Page Entry  Date Born                           (in margin) Year Date Baptised Christian Name Notes Father's name Mother's name Surname Abode Occupation  Clerk Register Notes My Notes To check
1 1 1813 July 4 William Thomas Rebecca Keats Herringstone Labourer TM Colson Curate
2 Sept:28 William John Thomas Mary Abbott Monkton Gent. HJ Richman
3 Novr 14 Euphemia John Eliz: Anna Hamilton Herringstone Esquire TM Colson
4 1814 Jan: 2 Mary John Jane Woodsford Monkton Labourer C Philips
5 April 17 George James Ann Roberts Monkton Labourer TM Colson
6 June 19 Sarah Jane Mary Wallis Monkton  - TM Colson
7 1815 June 18 George John Jane Woodsford Monkton Labourer TM Colson
8 July 2 Emma James Ann Lock Monkton Labourer TM Colson
2 9 July 9 John George Jane Bankranff Herringstone Labourer TM Colson Surname spelling
10 1816 April 14 John Joseph Charlotte Read Monkton Labourer TM Colson
11 Dec 8 William James Anne Roberts Monkton Labourer T Morton Colson
12 Dec 25 William James Hannah Lock Monkton Dairyman T Morton Colson
13 1817 Jany 10th William Thomas Mary Abbott Monkton Gent T Morton Colson
14 July 27th Jane William Grace Travers Monkton Labourer T Morton Colson
15 1818 May 10 Lovey William Mary Whittle Monkton Labourer E Davies Christian name spelling
16 Augt: 30th Mary Ann James Hannah Lock Dairy Man Monkton E Davies Really is swapped this way round
3 17 Decr: 27 Charlotte Joseph Charlotte Read Monkton Labourer E Davies
18 1819 March 14 James Lock William Emma Dowell Monkton Labourer E Davies
19 April 1st Henry Robert Rachel Dibben Monkton Labourer W R Churchill
20 Born Nov: 11th 1817 July 5 John Thomas Mary Abbott Monkton Gent: TM Colson
21 Born May the 8th July 5 Charles Alfred Thomas Mary Abbott Monkton Gent: TM Colson
22 August 8 Charles son of James Ann R/Babbits Monkton Labourer Evan Davies Surname spelling
23 No entry of baptisms for the year 1820 Evan Davies Curate
4 25 1821 March 18th Henry son of James Ann Lock Monkton Dairy Man Evan Davies Curate
26  -crossed out- Monkton Labourer
27 May 26 Harriet daughter of  John Jane Lock Monkton Plasterer Evan Davies Curate
28 1822 October 27 James son of James Ann Lock Monkton Dairy Man Revd Tra___ Oakley Offg: Minister
29 June 23 William & Ann son and daughter of  William Elizabeth Squibb Monkton Carter Evan Davies Curate Yes, this is after the October entry
30 1823 July 6th Elizabeth daughter of  George Susannah Berry Monkton Labourer Evan Davies Offg Minister ____
31 1824 August 1st Mary Ann daughter of James Ann Lake Monkton Labourer FJC Tremow Offg Minister
32 Sepr 5th William Spracklin son of Henry Sarah Lake Monkton Labourer Henry Poole Offg Minister
5 33 Septr 12th Sarah daughter of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Labourer WR Churchill Offg Minister
34 Sepr 16th James son of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Labourer Geo: Wood Offg Minister
35 1825 Febry 6 John son of John Jane Parker Monkton Labourer or Dairyman Henry Poole Offg Minister
36 18 Febry John son of Richard Ann Treviss Monkton Labourer FJC Tremow Offg Minister Surname written as Trevifs
37 28th March Ann daughter of Thomas Jane Bishop Monkton Labourer FJC Tremow Offg Minister
38 Augt 14 Joseph Legg son of Edward Ann Legg Monkton Labourer Hny Poole Offg Minister
39 Sepr 11 John Lake son of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Labourer Henry Poole Offg Minister
40 1826 17th Decr 1826 Elizabeth daughter of William Mary Travess Monkton Labourer FJC Tremow Offg Minister Surname written as Travefs
