd as suggested by the Education Committee.
6 June - School closed on Tuesday by permission of Dr ROBINSON. Two more cases of Diphtheria reported.
4 Jul - Summer Holidays
8 Aug - Re-opened school on Tuesday. Admitted Frederick Walter ANTELL. Attendance very low.
15 Aug - Two of the first class boys still absent - at work.
22 Aug - Maurice PITMAN attended. Attendance falling off - several cases of sore throat reported today.
29 Aug - Attendance fell off at the end of the week as several F�tes were being held in the neighbourhood.
12 Sept - Dr MANNING visited this morning and medically examined 16 children. 2 others were not examined owing to parents’ objection.
19 Sept - Admitted Linda COFFIN.
10 Oct - Bessie MULLETT attended after 6 weeks’ absence. The weather this week has been stormy.
17 Oct - Holiday on Monday and Tuesday - ‘Sherborne Fair’.
7 Nov - Miss VEALE (Infant Teacher) absent this week through illness.
14 Nov - Admitted Charles TAYLOR.
28 Nov - Attendance still keeps low - several cases of ‘Chicken Pox’ reported this week.
5 Dec - More cases of Chicken Pox reported.
15 Dec - Having reached the age limit under the Superannuation Act, my duties as Head Teacher terminate this afternoon.
Signed: John VEALE
19 Dec - I, Sarah Elizabeth ROGERS, commenced duties as Mistress of this school on Tuesday Dec. 16th with Miss CABELL, Assistant Art: 68 and Miss V. VEALE teaching the Infants. Miss M. VEALE, Assistant Art: 68 absent through illness. Admitted Cyril CABELL Dec 16th. The Revd W.E. LONG visited on Tuesday and Friday. Mr VEALE visited the school and kindly distributed oranges and mincepies to the scholars. Sent list of absentees to Mr DALWOOD. Closed for Xmas Holidays. Average 53.3.
[Miss ROGERS has VERY neat handwriting, making transcribing an easier task. She had been the Assistant Teacher since June 1906, and before that had been ‘apprenticed’ as a pupil teacher at Holwell School from 1892-1897, when she has distinguished herself as a pianist at village concerts. Notes from ‘Holwell Village School’ by Annette SANDISON]

5 Jan - Resumed duties after a fortnight’s holiday. Mrs E. CABELL teaching the Infants.
9 Jan - Mr and Mrs GADESDEN and the Rev W.E. LONG visited the school on Wednesday Jan 7th and gave the children the Dorset County Council and other prizes for regular attendance. Mr VEALE also received a testimonial in the form of a clock, a barometer and thermometer combined in recognition of his services during the past ten years.
16 Jan - On Thursday afternoon the 1st Class Girls did Knitting instead of Drawing for the first lesson in the afternoon.
19 Jan - Colonel DIGBY visited the school in the afternoon and gave each child a pound of tea, two oranges and some biscuits. He requested that they may be dismissed at 3.15pm.
23 Jan - Mr JAMES called to see if the clock was in good condition and keeping correct time. A case of chicken pox is preventing a family of four girls from attending school.
6 Feb - We were provided with two new door mats at the beginning of the week; also a new notice board has been fixed along the western wall for the use of the Upper Class.
13 Feb - Mrs GADESDEN kindly sent books for the School Library on Wednesday morning. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Thursday afternoon.
20 Feb - On Monday morning the heating apparatus of the Infant room was inspected by Mr READ (Sherborne) and a report thereon sent to the Correspondent. Mrs LONG and Miss CLARKE visited on Thursday afternoon and listened to the children singing. The Observation Notes of the Upper Class and the Paper-folding by the Infants interested them.
27 Feb - Albert LANE’s name was removed from the register on Monday, he having left the village.
6 Mar - Admitted Ethel Lily WATTS on Monday.
13 Mar - Bad weather has been the cause of irregular attendance during this week. Mrs E. CABELL has been serving as a temporary teacher since Jan 5th and has been a good help in the school. We are sorry that, owing to home duties, she is unable to accept the offer of being appointed permanently. She terminates her engagement today.
16 Mar - Miss CABELL has been transferred to the Infant Room and commenced her work there today. Miss HULL (Cert: Teacher) commenced duties as temporary teacher for the Lower Classes.
20 Mar - Lady Emily DIGBY and her daughter, Mrs HOOD, visited the school on Thursday afternoon and the children entertained them by singing their songs, which they were pleased to hear. Snow fell heavily during the early part of today, and many children were prevented from reaching school.
27 Mar - Colonel DIGBY is kindly superintending the drainage and repairing of the school-yards; and has promised to pay a large proportion of the cost. The work was commenced at the beginning of the week. Miss WHERRY, the Lady Dentist, visited the school and examined the children’s teeth this afternoon. 35 children were examined. The teeth of five children were in perfect condition. The County Education Committee having granted us leave to close school at 3.30 on Friday afternoons, Miss Mary GADESDEN is kindly taking a dancing class for the children. 34 children have joined the class and much enjoyed the exercises. The 2nd lesson was given from 3.30 to 4.30 this afternoon. Miss GADESDEN has also formed a Book Club for the benefit of the children. 14 children have taken advantage of this and on becoming members made a small offering to the Church of England Waifs’ and strays’ Society.
3 Apr - Monday was a rough and wet day. Miss GADESDEN practised with some of the older children during the dinner-hour on Tuesday, for a concert, which is to be given in the schoolroom after Easter. She held her dancing class this afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15. On Thursday afternoon Mr FOOTE gave an amusing entertainment to the children from 3.45 to 4.45. Admission 1d. Admitted Florence SMALE and Albert SMALE on Monday. Removed Percy STOKES’ name from Reg: (14 yrs).
20 Apr - No teacher supplied for the Lower Standards. Readmitted Dorothy GATEHOUSE and Madge MULLETT who have been kept at home by illness, and Edith TOPE who has been visiting at Kilmington. Admitted Ralph and Betty HODDINOTT, Philip PITMAN, Owen GAWLER, Ivan FOX and Hilda PARSONS. 73 on register.
21 Apr - Mrs Edwin CABELL assisting with the Lower Standards. Readmitted Cyril CABELL (74 on Reg:)
22 Apr - No assistant for the Lower Standards in the morning.
24 Apr - Mrs and Miss LONG helped Miss CABELL with the Infants’ Dancing Lesson on Thursday morning. Effie MOGG and Pressy HASTINGS taught the 2nd Class for Miss GADESDEN on Friday afternoon 3.30 to 4.15. Thursday being St George’s Day the children were told an account of his life. Votes were taken that day for the boy and girl who were considered to be the most thoughtful for others. John HASTINGS and Florence HOLE were found to be most popular.
27 Apr - Admitted Montague George GATEHOUSE, Leslie CHAFFEY, Bertram George STOKES and Gertrude Ada MITCHELL. 78 on Registers.
28 Apr - The photographer arrived at about 2.45 instead of 2.30 as arranged and kept the children occupied for the rest of the afternoon.
1 May - Miss WHERRY, the Lady Dentist, has required the use of the Class Room on Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 3.45 and on Friday 9 to 12.
8 May - 17 children absent on Thursday morning. 9 were suffering from heavy colds. 5 were kept at home to help with the homework, it being Sherborne market day. Several parents have made a practice of keeping the children at home on market days. The names have been sent to the attendance Committee. On Friday afternoon Miss GADESDEN kindly invited the children from the Standards to tea with her at the Manor House, it being her 21st birthday. A half-holiday was given. On Monday and Wednesday Miss GADESDEN visited the children and taught them dances and games during the dinner-hour, and on Thursday morning she helped Miss CABELL with the Physical Exercises in the Infant room.
15 May - Miss GADESDEN spent part of the dinnerhour with the children on Monday and Wednesday providing them with amusement. Today we have a holiday as the Infants are invited to a tea-party at the Manor.
