Bradford Abbas

More from Bradford Abbas ‘Scrapbook’

Microfilm of original documents at the Dorset History Centre MIC/R/1410

Transcribed by Caryl Parsons

1886 printed sheet

St Mary, Bradford Abbas, and Clifton Mabank

Table of Fees   



Marriage by Licence


10s 6d

Marriage after Banns 


2s 6d

Publishing Banns

2s 6d

2s 6d

Brick Grave (for one or two)



Brick Grave (for three or four) 



Re-opening Brick Grave



Ordinary Grave 6 feet


4s 6d

For every additional foot


1s 6d

Breaking Ground for Stranger



And all other fees doubled



Low Iron Rails 



Head, or Head and Foot Stone 



Flat Stone



Fresh Inscription 



Tablet on Wall 



Passing Bell 



Note – Any person wishing to erect a Monument, or to alter those at present erected, or to place trees or flowers in the Churchyard, must first obtain the consent of the Vicar.

November 1889

St Christopher Boys’ Brigade

Motto: Manners Makyth Man

I … member of the Brigade of St Christopher desire by the grace of God to serve Him truly all the days of my life; to worship Him in His House and to carry Christ in my heart.


To practice obedience to all lawful authority

To be reverent in and about God’s House

To attend Church once at least every Sunday

To keep my body in temperance, soberness and chastity

W.E. Walden; H. Walden; J. Lang; Edward Higgins; William Higgins; Sidney Smith;

Robert Ring; Edward Wadman; Sidney Ring; Edward Gilham; Sidney Gilham;

Edward Coombes; Thomas Coombes; Henry Dodge; Frank Garrett; John Hansford;

Fred Gilham

November/December 1890

During the removal of the Font to the West End the following statement was found embedded

(Greek inscription XV! Matt. 18)

“This Church was repaired and the Font repaired October 27th in the year of our Lord God 1842. This bottle and coin was deposited by the Rev. Robert Grant, Vicar of this Parish and Fellow of Winchester College.

George Masters, John Sherring        Churchwardens

Population                          Males              Females                        Total

Bradford Abbas                      308                  344                              652

Clifton Mabank                        27                    43                                70


November 1890newspaper cutting (extracts)

American Sale held in Victoria Temperance Hall, ?Yeovil

Stall holders:

Mrs Troyte Bullock; Mrs A. & Miss Helyar, Mrs A. Clayton; Mrs W. Lang;

Mrs Flower; the Misses Whittle; Miss Collis; Miss Helliker; Mrs Jeans;

The Misses Drake; Mr J.J. Ring; Mrs Norman; the Misses Parsons, Sims and

Martin; Mrs Cooper; Miss Kent; Miss Gurd, Miss Chainey;

Messrs L. and C. Colter and the Misses Plillips

Also helped with distribution:

Messrs T. Denner and F. Maggs

Helped with pricing:

Mrs Cole; Mrs Denner; Mrs Knapton; Mr W Lang; Mr Conway

Rev. and Mrs G. Wickham helped superintending arrangements

At the end Mr Bragg, doorkeeper, auctioned larger articles left. The sale made �55.

24/28 July 1891 newspaper cutting

Fatal Accident – Mr Walden, dairyman of this place, on Friday evening, met with an accident which has terminated fatally. He was returning from Yeovil in his trap, when, on going up Babylon Hill, the trap got too near the bank, with the result that

Mr Walden, who was sitting on a barrel, was thrown out upon the road. The horse continued its journey, eventually reaching home, when Mrs Walden was surprised to see the trap without her husband. She and her son went back to search for Mr Walden, and found him about a mile and a half from the house. He was conveyed home, and Dr Flower attended from Yeovil. It was discovered that a serious injury was sustained to the spine, and the whole of the body from the shoulders was paralysed. – On Tuesday, and inquest was held before

Mr C.L.O. Bartlett, deputy-coroner of Sherborne, and a jury of whom Mr Gordon Wickham was foreman. Wm. Walden, the deceased’s son, was the first witness examined. He said his father’s horse arrived home on Friday night about twelve o’clock, but as his father was not in the trap to which the horse was attached, witness went to look for him, and found him lying on his face at the corner of the hill leading to Bradford from Babylon Hill. His father was sensible. With assistance witness got him home, and the next morning went to Yeovil for

Dr Flower. – Witness was asked by a juryman the kind of seat his father had in the trap, and he replied that it was a barrel which he had borrowed at Yeovil. His father was a heavy man, and witness conjectured that on the barrel swaying, owing to the trap striking the bank, his father must have lost his balance, and been thrown from the trap. – William Glover, of Yeovil, said deceased was drinking with him at the Globe and Crown on Friday night, and he left there to go home at about five minutes to eleven. He got into the trap and drove off all right. Witness did not consider him the worse for drink, and thought him quite capable of driving himself home. – Dr Flower, of Yeovil, said he was summoned at 10.30 on Saturday morning to Bradford, and he went immediately. He saw the deceased in a sitting-room, where he was lying. His body from the shoulders downwards was paralysed, owing to the spinal chord being injured. He continued to attend the deceased until death ensued. – The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death”, and added a rider to the effect that they were of the opinion that the turn in the road leading to Bradford from Babylon Hill was very dangerous to anyone driving there at night, and asking that it should be immediately altered.

