
A Register of Children Baptised at Sherborne, Dorset and
Elsewhere by George HARVEY, Protestant Minister of Others

Transcribed by Shelia Carr


1785 MAY 14; 1785 AUGUST 14; Esther DODGE daughter of William DODGE and Elizabeth his wife

1785 JULY 01; 1785 AUGUST 17; Margaret COLLINS daughter of Thomas COLLINS and his wife

1785 JULY 01; 1785 OCTOBER 10; Charlotte HAMBLIN daughter of James HAMBLIN and Ann his wife

1785 JULY 01; 1785  DECEMBER 04; Julia WHITEHEAD daughter of Robert WHITEHEAD junr. and Elizabeth his wife

1786 JANUARY 20; 1786 FEBRUARY 17; Elizabeth CAMERON daughter of ------- CAMERON, farrier in the 1st. Reg.of Dragoons, and his wife

1786 JANUARY 20; 1786  APRIL 18; Joseph CORP  son of Benjamin CORP and Phillis his wife

1786 JANUARY 20; 1786 NOVEMBER 20; John ARNOLD  son of John ARNOLD and Jane his wife

1786 DECEMBER 21; 1787 JANUARY 10; Edith Newman GENT daughter of James GENT and of Mary his wife

1786 DECEMBER 21; 1787 MAY 21; John GRIMES son of  ------------ GRIMES of the Parish of Milborne Port, Somerset and his wife

1786 DECEMBER 21; 1787 OCTOBER 04; Sarah HART  daughter of Thomas HART and Sarah his wife

1786 DECEMBER 21; 1787  DECEMBER 10; James son of Phoebe WILCOX daughter of Bernard WILCOX of Milborn Port Somerset & Sarah his wife

1787 OCTOBER 08; 1788 JANUARY 23; Maria HYATT  daughter of John HYATT and his wife

1787 OCTOBER 08; 1788 MARCH 19; John GENT son of James GENT and Mary his wife

1787 OCTOBER 08; 1788 MARCH 24; Elizabeth RYALL daughter of John RYALL of the Parish of Thornford and his wife

1787 OCTOBER 08; 1788 JUNE 23; Sarah CORP daughter of Benjamin CORP and Phillis his wife

1788 MAY 29; 1788 JULY 24; Sarah HILLARY  John HILLARY of the Parish of Compton, Dorset and his wife

1788 MAY 29; 1788 DECEMBER 25; Thomas SAINT  son of Thomas SAINT and Mary his wife

1788 MAY 29; 1789 JANUARY 19; Sarah SEYMOUR daughter of --------- SEYMOUR  and his wife

1788 MAY 29; 1789 MAY 05; Edith WHITEHEAD daughter of Robert WHITEHEAD and Elizabeth his wife

1789 MARCH 01; 1789 JUNE 08; James ARNOLD  son of John ARNOLD and Jane his wife

1789 MARCH 01; 1789 JULY 26; Mary DODGE  daughter of William DODGE and Elizabeth his wife

1789  JULY 07; 1789 JULY 29; William HYATT  son of John HYATT and Elizabeth his wife

1790 JANUARY 05; 1790 FEBRUARY 12; Julila Henrietta STEDDY daughter of Alexander STEDDY and Mary his wife

1789 MARCH 20; 1790 FEBRUARY 16; Mary TUCKER  daughter of Richard TUCKER and Ann his wife

1790 JUNE 15; 1790 AUGUST 16; Thomas HILLARY  son of John HILLARY of Compton Dorset -and --his wife

1790 SEPTEMBER 06; 1790 OCTOBER 25; Mary CORP daughter of Benjamin CORP and Phillis his wife

1790 AUGUST 12; 1790 NOVEMBER 18; Jane BISHOP  daughter of John BISHOP and his wife

1790 OCTOBER 24; 1791 MARCH 28; Mary HART daughter of Thomas HART and Sarah his wife

1791 MARCH 24; 1791 APRIL 04; Elizabeth SAINT daughter of Thomas SAINT and Mary his wife

1791 MARCH 24; 1791 MAY 29; John MASTERS  son of ------ MASTERS of the Parish of Bradford ---and--- his wife

1791 MARCH 24; 1791 AUGUST 08; George ARNOLD son of John ARNOLD and Jane his wife

1791 JUNE 23; 1791 DECEMBER 27; Louisa HYATT daughter of John HYATT and Elizabeth his wife

1791 NOVEMBER 03; 1792 OCTOBER 12; Francis RUSELL son of Thomas RUSELL and Ann his wife

1792 SEPTEMBER 24; 1792 DECEMBER 27; John Everett GOOD son of Philip GOOD and Jane his wife

1792 SEPTEMBER 24; 1793 JULY 25; Susanna BISHOP daughter of John BISHOP and Jane his wife

1793 APRIL 17; 1793 JUNE 09; William Brett HARVEY  son of George HARVEY and Catherine his wife.; Baptised by Rev. Mr.TAPRELL

