Caundle Marsh


Caundle Marsh Film MIC/R/1428 Dorset Record Office


Poor Rate 1805

Edwd. Berkley Portman Esq 5s 7 ½ d
Sir Richard Colt Hore 1s 8d
Earl of Digby 1s 11d
Revd. Jno. Messiter 2s 8d
?Law (? Lawrence ) Edwd. St. Lo Esq. 4s 2 ½ d
Mr Lawns 2s 8d
Mr James Gollop 2s 1 ½ d
Mr William Gollop 2s 1 ¼ d
Mr Ownes for Bussells 7 ½ d
Miss Clarke 1s 6d
Mr Galpine 1s 10d
Mr Bradford 1s 9d
Mr Bradford (Ridouts) 5 ¼ d
Henry Daubney Esq. 1s 0d
Mrs Jeffry for Red Gates 1 ¼ d
Mr Richd. Gollop Battens 4d
Sir Rich. Colt Hore for Holt 2d
Miss Daubney for Horns/Hans Mead 3d
Signed M. Jones
Wm. Toogood


Church rate for 1815


Edward B. PORTMAN Esq

5s 7 ½ d


2s 5 ½ d

Earl of DIGBY Aishcombe

2s 8d

Trustees of Sherborne Almshouse

1s 11d


4s 5 ½ d

Late James GOLLOP's

2s 1 ¼ d

William GOLLOP

2s 1 ¼ d


1s 6d


1s 10d


2s 2 ¾ d






     1 ¼ d




  A Church Rate for 1818


Edward B. Portman Esq.   5s 7 ½ d
Evan Owens   2s 5 ½ d
Earl of Digby Aishcombe 2s 8d
Trustees of Sherborne Almshouse 1s 11d
Edw. Saint Lo Esq. 4s 2 ½ d
Late James Gollop 2s 1 ¼ d
Benjamin Thorne 2s 0 ¼ d
Mr Galpine 1s 6d
Mr Galpine 1s 10d
Revd. Mr Bradford 2s 2 ¾ d
Revd. S. Fitzherbert   9d
Revd. S. Fitzherbert  3d
Mrs Jeffery (for) Redgates 1 ¼ d
Revd. S. Fitzherbert 4d


Churchwardens' Account 1815-1816


Account of John JEFFERY and George POPE churchwardens of Caundle Marsh and Keepers of the Goods and Chattles belonging to the said Church from Easter 1815 to Easter 1816.


Bread and Wine for the Easter Communion

3s 8d

Washing Surplice and Cloth


Bead and Wine for Communion on Whitsunday

3s 8d

Washing Surplice

1s 6d

Cleaning the Churchyard

1s 6d

Account Book


A new Surplice and for making the same



10s 6d


?1s 8d

Expenses at Visitation


?Apparitor's Bill


Sidesman's Expenses

2s 6d

For keeping Account for two years


Bread and Wine for Communion at Michaelmas

3s 7 ½ d

Washing Surplice

1s 6d

For a ?Matt for the Desk

2s 6d

Bread and Wine for the Communion at Xmas

3s 7d

Washing Surplice

1s 6d

Copy of Register


Transcriting this Account


Signed: ? Rector  (unreadable)  Robert BROAKE Wm. NOTLEY



Two Inventories

An immitory of James WINTER's Goods taken by the Overseers and Churchwarden of the Parish of Caundle Marsh in the County of Dorset the 28 Day of December 1806


A Cottage House Leasehold

A Small Orchard and ?Hovell House Land

Two Orchards Leasehold

1 Horse

1 Clock

1 Bedstead and Bed

A Box with Legs

A Settle with a Cover


A ?Chest

1 Pair of ?Fishpots

1 Tub

1 Pair of ?Shillard

1 Dresser

1 ?Trikin

1 Gun

6 Puter (?pewter) Dishes

1 Cross ax and Shovell

1 Pair of Tongues

1 Back Crook


2 Quarter Barrels

1 Hogshead

Cyder Mill and Press

1 Boilling Pot

1 Oak Table

3 Potts of Beer

1 Hand Saw

1 ?Gridhirn

1 Sadle and Bridle

1 Grinding Stone




An Imnatorey of James WHITE's Goods taken by the Overseers and Churchwarden of Caundle Marsh in the County of Dorset the 14th day of July 1810