December 1894 newspaper cutting

Funeral – On Tuesday, the cottagers of this village paid a touching mark of respect to one who, though not a parishioner, had endeared herself as a resident at various times to all with whom she came in contact. At the early age of 18 Miss Mary Fearing died suddenly, though after a long and painful illness, on Dec. 12th, at Ventnor. By her own expressed wish her body was brought here that she, a stranger in a strange land, might rest near the church which she had lovingly helped to restore. The body arrived at Bradford on Monday afternoon, and rested at Mr Lang’s house. The funeral, preceded by an early celebration of Holy Communion, took place at 11.30. All arrangements were in the hands of Messrs Lang. The grave, dug by Mr S. Ring, and bricked by Mr P. Smith, was lined with moss, ivy, and white flowers. The coffin, of unvarnished oak, with silver ornaments, and surmounted by a plain oak cross, was gently borne to its last resting place by Messrs W. Lush, J. Patch, S. Ring,

Ring, J. Gill and James Bragg. Messrs W. and J. Lang, Mr P. Smith, and the choir children in their red cloaks with bunches of white flowers in their hands escorted the coffin, which was followed by the chief mourners, Miss M.R. Stubbert, the late Miss Fearing’s guardian in England, and Miss Minet. The service was fully choral, the choir rendering voluntary assistance, led by Mr W. Walker; Mrs Gordon Wickham taking the organ. The vicar officiated throughout. At the graveside the children and the aged sexton, Mr Arnold, reverently cast white flowers into the grave as the vicar committed the body to the earth. After a tempestuous morning the sun shone out strongly upon the white wreaths and floral crosses, true emblem of that eternal brightness which has followed a young life shadowed here in time by much suffering. Miss Fearing’s medical attendant when residing in the village was unavoidably prevented from attending. Those who were present – and nearly every cottage was represented – rejoicing in the opportunity offered of testifying their respect, and welcoming in Christian charity to their God’s acre one who had no home nearer than the distant shores of America. The inscription on the silver plate could be read by all:-

‘Mary Fearing, 18, born February 18th 1876; fell asleep December 12th 1894.’

Mary Swan Fearing, born in Auburn, New York.

Mary Read Wyman Stubbert, born April 18th at Malden, Massachusetts, died

February 12th 1939 at Cambridge, England, buried in same grave as Mary Fearing.

27 July 1899 School Feast

The children met at the School at 3 pm and marched to the Vicar’s field. A cricket match was played between the Vicar’s and Mr Walker’s Eleven, the latter winning by one run. Tea at 4.30 on the lawn. Closed at 7pm

Expenditure                                                                  Receipts

?60/90 lb Fruit and Seed cake                                     �1.10.0            Mrs W. Whittle                      5s

8 Brick Loaves                                                             2s 8d                Mrs Cooper                            5s

6 lbs butter                                                                  6s                    Collt. B. Courtney                  1s 3d

9 lbs sugar                                                                  1s 6d                Collt. Lottie Gay                      13s 7d

1 � lbs tea                                                                  2s 6d                14 lbs cake returned                4s 8d

W. Lang swings                                                          10s                  ?          G Clayton                  �1

3 gallons milk                                                              2s___              To balance                              5s 2d

                                                                                    �2.14.8                                                            �2.14.8

Messrs G. Leeding, T. Coombs, Mrs Leeding and Mrs Jas. Higgins made all the arrangements.

 October 1901

Newsletter – “…The football season opened with a match v Nautilus Works at Yeovil on Saturday, 21st September. Nautilus 5 Bradford Abbas 1. We were only able to muster seven men. Mr H. Warr is the captain for this season with A. Smith as sub-captain, and

Messrs J. Wills, E Higgins, T.W. Ingram, B. Chainey, J. Smith and R. Jeans as committee.”

November 1901

In Memoriam

At the age of eighty Uriah Lang has passed away. Crippled by rheumatism, and beset by the natural infirmities of age, he still worked on, as one who scorned to be idle. He leaves behind him a record of kindly fatherhood and honest thoroughness in work, which will not soon be forgotten. Many are missing today the kindly greeting which was always ready for all who passed his carpenter’s shop. Faithful to his Church membership he received the Blessed Sacrament before his death and as far as human judgement may decide his end was peace.