6 41 1827 Jany 7th Charles  son of John Jane Parker Monkton Dairyman FJC Tremow Offg Minister
42 27th May Sarah daughter of William Mary Churchill Monkton Labourer Wm Churchill Offg Minister
43 18th Novembr Sarah daughter of  James Ann Lake Monkton Labourer Heny Poole Offg Minister
44 1828 10th Feby 1828 Harriett Ann daughter of Edmund Ann Masterman Henning Monkton Gent John Penny Offg Minister
45 10th Feby  George son of Thomas Jane Bishop Monkton Labourer John Penny Offg Minister
46 10th Feby William son of Robert Ann Carter Monkton Labourer John Penny Offg Minister
47 15th June Sarah  daughter of Joseph Sarah Anne Foster Monkton Clergyman J Foster Curate
48 20th Septr Elizabeth Mary daughter of William Ann Wellman Monkton Labourer J Foster Curate
7 49 1829 March 4th Elizabeth Hannah daughter of Edward Maria Birt Monkton Labourer J Foster Curate
50 April 30th Jane daughter of  William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Labourer J Foster Curate
51 July 14th James son of Henry Sarah Lake Monkton Labourer J Foster Curate something illegible written in margin
52 1830 Oct 10th 1830 Sarah Ann daughter of Robert  Ann Carter Monkton Labourer __ Barker Curate
53 Oct 14th 1830 Hannah daughter of  Henry Elizabeth Edwards Monkton Laborer __ Barker Curate
54 1831 May 22 1831 Sarah Anne Edward Maria Birt Monkton Laborer C Davies Offg Minr
55 June 5 1831 John William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Laborer C Davies Offg Minr
56 1832 May 27 1832 Edward John son of Edward Maria Birt Monkton Laborer E Murray Rector Not given in at vis: 1832
8 57 Augst 12 Susan Kitty daughter of Henry Sarah Lake Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in June 20 1833
58 1833 Augst 4 James son of Robert Ann Carter Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
59 Sepr 1st Richard son of William Margaret Stevens Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
60 Sepr 1st Richard son of Elizabeth Parham Monkton Single Woman J C Bristed Curate
61 Novr 10- Henry son of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
62 Decr 8- George son of Thomas Elizabeth Churchill Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
63 1834 March 9 Xtopher son of Henry Elizabeth Edwards Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
64 August 10- James son of James Ellen Bishop Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Should have been given in at the visitation Sepr 1- 1834
9 65 1835 March 1- Joseph son of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Clerk of the Parish George Wood Offg Minister Given in to this Octr 4-
66 ----mistake ----
67 Decr 13 James son of Henry Sarah Lane Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
68 Decr 25 1835 Elizabeth daughter of John Eliza Langdon Monkton Shepherd J C Bristed Curate
69 1836 February 21 1836 George son of William Louisa Milverton Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
70 March 13 1836 Robert son of Robert Ann Carter Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
71 July 3d 1836 James son of James Ellen Bishop Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in to this
72 Decr 4 1836 George son of Samuel Susan Taylor Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
10 73 1837 June 11- Sophia daughter of William Louisa Milverton Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
74 June 25 Charles son of Henry Sarah Lake Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in to this July 25 1837