A Clock and Case

2 Iron Pots

5 putter Plates

1 Settle

1 Table

2 Spards (?spades)

3 Chirs

1 Dresser

an hatchet

1 Butter Dish

1 pair Stilards

2 Boxes

Cross ax


2 Syths with Tackel

2 Shovels


a little Chair

2 Beds

an hack (?axe)

3 knives an forks

2 Syths without Tackel

2 Joint Stools

2 Back Crooks

1 Grinding Stone and all belonging

1 pail

Firer pan an tongs

1 ?-riel Iorn (?iron)

2 ?firmes

1 tea kittle

1 Slice

1 Boxan heater

1 Salt Box

1 Brass Skimer



  Poor Rate for the Parish of Caundel Marsh for the year 1826


Solomon Brake Strong

5s 7 ½ d

James Williams

1s 8d

James Williams for Busels

7 ½ d

James Williams for ?Loor Holt


James Williams for Alms Hous Land

1s 11d

Hennery Loane

4s 2 ½ d

?Ann Toogood

3s 4d

Thomas Collins

2s 8d

William Notly

2s 8d

Sampson Trobridge

2s 2 ¾ d

Sampson Trobridge for Clothe Close


John Sperrin

2s 1 ¼ d

John Paul

1s 9 ¾ d

John Paul


John Paul


John Paul for Wood Pleckes


Thomas Spicer for Redgeat

1 ¼ d

William Roberts House and Garden

½ d

Signed Soloman B. Strong
Thomas Collins
Henry Lane
John Sperrin

Confirmed by John White
Edwd. West 5 Ap. 1827


Some Vestry Meetings

11 th Day of April 1887

A Vestry Meeting of which due notice had been given was held this day Mr Jas. Parsons was elected Rector’s Churchwarden, and Mr Hy. White was elected Parish Churchwarden. The Churchwardens’ accounts were produced and passed. Bills total £4.16.6 leaving a balance in hand of 3s 6d. It was resolved that the undermentioned form themselves into a committee, with the view of providing means for giving a Dinner to the men, and a Tea to the women and children of Caundle Marsh to keep the Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

S. Wilks Gibson (Rector)
Jas. Parsons
Henry White
Jacob Gartell



On Wednesday 22 nd June Queen Victoria’s Jubilee was kept in the parish, a Dinner was given to the parishioners and also a Tea in the Rectory Barn, a Band was in attendance and various Sports were indulged in. The expences were covered by subscription as follows –

J.W. Digby Esq. £3.0.0
Revd. S.W. Gibson £1.0.0
Mr Jas. Parsons £1.0.0
B. Thorne Esq. £1.0.0
Mr Henry White 15.0
Mr George Hall 10.0
Mr John ?Bealing 2.6
Mr A. Trowbridge 5.0
Mrs Auber 10.0
Mr George ?Ripps 5.0
Mr Jacob Gartell 10.0
Mrs E. Knight 1.0
D. ?Sirrell Esq. 5.0
Mr Chas. Parsons 10.0
Mr George Trowbridge 5.0

The old Stove being worn out, a new Stove was placed in the Church 18 th September 1887 , cost was £5.3.0, which was covered by proceeds of a Concert 13 th April 1887 ; £3.2.3, and subscriptions £2.0.9

Signed S.W. Gibson (Rector)



On Tuesday 22 nd June the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria was kept in this Parish, there was a Short Thanks giving Service in the Church at 2pm when a procession was formed and Marsh Court was reached at 2.30 – through the kindness of J.H. Wilkes Esq. The grounds of Marsh Court were placed at the disposal of the Committee and there was a Dinner provided in the open air, also a Tea for all the parishioners, a band was in attendance and various sports, racing etc. were indulged in concluding with a display of Fireworks. The expences of the whole were covered by subscribers as under

J.H. Wilkes Esq * £3.3.0
J.H. Digby Esq., M.P. £3.3.0
Revd. S.W. Gibson * £1.1.0
B. Thorne Esq. £1.0.0
Mrs Auber 10.0
Mr H. White * 10.0
Mr T. Hall * 10.0
Mr J. Bealing 10.0
Mr A.G. Trowbridge * 10.0
Mr John Parsons 10.0
Mrs Harvey 5.0
Mr H. Crocker * 5.0
Mr J. Gartell 10.0
Mr Harvey * 3.0
Mrs G. Trowbridge 1.0
Mr Chas. Crocker 3.0

Names marked * formed the Committee


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