November 1903

Churchyard Fund

Rev. G. Wickham                                �2        (1902)

A. Clayton Esq                                    �1                    Hon. W. Cairns                      �1

Mr. R.H. Cooper                                 �1.10.0           Mr. W.C. Whittle                    10s

Miss G. Hatfield                                  5s                    Mr. R.S. Scutt                        2/6

Mr H. Warr                                          2/6                  Mr James Higgins                  2/6

Mrs E. Higgins                                    6d                  Mr G. Goodenough                6d

Mrs Glover                                        1s                    Mr Alban Smith                      1/6

Mr E. Corens                                      1s                    Mr W. Chaffey                      6d

Mr J. Rodber                                      1s                    Mr R. Symes                          6d

Mr Street                                            6d                    Mr G. Chainey                        6d

Mr F. Gilham                                      1s                    Mr T. Bishop                          1s

Mr G. Leeding                                    1s                    Miss M.R. Stubbert                �2

Total - �9.5.6


Labour 1902                                        �1.7.6

Labour 1903 Jan 12-Oct 12                �5

Lawn mower                                        �1.5.6

Shears                                                  5/6

Total - �7.19.6

Balance �1.6.0                                    Signed – Wyndham Pomeroy   Treasurer

The above statement of accounts does not show a fulfilment of the Vicar’s expectation that the fund would receive general support from the villagers; but it is to be hoped that the improvement effected in the appearance of the churchyard will induce many more to subscribe this year. It is surely a matter in which all should take part. We do not ask for large donations, but for many small ones.

July 1904

We welcome Mrs Minet and Miss Hatfield to the parish, and regret the cause which has so long delayed them.

St Mary’s Choir Christmas 1911

Names given with a photograph taken by Mr H. Warr

Back row Dorothy Bragg, Alice Smith, Lily Rodber, Adeline Lang, Letitia Taswell

Front row Phyllis Jeans, Rose Rodber, Gertie Lang, Gertie Denslow, ?Marjorie Denslow

October 1912

Extract noted from the will of Thomas Masters, Clerk, of Chilton Cantelo

21st January 1585

I give to the Parishe Church of Bradford Abbas tenne shillings

I also give to the poore folke of the sd. Parishe of Bradford Abbas Thirteen shillings

I also give to the prisoners of the gaile of Ilchester three shillings fore pence

Codicil – To the daughters of Thomas Masters I give fore bushelles of wheat, beans, bread ?pulse

To the Poor of Yevil I give ten shillings six pence

I give George Masters one bedstead at the Vicarage of Bradford

1 April 1914 newspaper cutting

Notes – Men’s Club supper

Leaving next day for Canada – Mr Robert Wadman and Mr W. Bere

Jan 1915 newspaper cutting

Diligent Schoolboys - A fine record of unbroken attendance at school can be claimed by three Bradford Abbas schoolboys, whose photographs are reproduced above. Desmond Higgins (the lad in the middle of the picture) bracketed part crossed through for some reason has seven years unbroken attendance to his credit. He is a son of Mr E. Higgins, a carpenter in the village, and he is the youngest of three brothers, the two elder Joseph and Lionel, having respectively nine and six years unbroken attendance to their credit. The other lads are Victor Hutchings, who has six years unbroken attendance, and his brother Harold, who had five years. They are the sons of

Mr T.W. Hutchings, blacksmith for Mr Cooper, of Wyke, near Sherborne. (Photo by H. Warr, Bradford Abbas)”

September 1917 newspaper cutting

A branch of the Women’s Institute has been started in the parish and already numbers fifty-three members. Monthly meetings are held for recreation and education and members are privileged to buy coal from October at cost price.

President:                    Mrs C.E. Duff

Vice President: Mrs Gordon Wickham

Secretary:                    Miss Anthea Firth

Treasurer:                    Miss W. Jeffery

Committee:                  Mrs Wyatt-Paul, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Down, Mrs W. Lang,

                                    Mrs F. Garrett, Mrs Hutchings, Mrs Lombard, Mrs Denslow         

March 1918 newsletter

Garden Plots

The following scholars have commenced work for the season under Mr H. Warr’s superintendence:

F. Coombs, C. Down, W. Cox, H. Walker (crossed through), A. Upshall, E. Tod, S. Coombs,

J. Sartin, F. Garrett, D. Fowler and B. Gill.

W. Weller added

April 1918

Marriage George Few and Evalina Ruth Smith

Thursday April 4th 1918

Easter Vestry

The churchwarden’s accounts were presented and passed. The Vicar nominated Mr George Good as warden with Mr Wyndham Pomeroy, Mr J. Rodber and Mr T. Patch as sidesmen. Col. C.E. Duff, C.B., was chosen as Parish Warden – his request to be allowed to stand aside being refused – And Mr W. Lang, Mr R. Cooper and H. Cooper and Mr T. Bere were appointed sidesmen. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the Church Officers for 1917.

14th April 1918

On Sunday afternoon, April 14th, the school children gave an Easter Service in song in the Church. Miss W. Jeffery took the harmonium and Mr H. Warr conducted. Members of the Choir kindly gave their assistance and the service was heartily rendered.