75 Sepr 17 John  son of John Eliza Langdon Monkton Shepherd J C Bristed Curate
76 1838 March 18 1838 Thomas son of William Mary Churchill Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
77 May 13 1838 Mary Ann daughter of  Samuel Susan Taylor Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in to this June 6 1838
78 June 24 1838 Elizabeth Jane daughter of William Elizabeth Lake Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
79 Decr 25- 1838 John son of Henry Sarah Lake Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
80 1839 Jan- 20 1839 Sarah daughter of William Louisa Milverton Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in to this Sepr 4 1839
11 81 Decr 8- 1839 Maria daughter of John Eliza Langdon Monkton Shepherd J C Bristed Curate
82 1840 Feb- 9- 1840 Mary Ann daughter of William Louisa Milverton Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate
83 May 10 1840 Sarah daughter of Samuel Susan Taylor Monkton Laborer J C Bristed Curate Given in to this Augt 8 1840
84 J C Bristed Curate
18 137 1861 Septr 28 Wilmot Lushington son of Vyell Donnithorne Mary Frederica Louisa Vyvyan Monkton Clerk V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
138 October 3 Evelyn Caroline Mary daughter of John Bryant Caroline Phelps Monkton Gent: V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
139 1862 Septr 28 Emily daughter of Edward Charlotte Smith Ashton Winterborne St Martin Labourer V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
140 Novr 16 Elizabeth Frampton illegitimate child of Jane Lake Monkton Labourer Wiliams Sabine Offg Minister Private
141 1863 February 1st Sarah Mary daughter of George Susan Kitty Travers Monkton Labourer WF Leith Off Min
142 February 22nd Edward son of Edward Jane Rendall Monkton Labourer WF Leith Off Min
143 April 19th Sarah daughter of John Ann Dodge Monkton Bailiff WF Leith Off Min
144 July 26th Ellen illegitimate child of Elizabeth  Lake Monkton Labourer J Firth Offg Min James in father column crossed out
19 145 Aug: 30 Sarah Ann daughter of Robert Emily Carter Monkton Labourer V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
146 1864 July 24 Mary Louisa daughter of Vyell Donnithorne Mary Fredreica Louisa Vyvyan Monkton Clerk V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
147 Aug 7 Walter Burbidge illegitimate child of Jane Lake Monkton Servant V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
148 Novr 2 Marcia Helena daughter of John Bryant Caroline Phelps Monkton Gent: V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
149 1865 Feb: 19 Alfred George son of Robert Emily Carter Monkton Labourer V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
150 March 19 Elizabeth Jane daughter of George Susan Kitty Travess Monkton Labourer V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
151 May 14 Adelaide Ann daughter of Joseph Fanny Lake Monkton Game-Keeper V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
152 May 25 Berkeley Cole Wilmot son of Edward Wilmot Sophia Williams Herringstone Gent: V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
20 153 Sep: 12 Elizabeth Jane daughter of Edward  Jane Rendall Monkton Labourer V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
154 Dec: 10 George illegitimate child of Ann Samways Monkton Servant V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
155 1866 Feb: 9 Ethel Cicely daughter of John Bryant Caroline Phelps Monkton Gent: V Donnithorne Vyvyan Rector
