Winterborne Anderson

1911 CENSUS RG15/12215 Enumeration District 10

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

Enumerated by Edward Charles Young
56 persons in 14 households on the night of April 2nd, 1911

AddressNameSurnameRelationAgeSexCivilityYrs MarCHILDRENOccupation Birthplace
1Winterborne AndersonJohn GUYHead51MMar     Garden Labourer - worker DORStoke Wake
  Mary Alice GUYWife52FMar28 11- DORWool
  BessieGUY Dau28FSingle     Dressmaker - own account - at home DORWinterborne Kingston
2Winterborne AndersonJames NORMANHead27MMar     Chauffeur - Domestic DEVBratton Fleming
  Emily Jane NORMANWife25FMar2 1-1 DEVShirwell
3Winterborne AndersonCharles FUDGEHead39MMar     Farm Labourer - worker DORChilde Okeford
  Harriet FUDGEWife39FMar8 22- DORSpetisbury
  Victoria JOHNSTONEDau13F        MDXLondon
  GeorgeJOHNSTONE Son10M      At schoolDORBlandford
  Frederick FUDGESon7M      At schoolDOR Childe Okeford
  MarthaFUDGE Dau4F       DORHinton St Mary
4Winterborne AndersonCharles JOHNSONHead27MMar     Farm Labourer - worker DORAnderson
  MaryJOHNSON Wife36FMar1-- - DORKingston
5Winterborne AndersonFrederick JOHNSONHead41MMar     Farm Labourer - worker DORMorden
  Elizabeth JOHNSONWife40FMar13 33- DORKingston
  Charles JOHNSONSon12M      SchoolDOR Anderson
  GeorgeJOHNSON Son7M      SchoolDORAnderson
  Bertram JOHNSONSon4M       DOR Anderson
6Winterborne AndersonRobert BATTENHead62MMar     Carpenter - worker DORNorth Porton
  Elizabeth BATTENWife60FMar25 972 DORGlanville Wootton
7Winterborne AndersonStephen JOHNSONHead63MMar     Farm Labourer - worker DORMorden
  SarahJOHNSON Wife63FMar4366 - DORCanford
  ArthurJOHNSON Son21MSingle     Farm Labourer - workerDOR Anderson
8Winterborne AndersonHarry MILLERHead34MMar     Horseman on Farm - worker DORWinterborne Kingston
  BessieMILLER Wife30FMar322 - DORAnderson
  ArthurMILLER Son2M       DORAnderson
  IsabelMILLER Dau9mF       DORAnderson
9Winterborne AndersonArthur STANIFORDHead37MMar     Gardener - Domestic - worker - at home HAMBramley
  FannySTANIFORD Wife40FMar141- 1 BRKHurley
10Anderson ManorJohn Markendale GRATRIXHead51MMar     GentlemanLAN Manchester
  Margaret Lecky Gordon GRATRIXWife49FMar25 3-3 LANManchester
  Helen Emily SCOTT- -38FWid10 --- IRLLimerick
  SarahJONES Servant53FSingle     Cook - DomesticFLNNorthop
  AliceGODDARD Servant32FSingle     Parlourmaid - DomesticWAR Stratford-upon-Avon
  ElsieHAINE Servant20FSingle     Housemaid - DomesticWARBromsgrove
  Maud Martha CORBINServant17FSingle     Kitchenmaid - Domestic HAM- -
  Gordon St Clair SCOTTERNephew21MSingle       MDXNorthwood
  William Bernard CLANCYServant43MSingle     Attendant ESSWitham
  Thomas Joseph CLANCYServant42MSingle     Attendant ESSWitham
11Winterborne AndersonNoah WELLSTEADHead55MMar     Foreman on Farm - worker DORWinterborne Kingston
  MariaWELLSTEAD Wife55FMar2922 - SOMHadspen
  Ellen Louise WELLSTEADDau27FSingle       DORWinterborne Kingston
12Winterborne AndersonSarah GALEHead45FWid25 1010- WILManningford
  WalterGALE Son20MSingle     Farm Labourer - workerDOR Powerstock
  Herbert GALESon18MSingle     Farm Labourer - worker DORPowerstock
  JohnGALE Son16MSingle     Farm Labourer - workerDOR Powerstock
  Wilfred GALESon13MSingle     At SchoolDOR Powerstock
  AlfredGALE Son11M      At SchoolDORPowerstock
  Percival GALESon8M      At SchoolDOR Nether Cerne
  SidneyGALE Son5M      At SchoolDORNether Cerne
13Winterborne AndersonJames STICKLEYHead64MWid     Farm Labourer - worker DORZelstone
  EdithSTICKLEY Dau37FSingle      DORZelstone
Lily STICKLEY Dau29 FSingle DOR Anderson
  Charles John STICKLEYSon25MSingle     Farm Labourer - worker DORAnderson
14Winterborne AndersonWilliam STONEHead26MMar     Farm Carter - worker DORLyme Regis
  EstherSTONE Wife24FMar51- 1 SOMWiddix Mead, Bath

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