15th April 1918

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Hall on Monday 15th, at 7.30pm. Colonel C.E. Duff, C.B., presided. Present Messrs G. Good, T. Coombs, T. Bishop, and the Vicar. This scanty attendance may denote either lack of interest in Parochial matters, or entire satisfaction with all that concerns our well-being.

May 1918

Co-operative Pig Keeping

Col. C.E. Duff, C.B., presided at a meeting in the Hall at 8pm to discuss the formation of a Pig Club. Miss Gildea explained the scheme as far as it is at present evolved – and answered questions. Eventually nine of those present expressed willingness to make the attempt and a further meeting was arranged for Thursday 23rd, Mr H. Warr meantime undertaking to canvas the village.

The medals and certificates for unbroken and regular attendance for the year ending July 31st, 1917, reached us on the 9th May, 1918, and were presented by Canon Wickham to the following children:

Unbroken attendances – Infants, Bessie Garrett. Standards I-IV, Horace Garrett, Ivy Smith,

Standard V and upwards, Hubert Rodber, Frederick Coombs, Cecil Down, Frank Garrett,

Alfred Boucher, Olive Templeman.

The School was open 411 times and the following who were present 398 times, viz., 97 percent, obtained a medal with red and white ribbon and a certificate:-

Cecil Smith, 408; William Cox, 407; Nellie Burrough, 407; Leonard Coombs, 406;

Roland Garrett, 406; Leslie Cox, 406; Edith Wallbridge, 405; Stanley Coombs, 404;

Mary Templeman, 404; Dorothy Bartlett, 403; Nina Stevens, 402; Hilda Gillham, 401;

Matilda Upshall, 401; Harold Coombs, 401; Mildred Burrough, 401; Thomas Weller, 399;

Bertram Gill, 398; Ena Ring, 398; Mildred Ring, 398.

The Vicar expressed a hope, in which the headmaster, Mr H. Warr, joined, that this year a higher percentage of attendances would be reached, and that a larger number would win the red, white and blue ribbon for unbroken attendances. The percentage of attendances for the whole school was 90.31.

June 1918 newsletter

Dear Friends

There is not much to record from the past month. Letters from the front are often long in coming and hearts are anxious and apt to think the worst – but so far none of our natural fears have been realised. Reginald Lang writes cheerily from his internment camp.

Leonard Bragg is regaining strength and will have a good word to say for Queen Alexandra’s Hospital at Millbank.

Marriage Frederick George Hawkins and Amenda (sic) Jane Rodber June 4th

Women’s Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the Hall on Thrsday June 20th. A practical lecture on Cookery was given by Miss Macgregor, Miss M. Jeffery and her stove being again in requisition. Entertainment was provided by Miss Gladys Wills and Miss Ena Pomeroy who gave a duologue entitled ‘The Story of a Tale’. We shall know to whom to apply when next we want to be amused.

A memorial service was held Wed. June 12 at 6.30pm for Frederick Garrett, Dorset regt., who was drowned on his way to Alexandria.

The Old Mill is now occupied by German Prisoners working on Mr W. Paul’s farm at Clifton, where they are giving satisfaction.

June 16th Marjorie Higgins entered on her duties as Monitoress.

July 1918 newsletter

… You will be glad to hear that our village Memorial has been paid for with the exception of the addition of names of those who have served. To the list of those who have made the great sacrifice must be added the name of Wilfred Chaffey, whose death has now been notified.

August 1918 newsletter

The County Council has sent us the result of the Medal Competition for the year ending

July 31st, 1918, and we hope the children will not have to wait as long as last year for their rewards.

Six scholars made unbroken attendance – Frank Garrett, Cecil Down, Olive Templeman in Standard 5 and upwards, Horace Garrett and Ivy Smith St 1-2, and Ernest Templeman, Infants.

Frank Garrett wins the Bronze Star for unbroken attendance during five years 1913-1918.

The collection on France’s Day, kindly made by Gladys Lumbard, Vida Hutchings, Nellie and Mildred Burrough, Ena Coombs, Milly Ring, Edith Wallbridge, and Matilda Upshall, amounted to �2.5.3

Please do your best to collect fruit stones and nut shells and give them to

Miss Victoria Clayton.

We are glad to receive good news of Reginald Lang.

The County Council has sent in the result of the Medal Competition for the year ending

31st July 1918, and we hope that the children will not have to wait as long as last year for their rewards.

Six scholars made unbroken attendance – Frank Garrett, Cecil Down, Olive Templeman in Standard 5 and upwards; Horace Garrett and Ivy Smith Standard 1-2, and Ernest Templeman, Infants.

Frank Garrett wins the Bronze Star for unbroken attendance during the years 1913-1918.

Twenty-five scholars were present 97 percent of the total number of times the school was open, and the percentage of attendance for the whole year was 03.20.