156 Dec 30 William son of Charles Ellen Jane Trevett Westminster London  Ship-breaker W Miles Barnes Rector
157 1868 Feb 26 George son of George Mary Lowman Symonds Monkton Yeoman W Miles Barnes Rector
158 May 3 Ethel Emily daughter of William Miles Emily Harriet Barnes Monkton Clerk in Holy Orders W Miles Barnes Rector
159 June 28 Ellen daur: of Jane Sylvester Corben Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector Parents put in the wrong way round
160 1869 March 24th Charles son of William Sarah Lucas Monkton Groom W Miles Barnes Rector privately baptised at the Rectory
21 161 March 28th George Henry son of John Jane Eliza Caddy Monkton Shepherd Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
162 March 28th Mary Ann daur of James Elizabeth Carter Monkton Labourer Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
163 May 16 Samuel son of Charles Esther Vincent Monkton Labourer Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
164 Augt 1st Florence  daur of George Mary Lowman Symonds Monkton Yeoman Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
165 Augt 1st William Jerome son of William Miles Emily Harriet Barnes Monkton Clerk in Holy Orders Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
166 1870 Jany 2 Arthur son of James Emily Steel Monkton Labourer Bonamy le Cocq Officiating Minister
167 July 24th Mary  daur: of Susan George Hooper Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector Parents put in the wrong way round
22 169
23 177
24 185
25 193
26 201
27 209
28 217 1890 Oct 19 William Alfred John  Laura Wills Herringstone Cowman W Miles Barnes Rector
218 1891 Oct 25 Alfred Edward Alfred John Laura Wills Herringstone Cowman W Miles Barnes Rector
219 1892 Sep 11th Alice May George  Sarah Bowering Monkton Carter W Miles Barnes Rector
220 1893 Dec 27th William George Charles Louisa Amey Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector
221 1894 July 22 Frederick Charles Charles Ann Old Monkton Shepherd W Miles Barnes Rector
222 1895 June 9th Ernest William son of Charles Elizabeth Eliza Downton Monkton Carter W Miles Barnes Rector
223 1896 May 31st Rose May dau of John Ann Jane Patience Monkton Shepherd W Miles Barnes Rector
224 1897 October 17th Leonard Charles John son of Sitney John Bessie Eliza Mileham Monkton Estate Carpenter W Miles Barnes Rector
29 225 1898 Feby 27 Nellie Alice Eliza George Ellis Alice Eliza Rendall Monkton Groom W Miles Barnes Rector
226 June 26 Frank Joseph Samuel Annie Maria Gordge Monkton Cowman W Miles Barnes Rector
227 Septr 11 Hilda Daisy Frederick James Bessie Mary Honeyboun Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector
228 1900 August 26th 1900 Arthur Joseph Pope Henry William Elizabeth  Hudson Monkton Estate Carpenter W Miles Barnes Rector
229 1901 April 21st Edward John Thomas Emma Alice Sparrow Herringston Gardener W Miles Barnes Rector
230 1902 June 1st Albert James Mary Yard Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector
231 1903 October 25 William Edward Henry William Elizabeth Hudson Monkton Estate Carpenter W Miles Barnes Rector
232 1905 Decemr 31 John Wilmot Henry William Elizabeth Hudson Herringston Estate Carpenter W Miles Barnes Rector
30 233 1907 Feby 3rd Ella Phyllis John Jesse Annie Maria Godden Monkton Labourer W Miles Barnes Rector
234 March 25th Alec Henry Lock Elizabeth Lovelace Monkton Shepherd W Miles Barnes Rector
235 July 28 John Thomas Emma Sparrow Herringston Gardener W Miles Barnes Rector