18 May - Admitted Alan and Reginald GAPPER who are staying in the village for a holiday. (81 on Reg:).
22 May - Today, Friday, the ‘Empire’ has been the subject brought specially forward.
29 May - Amy, Dot, Ivy and Gladys MULLETT and Bessie, Vernon, Iris and Madge MULLETT have been kept at home all the day. The whole of the latter family and the eldest child of the other family attend most irregularly for several years. I have repeatedly spoken of them to the Attendance Officer but no help has been given in the matter yet. Removed Alan and Reginald GAPPER’s names from the register, their holiday being over.
5 June - Mrs Edwin CABELL has terminated her engagement as temporary teacher today.
12 June - Miss SAWTELL (art: 68) commenced her duties as Assistant teacher on Monday June 8th. On Wednesday June 10th a half holiday was given to allow certain children to go to a F�te, held in Sherborne Castle grounds, in aid of Dr Barnardo’s Homes. These children performed dances under the direction of Miss GADESDEN. The attendance has been very poor this week owing to sickness (Gastric Influenza). I admitted Violet ELFORD on Monday June 8th.
18 June - Head Teacher absent this week on account of her father’s death. Mrs Edwin CABELL has kindly assisted the other teachers. School closed for tomorrow, Friday, when the funeral takes place. Hilda PARSONS’ name removed. She is now to be taught privately because of delicate health. (79 on Reg:).
26 June - Mrs LONG, Miss LONG and Miss GIBSON visited the school during the recreation time and sold roses to the children. The money was sent to the Yeatman Hospital. Bessie MULLETT’s name removed (14 years of age).
29 June - Colonel DIGBY today kindly waited at the school gates until the children were dismissed at 12 a.m. and then generously gave the teachers and children each a basket of strawberries. Lady Emily [DIGBY] sent the children a message saying she had so wished to give them a Summer treat, but ill-health prevented her. The Colonel wishes the drinking water for the children’s use to be brought from his supply at Proctor’s as it contains more lime than the water obtained from the spring at Sandhills. Miss GIBSON from Caundle Marsh Rectory paid us a short visit during the afternoon.
3 July - Summer holidays
14 Aug - Bessie MULLETT (14 years) readmitted. On Tuesday morning several children received certificates from the Rev E. FIELD who recently examined them in Scripture. Certificates awarded to:- Group 1 - John BAKER, Reginald CABELL, John HASTINGS, Jack VINCENT, Florence HOLE, Dot MULLETT, Ida ROGERS, Dora STOKES. Group 2 - John JAY; Dorothy STILING; Edith TOPE. Group 3 - Jack ANTELL; Fred ANTELL; Leslie CHAFFEY; Bertie COFFIN; Cissy ELLIS; Donald HODGES, Ruby JAY and Ruby MULLETT. New needlework material has been received. A Company of Boy Scouts is being formed. Sent list of absentees to Mr DALWOOD and Mr ROSE. [Lists of absentees are sent weekly, usually to Mr DALWOOD.]
21 Aug - Miss GIBSON spent Thursday afternoon with us. Miss GADESDEN assisted Miss CABELL with the Infants’ Physical exercises on Tuesday and Thursday.
24 Aug - Scoutmaster ROBERTS from Sherborne passed nine boys in their first test (Scouts).
25 Aug - The Upper Class boys spent their time in the Lane near the school for the first hour in the afternoon road measuring.
28 Aug - Miss GADESDEN and Miss HARDY assisted (27th) Miss CABELL with the Infants’ Dances and afterwards listened to the Upper Class Singing.
4 Sept - On Tuesday Sept 1st I admitted Dorothy GEORGE aged 4 years.
[Miss GADESDEN continues to help in the school on a regular basis.]
11 Sept - This morning a heavy rain prevented seven children from being present and three are sick.
15 Sept - Every child present this morning - 80.
16 Sept - The children’s photographs were taken this morning by Mr WALDEN of Stourton Caundle.
17 Sept - A wet day.
18 Sept - The Medical Officer visited this morning and examined 11 children. 12 others were not examined owing to parents’ objections.
25 Sept - Mrs CABELL has been serving on supply since Thursday last week owing to Miss SAWTELL being ill.
23 Oct - Children have been kept at home to gather acorns. Miss GADESDEN with two Belgian friends visited on Thursday.
6 Nov - Several wet days during the week. Four children absent through illness. Lady Emily DIGBY visited on Thursday afternoon and taught the girls a method for casting off the stitches in the toe of a stocking which leaves no seam. The girls are knitting men’s socks for her. Miss GADESDEN visited on Friday morning bringing four friends with her.
[The regular visits are clearly from people of status who give support to the school.]
Mrs LONG brought us a message at 3.45 telling us to close the school for a week on account of an outbreak of diphtheria.
14 Nov - received notice to remain closed until Nov 29th.
30 Nov - School reopened; a very wet day; 43 present in the morning, 46 in the afternoon.
4 Dec - William WATTS and Jack VINCENT have been granted permission to leave school on account of a shortage of labourers. [This could be a result of the young men of the village going off to war.]
11 Dec - Ralph and Betty HODDINOTT are now having private teaching and their names have been removed from the register. Mrs HODDINOTT says the yard and fields which they would have to cross to get to school are impassable for weeks at a time.
18 Dec - On Tuesday 15th I admitted Reginald MITCHELL aged 9, Beatrice MITCHELL aged 5, and Vera MITCHELL 7. This morning very heavy storms prevented many children from reaching the school.
23 Dec - School closed for Christmas Holidays. Miss SAWTELL’s engagement in this school terminated this afternoon.

11 Jan - School reopened. Admitted Gertrude COFFIN aged 13. Mrs Edwin CABELL teaching the Lower Standards.
15 Jan - On Dec 23rd Lady Emily DIGBY kindly gave prizes to the children for good attendance. She also presented the County Council medals, certificates and books. 19 children have made perfect attendance during the first term ending Dec 11th 1914. At a concert held in the school-room on Dec 18th the Schoolgirls danced national dances of Britain, France, Russia, Belgium and Japan. The Scouts accompanied Miss GADESDEN’s patriotic songs with their brass musical instruments. The funds were to provide comforts for the Dorsets serving at the Front. (�8.10.0)
22 Jan - Colonel Everard DIGBY died at Buckshaw House last Saturday morning, Jan 16th. In him the school has lost a friend. The shelters and the improved condition of the yards bear witness to his generosity and to the interest he took in Holwell School. We shall greatly miss the visits which he loved to make bringing with him some surprise gifts for the children. The last of these was in June ’14 when we found him waiting at the school gates, at 12 o’clock, with a small basket of strawberries for each child. Nothing seemed to give him more pleasure than to ‘serve the children’ They loved him and will not readily forget him.
Miss ROSS commenced her duties as Supplementary Teacher for the Lower Standards on Monday, Jan 18th. Amy MULLETT (14 4/12 years) has left school. Hilda, Stella and Ivan FOX have also left, the family having left the village. Sickness and wet weather have caused a low attendance throughout this week.
29 Jan - George ROGERS’ name removed (14 7/12 yrs). William, Violet and Gertrude MITCHELL’s names also removed, the family having left the village. Admitted Wilfred and gilbert ISLES.
1 Feb - Mrs GADESDEN and her daughter visited the school this afternoon and brought a supply of cough mixture for children suffering from coughs. She proposes to supply soup to those who stay to dinner on Wednesdays and Fridays, and at the same time she invited all the children to tea at the Manor on Friday next.
3 Feb - 36 children were provided with hot soup in the dinner hour through Mrs GADESDEN’s kindness.
5 Feb - School closed at 3.30 to allow children to attend the School Treat at the Manor House.
12 Feb - The Blackboards were renovated on Thursday. Soup distributed to chr: on Tuesday and Friday.
17 Feb - Floods prevented the attendance of children today. 31 present morning and afternoon. Registers not marked but names entered on the Wet day List.
18 Feb - John BAKER’s name removed from the register. His brother having joined the navy he is now wanted at home. [No BAKER on war memorial in the school building. However, there are other memorials in the Parish Church, as noted in the Manager’s Minutes 6.2.1976.]