September 1918

Mr Bere left the village for Chilmark, Wilts, previously of Manor Farm.

A Billiard and Bagatelle Club has been opened in the Hall in place of the Men’s Club and 17 members have been enrolled.


Sept 25 Emma Aplin, aged 69 years

Sept 26 Gladys Ethel Hann, aged 6 years

Oct 11 Annie Parsons, aged 64 years

Nov 2 Kate Ellen Haskett, aged 3 years

Nov 7 Sidney Alfred Haskett aged 1 year

Nov 8 Fred John Augustus Diffey, aged 1 � years


Sept 14 Masie Ethel daughter of John and Alice Jane Purchase

Oct 13 Virgil James son of George and Evelina Few

October 1918

Miss W. Jeffery and Miss G. Wills opened a Dancing Class in the Hall, Tuesday in each week, 6d. This proved a great success.

December 1918

The following children have been enrolled members of the Hosanna League

Gladys Lumbard                      Ethel Wallbridge                    Phyllis Bolwell

Vida Hutchings                      Carrie Tompkins                    Olive Templeman

Helen Burrough                      Olive Cook                              Eva Chant

Florence Burrough                  Ena Ring                                Elsie Mellish

Millie Ring                              Ena Coombs

December 1918

The annual meeting of the WI was held in the Hall. Miss Jeffery provided an entertainment which was heartily appreciated by a crowded room. Tea and cakes were handed round after the concert, an address was given by Col Colfox, and dancing followed. Miss Gladys Wills acted as pianist.


1. Song ‘The Little ?Japs’                                  G. Lumbard, V. Hutchings, Ena Coombs

2. Recitations ‘Daddy’s Parcel’, ‘My Dream’, ‘My Christmas Piece’

                                                                          L. Conway, R. Fowler, D. Osborne

3. Nursery Scene ‘Slumberland’                        Gladys Lumbard and others

4. Recitation ‘The Well of St Keynes’      Ena Coombs

5 ‘The Fairies and Brownies’                              Nine girls

6. Recitation ‘My Sunday Hat’                G. Lumbard

7. Action song ‘The Medley’                                Six girls

8. Recitation ‘The Quarrelsome Pair’                    E. Wallbridge

9. Action Song ‘The Cookery Girls’                       Six girls

10. Recitation ‘The Little Helper’                          V. Hutchings

11. Closing item ‘Gloom, Happiness, Patriotism’ E. Wallbridge, V. Hutchings, E. Coombs

The National Anthem

Miss Jeffery received a hearty vote of thanks before the last item for her successful efforts in training the little ones, who were well up on their parts and spoke very clearly.

December 1919

The Parish Hall was totally destroyed by fire at 8am. The building was of wood with Galvanised roof, erected by Boulton and Paul, and opened February 1911.

Apparently, the fire was caused by flames from the furnace in the ante-room, during a gale, the insurance of �250 has been fully paid by the Ecclesiastical. The original cost was �207 including �5.12.6 for copper and �1.7.6 for materials left.

The foundations were laid locally at a cost of �22.15.0. The properties belonging to the Club had not been insured.

4 May 1920 newspaper cutting


OPENING OF THE NEW HALL – The Village Hall which has been built to replace the one destroyed by fire last December, was formally opened on Tuesday evening. A Social had been arranged and was well attended, a party of about 200 being present, Mr H. Warr acting as M.C. Colonel C.E. Duff, C.B., in the unavoidable absence, through illness, of the Vicar (the Rev. Canon Wickham), briefly outlined the steps which had been taken since the catastrophe, and having expressed the hope that the hall would be fully appreciated by the villagers, of which there is not the slightest doubt, formally declared the Hall open. As to the building, formerly a Y.M.C.A. hut, all present were delighted with its appearance and the accommodation it provided. There is a main room 42 ft. x 30 ft, for dances, concerts etc., and a club-room with a full sized billiard table, etc., and necessary outbuildings. This rapid replacement of the social centre of the village is mainly due to the untiring energy of

Canon Wickham, and it was greatly regretted that illness should have prevented him from seeing the appreciation which was expressed for his efforts.

31st May 1920

The Vicar left for London, with Mrs Wickham, at the Bishop’s request – for rest and treatment.

22nd June 1920

The Vicar returned home much benefited.

Gap in book until 1925


This book came into the possession of the present Vicar on Saturday Nov. 21st 1925, hence a long gap in records of Events.

Canon Wickham after being Vicar for 35 years passed away in his sleep on Sunday-Monday December 19th-20th 1920.

May 1926 newspaper cutting

Bradford Abbas Man’s Death at Watford

The death has occurred at Watford of Mr Ernest Bragg, who was a native of Bradford Abbas. Mr Bragg went to Bromley in 1874, and with several others, was instrumental in starting the Bromley Co-operative Society in 1882, and was its secretary for 21 years. Mr Bragg had made Watford his home during the last few years. He was also a member of the Bromley School Board for some years, and of the Bromley Urban District Council.