236 17th Septr 1908 1908 Octr 12th  Martha John Amelia Jane Legg Bagg Fordington Dorchester Farmer Charles R Bashett
237 28th Jany 1909 1909 March 9th 1909 Irene Violet Henry William Elizabeth Hudson Herringston Estate Carpenter Charles R Bashett Privately. Received 28th May 1909
238 18 Apl 1909 May 23rd 1909 Christopher Berkeley Thomas Charles Amelia Eldridge Herringston Butler Charles R Bashett
239 Aug 5th 1910 Sept 7th 1910 Benjamin John John Amelia Jane Legg Bagg Fordington Field Bailiff Alfrd Barton Off Min
240 Dec 17: 1910 1911 Feby 5 1911 John Vivian Thomas Charles Amelia Eldridge Herringston Butler Charles R Bashett
31 241 July 4th 1911 1911 Augt 27 Dora Annie William Annie Flora Burt Monkton Labourer Charles Robert Bashett Rector
242 July 22nd 1911 1911 Octr 8th Lucy Alma Ruth John Lizzy Miller Monkton Labourer Charles Robert Bashett Rector
243 Nov 11 1911 1911 Dec 27 Robert Roy John Amelia Jane Legg Bag Fordington Field Bailiff Charles Robert Bashett Rector
244 Born Dec 15 1912 1913 Jan 5 Alice Mary George Laver Alberta Mary Hounsale Monkton Bailiff A C Woodhouse Rector
245 Dec 15 1912 1913 Jan 19 Richard Henry John Amelia Jane Legg Bag Fordington Field Bailiff A C Woodhouse Rector
246 Feb 11 1913 1913 Mar 23rd Thomas William Henry John Rosina Hatcher Winterborne St Martin Carter A C Woodhouse Rector
247 1913 May 11 Vera John Emily Harden Monkton Carter A C Woodhouse Rector
248 Feb 26 1914 March 21 Martin John Amelia Jane Legg Bagg Fordington Field Bailiff A C Woodhouse Rector PB Received 10:19:1914
32 249 Aug 7 1914 1914 Sept 13 Arthur Frederick John William  Annie Flora Burt Monkton Labourer John M Collard Vicar of West Fordington
250 July 8 1915 1915 August 24 Ashley Egerton Wilmot Berkeley Cole Wilmot Winifred Mary Williams Herringston Army Captain A C Woodhouse Rector
251 Feb 27 1916 1916 April 23 Herbert Edgar Herbert Arthur Edith Margaret Townsend Herringston Butler A C Woodhouse Rector
252 Feb 26 1917 1917 April 22 David Ernest Kiddle John Amelia Jane Legg Bagg Fordington Field Bailiff A C Woodhouse Rector
253 Nov 24 1916 1917 Aug 5 Edna Ruth Albert George Minnie Smith Cheltenham Electrician A C Woodhouse Rector
254 5th Sept 1917 1917 8th October Ruth Seymer Alfred John Doris Seymer Scutt Maiden Castle Farmer Leonard Robert West Vicar of Dilton
255 14th Decr 1918 1919 Janry 17 Margaret Leslie  Sybil Lueripel Monkton Lieut Colonel in HM's Army PE O'Brien Methuen
256 April 25 1919 1919 June 5th Joan Myfanwy Lionel Gordon Bronwen Iwan Harrison Winterborne Monkton Clerk in Holy Orders J G Evans Vicar of Pitstone
33 257 March 1 1919 LGH 1919 June 21st Elenor Joan Albert George Minnie Smith Cheltenham Electrical Engineer L G Harrison Rector
258 - 1920 May 19th Ruth Harriett Walter Susan Harriett Trent Winterborne Monkton Labourer L G Harrison Rector Privately
259 July 13 1920 LGH 1920 August 15th Lionel Ernest Leslie Herbert Sybil Lueripel Winterborne Monkton Leiut Colonel RFA L G Harrison Rector
260 Sept 18 1920 LGH 1920 November 21st Gladys Muriel Walter Ben Berta Mary Courtney Winterborne Monkton Gardener L G Harrison Rector
261 - 1921 February 6th Irene May Ernest George Helen Burt Winterborne Monkton Labourer L G Harrison Rector
262 - 1921 March 10th Betty Muriel Charles Albert Hilda Maud Whitcombe Herringston Golf Professional L G Harrison Rector
263 - 1921 May 28th Betty Margery Walter Susan Harriett Trent Winterborne Monkton Labourer L G Harrison Rector