19 Feb - Soup distributed on Tuesday and Friday.
26 Feb - Reggie and Cyril CABELL are suffering from Chicken-pox. Wilfred and gilbert ISLES have made 14 attendances during the five weeks their names have been on the registers. Joseph ISLES attended four times in three weeks. They have now left, their father having obtained work at Caundle Marsh. Hot soup was distributed on Tuesday and Friday.
5 Mar - Admitted Fred and Florence FRAMPTON. Soup distributed on Tuesday and Friday. Philip PITMAN is suffering from Chicken-pox. Dr IRVINE H.M.I. paid a visit this morning. The cleanliness of the children was specially noticed - the careful attention the girls paid to the nails and the bright cleanly appearance of the boys. Dr IRVINE also said the girls sang splendidly. He suggested, for the Managers’ consideration, the building of another room in which the girls might take cookery lessons.
19 Mar - Three more cases of chicken-pox are reported this week.
26 Mar - Removed Winnie, Dorothy, Tom and Millie STILING’s names from the register; also Edna and Bobbie GOODFELLOW, Ruby and John JAY and Bertie STOKES. These four families have left the village. Today there has been a holiday. 28 children entered for the Choral Competition at Sherborne Class XII. Result - 1st Holwell 57 marks; 2nd Sherborne Council 55 marks
31 Mar - Betty, Ralph and Alan HODDINOTT’s names removed.
23 Apr - Admitted Ella GAWLER and Arthur RABBETTS. Today being St George’s Day the subject of ‘Patriotism’ was discussed. Votes were taken, as last year, for the most popular girls and boy. John HASTINGS retains his popularity and Phyllis HOLE takes the place of her sister Florrie who has left school since last St George’s Day.
8 May - on Wednesday morning 17 � doz eggs were brought by the children in answer to an appeal from the National Egg Society. Edwrad SHERRY, Reggie CABELL and Cyril CABELL have left school; Edward being 14, and Reggie and Cyril having left the village.
14 May - 13 1/2doz eggs were collected by the children on Wednesday. William, George and Freda HOUSE were admitted on Monday; also Alfred SIVELL.
21 May - Admitted Hilda MITCHELL aged 3. Mr DALWOOD called this morning and congratulated the children for their improved attendance and their bright, cleanly appearance.
28 May - Admitted Winifred MEAD aged 5. Children sent 6/4 to the Overseas Club on Empire Day to help provide comforts for the soldiers.
4 June - On Tuesday afternoon 12 children were examined by the Doctor. Ella GAWLER is suffering from chicken-pox.
11 June - Re-admitted Reginald CABELL, 13 years of age, who has been granted an exemption certificate to allow him to work for Mr MILES. Olive HOLE aged 4 was also admitted on Monday.
25 June - Haymaking has begun and the attendance consequently suffers.
29 June - Scripture Exam. School closed for the summer holiday.
9 Aug - School re-opened after five week’s holiday. Admitted Walter MILLER aged 4 years. Edith TOPE’s name removed, she having left the village, Allan JEANS also. Alice WATTS has been certified as unfit to attend school owing to eye trouble. Ida ROGERS aged 11 years, has been awarded a County Junior Scholarship, as a result of recent examinations held in Sherborne. This entitles her to a free education at Lord Digby’s Secondary School.
13 Aug - Report received on the Scripture Examination.
Highly commended Groups I and II - Violet ELFORD, Edna ELSWORTH, Trevor GAWLER, John HASTINGS, Phyllis HOLE, Annie HOLE, Dot MULLETT, Ida ROGERS, Dora STOKES, Edith TOPE, Alice WATTS. Group III - John ANTELL, May GAWLER, Reggie HOLE, Willie HOUSE, Reggie MITCHELL, John PITMAN, Alfred SEVELL. Five children not yet returned from holiday, 2 others are exempt and 1 sick.
20 Aug - All the children have now returned and every child was present on Wednesday afternoon. Freda SALVIDGE, a former pupil of this school, paid us a visit from Bournemourth on Wednesday. James BAKER, having left the village, his name has been removed. Reggie CABELL has passed the Labour Exam. His name is removed.
27 Aug - Late Haymaking and the Corn Harvest have caused the non-attendance of several children during the past week. Alfred SIVELL was away � day to visit the dentist.
3 Sept - Eggs were collected as usual on Wednesday. Several children have received letters of thanks from wounded soldiers in hospital in Eng: and in France. Miss CABELL was absent on Thursday afternoon and on Friday owing to illness.
10 Sept - Admitted Bertha BURGE on Monday.
17 Sept - Admitted Roy and Cicely ENGLISH. Ida ROGER’s name removed. Her term at lord Digby’s school commences on Tuesday 21st Sept.
24 Sept - Several children have bad coughs.
1 Oct - Removed Dot MULLETT’s and Vernon MULLETT’s names from the register as they are leaving the village.
8 Oct - Ivy, Gladys, Iris and Madge MULLETT’s names removed. They are leaving the village. Nancy HASTING’s name also removed, she being under 5 and not well.
15 Oct - No: on books 64. 61 present.
22 Oct - Re-admitted James BAKER on Monday.
29 Oct - The school stove was fixed on Tuesday during the time of lessons.
5 Nov - Linda COFFIN was re-admitted on Wednesday. The Time Table has not been strictly adhered to during the past week, extra time having been devoted to the preparation of items for the Concert which is to be given next Friday.
12 Nov - On Monday Stella, Hilda and Ivan FOX were re-admitted. The Time Table has not been followed during the past week. Today we have a half holiday as the children are giving an Entertainment in the School-room this evening.
19 Nov - Dora STOKES and Willie RABBETTS having reached the age of 14 years have left school. In spite of the bad weather last Friday evening, the schoolroom was filled with an appreciative audience and the net proceeds amount to �9.6.0.
26 Nov - During this week the children have subscribed 10/6 towards providing Christmas presents to Soldiers and Sailors through the Overseas Club.
3 Dec - A Service of Intercession for Missions was held at the School this morning from 9.15 to 9.45. On Monday the children forwarded 12/6 to the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society.
6 Dec - From Harrod’s Stores 21 parcels each containing 1 Plum Pudding 1s; � lb Chocolate 1s; Tin of Cocoa and Milk 6 � d; 50 Cigarettes 1s 5d; Muscatels and Almonds 11d; total 4s 10 � d; have been dispatched to friends of the children, now on Active Service or at home on Sick Leave. 14 parcels, each containing 50 Cigarettes 1s 5d and � lb Chocolate 9d, total 2s 2d, have been sent to those in the Home Service or in Training.
17 Dec - Our first letter of thanks for Xmas parcels has been received from Lcp: [? Lance-corporal] Jack WARR, who is home from the Dardanelles on Sick Leave, having been wounded in the leg, and whose eye-sight has also been injured. After expressing his thanks, he says he shall value the present coming from his old school more than any other he has received.
21 Dec - School closed. After the distribution of prizes this afternoon the Rev W.E. LONG was presented with an Oak revolving Office Chair by Mr VEALE on behalf of the Teachers 1890-1915 as a slight token of their grateful appreciation of his ever ready help in connection with their work in the school. The Lady Emily DIGBY previously presented the County Council prizes of Books and Medals for Unbroken Attendance to the following children: Ida ROGERS 5 years, Eddie COFFIN, Louisa STOKES, Reggie HOLE and Arthur WATTS. 2nd Class Medals to Trevor GAWLER, B. COFFIN, J. ANTELL, Alice WATTS, Ivy MULLETT, D. LINTERN, M. GAWLER, F. ANTELL, G. HOLE, L. WATTS, A. HOLE and O. GAWLER.

10 Jan - School reopened. 65 out of 66 present.
11 Jan - The School Doctor examined children this afternoon.
28 Jan - Every child present throughout Thursday.
4 Feb - 7/6 sent to the Church Army Funds last week. Heavy rain last night.
11 Feb - Wednesday and Friday were wet days. The children from Sandhills were prevented by water from coming by the ordinary road. They returned and came by a longer route, reaching school at about 10. I marked them present.