Annual Club Dinner 5.6.1926

Notes from newspaper cutting – band from Bath, met by church and the paraded through the village. Dinner served at 1.15. Vicar was the chairman, supported by Mr H. Warr,

Mr G. Good, and Mr W. Patch. Club chairman was Mr C. Smith, secretary Mr J. Gill. Sports and amusements continued until 11pm

September 1926

Marriage – Lilian Violet Arthurs, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthurs of the Rose and Crown, and Mr W. James Lovelace of Yeovil

December 1927 newspaper cutting

Golden Wedding Celebrations – An interesting event took place on Monday when Mr and Mrs William Higgins, of this village, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, the ceremony having taken place on December 26th, 1877. The celebrations took the form of a family gathering of the happy couple’s six daughters, ten grand-children, sons-in-law,

Mrs J. Chainey (sister), and several friends. Mr S. Ring (brother) and Mr T. Coombs (son-in-law) were unavoidably prevented from being present.

?1928 newspaper cutting

Skittles Club Dinner

The annual supper took place at the Rose and Crown Inn on Tuesday evening. The host and hostess (Mr and Mrs F. Mear) had provided an excellent meal over which the President

(Mr W. Patch) presided, supported among others by the Rev. J.G. Vassall, Messrs Warr, Good, Waller, Bowler, Brown, Palmer and Davidge. A musical programme followed, the humorous elements being admirably sustained by Mr J. Frizzell of Yeovil. The pianist was Mr Daveridge. An interesting presentation took place. Mr W. Turner, the Chairman of the Sick Benefit Society, presented Mr C. Smith, the late Chairman, with a cheque on behalf of the members. The recipient feelingly expressed his thanks.


Marriage between Reginald Henry Jewel, son of Mr W. and Mrs Jewel of Dorchester, and Phylis Emma Jeans, only daughter of Mr R.H. and Mrs Jeans of North-street.

?1928 Marriage of Miss Lilian May Rodber, daughter of Mr John and Mrs Rodber, to

Mr Leslie Garrett, of Chelsea.


Death of Mr Thomas Gill, husband of Mary Ann Gill. Native of the village, and a bell-ringer. Sons Tom, Fred and Bert. Daughter Rose. Mesdames Walters, Ventham and Evis given as nieces.

Marriage of Rev Eric Campbell Douglas, 5th son of Dr Justyn G.D. Douglas and the late Mrs Douglas, of Bournemouth, and Miss Enid Elizabeth Chetwynd, youngest daughter of the late Mr Henry G.W. Chetwynd and Mrs Chetwynd, of Bracon Hall, Norfolk. The marriage took place at St Saviours, Warwick Avenue, London N9.

Rev E.C. Douglas instituted Vicar of Bradford Abbas 29 January 1934, ordained 1908.

21st February 1934 newspaper cutting

Report of the death of Kenneth, aged 2, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Meaker, of Cowpool.

5th April 1934 newspaper cutting

Death of Mr William Lang, aged 69. One of 12 children, father was a carpenter. As the tenth or ‘tithe’ chid he had a fee education. William Lang and his brother carved the lectern in Bradford Abbas church.

21st May 1934

Marriage of Mr Robert Clifford Day, headmaster of Bradford Abbas school, son of

Mr and Mrs F.R. Day of Twyford, and Emma Rebbeck, of Crocker’s Farm, Twyford.

2nd June 1934

Horticultural Society – At a general meeting held on Monday it was unanimously decided to form a Horticultural Society. The Vicar presided. The following officers were elected:

Hon. Sec. And Hon Treasurer – Mr R.C. Day

Committee – Mesdames Chaffey and Day, Miss Henfrey, Messrs Bascombe, F. Cox, Gale, Mear, F. Purchase, R. Chant, A. Smith, Tuck and Underdown. Mr Underdown was elected Chairman of the Committee. At a subsequent Committee meeting it was decided to hold a show this year on August 6th.

The Underdown Cup is still awarded as a prize at the annual show. (2005)

20 June 1936 newspaper cutting

Extension to St Mary’s Churchyard was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury.

Vicar The Rev E.C. Douglas

Churchwardens Mrs Forder and Mr T. Patch

December 1937 newspaper cutting

60 Years of Married Life – Mr and Mrs William Higgins, of Pear Tree Cottage, Shillingstone, will complete sixty years of married life on Sunday next. They were married at St Mary’s Church, Bradford Abbas, on December 26th 1877, the bride being

Miss Rose Ring.

See December 1939 for  death details

18th March 1938

The New Vicar – The Rev. G.V. Kendrick, who has succeeded the Rev. E.C. Douglas as vicar of Bradford Abbas, is to be inducted on Friday next week, March 25th, at 7pm.