1793 MARCH 06; 1793 JULY 22; Mary WHITTY  daughter of Samuel WHITTY and Mary his wife

1793 AUGUST 22; 1793 AUGUST 12; Thomas KING son of William KING of the Parish of Milborne Port and Sarah his wife

1793 MAY 07; 1793 OCTOBER 24; Ann HART daughter of Thomas HART and Sarah his wife

1793 OCTOBER 26; 17943 NOVEMBER 28; Lucy KIDDLE daughter of Joseph KIDDLE and Mary his wife

1792 APRIL 19; 1794 JANUARY 06; Daniel WILCOX son of  Benjamin WILCOX and Sarah his wife of Milborne Port

1793 DECEMBER 18; 1794 APRIL 13; George HYATT son of John HYATT and Elizabeth his wife

1792 AUGUST 19; 1794 MAY  20 ; Ann HEWLETT  daughter of James HEWLETT and Elizabeth his wife

17974 JUNE 28; 1794 AUGUST  10; John SAINT son of Thomas SAINT and Ann his wife

1792 APRIL 12; 1794 SEPTEMBER 12; William CORP son of Benjamin CORP and Phillis his wife

1794 MAY 10; 1794 SEPTEMBER 26; Samuel CURTIS son of William CURTIS and Mary his wife

1795 JANUARY 22; 1795 MARCH 05; Sarah SCOTT  daughter of Samuel SCOTT and Grace his wife

1795 JANUARY 5; 1795 MARCH 19; John KIDDLE son of Joseph KIDDLE and Mary his wife

1795 APRIL 05; 1795 JUNE 16; Samuel HEWLETT  son of James HEWLETT and Ann his wife

1795 APRIL 14; 1795 JUNE 16; Robert LAWRENCE son of Jonah LAWRENCE and Rachel his wife

1795 APRIL 14; 1795 JUNE 22; Simon KING son of William KING and Sarah his wife of Milborne Port Somerset

1795 AUGUST 27; 1796 JANUARY 14; John HARVEY son of George HARVEY & Catherine his wife; Baptised by the Rev. Edward Dudley JACKSON

1796 MAY 03; 1796 JUNE 26; John SAINT  son of Thomas SAINT and Mary his wife

1796 MARCH 06; 1796 JULY 10; William CURTIS son of William CURTIS and Mary his wife

1796 APRIL 14; 1796 OCTOBER 12; Anna Selina SCOTT daughter of Samuel SCOTT and Grace his wife

1796 JULY 25; 1796 NOVEMBER 14; Eliza BLAKE daughter of John BLAKE and Eliza his wife

1796 APRIL14; 1797 JANUARY 09; William LAWRENCE son of William LAWRENCE and Elizabeth his wife

1796 NOVEMBER 04; 1797 FEBRUARY 09; Mary KIDDLE daughter of Joseph KIDDLE and Mary his wife

1795 OCTOBER 06; 1797 MAY 05; Mary CORP daughter of Benjamin CORP and Phillis his wife

1794 AUGUST 12; 1797 MAY 29; Betina SPICER  daughter of Richard SPICER of Milborne Port Somerset and Hannah his wife

1795 DECEMBER 30; 1797 MAY 29; Ann SPIICER daughter of the above Richard SPICER and Hannah his wife

1797 FEBRUARY 18; 1797 MAY 29; Ruth Paine KING daughter of WilliamKING of Milborne Port Somerset and Sarah his wife

1796 DECEMBER 04; 1797 JULY 25; John HYATT  son of John HYATT and Elizabeth his wife

1790 DECEMBER 04; 1797 JULY 25; Sarah VICARY daughter of the Rev. James VICARY and Sarah his wife

1795 JULY 22; 1797 JULY 25; Lydia VICARY daughter of the above Rev. James VICARY and Sarah His wife

1795 JULY 12; 1797 JULY 26; Joanna LAWRENCE  daughter of Jonah LAWRENCE and rachael his wife

1797 JUNE 09; 1797 JULY 31; Ann ABARROW daughter of Anthony ABARROW of Temple Combe Somerset and Ann his wife

1797 NOVEMBER 07; 1798 FEBRUARY 02; George HARVEY son of George HARVEYand Catherine his wife; Baptised by Rev. Jonathan MORRON?

1797 NOVEMBER 03; 1798 MARCH 11; Sarah BLAKE daughter of Thomas BLAKE and Ann his wife

1798 APRIL 10; 1798 APRIL16; Mary BALSTER daughter John BALSTER and Mary his wife

1798 JANUARY 12; 1798 MARCH 25; Ann CROSS daughtere of John CROSS and Ann his wife of the parish of Mere, Wilts.

1798 APRIL 08; 1798 APRIL 25; Robert SAINT son of Thomas SAINT and Mary his wife

1798 JANUARY 01; 1798 MAY 06; Maria BLAKE daughter of John BLAKE and Eliza his wife

1798 MARCH 27; 1798 JUNE 16; William KIDDLE  son of Joseph KIDDLE andMary his wife

1798 JUNE 05; 1798 SEPTEMBER 26; Eleanor PARSONAGE  daughter of John and Ann his wife

1796 MAY 08; 1798 OCTOBER 03; Thomas NEALE son of John NEALE and Mary his wife

1797 SEPTEMBER 16; 1798 OCTOBER 03; Ann Scott NEALE daughter of the above John and Mary NEALE

1798 SEPTEMBER 07; 1798 OCTOBER 03; Susanna NEALE daughter of the above John and Mary NEALE

1798 NOVEMBER 21; 1798 DEC 05; Sarah CURTIS  daughter of William CURTIS and Mary his wife

1799 JANUARY 07; 1799 JUNE 02; Elizabeth BLAKE  daughter of Thomas and Ann BLAKE. ; Baptised by S.R.PITTARD

1799 FEBRUARY 03; 1799 AUGUST ?; Rebecca CORP daughter of Benjamin CORP and Philis his wife

1799 DECEMBER 03; 1799 DECEMBER 23; Vernon BLAKE son of John BLAKE and Elizabeth his wife. ; Baptised by J.GIDDING

We certify that this is one of the registers or records deposited in the General Register Office, pursuant to the Act of the 4th Victoria, CAP.92



Samuel GALE

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