264 - 1921 August 23rd Catherine William Clara Goddard Winterborne Monkton Groom L G Harrison Rector
34 265 - 1921 October 6th Frank Smith Ritchie Duncan Annie Selina Colville 43 Fort St Ayr Railwayman L G Harrison Rector
266 June 26 1921 LGH 1921 October 6th Ritchie Smith Ritchie Duncan Annie Selina Colville 44 Fort St Ayr Railwayman L G Harrison Rector
267 Sept 11 1921 LGH 1921 Oct 18th Meriel Sophia Wilmot Berkeley Cole Wilmot Winifred Mary Williams Herringston Landowner and Captain (retired) in HM Army L G Harrison Rector
268 Feb 11 1922 1922 March 26th Eric Robert Robert Alice Clara Parker Winterborne Monkton Labourer L G Harrison Rector
269 Feb 10 1922 1922 April 16th Alice Louisa Mary William Annie Flora Burt Winterborne Monkton Carter L G Harrison Rector
270 March 31st 1922 1922 May 28th Dora Edith Herbert Arthur Edith Margaret Townsend Herringston Butler L G Harrison Rector
271 August 27th 1922 1922 September 24th Dorothy Joan Lionel George Kate Susan Budden Winterborne Monkton Bailiff L G Harrison Rector
272 Dec 29 1923 1924 March 23rd Jill Margaret Mary Frances Kate Coombe Winterborne Monkton Farmer L G Harrison Rector
35 273 Dec 22nd 1923 1924 April 13th Violet Ruth Herbert Arthur Edith Margaret Townsend Herringston Butler L G Harrison Rector
274 Jan 25 1925 1925 March 29th Dorothy Jean George Ethel Kate Shave Herringston Groom L G Harrison Rector
275 July 16 1925 1925 September 20th Bernard Watkins Albert George Minnie Smith 3 Royal Terrace Weymouth Electrical Engineer L G Harrison Rector
276 Dec 11 1925 HWT 1926 March 28th Leslie John Walter John Agnes Gawler Toll House, Monkton Water Engineer HW Tregadt Rector of Dorchester All Saints Officiating
277 Jan 10th 1926 1926 March 28th Anne Francis Kate Coombe The Bungalow, Monkton Farmer HW Tregadt Rector of Dorchester All Saints Officiating
278 August 16th 1926 LGH 1926 October 19th Bridget Rosemary Lionel Gordon Bronwen Iwan Harrison Winterborne Monkton Clerk in Holy Orders D Jenkyn Evans late vicar of Pont Cane & Rector of Morvil, now at Clevedon
279 December 19th 1926 LGH 1927 January 22nd Ursula Mary William Ralph Marjorie Warren Elworthy Winterborne Monkton Farmer L G Harrison Rector
280 January 3rd 1927 LGH 1927 February 6th Douglas Walter Lionel Walter Ben Bertha Mary Courtney Winterborne Monkton Gardener L G Harrison Rector
36 281 Feb 7 1927 LGH 1927 March 20th Phyllis Mary Leslie Harry Stanley Mary Elizabeth Westcott Maiden Castle Labourer L G Harrison Rector
282 Sept 29th 1927 LGH 1927 December 18th Moria Jill- Albert George Minnie Smith 3 Royal Terrace Weymouth Electrical Engineer L G Harrison Rector Christian name spelled 'Moria'
283 March 8 1929 LGH 1929 April 28th Derek William Frederick James Alice Elizabeth Matthews The Lodge Penwithen Monkton Labourer L G Harrison Rector
284 July 30th 1930 LGH 1930 September 21st Edna Mary Jesse Elizabeth Mary Blandamer The Toll House Monkton Engineer L G Harrison Rector
285 Sept 18th 1930 LGH 1930 December 14th Maureen Joyce Frederick James Alice Elizabeth Matthews Maiden Castle Labourer L G Harrison Rector
286 Feb 2 1931 LGH 1931 May 3rd Mary Isabel Rose Walter Ben Bertha Mary Courtney Winterborne Monkton Gardener L G Harrison Rector
287 October 28 1933 WTG 1933 December 31st  Aufrey Eileen Edward George Catharine Pritchard Herringstone Gardener WT Godber Rector
288 February 27th 1934 WTG 1934 April 14th Celia Jane William Ralph Marjorie Warren Elworthy Winterborne Monkton Farmer WT Godber