25 Feb - The wintry weather has caused a poor attendance this week. Phyllis and Olve HOLE have been re-admitted. Ernest FOX and James WATTS, each under five years, have been admitted. George, Willie, Reggie and Freda HOUSE have left for Dewlish. On Thursday afternoon a half-holiday was given so that the children might attend the Confirmation Service at the Church.
3 Mar - Snow storms have caused a very low attendance throughout the week.
17 Mar - 18/8 sent this week to the Children of the Empire Fund to help provide Workshops for disabled Soldiers and Sailors.
24 Mar - Miss CABELL and Miss ROSS have this afternoon attended a Memorial Service held in Holwell Church, to the memory of Lance Corporal Charles Edward CADIE, killed during the charge of the Yeomanry in Egypt on Feb 26th.
8 Apr - Ellen HANSFORD, Florence HANSFORD and Ronald COFFIN were admitted on Monday. Alfred and Fred SIVELL left the village on Tuesday. Miss ROSS was unable to attend school on Wednesday and Friday owing to illness.
15 Apr - Miss ROSS returned to school on Thursday. �3.15.0 has been sent to the National Sailor’s Society at Bristol. Norman GARTELL and Dorothy HISCOCK have been admitted during the week.
8 May - Admitted Edward ANTELL (4 yrs) and Tom YOUNG (5).
26 May - 8/6 has been forwarded to the Overseas Club to help provide comforts for Prisoners of War. Dr IRVINE visited us on Thursday afternoon.
9 June - Removed Horace FIELD’s name, he having left the village.
16 June - 7/6 has been forwarded for the relief of the Belgian children.
23 June - Haymaking has begun.
26 June - A letter of thanks has been received by Miss CABELL from the Matron of the Yeatman Hospital at Sherborne, thanking her and the Infants for two cushions which they had kindly made and given for the use of the wounded soldiers.
30 June - School closed for six weeks - the Summer holiday.
8 Sept - Mrs WARRY’s children visited the school this afternoon and heard the children sing.
22 Sept - Norman GARTELL’s name has been removed. Owing to ill-health he is to be privately taught during the winter months. Coughs are still prevalent among the infants.
6 Oct - Ellen HANSFORD, Florence HANSFORD and Dorothy HISCOCK are leaving the village. Only 49 children out of 65 have been present today. The School is closed until Wednesday week, during which time the doctor’s advice will be asked, respecting the prevalent coughs. The School Piano was tuned on Thursday.
9 Oct - 1 ton of coal and 1 ton of coke have been delivered. �1.15.6 has been forwarded for the Jack Cornwell Mem:.
13 Nov - The School re-opened this morning, having been closed five weeks on account of whooping cough. Fred and George WESTERN, Richard VINCENT, Alice and Vera SAMWAYS have been admitted.
17 Nov - 6/3 has been forwarded to the Lord Kitchener Fund.
1 Dec - Mrs GADESDEN has again kindly offered to send soup to the children who bring their dinners during the cold weather.
8 Dec - 20 children were supplied with Soup on Friday through the generosity of Mrs GADESDEN. �4.12.0 has been collected by the children and forwarded to the Army Council Christmas Pudding Fund.
15 Dec - Hot Soup was given to the children who remained to dinner on Thursday.
21 Dec - Heavy rains during the night caused floods which prevented the children from reaching the school. The Wet Day List was marked. School closed for Christmas Holidays.

12 Jan - School re-opened. Admitted Bessie MARTIN. Arthur SHERRY’s name has been removed as he now attends the Foster’s School at Sherborne.
19 Jan - Soup was distributed on Thursday.
26 Jan - The weather has been intensely cold everyday this week and many of the children are suffering from Influenza colds. Nina DRAKE is now 14 and Bessie MARTIN has returned to her home in Devon. Their names are removed.
2 Feb - The cold weather still continues. Hot soup was given to the children as usual on Thursday.
16 Feb - Francis CHAPMAN, Ivy and Map [checked. Should be May?] GAPPER - children visiting the parish - were admitted on Monday.
23 Feb - The damp weather this week has renewed the children’s coughs and several are suffering from sickness.
2 Mar - Extra time has been given to Singing and Repetition during the week as the children have been asked to assist Mrs FADESDEN in preparing an Entertainment, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of children rendered homeless through the war. Miss CABELL was unable to be at school on Thursday.
9 Mar - Snow has prevented children from reaching the school today. 23 children were present in the morning and 25 this afternoon. The Wet Day List has been marked.
16 Mar - The children are preparing to give help in an Entertainment to be given in the School in aid of the War orphan Fund and to provide parcels for Dorset Prisoners of War. Some of the children live at a distance and are busily employed out of school hours therefore it is difficult to collect them for practising and consequently the Singing, Drill and recitation lessons have been devoted to this particular practise.
23 Mar - May GAPPER’s name has been removed.
30 Mar - School is closed today there being an entertainment in the afternoon and evening.
6 Apr - The proceeds of the Entertainment last week amount to �17.18.6 and are being devoted to War Charities.
20 Apr - Miss CABELL has been unable to return to school owing to illness. Ella MACEY P.T. has been teaching full time.
27 Apr - Stationery has been received from Arnold’s and Lead Pencils from Dorchester.
11 May - Jack YOUNG, Jack and Ben HOLE. Ernest FOX, Albert MITCHELL and May ENGLISH were admitted on Monday. Miss CABELL also resumed her duties. Ella has assisted Miss CABELL during the week.
12 May - Ella MACEY’s work as P.T. terminates at once owing to the illness of her grandmother.
25 May - Miss ROSS visited the dentist at Sherborne yesterday and was consequently away from school in the afternoon.
1 June - Re-admitted Ella DURSTON.
15 June - Dorothy GEARGE has left the village for a time. Her name has been removed.
22 June - Ella DURSTON’s name has again been removed as she attends so irregularly. Francis CHAPMAN is leaving the village for a time. His name has also been removed.
3 Jul - Scripture Exam: this morning. School closed for the Summer Holiday.
24 Aug - School reopened on Monday Aug 20th. Admitted Edward and Harold WOODROW.
31 Aug - 1 ton of coke has been received from Bradford’s during the week. During the holiday 1 ton of coal was brought. Fred and George WESTERN’s names have been removed as they are leaving the village.
3 Sept - Fred and George WESTERN came to school again this morning saying they are not leaving until the end of the month. The register has been altered.
7 Sept - Albert MITCHELL’s name has been removed. He is under 5 and unable to attend regularly in the winter months.
14 Sept - Alice WATTS’ name has been removed today. She has reached the age of 14.
21 Sept - Yesterday Lady Emily DIGBY kindly sent a large hamper of apples for distribution amongst the children. Ivy and May GAPPER were admitted on Monday.
28 Sept - Norman GARTELL, Ivy and May GAPPER have removed from the village. Ernest FOX’s name has been removed until he is five owing to the long distance he lives from school.
5 Oct - Amy and Willie CORNICK returned to school on Monday morning for the first time since the Summer Holiday. They have been assisting at home with late Haymaking. A party of children have been during the dinner hour on two fine days this week to Mr WARRY’s park gathering chestnuts by request.
12 Oct - Children have gathered chestnuts for munitions during the mid-day intervals in Westrow Park. Yesterday afternoon, it being fine and dry, children from Classes 1 and upwards went to the Park with their teachers, leaving here at 2.20, and gathered nuts for the remainder of the afternoon. Maggie JOHN was admitted on Monday.
19 Oct - School was closed for cleaning on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Wednesday was a wet day. No chestnuts have been gathered this week. Linda and Edith ELLIS and Stella FOX (all of Sandhills) are away through sickness.
