
Electoral Register 1841

Source: Dorset Electoral Registers and Poll Books. Dorset History Centre
Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Colin Jackson
  Transcriber edits in italics 

 COUNTY OF DORSET The List of Persons entitled to Vote in the Election of a Knight or Knights of the Shire for the County
  of Dorset, in respect of Property situate within the Parish of Stratton
 Christian name and SurnamePlace of AbodeNature of QualificationStreet, Lane or other like Place in this
  of each Voter at full length    Parish where the Property is Situate
       or Name of the Property,
       or Name of the Tenant.
 Aldridge John PettyHigh West Street DorchesterFreehold Land taxIssuing out of land occupied by William Devenish Tenant
 Brett DavidMill Lane StrattonCopyhold LandWilliam Davis Tenant
 Bridle WilliamWorth MatraversFreehold House & LandJohn Trevett Tenant
 Bowering ThomasMill Lane StrattonCopyhold HouseHimself Occupier
 Brown JamesStratton VillageCopyhold LandJohn Brown Tenant
 Chapman Andrew ThomasGrimstone in this ParishCopyhold LandJonias Green Tenant
 Chick JohnStratton Farm in this ParishLand as occupier.Stratton Farm
 Curme RobertBull Inn StrattonCopyhold HouseBull Inn
 Davey WilliamGrimstone in this ParishCopyhold LandWilliam Willis Tenant
 Davis WilliamStratton VillageCopyhold LandHimself Occupier
 Davis JamesBradford DorsetCopyhold LandHimself Occupier
 Davey SamuelStratton VillageCopyhold HouseHimself Occupier
 Frampton WilliamStratton VillageCopyhold LandHimself Occupier
 Green JoniasGrimstone in this ParishLand as occupierGrimstone
 Green HenryStratton VillageCopyhold LandJonias Green Occupier
 Lake PhilipPease Lane DorchesterCopyhold HouseWilliam Sprackling Tenant
 Ozzard JamesSouthsea Portsmouth HantsCopyhold LandThomas Bowering Tenant
 Stayner RobertGrimstone in this ParishHouse and Mill (as occupier)Grimstone
 Willis WilliamStratton VillageHouse and Land as occupierHimself Occupier
  ----?---- ----?----John ChickChurchwarden
  20 Sep 1841  
   Jonias GreenOverseer

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