37 289 26th Dec October 1930 WTG * May 13th Joyce Margaret Henry George Alice Lily Kate Bowring 14 Cromwell Road Dorchester Engineer WT Godber * Alteration made 15 May at request of parents
290 6th Feb 1934 WTG May 13th Glenda Mary Henry George Alice Lily Kate Bowring 15 Cromwell Road Dorchester Engineer WT Godber
291 8th Dec 1935 1935 December 29th 1935 Timothy Cunliffe Gordon Cunliffe Nora Rogerson Down Wood Lodge Came Brewer WT Godber
292 7th September 1936 1937 January 10th Margaret Ann Arthur Gilbert Dora Annie Hawkins Monkton Labourer WT Godber
293 20th March 1937 May 30th 1937 Charles Michael James Frederick Charles James Agnes May Dunford Winterborne Herringston Labourer WT Godber
294 20th Oct 1938 1938 December 11th 1938 Michael John William Ronald Irene Madelene Budden Stinsford Storekeeper WT Godber
295 23rd Feb 1939 1939 26th March 1939 Joan Walter William Gladys Muriel Batten Monkton Stoker RN WT Godber
296 6th August 1939 Michael John Wallace Rosina Coombe Monkton Farmer JJ Cross Officiating Minister
38 297 4th January 1940 1940 21st April  Margaret Grace Henry Armine Vera Constance Mersom Winterborne Herringston Gardener WT Godber (Rector)
298 19th September 1940 13th October Michael Arthur John Arthur Frederick John Iris Joan Burt Monkton Farmer WT Godber (Rector)
299 7th October 1940 1941 12th January Richard Frank Francis Alfred Winifred Harriatt Rose Coombe Monkton Farmer WT Godber (Rector)
300 January 28th 1941 12th October Janet Gloria Clarence Edward Joyce Rosalie Green 38 High St Burnham on Sea R.A.F WT Godber (Rector)
301 July 27/41 Born 27th July 1941 1942 1st February Helen Marjory Alfred Sidney Millicent Marjory Taylor Monkton Farm Labourer serving in Army WT Godber (Rector)
302 26th October 1941 28th June Peter Wallace Wallace Rosina Coombe Monkton Farmer WT Godber (Rector)
303 18th July 1942 6th September Geoffrey Albert George Una Cicily Oliver Herringston  - WT Godber (Rector)
304 13 Dec 42 1943 24th January Gwendoline Joyce Pamel Joyce Rodford Herringston  - WT Godber (Rector)
39 305 WT Godber (Rector)
306 WT Godber (Rector)
307 WT Godber (Rector)
308 WT Godber (Rector)
40 313
41 321
42 329
43 337 19/2/52 1952 29th April Caroline Edith Anthony John Ursula Mary Norman Monkton Lieut. RN CGC Proctor
338 20th December 1951 1952 4th May Paul Nigel Edward Thomas Beryl Elsie Downton Monkton Storeman WT Godber
339 28th May 1952 21st September Linda Thomas Gladys Frances Hancock Rectory Cottage Monkton Milk Roundsman WT Godber
340 25th March 1953 1953 Whitsunday 24th May 1953 Nicholas Trevor Lionel Haydn Anne Morgan Liangi' Treves Rd Dorchester Civil Engineer WT Godber
341 21st June 1953 16th August Mark Edward Edward Thomas Beryl Elsie Downton Monkton Storeman WT Godber
342 13th June 1953 16th August Valerie Ann Edward John Betty Marjorie Ingram Monkton Agricultural Labourer WT Godber
343 19th Sept 1954 1954 21st November Clive Robert Leonard Robert Dorothy Naomi Ruth Coombe Monkton Farmer WT Godber
344 19th Sept 1954 21st November Adrian Leonard Leonard Robert Dorothy Naomi Ruth Coombe Monkton Farmer WT Godber
44 345 1956 December 30th [rest of entry left blank] WT Godber
346 1957 March 31st Alison Jane Morris George Emma Catherine Nancy Dorymeade The Gardener's Cottage, Herringston Labourer D Hughes
347 1957 June 2nd Henry Thomas Peter Henry Jill Margaret Mary Lewendon Owl's Hoot, Winterborne Monkton Schoolmaster D Hughes
348 1957 November 3rd Anne Christine Eric Leonard Dorothy Jean Mills Church Cottage Winterborne Abbas Radio and T.V. Engineer D Hughes