26 Oct - Wilfred and Fred SHINER were admitted on Monday.
9 Nov - Miss CABELL has been absent during the week owing to the illness of her brother.
16 Nov - The Rev W.E. LONG and Miss AUBER visited on Thursady.
30 Nov - Several children still absent through sickness. The Infants gave an entertainment to the older children on Wednesday afternoon. The sum of 4/6 was collected and equally divided between the Waifs and Strays and the S.P.G.
7 Dec - Maggie JOHN has left the village and her name has been removed.
20 Dec - School closed for the Christmas holiday.

7 Jan - School reopened. 58 present. Miss CABELL absent.
11 Jan - On Wednesday Lady Emily DIGBY sent us 16 books as prizes for Attendance. They are the gift of E. GADESDEN Esqr:. Mrs GADESDEN sent Cough Mixture for the children today and proposes to send them soup one day next week.
18 Jan - The Wet Day List was marked on Monday, Thursday and Friday, there being only a small number present on each of those days owing to Snow and Rain and the Illness of some children. Mrs GADESDEN kindly sent Cough Mixture for the children with Coughs and Soup for those who remained to dinner on Wednesday. On Thursday she came at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and distributed the prizes. Miss CABELL still absent owing to the serious illness of her father.
1 Feb - Several children are still away suffering from Jaundice. Miss CABELL returned on Monday morning.
15 Feb - Miss CABELL has been absent during the week through illness. On Tuesday a Ladies’ Party (Fancy Dress) was given by Mrs GADESDEN in the school, in aid of the repairs. �10 were realised. Hot Soup was given to the children on Wednesday. Certificates for attendance were given the children today.
22 Feb - Miss VEALE has assisted with the Infant Class since Tuesday afternoon. Hot Soup was given to the children in the dinner hour on Wednesday.
1 Mar - hot Soup was given on Wednesday.
8 Mar - Annie and Alan HOLE have been granted half-time certificates.
15 Mar - Miss CABELL returned to her duties on Monday morning. Hot Soup was given to the children on Thursday. Card of Attendance and Trevor GAWLER’s list of attendances sent to Mr DALWWOD. Av: 53.4.
22 Mar - Cyril, Ada and Louise MILES were admitted on Monday morning.
28 Mar - Amy and Willie CORNICK’s names have been removed.
28 Mar - On Tuesday the Rev W.E. LONG presented Miss ROSS with a Clock and Silver Jam Spoon, a gift from the Rector, Fellow Teachers, and Scholars, on the occasion of her leaving to be married.
8 Apr - No assistant has yet been appointed for the Lower Division. Ernest FOX, 5 years of age, was readmitted this morning.
9 Apr - Miss VEALE came as supply teacher for the Lower Division this afternoon. Edith COLE was admitted this morning. Mrs GADESDEN has sent 12 tennis balls and 3 rackets for the children’s use.
19 Apr - Norman GARTELL has left to attend the Pulham School. Mrs GADESDEN has sent us supplies of wool for the Red cross Knitting.
26 Apr - On Wednesday the 24th a half-holiday was given to allow the children and teachers to attend Miss ROSS’ wedding in Holwell Church.
10 May - Bertie COFFIN has been absent planting potatoes.
17 May - Mr WALSH H.M.I. visited the school on Wednesday morning from 9.15 to 12. Wilfred LOADER and Frank MILLER have been admitted during the week.
20 May - Miss PALK commenced duties as Assistant Mistress for the Lower Division this morning.
24 May - It being Empire Day the Time Table has not been followed.
31 May - Nancy HASTINGS was admitted on Monday morning.
7 June - The County Council medals for Regular Attendance were received yesterday and given away by the Rev W.E. LONG today.
14 June - Nancy HASTINGS has returned to Weymouth and Randolph PITMAN has been admitted.
28 June - School closed for the Summer Holiday. There has been a low attendance several times during the week as Haymaking has begun.
12 Aug - School reopened. Harvesting has just begun. 53 present out of total 62.
6 Sept - Mr WALSH H.M.I. visited on Monday morning. The result of the Written Diocesan Examination is as follows:
Linda ELLIS 260 Marks 1st Class Prize
Cissy ELLIS 262 1st
Louisa STOKES 250 1st
Ella GAWLER 227 1st
Alice SAMWAYS 223 1st
Trevor GAWLER 204 1st
Doris DAVIS 193 2nd
Vera SAMWAYS 178 2nd
May GAWLER 170 2nd
Dorothy LINTERN 128 Pass
13 Sept - On Thursday afternoon the children picked 26 lbs of blackberries which were sent to Sherborne on Friday morning.
20 Sept - 81 � lbs of blackberries were forwarded this morning to Sherborne. Scripture prizes were distributed this morning by the Rector.
27 Sept - 100 lbs of blackberries have been forwarded to Sherborne today. Notice has been given that school will be closed on Monday and Thursday afternoons for blackberry picking.
4 Oct - 95 � lbs of blackberries forwarded to Sherborne.
11 Oct - 34 � lbs of blackberries forwarded to Sherborne today.
28 Oct - 10 cwt of coal and 10 cwt of coke has been brought today.
8 Nov - Owing to influenza colds the attendance has been low.
15 Nov - Sickness amongst the children is still the cause of low average. On Wednesday Mr MARTIN, the Dentist for School Children provided by the County Council, examined 33 children; 24 of whom were found to need treatment.
22 Nov - On Wednesday 5 children were attended by the dentist for ‘stopping of decayed teeth’.
29 Nov - Dr ROBINSON visited on Tuesday morning and examined Louise MILES, Beatrice MITCHELL, Lily WATTS and Edward ANTELL. On Wednesday afternoon Mr MARTIN, dentist, and Dr ?McCARTHY attended and extracted teeth for 20 children. The attendance has been unfavourably influenced in consequence.
7 Dec - On Friday morning Mr LONG held a short service of Intercession for Missions instead of having the ordinary Scripture lesson.
13 Nov - Yesterday 1 ton of coke was delivered from Sherborne.
18 Dec - The attendance during the past few days has been very low owing to the recurrence of Influenza colds. School closed for the Christmas holiday.

20 Jan - A very wet day, only 20 children present in the morning and 23 in the afternoon. The Wet Day List was marked.
24 Jan - Dr ROBINSON having sanctioned a further week’s closure (the 20th-24th) the Registers have not been marked throughout the week, but the attendances registered on a separate sheet.
27 Jan - School reopened after a fortnight’s holiday and three weeks closure for Influenza.
31 Jan - Hilda ROFFEY admitted during the week. Annie HOLW and Trevor GAWLER, being now 14 years of age, have left school. Linda ELLIS and Louisa STOKES succeeded in passing the examination for admission to Pupil Teachership and commenced their duties on the reopening of the school. Edith COLE and Florrie COLE, having left the village for a time, their names have been removed.
7 Feb - On Wednesday, the 5th, Mrs STEWART (School Dentist) extracted teeth for seven children during the morning. Cissy ELLIS and Hilda FOX have since been absent and several children are away with bad colds.
14 Feb - Coughs have developed amongst the children.
7 Mar - Reggie CABELL, an old scholar, now home on leave from H.M.N. [Navy] paid a short visit to the school this morning.
14 Mar - The supply of wood for lighting fires being nearly exhausted, one fire only has been used for the last three weeks and all the children are taught in one room.
21 Mar - Tuesday and Wednesday were very wet and rough days. Owing to influenza being now prevalent and some children having only recently recovered from colds parents keep them at home on such days.
2 Apr - Hilda ROFFEY has left the village and her name removed.
17 Apr - Leslie GEORGE admitted on Tuesday.
2 May - Admitted Daisy BIRD and readmitted May ENGLISH.
23 May - Miss PALK absent Thursday afternoon and Friday. Faggots were hauled to the school on the 17th.
6 June - The photographer, having previously obtained permission, occupied the greater part of the morning of Thursday in taking photographs of groups of children. Mrs GEORGE has been advised that Leslie is not strong enough to attend school. His name has now been removed. The Holwell School War Savings Association has increased its subscriptions sufficiently during this year, to be entitled to receive one of the captured German rifles, which are being awarded to those associations which increase their subscriptions for the year by at least 50%. School closed for Whit Monday as the girls are taking part in a Missionary Festival at Stock House. They are representing China and Africa.