The Rev. George Vincent Kendrick, who was ordained priest in 1910, was a curate at Palmerston, New Zealand, until 1912, was chaplain to tea planters at Cinnamon 1915-1917, vicar at Wadestown, New Zealand 1917-1918, Parapaumn (correct spelling Paraparaumu) 1918-1924, and at North Hutt, Diocese of Wellington from 1924.

December 1938 newsletter

The sympathy of everyone here will be given to all the relatives of Mr and Mrs W. Higgins, who died at Shillingstone within a few days of one another. Until recently they were resident in the village and they are remembered here with respect and affection. They were laid together in the churchyard of St Mary’s.

January 1945, list attached

Pray for those who have gone away in the King’s service.

From this parish:

Thomas Harry Gosney                       Kathleen Joyce Purchase

Cecil John Bagwell                              Beatrice Mary Gosney

Frederick Reginald Bartlett                Ruth Mary Fowler

Andrew Clark Little                            Leslie Charles Gough

Charles John Gillham                          Alfred Francis Gray

Fred Grant                                          Hubert John Rodber

Rowland Thomas Garrett                    Hubert Franklin Hendley

Reginald John Gray                              Ronald George Forse

Herbert William Bean                           Arthur Reginald Thomas Parker

Virgil James Few                                  Philip Bagwell

Cyril Clifford Emmens                          Sophia Julia Rose Wilding

Ronald Malcolm Kennard                    Percy James Evans

John Turnbull                                      Wilfred Christopher Chaffey

Leslie James Garrett                            Mary Patricia Kendrick

Raymond Lionel Robert White              Eric Robert Parker

Giles ?Bulted Daubney                        Edward Austin Coombs

Robert Nigel Garrett                          Phyllis Dorothy Fowler

George William Courtney                    Frederick William Allitt Gale

Wilfred Alan Gosney                          William Frank Nesbitt

Leonard William Holley                      Lawrence William James Chant

Kenilworth Donald Purchase              Desmond Roy Gosney

Henry James Downton                      Douglas Henry John Frampton

Walter Harold Cleal                            Ernest William John Bridle

Walter Edwin Victor Hendley               Edward James Cleal

Cecil Simeon Charles Smith                Frederick David Nelson

Archibald Emmens                              Robert Henry Bedford Fowler

Gordon Ronald George Puckett          George Reginald Hatherley Dunn

Frederick John Gill                              Edward A. Thomas

David Leslie Marshall                         Reginald James Ferret

                                                            Wilfred Arthur Ferret

                                                            ?          Dewberry

May be other names not visible on the film

From elsewhere, relatives here:

Ernest William Harold Smith                Frederick Thomas Coleclough

Robert William Scammell                    Leslie William Frank Garrett

James Barry                                        William Charles Woolf

Donald Norton                                    Laurence Patrick Loughlin

Henry George Hucker                        Sidney James Hucker

Leslie Hucker                                      Doris Hucker

William Joseph George Groves          Hugh Herbert William Perry

Herbert Frederick Chant

Bradford Abbas Nursery Rhyme Play 1956 newspaper cutting

The cast of the nursery rhyme play presented with great success by the infants at Bradford Abbas School on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were also three plays by the Junior Class. The entertainment was given on a stage, in the schoolroom, which had been built by the children under the direction of Mr T.L. Irving and Miss Letheran from scrap materials. Footlights and coloured spotlights had also been provided and proved most effective. There was an excellent attendance of parents and friends for each performance.

Friday 10 August 1956 newspaper cutting

Bradford Abbas Horticultural Society Show winners:

Mr W.H. Cleal (best exhibit in cottagers’ class); Mrs G. Burrough (most points in cottagers’ homecraft section); Mr W.H. Beane (most points in open vegetable section); Mr T. Patch (most points in open homecraft section); Mr J. Marsh (most points in cottagers’ classes)

26 July 1957 newspaper cutting

Members Celebrate – Mrs J.M. Loxton, president of Bradford Abbas Women’s Institute, cuts the cake at a party to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Institute. Holding the branch banner are Mrs R. Underdown (treasurer) and Mrs E. Fowler, two of the oldest members present.

4 August 1958 newspaper cutting

Notes – Bradford Abbas annual show and fete

578 entries against 446 from 65 exhibitors 2 years ago.

1957 show cancelled due to an outbreak of poliomyelitis.

24 October 1958 newspaper report (notes)

Mason’s Find in the Church- links with Bradford Abbas past found while working on the font. Found a small sealed bottle.

