Evershot Rectors

Vicars of the Parish Church of Evershot (St Osmund from c15th Century)

Transcribed from a list displayed in the Church and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

John de Kingeston1302
John de Domberton1302
Roger Prouet1311
Giles de Peburche1315
William de Eton1318
William de Coticote1350
Robert de Ablyngton~~~~
Jacobus de Burches1363
Peter Wodamancote~~~~
Ralph Wykley1381
John Wythlof1384
John Law1391
Stephen Seykend1399
Thomas Burton1402
Thomas Toynton~~~~
John Ocley1412
John Alfred1415
Richard Herring~~~~
John Waleys1418
William Willock~~~~
William Filloly1423
William Foukes1426
William Golde~~~~
William Cayrus1446
William Dounton1449
John Bagg1461
William Ludwell1487
William Grey1511
Hugh Guylot1525
John Biggs1534
Thomas Corant1575
William Pistel1617
John Young – Intruder~~~~
Ralph Lex1660
Abraham Turner1691
Anthony Biddle1693
John James1704
John Sutton1721
Edward Paterson1736
John Taumard1744
Marrion Feaver1747
George Crabbe1783
John Clayton1787
Henry Hoskins1827
Edward Collins1866
Frederick How1879
Charles Hill1885
Percy Milne1889
William Cobbett1907
Percy Sexty1923
William Gulliford1926
Walter Freer1943
Henry Kelsy1947
Richmond Ffolliot Powell1953
Anthony F.K. Andrews1960
Patrick Hellyer1966
Linley Blathwayt1971

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