20 June - Ella GAWLER was fourteen years of age yesterday. Her name cannot be removed until the end of term, but for the last fortnight she has failed to attend.
27 June - At 2 o’clock the school was left in charge of Miss PALK and Miss CABELL, the Head Teacher having been given permission to leave, to attend the Prize-giving at Lord Digby’s Secondary School.
11 Jul - This afternoon children had games for the last 1 � hours. School closed for the Summer holiday.
29 Aug - School reopened on Monday August 25th. Albert MITCHELL (5) was readmitted on Monday and Leslie GEORGE (5) on Tuesday. May ENGLISH’s name has been removed as she is returning to Weymouth.
5 Sept - During the Summer holidays the Infants’ Class Room has been repainted and new locks fixed to cupboards. On Monday the signing of the ‘Peace’ was celebrated in the village, through the kindness of Mr Alfred TRIM, an old pupil of this school. A free luncheon was served to the men, and tea to the women and children. Sports and other amusements, Daylight Fireworks, Concerts and Dancing were among the attractions of the afternoon and evening. School was closed for the day.
12 Sept - Mr DALWOOD called on Friday morning and enquired whether Elsie HARVEY had returned to school. Reggie HOLE completed five years perfect attendance on July 31st last, and Owen GAWLER three years. Mr WALDEN, of Stourton Caundle, spent a great part of the day on Tuesday last photographing the school children.
19 Sept - Cyril COFFIN (3) admitted on the 11th and Cecil WOODROW (3) on the 18th. Linda ELLIS (P.T.) has just received a First Class Book prize as the result of the Written Scripture Exam: held in June last. Louisa STOKES (P.T.) has received a 2nd Class prize. Cicely ELLIS was in the list of scholars under 15 and gained a 1st Class Prize. May GAWLER passed. A picture of Nurse CAVELL has been hung in the school during the past week. The unframed picture was sent to the children as a reward for collecting over �1 in aid of Homes of Rest for Nurses. A large picture of Jack CORNWELL was won in a similar manner. This has also been framed and hangs in the school.
3 Oct - Vera MITCHELL, Beatrice and Hilda and also Albert MITCHELL have left the village and their names have been removed.
17 Oct - Five names have been removed; four children having left the village and one being under five years of age.
31 Oct - 1 ton of coke has been received from Sherborne today. Dr DONNELLY visited the school on Monday afternoon and examined children. Fred ANTELL was given a Certificate notifying exclusion from school - the cause of the exclusion being ‘Impetigo’. Since then Edward ANTELL is found to be likewise affected and has been excluded. Mrs WARRY’s family of children visited the school on Tuesday afternoon and were entertained by the Infants.
7 Nov - Heavy colds with sickness is [sic] troubling several families. Mr Tindell BISCOE of Caundle Bishop visited during the Scripture lesson this morning.
28 Nov - 28 cwt of coal and 10 cwt of coke have arrived during the week.
28 Nov - Fred ANTELL returned to school on Monday, but Eddie is still absent through illness. Lily LINTERN has been away for five weeks suffering from Influenza.
12 Dec - Edward ANTELL returned to school on Monday.
18 Dec - Owing to measles having broken out in the village the school is closed today until the 5th January.

9 Jan - May, Owen, Vera and Ena GAWLER are absent by order of the Medical Officer. Cissy ELLIS is ill. Stella FOX has not returned from her holiday. Two names have been removed - Arthur WATTS and Bertie COFFIN having reached 14 years. There are now 48 names on the register. Av: for the week 40. Louisa STOKES P.T. was absent on Monday owing to ill-health. Linda ELLIS P.T. visited the dentist on Tuesday afternoon and has since been unable to be at school. During the past week the children have done Handwork in preparation for the Christmas Tree.
16 Jan - May, Vera and Ena GAWLER returned to school on Monday. Tomorrow there is to be a holiday, the children having been invited by their teachers to tea, which is to be followed by the stripping of a Christmas Tree.
23 Jan - The ‘Christmas tree’ fun was thoroughly enjoyed by visitors, teachers and children. Children came at 3, and commenced tea at 3.30. Their tables were prettily decorated with scarlet and frost, paper roses and cracker. After the excitement of ‘crackers’ they played games in the yard whilst the adults had tea. The room was cleared and games indulged in till 5.30. Parents then began to arrive and the children gave a short entertainment consisting of recitations, songs (action and in costume) and drills. At about 6.45 Father Christmas came into the room, in the persons of Allan HOLE and Bertie COFFIN. The teachers stripped a huge and beautifully loaded and decorated tree and the gifts were presented by ‘Father Christmas’ much to the enjoyment of the little ones. Hearing of the teachers’ intention several kind ladies offered gifts and help in various ways. Apples, oranges, buns, sweets and lemonade were brought by Mrs HUMBY, Mrs CHAFFEY, Mrs CABELL and Mrs CADIE; the two latter were with us the whole day, helping with decorations in the morning and returning to help entertain the children in the afternoon. The Rev W.E. LONG kindly gave a framed Scriptural picture to each Sunday School scholar. The singing of the National Anthem brought a very happy afternoon and evening to a close.
30 Jan - On Wednesday afternoon ?Mrs GADESDEN kindly gave prizes to the following children for ‘general proficiency’. Cicely ELLIS and Montague GATEHOUSE (Upper Section); Eddie WOODROW and Olive HOLE (Lower Section); Harold WOODROW and Edith COLE (Infants). She was pleased to hear the children sing and to watch the girls perform a Fan Drill. Before leaving for home every child was given a large apple. On Monday Reginald GAPPER and Edwrad ANTELL visited the oculist at Sturminster.
13 Feb - On Monday Nurse K/RINSMAN examined each child. Lily WHITE and Elsie HARVEY were to be excluded for one week on account of unclean hair.
20 Feb - Mr WALSH H.M.I. spent the day with us on Tuesday. The Lady Emily DIGBY visited during the afternoon and brought books to be given as attendance prizes. All the boys have made perfect attendance during the week; except the two half-timers who have not made their half-time. Linda ELLIS P.T. has been absent during the week, through illness. Average 45.7. A Certificate has been received saying Lily LINTERN is suffering from Bronchitis.
28 Feb - Linda ELLIS has forwarded a Certificate from the Doctor saying she is suffering from Debility after Influenza. Ivy WHITE returned to school on Monday. Her hair is perfectly clean.
5 Mar - Mrs GEORGE brought a Medical Certificate today saying Dorothy is suffering from Acute Indigestion and should be away from school for a month. Elise HARVEY has not yet returned.
12 Mar - The Lady Emily DIGBY presented attendance prizes to the children on Tuesday afternoon. The prize winners were Reginald HOLE; Owen GAWLER; Vera GAWLER; Arthur RABBETTS; James WATTS; Lily WATTS; Reginald GAPPER; Olive HOLE; Dorothy GEORGE; Jack HOLE; Ben HOLE; Eddie ANTELL; Eddie COFFIN; Ivan FOX; Edith ELLIS and Tom PITMAN. Linda ELLIS P.T. was able to come for study on Monday and Tuesday mornings, but has been ordered by the doctor to do only a little study for two months. Mr DALWOOD called this morning, and Elise HARVEY returned to school this morning.
19 Mar - 10 cwt of Coke was brought on Monday.
26 Mar - Linda ELLIS came for study on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Leslie GEORGE, John ANTELL, Allan HOLE, Dorothy GEORGE and Lily LINTERN have been absent - the two latter having Doctor’s Certificates. The medals for Regular Attendance were received on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon Mr LONG presented them.
Reggie HOLE 5 years a Bronze Star and 1st Class Medal
Owen GAWLER 3 years 1st Class Medal
James WATTS, Vera GAWLER, Lily WATTS - 1st Class
Arthur RABBETTS, Jack HOLE, Edward ANTELL and Benjamin HOLE - 2nd Class
1 Apr - Linda ELLIS attended on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and both morning and afternoon of Thursday.
