
The Will of Edward Sprague of Upwey, Dorset dated 6th June 1614

Transcribed by Michael Russell Feb 2008 A copy of the original Will is available from the National Archives Ref PROB 11/124 but this does not contain the Inventory. The original Will and Inventory  was discovered among papers of Captain William Sprague a 5th generation descendant who died in Leicester Massachusetts in 1832. It was previously published in Hosea Spragues Genealogy of the Spragues in Hingham. A digital image of this work is also available on line via the Church of Latter Day Saints website Catalogue under "Title Search" - See also Biographies under the Parish of Fordington.


The Vith [6th] daye [day] of June in the yeare [year] of  our Lord God, one thousand six hundred and fourteen  [1614]. In the name of God, Amen

I, Edward Sprague of Upwey in the County of Dorset, ffuller, [Fuller] being sicke [sick] and weake [weak] of body, but well and perfect in mind, thanks being unto Almighty God, do ordaine [ordain] and appoint this my last Will and Testament to be made in manner and forme [form] following. That is to say, ffirst [first] of all, I do bequeath my Soul unto Almighty God, my Saviour and Redeemer, and my bodie [body] to be buried within the church yard. As for such temporall [temporal] goods as God has blessed me withall [withal], I give and bequeath as hereafter follows: viz.

I give unto the parrishe [parish] church of Upwey tenne [ten] shillings.

Item:- I give unto the poor of the said parrishe [parish] of Upwey tenne [ten] shillings

Item:- I give unto unto Ralphe Sprague my eldest sonne [son] one of the oldest paire [pair] of shears in my shoppe [shop] and one lesser payer [pair] called the quarrel.

Item:- I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Alice Sprague fiftie [fifty] poundes [pounds] to be paid within one yeare [year] after my decease.

Item:- I give and bequeath unto Edward Sprague my second sonne [son] two paire [pair] of shears and twentie [twenty] poundes [pounds]  to be paid likewise within one year after my decease.

Item:- I give and bequeath unto Richard Sprague my third son twenty poundes [pounds]  to be paid when he shall be one and twenty years of age.

Item:- I give and bequeath unto Xpofer [Christopher] Sprague my fourth sonne [son] twenty poundes [pounds]  to be paid when he shall be of the age  be one and twenty years.

Item:- I give and bequeath unto William Sprague my youngest sonne [son] xx L [twenty pounds]  to be when he shall be of the age of one and twenty years.

All the rest of  my goods movable and unmovable I give and bequeath unto Christian Sprague my wife whom I do make my whole (sole) executrix of this my last Will and Testament.

Memorandum: that if Richard Sprague , Christopher Sprague or William Sprague shall happen to die either of them before they shall be of age of one and twenty years, that then their legacie [legacy] to be devided [divided] betweene [between] the other two or if two of them shall happen to dye [die] before they shall be of the age of one and twenty years that the their legacies to remain to the other then living

ffinally [Finally], I do appoint Henry Samways and William Bryar overseers of this my last Will and Testament in the presence of those whose names are underwritten John Bishoppe [Bishop] John Taylor his marke [mark]

Memorandum: that whereas the living of the aforesaid Edward Sprague doth fall unto his sonne [son] Ralph Sprague after his decease the said Ralph Sprague doth upon his fathers request promise that his mother Christian Sprague shall quietly enjoy the said living until he shall be one and twenty years of age.

Probate: On the 13th day of October 1614 Probate was granted in London to Christian Sprague widow and executrix therein named.


A True and perfect Inventory indented of all and singular the goods, rightes, chattels and debts of Edward Sprague late of Upwey in the County of Dorset, FULLER deceased made the sixth day of June and appriced and valued by Thomas Leball, John Seller, William Bryar and Francis George as followeth, viz 1614




IMPRIMUS [ In the First Place] his wearing apparell iii  
Item: a piece of Russet cloth i  
Item: two beds furnished iii  
Item: one coverled and a carpet i  
Item: ten pair of sheets, board cloths, with two pair of pillow byes, and six table napkins iiii  
Item: thirteen silver spoons ii x
Item: one cupboard, nineteen pewter vessels, three candle sticks, and three salts ii x
Item: four coffers, one chest. two chairs and a flasket   xvi
Item: a sword and dagger   vii
Item: two other beds furnished ii  
Item: mill i x
Item: a sack of wheat and a sack of malt i x
Item: iron ropes, with other old yron [iron] i  
Item: one willow, four old tubs with a hedlop   vi
Item: one table, board and cupboard   x
Item: five barrels with other timbre vessels ii  
Item: two frying pans, one spit, two andyrons three pair of pothooks, with other kytchin [kitchen] stuff   x
Item: one and twenty brass vessels viii  
Item: butter and cheese i vi
Item: a cheese press, a ladder thread, with other small implements ii  
Item: four payer [pair] of fullers shears with the shear bords [boards] and iron bar, beams, and seales and weights with other things at the mill iiii  
Item: three saddles   xv
Item: one pyge [pig] i  
Item: seven kyne [kine or cows], with three yearlings xx  
Item: one horse iii  
Item: fourscore sheep and forty two lambs 40  
Item: four acres and a half of corn viii  
Item: due unto the administrix without specially xvi x
Item: due upon bond 131 vi
Suma Totalissimus Inventury £cclviii vi

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