  1. Silver 6d dated 1841, paper dated 1842:

‘This Church was renewed and this font repaired on October 27th in the year of our Lord 1842. This bottle (and coin) was deposited by the Rev Robert Grant, Vicar of the Parish and Fellow of Winchester College, George Masters and John Sherring (Churchwardens) The population of Bradford Abbas - males 308  females 344

population of Clifton Maybank – males 27  females 43

Total – 722’

  1. Silver shilling dated 1889, paper dated November 1890:

      ‘Population 510    Clifton Maybank 80      Total 590

Gordon Bowles Wickham, M.A. New College, Oxon, Vicar

Albert Clayton and William Whittle                Churchwardens

Robert H. Cooper        Sidesman’

A third paper was inserted which recorded names, including those of the churchwardens, builder, architect and head master of the school, along with coins of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

Some Marriages and Burials extracted from the Parish Newsletters in the Scrapbook 1934-1942(some people named in bpts still living in village)

1934 marriage Mr Edward Arthurs, of Bradford Abbas, and Miss Mildred Burrough, of Wyke

1934 buried Mr George Good, of Goodlands, age 78, native of Okeford Fitzpaine

2.3.1935 marriage Thomas Griffiths and Ethel Gwendoline Gosney

1935 death of Mrs Josephine Nesbitt, daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Pound who lived I.O.W., wife of the Rev. Henry Frank Nesbitt, died at The Grange

23.4.1935 marriage Ernest John Vickery and Amy Emily Agnes Mellish

23.4.1935 ?buried Josephine Elizabeth Charlotte Pickman Nesbitt

6.7.1935 mar Robert James Read and Hilda Parker

10.9.1935 mar Ronald James William Chaffey and Gwen Ilean Myfanwy Davies

4.10.1935 bur William Henry Abbott age 64

9.11.1935 bur Louisa Amanda Ann White age 18

30.11.1935 bur Sybil Elsie Gosney age 7      )

20.12.1935 bur Doreen Edith Rand age 7  ) Vincents Angina – throat infection

20.12.1935 bur Victor Charles Chant age 8)

8.2.1936 bur George Gosney age 79

19.2.1936 bur Mr Thomas Coombs age 91, born Winsham 1844

4.4.1936 bur Wyndham John Pomeroy age 70

13.4.1936 mar Alfred Smale, of Guernsey , and Rose Kate Rodber

14.4.1936 bur Charles Edward Duff age 77

15.8.1936 mar Ernest James Coward and Henrietta Ring

31.10.1936 mar Richard Gordon Christmas and Gwendoline Ada Hallett

30.10.1936 bur Henry Davies age 65

21.11.1936 bur Matilda Lang age 76, widow of William

28.11.1936 bur John James Bragg age 69, brother of Harry

29.12.1936 bur Laura Amelia Templeman age 53

25.9.1937 mar William Charles Sellers and Emily Elizabeth Bowering

16.10.1937 mar Sydney John Hallett and Phyllis Florence Ethel Fowler, member of the choir, organist at children’s service. Left Bradford Abbas on her marriage

12.10.1937 bur Tom James Andrews Whittle

27.12.1937 mar Harold Stanley Durrant and Ivy Evelyn Ellen Foot

24.12.1937 bur Alfred Stephen Chant age 53

28.12.1937 bur Mary Jane Munkton age 87

22.1.1938 bur HENRY George Bragg age 67

11.3.1938 bur Anna Maria Smith age 77

25.7.1938 bur Robin Valence Attwood Puckett, child (bpt 7.4.1935)

5.8.1938 bur William Matthew Bere

18.3.1939 mar Alfred Francis Gray and Margaret Annie Gosney

8.4.1939 mar Charles Leonard Dewberry and Dorothy Rose Osborne

March 1940 bur Stanley Bagwell age 18; Edward Higgins age 68; Olive May Dowding age 20; Richard Alan Marshall age 6, only recently at Bradford Abbas, previously of Stourton where buried

1.6.1940 mar Arthur Edward Hunt and Gwendolen Lena Elizabeth Osborne

20.6.1940 bur Frederick George Puckett

13.8.1940 mar George William Courtney and Alice Vera Osborne

28.9.1940 bur Robert Henry Cooper, 2 days before 93rd birthday, farmer of Wyke

29.11.1940 bur Sidney Parsons age 87, last of ‘The Old Boys’

15.1.1941 Georgina Martha Pomeroy

16.1.1941 Louisa Parsons age 95

20.2.1941 mar Audney Ivor Trott and Masie Ethel Purchase

24.4.1941 bur John George Jeffery age 66

10.5.1941 bur Audrey Bowles age 4

30.5.1941 bur Ellen Frances Bascombe

16.8.1941 bur William ?James King

16.9.1941 bur William Edwin Curtis

5.12.1941 bur Mary Elizabeth Gosney

20.2.1942 bur George Arthur Hamilton Arthurs

28.2.1942 bur Robert James Sinnick

May 1942 bur Alice Millicent Burrough

8.5.1942 bur Frances Susan Perry

17.6.1942 mar Ernest Robert Underdown and Edna Elizabeth Burrough

4.8.1942 bur John Purchase

8.9.1942 mar Arthur William Pitman Bowditch and Daisy Alice Powell

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