16 Apr - Hilda, Stella, Ivan and Ernest FOX are absent suffering from Chickenpox. Leslie and Dorothy GEORGE are leaving the village.
23 Apr - Leslie and Dorothy GEORGE were prevented from leaving the village and returned to school on Monday morning. Violet ROSE (aged 8 years) was admitted on Monday and Cecil WOODROW’s name removed. He is under 5 years and the heavy rains have made the field through which he comes almost impassable.
30 Apr - Olive KINGDON was admitted on Wednesday.
7 May - Arthur KINGDON was admitted on Wednesday.
14 May - Leslie GEORGE and Dorothy GEORGE have now left the village. Eddie and Harold WOODROW have not attended during the week as they are also leaving the village.
25 May - School reopened today. Kathleen HARVEY, Lily LINTERN and Stella WATTS were found to have dirty hair and consequently school closed again this afternoon and the remaining days are to be included in the Whitsun Holiday.
4 June - Nurse K/RINSMAN visited the school on Monday last. The hair of the above mentioned girls was much cleaner, but continues to need attention. Walter MILLER now has chicken pox; consequently Olive, Ben and Frank are also away from school. One Ton of Logs were brought to the school on May 26th.
11 June - Tom YOUNG has developed Chicken Pox. He and his brother are away from school. Edith COLE is staying in Weymouth, following the Doctor’s advice.
18 June - Fred, Eddie and Dorothy ANTELL are away with sever colds. Arthur RABBETTS has developed Chicken pox and is also away. Edith COLE has returned from Weymouth. The School Medical Officer visited the school on Wednesday morning. James WATTS was excluded by the doctor. He is to remain at home until his hair is clean. Kathleen HARVEY and her sister were at home that morning. Philip PITMAN and Ivy WHITE have just returned after having been kept at home with severe cold and sore throat. As other children are developing the same symptoms, Philip and Ivy were examined, and found to be free from infection.
25 June - Fred and Eddie ANTELL have returned. Hilda FOX, Linda COFFIN and Mary REED have now developed some form of sickness. On Tuesday morning the Rev BISCOE of Caundle Bishop examined the children in Scripture.
16 Jul - All the children who have been suffering from Chicken Pox have now returned to school. Haymaking has begun and Fred ANTELL and Philip PITMAN are being kept at home. Ivy and Willie WHITE have been away the whole week. During the past fortnight Miss PLK has attended the Sherborne Abbey Girls’ School to observe methods of teaching the Lower Standards. Linda ELLIS and Linda STOKES (P.T.s) each accompanied her for one day.
23 Jul - School closes today for five weeks, Summer Holiday. Number on books 57. The following children have made perfect attendance (420) during the School Year ending July 30th 1920:
Reginald HOLE (6 years); Owen GAWLER (4 years); Reginald GAPPER; Benjamin MILLER; Ivan FOX; Arthur RABBETTS; Ena GAWLER; Vera GAWLER.
Those making 97 p.c. are as follows:
Ben HOLE 418; Walter MILLER 417; Olive MILLER 416; Olive HOLE 416; Jack HOLE 416; Lily WATTS 414; Tom PITMAN 411; Frank MILLER 411; Edith ELLIS 410; Daisy BIRD 409; Donald CREASEY 407.
The postal address of the newly appointed Attendance Officer in the Sturminster Newton Division is Mr CRIDDLE, 15 Alexandra Street, Blandford.
That for the Sherborne District is Mr DALWOOD, Folke, Sherborne.
The School Nurse - Miss ?RINSMAN, Eversley, Everton Road, Yeovil.Cicely ELLIS has been placed in the 1st Class as the result of the Written Scripture Examination in June last.
31 Aug - I, Millicent GIBSON, certificated teacher, took temporary charge of this school on this day.
1 Sept - Admitted Faith, John, Ben and Rex GIBSON as temporary scholars.
15 Sept - H.M.I. (Mr ?PAULL) visited this school at 10 a.m. and remained until 12.20. Suggested that Miss D.B. PALK (assistant teacher) should be given time to prepare for examination for Preliminary Certificate.
24 Sept - Coal and Coke received and stored.
28 Sept - Whole holiday given on account of F�te at Holwell.
1 Oct - Very wet morning. Only 36 present. Salaries arrived.
4 Oct - Another very wet morning. 43 present. Transferred St I back to Infant room for the present (see Sept 15).
12 Oct - two days’ holiday granted on account of Pack Monday Fair.
13 Oct - Louisa STOKES (pupil teacher) absent today.
15 Oct - Louisa STOKES still absent. Has seen the Doctor.
18 Oct - Louisa STOKES P.T. still absent - has sent a Medical Certificate.
29 Oct - The Time-Table has not been strictly followed during the last few days - as the children are practising for a small entertainment to be given to their mothers this afternoon. Entertainment took place at 2 p.m. and was well attended. Rev W. LONG and Mrs LONG were present - also Miss TAYLOR, the new Head Teacher.
I, Millicent GIBSON, relinquished the charge of this school today.
1 Nov - I, Adelaide TAYLOR, trained certificated teacher, commenced duties at this school today as Head Mistress.
Miss CABELL Supplementary Teacher
Miss D.B. PALK Supplementary Teacher
Miss Louisa STOKES 2nd year P.T.
Miss Linda ELLIS 2nd year P.T.
2 Nov - Miss Louisa STOKES (P.T.) absent today through illness (ulcers). I took a special lesson in Physical Exercises and Games this morning for Miss PALK and Miss Linda ELLIS.
4 Nov - Sts: II and III went for a Nature Walk with Miss PALK this afternoon.
8 Nov - Margaret F. GIBSON, John GIBSOB, Walter GIBSOB, Rex GIBSON left the district - last attendance at this school was Friday Nov 5th 1920.
11 Nov - The Rev W. LONG gave the children an address (Armistice Day). The Time Table was not strictly kept after 11 a.m. The infants took the opportunity of going on a Nature Walk with Miss CABELL.
15 Nov - Miss Louisa STOKES P.T. returned to duty this morning.
25 Nov - The children observed ‘The Meet’ at the Fox Inn 11 a.m. this morning.
30 Nov - Louisa STOKES P.T. absent this afternoon. Went to see the Doctor.
3 Dec - The Rev W.E. LONG gave a Missionary Service this morning at 9.15 a.m. Louisa STOKES P.T. attended school instead of Centre. The weather was too wretched to take the journey. Louisa is under medical treatment. 9 Dec - Miss CABELL and Miss PALK away from school. Attending the Preliminary Certificate Exam, held at Sherborne for two days. Miss L.K. ?PEVIDELL visited the school this morning. She inspected the following children; James WATTS and violet ROSE. Lily LINTERN was absent. Miss K.FOX from Wootton Glanville commenced duties today, in the absence of Miss CABELL and Miss PALK.
9 Dec - Mr G.A.H. HENDERSON, the new Attendance Officer, called this morning. Address Black Barn, Leigh, Dorset.
13 Dec - Miss CABELL and Miss PALK returned to duties after the Examination.
16 Dec - Cicely ELLIS attended school for an examination for Rural Pupil Teachers. Mr WALSH H.M.I. visited the school at 10 a.m. this morning. Remained all day with us. He suggested many ways how to make the children more responsive. They were very shy.
21 Dec - Mrs GADESDEN visited the school in the afternoon, to give out the prizes.
23 Dec - During the afternoon the children had an Xmas Party, so the Time Table was not kept. Rev W.E. LONG and Mrs LONG were present, also many parents.

10 Jan - School reopened today. A good attendance, only two away. Sent in Medal and Shield form.27 Jan - Mrs MILES visited the school this morning.
4 Feb - Miss PALK has been successful in the Preliminary Examination Part 1. Miss CABELL was unsuccessful.
7 Feb - Mr and Mrs SMITH visited the school and presented the children with 6d each.
22 Feb - School closed this afternoon. The staff and I are attending the address on ‘The Growing Importance of History Teaching’ at Sherborne 3pm.