349 1957 December 28 Colin Stanley John Thelma Emily Jane Baker 6, Monkton Gardener D Hughes
350 1960 February 14th Elizabeth Ruth Peter Henry Jill Margaret Lewendon South Walks House, Dorchester Schoolmaster D Hughes
351 1960 February 14th Jacqueline Susan Peter William Dorothy May Holmes 8, Monkton Dairyman D Hughes
45 353 1960 May 1st Charles Keith William Richard Keith Sheila Mary Hooper Maiden Castle Farm Farmer D Hughes
354 1960 May 7th Deborah Louise Arthur John Dorothy Stella Rendell 10, Monkton Tractor Driver D Hughes
355 1961 July 30th Carolyn Joy Arthur Edward Sylvia Jean Caddy 4 Maiden Castle Cottages Shepherd A J de L Willis Priest
356 1962 August 26th Christopher John William Richard Keith Sheila Mary Hooper Maiden Castle Farm Farmer D Hughes
357 1963 April 21st David George William Muriel Mildred Dicker Herringston Farm Shepherd D Hughes
358 1963 October 27th Nicholas Thomas Edward Thomas Beryl Clare Downton School House, Monkton Motor-Car Salesman D Hughes
359 1963 October 27th Christopher Duncan Edward Thomas Beryl Clare Downton School House, Monkton Motor-Car Salesman D Hughes
360 1963 November 24th Steven Paul Arthur Edward Sylvia Jean Caddy 4 Maiden Castle Cottages Shepherd D Hughes
46 361 1966 July 3rd Flora Jane Kenneth John Valerie Olive Baker 12, Monkton Assistant Health Surveyor, Winfrith D Hughes
362 1966 August 21st Julie Patricia David Robert Trina Ann Abbott 2, Newfound-out Cottages, Herringston Cowman D Hughes
363 1966 September 25th Helen Jane Michael Harry John Yvonne Jane Doble Greenacres Farmer D Hughes
364 1966 December 4th Robert William Peter William Dorothy May Holmes 8, Monkton Dairyman D Hughes
365 1967 January 15 Paul Michael Michael George Doris Lilian Molony 21 Church Road, Pimperne Electrician D Hughes
366 1968 November 17th Claire Michael Harry John Yvonne Jane Doble Greenacres Farmer D Hughes
367 1969 January 26th Jane Elizabeth Brian John Pauline Elsie Masters 10, Monkton Agricultural Engineer D Hughes
368 1970 16th August Catherine Victoria David Graham Jean Margot Fraser-Hosie The Vicarage Clerk in Holy Orders D Graham Hosie
47 369 1971 4th July Simon Geoffrey Nigel Alexander Sarah Beatrice Dark Winterborne St Martin Naval Officer D Graham Hosie
370 1972 31st January Ian David Brian John Pauline Elsie Masters 10, Monkton Agricultural Engineer D Graham Hosie
371 1972 23rd May Philip John Kenneth Oswald Ann Crabb Dairy Cottage, Herringston Dairyman D Graham Hosie
372 26/2/73 1973 27th May 1973 Christopher John Philip Gordon Penelope Jane Adams c/o Penwithen, Dorchester, Dorset Clerk D Graham Hosie Baptised with the consent of the Rector of Nailsea Bristol
373 26/6/74 1975 9th March Jeremy Edward Nicholas Osmond Edward Ann Michelle Smart Owl's Hoot, Monkton Sales Representative D Graham Hosie
374 15/1/76 1976 27th March Nicholas Edward Bowles Peter John Spencer Meriel Jane Gray 35 Cadogan Square SW1 & Herringston Company Director __ Shaw
375 29th June 1976 1976 21st November  Matthew John Timothy John Sarah Jane Keeping New Found Out Cottages, Herringston Farm, Dorchester Farmer ____
376 1977 17th April Antony Derek Malcolm Valerie Hallett 12 Winterborne Monkton, Dorchester Agricultural Worker ____
48 377 29/10/77 1978 March 4th Katharine Louise Peter John Spencer Meriel Jane Gray Turnerdykes, Path Head Midlothian Company Director ____
Entries beyond 1905 and up to 1977 are, or will be, transcribed and available on request.