Over Compton

Marriages 1813 to 1837

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC by Jon Baker from the Parish Registers

The Parish Register is difficult to read in places, so readers are invited to use this transcript as a guide only and to consult the original at the Dorset History Centre.


Page#YearDateGroom's Forename(s)Groom's SurnameMarkGroom's ParishCondition 
   TypeBride's Forename(s)Bride's Surname Bride's parish  
11181411-AprWilliamPAULxof this ParishLabourer 
   BannsElizabethGULLEY of this ParishSpinster 
    John PAUL, Elizabeth STILEY, Joseph HAWKINS 
12181413-SepMatthewBISHOP of this ParishBatchelor 
   BannsSarahWHITExof this ParishSpinster 
    Richard HUTCHINGS, Joseph HAWKINS 
13181524-JanSamuelRUSSELL Nether ComptonBatchelorYeoman
   LicJaneSTIBY of this ParishSpinster 
24181507-FebRichardPEATTYxof this ParishBatchelor 
   BannsMaryPAULxof this ParishSpinster 
    John PAUL, Mercy ?????, Joseph HAWKINS 
25181618-JunJamesGILLARD Nether ComptonBatchelor 
   BannsElizabethSTIBY of this ParishSpinster 
    Samuel RUSSELL, Catharine STIBY, Jacob THORNE 
26181717-MarIsaacGOSNEYxof this ParishBatchelor 
   BannsChristianLUFFMANxof this ParishSpinster 
    Thomas SPRATT Jacob THORNE 
   BannsMaryBANGERxof this ParishSpinster 
    William RAFSON x, Jacob THORNE, Elizabeth TRIVET x 
38  [Blank]     
39182429-AprRichardTREVETT of this Parish[blank] 
   BannsJanePAINTER of this Parish[blank] 
    Jacob THORNE, George TREVETT x 
410182529-NovGeorgeDAVISxOver Compton[blank] 
   BannsAnnSKINNERxof this Parish[blank] 
    Samuel EASTMENT, Jacob THORNE 
411182627-AugGeorgeHANNxof this Parish[blank] 
   BannsMaryUPSHALLxof this Parish[blank] 
    John HANN x, Jacob THORNE 
412182911-MayWilliamHANNxof this Parish[blank] 
   BannsFrancesBARTLETTxof this Parish[blank] 
    John HANN x, Hannah HANN x, Jacob THORNE 
513182914-JulThomasPENNY of this Parish[blank] 
   BannsSarahPAULxof this Parish[blank] 
    Ambrose HOLLAND, Jacob THORNE 
514182930-JulCalebLOADER Pointington, Somerset[blank] 
   LicElizabethSHERRING of this Parish[blank] 
    James LOADER, Jacob THORNE 
515182926-AugGeorgeTREVETT of this Parish[blank] 
   BannsMaryHUMBER of this Parish[blank] 
    William HUMBER, Jacob THORNE 
616182929-DecWilliamKEATESxNether Compton[blank] 
   BannsJaneHANNxof this Parish[blank] 
    Henry MARTIN, Edith MARTIN x, Thomas THORNE 
617183129-AugWilliamHUMBER of this ParishBachelor 
   BannsElizabethMARTIN of this ParishSpinster 
    Elizabeth HUNTHER, George TREVETT, Thomas THORNE 
618183111-OctJosephWOOLMINGTON Stafford, Berwick, SomersetBachelor 
   LicSarahSHERRING of this ParishSpinster 
    Caleb LOADER, Elizabeth Sherring WOOLMINGTON, Thomas THORNE 
719183228-DecRobertJANESxof this Parish[blank] 
   BannsSusannahSLADExof this Parish[blank] 
    Jane BROOK, James Gorg???, Thomas THORNE 
720183422-MayJohnBATSON Nether Compton[blank] 
   LicJaneLEMON of this Parish[blank] 
    Eliza LEMON, John LEMON, Thomas THORNE 
721183526-JanAmbroseHOLLAND of this Parish[blank] 
   BannsMary AnnSLAPE of this Parish[blank] 
    Thomas? LOADER?, Ann HOLLAND x, Thomas THORNE 
822183512-OctWilliamLUFFMAN SherborneWidower 
   BannsPriscillaCORNFORTH of this Parish[blank] 
    Ann MITCHELL, George TRIVETT, Thomas THORNE 
823183617-MayJohnMULLETT East Coker, Somerset[blank] 
   LicJaneHUTCHINGS of this Parish[blank] 
824183720-AprJohnBARTLETT of this ParishBachelor 
   BannsElizabethGILLARD of this ParishSpinster 
    George GARRETT x, Eliza GARRETT x, Thomas THORNE 

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