24 Feb - Being St Matthias Day, all the children will attend church at 11.15 am. Secular work commenced at 9am.
25 Feb - Lady Emily DIGBY visited the school at 3pm to distribute the prizes for attendance. Rev W.E. LONG was also present. The children sang and danced.
7 Mar - Miss PALK absent from school this morning, the reason being illness at home. Miss Linda ELLIS away today owing to sickness. Miss PALK returned to duty this afternoon. Wool received from Sherborne. Last week’s attendance was exceptionally good 98.7 [%].
9 Mar - Miss Mary GADESDEN visited the school this afternoon.
15 Mar - Miss PALK is absent from school. She is attending Preliminary Examination for Certif: (Part II) at Sherborne for the rest of the week.
22 Mar - Yesterday morning the medals were distributed by Rev W.E. LONG. Reggie HOLE received the Bronze Bar. Miss Linda ELLIS is still away. She is suffering from Influenza.
4 Apr - Miss Linda ELLIS (P.T.) returned to duty today after three weeks absence.
8 Apr - Picture ‘The Shepherd’ received from Arnolds.
11 Apr - The school floors have been thoroughly scrubbed during the weekend.
18 Apr - Mr HARDING, from the Education Office, visited the school this afternoon to inspect the desks.
3 May - Miss CABELL, Miss PALK and Miss Linda ELLIS are absent from school today. They are attending the Choral at Weymouth.
9 May - Miss Linda ELLIS P.T. away from school. She is suffering from Neuralgia.
12 May - During this week the children have collected 456 eggs for Sherborne Hospital.
13 May - Linda ELLIS is still away from school.
23 May - Linda ELLIS P.T. returned to duty today. The school has been thoroughly cleaned, during Whit Week.
24 May - Faggots were received today. An ‘Open Afternoon’ for Parents and Friends. There were between thirty and forty visitors, including Rev and Mrs LONG, Mrs WARRY, Mr and Mrs SMITH (Leeds) and Mrs BAYFIELD MILES. The children rendered Song, Musical Games and Dancing, which were well appreciated by the audience. A short address on Empire Day was given by the Rector. At the conclusion Mrs Long presented each child with an Empire Badge. The Time Table was not kept to at all during the afternoon.
31 May - Leave of absence granted to me today by the Rev W.E. LONG.
3 June - The P.T.s attended school today instead of the Centre.
14 June - School is closed today, there being a F�te in the afternoon and evening. Some of the girls are dancing.
15 June - Received picture of ‘Peter Pan’. Miss PALK has been successful in the Preliminary Examination (Part II). Miss PALK absent from school all day.
16 June - Dr MACINTOSH visited the school this morning, to examine a few children. Miss PALK returned to duty this morning.
4 Jul - The Annual Examination of P.T.s commenced today. The Time Table was changed, so that Linda and Louie could have perfect quietness during the examination.
5 Jul - 11 dual desks arrived yesterday, Monday, for the Infant Room.
8 Jul - Miss Linda ELLIS (P.T.) attended school instead of the Centre, owing to a puncture in her bicycle.
14 Jul - Miss Louisa STOKES (P.T.) is absent from school this afternoon, owing to the illness of her father.
15 Jul - Miss CABELL away from school today, she is attending the Oxford Senior Examination at Bournemouth.
18 Jul - The nurse visited the school this afternoon to see Edith COLE, Jack and Tom YOUNG.
22 Jul - Examinations in all Classes have been held this week. Reports have been sent to each child’s parents.
25 Jul - Miss CABELL resumed duty this morning after one week’s absence.
29 Jul - Summer Holidays
29 Aug - Three Record Books have been received.
Report by H.M.I. Mr C.D. PAWLE, inspected on 28th July 1921:
1. At the visit of inspection in December last the present Headmistress had been in charge for only a few weeks; the children were found to be very backward and not sufficiently painstaking and attentive.
2. Since this last visit creditable progress has been made in both work and discipline. Reading aloud, Recitation and oral and written English have appreciably improved in the upper division. The School Songs are selected and rendered with good taste. Much however remains to be done to bring this school to a really satisfactory level of efficiency; Arithmetic is still a weak subject, in spite of the teachers’ efforts, the children appearing to have difficulty in grasping this subject. The children in the lower division, particularly the boys, are weak in expressing themselves. The teaching of History and Geography has been handicapped by a lack of suitable books.
3. Reports on the progress of the children are sent to the parents at the end of each term, and the Headmistress hopes to further develop the interest of the parents by instituting ‘open days’.
4. The infants are taught with skill and sympathy.
School re-opened today. During the holidays the floors have been scrubbed and one or two repairs done.
31 Aug - Miss PALK, Assistant Teacher, relinquished her duties at this school today. She commences duty at Sherborne Abbey Girls’ School tomorrow.
9 Sept - Classes II and III, under the charge of Miss CABELL, went blackberrying during the nature lesson.
30 Sept - Nurse SYMS visited the school this morning to inspect the children. Eight children were found to have dirty hair.
5 Oct - The Harvest Festival, which was really an ‘Open Afternoon’, took place at 2.45 p.m., and was well attended. Rev W.E. LONG was present. The collection is intended for pictures for the Infant Room.
6 Oct - Linda ELLIS (P.T.) is absent from school today, owing to illness.
14 Oct - Miss Linda ELLIS is still away. School closes for Pack Monday Fair, also the mid-term holiday (one week and one day).
25 Oct - Miss Linda ELLIS (P.T.) resumed duty this morning after being away ill for over a week.
26 Oct - Geography and History Books received this morning. Drill books received this morning.
27 Oct - Lady Emily DIGBY visited the school at 2.45 p.m. The children sang, recited and played games for her. The Time Table was disarranged.
31 Oct - Nurse SYMS visited the school this morning. The children who were excluded for uncleanliness were found to be much better.
9 Nov - This afternoon the Rev S.E. WINTERTON examined the children in Scripture.
14 Nov - Mrs BAYFIELD MILES visited the school on Friday afternoon and gave several of the children in the top group sixpence each for doing good work in Scripture.
30 Nov - Mrs MILLER kindly sent a bag of apples this afternoon, to be distributed among the children.
8 Dec - Linda ELLIS and Louisa ELLIS [Should this be STOKES?] are absent from school today. They are attending the Preliminary Examination Part I at Sherborne.
16 Dec - Reports are to be sent to parents before the Xmas Holidays.
21 Dec - Mrs GADESDEN visited the school in the afternoon, to present prizes to the top children in each group.
23 Dec - Linda ELLIS (P.T.) is away from school today, owing to illness. The children had a little entertainment of their own, so the Time Table was not kept in the afternoon. School closes this afternoon for the Xmas holidays.

11 Jan - School reopened this morning. Linda ELLIS (P.T.) resumed duty today.
25 Jan - Louisa STOKES (P.T.) is absent from school. She has a severe cold. The cokes were received this morning.
30 Jan - The children of the Upper group had a Party on Saturday January 28th. After tea, the room was cleared and games indulged in till 7.30.
31 Jan - Heavy rains during the night caused floods, which prevented children from reaching school. There were only 32 children present.
13 Feb - A Medical Inspection was held this morning. Dr MACINTOSH examined twelve children.
20 Feb - Linda ELLIS and Louisa STOKES have been successful in the Preliminary Examination Part I. Linda ELLIS is absent from school this morning. She is suffering from a cold.
24 Feb - A tea party was given this afternoon to the Infant and Juniors by the Rev W.E. LONG, Miss CABELL and myself. Tea commenced at 3.15 p.m. When tea was over, Mrs BAYFIELD MILES gave each child an orange. The whole school had games in the yard for � hour, during the afternoon.
27 Feb - A whole day’s holiday is granted tomorrow, the Wedding Day of Her Royal Highness Princess Mary.
6 Mar - Linda ELLIS (P.T.) resumed duty this morning.

End of this Log Book